o e PAGE EIGHT MEDFORD MATL TRTBTgm, MEDF0RD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APT?TL 29, 1925 diamond dyes" Tj ASHLAND GIVES GOVERNOR PIERCE Beautiful heme dye ing and tinting is puaniiitwd with Diamond Dtps. Just dip id cold water to tint soft, delicate shades, or boil to dye rich, permanent colors. Each 15-cent package contains di rections so simple nnv woman ran dve or tint lingerie, fiilks, ribbons, skirts, waists, drcsBOB, eonts, stockings, sweaters, draperiis, coverings, hangings, every thing new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind and tell your dniPL'iat whether the mate rial you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. jfi A GREAT OVATION The new Spring Fabrics I am showing are Simply Great! I thought so when I ordered them. w A Men who ought to know tell me you can't find their equal anywhere in town. You're missing some thing if you haven't seen them come in today. mm WiairmiWMm.ia bmwJ Upst airs 300WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAIL IN8URANCE First Insurance I A. L. HILL, Manaaer ' Phono 105 30 North Central Medford, Ore. OOOOOOOOOOOOi ...... 8! Agency r CHAPM AMn Ij rnr All Ra4t I.rl t Sn Frtntitf Wkm lA nvltamn lk vistimt 1 !' After the journey you lon lor plan l quiet mid reL lite Hotel Mani ewmiu tnd welcome! the viiitor. A ; pieoe you can call reel HOME. An Uitvttphere of uniuiml oharm end ' comfort. , ' IS j 1 kk I aia Jin Are you going to celobrato your birth day, or anybody's? It bo, rust assured that your party will be crowned with success If you serve Rome of our superior "velvety tastliiK" cream as a refioshmont. Ask for Nutritious lea Cream Jackson County Creamery ASHLAND. April 28. Governor Walter M. Pierce, Sam Kozer, secre tary of state, J. A. Churchill, state su perintendent of public instruction, ox offido members of the board of re gents; Frank A. Miller, or Albany; c. L. Sturr of Portland: K. K. Bragg of Salem, George Hartnmn of Pendleton, Frank liryant of Moro; and J. II. Ful ler of Ashland, visited a number of proppective sites for the Southern ore Bon Normal in Ashland yesterday. The decision has not been announced. The distinguished visitors, with Mayor O. H. Johnson, Ci. A. Rriscoe, superin tendent of schools, County Judge llarlzell, O. H. billings, E. V. Carter, Senator George V. Dunn, Mrs. D. Per ozzl and W. J. Moore were served an informal luncheon at the Hotel Ash land. ' Monday evening, Governor Pierce, accompanied by J.' II. Fuller and others attended the opening of the Pioneer Museum at .. Jacksonville, where the governor war principal speaker. Yesterday he was principal upoaker at the Korum luncheon of the Auhland chamber. The governor was greeted by the larget nsumber ever in attendunco ut a forum luncheon and received an ovation when he stated that the Southern Oregon Normal and the Eastern Oregon Homo for tho ln r,ano would ho built, no matter if the sourco of revenue was referred to the people. "The money would bo found somowhere,". said the governor, "the referendum would only delay the mut ter for a fow nonlhs." Satisfaction was expressed as to Ashland as a site for the school. He told of hlB. happi ness when he found It .would be possi ble to sign the hill, nnd of the prob lems In financing tho measure which were to bo solved District Forest Hanger 'Granger explained the purpose of American Forest Week and the campaign of education necessary to awaken peoplo to the mennco of for est fires, and their prevention. A resolution condemning the action of taking a referendum on the bus bill passed by the last legislature was passed by tho members at the forum. t was announced that tho speaker at Monday noxt's forum woujd be Paul Clugstone, western mnhager of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. I- At the meeting of tho Upper Vnlley Development