Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 27, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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A minor fire, but which occasioned
much excitement and apprehension for
a short time because of Its location in
the business district, occurred at 8:30
o'clock last night In the one-story old
frame building on Front street at the
corner of Eighth Street, occupied by
the Scotf Second Hand 8Ure. The
one-story framo building immediately
adjoining and occupied by the Scott
store for stock storage was alBo badly
Both old buildings were owned by
C, D. Mobley, who had been planning
to tear them down in tho near future
and erect a modern business building
on the site, hach structure was In
sured for HOC and ' because of the
city's building restriction, which does
not permit the repair of such old
frame structures beyond a cost of $25,
Mr. Mobley's loss is complete outside
of the tSOO insurance.
This morning Mr. Mobloy sold both
old structures for $20 to a man on the
latter's agreement to tear the build
ings down at once and cart thorn
away, and Is now in the market to
rebuild a modern business structure
if suitable tenants are found.
The Scott Second Hand Storo proper
had its roof partly burned off and tho
interior badly burned, but the storage
room next door and Its stock was not
badly damaged.
Ray R. Scott carried an Insurance of
$3000 on his second hand and new
Btock in both buildings. His loss Is
estimated at between $1000 and $1500.
He had recently leased tho storeroom
In the concrete building several doors
north, on South Front street, and
planned to soon move his store there.
He will now move his business to that
location as soon as possible..
The flames wore well under way
when the fire department arrived, and
tho situation looked vory threatening
for the business district bounded by
South Front street, Main street.
Eighth street and South Central ave
nue, but a few minutes' work by the
now powerful pumper extinguished the
fire. Several Iioro lines were laid as
a precaution, and two arrests wore
made of-auto drivers who drovo ovor
the hose, and who were fined for that
In police court today.
The fire was caused when Chester
Henderson, on omployo of the Scott
store, loft his car standing In front,
went Inside to get a pa'r of pilars with
which to fix the car, lighted a match
and thoughtlessly threw It on n pile
of oil-soaked rags. Flames immedi
ately arose from this pile and spread
rapidly. "l
Honderson ran to the nearest fire
alarm box and rang In an alarm, but
In bis anxiety to get back and move
his car to snfoty, did not remain to
phone in from the box the exuet lo
cation. Hence, when the alarm rang and
the firemen d)d not cntch tho oxneti
location, they first proceeded to an-
other location, corner of Main and ,
Holly streets, having a similar box
number. However, on finding no fire
there they hurried back tn the other!
box and by this time the flames wore
showing up and there were men to
direct them to tho blaze. Only a few
minutes' time wns lust, however, thru j
the mixup in box signals, the tire jle
partment doing excellent work.
tnent seven per cent bonds, which
wero flouted in this country following
Germany's acceptance of the Dawen
plan, a drop of 3 points in French
francs to 5.17 cents nnd a reactionary
movement In the stock market was
Wall street's first reaction to the
ekctln of Von Illndenburg us presi
dent of the (Jermun republic.
Declaring Medford and the Rogue
River Valley the most attractive place
in the country, assured of a marvelous
future if the natural resources and
Bcenlc advantages are properly adver
tised, J. K. Shaw, vice-president of the
Celotex company of Chicago, ill., ac
companied by his wile left this after
noon for the east after spending a
week at the Hotel Medford.
Mr. Shaw has traveled in all parts
of the country, owns large tracts of
land In Florida, but declares without
qualification that the Rogue River
Valley offers more to the sportsman
and lover of nature than any other
district In this state or any other
state, and he Intends to return in the
future for an extended stay, accom
panied by some or his business asso
elates. Karller in the week ho made
a trip to Squaw lake, where he caught
some fine trout and yesterday he and
Mrs. Shaw wero the guests of Toggery
1)111 Isaacs on a motor trip to Crater
lake park. The party went as far as
possible by motor and then continued
through the snow on foot six miles
above Union creek, which Is a record
lor tho present season as far as the
Medford entrance is concerned. The
beauties of this trip were placed ahead
of the Columbia highway or anything
seen by Mr. Shaw on his extended
While here the Shaws visited Mr.
and Mrs. James Stevens, old friends
in the east, who were responsible for
getting them to come here. As a re
sult of the visit Mr. Stevens, who Mr.
