o o o o o "-PAGE SIX MEDFOR'D MAIL TRTfltTNTfr MfiT)F0RT), OftW!ONT. MONDAY, "NfAY 11, 192o L SITE IS T THROUGHOUT CITY The warm fight on the school hIIo question has reached the cam pa Ik n button stage, as a numbiT of men and women of the city wore suvh buttons today on which appeared the flloiian "The P. & 10. for MV which were furnished prenumably by citizens who favor that bUo us aguinst tho Holly street site. Already, ulthouKh the special site election will not be held until next Friday afternoon the question Is the leading topic of conversation nnd do bate, both on the streets and in the! places of bUBini-HH and homes. The map, which is being shown In the Weeks & Orr furniture store Yreka, California, and Mhe hIho Ik sur vival by her husband, and one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Bray of Santa Cruz, Calif., all of whom were at her bedside at the time of her death. Mrs. Klnyon settled on Anderson Creek in 1904 and In 1!U2 came to Medford and has made her home here since, at 31) licatty street. She win n member of the Chester A. Arthur Relief Corps, Olive Itebekah lodge I. O. O. R and the Presbyterian chuch. Mrs. Klnyon was a practical nurse and wan highly respected, nnd leaving u host of friends to mourn her loss. Funeral services will bo held at the Pearl Funeral Home Tuesday at 2 p. Ilov. JS. P. Uiwrence officiating. Interment In I. O. O. F. connt'ry. The Itebekah lodge will have charge of tho services at the grave. HERE THURSDAY Daily Report on the Crime Wave COKUn D'ALKXK, Idaho, May 11. -It. J. I!I'H, Krl 40, wuh ulinuHt ln- Htanlly killed early loiluy when a Khnck In which he WMK Hk-cnliiK In tho window ond which noemlliKly much rim- of his Iminc waH blown ui. favors tho Holly street site, uttructnl Tho authorities wore Informed that much attention and is tho cnuBO of . much and his wiro eiwncod In an mneh debate on the null of Im view- altercation last nlht over Miles1 crs. Thla map sets forth figures and commonts, anione which appears the assertion that 20 per rent of the school population resides east of Hear creek. This statement espec ially starts debates, as do tho old time photographs of Hear creek floods. It seems thnt hardly nny two of the pioneer citizens of Med ford agree on whether the waters of Hear creek, in years gono by, ever flooded tho Pacific and Eastern flllo For years tho recognized dividing line between the east and west sides of the city has been tho railroad tracks. In'iuiry of school authori ties today developed tho fact that the high school attendance from tho east and west sides Is fifty-fifty. The report is in circulation thilt the map abovo referred to was made by Aubrey Smith, superintendent of schools, between whom and tho ma jority of tho school board It has been publicly known for a long time past thera is no lovo. Wherever one sees n group of men In earnest conversation In the busi ness district, the school site Is almost sure to bo the subject under dis cussion. Some of tho discussions tiro amusing to an outsider listening, as somo of tho radical adherents of each alto give forth In their zeal a tiuantlty of astounding statements, being Influenced moro by prejudice than facts. Despite the threatening wenthor of yesterday afternoon botwoen forty nnd fifty citizens, men and women, visited tho two sites whore thevo wero two member of tho school board present at each to glvo Infor mation. ' OBITUARY alleged friendship for another woman, In the courso nf which Mis. Miles told them, her husband threatened her with a pistol. ISi:UM liKKKTS PKKSIDKXT. (Continued From Page One) The annual mothers and daughters' banquet sponsored by the V. VV. C. A. 1 will be given Thursday evening. May 14 at 0 o'clock at the First Metho dist church. AH mothers and daugh ters are urged to make this as In teresting and successful as the last dinner of this kind. A delightful sung program of appropriate songs set to familiar tunes will be directed by MIhs Elizabeth Core. Interesting episodes In the lives of mothers and daughters will also be given. Girl