Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 08, 1925, Page 11, Image 11

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Clean K
"Oh ! how clear and beautiful your
complexion is-toduy, my dearl".
k'X'HERE is a certain joy a certain
x pride in Knowing you are ad
mired, whether it be from father,
brother, husband or sweetheart! And
back of that joy is the satisfaction
of knowing all is well.
Men are fascinated by the charms
of beauty. Women gaze with envy,
secretly jealous, perhaps, wondering
hoping praying for that attrac
tiveness which is not theirs. But why
the wondering the hoping the
praying foi that craved for attrac
tiveness that clear skin that beau
ty. A clear skin is the barometer
of one's condition. A healthy skin
radiates beauty. Pure,' clean blood
means a clear skin.
S.S.S. is waiting to help you. It
will rid your blood of its impuri
ties and give you that clear com
plexion. Since 182C S.S.S. has been
ridding people of blood impurities,
from pimples, from blackheads, boils,
eczema and from rheumatism, too.
Because S.S.S. is made from fresh
herbs and barks, it may be taken with
perfect safety. Try it yourself. You
will not only look better, but you will
feel better, too.
S.S.S. fa Bold at all good drug
stores in two eizes. The lurger flizo
Is more economical.
C C Worlds Best
Phone 244
23 N. Fir St.
First Insurance
A. L. HILL, Manager
Phone 105 30 North Central
Medford, Ore.
Wong' Pon
For Treatment of
Acnte and Chronic
Diseases of Men
and Women,
CaDier and tumor treated, lnflrensa, Hd
aey, bladder and stomach troubes, fits,
hernia, rupture, colds, female troubles, par
alysis, fever, pneumonia, asthma and throat
troubles, rheumatism, amenbrrboea, goitre,
consumption, catarrh, piles, hydrocele, al
bumin. Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Consultation Free
241 South Front St Medford, Ore.
. wrmrrrrn i - , 1
lit 1 iifpiryy zjP
'Ji H sLS r2IV
itr 1 wn m Hi lrl
RIDICULOUS 1 you say. Yet that la
what hundreds of people do every
day when they engage the services of
other than a trained RECTAL SPE
CIALIST to cure their Piles. Nowonder
they receive no benefit and continue to
suffer, and condemn the doctor for their
time and money wasted.
My years of training and experience
treating RECTAL and COLON ail
ments alone enables me to give a written
lite-long (jUAtwMi i tc
that 1 will cure your Piles
Write today for mjf FREE BOOK
run or tups i
Portland oratxs: seattue F5":
' 9 TM ANDMAI rt
News of Jackson County
TAKLE ROCK, May 7. The plant
ing of corn, potatoes and melons la In
full Kwlnc: in thla Bection and indica
tions point to a considerable increase
in corn and melon acreage.
Those from here who attended the
meeting of the "West Side Community
club last Saturday night report a very
delightful time.
Air. Graves and family have moved
into the Harry Nealon house. Mr.
Graves Is employed at the Modoc or
The report of the aerious accident
to Sidney Olson at Medford last Mon
day evening came as a, shock to his
many friends here who deeply sym
pathize and are hoping for his full
recovery. , r
This district should be well sup
plied with beans next winter as P. M.
Blaln is planting some ten acres of the
kind used ns dry or shelled beans.
Some of . our farmers are putting
out squirrel poison and some good re
suits are reported.
Our orchardists have finished put
ting on the first sprayings of the sea
son and are now turning their atten
tion to blight control.
Many people from all parts of the
valley climb lower Table Rock to en
joy the wonderful view that can now
be had. .
On Sunday, April 28, It was esti
mated that two hundred people made
the trip, and again last Sunday a lurge
number enjoyed the strenuous hike
and wonderful scenery.
A tennis court is being constructed
by the young people at the Seabrook's
Several Table Rock ladles attended
a meeting at the school house one day
last week where Miss Ada Brewster,
home demonstration agent, exhibited
plans for making ladies' headgear.
At the present time more than one
hundred dairy cows are being milked
In this district, the largest herd belnr;
onthe Dun lap ranch, wherea herd of
twenty-six are care for by Davis and
Prospects so far In this section in
dicate a normal crop of fruit of all
Alderbrook school' nnd quite a few of
the parents and patrons of the school
enjoyed a May day .picnic on tho
school grounds Monday of this week.
The two Hosklns brothers and
their wives of Hood River, Ore., have
been visiting the latter'a mqther, Mrs.
Julia Griffiths, and their brothers,
Charles and Gerald Herman. They
also - visited another brother and
family, .Toe Hoskins of Trail creek.
Thev returned to their homes well
pleased with our valley and may de
cide to locate here later on.
