o o O o0 o o J PAGE STX WHERE A MISSTEP MIGHT MEAN EfiEATH, STILL A MYSTERY, New location, V0 -5 lib 'J ' T'- EVERETT SCOTT IS SLATED FOR BENCH NEW YORK, May 2. A new men ace today threatens! tne playing record of the vt-torun Yankee Hhort- ston. Everett Scott. Victor over nick n ess Injury nnd tranHpurtatlon tleups, of eleven yearH in the major leaKueH, Scott who has eutahliMhed a murk of nlayintr in more than 1300 consecutive Karnes, may he compelled soon to how to father time. With the New York team steadily slipping they dropped unuther one yesterday to the tull end iiomnn Iteu Sox, 7 to 5 word emanated from tho Yankee camp that Manager liug Kins Is seriously considering the re placement of Scott by young Wan nlnRer, when the Yankees return to New York tomorrow to open a series -with the Athletics. Yankee followers point to tho fnct that Scott's work this year has evi denced unmistakable Hlfnn of slow ing up in the field; his hitting has never been strong. Now 33 years old, Hoott is beginning (o show the ef fects of his long career at a period when the New York team can Hi af ford it. A TIIR Iloodoos on tho Cavell Aliitor Hifhwny, Jasper Na tional Park, curious stono Hrurc'3 brought into being by the erosion of the earth under the con stant woariny etTects of air and r water, draw exclamations of won der from thousands of tourists who visit the largest of Canada's Na- lional Parks every year. Hufte flat ntones, balanced as hats, atop tho pinnacles of earth which have stood up firmly when the mountnin side all around them crumbled or was washed away by the rushing waters, soem as though CHICAGO, May 2 (I!y tho Asso ciated J'resH) eoi'Ke HiHlur, pilot of the St. LouiH Itrowns has Hturted on a rumputfo of batllnK to fulfill biH prcilktliin that 192S will ho Ills greatest Benson In tho American lenKUe. The St, T.ouIh alar, completely re- Cincinnati 9 covered from Impaired vision that clilcak'o f dimmed hla hattiiiK for two years, phUudelplila "! . '. 1 lias collected one or moro hits In Hronklvn t every irnmu since tho Benson opened, puuhuiK .! G giving hlm. nn avernKe of A'4. ; Htt Louis 5 Knmmy Ilnle of tho Athletics Is jj,jBltm ,..!!!!.! 4 lending- tho hitters with an nveniKo ' ' ' U-U ' of .402, hut ho has played In only ca(1() the sIiKhtest breath of wind would be suiricieiiL to &und theni hurt ling; to tho bottom of the volley hundreds of feet below. A favor ite pport with the tourist is to drop larfcc stones on the hcodoos and see them sway Pack and forth drunk enly. yet finally regain their poise and remain balanced as firmly as before. Tho tourist in tho photograph who was bold enough to scramble down and use one of the fiat Btones for a table on which to rest his arms, Lad a strenuous climb be fore ho again regained the level lui'iatn bf the Gavt;i Iiihnnji, which winds up from the Atha basca Valley almost to the foot of the glacier of the Ghost, that pe culiar age-old formation of ice and snow which hangs on the wide stretches of Mount Edith Cavell. Visitors to Jasper Park Lodge may travel by motor or saddle horse from the Lodge to the foot of Mount Cavell or any of the other mountains surrounding the log cabin hostelry of the Canadian Na tional Railways. .(143 .GOO .038 .417 .:isr, .3.17 .3,33 'tho runner-up. Tho figures nro based on nveraees IncludlUK KnmoH of Wednesday. (Ilenn Myutt. Cleveland catcher. ' .., has made four homo runs for the (.i,.vl.jIlm '"'volernn' l.,BBors of the National ' l'"'1 league have deposed the nowcoinerH . , who Braced tho spotllKht durinB thu " ' first week of tho season. " , ' v.k in .... . ,, New oik . May 2. Tho the American official IcaKile, lucluillnB KnmcH of , yesterilay, fol lows: ' the lti ooklyn DoilKers, hy cracklnK out ltl hits in six Kanies boosted his averano of .833 to .4li and today ; Is setting at the "head of the proces sion, .liminy Itottouiley of tho Car- uinals Is threateiiliiK the Dodccr vet Detroit iioHton W. . . .10 . . . 