BRINGING . WELL -l WOl RT ) WMM : ENOOCH TO (ifeltscj aH - W0M$ Ui-aibRELUA, TQDA.-Y,- it-ll fMft, The Markets . f ... .. UveMocfc.". '.. ... . PORTLAND, Ore., April 29. Cattle nominally steady; no receipts. . Hogs weak, to shade lower; receipts 265. Light weight (160 to 200 lbs.) common, medium, good and choice, 918.00 6ll60; slaughter pigs (130 lbs. down), medium, good, and choice, fll.00U.B0. . ., e , n '. Sheep, aged stock nominally steady; spring Iambs 2Gc higher; receipts 445. Spring lambs, medium to choice f 13. 00 15-70., . .,. , KggM PORTLAND. Ofe., April 29. Eggs steady, unchanged. Current receipts 2BHe; pullets 23 f 24c; firsts 24 826c; henneries 26(g26Vfcc delivered, Portland. Butter PORTLAND. Ore.. April 2. But ter weak, shade lower. Prints one cent lower. Extra cubes, city, 40c: stand ards 40c; prime firsts 40c; firsts. 39c; undcrgrades nominal; prints 42c; car tons 43c. Butterfnt two cents lower. Best churning cream. 3Hc net shippers' track In zone one; 40c delivered Port land. Poultry1 ' PORTLAND, Ore., April 29. Poul try barely steady. Heavy hens 23& 24c; light 2223c; broilers 38$40c. PoUltOCH PORTLAND, Ore.. April toes firm 1.75ft 1.S5. Onions firm s)3.754.00. Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., April 29. "Wheat bids: Hard white, ' bluestem, baart, $1.60; soft white, $1.53; west ern white $1.63; hard winter, $1.53; northern spring, $1.50; western red, $1.60; BBB hard white $1.75. Today's car receipts Wheat, 5; flour,; 6; oats, 1; hay. X. ' ' San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, April 29. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Broilers, leghorn 1 to 1 -4 lbs. 2526c; 1H lbs. 31fr33c; colored, 1 to 1 lbs. 38 40c. Leghorn hens 2 lbs. 24c; 3 lbs. 25c: 8 K to 3 V6 lbs. 26c. Belgian hare, live 18 20c; dressed 2426c. THE STAND AGAIN BOM BAT, India, April 29. (By the Associated Press) Mumtaz Be gum today continued her ordeal on the witness stand during the third session of the trial of tho nine men accused of murdering her protector, Abdul Kadir Baula, rich Moham medan merchant. Th e former fa vorite of the Maharaja of Indore, declared that Baufa supplied her with ample funds and that she found- greater happiness in his house than at the maharaja's palace in Indoro. Tho tnaharaja, she said, was not sincere when ho said she could leavo his household whenever sho pleased. Munitaz admitted that she did not tell the ma ha raja sho wanted to leave him. Sho escaped from In dore because of her baby's death, she said. Answering a question from the counsel, Mumtaz said "a fe male child was born to me, but a nurse killed It." Summons. 1 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. Victoria Harris Bartman. plaintiff, vs. FOR SALE To Be Removed or Wrecked Frame build lnff, known as Diamond Rooming House, located at northwost corner Central Avenue and Sixth St. Inquire J. H. Cooley, Medford Lum ber Co. WANTED ToBuyforCaBh All Your Second Hand Furniture StOEDOFF WOOLF DANCING GIRL ON UP FATHER Wesley Bartman, defendant. To Wesley Bartman, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and re quired to appear nnd answer the plaintiff's complaint against you, now on file in the above entitled court and cause, on or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order of pub lication of summons herein, to-wlt: On or before the 11th day of June, 1925, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And if you fail to appear and an swer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demnnded, suc cinctly stated, as follows: For a decree of this court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, nnd for such other relief as the court may deem equitable and proper. This summons is published in the Medtord Mail Tribune, by order of Hon. W. J. Hnrtzell, county judge of Jackson county, Oregon, which snid order wos made ami entered of record on the 2th day of April. 