TrF,DFORD MATTJ TRTBUXK .MEDTSORD;- OREO ON", TUESDAY, APRTL 28,- 1923 JACKSONVILLE IS PAID HONOR BY E Ailght at the Uogue Kik the latter part ox Alay, when the new dunce nail of the resort Is completed and in use, E. C. Ferguson, the big-cruption, appointed "Win. J. Warner's chair man of a committee to rr.uke arrange ments for the Irospect . party, a no which, committee will decide us to whether it will be a stag affair or otherwise. 1 . . , Mann's -The Best (foods for the Br ice. No Matter What the Price -rMann'j MM: FOR HIGH SCHOOL iii.vmcNiu n; aksi rks stability (Continued From Page One) The Crater. club hurt night paid a much appreciated nnd Bpontaneous conipllnient tit .Tuckminville, when at the concluHlon of their regular meet ing at the Hutul Medford thin hotly of representative Med ford boomers com prising bUHinew and profesHlonnl men eagerly adopted a sutfgeHUon thut the club go over to the banquet to in me in -orating the rehabilitation of the old V. 8. hotel into a muHCum. v The Craters quickly piled Into their cars with their orchestra airfl quartet, and a short time later were congre gated outside the old hotfl structure nt the county Heat with Uh crowded banquet room, waiting for a chance to squeeze Its orchestra and quartet into that room, an soon as Irving Vin Ing was thru speaking. When this opportunity arrived the musicians and singers were shoved Into the banquet hall entrance, and the remainder of the Craters were crowded into the front hotel lobby ad joining, whore they stood patiently wulflng while the orchestra rendered n numbor of selections, as did also the quartet. Then the uninvited but very wel come Medford booster guests gave three cheers for Jacksonville and came buck to this city. Forest Fire Warning Issued in Portland A warning to exercise precaution regarding fires today nnd tomorrow was Issued thin morning by the weather bureau In Portlnnd, accord ing to a telegram received in the tocul forest service office. Low humidity with easterly winds Is the prediction for today. All burning of brush and trash should be postponed for a few days or, if necessary to make disposal at once, great cure should, he used to prevent the flro from spreading. Al though the ground Is still damp, thore is danger from nny burning from now on whenever the humidity becomes low. Again the Crater tnun nt their meeting last night In the Ulnty Mohr hall In the Hotel Medford basement demonstrated that when they are full of fried chicken and the like there is no limit to their daring nnd bravery. when thru some of their tulented singers und comedians they rendered a soculled light opera in which the Copco in general und some of its of ficials wid employes were burlesqued In dialogue und sung, bringing forth hearty bursts of laughter by the wit and satire shown. While the laughter wus unanimous, even by the victims, a number of frightened guests present, who won dered ut' the audacity nnd temerity shown, deep down in their hearts de plored the making fun of a ' well meuning struggling corporation try ing to get a pedal-cling not only here but in ull southern Oregon. It seemed to the guests thnt the light hearted Craters wero trifling with dynamite, which would explode about the lime they received their' this month's light ing bflls. The Crater actors among other things Impersonated a business con ference of a number of Copco offic ials, with candles spread on the tables before them, seeking to convey the impression thut the electric lights were too dim. Along with a lot of fun consider able business was transacted, includ ing the unanimous adoption of a reao lutlon, which was signed personally by all the Craters and their guests, J ndnrslng the program of the school board, as recommended by the U. of O. exports In relation to voting (185,01)0 in bonds for the new high school. The Craters also accepted the invi tation to conduct the first big cham ber of commerce forum on Alay 6. The Crater club accepted two sep arate invitations to hold club meet ings next month nt the 1'rospect hotel resort