n lo o o o o o 00 n ' i V. ?1 .-a 5 "it (BRINGING I r -7 I ' I County Treasurer's Fourteenth Cull lor Market Itonri Fuiul Warrants. State of Oregon. County of Jackson. Treasury Department. . , . " Jacksonville, Oregon, May 7, 1925. . Notice Is hereby, given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of nil outHtantliiiK Jackson county, Oregon, Market road fund warrants registered November 12th, 1924, to February 26th, 1025, both dates inclu sive. ImeroKt on the above called, war rants ceases on this the 7th day of May, 1925, A. C. WALKER, Treasurer of Jackson County, Ore gon. 40 HELP WA X TlZb I-'EM ALE WANTED Competent person to cook and assist with huuscwork. Mrs. O. 1 Buhrman, 15 Geneva ave. tf v. niN JV ANTED Competent girl or woman A for geaeml houEework. Phone , 1 847-X. Mrs. Hamilton Pattern 43 WANTED BIlSCJE!,LAAEOrs "WANTED To rent or lease three or four room house and garage. North part of city. Will wait for vacancy. Write V. P.,,, Mail Tribune. 41 WANTED 70 rent 3 or 4 room un furnished or partly furnished with gurage, by May 14. Phone 943. 41 WANTED Liocal and. long distance hauling. Jesse Ij. Kinhardson, Cen tral Point Feed Store. Call 41. 45 WANTED Pasture for horse, close in. South side preferred. Box H, Mall Tribune. 4 0 WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished seven room, or larger, house from June to November. An swer P. O. Box 796. 41 WANTED RANCH Will buy small ranch for immediate possessison hear Talent or Phoenix. Will con sider raw land or Improved with partial or complete- outfit including furniture, If priced right. Write full 1 description;- location, price, terms. ctcTheo. G. "Nelson, Talent. 40 WANTED About 50 acres plowed with tractor. Jas. Campbell. 4 0 WANTED Some one to stay on ranch. For : particulars . I'hone 987-X. 40 FOK RENT no USES FOR RENT Small "house, 13 mdhd street. Al 41 FOR' RENT Good house. Telephone 749-X. close in. 42 t i FOR RENT 7 -room house, (30 per montn. can ziy s. ivy. 4a FOR KENT Modern 5-room bunga low, large sleeping pprch, garage. Close in on paved, street. Phono 705-R. ; 40 I FOR RENT Modern 0-room bunga ldWj close in. PHono 4 3 2 -J. 39 t FOR,' RENT 2-room unfurnished shncll and mirage. 718 Welch St. DoVoc's Store. . tf KOtt RENT Homes. Brown & White. FDR ItEirK bOUBKKEEPl.VO ROOMS I FOR R13KT Sleeping porch, furnish ed ror ll&ht housekeeping. 531 s. Riverside. 41 ' FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping ; rooms, ground floor. 229 N. Ivy street. 42 '; FOR - RENT Housekeeping rooms, close in. Hot water at all times. Call at 5 East 3rd street, or. phone t 837-H. ' 4 2 ,FOR ' RENT Two housekeeping rooms. 716 welch street. 40 jiFOR RENT Modern light house- i r UK K1SJ keeping s. 422 S. Riverside. 43 J.FOR RENT Room for men, bath and vj garage. 609 E. Main. tf 'i;FOR RENT H ousekeeplng rooms. ' .J 611 So. Central. tf WANTED j To Buy for Caoh I All Your ' Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF WOOL? Listen! Here Is Tftmr Chance Choice, suburban homesites on Berrydale avenue, iust off Pacific high way (mill district). These are good graded lots on a nice residential street, havig electric lights, telephone and deli;ry service. These lots are under Irrigation and have a paid up water r.'slit. j will accept mall payment down and $10 per month. Just a few i' these lots; better make H snappy, as they are going to go fast. e C. H. HOWELL , First House on Berrydale Avenue UPOFATHER T THE OOCJ-OR A.m i ' MOiT COLP "Sl- A, TO CIT THE: Wai fcXEClE - IF 1 COULD H . .J ONLX HIT THE. eA.ui-iociT A CHANCE TO WALK. - IIELP WAN ITS 1 M AUS WANTED--Man for farm work. J. A. M alike, adjoining Clancy orchard, east of, Jacksonville. Apply at ranch. 42 WANTED Man to put up 100 tons of hay on contract. M. J. Azevedo, Medford, R. 4. Box 37. 46 POn RENT MISCEIiliANKOCS FOR IiENT Large office room, Col lege llldg., G. W. N., Phone 259-H. 43 FOR KENT We have the best loca tion in the city ror a drug store, or meat market. Let us show you. Thomas Realty & Ins. Co., 38 No. Front street. 43 FOR RENT Big pasture, running water; cattle or sheep.. Jas. Camp bell. Phone 17-F-21. 