Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 24, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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Blcyclo riders will assemble at
South Dartlett anil Main Btreets be
tween the hours or 9:30 nnd 10 to
morrow. Tho parade will move up
Alain under escort of special police on
motorcycles, led by the mayor or a
councilman, to the Washington school
grounds, whore the safety first demon
stration nnd awarding of prizes will
take place. Chief Adams has assured
John Roddn who has the parudo In ami moving back to their ranch on Hveroir an address to the student body
last Monday morning.
Showing first prize winner for decorated bicycle at San Mateo, Cal., ,
bicycle field day. .
charge, that he will furnish officers Dry Creek.
enough to make the parado absolutely I vl'ililiini and Howard Mayfinld took
safe for the youngest riders, so Mint 'their cattle to pasture on Dry creek
parents may have no hesitancy to let this week.
the youngest rider participate. I Mr. J-ilr went to town this week to
; At the Washington school grounds try uml rout a place und g' t work.
John Rodda, western representative of Victor Chapman Is homo this weak
the Cycle Trades of America, Now with tho flu.
York City, will show on his bicycle I Uiu-I Case, moved Tom Smith and
the right and wrong way to ride, and 1 family from the Modoc to Central
also give a lesson on road deportment Point this week.
wnicn win enable, nny rider to go
through traffic safely,
i Scout Executive Cook has co-operated
in working up enthusiasm among
the Boy Scout troops, for which, three I
prizes are offered for neatest
- - John Rodda wsb grantod permission
to speak In the schools by Superin
tendent Aubrey Smith, and ho states
- Mrs. C. M. Conley's little child is
Hick with bronchial pneumonia.
. . Mr. l4ilr bought a milk cow fj-om
Mr. BwnllHon Monday.
inicoj ju -me iii'iKuuuriiuuu men will gel
ppear- together and donate a day's plowing
tor Mrs. Oscar Itodgers Tuesday if the
weather permits.
Mr. Utuphcns and Mr. Henderson are
helping Mr. Heck pull twenty acres of
the, rivalry Is keen nmong the students apple trees on what used to be tho
to secure tho cycle Trades of America, Trowbrldgo ranch.
trophy cup, which will bo awarded on
tho percentage baBla. All that Is
necessary is to be on hand with your
bicycle and raise your hand when
Jour school is called, i '
; Prize List Decorated Bicycles.
. First prize, sold watch, donated by
the Morrow Coaster Brake company.
Eltnlra, N. Y.; second prize, blcyclo
tire by Ernest I.. Scott; third prize,
baseball by Lamport's Sporting Goods
and Hardwnro company; fourth prize,
bicycle cyclometer by Liberty Repair
Mrs. Anna Hamlin, wlfo of Frank
I Hamlin, pnssed away quite unexpect-
lorllv nt Q-an n tn Rntm-Hiiv Anlrl 11.
Bhop; fifth prlzo. one pair handlo-bar jnt her home south of Talent. Kho had
Mr. Nichols of Klamath county was
up In this neighborhood Monday to
buy cattle,
. . ' I,
grips by Ernest L. Scott.
- The next 12 best decorated blcyclos
wlll'recolvo a handsome blcyclo hell,
donntod by tho New Dopnrturo Coaster
Brake company, Bristol, Conn. The
following 12 riders will receive 12 use
ful pencils, - donated by Morrow
Coaster Brake company.
Boy 8cout Prizes. 1
For nentest appearance in uniform,
(told, silver nnd bronze medals fur
nished by Ihe Cycle Trades of Amer
ica will be awarded In the order
named. 1
Scooter Race.
(Under 10 years.)
' First prlzo, bronze mednl by Cycle
Trades of America? second prlzo, base
ball bat by Lamport Sporting Coeds
Rnil Hardware company; third iprlze,
pencil by Morrow ConBter BAiko com
pany. , ' .
Plank Ride.
Ilrst prlzo, gold watch, donated by
New Departure Conslcr Brake com
pany; second prize, blcyclo siren by
Liberty Rnpnlr Shop; third prlzo,
pencil by the Morrow CoaBter Drnke
company. ' :
Everybody invited. No admission
charged.. Everything froe. Help make
Saturday bicycle day In Medrord.
Pictures can bo procured at Swein's
'Willlum .JonPH wan taken Hick nnd
Mrs. Kani Pollnrd took Jiim to Motlforil
tho pnst woek.
Mr. Joe Mnyfli'iri unU family nro
'thinking of IrnvinK th OrfTKnrt ranch
t build up
A NY WOMAN, any man, can now
nave a well-ilcveloned face and
form. The whole, simple secret of a
well-developed form is in tho number
of blood-cells in your body. You can
now forget all tho theoretical talk
about diet, exercise, fad treatments,
food-fats and fat-foods. Nothing is
of any use, after all, c-tcept blood
cclls! .