nnd nt the Rogue Elk resort. The Prospect invitation came from .Mr. nnd Mrs. James E. Grieve for Saturday evening. May Kth. The other Invitation was extended by Will McDonald, who asked the (Ynters anil their wives to spend ft and it was planned to have him re view a military parade - immediately after the ceremony in the reichBtag. When heretofore a president has re- 1 viewed the troops he has done so in civilian attire, but Hindenburg besides being a civilian president Is a retired field marshal'general and entitled to wear a uniform. According to the military etiquette under which the president-elect grew up, it is regarded as an insult If a military man visited the troops In civilian dress. On the other hand, if he appears In uniform before the relchstag, it is considered certain he will Ive offense to that body. The prestdent-olect thus seems to be facing a real dilemma. MOSCOW. April 28. News of the election of Field Marsha) Von Hind enburg as president of Germany was received with astonishment in soviet Russia, where people had been led to believe that the aged military leader had little chance of success. His triumph is especially unwelcome to the Russian communists, who know his avowed hostility to bolshevfsm. Some soviet leaders believe that after a few months in office Von Hindenburg may attempt to have the former crown prince appointed regent with tho ultimate object of completely restoring the German crown. i BERLIN, April 28. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The communist (frgan Rote Fahne (red flan), today publishes an open letter to the trade union and socialist executives, urging a 24 hour strike on the day of Field Marshal Von Hhidenburg's entry into office. ' Notice to Muster Masons. A memorial service for Brother K. E. flllbert will be held nt the First M. K. church in charge of the Minis terial Association at 2:30 p. m. Wed nesday, April 2Uth. All Master Ma sons are requested to attend.. A. J. CROHK, Secretary Medford Lodge No. 103, A. F. & A. M. 8. Rlum was a Medford business vis itor Monday nnd today from San Francisco. Double ShowSingle Price -10c and 35c All New Today! A THE SURPRISE OF YOUR LIFE Alburtu 4 the miracle man Oddest of All Creation's Oddities Apparently Ridiculously Unbelievable ' f Trust Your Own Eyes Trust Your Own Ears See the Man Hear the Man . In, Conjunction With Buster Keaton In the Great Laff -Riot "Sherlock Jr." BUSTER A DETECTIVE After crooks and fame, the frozen faced comic in a riot of humor. Don't Fail to See the Pool Game With One of the Balls Filled With Dynamite You'll Eiplode I Fun, Fast and Furious in this feature length comedy that tops the best Buster has ever done. It's funny enough to give a bald-headed man a permanent wave. .FRIDAY "THE DEVIL'S CARGO" WITH WALLACE BEERY TWO BIG DAYS AT MANN'S WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MAKE YOUR DOLLAR DO DOUBLE DUTY Tub Silks v 36-inch washable Tub Silks in fancy stripes. ' Regular price $1.48. .Dollar Day 'CC 'price, yard 1,uu Cotton Charmeuse 36 inches wide "Lingerie" materia-, beautiful quality. Regu lar price 59c. Dollar Dav price, ... $i.oo Linger e Silk 30 inches wide, fast colors. Comes in peach and orchid only. Regular price $1.25. d f( Dollar Day price, yd. & 1 UU Slip Material 36-inch Sliptex material for cos tume slips; colors black, pink, on-hid and white. Regular price 59c. Dollar Day price 1 AO 2M yards for Pl. UU Dress Satine 36 inches . wide, good -quality, all colors. - , Regular price 50c. Dollar Day '-price, fl "I OO 2V yards ior..::,.l... P 1 UU Dress Linen 36 inches v, 'wide; - good colors. Regular, price 69c. Dollar Day 2yl yards, for. .....