10 . . . 8 . . .10 ... 1 . . . 4 . ... 4 . . . 4 . . . 3 PC .7(111 .70S .0(17 .025 .438 .33 3 ATTORNEY DROPS i CLIENT'S NOTE Villa Hcatu Scnclo. M A N I I.A. May 2. ( Uy t he sochitcii Press) Pum-ho Villa, As the ernn with .44J. (oKers Hornsby. of wi.rld'B ftyweiMht boxing champion, tho r'nttiiiifiiu oi,,,,,,,,!, in-) i i...,,,. retained his title in a match fought is gradually climbing to the top of h,'n' toiillit ga;nt t'lever Scncio. the llHt. He Ik In .,i with!. Villa received a decision on points .432, tt gain of 16 points over a week nt 11,15 0,1,1 of tno 15 hLtUllcd ORO. Gabby Hartnott, peppery catcher of tho Chicago Cubs, In holding the nonors in nine departments. Me ban Bond Wlnft Track Meet HKM), Ore., May 2 Hend lilli neored K, times. Is leadlmr'ln total Hrho! wnn 11,(1 (!,'nlril1 tnu'k unso inning with 44 and is in "A" rliiKs of the lengun In hitting homers, having smashed out seven. moot hero yestordny for the first time In 12 yonrs. l'rinevillu was second and Kedmoml third. , Si'OKR POOKS, Knglnnd. May 2 (Hy tho ABHoclated Press.) .Miss Ulenna Collet, former American woman gnlf champion, defeated Cyril Tolluy, rormer Uritiah an.dteur cinun plon, hy ono up In a match over tho Htoko Pogea cotirso this afternoon. Miss Collet mtido n strong finish, pull hiK out n victory after she hnd been two down with three to ko. Cnnvl Wiljamc'tto Games. Kt'liliNK, Ore.S May 2. The TTnl- veislty of tn'egon-Wlllametto univer sity biiKcball gnmo. scheduled for (bis nftermion tin the local field, hns been cancelled, according til nn noiinceinent of Jack lteneflelt grndu ate manager of Oregon. A ita understand lug of the schedule cans ed Indefinite postponement of both Willamette games. The return con test was to have been played In Salem, .May 13. PORTLAND. Ore., May 2. An nt tempt by Horace Greeley Wilson of Roueburg, former Indian agent at !1!13 j Klamath Falls to obtain another post- ',) , ponement of his trial on a charge of Kil.iijii lilt: .11 U II II IIUI 1ILULMI HHIU.V when I'nlted States Dislrlct Juce C. K. Wolvcrtnn announced that the trial would start May 13. Wilson, who is In the east, bad written a letter to Judge Wolvcrtnn asking for n post ponement until next November, stating that he needed time to get witnesses from eastern states. Deputy Cnited States District At torney J. O. Stearns opposed- the re quest, stating that two postponements had already been made and that the government was ready to proceed with the trial. Wilson's attorney. Robert' F. Ma gulre KaJd he would withdraw from the ease inasmuch ns Wilson had made the application for further delny di rectly to the cout. 8TOKR POOKS. F.nglnml. May 2. Hy the Associated Press) Mis Glennu Collet, former A in e r 1 c a n Woman golf champion and Miss Joyce Wethered, the Hi it inn woman champion, today defeated Cyril Tol ley and K. F. Storey, two Up, in the nnnual men vs. women invitation foursomes here. The women receiv ed a handicap of one stroke on all the even numbered hides. it was the first opportunity the experts have hnd tog'l a direct coin purison between the games of Miss Collelt nnd MThh Wethered. .Miss (dteli played well except for her putting nt the start, which was timid, but on tho eighteenth bole she mi nit eighteen -footer to n the match for her side. Yesterday's Results. At Portland, 2; Vernon, 1. At I,ns Angeles, 4; Sacramento, At Seattle. S ; Oakland. 