Thin, run-down men and women,
with bony necks, sunken cheeks, Imny
shoulders nil these are suffering
from one thing too few blood-celU
Science has proved that S.S.S. helps
to . make, tho rich rcd-blood-cells,
which you need. Your blood is starv
ing for these new blood-cells! Givo
?'Our blood tho blood-cells it needs
alto S.S.S. tho great scientific blood
coU maker. S.S.S. has done marvels,
too, in making beautiful complexions,
clearing the skin, ranking hps rosy
rod, the cheeks fall and plump Iw
cause it rids tho blood of impurities
which Cause pimples, blackheads,
acne, blotches, eczema, tetter, rash
and rheumatism, too. As the me
dicinal ingredients of S.S.S. are pure
ly vegetable, it may be taken with
perfect safety. This is why S.S.S.,
aince 1S2G, has meant to thousands
of underweight men and women a
plus in their strength. Start taking
S.S.S. today and your great problem,
that of your personal appearance,
tan bo solved.
been ill with flu, a reluppo following
which terminated In pneumonia. Mr.
find Mrs. Hnmlln came to Talent ubout
oUfht yon.rn ago', having formerly lived
at Hodmond, Oro. The funeral mr
vIcoh were held In tho Dodge chapel In
Afihlund on Monday, and the burial
wAa In tho Mod ford cemotery. Hor hus
band survives her, also a daughter,
Mrs. Erl Duncan and a grandson,
Frank Dunkln. She was greatly loved
and respected by those who knew her
and leaves nuiny friends who will miss
Fluth Itnwmnn, Anna Kvans, Elsie
Xewbry, Ada JIackler, Alec Howman
unci William Vlmont, delegates from
tlie locnl Kpworth League, will leave
Friday afternoon for Grunts Puiy.
where they will attend lho county
worth-. Loaguo convention,' There
will 1)0 a banquet for delegates at
(1.30 Friday evening, and sessions Sat
urday and Sunday.
Prof. Klaugh. field secretary of lMn
fleWI follepe of McMlnnville, Ore., do-
Iluford C'hilders. Mayne Bradley
and Wayne Hill left Saturday for Cop
co, Culif., where they expect to find
Miss Ada. Brewster, home demon
stration agent of Medford, gavo a
sewing demonstration at the Commu
nity club roooms last Wednesday,
much appreciated by thore who were
able to be present and take advantage
of the Instruction given.
Mrs. laurence and daughters Alice
and Edith and Mrs. Louis Brown were
in Medford Sunday evening and heard
the Enpter cantata at tho Presbyte
rian church.
Among those who sawthe "Thief
of Bagdad," In Medford last week end
were Harry Oatman, Margaret Purvis,
Margaret Higgins, Elizabeth Brown,
Anna Evans, Runnel Brown, Don Ev
ans, Mrs. Ernest Purvlrs and Mrs.
Louis Brown,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cole of Wallowa coun
ty, who have been visiting their daugh
ter , Mrs. Everet Boone, left Wednes
day evening of lat week for Omak,
Wash.; where they will visit another
daughter. From there they will pro
ceed to Edmunton, Alberta, where
they will make an extended visit with
a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Evert Boone have
movod to , Hilt, Calif., where Mr.
Boone Is working.
Mr. Byron DeFord, who Is working
at Redding, Calif., Is spending a few
days hore visiting his family.
Misses Helen Snook and Bertha
Decker were Ashland visitors Tuesday
Mrs..John Farmer of tho Valleyvlew
district, intends to start for her old
home in England next Saturday, April
25th. She will go to Knoxvllle, Tenn.,
first, where she will be joined by her
brother, who will bo joined by her
ney with her. She plans o be gone a
E. E. Evans attended tho Sports
men's banquet which was hold In Med
ford Thursday evening, April 16th.
Tho Ladles' Aid served a chicken
dinner, enfeteria style, nt the commu
nity club rooms, Thursday evening
last week, which netted them a neat
sum. .
Miss Grace Chapin, recently of the
Hood ltiver high school enrolled thiB
week In tho junior class.
Friday evening, May 1st, the grades
will give an entertainment In tho high
school auditorium In which all the
rooms will participate. The pro
coedjLof the entertainmetn will be used
to b a "slide' for the playground.
O Miss Kalona Hardin and Mrs.
Lawrence were in Medford shopping
last Saturday. '
W. W. Estes was an Ashland visitor
last Saturday. , .
Mr?. Oeo. W. Carter spent the day
bin Ashland last Saturday.