League Monday night, u number of Ashland business' men were speakers. A. C. Joy In president of tho leuguo, nnd In opening told of tho nlniB of the organization and what it had already accomplished. Fred j HomoB followed, asking that farmers and business men cooperate In making i the invostnicnt Just made In irriga tion, bring results, C, II, Plorco adT vocatod building up the products that urg so well adapted to this region. V. O. N. Smith emphasized development of tho section- and J. W. McCoy con gratulated the residents of the Upper Valley upon the organization effected and its purpose. : Henry Enders also congratulated tho district on this for ward looking movement. Arthur Fos ter was Inst speaker and told of condi tions in tho middle west and of a con certed effort to be made to sell fruit lii the states which are fruitless com paratively. E. T. Staples also spoke. Tho ladles of , tho league served re froBhmontu at the close of the meet ing. . ,. The senior play "Duiey," will bo put on the lust of tho woek It is announc ed. Miss Frances Frntor will direct and Miss Esther Counter will be busi ness manager. Caryle Van Dyke. Ri ley Plttenxer, (lalus Crosby, Hubert Wright, Marian Leach. Thelma Per ozzl. George Francis llarron, Orvllle Hall, Kenneth Hnbson, George 'V. Gll lett, nnd Edwin Freeman complete the cast. ' . . ' ' . The Ashland Music Study club held Its April meeting In tho parlors of tho Ashland public library Monday even ing with Mrs. J, H. Fuller presiding. "My Long Llfo In Music," by Leopold Auor was tho subjoot for the hook re view In the .hands of Mrs. C. W How ell, woh was assisted by Mi' Fred Noll, Mrs. Hay Dlx, Mrs. I' N. Wood sido, Mrs. E.,A. Woods and Mrs. Wes ton Henry. Those named on the pro gram gavo a very comprehensive re view of the llfo, work,, and influonce o ftho greut violinist. A vivid picture was painted of his strugglos and tri umphs and of his frlondshlos with othor musicians nnd somo of his fu- moUB pupils camo In for a meed of npprocintlvo praise. A number of beautiful rocords woro given during evening anu at mo close. At the busi ness mooting Miss Imoeenn WAllnciv Mrs. E. A. Woods nnd Mrs. Olklns woro named as a program committee nnii aiiss Ulancho Hicks. Mrs. C. V. noweu, Mrs. E, A. Woods as nomln ating committee. 1 The May moetlnir marks close of tho work of th club, which mny be accounted as very nurin wnuo ana or a vory considerable inriuence In tho community. At the next meeting tho officers for the en suing year wll be e ootort. . ft. Mowat Is renorted .Hnn.lv in in a noapual In San Francisco. Mr. mount was very 111 for month, ni-lnr to tho trip undertaken some little time since, t.y Mr. nnd Mrs. Mowat. in the nopes of benef ttimr Mr. itrmvnt'. neann. They left here to visit n son jiiii .mowiu, in snn Francisco, ex pecting to visit a number of California points. The news of the gravity of ir. Aiowat s illness la a matter of se- lous concern to tho host., of friend. who will await better news anxiously. Louis H. Fnhl, n resident of Pool... view district passed nwnv at hi. Iio.ii- uui home this mornlmr. nuerl .Itiv. ureo years and nine- months. Mi- Fnhl was horn in Chicago. The' fnm- lly came rn Ashland about a year and nnir ago. purchasing tho nresent home In llellvlew. where manv friend. hnvo been made. Ho is survived by his wife nnd three children one daughter and two sons; Miss Frances Fahl nnd ouls Fnhl of Ashland and l-hnrliu. 