2. At Sun Francisco, 4; Suit Lake, Time for Codlin Moth Spray May 1st to 10th is the time for the first rodlln moth sprny on both apples and pears. Cod Mil moth are beginning to emerge nnd all fruit should be covered by tho 10th of .May. Theso moths will come out gradually with tho maximum occur ing later In tho month. In order to control this first brood of moths a second application should follow within two weeks after tho first. We recommend oil emulsion this year as a spreader for nrsenato of lead and nlso an ovlsldo for codlin moth eggs. lse ono gallon of oil emulsion to the hundred gallons of water on apples and three fourths of n galton of oil emulsion to the hundred on pears. Re sure that the oil emulsion Is properly emulsified and that no free oil is showing In the ' emulsion. It is also recom mended to use six pounds of powder ed arsenate of lead to tho 200 gallons tif water. C. CO OATE. Countv Agent. o Ml--lnu (.ill Is Pound A.-T ore. May 2. -Ai'fir b- 1cniLMC Standings. I1"1? "iNsim- fop nearly two days Mar- XRW VOlt. May 2. The official gan-t KniKht. 13. was found yester-lv standing of tho National leugua. In j bi.iiiu; in a b.u !) hi t dtstunrc frMi eluding games ot Friday was nn- hc- home at 0v"nv"t"ii although nminred todnv bv Iresident Johri A. ' word tf In r i e,-.. v y was not received Hevdler mt follovis: I " ,tM JCew York rticers here until lust night. IV. I. PC. " he Khl pave no reason lor her uis , ...0 4 .OK. ;'pcaiance. ESTATE STARTED IN PORTLAND, Ore., May 2. A $2, 225.000 estate that was born in a wheelbarrow was divided among the heirs of llonry Welnhard, pioneer brewer today. The big brewery plant nnd the property that came from Us profits were shared by tho Wessenger nnd Wagner families. Henry Welnhard started tho core of the estate many years ago in Vancouver by performing nil the du ties of the manufacturing, the sales and the delivery departments of a one-man brewery. He made the beer himself. He sold the beer himself. With a wheellmrrow ho delivered the beer himself. The plant, now a manufactory of soft drinks, goes to Mrs. Paul Wes senger, a daughter, who gets ap proximately five-eighths of tho es tate. Wessenger for ninny years has been manager of tho plant nnd of the estate. Three-eighths, totalling nhout $1, 000.000 In valuer goes to Henry Wag ner, a son-in-law and his son, Henry Welnhard Wagner. JfVnry Wagner, 'was the husband of l.oulse Welnhard -Wagner, daugh ter of the lute brew.. She is dead. -The O The Weather Outlook. SAN FUANCiSi'O. Mav weather outlook for the week V nini: .May ;l was anno'imvd here td;o hy t In I'nlted S;jKes weather bureau as follows: H- California, Oregon and Wash ingtonGenerally fair weather with no: ma I toinperaturp. except that con siderable cloudiness nnd local rains are hkely along tho Washington and Oregon co.fdt. II! HiNOENBURG statue;sold fori m now ruin PURLIN". Mny 2. The "Iron Hin denburg," the gigantic wooden statue into which patriotic Germans ham mered nails a4 ho much a nail during the raising of war funds has suc cumbed to an Ignoble fate, it now de velops. After the revolution the directors of tho Tiergarten wher the 110 foot .statue. wa erected, requested its re moil. The patriotic society which was responsible for its erection, was unable to furnish1 the funds for mov ing It away and the Tiergarten authorities then offered it to any museum willing to pay transportation charges, but there were no takers. A Rcrlin architect finally bought the statue for one gold mark, sold the body as old wood and removed the head to a storage houe, intonding later to present It to some public body as a historic relic. Duiing the Kapp tevolt special po lice guards were ntat'.ored around the storage house to protct the heau. - Rut the architect's negotiations with the patriotic societies were drag ged out so long that fungus growths destroyed "whit remained of tho fa mous statue. . GARY, Irid., May 2. Five men were held here and in Chicago today In connection with the mystery of the burned and maimed body of a young woman found Sunday near here. But questioning them failed to pierce ma terially the blank wall