Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 01, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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o o
GARY, lnd., May 1. Identifica
tion of the girl whose maimed' and
burned body wns found Sunday near
Chesterton as Mm. Josephine Desi
derlb, 21, Gary, wns believed com
plete today by the authorities, after
Mrs, Bernard Genero, her mother,
and Sam Ross, a friend, .were posi
tive in recognizing her.
. Ross, who said, he had last seen
.the girl Friday In an automobile with
another prl and two men, was held
for questioning. He said he and the
girl had resided in the same Gary
hotel for two weeks since he came
from New York. . I
Registrars for the 1026 primary
election,, have bceji named by the
county clerk as follows, for the fol
lowing towns and cities of Jackson
county, the list being incomplete, as
several appointees have fulled to ac
cept, to date:
Medford, Robert Boyl.
Eagle Point, F. R. Nell.
Central Point, Edith Jucobs.
Prospect, James Grieve.
Ashland, G. F. and O. H. Billings.
Inke Creek, Lewis Wyant. .
Applegate, John Pernoll.
Radio Programs
for Tonight
WJ. . 1 na Antrnlps A (I ft R mftprs
Mrs. Desiderio had been separated g t0 9i the AeoUan orB'nn recital
irum uer iiuxuiwm wno is suugni uy rom the Aeolian studio, fenturinK
the police. , tho Aeolan residence pipe organ
Mrs. Genero. who was traced thru Wlth Dan L..MacFarland at tho con
a telephone number scrawled on the soe. 10 to n a Jolnt ciIls3iCal re
lining of a vanity ease found yester- citnl ot Mnurin0 DyCr, mezzo so
day near the place where the bodyran0i nna Marguerite Johnston,
was discovered, was positive in the conoent violinist .
Identity of the body as that of herl KHJ, Loa AnBcieSt 405.2 meters,
aaugmer ne named icoss, who g , 10i program presented through
was found late last night and ques- the courtesy of the Western Auto
tioned this morning. Supply company, arranged by J.
ituss, . a joreigner, minutely ae- Howard Johnson,
scribed the appearance and clothing KFSO, Lo3 Angeles, 270.1 meters,
of Mrs. Desiderio, the police snid.' t in. nn t r..i.. o U...-.1,.
his story tallying with the bits of o( the Superior Court, in an address
clothing and appearance of the body. I coni.erning religion, crime and tho
Taken to tho Chesterton morgue, he youth of America. Music by Mar-
" saiu mo lon Knott, saxophonist. 10 to 10:30
uuuy nu umi ui ins woman ne naa band concert presented by tho Sil
last seen Friday. He denied any ver rinnd, directed by G. N. Nichols.
""'"" OI nor wnereaDouts since KNX Hollywood, 337 meters, 8 to
-'' I3' West Coast Theaters from West
WBh the mystery of the name coast, studio. 9 lo 11, Beverly Hills
believed solved, authorities sought nurseries courtesy program. ' 11 to
nny connection between the death of j2. Hotel Ambassador-Ahe Lyman's
the girl and the body of a man, Cocoanut Grove orchestra,
identified as James shela, Stockton, I KFWB. Hollywood, 252 meters, 9
lnd., railroad employe; which was to 10. Clear Lake Jllghlnnds pro
found yesterday on the outskirts ot gram: . 1. clear Lake Highland's
Gnry. The man's throat had been orchestra. 2. Irene Authler. 3.
Beared and his trousers burned and i Charles Beauchamp. 10 to 11, War
apparently he had been dead slnco ner Bros. Moving Picture Hour. 11
ounuuy. n was recaiioa mat a rail-, to 1:00. Montmnrlin Cnfn dance
road employe's card was found Sun
day beside the girl. .
Efforts were made by the police
today to develop Information given
by four Crown Point, lnd., persons.
who said they saw two men carry
ing a struggling girl into an auto
mobile while they were motoring last
KJR, Senttle 384.4 meters, 8:30 to
10:00, special program commemo-
rating 35th anniversary Bon Marche
t Dept. store.
KFONT, 232.4 moters, 8 ' to 9, the
Press-Telegram program presenting
the North Loner Flench nndinenntern.
Sunday night. They attempted pur-9 to 11. the Virginia Hotel Ballroom
suit, they Said, but lost sight of the orchestra. . ,. ' :
automobile. . I KPO. San Francisco. 428 a meters
8 to 11, Palace Hotel Concert.
