MEDF0RT1 TRTOXTl. MTCDFGflRD, OTJEOON". FRTDAY, MAY 8, 9W,- . m PAGE THREE - ' 1 I.,, no . 1 ruuuoui .... . - . ... , uouies Full Cream Cheese, lb.. . . . .... . . . . . . X .... .' 25c Rolled Oats, Sperry's Quick Cooker, No. 10 sk, each. . . .4fc Lang's Assorted Chocolates, best quality, lb box. . . . . .37c Bacon Squares, sugar cured, lb. ....... . 23c Crab Meat, best quality, regular 35c seller, special ea. . .23c Bartlett Pears, Rogue River No. 2lA tin, each i . i . . . . .25c Iowa Chief Corn, 2 for. .....!... 25c Zed, the great Health Biscuit 27c Lettuce, nice firm heads, 4 for 25c You can buy it for less ait Louie's and you don't have to carry it. Louie's Two Phones 271 -272 C. O. D. if You Like "Who ran to help me when I fell, Or would some pretty story tell And kissed the place and made it well? My Mother." Sunday Is Mother's Day Make it a pleasing day for your mother. Give her a box of Whitman's Candies HEATH'S DtfcUG STORE(Phone 884) HASKINS' DRUG STORE(Phone 16) As near as your phone. Saturday Specials at the model; MARKET Pot Roast, lb. . . ?. hi ; . V Shoulder Pork Roast, lb. ........ Veal Roast, lb. Veal Stew, lb. ........ Sausage and Hamburger, lb.' Link Sausage, lb. Liver, 2 lbs. . Home sugar cured Bacon, lb. .... Fancy Dressed Poultry Phone 325 , . tJ .. '., ', .. ... , We Deliver 121c f22c .15c ,10c .20 c .25c .15c 35c IN BRAMWELL SUIT SALEM, Ore., May S. Frank C. Ilramwell, state superintendent of banks, has filed an affidavit of preju dice against JudRo L. H. McMahan of the circuit court here, in the action brought against liramwoll by George Putnam, publisher of the Capital Journal, to compel! Iiramwel! to re turn, the cffjcos of tl banking depart ment from Portland to Salem. Hramwell claims that McMnhan is prejudiced against him. Under the' law the affidavit cannot, be contested and it will be necessary for Judge Percy R. Kelly, presiding judge of the court here, - either to. hear the case himself or appoint a judge from an other district to hear it. I. H. Van Winkle, attorney-general, and Sidney J. Graham of Portland, at torneys for Hramwell, today filed a demurer to the complaint, declaring facts sufficient to constitution action are lacking. Braniwell was to appear today and show cause-why lie should not return the office to Salem. Tho filing of the demurer will obviate that procedure. , 1CIANS BRITISH CURE FOR PRICE BOOSTING LONDON", May S. (Ry the Asso ciated Press.) The fuod commission yhteh Jins for many months been hearing; evidence renardlnj; food prices today, issues Its reports one majority and two minority. Tho majority re port, signed with various reservations by Chairman' Auckland (icddcs and other members of the commission, recommends the establishment of a food council to maintain supervision over the staple food trades. This prin cipal recommendation dominates most of tho suggestions made. The commissioners recommend that the food council closely watch future developments In connection with tho Importation of meat from Argentina. They think it may bo come neces sary for the government to intervene by acquiring a controlling Interest' in the British companies operating ' In Argentina or in some other way, If at any time tho supply of chilled and frozen meat from this source should be dominated by an adverse trading com bination. t In connection with the baking and distribution of bread, the commission recommends that the council inventi nte thp, present overlapping super vision; ;w-atch tho operations of tho milling and price fixing associations and intervene if necessary in the In terests of the consumers. V AfCFS' AND PIFS i CAKES FOR SATURDAY Cocoanut Cream Chocolate Tutti Fruitti Date Layer Angel Food Lady Golden Glow Ribbon Chocolate Nut Marble Angel Food Orange Sponge Marshmallow Squares Nut Cup Cakes Caramel PIES FOR SATURDAY Butter Scotch : Apple Lemon Cream Pumpkin Rhubarb