. o o e a e TlPfmT MAll,. TtimUMR, flBftffoftt). ORI-noy, MONDAY, MAY 11, 1925 CACE TWO JLd Personal Th ITooO Rlvor Appli ("Ii'mvprR n nociutlon hat renrty for iHMianre 7 ior cent nolen to the exirmt of $100,000. the money to be UHcd in nupinentlng the aRpociutlon'n purohapinK fund Trout inliln;r operation at Dluinoiid hike were started a week ano today with the rent) It that 800,00(1 vkkh were 'talned on the firnt duy, Kniployog f the department reported thut warm . AttrueUve novelties mftmble- ir er weather In bc-KinninR to break up thv During the showers and llfiht thun derstorm here yesterday afternoon there was a hail storm west of the val ley with some damajfo reported, most- ly covered by hall insurance it Jw said gifts. Natwiek, Inc. 44 Npenal summer prh-es on dry fac tory. mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. tf !. M. Scott has returned from u fvw days' business visit to Kan Francisco. The first hatch nf China pheasants for the present season wan made last The storm, accompanied by hall and week at the Corvallls tame farm and rain was quite heavy in the Knion un average of approximately lpo ckkr Creek vicinity. There was ainn much rain and some hail , in the Trail ami Prospect sections. Sunday's rainfall liev was .0 of an inch. Unsettled weather with probable local showers ji the prediction for Tuesday. Before you buy that piano see Iaun gpach. Me can save you money, lift knows pianos and Is reliable. tf buy site, build complete hiRh school I Iter day are being secured ror mis year's breeding. .The game depart inont estimates that between 10,000 and IK, 000 birds will be released this year. Kxtra large, deep blue canta berry bell plants. GOc dozen. 3lT H. Holly. Vhone 300-L. f Children's half sox In ail new t-hades. Xatwlck, inc. 44 .Mr. and Mrs. I-.. H. Voung are vis- anil equip same, therefore the present Horn In Medford this week. While high school mum be used In. conjunc-, here Mrs. Voung will demonstrate, at tion with new unit. A high school built the Hotel Holland, the famous line on Holly street site cannot be used in of Columbia cosmetics, including face this manner, therefore the only Hlu-"I"y. skin creams, lotions and sham ti.n lu in hnihl nn the P. A bl. site. 43 poos. fruitgrowers un iMmiisitni jr J. Myle of Salem and Portland Is the gueft of .Colonel and Mrs. Oordon Voorhles for a lew days. Japaucvc oiled paper parasol In at- I tractive jiaw cojois and designs. o;ic lo $1.50. Japanese Art .Store. 4fl ,rhe J. A fj. site will cost less to buy. leaving more money available for building and equipment. , 43 Medford people will he Interested to know that the young man who falls to win the young lady in "Tho Cen taur," playing at the Crateiian for the last time tonight Is a former well known Medford boy, Biainerd Jteck wlth, the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Vilas IJeckwilh, formerly of this city, now living In Seattle. Brainerd Beckwith Is said to be making marked progress in tho moving picture field. Three cranks, an auto tire lock and a mud chair for autos, also a Dodge -hub cap await their owners at this office. They hnve been here some time and will be dumped If not called for. 43 New alfalfa hay. 28-K-1. 4fi F. J. Therkill of Chicago and U J. Horn and Mnx Cohen of New York City are eastern business visitors bo jouvQing in the city. Why not make your dress nt the "Wade de Itycke Hewing school, 2 5c nn hour, this includes instruction, use of machine, etc. Phone 110. 831 13. Main. ' 45 flo'up to the Weeks & On show windows and find out Just how much ground Is available in the P, & K. site after the waste ground is eliminated. 