$ 1 Zephyr. Ginghams " 32 inches wide, new patterns, fast colors; regular price 35c. ?"s.c:...:$i.oo Puritan" Prints 32 inches wide, beautiful pat terns, fast colors. RegulaT"price 55c. Dollar Bay . tl 00 price, 2 yards for....:; Sun fast Drapery 36-inch Silk Sunfast Drapery material. Regular price $1.75. Dollar-Day price, $ 00 ' Cretonne ' 36 inches wide , hew patterns. Regular price 29c. Dollar Day price, 4; yards ftQQ ' - '....:..' Cotton Challie 36 inches wide, good styles, fast colors. . Regular price 22c. Dol lar Day price, C 1 OO 5y2 yards for uu. ) Cretonne 36 inches wide, new patterns. Regular price 39c. Dollar Day Bleached Muslin 36-inches wide, soft finish; reg ular price 29c. Dollar.Day price, 4 yards $1.00 for Pajama Cloth 36 inches wide in blue, pink, yel low, green and lavender. Reg ular price 29c. Dollar Day price, 4 yards M OO for v 7t Pillow Tubing 45-in. "Wearwell" Pillow Tub - ing. Regular price 42c. Dollar Day price, $1 00 3 yards for 1,Uy Bed Sheets 72x90 Seamed Sheets. Regular price $1.20, Dollar Q0 Day price, each. w Turkish Towels - v Large size hi plain and fancy styles. Dollar Day C1 OO 3 for. ,w v Pillow Cases 42 and 45-inch Daisy Pillow Slips. Regular price 39c. Dol- tJor3!!..!!!!:... $1-Q0 Sheeting , 72-inch good grade Bleached Sheeting. Regular price 63c' Dollar Dav price, fl? 1 ffO 3 yards for J V 1 UU price, DOLLAR DAY IN OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT 'Wednesday Special Men's and boys' Sweaters, coat s t y 1 e, two and four pocket styles. 'Regular, price $5. AVed uesday spec ial, each $3.50 .Men's Balbriggan Union Suits; all sizes. Regular price $1.25.- Dollar Day price, $1 00 ;"";"'""""'"":' ' ""-; , , Men's heavy Cotton -Socks; regular price 25c. Dollar Day price, tl OO 5 pair for : 1 W Men's Fiber Silk Hose; all colors. Regular-price 50e. , Dollar Day price, . 1 OO 3 pair, for....:....: .: V 1 .UU Men's Athletic Union Suits; regular price (I 1 OO 65c. Dollar Day price, 2 suits for P 1 yu DON'T DELAY, FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ARE DOLLAR DAYS Reg-Day $1.00 Daisy Muslin 1 36 inches wide, finished soft for the needle. Regular., price 23c. Dollar. Day 'price, . t?1 ff 5ij yards .for.... ...vl.UU Japanese L.repe 27 inches wide, all colors, ular price 25c. Dollar price, 5' yards for Dress Gingham M. F. C. Dress Gingham,' 27 in. wide. Regular price 29c. Dol lar Dav price, -' fc 1 HO 4 yard's for 1 UU Dress Suiting 36 inches wide? fast color, in all desired shades.-; Regular 48c qualitv. Dollar Dav t1 OO price, '2 yards for P 1 yjY Linger e Nainsook 36-ineh Lingerc Nainsook and Voile, in plain and fancy. Reg ular price 50c. Dollar Day g0'38 $1.00: ' Marquisette 36 inches wide , good quality! Regular price 19c Dollar Day price, 6V0 yards ,t1 OO fnf Y - Silk Hose Women's "Never Mend"' Silk . Hose; every pair guaranteed; all colors. Regular juice - $1.25 Dqllar Day price, . lQ - -Fancy Hose , Women's Plaid Hose for Spori wear; f,'ood patterns. Regular price $1.25. Dollar (tl rtft Day price, pair.......... 1 V, Union Suits Women's Union Suits, , closed out numbers; up to $2.00 values. ; Dollar Da y, price, fc1 OO 2 suits for .v l 'UU.. Children's Hose V ; J Children's Derby Ribbed -Hose in black, white, beige,' grey and Russian Calf. Regular price 59c. IMlarriccQy Rubber. Aprons , in all colors; good quality; Reg-" ular price. 48c Dollar J 1 OO Day price, .3. for....:... VV Corsets Miller's iVrap-Around Corsets; all sizes; ; regular price $1.25.' Dollar Day price, 0 1 00 pair VV , Brassieres Women's new mode braissieres, in flesh and white. .Regular price69c. Dollar J1 HO Day price, 2 for........ iUU Corselettes ; "Nature's Rival". Corselettes. Regular price $1.25. Dollar Day each0' $1.00 Knit Waists for children; all sizes; a good quality. Regular p r i c e. . 48c Dollar Day price, $1 Q0 Hand Bags. in women's sizes, new styles; up to $1.50 values. Dol- fif 1 AA lar Day price, each ? 1 ,JJ 1 Handkerchiefs Women's white and colored Handkerchiefs. Dollar Day S'r 1. $1.00 Ribbons , Wide Taffeta Ribbon for Hair Bows; up to 69c values. Dol lar Day price, 5 yards for $1.00 $1.00 PnoNe-86-487 MEOfORo.oM. pnce29c Now, 4 pair for V 1 Viv Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prepaid Agents for Butterick Patterns r A THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Children's fancy top Socks, 39c values. . Dollar Day price, 3 pair for ,.... Children's fancy topSocks; regular price 29c. Now, 4 pair for liar