1925, nnd in compliance therewith the date of the first publication hereof Is the 29th day of April, 1925. V. E. P1HPPS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, First National Bank Building, Med ford, Oregon. Administratrix's Final Xotlce. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter .of the E3tute of William i Rodgers, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Alice 15. Rodgers, ns the od ministralrix of the estarb of William Rodgers, deceased, now pending in tlie county court for Jackson county, Oregon, filed therein on the 24th day of April, 1925. her final account, report and petition herein, asking to be dis charged, and for tho allowance of her final account and report, and for dis tribution of tho assets. That based thereon, the county court for Raid countyj .cm the-24th day of April, 1925, ordered all persons- hav ing any objection to the allowance of snd final account and report, and to the distribution of the property ns prayed for .and to the discharge of the administratrix, to present them .before said court at Jacksonville, Oregon, on the 29th day of May, 1925. at the hour of ten o'clock a. mi, and required this notice to bo given, and setting said final account and report for hearing and final aotl6n at said date. All persons having nny objection to any of Raid final account and report, and shch disposition of tho assets of the estate, and to the discharge of the said administratrix, or to any of said matters, must make the same at such final hearinir. unted at Jacksonville, Oregon, this 9th day of April, 1925. ALICE B. RODGERS. Administratrix. IlliXP WANTEb-FEMALE VANTED Experienced switch board operator. Apply In person. Hotel Medford. tf WANTED Competent cook. Mrs. O. Li. BUhrman, lo Geneva Ave.- . tf WANTED Competent woman for cooking and general housework; no washing. Liberal wages. Phono 699. Mrs. D. Rosenberg. - tf Jjet us service your car rogulafly with " VELVOIL t Our famous Eastern Oil at 25c per quart. Why py more? ..Armory Service Station - Pac.' Highway, at Jnekaon St. We Have a Real Cord Tire . for $8.90 Free Crankcase Serviee Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station 9 ifEDFORt) MAIL TRTBUNE, MEDFflKD, 0100. WEDNESDAY, APKIL 29. UMBRELLA, AJnn'AM' s s.,?. .stir siy;-syt4!4. . 51925 DV InT'L FriTiior Crouirr Great Diitain rights reserved., HEIiP WANTKD MALE WAN'TKD Machlnst.. Mectford. Iron Works. 3-t WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Clerical work, by young lady. Phono 1J77-X. 34 WANTED Competent dressmaker wishes engagement by the day. Re modeling a specialty. Phone 1177-X. 34 WANTED By experienced all nronnd farmer (35). steady work; some ex perience in orchard. No objection if far from town. Will rent or lease if suited. Have family. Wife jtood cook. G. M. Helseth. Grants Pass. Oregon. 33 WANTED Work nny kind, man or man and wife; no children. Phono 478-M. ' 33 WANTED Young lady wishes room mate. Good pleasant room. Very reasonable. Call 733-Y, during day. 1 ': . 33 WANTED MISCEMiAXEOUS WANTED Milk goats. Also nlrdale dog cheap. Uox A. D., Tribune. 33 WANTED To give homo to girl be . tween 12 and 15 years old. Box 10, Mail Tribune. 35 WANTED TO RENT Immediately, three teams, 'lei. 1057. tf WANTED Furniture ropniring. up holstering, refiinshing and rcgluing. Tel. !lli!l-R. A. N. Tlhebault. SO WANTED To rent or lease desirable small house. Phono 94-J-2. 33 WANTED Ijocal and lonjr distance hauling. Jesse Richardson, Central Point Foed Store." 