44 K. F. Carlcton, who will leavo tht University of Orogon extension divis ion faculty at tho end of tho spring term, Is slated to be state superintend ent of public instruction when J. A. Churchill takes charge of ' tho new nornrtnl school nt Ashland, according to reports current In Kugene. Children's hnlf sex in all new hades. Natwiek, Inc. 44 Use Hear Creole Oil Emulsion in your arsenate sprays as ft spreader and to destroy tho codling moth eggs. Call ut Hear Creek spray plant. B0 According lo figures of tho county clerk, but 115 dog licenses have been issued for Jackson county canines this year, nut of an estimated population of 8000 dogs. The P. ft K.- site will cnnhlo the school bnurd to build the new high school at on co. and will Involve no lit igation. 43 Thirty inch indestructablo pearls, nicely matched, very lustrous. 98c. Japaneso Art Store. 46 An automobile caravan was con ducted into the Copno Power plant workings on the Klamath Hlvor yos torday. attest from California points and a fow from Medford assembled nt Hornbrouk and wore escorted by ser vice cars along tho north hank of the Klamath river to Copco. Them were about 2ti automobiles in tho proces sion. The mountain road was well pa trolled and Was In excellent condition for this time of year. Guests were conducted over tho workings and were much Impressed at the magnitude nf this public utility development. .For a good inareelle aee B. Young. Room II over Palmer's Piano House. 76c, 43 Special sale of rosea going on nt the Rogue Volley Floral Co. Knrhenrt street on So. Riverside. Phone 1040. 43 Out of town Oregonlnna sojourning here Sunday and today Included U. H. Reese. of Corvallis. Mrs. R. Davis and Ruth Davis of Chlloquln. Dr. L. Go nan of Kugene. and the folowlng from Portland: Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hen bard. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hackus. Dr. F. VI. Dlemer, Mr. and Mrs. . I J. Kmlth. Dr. fleorgo A. Canny, Mr. and Mis. Wm. P. 1-ord. Mrs. W. Hmvklnn and Margaret Hawkins. The hih school site window exhibit nt Weeks Orr'a Is an eye opener. It shows where the majority of tho hlh school population reside: It shows the center of population In Medford. It shows what has hnppened to the I tear Creek bottoms In tho past and what might happen the the future. 41 Genuine Du Ponta Dueo used at Class "A" Auto Paint Shop. 601 N. Grapo streoi. 4 Clark Hymons of Portland, who In Interested In Anhlnnd lithia develop ment Is visiting his cousin Corbiu Kd gell. Summer prices on blocks and slabs. Place your order early. Newcumh for Wood. Phone 631. 3!tf Perfume bottles .colored glass.frost ed stoppers. bOc. Japanese Art Store. 4B Toinl crop production In the Tule lake district nf Klamath county will rxceed the half million bushel crop of 1924. In the opinion of County Agent C. A. Henderson of Klamath county. Tho I. & B. site provides ample grounds for Immediate needs and fu ture expansion. 43 Planoa! See TAtinspach. tf Mr and Mrs. Mnyer (Dan) Cole ar rived home Sunday In a much more se. dato manner than In which they de parted on the Shasta train a week be fore, when a delegation of friends showered them with ii nt the d'ioi and hurled "newly wed" Messages to otherwise embarrass them befniv the train passengers. The "w't girl grndunte" ,inl the luno bride" will both .Mm. Trowbridge a clever creator of gowns. . tf The P. & K. Kite is admirably adapt ed to agricultural experimental work, an important factor in tho high school course, t 4Z your arsenate sprays made fresh dally at the Bear Creek Spray company, at liear Creek orchards. , fco Fancy creamery butter 40e per lb. Johnson , Produce Co. ' The following Seattle people me guests at local hotels: Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Wilson. Mrs. A. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. AVnse, and Mcsdames James D. Hodge, H. S. Bolcom and J. C. Sullivan. $10 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction for each person caught stealing wood on our yaida situated on the east side of Court and McAndrews strets, also on the Oregon-Owen Iaimher company properly. Valley Fuel Co. 38tf Attractive novelties suitable . for gifts. Natwiek, Inc. 44 The next regular midweek Pavilion Party is scheduled for Wednesday ev ening at tho Fair Grounds Pavilion. A special musical program Is. in course of preparation for the event. X. - Voters interested in the high school site should take a few minutes from business nnd look over the maps, pho tograps, etc., in Weeks & Orr's show windows. 