Ml Mail. Tribume o Second Section Six Pages Second Section Six Pages lHllj-TwnimUi Vmr. WeUy Kitty-thlrd Vtu. FOURTEEN PAG1S TODAY MEDFORD. 'REGON,; FRIDAY, "APRIL' 24, 1925 - j !L. NO. 29 ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM I HE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CENTRAL POINT WINS CASH PRIZE . CENTRAL POINT, April 23. Miss Mildred Burner, a member of the senior clnsa of ' the ' Central Point high Bchool, is in receipt of a letter from the Oregon Historical society, notifying her that , eho has been awarded third prize in the annual historical contest. The third prize Consists of a cash award of $4G''nnd a bronze modal upon which the win ner's numo is engraved in gold. This contest is open each year to high Bchool seniors of the state of Ore gon only, each contestant contribut- Ing an essay of their own composi Jon embodying the history of Ore gon. 105 students entered the con test this year, all of whom were girlw except, one and that one boy won the fourth prize. Miss Burgor Is the second local high school stu dent to win honors in one of these contests, Benton Boyce of Tolo hav ing won the third prize two years ago. Mr. Ray Robs visited home folks here last week, returning to Rose, burg Friday where he is employed as an automobile salesman. I A fluo fire at the M. F. Hubbard home lust Friday afternoon was the i cause of the first fire alarm since the city purchased its new fire fight ing outfit Inst fall. With James CummingH at the wheel, "the now ap-i paratus was rushed to the scene of the fire, but because the fire proved to be of little consequence. it was extinguished without the aid of the firo fighting appliance. On Friday evening, April 17th. at the Community church, a church supper, and reception were given to introduce the hew pastor. Rev. Mr. Johnson, who with his family, has! come "from Noxon, Montana to be J in charge of this church. After the' supper a program was carried out with Rov. R. R. Randall of Medford. Music, and speeches of welcome and a response by the new-pastor -openod a pastorato that promises to bo in splrattonnl to all. Those having no church homo or Sunday school con nection are cordially Invited to share with the congregation in the services of Sunday and week days. x The board of control is composed of the following member: H. W. Davis-: son, D. A. Webster, W. B. Harris, j J. C. Duncan, Charles Thompson and E. C. Richmond with Mts. - H. W.I Davlsson as Sunday school superin-i tendent. j At ajpcclal meeting of the Parent-j Teacher association held last Monday afternoon, it was decided to apply the funds which the association here has accumulated, in the construction of a suitable stage for school enter tainments or 'functions In the gym nasium. The pluns and suggestions for the stage have been carefully' made by Mr. C. E. Bolds and Mr. j H. A. DuBuquo with a view to in-1 expensiveness, but at the same tlmej attractiveness. All school entertain-1 mcnts In the future can bo given in the'gyninusium thus eliminating the expense of renting halls down town. Miss Pearl Pankey arrived homo .Wednesday from Eugene where she has been visiting relatives. - The first issue of Central Point's now newspaper will be off the press 'n Friday afternoon. This paper Is being edited by Mr. Trill, our lawyer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Norcross are receiving felicitations upon the birth of a granddaughter, who is. by the way, their first grandchild. The very young lady was born on the 20th of April at Heppner, Oregon, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hedrick, the latter being a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Norcross. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence entertained a number of their friends ot their home on the Pacific High way last 'Saturday evening. Progres sive 600 was played until late in the evening when dainty refresh ments were erved, consisting of sand wiches, cake and coffee. The guests present were the Messrs and Mes dames Guy Tex, Clyde Hanson, Ed Vincent, Bert Peck, A. W. Lewis, Ellis M. Clark and Harry Hoehne, the latter of Medford. The Sewing elub met with Mrs. James Cornut at her home Thurs day afternoon. - A." W. Moon of the Moon Lumber company of Hilt, California, was In Central Point Wednesday attending to business matters. TO L PLAY AT BUTTE F. TONIGHT The senior piny, "Tho Elopement of Ellen" was given in the school audi torium on April 17, to a large audi ence. Much praise must be given tA Mrs. Morse, tho conch and to the cast, Everett Martin in the role of Rev. Hume, kept the audience in constant laughter by his droll way of express ing himself. Meredith Sheets and Echo Alford in the rolo of Richard Ford and his wife, Molly, were indeed an ideal newly married couple. Delia Mast as Dorothy Emerch, Andrew Stevens as Robert Shepard, and Lawrence Lents as Max Ten Eych, carried off their parts with excellent acting. But "the sympathy of the audience was with Guinevere Kerns in tho rolo of a young college girl who by mistake goes as 'a servant girl into the house of her lover. Every one seeing tho play expressed a wish to see Mrs. Morse give another one. The play will be given in Butte Falls Friday, April 24. ANIELOPE HEMS Mr. and Mrs. William Von der Hel len of Medford spent Tuesday ovening with tho Hsrry Von der Hellens. Mr. M. Simons nnd wife were busi ness callers in Medford Friday. Mr. J: H. Stanley nnd Mr. F. Sey mour attended tho Canal company's sale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bell called in Medford Saturday afternoon. M.