KLX, Oakland, 608.2 meters, 8 to
9, studio program of Instrumental
and Vncnl iniiair. o n in ati.,ltn
Presbyterian Church prtf' through the courtesy of the
, H'ren '1' Wflnri nn!1v in Ifl.n
music by Tom Gerunovlch's Ballroom
Missionary Pageant at
A strong home missionary pageant
entitled "The Call of tho Home Land"
will be. presented nt the Presbyterian
ehurch'on Sunday, evening, May the
3rd. It is being sponsored by the
Westminister Oulld of that church.
nd is being directed by Mrs. J. Albert
McCorkle, assisted by Mrs. Lorraine
Cornish, with Mrs. H. E. Marsh at the
There will be eight principle char
acters representing the home land and
eight representing Immigrants from
Europe, together with two children
and three boys taking special parts. A
chorus of 14 girls will assist with
special music.
School District Bond KIcction Notice,
for Sellout District No. ot Jack
son County, Ore50, i.
State of Oregon, County of Jackson,
School District No. 49.
Notice Is hereby given, that at the
school district bond election hereby
called to be held nt the High school
building, In Medford, Jackson county.
Oregon, on May 6th, 1925, In and for
saiu scnooi district, between the hours
of two o'clock p. m., and seven o'clock
p. m., of said date, there will be sub
mitted to the leeal vote nf an lit
school district No. 49, the question of
cuiiiracung a oonnco Indebtedness In
of presenting missionary truths and
the missionary appeal today is by pa
geantry in which the urgent need Is
represented in a living character. A
general invitation is extendod to every
one to see this pageant. '
the nlim nf n no Uiinilfarl 1?i..u..
Ono of the most Impressive means Thousand ($186,000.00) Dollars, and to
issue its negotiable coupon bonds In
said sum bearing Interest at the rate
of five per cent per annum, for. the
purpose, or constructing and equipping
n high school, or a unit thereof. In and
Cor said district, and to purchase the
real property necessary for said pur
pose. The vote upon this question shall be
by ballot upon which there shall be
written tho words: "Bonds Yes"
and "Bonds no," and the voter shall
pince a cross (X) between the words
Bonds Yes." or between the words
"Bonds No," which Indicates his
Polls for the recentlon nf th fcai.
lots enst for or against tho contrac
tion of snid indebtedness, ivfll on said
day and date, and nt thn nlnnn nfn.
said, be opened nt the hour of two
o'clock .p. m.. and will remain open
uiini me nuur oi seven O'clock p. m.,
of said date, at which time the polls
shall be closed.
By order of the District School
Board of School District Number 49.
of Jnckson County, Oregon, made on
inn xulii uuy oi April, jyzn.
Chairman of District flohnni nnnH
District Clerk.
Mrs. Will Wellcr gave a splendid
talk on "Narcotics and the Dope Men
4e" before the student body on
Thursday morning. Mrs. Weller is a
trained nurse.
: Mis. W. W. Estes spent tho week
end with her two sons and their
families In .Gold Hill, returning Sun
day evening on. the railway. - -
Mrs; Lawrence Crawford and Dor
othy and Theodore nro all confined
to the home with mumps. Her moth
er, Mrs. French of Phoenix, is help
ing her.
Regular meeting of Talent com
munity club, Wednesday afternoon at
2:30, May 6, at club, rooms. Light
refreshments will be served. All are
Louis Brown of Copco, Calif., spent
the week end at home with his fam
ily. Mr. Sproat of Medford gave a short
address on "Forestry" to the student
body Wednesday morning.
. Mrs. Adah Unruh of Portland spoke
before the M. E. Sunday school last
Sunday mornmg in the Interest of the
W. C. T. U. Farm Home for Orphans,
which la located near Corvallls..
Those from Talent attending the
Southern District O. F. W. C. at. Rogue
River last Saturday were Mrs. Louis
Brown, Mrs. Violet Sulllnger, Mrs.
Tom Hill, Mrs. C.-W. Long, Mrs. E.
E. Evans. Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Craw
ford, Mrs. Borg, Mrs. Clemens and
Mrs. Pendland. The trip was made
in two cars.
Don't-forget to attend the grade
entertainment at the school house.
Friday evening. May 1st. Proceeds
to be used in buying playground ap-
Mrs. H." E. Bowman Is confined to
her home by illness.
C. F. Bond, A. Amundson, and E.
E. Evans attended the Masonic meet
ing and banquet in honor of the Past
Masters In Medtord last f riaay even
Rev. Nelson of Phoenix will preach
thA baccalaureate Bcrmon to the
eraduatlng closs and the community
Sunday evening. May 10th, at the
M. E. church.
Mm Rpn. Carter attended the
funeral of Mrs. KHn C.nlcy In Ash
In ml on Thursday lastveek. .
k Mr and Mrs. H. B. Carter and
family of Ashland were Sundaj"din.
ner euests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Car-
thin week. Geo. Carte returned
Monday to Duffcmulr. Calif., where
Reliable Merchandise Since 1894
o o - '
1 mmi ice)k?'