44 Columbia plaster wall hoard . Call for prices. Wallace Woood Lumber yard. . . With a score of 03. Clyde Gardner of Medford, defeated at golf Harry F. Goeti! of tho Three Horsemen of Coetir d'Alcne, Idnho, at Portlnnd last Satur day, according to the Portland Jour nal. ,Wo design, wo cut. wo fit, and wo make, any one or all four, for our aim 1h to please you- Mrs.- Trowbridge. 105 W. 10th Btreet. . tf . Fancy , creamery butter 40c per lb. f Johnson Produce Co. The advance man , for tho Snapp : Brothers snows, to bo here for a week ' beginning May 18th. la In the city. -The shows will be on the lot opposite , the Southern Pacific station. i Merchants' Association meeting to- ' night. 0:15 p. m, sharp, Hotel Med-: ford. Several important talks lndud-1 Ing one on "What the Tourist Traffic ' Has Done for Medford and Prospects ' for .192 5." j Fashion dictates stlmnesH, slmpllc- i Ity and suppleness. Those nre achlov- j ed only by an experienced designer. ' Mrs. Trowbridge, 905 W. 10th St. tf Ford Hills, a former resident of this city, visitod friends here Sunday nf ternoon, on route by auto to Seattle. Launspach Piano Store now open for business at 111 W. Main. Opposite RIalto theater. Successor to Root Mu sic Co. . tf .Have you tried that big milk flhake nt UoVoe'a? Mrs. Nellie Dowd-Jefforda Is build ing a summer homo on Rogue River near Trail. , . Tha discharge of Harry Cain, pri vate 1 1 th tank company, regular army, was found and awaits tho owner at this office. , Mr. Cain enlisted at Milwaukee. Anyone knowing tho ad ieno Mr. Cain pleaao let us know. 44 Hemstitching 8c a yard. Tho Van ity Shop.. Bartlett and Main. . tf The Medford high school won the annual southern Oregon high school track and field meet Saturday after noon at the fair grounds, scoring 62Vi points. Ro.se burg wna second with 26 Vj points, nnd Central Point third with 19 points. Ashland had no en tries in the meet, for tho first time In year. . , .; Summer prices on blocks And slabs. Place your order early. Newcomb for Wood. Phone 81. -3iUf ice und snow nlthough tt is still nec csnary to work In eight feet of snow. Officials of the game department an ticipate a heavy egg tako ut Diamond lake this year, ltst seuson the lake produced more trout eggs than any other lake or stream In the United States. Why allow your making, designing, cutting, fitting or finishing garments worry you, when you can find Just the help you need on the large cities' plan? Prices 25c an hour and up. Mrs. Wade de Rvcke, 331 Kant Main. Phone 110. 48 Summer prices on blocks ifnd slabs. Place your order early. Newcomb for Woood. Phone US1, 3Utf Alhurtus. the Miracle Man, who has been holding forth for the last two weeks at the RIalto theater, to packed houses, closed his local engagement Sunday evening, nnd will open in Grants Pass Wednesday. Hemstitching, buttons covered nt the Handicraft Shop. tf Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber Yard. A force of workmen are creosotlng telephone poles In preparation for ex tension work this summer of tho Home Telephone company. Kvery voter in Medford should take a luok at the high school site exhibit in Weeks & Orr's show window. It consists of maps, photographs, etc.. that can't misrepresent. 44 Dressmaking and plain sewing. 9 West 12th street. 