held for forger? . .Highway check Bob Ilarnlsli of Enslc Point is under arrest on the chiii-go of forninK a chuck on the state hlgbwny deiiartmeirt. and following Ills arrest on that ctmree on an affidavit sworn out by Itoy A. Klino, state 1 highway engineer, was beliiK held on $1000 bond for his pre liminary hearing, which was scheduled to be held in Judge Taylor's court hero this afternoon. t Few details as yet can be obtained as to the exact status of the case, beyond the (net that the accused man is charged with forging a check of ?19 on the state highway department, .of which ho is said to bo or have been, an employe, and that J. M. Dovorn of Salem, assistant a'Uorney of tho stitto highway department. Is here assisting District Attorney Chancy in looking after tho prosecution. Fresh 'Home-Made Salad Fresh Home-Made Cottage Cheese- ...... ; ; . ':... .". , ,; Fresh Vegetables of All Kinds All telephone orders receive the same careful attention, as if you called at the store in person. Experienced Salesmen to Serve You. Personal Attention . , Prompt Service Phone 252 MARSH V i f " Phone 252 .! GROCER t COPCO EMPLOYES E JL PORTLANDt- Ore., May 8. The Oregon Music Teacher's association established a, new anil definite stand ard' of merit for Its membership to day at the first business seasion ot Us 'tenth annual convention, i An amendment to Article III t the as sociation's constitution, ? which . pro vides that teachers to bocomo mem bers --must be , accredited by the. Ore gon tSate Education department, or must be J'graduates of a recognized and reputable school, college or con servatory of music," or: must be. able to jlrove to the membership commit tee their fitness to teach music, was passed unanimously. The remainder of the session was devoted to a dis cussion oh piano teaching. The afternoon wtts 'devoted" to a discus sion of the "master class" followed by an organ concert under the aus pices of the Oregon .chapter, Ameri- : can Guild of Organists. Tonight a ! concert will be given by Miss Lusinn t Barakian, soprano, and ; MIbp Mary Camoron, p 1 a n I s t, of Washington State college, LET'S HAVE A PICNIC! Picnic and Luncheon Sets 10c (Contain one table cdver 42x56, 10 plates and 10 napkins) Picnic Plates, wopden......... :--6 for a dime Paper Napkins - . - 100 for 15c, Toothpicks (enough for 1000 meals):.......:.... 10c And everything to fill the plates, which includes: Sandwich Bread, Sandwich Spread, Deviled" and Chili Meats. Picldessweet, sour, dills, and mixed sweet and sour mixed. Olives ripe, green and stuffed. . ' , ' Catsup, mustard and salad dressings. , Sardines, Cheese, Pork and Beans. Peanut Butter and supplies of all kinds for anything you want to make, to take on your outing. . ...... m . McDonald's Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Notions. 225 West Main St. Accommodating Service. Phone 125 f TO STAGE FROLIC A novel dance . and ontertnlnmont will be given by the Coiico forum at the St. Mark's Guild hall, on Friday evening, May 15. .The entire program will be put on by the personnel of the warehouse, shop and purchasing departments. Dancing will be the chief pastime, but will bo interspersed by a number of vaudeville stuutu and specialties. All committees are hard at work perfecting the details of the affair and it is expected that the dramatic efforts of the various porformers will startle even the most sophisticated audience. Spectators will be requested to leave all garden products at home,, as they will be subject to search before beliiK admitted to the hall,. , Km, Every largo forest firo In our vicinity reducpa the valuo of our 'town property. miawwff reoomni'ciidfi 'iiiu't' tiicj(cnkinepi Ing prb'r fcsMon, "In ''(he" into rent of niitionaV lol'ennc," mnke overy effort to iuieer taln tho exact facts of tlTe Hltuatloni "In Hclontiflc unci engineering pro gress in