- Simons and his wife spfnt all day In Ashland Sunday. Mr." Day and' Sons are two-thirds done pulling the npple trees on the Lewis orchard and nro getting along very nicely with their pruning. The rocent rains have put, a stop to all work on th Eagle Point ditch. Mr. Harry Von der Hollen 'called In Medford on business Thursday af T TO GIVE PARTY W; O. W. Notice. Deputy Head Consul E. P. Martin will be with us Friday night, all mem bers are requested to bo to camp. A banquet will be served. 29 - E. C. SlUlmnn. Clerk. WILLOW SPRINGS. April 24. The May meeting ot the Willow Springs Thursday club will bo on the 7th with Mrs. P. A. Bonney a hos tess. . This is an Important meeting as it Is time for tho election of the officers for the coming year and nlso for tho paying of the yearly dues. Miss Rose Jones and M.Ihs Laura Bon noy have chnrgo of the program nnd It promises to be very Interesting. It will be like a visit to the land of the cherry blossoms and members are re quested to come in Japanese costume. Those who wish to come as American tourists will recelvo a warm welcome and be able to procure passports from tho reception committee. Frances and Harriet Sparrow who I again able to roturn to their school duties. 1 Mrs. Sam Andortion Is able to be up but Mr. Anderson Is still confined to tho house with a sovuro attack of grippe. Mrs. Edwin Beard man and son Junior have just recovered from the chickenpox and now Mr. Board man and baby Junnlta aro taking their turn. They are having it in a vory light form. Klmer Foldonhelmer who Ih here from Portland staying at tho R. W. Nichols hnmn, is keeping close wntrh of tho thermometer these cold nights. So far there has been but little frost. A number of acres in this vicinity have already been set to early tomatoes. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson have lately had as house guests for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Denny of Etna Mills. Cal. FREE SB'n Demonstration feSS?!. muscles of the mtoenuKleS,.,,,, . hv Corns, Bunions. Callouses, Flat Feet, Fains or Aches in tho feet, ankles, legrs or back. The more you walk the .stronger they get. COME TODAY Oil TOMORROW DR. BVRNS Cuboid Foot Spwialist Kidd's Shoe Store 223 K. Main ' Ill W...IM ! MWIIIMIIIIIIMMIMMM IIMMmi Ml ISMll IIMIIIII I 1 lh . - . .- ' .. ' RUSSELL'S WATCH US GROW RUSSELL'S WATCH US GROW Saturday and Monday Will Be Exceptional and Spirited Buying Should Prevail in all Lines Because of the unusual low prices prevailing, some lines may become exhausted, but prices will remain . while quantities last on both Sat urday and Monday. We will have many items on display that are not advertised and new, items of espe cial interest will be out on Monday. BATH TOWELS HUCK1 TOWELS DAMASK TOWELS ABSORBENT AND HONEYCOMB TOWELS For Piece Goods Prices Are Attractive 1 32-inch Extra Good Ginghams . 36-inch Light and Dark Percales. . . 36-inch Light Colored Comfort Challie 36-inch Extra Quality Long Cloth. k. 36-inch Real Fine Cambric Muslin . .... 36-inch Fine Count Bleached Muslin. 36-inch Fast Color Dress Cambrics . . 'Yards 1 HALF PRICE FOR A BIG TABLE OF WASH GOODS IN PLAIN VOILES SILK AND COTTON TAFFTEX AND ZAZA SILK -AND PRINTS- SATINE WHITE GOODS 95c BABIES' CRIB BLANKETS Pretty nursery designs in two colors, pink and blue five different patterns to select from in this $1.25 babies' crib blanket. . , Belgian Dress Linen in Two . Toned Stripe Effects Beautiful quality of high grade. Bel gian Dress Linens, irridescent and striped effects. Absolutely fast color and there is nothing else in linens so ; y good now l Fiber Silk Vesting of Extra Good Quality This season of the year and later on there is great demand for this popu lar vesting in black, ihais, helio and white, 36 inches wide 95 c Jewelry of All Kinds r worth to $2.50 Pearl three-strand strap bracelets, col ored beads and an assortment of many different 'kinds of popular jewel adorn- Jm ment, priced, each Windsor "Washanrede" Crepe all New Patterns 4 yds. 95c Laces-Trimmings-HALF PRICE A big lot of assorted laces, trnn- mings, collar tabbing, trimriiing and bandings, all out at a reduc tion of one-half for Saturday and Monday. Cluny and" Torchon Laces Worth 10c 15 Yards 95c So many uses for laces at this time of year makes this a real, red hot item from this department. . Children's Hose 3 Pair 95c Black and brown in all sizes; worth 40c to 50c. . , Women's Sport Hose Worth irl.25, and they Qg , are in demand now, pair.... Charming New Spring Dresses arid Coats at Special Reductions too From all sides we hear such encouraging things about our well selected stocks of ready-to-wear and about our reasonable prices that we are naturally very enthusiastic regarding this spcdal for Saturday and Monday. Wc have taken our $25.00 dresses and manv higher priced ones, too, and placed them in this one-price sale 'for a rousing big special day of value giving. --Prints and plain in a multitude of the newest and most fashionable models and colors from the gay and bizarre to the somber tans, blues and . blacks; every size. from the smallest ladies', sizes to hc largest, and models to suit each size. ..'-- ... . - $ 6 Off on Coats fl. Really remarkable ' ' are some of these . Coats at regulaT prices, and now at one-fourth off we know you will be enthusiastic too about them. Russell's Formerly Deuel's, ' Smart New House Frocks ... i . JL. of a very fine quality Ging ham and a beautiful range of patterns, made up into very charm ing house or marketing frocks that will, be so much in need the first warm days of spring. Guaranteed fast colors, and the size range is fc 1 QC complete from 16 to 56 Beautiful quality, fast color, plain and striped ' Broadcloths in very charming styles at $6.95 (Not reduced)