o o o '. PAGE SDI MEDFORD MAIL TlitBtJNE, MFDFOBD. OKECiOy, FfiTDf. MAY 8. 1925 ' q E 1925 ELECTED Kowmkn, Vorlu Appli'tcate, ltuth Bow man and lieulah llurnett. Kev. Old fleM of the Congregational church of AHhlund. will deliver the commence ment addreHH. Phoenix high will put on a play next frYiduy evening at the Hchool house, at 8 o'clock. All the proceeds will go to our Httideut body. .Marlon CoHtley is now working at Unioi.h'asoline statelon Xo. G7, in Mod-ford. I At tne Metnouisc cnurcn sunuay, May 10th, at 8 o'clock in the evening. 1 , ! itev. Nelson of th Presbyterian I' The stockholders of the Jackson church of I'hoonlx, will deliver the Countv Fair association met last oven- baccalaureeate address to the grud- , '.. ... t f1r uutlng cIurs. ,UB uu u,.u ... ... , Hrnc,Im E K Evan8 was , Mcd. some Kina oi auracura. iu juue, u.- fur(, Tut.B(luy t.v,.ning to attend a meet ine the national guard encampment. The premium list committee Is working on the list for this year and any suggestions for changes should he made to C. C. Cate or Acting Secre tary Sid Brown. iiK of the Athletic Hoard of Control at the library, called by MVs. Susanne Carter, county superintendent of schools. (lold 1 f III III played ball here Wed nesday evening. Score 16 to 14 in The following directors were elected ,,,,. . .ri,.n,' m by the stockholders last night: B. C. j -,,,. Arcn icdtnundson Is 111 at her Oaddls. C. C. Cate, Vern H. Pendleton, 1 hon0 w)th Community club met dnnuilfiv u-ltH l Tfi.liorta (if Smith. P. E. Upton, O. O. Alenderrer Mmltrnd ns guest and speuker for the and Alec Sparrow. , . , 'afternoon. Nho gave , a very Interest - The directors chosen by the county ln ,nik on Hea Crass y,ork. A K00d committee were: A. C. Mnnlnger, attendance was present and delicious nullum, . v,. i.uitj, Tt.u ... . c............. nonie W,n i J. K. McCrucken, George Alford, J. W. i Tn(, !,., Wakefield, M. J. Morris, S. Sumpter ,nllt Wetlnciic N. H. Johnson, J. F. Wortmuii, Uoyal Brown, James Owens, B. J. Hoblson. , Directors appointed by the city: C. E. Gates, J. 11. Carlson. S. J. Drown, W. H. Gore, 11. L. Wallher, H. O. Probach. All the directors are earnestly ro- freshments wore served by the hos tesses of the afternoon. Mesdames Phulan and Clcmmens. MiHs ilertha Hayman Is mutating at Blue Flower lodge at Phuenix. .Mr. Cleve . Bandlln, who came last week with his mother from Wallowa quested to attend the meeting rrlday county to visit his brother on the evening, May 1G, at the council chain- highway, returned to Wallowa county ber in .Medford, to elect officers and iUNt Buturduy. His mother will re- transact Important business. Radio Programs ! for Tonight KFI, Ix)fl Angles, 4ti8-5 meters, 8 to 9, Aocllan Organ recital, f-atiirinft Ihe Aoollan residence IMpo organ with Van L. McFarlnnd at the console. ,-9 to 10, Program pronenled , hy tho I-uh AnKBles KveniiiK Herald. JO to II, program prenentod by tho artlfitH ap pearing in th Kjryptian Theater Pro logue under the dlroctlon of Sid Orau inan. !r I KIIJ. Los AnROles. 405.2 meterrf. .8 to 10, Program throuh tho couiteHy of the Atwater Kent Kudio company, arranged by Undo HcmuH (E. M. lton liell.) 10 to U. Art lllrkman's pance .orcheBtra fro mthe IIHtmoro Hotel, under the direction of Karl liurtnett. i, KFHCJ, I8 AiiKeles, 276.1 nietern, 6:30 to 10:30, (Jray Htudlo program, presented by the Silver hand under the idrectlon of Ot N. NlchoB. i KNX. Hollywood, 337 meters", 8 to 9, "Went Coant theaters from Went CoaBt studios. 0 to 10, Davis. Perfection )Jre(id company, courtosy program. 1 1 , to 12, Hotel AmhasBndor-Abe Lyman's ; . Poconnut Orove orchestra. J 2 to 2, ' WurJIter Night Hawks from Wurllter jitudlos. . r '.: KFWR, Hollywood. 252 meters. 0 to 10, , Clear Iuko Highlands program. 1, Clear lake Highland's orchestra; 2, Irene Authlor; 3. Charles eltuu; ' champ. 10 to 11, Warner Bros. Mov- Ihk Pleturo Jiour. . 11 to 1, Montnuir tro iCafo dance nniHic. ' f !KFCNt Loriff Peach, 232.4 meters, ,8 to D, Tho Press-Telegram program presented by Ituby Duncan Hicks, con cert pianist and trio. 9 to 11, Tho Vir gh)Jjl Hotel Hallroom orchestra, ; KPO, San Francisco, 428.3. meter. ; 8 to 11, l'rograms broadcast from the palace Hotel. ...RQO, Oakland, 301 meters. 8, An nual dinner, Mills College, Oakland, Calif., broadcast from the Hotel Oak : land. : KLX, Oakland. 