33 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished room and bath. 711 13. Main. Phono 10S-J-2. , -34 FOR RUNT Modern sleeping rooms. I hot water, heat. Phone 322. 33 FO RltrSNT Furnished front room. cioso to Datn. J'lionu G0 I-U. tf FOR P.ENT Nice sleeping rooms, bnth. Mon. 245 N. Grape. , tf FOR RENT noCSES FOR RENT Furnished 6-room bun galow. Phone 4S3-R. 33 FOR RENT Close In. houso partly lurmsneu; also sleeping rooms, 227 East 9th. End South Bartlett street. 33 FOR RENT Strictly modern 5-room bungalow with garage; cioso in and on paved street. Phone 151. 32tf FOR RENT Five room modern house. 1139 W. 9th St. 36 FOR RENT Furnished five room oungolow, and sleeping porch, elec tric range. Inquire at Medford Ex change. 211 West Main. ' 34 FOR RENT Houses, Brown White. FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board 0E30E O iJ4 n 0E301 Wo Solicit Tom REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its SALES RENTALS :: Bungalows Kpw, double construction throughout, oak floors, fireplaces, garage, cement driveway. ,Easy terms. . '" , " . X4. 1 . . . ; BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 EMt Main ....-. ., ... .. $300 CASH 5-room modern, fireplace, ' sleeping porch, . electric range; corner lot ' - ; ' , . $2750.00 This is the last of three bargains .we have offered the past ten da vs. J. C. BARNES Phone 409 or 447-L-2 6 South Central THIS ?' lw - 1 FOR HKN1. HOUSEKEEPING IIOOMS FOR RENT burnished housekeep ing rooms, ground floor. 229 N. Ivy street. 31 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, ground . floor, 234 E. wth. Phono 9 55-U. 37 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 525 N. Riverside. 33 FOR RENT Modern furnished house keeping rooms. Klectrlo range. Adults. Phone 604-R. tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished npartment. Adults only. 425 S. Onkdale. - 35 FOR RENT Furnished npartment, Garage. $30. 211 North Peach. 35 FOR RENT Nice, light, furnished apartment. Electric range, sleep ing porch. 518 S. Onkdalo. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 01S S. Central. 35 FOR RENT Furnished apartments at tho Nye. Phone 1012. 37 FOR RENT Furnished npartment. room and garage. 604 V. 10th. 27tf FOR RENT Modern furnished apart ment, electric range. Adults. Phone 604-R. , - tf FOR RENT Nice thoroughly fur nished modern apartments, Hotel Holland. . Phone J10. tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TIM HER AND RANCH LAND cheap. 720 acres ut fir and pino saw tim ber at Jl .per thousand, stumpage; also four small ranches at $25 por acre, all on South Umpqua river. Write owner, OUst D, Gurus, M,llo, Douglas county, Oregon."'1 35 losir LOST Airdale terrior. Color, black, grizzly and tnn. Answers to name of "Hox." If found notify pollco station. 33 LOST Runch of keys. Finder re turn to Mall Tribune office. 33 LOST At track' meet, beaded hand ling containing purse and monev. Leavo at Mall Tribune. Reward. 33 LOST OR STOLEN Daytonlnn blcy clo. Red and black, rear tiro vacuum cup. Reward for Informa tion. Bring to this office. 33 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN Money, Charles A. Wing, real estate, loans, representative Suretv Savings & Loan Association. Loans obtained at nominal expense; reasonable rale of interest. Phono 728, Palm Block, Medford, Oregon. 68 FOR SALE POCLTR1 AND EGGS FOR SALE Now 10C Leghorn chicks. Squaro Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 33. FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phono 201-.L ' tf O 0 o D .