o o urTOPoftn matc TTtTnuyn, urETiroRrj, ortEfioT, ttttttcstoiy, may 7, 102.-5 pxfiE mam A LOCAL BANQUET A banquet wns given at the Hotel SOCIALISTS FILE E The Noted Dead Pi-ess.) Sir niCRLIX. Muy 7. (liy the Associat- Medford list night by J. H. Cochran. e Press.) Official protest has been manager of tho southern Oretfon and entered by the socialists aKin"t the northern Calffoinia general agency of validity of the election of Field Mur ine Pacific Mutual Lire Insurance company, honoring the officers of the home office. In addition to members of Mr. Coch ran's agency force and medical exam iners of Med ford, there were several Invited guests. Duo to illness Mr. Cochran was- unable to bo present, and the banquet was presided over by J. W. Kirkpatrick, special agent of the local office. Following the dinner speeches were made by the home office members present. Frank R. Woodbury, vice-president of the company, spoke at length of the growth of life insurance in general and of the Pacific Mutual in particular. predicting great things in the future of life Insurance. shal Von Ilindenburtf as president of Germany. The socialists charue many irregularities and demand that the election bo declared void. This action, however, does not seem to worry the nationalists, who say It will be difficult to prove that the cir cumstances were Fuch to affect the result of the vote In which Von Hin- dnburg received a plurality of 902, 911. The Hociutist paper. Vorwaerts cites as evidence, either of intimidation or fraud, the fact that the nationalists after the election published n list of localities In which every voto wus re- I corded for Von Hfndenhurf?. May 7. (By Associated Dover ton Hturdee, ad miral of the fleet, who commanded the British squadron In I ha battle of Falkland Islands , in 1914, and later participated In the battle of Jutland died today, lie had been III for some time. Entering: the navy in 1871, he rose by successive stages to the rank of rear admiral In 19 OH and was made a vice admiral Just before the war be gan. He commanded the Anglo American force In the Samoan troubles in 1HU8-99. A baronetcy was conferred on him in 1916. EA C0UNWEIT PASADENA, Cat., May 7. Corde nio A. Severance of St. Paul, former president of the American liar as sociation and lawyer of international fop tne K'lu LONDON. May 7. (Tly the Asso ciated Press.) The remarkable slump In wotl prices la attractinK attention, the' prices having fullen about forty per cent in four nionthB without much apaprent cause. The buyers, it is said, miscalculated the rate of consumption and conse quently have many thousands of bales on hand, but out enough to uccount mp. Kir Arthur Goldfinch, director of war material during the World war, and an authority on wool, is qulted by the Dally Mail as saying- that the sur plus is very small as compared with the average consumption, but that ow ing: to It something like a puntc is onw occurring. . The Melbourne correspondent of the L. W. Morgan, superintendent of the! . 11 a meonceivanie. ne paper says. policy department, spoke of Important in,u ,n a "'ry pomieaiiy uiKunueo, changes In life Insurance policies, 1 11,1 vo,B 1,1 wverul localities particularly of the disability features. iBhoultl hav" Konc tov OIUJ nmn extended Insurance and surrender1 "''" socialists assert that the elec vnlues. nil of which have been added torH " numerous rural districts were during the growth of life Insurance. c"'oed Into voting for tho field mar Cary Groton. assistant secretary of fihlU because transparent Instead of the non-cancellable division, told how opaque envelopes were useu, tnus per. thn Pacific Mutual n'onenred the non- mltlhiK the election of officials to see reputation, is .dead at his winter home here. Mrs, Severance was with her hus band when heart disease abruptly terminated his life late yesterday. She will accompany the body to St. Paul for burial, leaving Pasadena to morrow. Porn at Manlorville, Minn., In 13C2 Mr. Severance entered the law office l)&ny Tet.Braph rvJiorlti thnt a coun DaviH as a young man. and In 1887 formed with Davis and Frank H. Kellogg, now secretary of state, the firm of Davis, Kellogg and Sever ance, ah a mepwjer ot mis urm phou(l he no Ba,ca (n AU8traUa for won wine repuuuion as an iiumumy .p on corporation luw, nariiciimuug in ninny Important cases. He was president of the Amo Par association in 1U21. He was t active republican and orved I rlnuH commissions, but never held