Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 01, 1925, Page 11, Image 11

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    U UIU)
i News of Jackson County
tv (Special.) "Svcn Oaks Service Sta
' "' tlon la now coniplct and open for busl.
i. nfss under the efficient management
of Bonney Bros. &' Bonney. These
: gentlemen havo had considerable ex
? i perlence In this line ot work and will
." bo able to Elve prompt and careful
"j Friends of the MeKee family, form
y er residents of this vicinity, have Just
J iA xecelved the announcement of the
f (llbuirrlnBe of Miss Blnnche McKoe, only
f miughter of Mrs. Mlnino McKee to Al
I 'J bert H. Clasen. Tho marriage took
if place on April 18th, nt Oakland, Cal-
uornia. une young people win iuuiu
their home in that city.
Mrs. Sam Anderson, who has been
In poor health for some time, wns
taken to a locnl hospital last Friday
and underwent a major operation Sat
urday morning. Mrs. Anderson is still
very weak but Is. making satisfactory
progress towards recovery.
Oetrudo Hammond, daughter of
"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammond, who
has been ill for several months and
confined to her bed, is Improving and
the doctors aro in hopes that the plas
ter cast can be removed from her limb
in a few weeks. - 1
It Is hoped there will be a full at
tendance of tho members at the meet
ing of the Willow Springs Thursday
clu bon May 7th, at the home of Mrs.
P. A. Bonney.
and Diet
iii m tar 1 1 p tr
For Infants
The Aged
Contains the valuable muscle
and bone forming elements found
in the grain and whole milk.
Raises happy; robust children.
Nutritious and easily assimilated.
Prepared at home by stirring the pow
der in hot or cold water. No cooking.
By Mary O. Carey.
EDEN PRECINCT, April 30fc There
is much enthusiasm In Eden precinct
over the opening up of the coal mine
on the Westerlund orchard place. For
years It has been known that coal ex
isted on most of the land in East Eden.
The Sam Furry donation land claim
has some of the best coal bearing land
In this county, and an old abandoned
shaft is An this property, that was
pun into the hilt about 200 feet, and
then was caved In by the promoters,
for some reason. I myself, was in
the shaft and saw the coal, a six feet
vein of good grade coal. Some day
this nnme mine will be a producer.
IT. H. Goddard, Homel Noil and Mr.
Herford and wife, were Talent busi
ness visitors last Saturdny. Mr, Her
ford has a fine herd of milk cows and
is hauling his cream to the Snider
dairy in Medford.
Mrs. Fred Furry and her nephew
returned from Portland Inst Friday,
whore Mrs. Furry has been visiting
ivlth relatives. Her two nephews, Wil
liam and Donald Peck, who havbeen
visiting at tho Furry home for a couple
of months, left Monday of this week
for their home In Portland.
"We are sorry to announce the death
of Mrs. A .E. McTavish, wtio formerly
lived near Phoenix, but has for many
years lived In Oakland. Mrs. McTav
ish was preceded some eight years ago
by her husband, and only last Novem
ber by her second daughter, Christina
McTaviah. Mrs. McTavish had a host
of friends here who will regret to learn
of her demise from paralysis.
Mrs, Walter Farzier Brown of South
Medford was a business caller at the
Carey Plant Farm Thursday morning.
Harry Lynch and Mrs. Earny Pur-
ves of Wagoned Creek were Medford;
hum n ess visitors Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Haynmri of
West Phoenix were over to attend the
Christian Endeavor play Tuesday
night at Phoenix and visiting Mr. Hay
man's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fay of Phoenix
was out to tho Plant Farm on business
Tuesday evening. 1
The C. E. concert in Phoenix Tues
day evening was a great success, and
grentl yonjoyed.
Mrs. Fred Rapp of Talent was a
business visitor in Medford last Friday
afternoon. 1
L. E. Hughes of Fern Valley was an
Ashland- visitor last Thursday, and
transacted busines in North Talent on
his return. 1 1
Mrs. A. S. Furry spent Monday night
in Medford visiting her mother, Mrs.
M. Itose, at the home of her sister,
Mrs. C. Cate, and visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Neil Franklin.
Mrs. Poley and her daughter. Miss
Evii. of Ashland, were visiting Mrs.
Poflt's daughter. Mrs. Clint Hartley
and family, last Sunday afternnon.
The Whito Wing Poultry fafm. now
has about four thousand baby chicks
which they are raising for their own
farm the coming winter.
Guests last Siuiuy at the home of
Mr. uml Mrs. A Carey were Mr. and
Mrs. S. P. Barneburg of East Eden,
Mr. and Mis. Charles Donert of Phoe
nix, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jones of tho
Log Cabin statioy on the Sisklyous and
their two sons, Roland and Norman.
Miss Vivian Stancliffe was brought
homefrom the Sacred Heart hospital
at Medford last Saturday. Miss Vivian
came near having a (ntal accident
when she thoughtlessly jumped from
a moving car near the school grounds
one day last week. She sustained many
bruises abqut her face and body the
sharp gravel and rocks being ground
into the flesh, by the forco of the fall.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith of East
Medford visited the Plan Farm, to
buy a couplo of thousand tomato
plants Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fish of North
Talent, spent last Sunday as guests at
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilds
of Ashland. -'
Mrs. Soon a Moller of San Fran
cisco, California, arrived at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Earny Purves of
Talent, to mako her home with them.
Mrs. Purves was taken by surpriso by
her mother, who had not told her she
was coming, when Mrs. Purves came
homo a month ago.
