9 eo PAGE JilUHT Mi:rpfUM MAM, TkiHUNE, IMiClVFOiil). ftTlKOON. MONDAY. MAT. 11, 1923 MRS. HELEN PIGKEL, 83 YEARS OLD, IS MUG NEWS OF SOUTHWESTERN OREGON ' V:di(ol by Southuotttern Oregon Mining Burean. ' The niothr0 Day services at the First V.wittist church wore nttended by lai'KP tiutlieiict'B. At the Huiulay Hchool there was Hpeclal itiunk!. Tho primary depart men L enjoyed a record break ing nltendanft", the new superintend ent of tho school, Air. A. J. AmlerHon, was t Klve a bouquet to the oldest mother present. Mrs. Helen 1'ickel wan the honored mother of 83 years of ae. Airs. Klmer Wilson made a touching presentation speech. The special service was in the evening. Mr. Kltor. Waldren pave an unusually thoughtful und well prepared address nn "What a Mother in Worth to n liny." It was well received. Hev. V. 11. J .each spoke in a practical viiy on "Qualities in (ilrls Ks.sentlal U Mak ing Coood Mothers." Kmphasls was laid on Rood health, good housckeep 1iik ability to make a home, good morals and religious atmosphere. Tho choir had several fine songs on mother, including a solo by Aliss Jlun toon, and u duet hy Mr. tiltilcy and Miss lluntoon. A delegation from the JJaptlst church at Hrcmerton, Wash where Hev. lA'ach Is to bo pastor, were present, touring tho country. A rous ing cheer was given them when Mr. Jxnch introduced them to the audience. EDMONTON, AUa., May 11 Uadlo messages received hero reported Mayo, tho second largest town in tho Yukon territory and the most impor tant point on the Stewart river, prac tically destroyed hy fire. The blaze started Saturday night and continued nil yesterday. It wan still raging at tho time the message" were received. Tractors were used to pull down cabins and buildings to keep the in clear from flames. No la mm of life was reported but several persons wero overcome by smoke. A government wireless station was untouched. Mayo was a shipping point for Kino hills und was the metropolis of tho Yukon sliver area. In time to fill tho plant's capacity. Tho rate of charges for running it if asserted will be based so mi to live and lot live and encourage produc tion. And through the operation of this establishment, the owners Will demonstrate practically the success and simplicity of the process nnd lay foundation for legitimate and pru dent expansion. . The per diem ca pacity for running concentrate' is CO tons. This plant does not contain any grinding facilities for quantity handling. Accessory to the process equipment, there is limited ronoen- CS RANTS PASS. May V (Special) j nifiniIlK romn. Tne hen(lfl or con. Kiom appearances, (.rants I'ass Is centrales for running will be received destined to be the center of a very, at the south end of the building owner a fair and reasonable price for his property providing the property warrants taking it over after 4.1 development work is done, showing ore blocked out, determines largely whether tho investor is war ranted in paying any cash down, but usually a leuso and bond for a rea sonable term Is tho only 'ay that a pi tut will invest. Vnder such an arrangement the mine or prospect owner puts his property up against the development work to be done by ne investor, fixing his price and terms in advance. If the develop ment work proves the property valu able and tho Investcr concludes to exercise his right to acquire same, the owner gets his price and the in vester gets, the propcrtv: if it does not stand up to the expectations of the invester, the owner getH theN oronertv back plus the development work done, and the invester loses the cost of the development work. HOKIA, May 11. Ator -tho recent bomb outrage In the cathedral here a new organization known as "nioder nto communists" was formed under tho leadership of Dr. Sakaroff. It has declared itself to be opposed to all Illegal fighting methods -and its of ficlals have promlsod support to till the moderate parlies. Important development In tho near f in u re. a nd t he reason for such a statement lays in tbingH happening. Without special announcement about a month since several I' tab gentlemen came to (Jrants Pass, and without ado or demands for local aid as is quite usual, set about the ac- lulrement of a site