Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 09, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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1EDFORD MAIL tribune
The Med ford Sundir Morninir Sun ! himlihed
tutMorlbeiii deiirlug th ttven-duj UUj otw-
Office:- Mail Tribune Building, J6-17-U
North Kir street. Phono 76. ' '
A consolidation of the Democratic Time, the
lledfoni Mail, the Mt-dford Tribune, the Boutn
ern Orgouian, the Aelihind Tribune.
ROBEKT W. RIJHb, Editor.
S. BUMITKtt SMITH, Manager.
Br Mail- In Adrnnce:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, year $7.60
Daily, with Sunday bun, month n
Daily, without Sunday Sun, year 0.60
Daily, without Sunday Sun, month ... .06
Weekly Mail Tribune, one year 2-00
Sunday Sun, onv year 8.00
Y CARHIRR In MMWd, AetiUnd, Jackson
ville, Central Point, Vhoealx, Talent and ou
Daily, with Sunday Pun, month. $ .76
Daily, without Sunday Sun, month.... .06
Dally, without Sunday Sun, one year... 7.60
Daily, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60
All U-rmn by carrier, cash in advance.
Entered a eecond-rlaaa matter st Medford,
Oregon, under act of March 8, 1879.
Official paper of the City of Urdford.
Official paper of JhcIcroii County.
Sworn daily aver)? meal at ion for eli
montha ending April li.L, 1024, 8(1(10, more than
double the circulatim) of any other paper 1ml
halied or cirruluted in JuckHon County.
The only paper between Albtnr), Ore., and
Ohlco, Cutlfornla, a ditance of over 4"0
miles, having leased wire Aeaoclated Presa
The Awoclnted I'rciw fa exclusively entitled
to the iiba for republication of all new dis
patches credited to it or not otherwiue credited
In thla paper, aud also to the local oewa pub
lUhcd herein.
All righte of republ lent Ion of apeclai dta-pa'.t-hea
herein are alstf reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
Ily Arthur Perry.
More homoM urn I honhouHOH, than
(jai-uKcs and gas alius, are being built
this uprltttf.
Ono of our fMrtletn In over the flu,
nntl Ik ORuin a fit as a violin.
It's nbout titno for the far morn to
stnrt prayinpf for rain, und pet It next
November. ,
Thorn Khuulil ho a law UKulnnt In
come tax exemptions operating ltltItlo
Hiu'H on buy Hii-oetH, i
(Sl' I'll per)
The befit furmor ut tho State
Agricultural coIIpko nt DaviH 1h a
Klrl, AIIhs Kllzuheth CJraveH. Kho
1h 19 yearn old. Among her fli'Ht
rank achlcvenientH who h;tH won
all honors in raising flno Iiokh.
Hhe ought to inako a firat-cluuH
KneoH that never klHsed tho kitchen
floor on Hcrub day,, are peeping shyly
out, and runnliiK 4 gawkH to the ulcp.
OULKANS, May 7. (Hpoclul) Joe,
ynlen and family drove to (Yuwfonln-
vlllu Haturday. While there .Mr. Vntew
went on n fishing trip up tho Uulu
poola and returned wltlt a fino Htrlng.
(Albany Democrat) Thut's twtno.
(Uiillhnorp Sun)
Homes, wIvoh, children, sweet
heartH, buKlneHH, civic and relig
Iouh dufleH have , been forgotten
In the mud pursuit of tho gnu,
the emu and the throe -toed sloth.
What Ku Kluxer, no matter how
fraternal, how patriotic, could
find as much pleasure in roaming
the stilly night In a hedshuet as
111 raekiiiK his brain for a five
letter. Kreneh word that meant
.cor n bread in the ta,i din loot?
Onco tho ornsH-word puzle holds
. a man In Its relentless grip the
croKS-country cIuimp of tho noil
Nordic fades like all other earth
ly joys.
Tho, proposed ehungos in court pro
cedure, to simplify the course of Jus
tice, should include rules to keep one
lawyer from calling another lawyer
"learned counsel," unless he can
prove that he means i(. ,
40 elections and no straw vote,
Is enough to get the civic goat.
