Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 27, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    MEDFORTf MJTTi TlfflflreK ' MTSttFOftfl. ftTGON. MONDAY, APTiTfi 57," 1 'M
SAI.KM, April 27. The Btato high
way fommiHslon recently passed a res
olution opposing 'the referendum on
the buss and truck bill as follows:
-Resolved that: The state hlfthway
commisiflon desires to' declare. Us hear-
i tha nttltnrln nf. thn
ty appiuvai v.."
State Association of County JutlK"B
and Commissioners in Us recent dec
laration against the proposed fe ren
du ni tin the so-culled Hus and Truck
bill recently passed by the legislature.
. "The hlghmiy system of Oregon is
not constructed und maintained by
general taxation, but by fees in tn
form nf license and wis tax paid by
thte individual mutorists of the state.
The burden, therefore, should be
fquttnMy distributed. The initial
heavy construction and heavy; recon
struction costs.are caused in the main
by the users of heavy motor equip
ment. Many of our loads will have
to be rebuilt and be constructed In a
manner to withstand this equipment,
in our opinion, this bill is not to levy a
confiscatory fet but does attempt In a
manner to distribute the burden equi
tably among thosc'who use the high
ways." This action has been approved by
the Jackson county court.
Medford Visited
By Numerous
Advertising Fakes
Five Feature Acts
Tuesday Vaudeville
Medford hns been visited by-
number of people with fnlte ndver-:
Using schemes the pnsl two. or three
week, and owing to the coming of
the National Guard encampment In
June and other conventions this
summer and the prospective tourist
travel the fakirs will be thick from
now on.
j Local authorities therefore request
I citizens to ask the solicitor if his
I proposition has been endorsed by the
Merchants' association or Chamber
of Commerce and to show this writ
ten endorsement.
With flv0 good featuro acts, tho
vaudeville bill nt the Uunt'8 Cratcrlan
theatre tomorrow nitlnee and night
looms as belllB equal In entertainment
value to any thus far this soasn. The
headline act. - "The Bimbos," consist
of a compnet little man and a young
woman with a knowledge of acro
batics billed as comedy ncrobatlce
entertainers.. .
Ray and Ednn Tracy will present
"Pluno Eccentricities," including
some original dance steps, which in
variably create a sensatiun.
"There are more ways than one of
killing a cat," the old proverb says.
The Hoar Cat." from the magic pen
MncK ana preseniea uy
Fred C llugan und Cm puny exempli
fies this.
The African Duke," a riotously
funny blackface vehicle, will Intro
duce Farrull Taylor Co.
Ruth Gordon and liudd Carlell the
Wv.milnir trio, fiffer a novelty dlver-
tisement, "Vaiietie.if the West."
Motion pictures and me jiuiu s
Craterian theatre orchestra are other
features on the bill.
A .
To Talk On Children's
Book at Public Library
The pro-school circle of the Jack
son school Invites the pre-school
mothers of all Medford to be pres
ent nt the public lilx-ary on Thurs
day, April 30 at 2:30 p. in., when
na .imin Olson, children s lima
rl.Ki. will present tho subject "Hooks
for Cl'lren." Miss Olson will also
ShOW U nUmOer OI umuiliui uuuna
ai It is hoped a great many of the
mothers will avail themselves of this
splendid yOpportunlly to near ou
Olson and have her help in planning
the children's vacntion reading.
The Miracle Man
Alburtus, Rialto
Tl.a fli-ut nniwurniu-n of AlbUI'tUR
"The Miracle Man" nt the Rhilt Hun
day night was greeted by a mystified
audience and tho he made quite plain
in nla announcement uuu im-i v
., uniini-niitiit-iil about his work.
tv,rt r,x,-t ronmins that Alburtus put
on some stums mai uihtij iuh mr
w.iriatifr nil thn time out In
the audience where It would seem
trickery would be imposHiiue, m an
sewered numireus or questions ui
ton by theeople. Alburtus appeom,,
but once each night with a nuuinua-..
Kriday ufternoon for ladles only.
' " . . 1V
The Screen
Harry Film Knockout
When you go to the Rialto .theatre
to see Wesley Barry in "Hauling
Bunyan," which closes tonight, to
well fortified for a generous allot
ment of thrills, an ; assortment f,
laughs, and a tear or two. It iB one; '
of the brightest, liveliest and nlt
around entertaining pictures seen In
some time. '
Alburtus, the Miracle Man, is art
added attraction on tho bill.
of wlllard Mack ana preseniea oy imisw ,iuii -
Medford is a Good PI;
to Do Your Tradin
These Bargains are not
for Tuesday
At Lamport's Sporting
Goods & Hardware
226-230 East Main
Water Sets
Cut glass water sets, consisting
of six tumblers and one jug, for
The Japanese Art Store
12 North Bartlett
Japanese parasols, , sun and
shower proof, $1.35 value; spe
cial "Wednesday ....