'iihl nf Portland, who arrived this morning. Funeral services will be eld In tho limine Fiinenil rhnnl m o'clock Thursday. BAPTISTS MEET IN ASHLAND FOR ASHLAND, April 29. Announce ment is made that the Rogue River Buptist association will hold its 49th annual session here today and to morrow. Each church is allowed four delegates with additional ones according to tho membership. It is expected 'that there will be repre sentatives from every Baptist church in tho vnlley. Visiting delegates will bo furnished lodging nnd breakfast in the locul homes, Supper is serv ed every evening at six o'clock by the local church. A splendid pro gram is outlined for the two days' session, with Dr. W. T. Milllken. the Kev. f. H. Loach, the Rev. A. B. Kcese, Dr. O. C. Wright, tho Rev erends W. W, Duvls, M. a. Bentley, J. L. Whirry, J. C. Orr, C. F. Mo "her. M. S. Waadworth and the Messrs. Elton Waldron, Aubrey G. Smith and E. J. Dodson; the Mcs damcs M. R. .Britten, li. K. Hackett and Miss Louise Hunderun are among the speakers for the sessions of the association. Morning nnd afternoon sessions will bo held at. tho I. O. O. F. ball and tho evening ses sions at the Presbyterian church. j . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Good have as house guest Miss Jane C. Evans of Portland, Maine, who is spending a, fow days in Ashland. Miss Evans I has been making an extensive tour of the United States and is on her return home. The Hoy. , F. Gordon Hart of Grants Pass, accompanied by Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Cramer were In Ash land Sunday morning. Mr. Hart oc cupied the pulpit of the Presbyte rian church. The Itev. J. Ci Morg lor preached the morning sermon to the congregation of the Presbyterian church of Grants Pnss. Mr. Morgler was accompanied by Mrs. Mergler. .. T, C Newby has . been very ill at his home on Terrace street, with a serious attack of heart trouble. Mrs. Sadie Strattor had a slight operation! at tno community hospital Friday. She s making a good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller expect ed to return today to their home on Church street. .They hnvo been at tho, home of their daughter, Mrs. J.l E. Gowland in Bcllvlcw for some' time, while Mr. Miller was recu perating from tho llu. Members of the street Improve ment committee, T. H. Simpson; F. O. Swedenburg, F, R. Morrill, G. W. McNubb, o. H. Rose and Millard Orubb sent out a letter relative to definite lines In street improvement and asking that suggestions bo sent, thchi us how best to obtnin results' In tho matter f painting, new awn ings, 'fomovni of unattractive Blgns and tho better window display. Ideas are asked In refcrenco to tho value of this effort. ; The Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church will give "their annual May day breakfast Friday morning from seven to eight O'clock. This hrenkfust Is prepared by tho girls of the organization nnd they will servo a very satisfactory break fast' for a nominal price. Last year a delightful breakfast was served with the Junior room filled with op Iireciativo guests. Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh spokd to a union meeting of the Methodist anu Presbyterian churches Sundn evening In behalf of tho Children I-arm Homo at Corvollls. Her sub Ject was "Our Duty to the Depen ueni lllllo. Mrs. Grace II. Chamberlain. Mrs l". K. Hammond. Mrs. C. E. Pell Mrs. Gordon MacCracken. Mrs. Graco is. Andrews. Mrs. L. A. Roberts. Mrs. t- A . w oods, Mrs. Weston Henry were' anfliig ' t h'cje ' attending 'he southern Oregon district federation of women's clubs at Roguo River from tho Civic Improvement club of Ashland; Mrs. A. C. Joy. Mrs. W. C. Jnckftin und a number of others from the Upper Valley Community club, MrB. Glusgow, Mrs. Mabel Rea chart and Mrs. ,Wm. Glenn were npiong those from the Valley View Community elirt), which has recently affiliated with the federation. Tho Coleman Creek club was well repre sented as was the Talent Commu', nlty club. There were representatives from the Greater Medford club and the Costume Culture club of Med ford and from the different federat ed clubs of the district. The pro gram as published was carried out with , but fow changes, the place of Mrs. Saldie Orr-Dunbur being filled by Miss Grace Chamberlain. The ; iiuice oi meeting tor next year will be Roseburg; the Invitation from that city being accepted. The de lightful hospitality of the Rogue River Improvement club was very much appreciated by the more than one hundred and fifty visitors present. . 