and the erection uf ii measurable sized plant. The silo they selected is immediately east of the California and Oregon oast railroad on the south side of the Uogue river, und can be reach ed by turning off the main highway to the east and, to tho south of the city park and fair grounds. On this site now there rests the urn in building uttogelher enclosed o particularly located as to take ad vantage of gravity flow In processing. It is stated that barring unforseen contingencies all equipment will be in place by the middle of this month and operation begun. From authentic sources of infor-i matlon some salient facts are worthy of notice nnd of great Interest to this locality, in case tho sponsors' predictions for this enterprise prove out. Their sincerity can hurdly ho questioned, and they Invito Investi gation and observation. The parent organization controlling the C'roner process Is a Utah Incor poration known ns tho Metals Ex traction and Refining corporation. The move was engendered to estab lish a recovery plant here from a knowledge of the extensive black sand deposits and other value re taining materials inherent in this locality. Tho so-termed "Croner Process" Is an Improved amnlgamatlon meth od from recovering gold and plati num from sands and other materials where the metal elements are free to move. Irrespective of any corro sion, rust or film coverings of these menus, mere are well substantiated claims for practically complete ro ooverles. If this Is proven It will obviously inject values Into placer and other properties heretofore lat en l, and bring into activity a very lrge field of great Importance. Numerous questions hnve been about alnce this recovery plant took bliih, and which may bo of impor tance to those of our readers who either are producing gold and plati num concentrates , or contemplate doing so. This Grants Pasa properly Is erect ed to furnish a commercial outlet of recovery of the rich metals and on a commission or royalty basis of chargo for tho plant. Thus these Is expected enough of a surrounding field of production of concentrates and the tailing dump is beyond the her m to the north upon tho upper river bed. The water for operating purposes is pumped by electrically driven pump from the river. Tiie process involves the giving off of no fumes and the tailings hold noth ing of a chemical nature that is harmful to man or beast. A rail way Hpur track Is planned to he bullded to the property In the near fin uie. To those receiving this inr formation and finding It not suffic iently comprehensive in the handling or the concentrates, the management in vltes persona approach at the time, suggesting awaiting a date after operation has been started. vve nespealc this enterprise a re markable success and an important MU!.iwi ior Huuimvesiurn uregoo. 3. W. Oltli. MINING ElUItEAU. To Mining Men. , The southwestern Oregon Mining Ilureau at its regular meeting last Saturday decided to establish a regis try of all the mines and prospects in the district Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane, Jackson and Josephine coun ties, and in duo time forms will be .sent out to members to assemble the necessary information. This registry will be open to the Inspection of mining Investors, and every mine re-. orded therein will have nn equal ipportunfty of attracting the atten- Local Mining News' Kiicmmigo Outside- Capital. . Mining is a business and requires both capital nnd experience to prove successful. Southwestern Oregon has vast mineral wealth but capital and experience are requisite to a com merclal success of the Industry here. as elsewhere. Mining capital and ex perienee go hand in hand, and we must look for both outside our own nnrucrs. in attempting- to secure such capital we must overcome the prejudice existing locally against mining a prejudice wholly unwar- inted by tho facts and, in addition, encourage mining Investors in every way possum?. The mine or prospect owner can do much to assist In securing ado nunte capital to develop our minerals provided he Is willing, and he can do much to prevent capital coming into our midst, if he so desires. Upon him rests tho responsibility to a large degree. His