The leavcH that biHt fall Uttered up
the lawn.- tiro' now thy neighbor's
chickens, scratching up tho radishes
Tho liumorosqiio Society. Is dor
mant, and attending to their own
business, If any.
(t iMis Hay Times)
He knew what it meant when
she smiled; lie shook himself, and
often Jumped about Iter in sym
pathetic rejoicing, when she
K very body owes ?1 53(5.1 S. accord
ing" to the Treasury leprtment
With rackards thicker than -ids, the
figures seem low.
(Jnoseberrh'S are ready to pick
Unlike the carrot, Koosoherrlcs can
not be disposed of by throwing into
the soup.
IaH me live In a house hy the side of
the road, where the nutos by
thousands pass by.
And as each one reaches my humble
abode, let me hope that Its
tank Is dry.
For I'll lie prepared to fill It to the
top by means or the pump or
tile CJUl.
Let me live In n house by the side of
the road and sell gas to my
dear felluwnutn. tS. K. Itnlle
. tin.)
. Cold Week Predicted.
weather outlook tor the week buKln
iilng May 10 iinnounecil here to
day liy the lulled Stales veuthur
bureau as follows:
i acltic states tJcuerally 1'air weather
exeppt for or-CHHional rains alnim tin1
i:raM from Cao M'Mrlocnin. Cal.,
northward. Teiuprrnturo will ho
somewhat helow normal ami froMs are
likoly during the first :.t of the
week In tho Interior o( r hlucton
(iUll Oresyu,
TUK Ilitrli School Hi.' election is running true to form, As pre
dicted in this column, at the opening of the campuign, the par
tisans on both sides, are endued
the virtues for their favorite site, and predicting ruin and disaster
if their opponents win.
This Kilkenny merry-go-round does no particular harm, hut on
the other hand it does no good, liy matching, the extravagant
claims of one side against the other, the impartial, searcher utter
truth, becomes lost in a melee of noise, and finds the net result to
be nothing more constructive than a rather painful rattling of the
oar drums.
Under the circumstances The Mail Tribune considers the sugges
tion of a visit to the respective sites tomorrow afternoon, by inter
ested citizens, to be an excellent one.
What the people of Medford need arc facts. There is no better
way to secure facts than to visit the sites in question.
According to present arrangements there will be representatives
'of the school board at both the i. und E. and Holy Street grounds
tomorrow to give interested parties, details relative to the respective
locations. t , ,. ... ,
Such information, based upon the necessities of the situation, will
ve valuable. Hut of even more value will be the information the in
dividual may secure for himself.
Let the free-for-all go on, for it will go on whether we let it or
not. But meanwhile let the voters themselvos, particularly those
who are interested not in pleasing this faction or that, but in se
curing the site that is best for the
tunity to secure the facts for themselves.
Willi sunshine predicted, and the wild woods calling, it will
be difficult to persuade any large number to spend tomorrow after
noon at the two school sites, but the matter is of sufficient impor
tance to justify lopping off an hour from the Sunday excursion,
for many. And those who can't go tomorrow are urged to go,
some time before the election.
An hour spent walking over the two sites and getting the lay of
the land will do more toward securing an intelligent vote next Fri
day than any amount of head-smashing and verbal pyrothecnics, in
the local press.
And that is the great aim, to get an intelligent vote. A vote
based not lipon self-interest, but public interest, a vote based upon
conditions as they are and facts, not as they are claimed to be but
us they actually exist. ,
Ancient saying: "Tn, may I use
The worst fall Wales ever had
Among the appropriate gifts
Everything was perfect in the
lawn mower.
Another good way to save money is to make more than you have
time to spend. , ?
AVhy fall out with people?
it doesn't bear apples?
Still, it isn't easy to believe in
sons of some fathers.
If Dawes wishes to silence the
talk is essential to world peace?
There's no need to worry when
sit on dad's lap at home.
Example of husband getting
right j don't shoot." .
The "good old days" weren't
had pep enough to enjoy them.
A judge has ruled that a man can't make his girl give back the
engagement, ring. But the. installment man cau.
... .