40 WILL LEASE to reliablo married man with team, 10 acres alfalfa, under water, 3 acres of peaches, 1 acre of grapes, a few charrlos, pluhis.and apricots; 4 room house, running water, electric lights, barn and equipment. 5 miles from Medford. flood maris, $35 per month. Please give references. Address Owner, Mail Tribune. 40 WANTED Small ranch. . well im proved, with irrigation. Box 10, Mail Tribune. 41 WANTED TO RENT Immediately, three teams. iel. 1057. tf AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements and Household Goods at. the Kyle Ranch One mile and one-half north of Central Point, FRIDAY, MAY 8 at'1 P. M. sharp. , Comprising: FURNITURE One oak leather upholstered couch, One oak bookcase, One oak seat, One oak center table. One oak library table, Six oak dining chairs, One mahogany chair, veloiir seat, One hat rack, iOne bathroom screen, One three-quarter bed, complete, One aBh chiffonier, v Clothes rack, One trunk. This is a fine lot of" furniture and worthy of your attention. FARM IMPLEMENTS One three and one-half wagon with rack, spray rig, buggy, one hay rake, manure spreader, one mowing ma chine, Planet Jr. orchard cultivator, one orchard disc, one corrugated iron roller, one iron harrow, hay rack, two one-horse cultivators, one disc plow, one 12-inch walking plow, one 8-Inch orchard plow, set of single buggy harness, set of double buggy harness, two sets light work harness, picking ladders and buckets. Chickens, two dozen. Stock, two Jersey cows, three horses. Grain and alfalfa hay. Dishes, cooking utensils, fruit jars, garden tools and many other useful articles. Auction on Friday, May 8, at 1 P. M. Terms of sale, cash. ROBERT KYLE, Owner. Don't experiment use Vcl voil and famous Eastern Paraf fin? 5ase Oil, refined especially for the Rogue River Valley and it costs but 25c per quart. "Armory Service Station Pac. Highway at Jackson St. I'.i,. '1925 bv'Int'l.' Feature Service. Inc. MEDFORD MATLpTKTBUNTfe MKDFOT.D, (ftEOOX, THURSDAY, MAP 7, iV2' I've been here lonc. SViNClM'AT THl'b GM-L. THAT A CUX CAME OP AN" CNE ME TWO DOLL.A.R'b - HE THOUGHT HERE Creat Britain-rights reserved. FOR ItEXT-APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished npurtments. Bttth und phone privileges. 303 E. Juikson. . I'hone 3S1-.M. 40tf FOR RENT - Apartment. Phone 41 4.12-H. FOR RENT Nice, light, furnished apartment. Electric range, sleep ing porch. G18 S. Oakdule. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment, room and garage. 604 W. loth. 27tf FOR RENT Nice thoroughly fur nished modern apartments, Hotel Holland. Phone 710. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Largo niry sleeping room, close in, with garugo. Phone 322. tf FOR RENT Room in private home. Phone 058-X. 43 FOR RENT Outside sleeping rooms, bath and shower. Hot water at all times. 222 S. Holly. 41 .'O RRENT Furnished front room. Close to bath. Phone C04-R. tf FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms, hath. Men. 24 5 N. drape. tf MONEY TO IX3AN TO LOAN Money. Chnrles A. Wing, real estate louns. . Representative Kuret" Savings & Loan Association. Loans obtained nt nominal expense: reasonable rate of interest. Phone 7iU, Palm Block, Medford, Oregon. 68 ESTftAYED STRAYED OR STOLEN Bay mnre. 13 years old. weight About 1000 lbs., good condllinu. Small slit in ear. ' Notify J. S. Crawford, Talent, Ore. 41 FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board omos o Ut HAVE i Q leARgAINSvj We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE 13U5INESS In All Its RENTALS SALES Bungalows New, double construction throughout, oak floors, fireplaces, garage, cement driveway. Easy terms. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main St. HOUSES FOR RENT One new three-room house and two acres of land; one mile out; $15.00 a month. New six-room bungalow, furnished; a very nif!C home; $35.00-, Five-room modern, electric stove; $30.00 J. C. BARNES Phone 910-Y 409 TODAY'S BARGAINS 10 acres, all in alfalfa, under Medford irrigation ditcli; excellent soil; adjoining city limits; $200 per acre, $1000 cash, balance to be arranged. Modern 5-room home, blocks from Jackson County bank; all assessments paid. Price $3000; terms to suit reliable parties. This will, no doubt, soon be business' property. 