1 O o o 9 PAGE SFSfflT CONVENTION PLAlS LOtAL ELKS LODGE Tl The Med ford lodge of Elks l already making arrangements (or its resident members to attend In i body the annual national conven tion of the B. P. O. E. order at Portland, July 13 to July 18 on f special train from here. The com mittee on arrangements hus sent every, member of the lodge an out line of this trip, which in part reads as roiiows: UNION PACIFIC TS USE OF FF PORTLAND, Ore., May 6 Reasons for the unwillingness of the Union Pacific system to extend its central Oregon line from Rurns to Bend and from Bend to Klamath Kails or to l Join the northern lines In building southerly from Bend are shown in a statement received in Portland from Carl Gray, president of the Union Pacific. The chief objection of the Union Pacific to invading the Southern Pa cific's domain in South Central Ore gon is that no opportunity is afforded l the Union Pacific to have joint use of the Eugene-Klamath Fails cutoff as a menus of serving the traffic needs of the upper Willametter valley. According to Orny's statement, the interstate commerce commissioner The price Is $30.00 per reserva tion, which includes transportation to Portland and return, and your bed on board Pullman sleeper while in Portland. Pullmans will be parked handy to street car and taxi service. This price of $30.00 per reserva tion does not include your meals. We figure two people to a section, a jina r, hai-th Tli 11 in fi n a will be under watchman's care both day.wno at yenr heard testimony in the case involving the petition or Oregon public service, commission for an order requiring the Union Pacific to build the east-to-west line across the state, correctly found thatv without giving the Union Pacific Joint use of the lOugene-Klamath Falls cutoff ! there would be insufficient traffic to and night. 'The train will consist of stand ard Pullman sleepers, observation and dining car. The train crew, from engineer to hind-end brake man will be brothers. A radio or Victrola in every car, dancing and mill. U1JI1KH III III" UUBKUgC (1.1 uhu hard drinks off the hip. iiimify the construction of a I ne from "The time of leaving Medford i3 Burns via Bend to a connection with II n'nlnl. Cum nv n ir i In Tl til I mo (.uvim. with a toast to our absent brothers, both home and above. A half-hour parade at Eugene at nine in the morning. We will urrive in Port land at high noon, th 13th. We leave- Portland at 8 o'clock Fri day night, which will put us home etgrly Saturday morning. This sched ule Is tentative. "Your committee is going to ask I each brother for one dollar. This is a donation whether you attend tha convention or not. With this fund we expect to take the D. O. X. K. band and George Gates' buck ing Ford along. Also our Hick Or chestra (you saw It In the show) will put us on the map in hotel lob bies, etc. AUTO INSURANCE AGENT IN BAD MILE (RL SUB FOSe PARENTS FOR DAMAGES TO tEGS ST. LOUIS. May 6. Charging that .skin was unlawfully cut from her legs and thighs and grafted on another child, Sarah Finer, 13 years of nge. hus brought suit for $10,000 damages against Abraham and Rebecca Finer, grocery . proprietors at Brentwood, a suburb, with whom she formerly lived. The action was brought through Samuel Finer, her legal guardian. .The removal of patches of skin took place August 17, 1923. the suit avers. The skin, according to attor neys for the child, was grafted on a child of the Finers who was badly burned and later died. Thcsuit charges that Finer and his wife abused Sarar. struck and men aced her and compelled her to under go the operation, in which the child was given an anuenthetlc by hypodermic-Injections and the skin removed. The removal. It Is charged, left her limbs permanently disfigured and scarred. IS T LADY MACBETH CHICAGO, May 6. References to Ijidy MacBeth were employed today I In Judg6 Harry Olson's closing state ment In the- MVl'ntck Inquest In dcjiiriblng Mrs. Wlllhim D. Hhojiherd as a strong-willed purposeful womun. Her husband is under Indictment, charged with the murder of Willlum McCllntotk. , - Judge UJson. said there was evi dence that the death of MeOHr.took, as probably those, of other persons, "were incidents" In a conspiracy of "which Mr. and Mrs. Sheoht rd were a part." Mis. Shepherd has not-boforo been o directly accused. "Ijidy Sbephprd" was the phrase with which Judge Olson ivferved to Mrs. Shephtttd in one insiMiu-e. He said that Mrs. Shepherd w is "strong wilted and masculine and purposeful where Hbephcrd was weak." PORTLAND, Ore., May 6 Edward R. Joplin, claim agent for the United States Underwriters Auto Insurance company, was