Reserves are especially urged to bring their mothers. Names may ho left with Dr. Carlo w, or any board member. The Methodist la dies want to know how many to pro vido for as soon as possible. to any danger point in the event of necessity. Police Placed Everywhere. Societies assigned to places along Hindenburg's route will be accom panied by police to prevent clashes between communists and nationalists. At Heerstrasse, tho suburban rail way stntion where Himienburg is ex pected to arrive shortly before 6 oV'ock he will w greeted by Chan cellor Luther, Defense Minister Ges seler, Minister of the Intorior Schiele, Executive Secretary Melssnr. Chan cellory Secretary Kempner, General Von Seeckt, Admiral Zenker, Lord Mayor Uoess, Chief of Police Fricden burg and otfler officials. Only ten newspaper reporters wiM be admitted to the station, which will be closed to nil traffic. ICven subur ban trains will not he operated, con trary to tho original Idea of attempt ing to continue these Bervlces. Chancellor Luther 8 10 year old daughter will present floral tribute to the prnsldont-elec.t when he roaches the station. The party will then pro coed on the long drive to the chan cellor's palace In automobiles. Chnrles Hamilton of Ruch was a business visitor in the city todny. The firo department Is at work lay ing a new concrete flooring from the street gutter to the entrance of tho fro station so as to make it less abrupt for the department apparatus to enter and return. Tho work, which is being done by the firemen themselves, un der tho supervision of an experienced concrete man from tho city street de partment will not be completed for two days, as only half the concrete can be laid at one time. In order to per mit tho apparatus to respond to firo calls. Attorney William Brlggs of Ashland attended to business matters In this city and the county seat today. Two Medford students at the Uni versity of Oregon were nominated for offices at the student body rneotlng hold Thursday. Richard Lyman, a ju nior majoring in business ndminlHtra tion, was nominated for senior man on the student council, Doris JJrophy, a sophomore journalism major. Is a nominee for junior woman on the stu dent council. Paul Ager, formerly of Medford, prominent athlete and recent winner of the Spaulding cup. was nom inated for vice president of tho Asso ciated Students of the U. of O. Mrs. William Von der HHien Is spending a few days at Corvnllls, vis iting her daughter Joyce, who is ut tending O. A. C. Tho petit jury for tho May term of court wll convene Monday, May 2 5. The grand jury met this morning. Sixty out of state cars of tourists and others were registered yesterday at the local state registration bureau The number of such cars to be regis tered Saturday was thirty. A fire around the furnace In Rus sells' department store, East Main and Tlartlott streets, resulted In calling out the fire department at 3:10 o'clock this afternoon. No damage was done. W. A. Hadley of The Dalles, an em ploye of the state game department, Is in Medford and Southern Oregon on business for a couple of days. He at the Iiutte Falls hatchery today with W. A. Coloman, screen superin tendent. Mrs. Hadley accompanied her husband, and they are guests of their old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. S, Sumpter Smith. , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith, owners of the popular Weasku Inn, on the Rogue near the Savnge Rapids dam, were In Medford today. They report buisness good for this time of the year, and prodltc a wonderful Increase in all lines of tourist travel. KXPIiAIV CMVKUSITY SHAKK-IT (Continued from page one.) make a saving n the summer session of next year as student fees were raised from $12.50 to Siri, "A saving of $ 5 o was also report ed in equipment of the new science building. - "Other expenses which. It was be lieved, would have tii be budgeted this year were put over until next year. With the exception of the depart- WHITE Mary K. White passed away at her home two miles south cost of Rogue River Sunday morn ing. Death wns duo to nneunionla. which was developed from a recent jment nf drama and the speech arts, nttack of influenza. She was born ' every department in the university re in Davis county, Missouri. October! mains intact. 