At TheM.M. Dept. Store
Medford Building
Porch Dresses
Ifin . ,'.....,1, ?,.,c,no vnlnno im In &i?T0'. I w v
Weilni'Rflay only
At Medford Book Store
34 North Central Ave.
Children's Books
Assortment of children s books, J rQ
values Me to oc; ueuiiesuuv,
i :
' i : :
At Heath's-Haskins'
Drug Stores
A Near to You as Your Phone
Rubber Aprons
A genuine Miller rubber apron,
good size, decorated pockets, vul
canized colored border, all colors,
Flower Vases
Rainbow7 glass flower vases and
bowls, three shapes; rose, blue
and gold color combinations;
At Russell's
Formerly Deuel'.
Hemstitched ' sheets, scalloped
sheets, 81x90 inches. Limit four
to a customer and no telephone
orders; worth .-
At Model Clothing Co.
126 East Main St.
Hats and Caps
Men's and young men's cloth it .25
hats and caps, values to $3.50; Y
Wednesday special JL
Auto Supply & Parts Co.
ht and -Chal Strange ' : 5?! ' V '
Tire Repair Kits
e repair kit, 35c ;Prufo polish, C QQ
; polishing cloth, 25c; regular f g
2e set, $1.35; special JL
urucia; wuitu yw -
At Mann's Dept. Store
' The Store for Everybody - '"
36-ineh tub-fast aiid sunWt QQ
''suiting, 50c value; Wednesday, I
2' yards for JL
130 East Main Phone 262 '
Ar H -E .Marsh's Grocery At Mordof t & Woolt
1217 West Main ot.
Serving Trays
, Macaroni, Wednesday, 3 pack
ages for
Mahogany fuiish serving trays,
$1.50 value; Wednesday special..
At Gates & Lydiard
Buy Here and Bank the Difference
Potato Salad
Home style potato salad, Wed
nesday special, pint.......'.:.
At The Hub Shoe Store
105 East Main St.
One lot each men's and women's tt (Z
oxfords and ties, values to $10,
Wednesday special M
At People's Electric Store
212 West Main Phone 12 '
Electric toasters, $6.50 value;
Wednesday special I
At West Side Pharmacy
Main and Qrape Sts.
Rcxall one cent special, Klenzo
tooth paste, regular price 25c;
Wednesday special, 2 for........
Rex Cafe & Pastry Shop
12 i East Main Street
Shoppers' Lunch
"A special lunch for Wednesday shop
pers,. 11:30 A. JL, to 2:00 P. M.,
for ,
At The Model Pharmacy
Corner Sixth and Central Ave. Phone 66 f
CocoanUt Shampoo
Wildroot cocoanut oil shampoo,
regular price 25c; Wednesday
special ....-!
At C.M.Kidd & Co.
Main St. '
Women's Pumps
223 East Main St. '
60 prs. of women's strap pumps, Q5
..: i,(',.lni,' rrnnA vim nf Hr L
VilllUUB 111 ft"""
sizes; values to $10; Wednesday J
At The Colonial
8outhern Oregon' Finest Bakery
Pan Rolls
,Y, ,''- V
Pan rolls, one dozen in a pan;
Wednesday special
At McDonalds
226 West Main 8treet
Silk Hosiery
Arrowhead silk hosiery; a $1.25
hose. As many pairs as you
want at, per pah'.
At the Medford Pharmacy
Corner Main and Central
IIair:Stay, for keeping the hair
in place; regular ' 50c value;
Wednesday, 2 for
At The Men's Shop
Next to Rialto Theater
Orchard Work Shirts
Heavy drill and
mod two-piece
suits; Wednesday only
corduroy trim- C J QC
orchard, work Jl
' only
North Bartlett Street
Medford Fur. & Hdw. Co.
Grass Rugs v
9x12 grass rugs, regular $5.95
values; Wednesday special
...... Mum i T a r.,i o m m suns: vv cuuraua v uuu t i
j want at, per pair -. s w j v-- - -
At The Golden Rule
Medford'. Largest Department Store .
Gingham Dresses
Ladies' Ainoskeag gingham C 0 .
dresses; values to $2.2;3j Wednes- ''I
At Medford Hardware &
. Sporting Goods Co.
The Live Hardware Merchant Offer. . . x
Parinjg Knives
Stainless stocl paring knives. Every house
wife knows the advantages of knives that
will not discolor. Regular price IOc;
Wednesday special
W. A. Kinney Fur. House
Dinner Sets
42-piece dinner sets, regular
$9,50 values; Wednesday special
At Louie's Cash Grocery
South Central 8t. Phone 271
Sunswcct prunes, 2-pound pack
age; Wednesday special.......'.
Stop the Man-Made Forest Fire.
dav onlv