Another victim of the tricks of
an unruly Ford is Al Kimball, who
is now nursing a broken arm. As
he and George Smith were starting
home last Thursday evening from
their work on the road in the
Meadows, when he cranked his car,
in some way the spark lover came
unhooked, throwing on a full spark,
ausing the crank to kick back,
breaking one bone of the right fore
arm. They drove into Gold Hill,
where Dr. Chisholm dressed the in
jured arm, which is improving
Frank Guy, a former well known
resident of this valley, but now of
Bend, Ore., accompanied by his wife,
Is visiting at the- home; of his
brother, Fred Guy. Frnnk, who
was considered by all his friends
here to be a confirmed bachelor,
gave them quite a surprise last sum
mer by taking unto himself a wife,
who was formerly one of his boyhood
Ralph Dusenberry has traded his
Ford truck for a touring car, ana
has moved to the Morgan sawmill
near Trail, where he expects to drive
a truck this summer, hauling lum
ber. . .
Mrs. Maud Boswell of Central
Point, has been visiting at the home
of Mrs. lilu Dusenberry a few days
this week, and has also been so
liciting orders in Gold Hill for the
Franco-American toilet articles, for
which she has the agency in this
Jess Ring, who has been sick for
some time, ..-last week went home
with his daughter, Minnie, to Mc
Cloud, Calif., where he can have
medical attention and good care.
He writes back that his doctor says
he will soon have him able to
"hunt buck."
REESE CREEK, ,Muy 8. The all
day meeting at Reese Creek last Sun
day was well attended, between' 150
and 200 eating dinner, about 75 at
Sunday school. Just after Sunday
school Rev. McDonald of Trail
preached on the "Leprosy of Sin."
taking for his text 2 Kings 5-12.
"Are Not Abuna and l'harpar, rivers
of Damascus, better than all the
waters of Israel? May I not wash in
them, and be clean ? So he turned
and 'went away in a rage." At the
dinner hour there was a good social
time and abundance to eat. The
automobiles were driven in a semi
circle and seats placed In front of the
building so that tho speaker could
stand on the steps, (there being too
many to get into the building). Rev.
A. T. Byors of Ashland preached on
the gospel, "God's Spell," Luko 4:18,
19, "The spirit of the Lord Ls upon
me, because' he hath anointed mo to
preach the gospel to the poor; he
hath sent' me to heal the broken
hearted, to preach deliverance to the
captives, and recovering of sight to
the blind, to set at liberty them that
are bruised, to preach the acceptable
year of the Lord." These words were
prophesied by Isaiah, and fulfilled
In Christ. He preached the whole
truth as set forth in these verses.
The singing was wonderful, a num
ber from Grants Pass and Medford
for there, they were all good singers
and sung the Reformation songs with
enthusiasm. Rev. Byors, wife and
daughter sang two or three selections
which were wonderful. Sunday school
next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Subject,
"Philip nnd tho Ethiopian Treasurer."
Memory verse: "Tho entrance of thy
words giveth life," Ph. 119:130.
Miss Cnindull left Monday for Long
Beach, Calif. She will bo greatly
missed, not only by her brother's
family (with whom she has been
sinco the passing away of Mrs. Cran
dall) but also by her many friends
who are sorry to lose her.
Rev. John Stille was quite sick with
the flu for a few days last week.
Monday morning Mrs. W. E. Hnm
mel received, the sud news of the
passing away of their uncle who lived
at Alturas, Calif. Marshall Minter,
Mrs. Sam Courtney, Mrs. V, E. Ham
mel, and Mina Minter left at once for
the funeral. .
The Reese Creek school was hon
ored last week with a program of lan
tern slides of the Forest Fire Preven
tion stations. Mr. Brown of the for
est service, gave a talk on the work.
The pupils of both rooms sang several
songs in appreciation of the pictures
and talk.
plaintiff will further apply to the said
court for a decree decreeing the plain
tiff to be the owner and entitled to
the possess!, of the following de
scribed reiw propiity, Mtuated in
Jackson county, Oregon, to-wit:
The Northeast quarter of Section
Twenty and tho West half of the
Northeast quarter of Section ;i0 in
Township 3 South of Range Three
Ktist of the Willamette eMridiun.
And for a decree to the effect that
the plaintiff is the owner of said
premises, freed from any claim, lien
or interest of any of the above named
defendants and each of them, and any
person, company or corporation claim
ing by, through or under them, and
that none of the snid parties have any
right, title, interest, estate or Hen in
:or to the said property described in
the complaint, ami as specified in said
East of the Willamette .Meridian.