against which investigators found themselves after a week of effort. The belief, at first positive, that the woman was Mrs. Josephine Desiderio, 21 year old mother of three children, which wavered yesterday was further shaken today when James A. Brown, Fort Wayne, Ind., said the body re sembled his missing niece, Mrs. Mabel Wahls Miller, 23. Brown, with Samuel Jackson, Allen county, Indiana, prosecutor,, and Sam uel Immel, Fort Wayne, deputy sher iff, caused the detention In Chicago of Ellsworth C. Miller, husband of iirown's niece. The uncle told the police that Miller and his wife were married two years ago in Cedar Itaplds, Iowa and that there frequent ly was trouble between them. Six weeks ago, Brown said, Miller and his wife visited Brown in Fort Wayne, and later left. From then until lust Monday, Brown'f;aid, he hud not heard from them. Then he was told by Miller that his wife had been missing since April 6 and that he had gone to Columbus, Ohio, in search of her, believing she had been drowned there. Brown said the Columbus po lice told him no woman had been drowned there. Mrs. Miller, Brown told the police, had worn shoes similar to the one found near the body. Miller admitted he .and his wife had quarrelled and said she had threatened to shoot him. lie told questioners she had left Chl cago April 6 In an automobile to go to Fort Wayne and he had not heard from her since. Three other men taken In Chicago were Fred and Harry Desiderio, both ers of Louis Desiderio, husband of Josephine, and Claude A. Ferlnl, their cousin. They were brought here for questioning. They denied knowing, tho whereabouts of the husband, who Is sought by the police, and said they had opposed his marriage to the girl. Also held in Gary was Samuel Ross, who added his Identification of the body as that of Mrs. Desiderio to the recognition made by her ifaronts to day and Mrs, Bernardo Genero of Gary. Their Identifications, however, wero discounted after William J. Kmurdon, a Gary constablo said - he hod talked to Mrs. Desiderio last Tuesday, three dayn after tho-body was found. A. J. JIalter, Gary attor ney for Mrs. Desiderio at one time, and his stenographer, asserted posi tively that the body was not that of Mrs. Desiderio. FULL DECREE IN PORTLAND, Ore., Mny 2. Closing of the Willamette river to commercial fishing Is advocated by Captain A. b. lUirghduff, state game warden, in his monthly report to tho game commis sion. This could only be permanently ef fected, Burghduff states, through con stitutional amendment setting the river aside to remain forever a trolling and seed stream, thus barring any succeeding legislature from throwing the river open to commercial fishing. Radio Programs for Tonight . WASHINGTON. May 2. Denying tito government's request for a limita tion of tho order suspending opera tions of the packer consent decree. Justice It la ley. in the supreme court of tho District of Columbia, today entered a formal order suspending the decreo "in every particular." 1 hp order entered today is to remain effective until further order of the court, which, it was stipulated, will be entered, if nt all. only after a final hearing and proof of the government's original case filed in 11C0. Government counsel i sought to ob tain a modification of jthe suspension decree so that it would effect only the operations ef the packers with the California canners and would be effec tive only until 1 ill's, when tho contract between those parties would expire. l nder the decreo entered Into five years ago tho so-called big five group of Chicago meat packing com panies agreed to divorce themselves from unrelated lincsif business. l lie l uluornin co-operative canner ies later w;ro permitted to Intervene ts a pai0.