Miss Delia Mast, Miss Bessie Hllder
brand and Miss Irene Chandler, were
a party of three girls from Phoenix
who spent the day at tho track meet
together. The ytook their dinners and
had a picnic.
Mrs. Keenan of Phoenix has lately
shipped four lots of her fino thorough
bred rabbits, the price of none of them
was less than seven dollars each. Mrs.
Keenan has papers for every male or
femalo she owns.
Mrs. L. A. Reams of Phoenix was
calling on Mr. and Mrs. B. N. French
and Mrs. C. Caroy last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Doctor Miller of Phoenix left
for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Smith of Scappoose, a suburb of Port
land, where sho will see- her new
granddaughter for the first time.
Check for $146,000,000
Is Paid for Dodge Co.
DETROIT, May 1.4-(By the Asso
ciated Press) The last step in tho
sale of Dodge Brothers, Inc., to Dil
lon Read and company, -New York
bankers, was taken here today when
representatives of the owners of the
automobile company turned over to
the purchasers tho deeds, bills of
stile and other papers involved in the
transfer of title.
The transfer was made upon tele
phono notification from New York
that Charles P. Spicer, vice-president
of tho Detroit Trust company,
representing the Dodge stockholders
had received from Dillon, Read and
company, a check for $146,000,000,
representing the total net purchas
ing price. :
22 Pieces-For Your Selection
; This suite is decorated by hand by high-class artists. It is exceptionally well
.finished and well made. Throughout the drawer interiors are finished in a
pleasing shade ivory. ' -
All Hand Decorated.
11 J
Is . the best candy
you ever feasted!
A new way to sell a Fine Candy!
. t .. . ..' it 1.. rni
Uci your swrei muui icuuy, iuikm
Oh Henryl's here! Here with a
wonderful surprise for you!
A new taste in candy!
' Just imagine a rich butter cream dipped
in a luscious, chewy caramel, rolled in
crispy crackling nut-meats and then
thickly coated with a delicious Milk
Chocolate! That's Oh Henry!
Sounds good, eh? But say! not half
as good as it tastes! Oh Henry! is just
the best candy that ever melted in your
Don't think of Oh Henry! as one of
the ordinary bars. It isn't. Oh Henry! is
just a new way to sell a fine candy!
made in the form of a bar for conve
nience' sake! So that you can buy good
candy when you want it in just the quan
tities you want at the time
Try a bar of Oh Henry! See why
' ELEVEN MILLION people go into a store
and say "Oh Henry!" every month in the
year! Take a bar home and slice it and
see how the family likes this new taste
in candy.
Find it at any store. Just say Oh
Henry! and reach for the sweetest dime
you ever spent !
all Kinds
Buy This Bedroom Suite
On Our
Installment Plan
' Something new attractive. Satin finish assorted QQp
colors base attached; $2.50 value, Saturday special....' wOt
The Installment House With, a Reputation
First Insurance
A. L. HU-L, Manager
Phone 105 30 North Central
Medford, Ore.
Are you going to
celebrate your birth
day, or anybody's? If
so, rest assured that
your party will , be
crowned with success
If you serve some of
our superior "velvety
tasting" cream aa a
Ask for
Nutritious Ice Cream
Jackson County
Wong Pon
For Treatment of
Acute and Chronic
Diseases of Men
and Women.
Cancer and tumor treated, Inflrenaa, kid
ney, bladder and stomach troubea, 11 U,
hernia, rupture, coldn, female troubles, par
ilyais, fever, pneumonia, astlims and throat
troubles, ' rheumatism, ameuorrhoea, goitre,
consumption, catarrh, piles, hydrocele, al
bumin. Offloa Hours: B A. M. to B P. M.
Consultation Frs
Z41 South Front 8t. mi Medford, Ort.
Phone 244
23 N. Fir St
ffil f K mM III U Ix if
Aik your local ticket agent,
for complete details and the
, "Scroti Canada" folder.
Fast, intend idly-appointed trims
continental trains carry you East'
via the Canadian Pacific svitem
Low bummer taret from May ii 10
September 19 to
Rtturn Limit October 31
Tnitr Trains Each Day Each Way, splendid servlc
sntl equipment; atopovcrs wherever you wish
including the Jamous Canadian Pacific moonuum
iViiiadlan Pacif ic Railway
W.H. Deacon GerilAgenl Pass'rDepl
55ThirdSlMulhwmohHoMBldg-Portland ;.:
For Freight sec O. H. Becker, District Freight Afcnt ;-
Increase Your Income by Investing in
8$ Cumulative Preferred Stock
Our 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock ; .""
(a) Is Cumulative, Non-Assossable; . ' . .
, (b) Is Preferred both as to assets and earnings;
(c) bearB as bleb a rate of Interest as good business Justifies;
(d) Is a senior security to au equal amount of common Btock paid
for In cash;
(e) Is In a corporation managed by local business men of known
ability and Integrity;
(f) Is exempt from normal Federal Income Tax; ,
(g) Is a deBlrable Investment because the assets of this corpora
tlon are invested In adequately secured notes and contracts.
PARTIAL PAYMENTS ACCEPTED We will be glad to take your subscription and permit
you to make installment payments, allowing you 8 per cent interest on all payments made.
Commercial Discount Corporation
Harry H. Rosenberg, Pres.
W. W. Walker, Secy.
$100,000.00 Capital
First National Bank Bldg.
Phone 939
John R. Tomlin, Vice-Pres.
David H. Rosenberg, Treas.