And tho plaintiff will take judgment
against such defendants as appear
herein for plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements of this suit to be taxed.
and will take a decree for such other
and further relief as to the court shall
seem just and equitable In the pre
mises. .
This summons is published tinder
and in accordance with the order of
date May 4th, 1925, of the above en
titled court and cause requiring it to
be published in the Medford Mail
Tribune, a daily newspaper published
In Medford, Jnckson county, Oregon,
once a week for a period of six weeks,
and requires you and each of vou to
appear and answer the complaint
herein on or before the expiration of
the Inst day prescribed in said order
for the publication of said summons,
which last day is the 19th day of June,
lyzo. -me ante or tne first nub ca
tion of this summons is the 8th day of
Moy, 1925.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address: 412 Liberty Building. Med-
ford. Jackson County. Oregon.
We are having services every Sun
day afternoon at 2:30 nt the Browns
bo ro school house. Our lesson for
May 3. 1925 was, Daniel's Request, or
the Benefits of Total Abstinence. Dan
iel 1:8-17. Golden text: Daniel pur
posed in his heart that he would not
defile himself with the portion of the
king's meat, nor with the wine which
he drank. The lesson for Alay 10,
1925 will be, "The Man In the Chariot
or Philip and the Etheopian Treas
urer, Acts 8:26-39. Golden text: The
entrance of thy words giveth light.
Read also Isaiah 53:7-12. Everyone
is Invited to come.
S. L. Hoagland and son Raymond
made a business trip to Medford
Tuesday. -
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen made
a business trip to Mediurd one day
last week.
J. D. Henry made a business trip to
Medford Saturday.
Mr. nnjl Mrs. Ralph Tucker, Ellon
Tucker and Stella Adams wre busi
ness callers In Medfurd Saturday.
Summons for Publication.
Equity No. 2991.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Jackson.
The California Oregon Power Com
pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs.
Rosa Reed, Nettle Reed, Mary
Wood, W. A. Ellett, A. R. Ellett, the
heirs of Innes Ellett, deceased, and
the unknown heirs of Innes Elletl,
deceased, and the unknown heirs
of Rosa Reed, Nettie Reed, Mary
Wood, W. A. Ellett and A. R. Ellett,
, John Clements- nnd Margaret Ann
Clements, his wife, and the un
known heirs of John Clements and
Margaret Ann Clements; Gold-Ray
Realty Co., a corporation, Gold-Ray
Realty Company, a corporation, and
all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest in tho real es
tate described In the complaint
herein. Defendants.
To Rosa Reed. Nettie Reed, Mary
Wood, Wr A. Ellett, A. R. Ellett, the
heirs of Innes Ellett, deceased, and
the unknown heirs of Innes Ellett, de
ceased, and the unknown heirs of Rosa
Reed, Nettie Reed, Mary Wood, W. A.
Ellett and A. R. Ellett; John Clem
ents and Margaret Ann Clements, his
wife, and the unknown heirs of John
Clements and Margaret Ann Clements:
Gold-Rny Realty Co., a corporation,
Gold-Ray Realty Company, a corpora
tion, and all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest in the real estate
described in the complaint herein, the
above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear in the above entitled
court and cause and there answer the
complaint of the plaintiff on file
therein against you .within ten (10)
days from the date of service of this
summons upon you, if served within
Jackson County, Oregon; or if served
within any other county of Oregon,
then within twenty (20) days from
the date of the service of this sum
mons upon you; or if served by publi
cation, or out ot the state of Oregon,
after an order of publication, then on
or before the last day prescribed In the
order for the publication of the sum
mons, which last day is the 19th day
of June, 1925.
And you will please take notice that
If yoi- fail to so appear and answer
said complaint within said time, the
plaintiff will apply to the above enti
tled court for the relief prayed for In
the complaint, an das specified In said
complaint, reference being made to
the original complaint on file herein
and to the whole thereof. And the
and we have Winstel's
Delicious Candies. '
Corner Fir and Main
A bouquet of flowers, radiant, in the fresh beauty of nature, is an appro
priate gift to express the sentiment of Mothers' Pay. Let us fill your order.
All kinds of flowers and plants. '
S. Riverside and Earheart St. '' . - Phone 1040
Wrecks &
Announce the Opening of Their
Larger and More Complete Than Ever
, With an Entireljr
New Line of Pianos
and a Full Line of
New Player Rolls
The STAR in Four Different Models
10 Deposit
Puts a Piano in Your Home.
Balance On Easy Payments.
and the Latest and Newest
Brunswick and Aeolian Records
D. C. Durham, Expert Tuner, Will Be in Charge of This Department. An
Entirely New Sales Policy WiU Enable Us to Make Real Savings for You
When You Buy a Piano.