508.2 meters, 8 to p. Studio program through the cour tesy of John Preunor company of Oakland. 10 to 10.30, MuhIc by Tom , Oerunovlch's Pnllroom Kutortalners, broadcast from Sweet's Pallroom Beautiful. KJIt, Seattle. 884.4 meters, 8:25 to - 8:80 U. S. Weather reports. 8:30 to 0 ; 1 6, Chamber of Commerco program. 9:16 to 10, Post'Intelllguncer studio rectital. fi.KFOA. Seattle, 456 meters. 8;15 . Weather report, 10 to 11 Fddle Hnrk nea sand his orchestra playing from the Marino lloom of tho Olympiu Ho tol. . , '.. ' KSU Salt Ijke City. 300 meters, 8 to 10, Musical program. main at the Handlln home in Talent and ut present is very 111. Porn to Mr. ' and MrH. Ed Maxson Monday, April 27th, 1U.5, a daughter. I Wunda Purvis gave a party last Saturday, to.aeveral of her little girl friends, honoring her ninth birthday. The seventh and eighth grades, chapuroned by their teacher, Mr. Chester L. Ward, enjoyed a picnic at the Forks last Saturday. Mr. ana Mrs. Marlon Tryer and daughter, Luura. attended the 160th anniversary of the I. p. O. F. as sociation of southern Oregon which was held at Uoguo Kiver, In its lovely park along the Rogue. A most enjoyable day was spent by the one or, two hundred Oddfellows and their, families assembled there. The day was ull that could he asked for by anyone for such a gathering and was enjoyed by everyone. Tho new officers elected for the ensuing year were Mr. Marion Tryer of Talent, president; Mr. James Whipple of Uogue Ulver, vlee-preHident; Mr. I-. J. 'Heed of Medford, secretary; Mr. John Demmer of Medford, treasurer. The society expects to have another picnic in September or October. Mr. Tryer la - visiting all the lodges In the district In nn effort to get more Interest aroused In this work. Mrs, John Robinson was trans acting business In Jacksonville on Thursday' of last 'week. lr. and Mrs. Marlon Tryer and daughter, Laura, were visitors at tho home of Mrs. Kato Hoffman In Jack sonville Saturday evening. Mr. Try er t nl.so , vlsltetV the JnkHonvlle f. 6. O. F. lodsre at this time; The HebeknhH of Talent .met at thc home of Mrs. John U. KoblnMon Fri day afternoon, May 1, and organized the Tah Rebekah club. It ,ia hoped that all Rebekaha will en deavor to attend these meetings, which will be held on the first Fri day of each month. The June meet ing will be held nt the home of Mrs. Blanche Robinson. The following of ficers were elected : Mra. Maurice Robinson, president; Mrs. Margaret Matt is, vice-president; Mrs. 1-dythe Ooddurd, secretary; Mrs. Mary liud geon, treasurer und Mrs. Anna Tryer, reporter. The afternoon was en Joyably spent In sewing and fancy work. The hostess assisted by Mra. Rlanche Robinson, served a most delicious lunch of roast chicken with dressing, salad, sandwiches and tea. The following are the char ter members of the club: Mrs. J. R. Robinson, MrB. It. K. Robinson Mrs, n. C. CJoddarrt, Mrs. E. E. Foss, Mrs. C. W. Holdriilge, Mrs. B. N. French, Mrs. Marion Tryer, Mrs. Kdythe Ooddard, Mrs. Mary Dudgeon and Miss Reriha Hayman. ( Notlcp. Saturday, May ifth will end our big auction sale. So don't fail to attend today and Saturday, .afternoon and evening, 2:30 to 7:30 p. m. Goods nt your own price. It will be your last chance. FAY E. DIAMOND, Jeweler. Medford. City Attorney John Carkln Is In Portland attending to official duties. llflnuittif! me world seems brighter when the coffee isdelicioiiSj' :. swell's NAIIONAL CHEST (pffee ORDER BY TELEPHONE , No; 1077 v ?, .i 1 500.000 cups were served iltfie PANAMA -PACIFIC International LX POSITION - O " . '!.' -. ' ' Engines Speak Well of . It i X7HEN-a' engine starts quickly and easily; when jt picks up smartly and surges with power; when it reels off extra miles per gallon then you know it is speaking well bf the gasoline you are feeding it. Many months ago, when GEN ERAL Gatoline was introduced to motorists for the first time, we asked v motorists to give it a fair trial. We said, "Fill Up Your Tank and Let Your Engine Decide I" And they did I Gasoline history has been made since then. The engines of thousands of motorists said "Yesl" emphatically. More thousands tried it and got the same answer. ' Engines "speak well" of GEN ERAL because it gives them, for the first time, a fuel, planned and made expressly for 'their requirements. GENERAL Gasoline is properly bal anced, high-grade