opportunity to aid lies In giving encouragement to mining Investors by doing business along those lines well recognized by mining men and the Industry generally. Experienced mining capital movos along the lines of minimum risk the same as experienced capital in other industries. Thorough Investigation by competent engineers gives tho niin lng investor reliablo data to work on and a tangible basts on which to take over a property for development or operation. Tho general practice of experienced mining capital Is to be willing to pay the coat of developing an undeveloped property to deter mine whether same will make a pro l during mine or not. and in granting "It's such a bother to get lunch just for myself complains the young housewife "I'm too busy 10 tale the time not interested enouch to take die trouble and often too tired to eat a tegukr maal, anyway. "Yet I need something to keep going till dinner-time." Thousands of other housewives are in this same pre dicament. ' And at last there's exactly the right kind of light luncheon lood made to aatistr 111st such demands BorJcn'j, the Improved Malted Milk. lion of dppltnl. The .registry will boithe registry a complete one. nnd kept ut nrnnts runs. Aline owners 1 should write to the secretary for the who arc not members of the liui euu, necessary blanks, which will are risked to -co-operate In milking ' ready for distribution about .May 15- Practice Economy in the Kitchen Use ; THE WORLDS' GREATEST BRCiEPdG POWDER It Lasts Longer Goes Farther Makes Better Biscuits SALES' 21. TIMES THOSE OF ANT OTHER BRAND XKKCKXIOOOOOOCOOCOCIOOOOO HAIL I UAII 8 8 - INSURANCE , 8 & First Insurance I Agency a 8 A. L. HILL, Manager 8 9 Phone 105 30 North Central Q X Medford, Ore. X pjWong; Pon wMW CKnese Medicine For Treatment of KjT V?r J5 Acuto an Chronic EI" Diseases of Men ItMV 'Jf jaPgaWBJI and Women. Caoeer and tumor treated, lnflvensa,' kid aev, bladder and stomach troubei, tita, nernla, rupture, colrta, female trouble, par alysis, (ever, pneumonia, aathma and throat trn.tle rheuiimtlsin, amenorrhoea, goitre, consumption, catarrh, piles, hydrocele, .al bumin. Office Hourel B A. M. to B P, M, Coneultatlon Free 241 South Front St. Madlord. Ore. NO MATTER what particular advar-tags you seek in your wa9hcr purchase, you will find it most pronouncedly developed in the May tag Qyrafoam. If you seek SPEED Maytag washes twice as many garments an hour as other washers. If you seek THOROUGHNESS Maytag washes so thoroughly that hand-rubbing, soaking, or soaping is never necessary. If you seek VERSATILITY Maytag washes everything from filmy silks to heavy work clothes, blankets and floor mats and is easier on dainty garments than handwashing. If you seek ECONOMY Maytag with its cast aluminum tub brings more years-service per dollar. And "water-action washing" prolongs clothes wear. If you seek over and above these advantages CONVENIENCE Maytag has adjustable height, self-cleaning tub, "yard-stick high" tub bottom, and low, 7-position, automatically adjusting, in stant tension-release wringer. '' Permit the Maytag ttsttf to prove its unequalled helpfulness by washing with it. Then if it doesn't SELL ITSELF don't keep it. Any authorized Maytag dealer will bring it right to your home any day you wish. . THE MAYTAG COMPANY; Newton; THAT THIRD MEAL! And the "between-meals" problems, too Easily solved with this health food Malted Milk takes the place of a light meal as no other food cjn whenever you're too busy or tired for sulid food, or whenever your family wants something to cat between meals. It has suddenly become more popular than ever at home because of Borden's, the Improved Malted Milk. People who never liked malted milk before, find Borden's good. People who have always used some other brand, find Borden's better. Give Borden's Malted Milk a handy place in yoarr larder, too. Three important advantages Better Flavor- Borden's is rich and delicious, entirely free from the disagreeable swc-lncss fcuind in other malted milks. You can drink Borden's day after day without tiring of it. Higher Food Value -Bordca't is more nutri tious than any other malted milk. Rich in all vital food csscntials-thoroughly satisfying and