Shaw declares Is the finest singer ever
to come to this purt of the country,
will take a position with the Celotex
company In charge of tho testing de
partment, with hoadquartors in Chi
cago. ,
Celotex Is an artificial hoard made
from sugar cane pulp and Is Bald to
solvo the puzzle of acoustics com
pletely. It is now being put in num
berless theaters, auditoriums and
cathedrals In this country and abroad.
The company In Chicago, says Mr.
Shaw, Is turning out 600,000 feet of
the hoard n day and tho business Is
growing sensationally.
HKRMN, April 27. When told
this morning of his election to the
German presidency, Field
Von Illndenburg, who is at his sou'"
estate near Hanover, declared "God
grant that parly strife may at li-a-sl
end. Everything la decided now. Lot
us hope the people now will learn
'complete unity, tor in union there Is
It look Just 3 minutes and 38
hocoiuIh from a HtiindlnK "tart In
hlK" Kf'ii for a Btock model Jowott
top tho fumouH old .IdckHonvHK
1111) Hundny boforo n KencroUB crowd
ut. paupla'-Xmm vurloua parts of the
valley. Tho Invitation of tho Cra
ter Ia lie A utomotive company, local
Paio and Jewett distributors, for
other motorlHtH tn participate In the
climb was accepted by only one per
son nnd his car failed to make the
hill In high near. A In.o 6-70
mudo tho difficult climb In 5 min
utes nnd ten seconds. Traffic Of
ficer J. J. McMahon and Cole
HolmeH acQotnpanlcd the various
drivers as timer and observer.
Tho old .Jacksonville hill mad 1b
ono and seven-tenths miles lonif and
the time made by tho .lewolt Hlx 1h
concidered remarkable. Tho Rear
ratio of cars which entered the climb
was carefully checked nnd gaa tanks
drained and filled at tho bottom of
the hill with General Kasollno from
.1 truck operated by Judy & Froh
haeh. Inc., Southern Oregon Oenoral
(Continued From Page One).
Swimmers from many of the most
widely known athletic and swimming
oiuds in ine L,nuea iMaiea, wero piw
parlng today to depart from San
Francisco after the conclusion of
tho national' swimming championship
events which closed hero yester
day. The athletes representing tho 1111
nole Athletic club took with them
tho DcUm of victory, wrested from
some of tho best water men in tho(
country, the visitors score ot du
points, being ton points in the lead
of their nearest rival, tho Olympic
club' of this city.
The Chicago Athletic club and
Brooklyn Y. M. C. A. ran respec
tively third and fourth.
Tho races, hold In tho now Fleis
hacker outdoor pool, wero attended
by record-Betting crowds, particu
larly yesterday when it was estimat
ed more Chan 10,000 porsons wit
nessed tho events.
which wore offered at, 92 last October,
subsequently sld down as low as
ftl S-S, or about 4 points below their
high pi-Ice this year. French govern
ment bonds sold down one to two
NEW YORK, April 27. Tho elec
tion of Field Marshal Von Illnden
burg as president of Germany Is a
menaco to world peace. In the opinion
of James W. Cinnird, fovmor ambas
sador to Germany. Ho characterized
tho election as a flat declaration by
tho Gcrmun people of a return to
militarism and monorchism.
Vofrtonlay'H llcsults.
At Portland, 2-1; Oakland 5-l( 2nd
game called in 6th. darkness).
At Seattle. 4-2; Vernon, 3-11.
At San Francisco, 7-0; Sacramento
At Los Angeles, 1-1 ; Salt Lake,
Fined for Driving Over
Hose at Local Fire
W. H. Haynrs, young man from
Rogue Hlver, was fined 110 today for
driving a car over a fire hose,
strotched across Main street during
tho fle last night, and another
drlvpr whose name the pollco did
not know was also placed under ar
rest by his car number for the same
reason, and was expected to appear
in the city court today.