gasoline, refined for the purpose for which it is sold. It guarantees you quick, easy starting; clean combustion; maximum power and full mileage. Its high quality never varies. . Sold Only by Authorized Independent Dealers "Fill Up Your Tank and Let Your ENGINE Decide!" R.m.mber Thin GENERAL Gaioline inuru you Ea.y Starting, Clean Com. buation, Maximum Power, Full Mileage! j. G LINE and Lubricants Judy & Frohbach, Inc. . Wholesale Distributors , . : : TALENTTALK . Tho school ontertninment Rlvon by the Rrades Innt Friday ovohlnK wan ; much enjoyed hy an enthuHinstU crowd. The firHt part conisHted of a May day cantata, In which mmbeamn, anowflakeH. raindrops, flowers, cater pillars, blrdu and butterflies were fea turod. A specialty, "Twenty KYok Riea" was sung after the first part of the program when real live Breed fropH hopped about the RtaKe. The fieeund part coimlnted of a negro folk nketch. "Sambo's Pnrty." hy boys and Uirln of tho 7th and Kth Rrudea. The chlldrenall did fine, and much credit is douo to thOBO in charge, for the moot excellent prom-am rendered. ' Minn Iru Upaon t()k her room, the 5th and 6th grades, out for a hike and picnic last Friday afternoon. Mantel's Max and Hubert Carter ere hoHts to tho G. K. M. Sunday chool class, of which they Rre meui berB, last Saturday evening. They both had birthdays within the week and tho occasion wan in honor of their . hirthdayH. Hit-hard UecHon of Med fgrd wun also a guent. Two huge birthday cukes grated tho table and the place cards were mudo of taffy. The boys had ft fine time playing fcainen and hope Max and Hubert will celebrate ugaln next yeur. -Will Oatman, Wayne Hill and Har old Stone returnod Monday from a week end cmpingtrip to the gap. The hoys found a stra ybllly goat up at the lookout station and brought him fntl town. Mr. Howard has installed a new ra dio the poat week and has Joined the radio fans. Donald Long Isver at Co pro now where ho has secured otnploymona. A goodly number of righ nchoojg ptudenta attendiJ the Miy day meet at rhoenlx lnt h'l Iday n flei noon when oft- boys playeJll. Commencement will occur next Thursday evenlnfr May. J4th,.-at. o'clock at high school building. There lire five gduates. Ivan Olcson, Alec Free Delivery Service Santford & Co. ,30-309 East kain; Street Phone 702 Phone 703 Free Delivery Service Service That Serves We bwri and operate our own delivery system. Our store is no farther away from you than your telephone. You can phone us your order and pay our fleliv erymah at your home. We guarantee every article we sell to be exactly as represented. You can return to us any article not satisfactory for any reason, and we will refund full purchase price. You therefore take no chances on ordering over your phone. You do not have to worry yourself picking it out and carrying a load home. You will be sur prised at th service wq furnish you. Free Delivery Service Prices Quoted in This Ad Aro i , Good Until Market Changes. Taney Seedless Raisins, lb... .10 4 Larg'e Rolls Toilet Paper. .25 10 Large Bars Crystal White Soap.. 40 10 'Lai-go Bars P. & G. Soap .40 Large Can Borden's Milk 09 Full Cream Cheese, lb.... 25 i-lb. Fahey .Tea,: Green or Black.......... .60 12-oz. Can Royal Baking Powder........ .43 Pint Can Mazola Oil .30 Quart Can Mazola Oil 55 9- lb. Sack Rolled Oats : 55 10- lb. Sack Corn Meal .40 3-lb. Can Ghirardelli's Chocolate 90 10-lb. Sack Pure Can Sugar 75 25-lb. Sack Pure Can Sugar 1.85 100-lb. Sack Pure Cane Sugar 6.75 3 lbs. Crisco 80 6 lbs. Crisco- '. 1.80 9 lbs. Crisco 2.20 &-lb. Pail Karo Syrup .80 Jello, any flavor 10 Tender Peas, can 15 6 Boxes Large Matches .25 2 Tins Prince Albert 25 Kellogg's Corn Flakes.. .10 - o o Compare the Price Compare the price you pay on each article you purchase each day in the week. Our price is governed by the market price, and changes accordingly. ' i Remember if Specials are not " used to draw you into a store with a higher price on other merchandise, then what are they used for? If Merchandise is worth so much money Saturday, for instance, why should the same merchandise be sold the middle of the week at a higher price? Com pare the price we ask you toith the price you are paying each. day. , .. Fre lTey Sftpyiee L !J i ! : I j imi miiiilw gtiiiiirJ'ii i m ii i i mm mi i , . ".I'-iMMmmmi,,, ,,'''Si',;K-"s-"-1 . . rjitj ' 9 '' ' ' '