21, 1802. and when a small child "Infirmary fees next year will re como with her parents to Oregon, t suit In un Increased sum -of $11! (in, Bottling In Jackson county where who has since resided and become one of tho best known citl.eus of her locality. she was married at Modforct December aj, is78, to Chan. K. Whito, who departed this life in 1 906. Those who are left to mourn her pnnsinK nro two sons. Harry i and Ralph F. While of Itoguo River, and one sister and threo brothers, E. L. Fnrra, Central Point. John IV and Samuel Fnrra. raleloy, Ore., and Lucy Hlngletary, Brownsville, Ore., nlso three grand children. Funeral services In charge of Congor Funeral l'arlors will be hold at tho resldcnco at 2:30 Wed nesday, nt which the Rebekah lodge Of Roguo River, of which she was Noble Grand, will take nil active part. Interment In Hock Point cemetery. JONES Thomas K. .Iones a resi dent of Sams valley since early childhood, passed away very mid dunly at his homo in that locality at 1:30 Sunday morning at tho age of 47 years. Deceased was horn in IMacer county,, Cat., and came to Jackson county when n small child, where he grew to manhood and was married at Jacksonville In l DOS to Lulu DeArmond, who with their two children, Evan nnd Esther, is left in deep sorrow. Mr. Jones, some time ago, whllo working on nn elec tric power line, received an electrical shock ond although he had appar ently recovered, It Is thought this contributed to his sudden passing. Ilosidea his wife nnd children he leaves his aged parents. Mr. ond Mrs. William Jones of Medford. also the following brothers ami sisters: Ar thur Jones of California: William nnd Roy of Medfonl, Mrs. Harry llammctt of MiMlfonl, Mrs. Rex Wil li it. Mrs. Robert Flemmlns of Cali fornia and Mrs. Karl Gray of Wash ington. Funeral arrangements In charge of Conger Funeral I'ai bus will be announced upon word from relatives. PEFLEY Funeral services for Ora 8. Fefley, member of tho firm of Pefley brothers. Contractors, who passed away in this city Saturday will bo held at the Conger chupei at 2:00 p. m. Tuesday. Rev. Theum ler will officiate and Interment will bo In I'hoenlx cemetery. KINYON Ada May Klnyon passed a way at Med f o rd , O iih on, M a y l o . from an illness suffered the past two months, aged 58 years. 7 mouths, ir days. Deceased whs born In Douglas county, AVnnesota. hpt. JffiiMlniii. and was married lo George XV. JuiNon. March 7, lHStl. at Kiillerton. Neb. To thi sunion were born two children, one Bon and one daughter, the son pa von;; n way In bis infa ncy. The rhuiKhtrt mirvivinff 4s Mrs. Lmtly A. I.Wnold .r Medford. Ore. Mr. Judson(ted Feb 22. 1914. at Ely. NW. March th, lHl'O, Mrs. Kinyon was Married to James Ervin Kinyon nt nd m oi Minuted larger student body in the fall will result In a $R000 sum In Incidental university fees." Watch Your Frail, Puny Child Grow Strong Take on Weight In just n few days quicker than you ever dreamt of these wonderful flesh making tablets called MeCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets will start to help any weak, thin, undcv-muirlshcd little one. After sickness and where rickets are suspected they ore especially val uable. No need lo give them any more nasty Cod Liver Oil these tab lets are made to take the place of that good, but evil smelling, stom ach upsetting medicine and they surely do it. They put on flesh. Ask Heath's Drug Hloret West Side Pharmacy, Medford Pharmacy or onv druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets as easy to tako as candy nnd not nt all expen sive GO tablets. GO cents. Re sure and get McCoy's, the orig inal and genuine and give the child a chance for 30 days. If you aren't delighted with results Just got your money back. Adv. B IlrliiK the worn conumita- fl tnia here. Wc turn thorn I down properly, uniloreut I