arrested on a secret In dictment charging that he hud altered a bank check. v The exact charge Is that he gave fi "; ohonb tn n A IVallu nf llnnil No hotel accommodations are , r, ,uan i,iW'i i. -,,i nf.n-,nwiu visitors! ., . m,,tn .,'.1 f . t n ;i available In Portland; 200,000 it are expected and the city boasts of only 10,000 hotel rooms. There will not be sufficient room in- camp grounds or garages for the thousands of autos. nor will it be possible to pork cars on the streets; hence, the special ' train using Pullmans for sleeping quarters while in the city. Those who snore will be mobilized In the . front car. Many of the brothers wilt be accompanied by their wives." - TO T release from all further claims against the company over Wells' sig nature. Wells at the time was In a hospi tal. His car had been struck by a Columbia Stage, which was protected by the Insurance company. Mrs. Wells and Merwin Wells, a son, have since received civil judgments for $4000 and $2500. PARIS, May 6. The wedding of Miss Dorothy Gould daughter of Frank Jay Gould and Helen Kelly (now the Princess of Vlora) .tothe.; The horse yesterday underwent an Swiss Baron Roland deGraffenried operation but was unable to rise after WALES IS DEAD LONDON, May-6. (By Associated Press.) The Prince of Wales during his absence on his southern voyage has suffered the loss of his most valued hunter. Little Favorite, which carried him to victory or defeut In several steeple chasing contests. ROSTOV, Russia. May 6. Leon Trolzky, former Soviet war minister, passed through hore last night on his way to Moscow, from Suhum, the trans-Caucasian resort, where he has been staying for his health. He is ex pected to arrive in the capital tomor: row morning. ' The famous bolshevik leader, who Is now definitely reinstated to good standing in the communist party, spent a half day here, conferring with the secretary of the local communist party, government officials and non party peasants. After leaving Sukhum he addressed large audiences of peasants in the vil lage districts and received great ovations. POLA MAY LOSE ZEE JEWELRY NEW YORK, May 6 (By Assoc! ated Press.) Three of the four pieces of jewelry two bracelets and a dia mond ring Which Pola Negri, movie actress, is alleged to have attempted to bring into the. country on her re turn irom- rjurope msfweeK, nave been seized subject td forfeiture, Philip Kiting, collector of ! the port, announced today. The fourth piece, a diamond ring Miss Negri admitted she purchased In Europe, will be subject to duty he said, as soon as It is appraised. She will be subject to fines, the collector said, for attempting to bring 15 bot tles at liquor into the country. TERRORISTS ACTIVE mi i WARSAW. Poland. May 6. Ter rorists activity alleged tn he organ ized and directed by communists Is being renewed in Voland. From the Biolowlseka Puszoccoca, the former" Russian crown forests, comes a story of murder and pillage by a band of armed men who left "receipts" iln the pillaged houses signed "the White RusKlun Commun ist Party." The gang killed a policeman, the head forester and a forest kuopor and woundud four other persons. TO MEET JUNE 22 Looking past the pennies If you'd just look past the few cents a pound our "Wet Wash" service costs, you could see how much time and how much hard, tiring work it will save you. , Everything is re turned to you clean and white ready to dry or iron and you have no ex hausting labor to go through in these warm summer days. Won't you look past the pennies and call us today? Wet Wash 5c a pound American Laundry 138 So. Central Phone 873 Try the American Laundry First 11 da Villars was celebrated quietly In the church of Notre Dame de Passy yesterday In the presence of only the famllyi and a few friends. The civil ceremony was perform ed Monday at the city hall. The Baron Is 25, a former lieu tenant In the Swiss army and now a real estate dealer in Paris. The bride wore a white satin gown with a large picture hat and was given away by her father. EIND CLUE TO LONG CHICAGO, May 6. The finding of the skull of a 20 months old baby by boys searching for baseballs between two south side tenements has started police search for Mrs. Helen K&ratum 3 9 years old, who over a year ago ' reported her baby was kidnaped. She formerly lived a block from where the skull was found. When the child disappeared In De cember 1923, Mrs. Kanuum waited two days before telling the police. Her conflicting stories resulted In a test of her sanity and she was released after being found sane. BETTER HOMES WEEK Complete endorsement of the Better Homes in America movement, which la to be observed In . Medford and Jackson county May 11 to 18, Is given by President Coolldge In a letter to Heibort Hoover. 