polltllal office. WASHINGTON, May 7. IB the Associated Press) One of the great est conspiracies for the counterfeit ing of government securities ever dis covered is declared by secret service officials here to be involved in the indictment at Pittsburg yesterday of eight nien on counterfeiting charges. Hetween 40 and 60 persons are under arrest In three states on charges of having manufactured and distributed fake war savings stamps and revenue strip ..stamps. Trial of the alleged leaders is to start In Chi cago next week. Says Ordtaary "Buttermilk Best . For Jreckles, Sunburn and Tan AdvlMM Old Time- ltrripe of IliiUer rnilk freain tn a Sew Wuy A t;t'iillu Miiwaiicn Willi rinRvrs Be fore Jlotlrlyic Is All Tliul 4 aNwcMuiry. riutfrrmilk and Ovum Slmiilo Kern eclies Uest Kiw Fuec, llimila und Arms In l-:quislte Condition Son, Smooth und Brauli'iil. The old-time application of Butter milk anil Cream to whiten and pre aerve the skin and remove harsh lit tle wrinkles and uuly sallowness is grandmother', recipe and. women throughout the country are aBain ulnc it to ensure n beautiful com plexion and snow-white arms. Buttermilk, however, is not always .obtainable, but last perfected J hands and ' it's just a common ordinary buevr- milk in the form of a wonderful specialist haB at cream. ThafB ,oil. Howards Buw IliemOU OI cunui'ii- UTIIUIK ".. "& i.nn cancellable Income Insurance and of the wonderful program of this form of dlsfibllity insurance. AH of the officers complimented Mr. Cochran's agency on the larne volume of business bolntf done and predicted a great future for this nuoncy. They were also loud In their praise of Mod ford and vicinity nnii are planning vaoation trips to thlH miction. The following wore In attendance: L. VV. Morgan, superintendent of pol icy departmont; Cary flioton. assist ant secretary non-cancellable division; Frank R. Woodbury, vice-president; Dr. E. 13. rickel, chief medical ex uminer; Dr. P. O. Thayer, Dr. Wm. W, P. Holt, examining physicians; J. W. Kirkpatrick, special non-cancellable agent; J A. Tlialhofer, district manager at Klamath Falls: Henry Under, executive ngeut; II. K. Camp bell and S. II. llutlcr,' hankers of Eagle Point; Ray Henderaon and II. V. W. Rpllver, local agents; T. J. Fuson, non-cancellnble agent nnd Now York Mutual mumiKur: J. O. Isnncson of Central point, C. I, (loff, fire Jn surnnce agent; I.. II. Tuttle and A. J. Thalhofer, guests. The table decorations wore beauti ful and unique, a special, foature being the place cards doslgned by MIrs Bnodicor, which was the emblem or tho b!g troe, "tllnnt of the Pacific," which Is the Pacific Mutual slogun. IXIN'DOX. May 7. (I'.y the Asso ciated Press.) Viscount L-everhulme, which wuy the ballots wree east. The protest in a form of a plea for fin in IniwHfin ntlfi.rr,i thnt iirAiuiirn lu being exerted upon the election con?- Industrial leader and multi-millionaire misslson l.v fixinir nurh an nnrlv dull ' soan kinf?' BUCCumhed to pneumo- as May 12 for Von Hindenburg's In auKuration, as the commlssslon is thus not afforded sufficient time to can- tintinr, ii..irrmiib und romi ti ne it the finger ups urounu ino corners Federal agents have captured fake wUh a perfe,.t t.ream. which you of the eyes and mouth. stamps with a face value of $190,000 cnn b in 8nn qU(intities ready to To get the best effect, be sure to and agents In Chirajro have seized U8e Rl any f(rst (rjilPS drus store by follow the simple directions. Drug- seyeral of .the counterfeiting outfits, t Rmnl otli,tn fnr "UnwRrdV1 Hut- cists guarantee a noticeable Improve- ci! of Australian wool brokers inani- '""V 3nr i'r I termilk Cream. , ment a ir Vi? " .? uv. There is no secret nhout It nor is iney win muiiu m "wncj. ai an in ten or eleven cases. there any doubt about the result drugfrlsts Adv. --Secret service officials said today i ; ..m. , ..s ' . . the ganpr had built up a resourceful distributing organization by which the stnmps were passed along through friends of the gangsters and cashed at poatoffices. Most of llie distributing was done through headquarters in Cleveland and Pitts burg. ' j . : i mously resolved yesterday that It was I desirable to suspend all wool sales I throughout Australia until July 1, and it was actually decided that there Pickup mil of QUENTIN vass tho returns. Agitation alno continues over the is sue whether tho republican flag shall be retained, or the old bluck, white nnd red re-adopted. WOMAN HEAD OF BABY HOME