48 Adherents of the P. & K. site elec tion apepared on the strets this morn ing wearing buttons labelled 'Tho P. & K. for Me." Columbia piaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods JjUtnber Yard. Fishing is growing better both In tho river nnd the smaller streams, and a number of good catches of salmon and trout were mndo Sunday. ; We pay for avhns and sell dirt cheap. Hrown & White Agency, Inc. v tf R. S. Daniels left today for Klamath Falls on a short business, trip in the interests of the power company. The P. & K. site Is admirably lo cated for athletic .events and can. ad mirably be made the center nf com munity activities. , , 43 . Mrs. Gus Nichols of Ka;le Point was among the out of town visitors In the city today. Fancy creamery butter 40c per lb. Johnson Produce Co The outlnir of tho Ionl O. A. C. club Medford .defeated Ruch. at the Hol- yesteijday at Union Creek was attend- ly .street grounds Sunday ufternoon, ed by about 20 members who motored 11 to 7, In a baseball game, up to that point during the forenoon.) Dance in the "open air:" Attend had a crimp put in it bv a heavy storm the popular "Pavilion Parties" at the during which much rain and hall fell. Fair Grounds Pavilion Wednesday and nd which was accompanied by much t(im thunder and lightning. It , was one of , , j" " u it . - tV ..... ily sojourning hero are Mr. and Mrs. members had ever seen, the targe hail ;Uones fairly covering the ground like snow. Guaranteed lawn mower sharpen ing, called for and delivered free. Medford Hardware & Sporting Co. Phono 290. 48 J. A. Dolllson and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mlcken of San Francisco, and Mr. und Mrs. J. A. Mickcn and Mr. und Mrs. H. C. Turner of Los Angeles. ITsetl piano for sale at a bargain. Noel Krskine. Phone 729-W. C9 H. H. Stewart of the Owen-Oregon As one of the features of the season i,.,...' J , ...i., , tJrt.i i at Diamond Lake resort this summer, there will be an orchestra of college boys. They will eniertain in evenings, and act as guides, boat tenders and clerks during the day. R. I. R. eggs at DeVoe's. tf Evidence of a political storm la gathering about W. K. Crews, state corporation commissioner, and well known resident of this city. Is shown in the following editorial comment from the Eugene Guard, of last Satur day: A state Official In any capacity openly lending his presence to a stock selling campaign meeting presents rather a remarkable figure, but when that official Is a corporation commis sioner, charged with regulation and restriction of stock selling projects, the spectacle becomes still more re markable. At the meeting of the Guaranty Oil compuny stockholders hero Wednesday night. Corporation Commissioner W. J3, Crews acted as spokesman for the company manage ment In Invltlngany stockholders pres ent who might be dissatisfied with their Investment to come forward and receive a refund of the amounts they had pakl, together with interest from the time Investment wua made. . The P. & K. site will provide splen did playground for. the youngsters of Medford, something now sadly needed. Mervyn Chas'tain, a graduate of the high school this yearff and a star of basketball and. baseball teams, will en ter the University of Oregon next fall, according to present plans, and Gilbert Knips. his running mate of the local quint will enter O. A. C. If you want a furnished apartment with all the modern conveniences, see or phone Hotel Holland. tf Mrs. Emma Hoffman has returned from a visit with friends nnd relatives In Washington state. We pay for ashes and sell dirt cheap. Brown & "White Agency, Inc. . .tf J. T. Sullivan,, formerly a resident of Medford, but now of Tacoma was in Medford Saturday enroute from work on tho Redwood highway. Raise Them Right! MADRON A MINERALIZED YEAST GHick-Grb DEVELOPING MASH Will Do More Than You Really Anticipated. Chicks, will develop into strong, productive pullets 'if fed this good mash. . Leg Weakness will be' entirely eliminated from your list of poultry troubles. " Monarch Seed & Feed Go. ,323 East Main Phone 260 - Tho Farmers' Service Station ', May loth Tho iM'uplo of tho Roifiie River Vallov have ahvn vs accepted MAY 10T1I as tho end of the Frost Season' ' MAY 10TH HAS PASSED Therefore, we may assume that ..the frost season is. practically passed and the Fruit Grower has ONE LESS THING TO WORRY ABOUT The Hail Season is NEVER 1' ASSET). If you are one of the few Fruit Growers who have not yet secured j o u r Hail Insurance, may we surest that NOW IS THE TIME r. a. H.jme. THE INSURANCE MAN Particular People Prefer "Pavilion Pari Its!" . There' n reason! Fair CJrounds. every Wednesday nnd Sat urday. J,et's go! . 