Correct this sentence: "Even when we have no guests," said
she, "I like to use my best, napkins.'' ;' '
OUR. VUXAliE pastor doesn't try to rob Brer Darwin of
his crown; he merely tells us when wo die .well travel
either up or down, lie dodges issues which disturb so many
churches nowadays, and only does his best to curb bur tenden
cies to godless ways, "lie's far from being up to dale, his ser
mons are like sounding brass," his critics say, "he givcs mtieh
weight to outworn things that t'ut no grass. lie keeps no tab
on modern thought, he bores the highbrow in bis pew, and to
the pulpit he has brought no. message that is fresh and new."
And yet methinks if wc should all observe the pastor's stale ad
vice, we'll east out bitterness and gall and gain a peace beyond
all price, lie boosts the morals of our dads, which modern
nleeks have outgrown, and argues that no stock of scads will
buy a conscience . fit to own. He preaches honesty and truth and
loving kindness nntl such things, and promises that righteous
youth shall in the Tut ure walk with kings, lie preaches justice
and content, he stands for merit, versus pelf, and urges every
living gent to Jove his neighbor as himself. He never gives us
somethiii!; ll , be talks old matters I ill lie's done, but all he
s.iys is sum- niul true, ami vitaj as the glowing sun. His influ
ence is all for unod. despite Hie Modern Thinker's shifts; the
theme he argues has withstood !Jie Prities of two thousand years.
- I i n mi II I 'inmi
in a vocal drum-fire, claiming all J
city of Medford, have all oppor
the car plensc?"
was from the first page.
for young men graduates: arc
Garden of Eden. There was no
' '
Do you cuss an oak tree because
, ,
evolution when you observe some
Senators, why not tell them that
' f!
she's out at night if she likes to
the last word:
All right; all
really superior to these; you just
fit W AT . -
Ulorc's uiiolliti' It's reported
I'rreldent Cixillclec 'II nut lluy liny
rii-o ci-uckcTH Fourth .Inly. It's
putty lianl sometimes t' (llstlim'iiish
a ItuMUil' loafer .from nil industrious
citizen. :
Tho words sturt In tho numliored
squares und run either across or
down. Only ono letter Is plnoed'tn
each whlto square. If tho - irK'i
words arc found each eomliliuitioii or
letters in Iho white. Miiuros will form
words The Uey .to the pu'Z7.le Ilie
first word is' jrlvftt In llio drawing.
ISelow are. keys to.. the other words.
Word . In the picture,
Word 3. To tiiji-n over clumsily as
u-nyn uoes on tana.
Word 4. , A pointed weapon some
thllitf lika an arrow. ' '"
Word 5. Ono who telhi untruths .
Word 1. A spring flower.
Word 3. Ono who reports proceed
iiiKS for newspapers v
1h Tot the Holly St. Kite.
To thu Ktlilor:
In tho nilnilH of many citizens, tho
traffic problem is ono of tin greatest
objections to the l & K. school
site. 1
In t!.eir report, the school exports
, "(a) X. Holly street property isjto move and set up in like condition
nearer center of population, school a8 they now stand; in other words,
ana ouierwiso una , n appears inaijan even trade. Isn't that fair?
tho center of population will mov
toward, rather than away from it."
This being true, the large majority
of pupils would have a shorter dis
tance to go to the Holly street site
than to the l & K. site.
'(() It has more and better ave
nues of approach. The approaches
to tho P. & E. sito arc few and
likely to bo congested."
The Holly street site can be ap
proached from all sides, along un
crowded MreeiH.
(f The larger majority of
children will not have to go through
tho business section of the city In
order to reach it as would be the
case with the p. & E. property." ,
It was phi In to these thoughful
men that a largo majority of chil
dren west of Hear Creek would natu
rally gravitate to Main street, tra
verse more or les of its length and
cmw the Highway at tht worst con
sented corner In southern Oregon,
at Main and UiveiTiilo.
A on t ho fence t here sta ted :
'Ninety per cent of all c:ir emer
inir .Med lot d i:i thin corner V
It i only "onablt to expert this
traffic-- often tu -nty -:ir pp r min
utes to double in the nxt ten
child re
erosflins htre.
On tho other hand, most of the
23 per cent of school population cant
of. Honr creek could - reach Holly
Htreot yla Jnckson; 19 000 killed; 45,-
000 injured in. 1924 motor car record.