IS nla at 4:30 o'clock this morning after u brief Illness. He was 74 years old. As William Ilaskins Lever, he start ed work in his youth as a soap cutter. but within a few years founded a small factory of his own, and built up the business until his enterprises "assumed I world wide importance. He was rats- lng his wife's maiden name llulme with his own, became Viscount Lever- hulme. UNABLE TO AGREE NEW VOIIK, May 7. Mrs. Helen AuitUHt Clclsenvnlk, who conducts a baby home in East Sfilh street was held In JJ5.O00 hall In police court to day on a charge of substituting chil dren placetl in her iiiHtltutton. , A.Hnlmiuit District Attorney white, who appeared nKUln.it the woman in court snld numerous eomplnlntH had BY POLICE OF SPOKANE NEVADA CITY, May 7. A posse loft this morning for the crest of the snow covered Sierras in pursuit of two men believed to bo Convicts Hall and Tanko. An automobile with un un conscious man. .beside two others was reported to have been soen passing through Loyal to nlr on the road to Reno, Xev. The same machine passed through Duwnlevllle last night. A well dressed man. with hancs crossed as though tied, and with head hanging limply on his cheat was beside the driver. Jorigt Protests Tax I ; DETROIT, May 7. The Dodgo board of assessors lnte today lopped $17,000,000 from their earlier apprat- jsal of 945.000,000 as the John F. Dodge estate's share of the sale price of Dodgo Brothers, Inc. Trustees of , the estate immediately unnouueed i they would content the board's action. THE SCRATCH FEED Jliinufactiireil and Sold by the Morton Milling Co. is as elieap as wheat and is n much better balanced feed. Phone 311 Free Delivery . 4 W. Jackson St. SERVICES HELD IN N. Y L iw ismHKnuuHUH'ALV.ua nHBMUunuaHnuBua Come on, folks, come on along where the crowds are headed tonight ALBURNS The Miracle Man SPOKANE, Wash., May Oollec- POTITLAND, Ore., May 7. The Jury which tried Edgar Itlani'hard. dismissed Portland policeman, on a charge of iiHsault am) battery, in connection with u raid March 21 on the home of David Koulkes, reported at 11 p. m. last night thnt It was hopelessly divided and was discharg ed by Circuit Judge Sklpworth. The poliiomnn wus charged with striking David Koulkes. Jr. Utani;hard denied that ho wilfully struck young Koulkes. Me said the blow Was dellverpd as he was trying to foroe the door, which was being ' hold by the boy. Blanchard said he apologized when ha realized thnt he was attempting to entor tho wrong home. A house across tho street was the nno which hud been picked to raid the officer said. heon .made against her by mothers, 'day lie told the magistrate the charge against the woman probably would be ch an trod inter tn hnmlclrln. I Tho iirnHei'iif nr unlit Ir hn.l Imnn ported It to him that twelve rhildrcn starved to death In tile woman's insti tution In one month. A former nurse in the baby home, he aaid, had told him Mr.s, (tdseuvolk was "cruel to all her charges." The specific charge on which the woman was arraigned was made by William Argere of Manhattan who said he placed his four-months old son in her care and that another child was returned to him. NEW VORKr May 7. (By Assoc!- 1 a'tfd Press.) . "Memorial services in Town Mall this afternoon mark the tenth anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitnnta with the losn of 1 1 OS Mvuh. including 1 !!4 Anicrlcunu tlon from news stands of magazines, clergymen of all faiths, naval offic ordered suppressed 'by county prose- JhIh and relatives or friends of some cutor Charles Levy as obscene and of thn victims were on the program, indecent, was being continued here John Drew, tictor, was scheduled today by wholesale news dealers who for an address in memory of Charles ! took up copies of nearly twenty pub- Krohman. theatrical producer, who Mentions from a few stands yester- lost his life on the Lusitnnla. t I Madame Lucilla do escovi sings 1 Magazines whirh contain pictures the national anthem and reads an ac- and drawings of womnn in scanty count of the disnster written by her attire and Jokes declared question: brother, Silvio do Vescovl, who res- able will be collected from all news cmd 24 women from the sinking ; Special Ladies Only Matinee Tomorrow Afternoon 2:30 o'clock Questions Answered Privately TCNIG-HT'S PICTURE From the Story "Jungle Life," by I. A. R. WYL1E vessel. UNCLE JOE CELEBRATES E DANVILLH. III-. May 7. Hy tho' Associated Press) Uncle Joe Can non, former speaker of the