48 Hegular communication of KeumeR Chapter, Wed nesday evening. May 13th, nt 8 p. m. Josephine chap ter will put on the initiatory degrees. Visiting members welcome to all meetings. 40 Attention I4kIUh! Mrs. .Young of the Columbia Cos metic Co., Chicago, will give free face maasnges .demonstrating -a new homo beauty cream. Room 404, Hotel Hol land, three days only.. . 44 . R. & S. M. Table .Itock Council I. 1). Stated assembly Tuesduy. May 31Hh. M. I. Grand Master pre sents u . with charter. Dinner nt 6:30, Masonic Hall. All companions requested to be on hand. Degree work will be exem plified. 44 meeting. 43 Scottish Kite. Special meeting SiKklyou Lodge of Perfection Monday, 7:30 p. m. Petitions for re union should be filed at this Paul 13. ItYNXIXG, - - Secretary. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOK JtKXT 5-room modern house; clone In. ?30. Dr. Klliolt. - 45 l'X)H SALE First 28-H-l. cutting alfalfa 43'tf FOR HI HE -Man with teum. Phone 452-H. 4S FOH SALK Choice lots on pnved . street near West Main. Owner.Mrs. Ktta Hay, 1104 West Main St. Phone 804-Y. 48 WANTED 1-lounekoeplnK by widow with two children. Call or write 645 Palm street. 46 FOH SALE New piano of quality Easy terms. Xoel Erskinc. Phone 7S9-W. C 1 Since 1909 e w LATER Since Writing This Ad We Have Received Reports J? a Number of Losses Which Occu.ired Yestelay! COMEDIANS BIG WHITE TENT , Cor. Fourth and Fir Sts. Farewell Week TONIGHT Tho Great Swede Comedy. 'OLE, THE SWEDE DETECTIVEi" Coming "KU KLvJX KLAN" Doors Open 7 P. M. Orchestra 7:40 P. M. Curtain 8 P. Prices 10-25-50 Cents M. Mirth! Music! "Mimicry! TOMORROW! Official Opening of Summer Season Special Bargain Matinee, 2 P. M. Admission 35c Kiddies 10c OlfcPHEUM JR. ADVANCED Vaudeville Evening .7 and 9 Adults 5 Kiddies 2 With a Bill of Exceptional Merit and Variety ' . ' ' By Stars of Song, Skill and Smiles IIEADKl) BY TONIGHT LAST ' TIMES! i'CHiCKIE' The Popular Newspaper Story With DOROTHY . MACKAILL, JOHN BOWEES, HOBART . . BOSWORTH THE COTTON PICKERS Presenting a Company of ALL WHITE ARTISTS Characterizing the Southern Negro With MICKEY & ELSIE McGARRY, Bert Colcrnan, Walter Swartz, Ray Kelly and Peter J. Smith. JOE WHITEHEAD Musical Comedy Star , LUCILE & MILDRED VISEMAN Offer an "Intimate Musicale" JACK & CLAIRE McMAHON In "Variety With a Punch BOLLIGER & REYNOLDS "A Trip On a Line" TOPICS OF THE DAY- -COMEDY Orchestra Direction of F. Wilson Waite FRANK & 1 IS I WHY NOT BUY FROM THE SOURCE OF SUPPLY AND CUT OUT SUBSTITUTION? We Wholesale and Retail Frosli mul smoked rnoats, 'home made lard nnd sausage. Fruit nnd freslk vrari'tables from the farm cvorv immiins. Fresh Fish from Marshfield. Creamery Hutter. Choe-se and some can irnods. We ive tje consumers the benefit of our large buying advantages. Johnson Produce Co. 241 X. Fir St. Tlione P7 COMING WEDNESDAY! WORLD'S FUNNIEST, MOTION PICTURE! '' with U Uk ' 3 1 5yd Chaplin Dlrtcled ty $colf iidiwy THE GIRLS CONFIDED IN "HER" THE MEN MADE LOVE TO "HER' THEN THE SKIRT SLIPPED OFFH AND THE NEWS SLIPPED OUT 1 8 Riotous Reels OH WOW WHAT LAFFS! FOR RENT 55 ft. Riverside Ave. Frontage in Sparta Building, just off Main St., or will remodel into smaller stores'to suit Tenant. The Busy Corner Motor Co. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Windows and Sash, Screens, Window and Door Frames, Mouldings, Cabinets of All Kind! Our Constant Aim Is to Keep Our Quality and c Price Absolutely Right. ' Do Not Order Prom Out-of-Town Concerns Before Letting Us Figure on Your Bill. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS MedfoaA . A Modern MiJJ Oregon