'Coolldge Is chair man of the advisory council of the movement. In his letter to Hoover, President Coolldge said: "The American home is the founda tion of our national and Individual well being. Its steady Improvement Is, at the same time ,a test of our civill aztlon and our Ideals. The Better Homes in America fnovement pro vides a channel through which men and women in each community can encourage the building, ornamenting and owning of privnle homes by the people at la,re. We need attractive, worthy, permanent hones that lighten the burden of housekeeping. We need homes in which home Hi? can reach Its finest levels, and in wnich can be reared happy children and upright citizens. "I commend participation In Uetter l Homes demonstrations and i the other work of the movements to the American people." the anaesthetic and had to be' de stroyed. Heir Is Expected Soon For Jap Crown Prince TOKIO, May .6. (By Associated Press.) Official announcement that Princess Nagako,. wife off Prince Re gent Hirohito, Is In an interesting condition was made today from the household of the prince. The an nouncement said all the princess en gagements have -been cancelled. No hint was given as to when the heir would be born. Radio News HASTINGS. Neb., May 6. Recep tion of a radio program of station KFKX, Hastings, at Johnnesburg, South Africa, nearly 10,000 miles from here, has been acknowledged to Lloyd C. Thomas, director of the station. This Is the most distant point on rec ord which the Hastings station has reached. A letter, which has been enroute from the African point since in March, was sent to the station by G. Galbratth, accompanied by a log of the program which was given by the Kear ney. Neb., state normal school. Mr. Galbratth . said the program came through 'clear" despite the fact that it came In broad daylight. enuuie 5 1 SPIRIN Say "Bayer "Aspirin" INSIST! Unless you see: iht "'Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phv sicians for 24 years, O by- Acccpt bn1y a ij&f Bayer package wliichconlains proven directions Ilindy "Daytr" boic of 12 tablet Alio bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist Afplrin if the trid m.rk of Bi.tr Hino tuton o( UwMRUucttlnitf oi KailcUuut OMAHA, - Neb,, May 6. As plana for the fifth annual nationul ; con vention of the disabled veterans of the world war, here June 22, to 27, were launched today, it was an nouneed, at convention headquarters that National Commander James A. Drain.' of 'the"' Amortciin- Loslon- had accepted an invitation to attend the gathering. It was also announced that Clone' ral Frank T. Hlnes, director of the United States . veteran's bureau would attend the meeting as well as repre sentatives of the government and allied nations. Between '8000 and 10,000 disabled vetorans are expected to come here for the convention. Salient complexions often the result of improper digestion " " USE . TOE WORLD'S GREATEST for nutritious healthful foods watch your complexion improve SALES S's TDOS THOSE OF ANY OTHER BRAND Sound Securities . Don't Need Wild Promises The security that's sound doesn't need a glib tongued salesman or a fiery circular to sell it. Every investment requires some investiga tion, but those presented in "Rosy Dream" terms need ten times more. This Bank Wil Help You Investigate. Jackson County Bank jMe arora,ur e e on ESTABLISHED 1880 FEDERAL PSETrE SYSTEM com jseuer nom weeK. MirrrrtTm 1 1 put.' .rTTTffrf es am MOT for you "v text week May n to May 18 is to be national JL Better Homes Week. Its purpose is to pre ; mote interest in providing better, more harmonious home decorations and furnishings from the standpoint of their influence on the lives and. happiness of all of us, and hence, the welfare of the Nation. ' . In co-operation with this movement, Fuller Dealers are preparing to offer to you during next week three Better Homes Economy Paint Specials. For paint plays an important part in creating and main' taming better homes. And these Fuller Dealers are anxious to aid you in the brightening up of furniture, decoration of ornaments, painting of floors, walls, etc These Specials provide both economy and con vemence. Watch for them. They will be announced , in large advertisements next week. W. P. FULLER 6c CO. 301 Mission Street San Francisco j muncuu in rAcirio coait crmi rAcroum n ian hamcuco, tot uiuiu mid roiiUKa Dtitributorj 0 Vdlipar on tht Puift CoajC .V PAINTS lip VARNISHES' . PIONEER. WHITE LEAD 76 YEARS EXPBBIBNCB YOUR ASSURANCE OF FULLER QUALITY J?