Shall we ignore- this menace? Will
you force your children and 'their
posterity through this danger zone?
Uncrowded streets are safest
shortest. , ,
Holly street school means "Safety
First." , . .
Medford, May 8.
A Visitor Advises Harmony.
To tho Editor: i
I have teen In your city but a few
weeks, having come, from Minnesota,
and ,have been more or less per
plexed as to what is the matter with
ihis town. I jike It here, have some
money down , ,on propcriv and am
coming back, muybe. You have three
papers, one daily and two -weeklies
and of these, . without mentioning by
name, you have three distinct classes
of newspapers. Ono throwing mud
and calling- everybody thieves; on
other making a sincere effort to find
nnd follow a harmonious and con
Htruutive program and another with
no apparent interest Jn local affairs.
It is really true that as Messrs. Kehl
nnd .Anderson say everyone here is
dishonest and going to, the damna
tion .bow wows and if not what - is
the . idea of these gentlemen. Or, is
it on the otlu-'r hand true that your
city is going ahead In a harmonious
and prosperous wuy as it seems to
me? . I like your country very much,
It is wonderful and so are the peo
ple I have met; but 1 believe I will
have to pans on for a time at least.
Now ' for advice. Get together.
Why not select a committee to pacify
your revolutionary muckrakers -or
compromise with them if the com
mittee finds they have an. . ax .to
grind but in some way Bhut them up.
We people looking for a place to
nuvb west want to see a town's peo
ple working together. Until then,
good-bye. . " I
Medford, May 7.
390 E. 2nd Sti( Red Wing, Minn
Mrs. Miller Is Answered.
To the Editor:
. In repard to a statement or two of
Mrs. Wm. Miller's made in last
night's Tribune about the North
Holly site for the high, school, will
say she handled tho truth carelessly.
As to tho drainage of the North
Holly site Indeed it was moist last
winter, might say it was almost
muddy, but by all that's honest, the
water was not high enough to wash
eleven camp houses a quarter of a
mile down stream. As to the 1500
ft. of railroad being washed out a
few years ago in the neighborhood of
North Holly staeet. Say!. Lady, I've
lived In this neighborhood 14 years
and either my memory is gone or you
are badly mistaken for I don't re
call the washout itnaybc you have
in mind the Hear creek washout and
the 11 camp houses.
Thero is a -.woodyard three blocks
from North Holly street, but much
closer thero are nice residences, tho
postoffice is not so far away and
even churches aro in this part of
town. -
i, Tho North Holly sito is level, al
most square and has a, street on
three sides. It grieves mo to re
mind you again, Mrs. Miller, that
you surely do not have to blast holes
to plant trees in this part of town.
Come over and look at some of the
beautiful shade trees in the neigh
borhood or do you know where it
As for putting the high school
near the highways, I tfiink it's the
very place to keep it from as far
as possible, since auto accidents aro
increasing so rapidly.
Mo and my four children .for tho
North Holly street alto. .
210 Haven St.
Medford, May 9.
P. S. Sure! It will increase, our
property value.
Mr. SHI I man Scores P. & E.
To tho Editor: Much discussion In
regard to the high school site is in the
air. As an interested party I wish to
state a few facts. Propaganda is be
ing distributed wholesale that I have
refused to soil block 62 for a reason
able figure and am trying to hold up
the school district. If tho parties who
are spreading that stuff would investi
gate for themselves they could easily
see that I have made a proposition
which is above reproach;, also if the
high school teacher who spent all day
Thursday framing up the halt' page
nd in the papers had boon attending
to his duties as a teachen he prob
ably would" have earned tho salary
which the taxpayers are paying him.
Tho statement signed, Hotter Site
Committee,, should have read Wetter
Site Committee, which is more appro
priate for the grounds. -
I have given O. C. Hoggs, chairman
of the- planning commission, an option
on block 02 in exchange for other lots
to move my houses onto; the board
Tho property stands me. with pav
ing and improvements, $tiOOO; but T
will exchange lots for .the benefit, of
tho school.