sustaining. Easier Digestibility because milk casein is partially predigested a quality no other malted milk has. Puts just the desirable, minimum tax on your digestion, no matter when you take it. Tho men in your family get Borden's Malted Milk at soda fountains for a quick lunch or between meals. You can have exactly the same delicious drink at home fur the same needs. The coupon below with 10c will bring you a sample package. Send it to us today. Sold in 7 and li oa. glass packages and 5 pound tins at all druggists. The Borden Company, Borden Bldg, 350 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. THE IMPROVED MALTED -m the square pacage MILK r" , sue i"' i An". VV,,it. A Lunch in 2 Minutest You can mix a glass of Itonlrn's Mjltrd Milk in a iifly I ' eot lW i ,,IR " ivs' with just a cup or bowl and spoon. Makeyotrrlfa Ve unr011 sandwich, too, and there's cuoi)'.i food value to satisfy v-'s-ti you till dinner time! rA '" -v,.ivv - la - - HI 2-v I ll I For homes without electricity, the FSBsssiSSf I 'fe' MaytagGyrafoamisavailablcwitn : I '. Gasoline Multi-Motor attachment. ' ' ' im far 9 Outstanding Maytag Features 1-Washes faster. The Gyrafoam Principle creates a more highly ener gized, turbulent and continuously ef fective water action. No idle water. 2 - Washes cleaner. The Gyrafoam Principlcmixes the soapevenly through the water, and forces the super-cleansing, soapier washing solution through the meshes of the clothes. No idle suds. 3 - Largest hourly capacity in world 50 lbs. ordinary family wash per hour. 4 Most compact washer made takes floor space only 25 inches square. 3 Cast aluminum tub can't warp, rust, rot, swell, split nor corrode. 6 - Easily adjusted to your height, and height of tubs. 7- Clothes can be put in or taken out while washer is running. 8 - Tub cleans itself in 30 seconds. 9 -Metal swinging wringer. Low. Swings into 7 positions. Adjusts itself automatically for handkerchiefs or blankets. Automatic drainboard. In-stanttcnsion-releasc.Allpartsencloscd. . 9 Reasons for World Leadership WITH CAST ALUMINUM TUB ' - - H' N-Yti l as. i.e. Mill a ii 138 OREGON ' AHiny, lVirrrtt Tiro. ' Ktoii4, Astoria Mil we, Aurora, 11. A. Khlrn. llrml. DrtuMiil Kin-trip Co. Hjinlon, Mt'Nuir IMwr. Vo. Corvalli, It. . Huston. i mint, titiv Hrllirr. KtiKviit. MWl AtJ Niiol with 1'ijno a'ntn (V. forest liiovf, Fnnldll llriwc. Co. . Ifmlaio, (.;. (). l.im. m.i U.vrr. K. A. Kraiif Co. ili.NK.ri'. ..t.'r lrri.,in, l'.. lUi'imer. IYivIi' 11,1 v.v. Cu. Ulewrw. T. Y. IU-uuM. MiUon. ih,-vlnr- ll.lf. Co. Call one of the authorized Maytas dealers listed below CRATER LAKE HARDWARE CO. Medford, Ore. MaMfoM. CRATER LAKE limVE. CO. Mom, (.inn Coleman Co. Mailmm H. S. Urkin. Mt. Auprt. Carl Srhaffrr. 1. Mmmill. .KMN PARSONS. orll. Well... Il.iv.fr lMwr. Co. OrcRtin Cttv. IMMitl HKOTItKKS. IVrllju.i. MAVTAii MIOI. l "-2 Kmtrth St. I'ortlxixl. 1'iirlalini Kiev. Povner Co, IViitlirttMi, M.Clmtt k ft Siiniwon, IliVei'iturir. C)iiirliiil !!. e. Co. M. H-1.mix, W. O. Kos. Si. l-anl. C. M Sjlf'ii. II. I.. St. If Knnv Co. Siive-i-i.tn. II. !.. Slit", r'mn. Co. The Dalles, Ptatlclman-Bonn tldw. Co. Tillamook. R: F. Zarhman. Toledo. Havilen llardwar Co. I'matilU, Tttm-A'I.um Mir. Co. Vcrnonia. Hoffman IMwe. Co. Lcbjiron, Lebanon HJwe. Co. WASHINGTON Auburn. Cavanauitli IMwr. Co. Alniei-n. KAl'V'M AS l-KONAUM CO. Mmiiertun. Ktvt Klectri- lifl.iftphjin. MWTAli SHOi'. i. ritii'lia. r.elrr Mi-Niveii Co. I liehi!i. ver ft Willumii Exeroit. MAVIAll SIUU Fmimdaw, Fisher Bron. K.tonvillp, H. c. Cliriatcnson doUleiKlale. C.oMendale Htiwc. Co. llwauo,' l-jirl How er ton Ac Co. Kelso. MAYTAG hUOl, with Tactile Coast ' Ftirn. Co. Kent. GraitirerV WarehoitM Ca ' Morton, Morton Hunrware Co. Olvmpia, Martin Hardware Co. I'ttinir. ThomjiRon ti Calln.Iar. Tort Ort banl, Duke Elrctrio Co. 1 Ell, C. . Franklin 1'ort AiteM, T. H. Etrrtrff Co. Hvmonl. KAVKMAN I.KONARU CO. Itci.i.m, WilliPmt ft M. Kniirht s:.:tl. MAAO SHOP. 1119 Third Ait. Seoiiim, Sr.niim I.ifttit Power 'o. 'Ui-oMiai. MAYTAG MIOP. 760 Broadway. aniouver, Saiks Hardware , A NEW MAYTAG SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED MAYTAtl SHOPPE CRATER LAKE HARDWARE CO. Our 1$ ay tag Salesman is at your service