correctly and imitorinlly R lengthen tho generator's I life, by A workmanship I pins thoro cure. Modern H equipment real sorvlco. Tune in on KFOA Tvith the girl p of the Golden West (PS mm if Ahn Try COtPfiV ll'KT TEA Orr(J Ptknf and Gt'tn Japan The Golden West Ctrl is a friend of yours in story and pic ture. She has now arranged a de lightful entertainment for, your en joyment. Over the air sheVill speak to you, that you may know her voice as well as you know the famous GOLDEN WEST COFFEE Tnne in on K. F. O. A (Stattlc). ' merer length 454.3, Tuesday. May 12th. from 3:30 to 10 p.m. There will .be splendid talcnc: regular vaudeville show. You will hear as nne a program as you ever in in a theatre. A Surprise in the Air For Radio Fans West X3r Vv 'ill . ' ; - ll! SOME REASONS Why the P. and E. Site Should Be Chosen School Board Unanimous in Its Favor. Their judgment being based -on months of earnest study. 2 75 of Student Body in Its Favor. And. their judgment is worthy of recognition. 3 Majority of High School Students Reside on East Side. And their convenience should be considered. 4 Large Enough to Meet Requirements for Years to Come. . And every loyal citizen anticipates a greater Medford. 5 Removed From Railroad and Factory Noises. A vital factor in modern education. Shall We Be Satisfied With Less Than the Best? BETTER SITE COMMITTEE F R. E E , Another chance to save some money and at the same time get something FREE. Wednesday we will give five pounds of cane sugar free with every purchase of $4.00 or over. Our solid leather work . and dress shoes, our standard makes of pants and shirts,' and our com plete stock of tents and camping equipment offer you a trustworthy stock to choose from. Durham Duplex Safety Razors, with one bladc..25 Huston Hags, genuine cowhide; special $1.49 Canvas Gloves 10? Work Sox ; 10 Khaki Work Pants, a good grade : $1.25 We' Don't Sell PRICE; We Sell MERCHANDISE. Army & Outing Stores EVEKYTHINQ FOR WORKWOMAN AND CAMPER 32 So. Central Ave., Opposite Hunt's Craterian R. S. Stewart, Your Satisfaction Manager Phone 013-L Is Our Success Copyright Clone B Dvt 6-BIG DAYS-6 STARTING MONDAY, MAY 18 SNAPPBROS. CIRCUS EXPOSITION SHOWS 30-400- CARS -PEOPLE- -30 -400 TWO THRILLING FREE ACTS MAT GAY FAMOUS 125-FOOT HIGH DIVE BUSTER RAY MARVELOUS BOY WONDER ON THE BARS 15 SHOWS- -3 CALLIOPES BIGGEST BEST CLEANES IN THE WEST It Set the World Talking A story of a modorn cuve man and tho most amazing lovor that ever stopped forth from the pages of fiction. A Sensation As a Novel A Glorious Romance on the Screen. With JOHN GILBERT ELEANOR BOARDMAN AILEEN PRINGLE Also "THE GO-GETTERS" TONIGHT -jSSJ TIMES! RIALT0 A Comedy TOMORROW "THE ARAB" Featuring RAMON NOVARRO ALICE TERRY Have You Heard the News? "Charley's Aunt From Hrazil"' wenrs trousers under her dress: All Main street saw them the other day when she stepped from the Portland stai'e. There's some History ahout that woman. I'.v ylnnly 's talking about her. Itetter run th.ntowii and ive a look at her yourself. if .r ' l ft SS a 1 1 Confidence HTHE largest -selling tire made in any Pacific Coast owned factory is the C-T-G Today the largest-selling tire, a year ago C-T-C was "on its way up"! Two years ago it wag a ., babe in the industry. Three years ago, an idea. Four years ago an ideal! Yet it has taken twenty' five years' tire-building ex perience to build C-T-C! Behind C-T-C stands a staff . of engineers whose experience in Akron factories runs hack more than a quarter century 1 They know tires i When you need new tires, let us show you what the C-T-C can do. Or, better still, call in now and get acquainted with this tire that has "made good" quickly because of remarkable ' m' jage records. "V)iuxlity will never be socriiced to meet a price" President Columbia Tire Corporation C. T. C. FACTORY BRANCH Sixth and Riverside Riverside Garage 132 South Riverside Crater Lake Service Station East Main Street Hand-built Full Balloons Semi-Balloona Heavy-Duty Cords Oversize Cord DYERB HATTERS CLEANERS PLXAJERI Phone 244 23 N. Fir A. f