I have lived here 13 years and ha'd
two children in high school and an
other will be ready in a few years;
I am much in favor of a high school
as anyone and feel that I have made
a clean and fair offer. 1 believe that
others who have houses in the North
Holly district will do the same if
asked, and besides the North Holly
site hasn't Jumped from $15,000 to
$-'5,000 in six months' time, like the
P. & E. tract has, and there won't be
any 5 per cent commission to pay,
either. ' ." " 1
E, C. S1LMMAX. -.603
North Holly. ,
Medford. May ; " '
Phone 244
23 N. Fir ft.
Picture coo or more
. utua-WOHU I V
' w Avrr1
WlViK ui
juo you Know wuy uauuy wm .
his coat lapel 30-31-morrow? He told me 13-14 would be lor nis
2-8-14-20-27-33 as it is Mothers' 4-5-6. . . . . . . '
"My 2-3 said 1 could wear one in my coat for her, said brother,
21-28, and as 27,-28-29. my brother, I guess I should take the -8-y-iu-11-12
to tetch him a flower for his coat lapel.
; Mother-4-11-15-22 is so sweet I am glad there is a day set aside
for her special day. 25-26 one should forget Mothers' Day.
' 17-18 my I 1 22-23-24 as fast as I could to 19-20-21 store 37-39 I
could get a fine carnation.- My but I was 18-26-32 when I got there
but 1 did 24-31-36 mind that the least 7-13-19, for 3-9 the store 1
selected a fine one for Edward to wear.' .
. ,. Edward is a nice brother, he gave me 15-16 egg for Easter with
a chocolate rabbit that 34-35-36-37 right up straight 17-25 top of it.
,- , - ' . ) Answer To Last Puzzle . . i c . .
, . 1-2-3 (hot),' 4 5.6-7-8 (never), 2-6-J0-15 (over), 4-3-13-1 7-20-24-29
(needles). 27-32-34 (see).. 29-30-31-32-33 (s?red), 8-12 ("R.-
l!i'23-2-33 (deed), 24-25-26-27-28 (erase), 21-25-30 (are), 18-1S (Ed),
l-b-.ihe) 3-7-11-16-18 '(tease). 20-21-22 (lap), 22-26-31 (paw), 1011-1-(ent),
13-14-15-16 lerrs). .. . t
ornament. ;')?& fctf Tim InlernntU.nnt Syndicate
Personal Health Service
8ttnd Itttoni prtalnln to panonal health and hyglena. not to dlieau dlagnoili or
Irtatmant, will ba amwerad by Dr. Brady If a itampad, iif addi-Mtad anwlopa It amloaad.
LatUra thou Id ba brief and wrltt.n In Ink. Owing to tha law nun .bar of lottara rooalved, only
a few can ba antwarod here. No reply oan ba made to uerlaa not oonformlni to Inttruotlone.
Addraaa Dr. William Brady, lr vra of thla newepapar.
Wet niul
-Although it is needless to acknow
ledge that I am a siircaatlc cuss, I want
to plead' in extenuation if we ever
meet and get a chance to talk it over.
This reputation, wh.'ch in my judg
ment 1H IIUl WHUIIf
undesirable. I have
achieved mainly by
my meani- stylo in
print, but no doubt
it has been helped
alonK rome by the
icy utmoHpherc en
countered by the oc
cnsioual reader who
ferrets out the loca
tion of my den and
Kets me on the tele
phone there-
-The ice melted
alarmingly one day near the end of
March when a reader with Just the
right voice and manner for it man
euvered to. jjet my- good - ear. As a
rule I am not the man. who writes for
the paper, or if' that won't do. then I
give the party my bad- ear. , But as I
say, this young man-had the voice and
the manner and I admitted I was the
man that writes for the paper. That
point settled, the young man, went to
work on the ice. He hoped It would
not annoy--me, but . ho . felt that he
ought to report the matter to me, and
os forth and .so on and I began to
wonder who was going to sue me for
libel now or enlighten mo about can
cer cures. But as the young man
with the agreeable voije and manner
went on my temperature rose grad
ually until, toward the end of the re
port. It must have been nearly up to -Fahrenheit. At any rato it was
a delightful feeling and a rare one.