AVnll Street Stamps
NEW YORK. April 27. Kstabllsh
ment of a record low price of 92, off
1 Hi points, by the German govern-
(in In 3 INhiimN In 30 lnys or ict
Yuur Money I lack.
There will be to meeting of the gunr
nntors. at the public MhjsrrO'uesday
overling. ApiiV 2S. at s oYI.m I;, fur
the purpose of organizing for ih
1925 chautnuqua.
.localise It Is richer In vltamlnes
than any other food In. tho world.
Doctors prescrlbo it for rickets and
anemia in children and for tuber
culosts, malnutrition and convales
cence In grown up people.
As a producer of weight good
healthy flesh there is nothing in
the world so good.
Hut It's nasty tasting, horrible
smelling stuff that often upsets tho
stomach so doctors now are ordering
cod liver oil in tablet form.
You've got totako on weight when
McCoy's Cod Uver Oil Compound
Tablets are taken regularly you
simpLv can't help it.
It's so good that it It doesn't put
on five pounds of good healthy flesh
oh any skinny man or woman in 30
days th e McCoy uibnratorles of New
York authorize Heaths Drug stoxe,
West Side Pharmacy, Medford Phar
macy und all dingbats to return the
prh-e vou paid for it.
He sure to ask for McCoy's Cod
Uver Oil Compound T.thlets sixty
tnhb'ts - fio cents. Ope woman put
on fifteen pounds In five weeks, and
they are cspeclalft- valuable to weak,
thin children. Adv.
Franco Sees Benefits.
PARIH, April 27. (Hy the Asso
elated Press) That Von Hlnden
burg's election to the German pres
idency may prove beneficial if it
opens the eyes of the world to the
real sentiment of the German people
was the opinion expressed today in
official circles, wherp the result of
yesterday's polling caused no sur
In the same quarter, it was said
that tho largo women's vote for the
field marshal was deemed the most
significant feature of the . election.
The men. it was believed, had voted
for either Dr. Marx or Field Mar
shal Von Hindenburg in tho greater
part for party reasons, while the
women votes for the war hero, it
was held, probably were chiefly sen
timental. , :
"This," said a spokesman at tho
foreign office, "ought to open the
eyes of the world to tho fact that
there is no such horror of war nd
militarism among tho German people
as, has been thought in certain coun
'This lesson," he added, "ought to
be meditated upon, particularly in
the Anglo-Saxon countries whore
thero has been a marked disposition
to give the German people credit
The man who reveals all.
If in doubt ask
You'll Love
Bing! Oh! it's a pcaeh of a
Htory, human, real, sometimes
funny but mostly just
honest-to-KOodni'ss stuff that
gives the heart a wallop!
The Inimitablo
As the World's Greatest
for having been converted to paci
fism." Dr. Marx, it was pointed out,
showed himself equally hostile to
the treaty of Versailles. Wis pro
postal .that Germany annex Austria
was quite as alarming to the allies
as any extreme project Von Hinden
burg might have in view. Tho con
clusion wns, the spokesman - said,
that the success of the field marshal
might turn out to be more advan
tageous in the long run if the logi
cal lesson were drawn from it everywhere.
A. Clacpeli was among the business
vjsitors in the city today from Phoe
The Roifue River council 1094 of
tho Knlghtft of Columbus conducted
initiation ceremonies here in the
Modern Woodmen hall Sunday after
noon, initiating a large clans into
.. .... . i . .hi..., rinfrt-APS
me uri, BecuHu iiuu
lt the order. Exemplification w.
in charge of ranK ixinurKu",
preme director; P. J. rinnicy,
deputy; D., H. C'riip, district dep
uty and William Eagles, supreme
warden, all visiting knights from va
rious points in Oregonund northern
A banquet was held t the Hotel
Medford last evening and the follow
ing program given:
Concert by Alford's Imperial
i orchestra.