house of representatives, was 89 years old today. He spent the day quietly with his family, reading tho hundreds of tele grams and tetters that came to him from all sections of tho country, lie enjoyed a visit this morning from lieutenant Jack Ilarirtng, world flier, who was here today. NEGRO KILLED IN RACE ELDORADO, - Ark., May 7. One negro wus killed and eight white men were wounded, two seriously, In a fight between white and negro oil workers near here lust night after a demand had been mode that the negroes be discharged. More than 100 shots were fired. An investiga tion Into the affray was started by tho sheriff today. .CHICACIO. May 7. Oladys Robrrts telephone girl detective who testified at the McClintock Inuuyst a few days ago today reported that she was solved and struck last night while walking from a motion picture show by two unidentified assailants who escaped. Her face badly battered, she ap pealed to the state's attorney fur re dress. M iss Roberts test if led before tho coroner's Jury which subsequently bound over William Darling Shepherd to the grand Jury in connection with the death of Wlltlam N. McClintock. She told of visits by Shepherd to the detective agency of John K. Jones, quoting alleged conversations over heard by Jones turn! Khcpherd. Clean cotton raga vintrd at Mall THhnn nttlom stands In the city during the mainder of the week, the prosecutor announced. Objections to tho magazines cen tered on pictures printed on the covers nnd also, connection with Jokes nnd short stories. It was said. The action of the prosecutor fal lows passage ' of a resolution by the recont convention of the Inland Em pire Education association here con demning the circulation of such publications. , Mr. Levy announced that he would prosecute in tho case of the magazines, but lv announce nnv details of bin nlans. Curtailment of circulation by the m"r you never thought was in distributors will shut off su'ci of the '"r nystem. Heath's Drug Store. ACiV. Simple Mixture Best For Constipation Simple buckthorn bnrk, magne sium sulph, c. p., glycerine, etc.,. as mixed in Adlorikn, la excellent for constipation. v It pften works in one hour or less and never gripes. The pleasant and QUICK action of' this efficient Intestinal evacuant will sur- f further sales "rise ou Adlerlka helps any case declined to "aH 011 l,,e stomacn. unless aue to aoep-Hcaivn causes. onen removes magazines, the prosecutor believes. 2 WALlST; BROKERS TO QUIT "H "jl TT. A "IF T. N Eveninas,5r;'SKiddiot a Dime I iXl I A I - T0M0ii0W: j, -A- w ' 4 X "DONT CALL IT LOVE" NKW YORK. May 7. Two Wall street brokerage houses, which fig ured prominently in the handling of last year election wngers, J. S. Fried and company and W. L. Darnell and Company, are temporarily enjoined from continuing in business. The injunction was obtained yester day from Supreme Court Justice Mc Crate of llrooklyn by Attorney Gen eral Ottlnger. The firms are charged with fraudulent stock sales and re rcivcrtdiip for both is asked. The attormiy general said the action was the beginning of a campaign to "clean up the financfnl district." Ch ildren Cry for 8. P. MAY BUM) TO COAST. (Continued From Page Ono railroad which operate 27.000 miles of line and that these corporations were prepared to- finance the exten sion. There Is pending before the com mission a petition by the Oregon pub lic utilities commission whirh ask that railroads serving Oregon le re, quired to build a hire amount if new extensions J ft the rent nil und mhIit,i sections of that state. Tho Orcson Trunk nronniml filed to- rtnv In nart covers the routes on whh l tho Oregon commission has sotAhl to Xorco the new construction. rOTTTFR:- Fletcher's Cas toria is a pleasant, harmless Mtnsuune ior castor lmi, i are- fji-ric. Teething Props att. 1 ScHithing Svnips, especially prcparcl for Infants in arms niil CliiMrcn all a;cs. To avoid imitation, always look for the signature of Proven ilirectiion rich ickjc. Phjsiciaiu everywhere recommend it. Leon C. Hughes Announces the Opening of the ughes Auto Painting Co. (Successors to Medford Auto Painting Co.) ' d Refinishine an Duco and Auto-Lac We' have the only genuine DuPont Duco in tMedford And All Work : Is Positively Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable Paint Your Car at Home We Have all necessary supplies the same that we use (excepting Duco) in exactly the colorsyou want. 0 FREE . a brushwith each:aa of top dressing. Come in today!