It seemed that this young man had'
gone on a 16 mile hike a few days be
fore, when the weather was pretty bad,
half rain 'and half snow, chilly nnd
damp enongh to suit the most deprav
ed taste, and he had worn only the
lightest clothing and no hat or other
head covering at al. His two compan
ions wore hats but otherwise dressed
lightly. They were all soaked through
and kent their wot clothos on all day.
They were tired out when they got
home at night. Their friends assured
them the end was near, and particu
larly for the foolish young man who
had worn no hat. '
Tho young man wanted to report
that about 72 hours had passed und
grim dicsase still held off. no doubt
angry nnd blaffled, but the young nan
wished to testify that he had never filt
better In his life and he was convinc
ed beyond all question ofthe. truth of
my teachings regarding the harmless
ness of exposure. .
It wasn't the young man's convic
tion about the fact which. tickled me
so much. It was tho extraordinary ex
perience ,pf being sought out by a
reader who desired only to tell me a
thing like that. Once in a while a let
ter with a similar motive, conies along,
and on days when such letters arrive
I usually don't say anything very sar
castic in my column so you can see
for yourself how rare such letters
must be. '
Ono surh telephone call goes far to
bnlt out the memory of rt hundred of
tho kind 1 strive to evade. And one
such letter among five thousand
makes the scanning of the five thou
sand a 'more ;chdtJrrtblev task. i
Witham's Battery &
Electric Service
4at.torium Bldg., MedforcL
Of. course the younc man and his
companions were not exposed to any
disease on their hike, and even had
they met some one who had a respi
ratory infection of some -kind, they
were unlikely to catch it out in the
open air. .liut even so, I am glad to
know that the experience has confirm
ed the teaching- that exposure to cold
and wet has, nothing to do with any
of the diseases vulgarly known as
Old i.ssue llevlved .1"' '
There have been many1 discussion
lately in Bt. Louis about the advantuRO
of manufacturing ozone -with 'electri
cal apparatus for tho purpose ,of cre
ating more healthful conditions in
school rooms, public meeting halls and
the like. Do you recommend it?
(G. J. J.)
i Answer Xo, "When the ozone
idea vas tried out a few years ago it
was pretty clearly shown that a suf
ficient concentration to inhibit germ
life is irritating to breathe. The ozone
only deodorizes the air; it does not pu
rify it in tho. sense that proper ven
tilation does.
Myocarditis ,
AYhat Is myocarditis? What arc. its
causes? Can it he cured and how?
What are the mnln symptoms? We are
a much healthier family since wc be
came your readers. (Mrs. S.-S. E.)
Answer- And now you want me tto
put you back where you were before,
by equipping you with a nice assort
ment of symptoms? Myocardis means
Inflammation of tho muscular wall of
tho heart. Oauses are tobacco, alco
hol, overeating, various infections. It
can be fcured if taken in time. Tho
trouble is that few victims of myo
carditis feel that it worth while to
consult a physician or even have a
health examination when tho disease
is in the early curable . functional
stage. ' ' - ' , ; ,, ,
. i'ifty Uollnrs' Worth 7,
If a doctor is graduated in St. Louis
and has a Missouri license and .wanta
to move tor Detroit,- must ho get a
Michigan license? . My brother It the
doctor. (.Mrs. 13. M.) . -
Answer Michigan , anil Missouri
have reciprocity, so all your brother
has to do. is to submit his Missouri li
cense to tho registration board, 601
Stroh building, Detroit, Mich., and pay
a fee of f 50, - I believe.
Our 6. weeks old baby lias two
small red biVthniarks on her eyelids
In the corners near the nose. Will It
bo possible "to have thehi removed
without injury to the sight? Our
physician thinks they can bo removed
with some kind of snow. I can't re
member the name. (T. o. B.) -
Answer The removal of such things
front tho eyelids would not endanger
cypsleht." " -.- .' 1 '
Highest Quality Jewelry Repairing
Diamond. Setting, Watch
Satisfaction Assured In
- quality and price.
Mail us your wanta.
. .. REDDY & CO. ;" .
. For Second-Hand , 4
Furniture and Stove
Furniture House
315 E. Main Phone 505