---A- FtNE COMBINATION ' " Nice highway tract, well located, irri gated; fine homo and good chlckon houses; Ideal place to live. Also In connection Is good business proposi tion now clearing $1G0 per month and up. Can take Medford property on this. " $ " See Us at Once. . " v : FOUR-8ITE REALTY AGENCY . . (Walter H. Lererette) Medford Building ' -:- Medford,' Ore! P Branches'' LOANS INSURANCE M oh: iif ,-how oo xou do-mr, I If HELLO:' " JllN'T ITAN OH! WELl!. ft Jfy :. avmjl dm to ee Wrv$''wt 1 buy 1 f j ESTR.WED STRAYED Saddle mare, brown with two white feet and white on nose. Notify F, A. Dnughrty. Phone 4C8-R-3. 36 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1924 Chevrolet touring, run 5000 miles. 5460 cash. Tele phone 7S8-J-5. ; . 36 FOR, SALE Late, model Ford tour ing. Encyclopedia Hrlttuina morroco bound, set itulwer Lytton novels mo rocco bound, set Honors Batnao nov els morocco bound, Wariiiburn tiiun .dolin and leather case, guitar. .and case. Three piece bedroom set sulid black walnut, marble top dress er uud commode. 235 .No. Oakdale. 35 FOR SALE OR TRADE Velle car, 1019, for team. R. 1, Box 72. 33 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ford tour ing body for roadster or truck body. Box F, Mall Tribune. ' 33 FOR SALE Flr. 1924 Ford coupe. 10 S. 35 FOR' SALE Maxwell roadster, suit able for making delivery or bug. Bargain. Address Box A, Mf.ll Tribune. tf FOR SALE Bulck. 718 W. Main. tf FOR SALl' llO.llES FOR SALE 8-room house nnd five lots; close in, on East Side. Puving paid. A snap at $3000. Terms. Sou Clarenco Pierce or phono 517-L. 35 FOR SALE This week, modern five room house, newly pointed .good condition Inside and out, Guod buy. Phbne H17-R. 37 FOR SALE ljugo bit with 3-rnom housu. District water for Irriga tion, Terms,. Jas. Stewart. Phono ' 900. '.-'- ' " jo FOR SALIC Nice 7 room houso in East Medford. lots of fruit. Phono 697-R-3. 36 FOR SALE Purchaser's choice of my two homes looated at 315 nnd 325 South Rlverisde. One la n 9-room house, the other eight; largo lots, abundance good shade; liberal terms and 7 per cent Intercts on deferrod payments. Immeulate pnssesslson can be given. A. F, Htonnett, 325 So. Riverside Ave. tf FOR SALE New 5-ronm houso Just finlrhed. lnquiro 612 So. -Newton. 9tf FOR SALE Cheap, good 7-rooin houso, 93500. 6 acres and 4-room bungnlow, J2650. $5-room $1400; ?200 down. 4-room modern $2250; $600 down. Fine pear orchards cheap. Call 600-L or 372. 126 North Front St. 42 FOR SALE If you want a bargain for - ensh in a nice houso of 5 rooms and .bath, close in, on paved street, all assessments paid In full, nice blue grass lawn, fruit trees, roses. Ad dress Owner, caro this office. tf FOR SALE REAh ESTATE WANTED Small ranch for imme diate possession near Talont- or Phoenix. Will consider placo with complete outfit, furniture, otc, If priced light. Give full description, location, price, terms, etc. T. N., Mall Tribune. FOR SALE 3 acres alfalfa, 8-room house, garage. Chicken house, con crete cellar, 25 mixed fruit troes. All kinds berl'ies. On good road. Prico $1500. $300 down. Will take car us part puymen'.. 303 E. Main. Phone 417. 34 FOR SALE OR TRADE 126 ncres Improved, in San Louis Obispo county, Calif. Largely cultivated. Fine crops. Orchard, live stock, house, everything for general farm use. Owners too old to continue. Wish sale or will take small improv ed acres close to Medford as part trade. ThlB farm in centor of com ing oil region. Will bear investi gation. Address 25 N. Oakdnlo, Medford. 34 FOR SALE By owner, real bargnln, alfalfa and grain rnnch, suitable for dairy, stock or sheep. Stock and farm Implements Included. $3000 down, rest easy terms. For partic ulars wrlto Box 707, Mall Tribune. 37 FOR SAT.I-' 9Jn anr. Ml, .1.. ing springs, wood, timber, outside range, In foothills, 20 miles north of Medford. Terms. L. Sagar, Mo doc Orchard. 41 FOJt SALE Several raims, good al ues, .easy terms, low Interest. O. O. 