1 . CHARLES A. WING "To Buy Your Home" Medford, Oregon Phone 728 poooococoooooooooococoooooocooooooooooooooooooooooo" Profitable Pear Orchard for Sale 45 acres with 23 aqres In bearing pears, Bosc, Bartlett, De Anjou varieties, part 18 years old; and ahout 20 acres in alfalfa. Modern house, large barns, complete equipment; estimated value present crops more than $;000. Well located near Medford In the best pear district in this valley. Property now In excellent condition. Can be bought at a bargain price anil paid tor in small nnnual payments. o our lnpef?ion Is Invited. O EARLS. UMY Libty Building 000OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOXXKOQOOOCH t.'.j. i'i.v.:',:, , f,''fl , .'fl-H" ' '" erf CjOulty COEo MSOTHER. PAHT b nCSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Established battery nnil electric shop. Inquire at 27 N. drape street. Medford. No indebt edness. Price right. Selling on ac count of owner's health. 4 IX) ST LOST Colllo dog about 5 months old, with black and wlhte face, between 401 runch and Central Point. Re ward. Tel. 408-R-3. 41 FOUND FOUND Tri-squnre. Owner can have same by paying for ad. Mail Tribune office. FOUND On strool. 3 bikes, Owners can have same by calling at Police Office. Chief of Police. 40 We Have a Real Cord Tire for, $8.90 Free Crankcase Service ,:p. Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station Qiao Q BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY General atoro, stock, fixtures and building, in good business town this vicinity. Will sell, stock and rent building or will consider trade for cits property; can handle any' way yon desire. ' : '"' This Is good proposition.. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY (Walter H. Leverette) Medford Building -:- Medford, Ore. o D 0 !Oii,l,'r..3ogo Branches LOANS INSURANCE 6 South. Central Palm Block ( ah: MRct-b - there cotton: PL AX COLFpj FOR SALE PonTR AND EGGS FOR SALE O. A. C. Barrod Rook eggs . tor. hatching. Phone 2U1-J. FOR SALE ABTOMOBIIilS FOR HALE Ford truck with license. 1 1 no. 1 roni. FOR SALE Maxwell roadster, suit able for making delivery or Dug. Unrgaln. Address Uox A, M 11 Tribune. tf FOR SALE Buick. 71S W. Main, tf FOR SALE UViiSXOCK FOR SALE 1 heavy built team, 1 black and 1 gray; suitable for all kinds of heavy work. Come and see them work. Wendt Bros., Jack sonville. 42 FOR SALE Pure bred Jersey bull, four months old. John R. Muxedon. 877 K St., Ashland. 49 FOR SALE Five head big work horses. I'hone 7 58-R evenings. 41 FOR SALE Cheap, to close estate, 26 acres good land. 10 cultivated. Clood buildings. Ideal place for poultry. Box "11, Rt. 1, Gold Hill. 7 . , 49 FOR SALE Eight good logging or farm horses from 7 6 to II B0 per head. Inquire from Superintend ent of Owen Oregon Lumber Co., FOR SALE Six extra good fresh cows; also year old JorBey bull. M. . Wulsh on South Peach street, Just ; outside city limits. 43 FOR SALE UE.-iIj ESTATE FOR SALE Dairy. 80 acres, 11 cows, team, all farm machinery, ton mln- . utes drivu from Medford. Alfalfa and grain. Modern buildings, run ning water, immediate possession. Fine location, close lo pavement. 303 K. Maln or phone 417. 42 FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 acreB of land 4 miles north or Eagle Point, 18 acres , under Irrigation. O. C, Uullnrd, general delivery, Modfurd. 42 FOR SALE Smull acrengo on high way, fruit, berries, alfalfa,' modern house. Will sell cheap If taken soon. AddreBS box 55, Talent, Ore- . gm. 42T FOR SALE Purchaser's choice of my two homos located at 816 and 326 South Rlverlsde. One Is a 9-room houso, the oihor eight; largo lois, abundance good shade; liberal terms and 7 per cont luterets on deferred : paymenlH. Immonlnto. possessison can be given. A. F. Stennelt, 826 So. . Rlversido Ave. tf FOR SALE 40 aero ranch, closo in, modern Improvements, value $8500, for Ohio. Illinois or Michigan real estate. Box X, Medford Tribune. 40 FOR SALE Improved lot, close in on pnved street, will sell roasouame. Terms If desired. Box 4, Mall Tribune. 41 KOIt SALK 10 acres in bearing or- churd, 100 ceherry trees, lou peauti trees, prunes, uppleH and urupes. This Is a money maker. Reasonable price will . surprise you. , Phone 244-Y. 44 FOR HALK Five acres with modern 6-room house; 3 acres In bearin pears with water. Italunce laid out in city lots. Located ubout a block north of Jacksonville road Just out side city limit. Owner on premises after 6 p. m. 42 FOR SALE 100x175 Jot with large garage, near Dakota on Ho. Oak dale, $1700. 