'A ' offers . . .;f
'Jil lave to lunch
les, I serve it
at home
. is delicious !
No. 1077
1 AOO.000 c ps were served
atlie PANA.nA-J?ACIFlC
International EXPOMTION
New Bargains for Sprin
Women's Striped Challie
-Dresses $19.95
Most wonderful dresses received in all wool
challies. New stripes hi gold, blue, black
and tan with contrasting colors on cream
white backgrounds. -. ' -
The season's latest creations. See .them
tomorrow .............$19.95
Tub Silk Dresses $10.50
New Tub Silks in the new fancy stripes,
Saturday special $10.50
Better values $23.50
Women's Dresses $6.50
These are in new printed silks and Rayons,
values worth $10.00, going Saturday at
Canton Crepe Dresses..
Women's Coats, Special $10 ; .
One lot "Women's Coats going on sale Sai
in-day at this extremely low price. Many,;
of them worth nearly double the price of
fered Saturday ..." .' ;l.....$10.QQ
V "?
Women's Coats $15 'f
Special' values just received from the nia
kct center and purchased much below reg
ular wholesale cost. New spring colors and
styles, Saturday selling $15.00
Crepe Gowns $1.25
'Extra sized crepe ; Gowns in
flesh and white, size 20 $1.25
Crepe Gowns $1.95
Crepe Gowns in novelty style,
found in colors, white, orchid
and flesh ,.' $1.95
Crepe Gowns $2.19
Crepe Gowns in novelty
styles, found in contrasting
colored crepes, . flesh, orchid
- and white $2.19
Water Proof House
Apron 65c
We have a beautiful assort
ment in rubberized aprons in
rose, blue, gofd, 1 avender arid
green; value well worth $1.00.
Saturday ....65
$1.98 Crepe de Chine
' Silk $1.75
,y .:
Our regular $1.98 quality, out
special Saturday $1.75
$2.25 Crepe de Chine, Saturday
$2.50 Crepe de Chine, Saturday
: ;.$2.25
Many unusual values in our silk
department dressmakers and
those who do their own scNving
should not, overlook.
"Let McCall Patterns help you"
English Cotton Broadcloth
Fine quality English Broadcloth
in coral, orange, fez red, grey,
blue, "white; 30 inches wide;
sale - 75
Novelty Tissue Ginghams
69c and 75c
New effect in imported tissue
Ginghams on display in' green,
orange, pink, blue in new checks
and stripes.
32-inch Ginghams 23c '
Heavy quality Ginghams, soft
finish, extra wide and fast to
washing ...t. 23
$1.75 Allen A Silk Hose
$1.35 . .
,"Yhen it comes to satisfactory
silk hosiery, you have every
guarantee that Allen A is the
. best in' Style; finish' ;&d'J'scv''';
vice. Tomorrow, $1.75 pure
silks $1.23
.; ... f ,
Novelty Star Kist Silki
Hose $1.25 ::!;,.)
Black striped, Van Dyke heels
Boys' Allen Hose 39c ,
Heavy rib hose for boys in
triple knees, double heels and
toes.. Brown or black. Sized
6 to 11......:........:..::. 39
' f T
Children's Summer Hats
Now is the time for summer
hats, and we have the new.
spring style. Bring in the lit-,
tie tots as well as the larger
ones 50 to $1.25
Printed Patterns
Dorna Garden Dresses
' Women's Patent Pump Ties
The newest style in women's dress
ties; patent military heel, plain toe,
turned. Sale : $5.95
Women's Sport Strap Slippers
These are the new cut-out styles in
the new tan and patents, low heels.
Big sale values .,....$6.50
Stop the man-made forest fires
Hole Proof i ! l
Longwear Hosiery.
Medford Hi Seniors !
Present a
3-Act Comedy
. . . . Hunt's Craterian
Tickets 75c, $1.00, $1.25. .
Put out your camp fires with, water.
For Second-Hand
Furniture and Stoves
Furniture House
315 E. Main Phone 505
r. ' .!.
. ' Builder of : ' f .
Can be iiltcrvicwed nt the : . ' ."
. Medford National Bank
' r - ' v:-
Jackson County Bank
Rctwccu the liours of 11:00 A. U. and 12:00 Noon.
. 'Will lie plciiNi'd to explain all mutters
pertaining to the Mausoleum.
he Is working lor lopco.