'Boggs, JUty for BtBte Land Board. tf SACRIFICE SALE 10,000 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per acre up, 5 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, owners. IB N. arane St tf TRADE Two houses In Medford, close In, on paved street, foV 10 to 15 acres Improved property nesr Medford... CARL Y. TENGWALD ' Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board o P925 . By Geoffip FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SAL.E Goud work horse, Puuue 6S5-J-4. 35 FOR SALE Beautiful red. and white and red Cocker spaniel puppies, 4 months old. Stock from (en gener ations of champions. . Mrs. Bert Anderson, 1601 West Main si. 36 FOR SALE Must sell, S faultless St. Mawes registered Jerseys. Fresh cow, malo calf, yearling helfor, bred. 399 Beach street, Ashland. ..... 83 FOR SALE Cheap, to cioso estnto, 25 acres good land, 10 cultivated, Good' buildings. Ideal placo for poultry. Box 11, Rt. 1, Gold Hill. 49 FOIt SALE One registered Jersey bull threo years old. Phone 401-J-4. Adolf Senilis. 37 FOR SALE ThoroughDred registered. German Police pupsi prize winning stock,, choice colors. . Reasonable prices. M. A. Kotten, P. O. Box 624, lioseburg, Ore. 34 FOR SALE Eight good logging or - farm horses from $75 to $160 per head. - Inquire from. Superintend ent of Owen Oregon Lumber Co.',' FOR SALE Six extra tsflod fresh. cows: also year oia jorsoy mm. ai. Walsh on South Peach -street. Just mitslde city limits. , - .. ''43. FOR SALIC ariSCKIAjANEOUS ' .- FOR SALE -Payod up- lease on 23 acre ranch, crop, stock and equip ment. W. II. Rucker, Griffin Creek. 38 FOR SALE Ivory enameled 'chiffon ler. Ivol-y double bed. bicycle;, bar gains. Wednesday and Thursday , only. 322 No. Oakdale. . , 33 FOR SALE Man's bicycle. Phone-680-Y. 33, FOR SALE Royal typewriter almost now Phono 682-J after 6 p.m. 33. FOR SALE Nearly now sewing .ma chine. $25. 313 So. Grape. 33 FOR SALE Irrigation plant cheap. 3 . H. P. Westlnghouso motor. 2 to -iuch Byron Jackson pump. Guod as new! used one season. Prlco $100 at Williams. Imp. Co. .28.8a, Bartlett ' street. ' ' FOR SALE All seasons cnbbngo plants. Phone 951-L.. . S3 FOR SALE 6 volt, 11 pinto auto bat teries,. 1 - year ; guarantee, $10.75. i Phoenix ':3attery Shop, 35 FOR SALE Ice box, . ;Sorvlco Stores, Inc. Horriek. .', 34 FOR SALE At 85 stock In tho Farmers , & Frulti'iow.ors bank. Soq W. E. Thomas. . i, 04 FOR SALE Maby chick food, $3.80 per hundred.. Monarch Seed Co. . ' 34 FOR SALE Attention! Smith's sum -mer rates on pine now In i effect, $2.75 a tier. Discount on large or ders,. Phono 1103;. Central, Point, 38 ,X-2. . '49 FOR SALE Tomato plnnts. C. Cary,' 341-J-l. Address Talent. .tf yOR SALE $2.40 buys number 1 Yakima Netted Oems at our,,waiK! . house, free from trost damage and no black .spots which appenr in most potatoes shipped from Idaho points, a few cents is nothing to compare with quality In buying po tatoes. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 2&-R-1. , tf iFOR SALE Seed potatoes of early varieties, iteasonaoie 'i'rices. John son Produce Co. . , ' tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 15 N. Grape, tf BUSINESS DmitlOTORr FOR INFORMATION Carpenter's Local 1840. Phone 247-L. Meets nt Smith hall every Friday' night, 128 North Grape, betwoon Gth and 6th streets. ' Used Ford Cars r -1 That Are i .? rr t - 4 t:' : '-x t! i Guaranteed -. . ..... .... . , .. 