- at interest because of the contracts under which their priuct w;m distributed by the packers. On Aim il ;l Justice IWUoy an nounced that on the shewing of the canneries, he was convinced that the decree was working an injury to that imlnstrv. The sunreme court declined. however, to expand his decision to an ordeV to vacate the decree, "since no proof has been shown that it was entered properly. KFI, Los Angeles, 4G8.5 meters, 8 to 9, program presented by the Los Angeles Examiner, , 9 to 10, He- dondo Music Week program under the direction of Kuby Wise Sargent. 10 to 11, the Packard lladlo club holding their regular Saturday night session, featuring Way Watts, Dor othy Cleveland, Jack Kurtzi and the Carlson Sisters. KHJ, Los Angeles, 405.2 meters, 8 to 10, program presented through jthe courtesy of he Pacific Klectrlc I Johnson. KNX, Hollywood, 337 meters. 8 to 9. Chamber of Commerce and Realty Board. 9 to 10, Van Nuys Hotel, courtesy program. 1Q to 11, 'Hotel Ambassador-Abe Lyman's Coeoanut Grove Orchestra. 11 to 2:00, Holly wood night. KKWli, Hollywood, 252 meters. 9 to 10. lna Mitchell Butler. 2. Bll lie Dunn. 8. Warner Bros Synco pators. 4. Denn Bruce. 11 to 1:00, Mont mart re Cafe dance music. KFON. Long Bench, 232.4 meters, 8 to 9. the Press-Telegram present ing the entire program of the Long Bench Municipal Band, under the direction of Herbert L. Clarke. KGO. Oakland, 361 meters. 8:00. program, courtesy Sherman Clay & Co.. San Francisco. 10 to 1:00. dance music program by Henry Halstead's orchestra and soloists, Hotel St. Francis. San Francisco. , KTMS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark., 374.8 meters, 8 to 9, . organ recital by Lnwson Keld, from the Princess theater. KOA. Denver, Colo., 323 meters, 8 to 12. dance music program by Joe Mann nnd his Itninbuw-Lane orches tra. Shir ley -Savoy hotel, Denver. Not let to Advertisers. Advertisers still continue tn bring In display advertising copy na latp as 10 a. m. the day they want their ad to run. nnd of course we cam& accept the same because it is invssible to get the copy pet. All advertising copy should be In this office cn the afternoon of the dav J before the ad la to run. 9 u 216 E. Main St. Phone 664 Over Haskiris Drug Store is;ii!:;!iiai;;!!iniiiia!H!!i msmmafi iiiiJiiiiiiiaeMiiwaa Peter Paint IS COMING 0. A. C. SCHOOL OF MUSIC SUMMER SESSION' JUXK 21, JLTA" .30 Special Intensive Courses for Music Teachers VOICE, PIANO, VIOLIN, HARMONY, PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC Special Pedagogical Courses. Gleo Club and Orchestra Conducting Eminent Faculty Reasonable Tuition Rates European Training Ideal Study Conditions Send for Special Bulletin. Apply s ; Paul Petri 'Director, Corvallis, Oregon . CASH PAID ' i For Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 315 E. Main . Phone 505 ffidhnmr AU Ramdt W to Sai Frandscv Wktr Ik Madx wlcotrut ks Wfr Kiter tha journey you long for t ptac ( quiet and ren. The Hotel Manx iwiiu and welcome the visitor. A place you nn call ml I lOME. An udiotpucrc of unuttioJ charm and comfort. ' DdplAI?itt PCAVTTLL Ot ef. OKUSftl'LV. SAM I'dANCISCO Are you going to celebrato your birth day, or anybody's? If so, rest assured that your party will be crowned with success if you serve some of our superior "velvety tasting" cream ' as a refreshment. Ask for Nutritious Ice Cream Jackson County Creamery FOR RENT 55 ft. Riverside Ave. Frontage in Sparta Building, just off Main St., or will remodel into smaller stores to suit Tenant. The Busy Corner Motor Co. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Windows and Sash, Screens, Window and Door Frames, Mouldings, Cabinets of All Kinds Our Constant AinIs to Keep Our Quality and Price Absolutely Right. 0 Do Not Order From Out-cf-Town Concerns Before LcttingJa Figure on Your Bill. TROWBRIDGt CABINET tvrwQ Medford .' A Modern Mill uieiruu WITH MEDFORD TRADE 13 MEDFORD MADE.