3i .... O HUSBAND MISSING SO E The first divorce suit in five weeks and two days was filed in the clrouit court Tuesday. Before the .divorce drouth, 23 divorce notions had been filed tho first ton weeks of this year. Victoria Harris Bartman asks sep aration from Wesley Bartman. charg ing desertion. - They wero married at Stockton, Calif., April 23, 1923. and the complaint ullcges that, on May 1, 1923. the groom departed and his present whereabouts is unknown. M ... l r mday Jb av juav uance ' at the ELKS TEMPLE, Medford ,veningj BENEFIT CRATER LAKE TEMPLE BAND (D. 0. K. K.) ' ' - All members and. friends of both organizations invited to attend. Tickets for couples, $1.10, including war tax. ' Another delightful, evening at the ELKS' CLUBHOUSE. ' - . .. Another opportunity to show your appreciation of good band music and to help support the musical organization that is spreading the fame of Med ford and Crater Lake National Park. - ; HKmuMnti Vorweak -down l Condition LONDON. April 27. The Earl of Ralfour toduy Joined the Brtllsh cab inet, being appointed .president of the council In succession to Maraula TTHE DOOR of opportunity flintrs nmo na iiuriuis only to the man Who is up and doinp who is filled with pep and punch with rich, red blood tingling through his system. Moum" size obstacles dwindle to ant hills nnd ambitions become ac complishments to these sort of men. Where is tho employer who seeks the man who is physically run-down? i no man without stamina to with- .W.MU me Knocks and pair of the hur- 1,yc"i5,c8C"rr?inf? worId ot business? b.S.b. is the long established nnd time, honored creator of red-blood-cells. lou cannot expect to get very , . ' . r uuiess you are equipped with a body that is strong nd vigorous. S.S.S. will start you on your way. Don't allow tho "Door ui.vpporiuniiy-- to bo closed to you because you have not the stamina to withstand tho gatT because your nerve power is lacking. Build ud your system ! . v S.S.S. made nf nd soiontilicnlly prepared nnd pro- ,.,, VV na rares makes you fit ! Get back that old time punch ! AMien opportunity knocks bo ready to answer the call! y C Crakes You Feel ; Yourself Ajiin If III at'the stores belpw ""'''' REG'; UrS.'PATitOFF., HQXtWAXER MDIiVTOR HEATING OUTFIT The ARCOLA Merchants listed below are making a special effort this month to demonstrate ARCOLA to every owner of a small home, store, office or de tached building. . ARCOlJA'has been greatly reduced in pnee. i his is the time to make your in vestment in radiator warmth." A small down payment, and the installation is made; the balance in very easy payments. Saves Fuel ARCOLA'S single fire warms the whole house through an Amer ican Radiator in each room. 1 Yet ARCOLA burns no more fuel than a single stove. You 1 will understand why when you ' see it. ARCOLA is built in two . models, , jacketed and un jacketed. See the near est ARCOLA Merchant this week today. Ask him for an ARCOLA esti mate for your home. Let him tell you about the Easy Payment Plan.' ARCOLA is warming: Small Homes ' Small Stores ' Small Shops Detached Buildings Railroad Stations Small Offices Gas Filling Stations Lunch Rooms' Garages Greenhouses Farm Cottages Schoolhouses Ill ft I II - N 1 III ' Jfl ti I I i ll. rs . -, m .31- nf 'I il ' 'i W TrT'- ' ""' ' ITT r v : : - '-..' .; :IH Wm. A. Aitken, Medford, Oregon Modern Plumbing & Sheet Metal Co., 19 N. Fir St., Medford, Oregon Al Vroman, Medford, Oregcti E. S. Dedrick 516 "F" St., Grants Pass, Oregon Provost Brothers 38 Main St., Ashland, Oregon Curzon, who died j-cccnlly.