50x100 ft. lot only throe blocks from Main on North Grape, $H00. House on Bo. Ivy $2000. 100100 ft. corner on Bo. Newtown, with small house and large shed $1000, 1 acre in Perry dale, beautifully wooded, $260; also 2 nerog in Porrydalo with 8-room bungalow, $2000. Paving and as sessments are paid in full on all this property. Thomas Healty and In surance Co., owners. Phone 612-H. 41 FOR HALE Lots and houses nt a great bargain. Call and see T. Kdy, Plum street. West side. 40 FOR HALE Hy owner. Dairy ranch close to town. Cash market for milk. Some cows. P. O. Box 425, Medford, Ore. 40 FOR SALE 240 acre stock ranch, liv ing springs, wood, timber, outs do range, in foothills, 20 miles north of Medrord. Terms, L. Sagar, Mo doc Orchard. 41 FOJt HALE Several IHrms, good val ues, easy terms, low interest. O. C. Bbggs, Atty for State Land Board. tf SACRIFICE SALE 10,000 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $6 per acre up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com Tinny, owners. 15 N. Orapo fit tf TRADE Two houses In Modford, close In, on paved street, for 10 to 15 acres Improved property near Medford GAEL Y. TENGWALD Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board O By George FOR SAXKrllOMES FOR SALE 5 room modern house, partly tarnished, wood shed and garage. $500 will handle. Halniue like rent. Assessments paid in full. Phone 'JX-K, or OOB So. Fir St. 40 KOR SALE Two story 1-room house, furnished, corner 10th and Ottkdale, first class condition. Also 4-rooni house on loth street. Both for sale on terms by owner, who la leaving city. Call residence. SSlf FOR SALE Furnished home. 7 rooms. 2 lots. Box 167 Central Point, 41 FOR SALE Newly built 5-room house., llardwoood floors, fireplace, and built-in features: 2 lots, fine lawn and garden. . 3500. Terms. Phono 1097. 42 FOR SALE OR RENT-B'lvo room furnished house, at . a reasonable price. 324 West 4th, or phono II03-R after 6. Phone 704-W. 42 FOR SALE House and lot on North Central avenue. Lot 194x270 foet. on pavement; or wlil divide into 60. 00. 70 or 80 foot lots to suit pur chaser; also one lot on N. Ivy street, close in. 1 'rices are very low. See W. E. Rowley, Owner. Phono S31-Y. 331 N Ivy St. i FOR SALE Large 3-room, house, newly built. Phono 391-X. 40 FOR SALE Now B-romn house Just finished. Inquire 612 o..Ncwtun. 29tf FOR SALE Cheap, good. 7-room house, 13500. 5 acres and 4-room bungalow, $2650. S6-rooma (1400; $200 down. 4-room modern $2250; S 500 down. Flue pear orchards cheap. Call 690-L or 372. 126 North Front St. 42 FOR SALE If you want a bargain fur cash In a nice houso of 5 rooms and bath, close In, on pnvod street, all assessments paid In full, nice blue crass lawn, fruit troos. roses. Ad dress Owner, care this offleo. tf FOR 8At,K MlSCKLIiANKOUS Ft) R HA L1C .-Sugar pine' shakes and shingles and cedar poms, n Butte Falls product, at Fabor s, Central Point. ; ' 45 FOR SALE Wooden water tank, 1000 gallon; 3 burner oil stove and oven. Eugene Hasenfurter, half mile north of Jacksonville. 42 FOR HALF Spe"lal on rolled barley. Central roint Feed Store. 45 KOH SALE ltcf liberator. Call 10G4 uftor 6 p. m. 41 FOR SAMS Ono latoHt model Kinr newhiK machine, Jutit liko new. A -'on oiiv. lmiulre of MrH. J. O. Ot- tinger, Jackson Hot SpritiKs. 41 OR RALK Child's bed. Inquire 130 tf W. 6th. Phone 212. . OR SALE New alfalfa hny nt Hampton orchard. Phono 468-R-l. tf FOR HALE Home matlo pure vine gar., 317 East Jackson. 40 FOR SALE 12 largo rIzo gladioli bulbs and a package of stimulant. All for 60c. Monarch Seed Co. 40 FOR HALE Ouhlla bulbs priced from 12o to Sfio. Choicest varieties. Monarch Heed Co. 40 FOR SALE Nlco-dust kills aphis quickly. Monarch Seed Co. 40 FOR SALE Gas balls to exterminate moles and pockot gophers. Monarch Heed Co. 40 JTOR SALE Attention! Smith's sum mer rates on pine now In effect, $2.75 a tier. Discount on large or ders. I'hone 1103; Centrul Point, 88 X-2. 