30 Days Service If interested in a used car be sure -and see us. i ... C. E. Gates Auto Co. tA"GE NINE ie McManus BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys REAMES & REAMEB Lawyers, of fice, in Liberty Building. . . Abstractors MURRAY BROS, ft 0 R E E N E Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and S No. 82 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNT ABSTRACT Op. . Abstracts of Title and Tlilo Insurance. Tho only . complete Til lo System- lu . Jackson County... A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles. Gold Hill, Oregon. , Reliable Juckson County Abstractor. . .Over twenty years' experience In ,'ths county. Phono 6-J-2 Gold Hill'.''' U Building Supplies and Roofing STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO, Build up Roof ing, Ashland Granite Top. ,15 years r guarantee. . Post grado of root pa per cement. Pressed brick, plalp and faced wall- blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire ' plnoe brick all colors. material Class A. PorU land Beaver Cement Xor sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound.. Tel ephone 738-X. . ., ' Chiropractic Physicians DR. A.' R. 'HEDGES Neo-EeloOtifl Physician.- - DR. LOUISE , B. , HEDGES Naturopathic . Chiro practor. . Mechano-Thernpy, t Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro. practice. Office: Stewart Bids;., 256 E. Main St. ' Phones: Oftics 170; Res. 170-J-S. ' DR. E. W. HOFFMAN -CMropractkl Nerve Specialist. -Office hours 8-1 a, 2-6, 203-206 Liberty Bldg. Office Phone 680.,. Re& phone, 1027, f , Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dontist. Phone . 609. Res. 778. Otflco hours t L. m. 6 p. m. Evening and Sunday b? appointment. - ' 1 '. DR. H. ' H. MURPHY Dentistry. Dental X-Ray. Phono 77. ' offlos Second flbor -Medford Bldg. V - Export Accountant WILSON AtijOITINO C6'. M. M.; Wil son, C. P." Al ' Attention given , t anything Jn aacountjug.and Ineotne Tax requirements. Look Into: our simplified accounting- mothod;'' Lib erty Bldg.. Medford. Phone 187-R. Insurftnoo ; EARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur ., ance: . Fire,- Auto, Life, - Accident, Bonds, Phone , 402. . , 209 , Llbertl Bldg. . ..... .. ... . Monoy-to-Loan;. - jvnv-.,' J. B. ANDREWS Buys ' and sells mortgages and loans money on good, security, 81 N. Grape St-' PHone 63-M. 348 Funeral Director. PERL FUNERAL HOME--Cor, Slxtb and Oakdalo. Ambulance service. Phone 47. " . ' Monumcnts- THE OREGON .GRANITE) . CO. .Monuments. E.'A, Hicks, Genera! Manager. P.' M. ' Kershaw. - Seles Manager,' 102 E. Sixth Bt., Medford. ... ......'..'. .'.' -4 .. tf - Osteopaths ,.-.:v. DR. F. G. CAHLOW, DR. EVA MAINS , CARLOW Osteopathia' Physicians 1 41C-418 Liberty Bid.' Phone 904-J-l. Residence 20 South Laurel St.'' '. ' rinno Instruction - .t FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 211 Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. .'-.'.'..' 1 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. ' has the best equipped -printing office to Southern Oregon.. . Book . binding, loose loaf lodgers, billing system, etc.. Portland prices, ,.27,.N. Fir St. Ftranslor EAJJS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St.- Phone .816. Prices right. Service guar anteed. . ,.r . ..- , o: -.i.-.-v- . DAVIS TRANSFER ft 8TORAOB CO. Anything moved, 'day or night Borvleo guaranteed. ., 29 S. Oraps. Phone 644, or residence 1060. Upholstering J. WEI8 Upholstery, Manufacturer . of overstuffed furniture. . Full Une . of materials. Draperies ' made U order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will coll and show samples. Phone 201 Jacksonville, Ore. VETERINARY ' MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT , AL. Dr. E. C. McCulloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth, Med ford, Ore. Phone 60 Day or night. . . Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT. Wax nnd pol ish your floors, clean your hnuse, .innllor service for offices and build ings. Geo. A. Seoly. Phono 1172. 8M Bookman Ave,