aviation, more particularly lu hoavier-thun-uir machines, the Unit ed Rtatea now loads the world," nays ; the report. "In the development of i commercial aviation by private inltia- , tlvo, however, the United .HtnteH 1m j UiKKhig far behind other .countries.". I CITY MEAT MARKET . A Full Line'of "' "'" i Quality Meats and Poultry. CHAPMAN STOLE NEW YORK. Mnv 8. Bonda that formed part of the loot of Gerald Chapman, convicted murderer s and mail bandit, were recovered today with the arrest of John J. Phalan,. charged with grand larceny in connection with a loan of $K500 obtained from the First National bank of Lynbrook, Long Island, on somo of the stolen collateral. Nassau county authorities said the numbers on some of tho bonds de posited by Phalan corresponded with these on bonds stolen In the sensa; tlonal lower, Hroadway mall truck robbery in which Chapman and two pals were charged with having escaped wun iz,4UU,ouo worth of loot. Other bondB were believed to have been taken in a raid on the Wilton Trust company at Wilton, Me., in 1923. This robbery also was laid nt the door of Chapman and his associates. Phalan, who is 37 years old, was arrested in a cafe at Seventieth ave nue and One Hundred and Twenty fifth street, Harlem, today. BY. SECY. HOOVER PH I LABKLPH I A, May 8. (By As sociated Press.) An investiKiition of the aircraft Bituation under the direc tion of Secretary Hoover of tho de partment of commerce is urged by a committee on aeronautics of the American Knglneerlns Council, head ed hy ProfesKor Roe, of New York university. TMS The committee report, wlh is to be reported today to tho ad mlnlstra tlve bourtl of the council mettnp Belgian Ministry Troubled. BltUHSULS, May 8. Aloys Van do, former Beliun finance minister, today nroecl to attempt to form u cabinet to succoed 1 that of former Premier ; Theunis, which resigned April 5. , ;, . i,. Oregon Weather, i Cloudy tonight and Saturday, prob ably rain in west, and extreme north portions;! slightly warmer In north west portion tonight; moderate vuii ablo winds becoming,. fresh southerly. Picnics 21c Eastern Hams 33c Corn Beef 15cr Phone .324 D. il. Barfteburg :S- 1. H. W Barneburg v OK ft SAYITWITH m It pays to pay cash, especiallyat the 20th Century Stores. There large savings always in store for Jyou. T a k e ad . vantage of these offerings. w ; v ' '' i. -2 -U- ' SATURDAY AND MONDAY, MAY 9 AND 11 CarnatibfiJ Milkfi .? TShredclea Whdat " ' vt Corn 'Meal-Preeh -1 ' Tall cans .........9c. Package A.......10c 10-lb. sack.. ..37c TROPIKO GRAPEFRUIT New pack delicious .golden- ripe 'fruit " ' ' '' . ' ' Can 22c; 3 for 64c Amaizo Oil . H-0 Quick Oats Hillsdale hbrt Asbaragua tips; Quart can......... 43c Package 15c Pound bail ...............:.. ..lv29c.' FANCY CRAB ''SakhaHiiVBrand, 00 leg meatlialves; ' ce&tt.3$ Raisins-Thompsoii . , ; ( Pure Shortening Pineapple Standard Biiced, Seedless, 3 lbsV..........32cbulk, & ibsl::. 58c large cans, each .;...,,.25c, 20TH CENTURY BROOMS G-scw, strong, mod. w(j.,'fincst quality!; each" 98c "American Dry'. . Gihgerale . , Grape Juice "Dickinson's," a North-. "See America First," large bot...20c west product, 'pint bottlet...'. ;.'......32c' : . .FLOUR ' : '.V:,.-:' Vim, the Old Reliable, Best Patent, 49-lb. sack... $2.29 Sauer Kraut-f Mission Brand ,, (-, Norwegian tSafdinesNew , pabk , in Large cans, 2 for."."....'. '.'.......'...l;.......25c pure olive oil, 2 cans......................25c "', . Minced Clams glaives,' 3 for..,.i.47c; , ',r '' , 20TH CENTURY COFFEE "Satisfying' ' that's all. you want in coffee. Direct to you from' our own Itoaster, 2 lbs 95c TOILET PAPER, 1000 sheets finest'tissue, 3 rolls.'...!:.!.! ;.'.....:;........:....'.'..'.22c 3 Soft Crepe, large 7-ouncc roll, 4 for... ....,.;..::..,: ......:..........:..2c. 20th CENTURY GROGERY GRANTS PASS 511 W. G St. MEDFORD 31 N. Central 1", . ASHLAND 374 E. Main