40 FOR SALE Astor plants. C. Cary, oti-d-i. Aiiuruofl jtumii. , ii FOR HALE Baled alfalfa. - 28-R-l. tf FOR RALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs, and records halt price. 16 N. Qrape. tf BUSINESS PTIlMTrORT FOR INFORMATION Carpenter'B Local 1840. Phone 247-L. Meets at Smith hall every Friday night, 128 North Qrape, between 6th and 6th street. Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed ., 30 Days Service If interested in a used car be sure and see us. C. E. Gates Auto Co. ( MO - BOT 3 I , s J , NOT C.OINO - 0 1-' "A-IW' ' IRK ' o o OPAGE SHVHN McMaitua BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys RHAMK8 & REAM ES Lawyers, of fice in Liberty Building. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREEN E Abstracts of Title, Rooms 8 and K No, 32 North Central Ave., upBtalrs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Alisc ni els of Title and THIo Insurance. Thu only complete Tlllo S y s t o m In Jackson County. A. E.. KUU.OGU Abstraotor . of Titles. Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience In ths county. Phone 6-J-2 Gold Hill. ' U Building SuppTres and Roofing STANDARD ROOFINO AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Build up Roof ing, Ashland Granite Top. 16 years guarantee. Best grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundutlon ce ment blocks, fire place brick, all colors. All material Class A. Port land Beaver Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound..: Tel ephone 738-X. -r- Chlropractlo Physicians DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Bcleotlo Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiiot praetor; Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylothorapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office; Stewart Bids;., 255 E. Main St. phones; , Offlo 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN .--chtropractia Nervo Specialist. Office hours 9-1X, 2-6, 203-206 Liberty Bldg. OKlo Phono 630. Res. phone 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 669. Res. 776. Office hours 9 &. m. 6 p. in. Evening and Sunday by appointment. DR. H. B. MURPHY Dentist ri Dental X-Ray. Phone 77, offlo Second floor Medford Bids. Exurt Accotuitnnt WILSON AlJtJlTJNO CO. B. M. Wit- - sun, C. P. A. Attention given t anything In uocountlntt and Income Tux requirements. Look into bur simplified accounting method. Lib" my Bids., Mwdford. Phon 157-R. Insurfsnoe BAR1 S. TUMV All forms of. Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Life, Accident, Hinds. Phone 402. 209 Liberty. Bids. ' . . Monoy to iKian J. B. ANDREWS Buys and - sells' mortgages und loans money on Rood socurity. 81 N. drape bt, Phonti S3-M. ;. :l 4 Funeral Director PKKL PUNBHAL HOMO Cor. dllth and Oakdale.. .Ambulance servlea, ' Monuments THB OREGON ORANITE CO. Monuments. B. A. Hicks, General Manager. P. M. Kershaw', Seles Munagur, 10S IS. Sixth St., Medford. Osteopaths , . V ' ) DR. V. a. CARLOW, DR. KVA MAINS CAI1LOW Osteopathic Phystolan 410-418 Liberty Hid. Phone 804-J-I. Residence 26 South Laurol Su Plnno Instruction PRKD ALTON. HAIQHT Teacher of Piano nnd Harmony.. Btudlo 11$' Liberty Bldg., Phone It. . Printers and Publishers MEDKOR1) PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office lh Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers.' billing system, etc Portland prices. . 27 N. IMr 8t Ftranster BADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE) CO, Offleo 22 North Front ttt. Phone 316. Prices rlghtv Service guar. anteed. ''....,' . DAVIS TRANSFER ft STORAQID CO. Anything moved, day or night ; Bervlce guaranteed. 29 S. Grip. , Phono 644, or residence 1060. ; . . ' Upholstering J. WEIS UpholBtery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furnlturo. Full line of materials. Draperies made order. We do all kinds of uphoi tenlnir. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 201 Jacksonville, Ore. '' VETKKINART MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSP11V AL, Dr. B. C. McCulloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Qrape and Fifth, Mad ford. Ora. Phone . 269 Day or nlxht. Window Cleaners LKT IlKOItCK 1)1) IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clpnn your house. Janitor service for offices and build Inns. o,'o. A. Seely. Phone 1171. 124 Beeknmn Ave, . 1 'A