Tonstmaster Frank DeRouza
messing Rev. Francis W. Black
"Our City".. Mayor O. O'. Alenderfcr
Selection Orchestra
"Our Country
Frank J. Lonergan. Supreme lt';er
Violin Sol ...Mrs. LMiie Vimont
Accompanist. F. A. Haight.
"California and Ureson".
A. Fulreh.lld
SelwAiou." ' OT,l?08""f,
-Our Church".. ltev. J. M. O'Farrell
Vocal solo Mrs. .1. C. Hayes Mrs. Guy W. Connor.
our Order" """'
America" Audience
Benediction Hcv. W. A. Daly
Mrs. John Vincent returned home
Sunday after sycndlne three weeks
vitlllng friends and relatives in Aber
deen and Hotiuiam, Wash., and in
National Baby Week
has been set aside again as a
week for featuring child welfare
work and for the display and
sale of baby garments, from-
April 27, Including May 2
jAX , PHONE 31
Our part of this observance will be in supplying mothers with baby's underwear in the
three nationally known lines we carry.
No pins, just as safe a garment
as it's possible to put on babies
and small children. Nationally
known and endorsed everywhere
by child welfare experts.
The Cotton Garments i ...50
The Wool Garments $1.00
The Silk and Wool at. $1.25
All sizes at one price.
This beautiful line is all hand
eut and hand-finished, assuring
perfect fit and comfort in every
garment, which is essential for
Cotton Garments .......69
Wool Garments ...;...$1.05
Silk and Wool Garments $1.50
Some larger sizes priced more.
A garment of real merit for
babies because of the extremely
soft bleach and finish, assuring
nd irritating surface will touch
baby's tender skin.
Cotton Bands 39
Wool Bands .......60
Silk and Wool Band3 75
All sizes same price.
1 5 Discount
For Baby Week we will give a discount of 15 on all infants' under
wear in order to give you a wider range of selection. The entire '
stock at this discount. '
In our' Saturday sale we had towel's at 5 for 95c. We found after, quite a few had
been sold '(hat some were imperfect, and they were bought as perfect and should have
been. If you find you bought imperfect towels and care to return them, please do so,
as we want to keep our advertising clean and merit the confidence of the public at all
times. ; -"iv - v
MEM1MIH11M1 imilWlilillffiijlilll i lilllliiliiiiliiiili Ilililllllllllil'lllllMglllllMlM
The Great
Ask Him What You Will!
Nnti: Allmrtus appears at g.
(ho rvoniiitf show nnlv, i'x-
Copt Kriilay. L! I. M special M
matinee fnr lailies only. O
Build Lasting Walls
at Lower Cost
There are many good reasons why you should use
Sheetrock, the fireproof wallboard, in both new con
struction and remodeling.
Sheetrock has all the permanence of the gypsum rock
from which it is made. It makes rigid, flat-surfaced,
tight-jointed walls and ceilings that last as long as the
building stands. . ,'.
Besides being fireproof, noh-warping and permanent, '
Sheetrock takes any type of decoration perfecdy. Use
it with Textone, wall paper, paint or panels.
Sheetrock is economical to use. It comes all ready to
nail to the joists and studs. Easily and quickly erected.
Only with genuine Sheetrock can you be tun of .
genuine Sheetrock Mathaction and economy. We
meJteprQmptdciiocricscfShectrocktn any quantity
Big Lumber Company
Wong Pon
For Trentment of
Acute mid cbronlr
DlftGanefl of Men
and Women. '
Can-m xnd tumor treated. Inflt-enza, Ud
wy, bladder and stomach trouhes, flta,
hernia, rupture, rcilda, female troubles, par-alj-Hla,
Uer, pneumonia, asthma and throat
troibWa, rheumatism, smenorrhoea, goitre,
consumption, catarrh, piles, hydrocele, al
bumin OMloe Hour,: 8 A. M. to
Consultation Free
21 South Front St Madford. Ore.
This work is done not alone
with that precise care necessary
for dependable service, but we
ALSO use the finest materials
assuring a Job that will stand
up to strenuous service.
Besides rewinding, we repair
bearings, true worn commuta
tors and repair auxiliary equip