Wednesday, May 6, at 2:30 p. m. v
the next regualr meeting of the Talent
community club. Members are urg
ed to attend. Plan for it.
The student body enjoyed a party
at the high school fcu:t Friday even
ing, the culmination of the "Country
Gentleman" subscription contest, when
"losers" entertained the "winners,"
etc. There' was fots of entertainment,
Indoor athletic contests, etc., plenty of
eats, and even a dish washing squad.
I n loved themselves in ihelr in
dividual ways. There was a large at-
Ue nnee.
ana, requests tnat anyone who has lo
cal Items, will hand them to her before
Wednesday evening. t
i Prize Fighter Exonerated. .
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. April 23.
A coroner's jury lato yesterday ex
onerated Bobby Allen of any part in
the death of Harry Simone, Boston
boxer, who died here last Saturday
night of concussion of the brain
after he hud fought Allen .in a San
Bernardino ring the previous Thursday.
..The Portland Telegram, Medford
Airency. Davidson News Co. 29
Jackson Hot Springs
April 25th
No stops until 12 o'clock
h then free supper and prizes
The rich
milk of
West CoastDaiiies
Doors, Windows and Sash, Screens,
1 Window and Door Frames,
Mouldings, Cabinets of All Kinds
i Our Constant Aim Is to Xeep Our Quality and -
Price Absolutely Right.
Do Npt Order From, Out-otTown Concerns Before
getting Us ; Figure on Your Bill.
Medford A Modern Mill ' Oregon
Pointing the Way to a Fine Opportunity to
Brighten YOUR KITCHEN and
For a limited, time only. you- are offered an allow
ance of $10.00 from retail prices for every gas
range now in service nnd replaced by VULCAN
Save $10 Buy Now
Come to our display rooms, 209 W. Main St.- Sec
the many whys in which you can save time, labor
and money. See the attractive new models in all
finishes, so bright, so clean, so easy to own. See
Mr. Macklin, salesman, for particulars at once.
Phono 526.
Southern Oregon Gas Company
Free Delivery Service
Santford & Co.
307-309' East Main Street .
j i.
Phone, 702 Phone 703
Free Delivery Service
Compare Our Delivery
Service with the Service
You Are Receiving
We deliver FREE all orders
amounting to $2.00 or more. We
need your patronage. You will
like the service we give you in
Our service in other localities has been so
good that even Cash and Carry Stores have
found it necessary to offer the buying pub
lic some sort of delivery service. We have
placed in Medford the same service we use
elsewhere. Try our delivery service if you
are not pleased, tell us.
You don't need to come down town. Simply
phone us your order. You can pay our de
liveryman at your home. We guarantee
every piece of merchandise we sell to please
100-Lb. Sack Pure Cane Sugar...:-..........6.75
1-Lb. (Jan M. J. B. Coffee .57
3-Lb.' Can M. J. B. Coffee 1.68
5-Lb. Can M. J. B. Coffee 2.80
6 Boxes Large Matches .25
Large Can Borden's Milk............... 09
2 Packages Camel Cigarettes.."....... 25 .
2 Packages Chesterfield Cigarettes .25
2 Tins Prince Albert Tobacco" .25 x
Campbell's Soup, any kind...;....:......:...: 10
Pint Ball Mason Jars, complete, doz... .60
Quart Ball Mason Jars, complete, doz. .70
-Gal. Ball Mason Jars, complete, doz. 1.00
Best Creamery Butter,' pound 42
Kellogg's Corn Flakes; package!. :. .10
10 Large Bars Crystal White Soap...... .40
10 Large Bars P. & G. Naptha Soap 40
Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb .10
Tender Peas, can 15
Iowa Sweet Corn, can .12
214-Lb. Can Schilling's Bak. Powder..l.05
5-Lb. Can Schilling's Baking Powder..2.00
V2 Lb. Fancy Tea 30
1 Lb. Fancy Tea , 60
o .
Compare the Price We
Ask You with the Price
You Are Paying
Do not simply compare one or
two items Compare the price
of every item you purchase, and
remember the prices we offer
are not a few Saturday Specials
they are good all Next Week
any day you want to pur
chase. Special prices on a few items are used usu
,ally to lure you to.a store to purchase other
items which carry a larger profit... If they
' are not .used for this purpose, then why
should any store use specials?.. Why not
give you the same price every dayin the
week?..''' 1 ".
Tell us what kind of produce you have to
sell. We are large buyers of first grade
fruits and vegetables. We pay cash.
fl. S. fl. t. inM At nil fro1 drnir
tore In two lino. Tho larger cii
! is more ftonnmieiU.
C Cte Worlds Best
KkJ.kJ. Tho,
food Medicine