o MEDFORD MAIL TRTBTJtfE, MEFORD, ofF:ONT, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1025 PXGE TWO o 0 Waccd and : There la .much dissatisfaction among the teachers of the public schools ami their dose friends over the fact that the school board has not yet chosen tho .teaching staff for next year, the mailer naving, utft-n m-iujcu of the new high school situation hav ing taken up ho much of the time of tho. board, and the illness of Dr. I. D. Philips thin week It, Is underHtood that he in now able to attend a meet ing of the board, which may be held tonight tp ttike,up the selection .of teachers for the next flchool year. Just Folks circle-. cooked food Hale nt Louie's, Saturday. 2it Valley Hide & Junk Co. will buy all your old rags and Junk. Call 1176, Valley ilide & Junk Co., Vl No. Kir Btrcct. . 31 C. C. Cato rocommendH oil for con trol of coddling moth eggs. Order now to got in on next car load of Hhernian "Williams free. emulsion. Guy W. Con nor. - Phone C4. 31 MIrh Vivian fitancliffe of Phoenix narrowly escaped serious injury Thurs day -ovenlng when nho Jumped from a car while still in motion. She was badly cut, aml was taken to the Sacred Heart hospital to receive medical treatment. Ye Old Time dance. Bat unlay night, third floor. Medford building. 30 C: C. Cute recommends oil for con trol of coddling moth eggs. Order now to get In on next car load of Sherman "Williams free emulsion, tluy Y. Con ner. Phone (J4. i 1 Cloudy weather tonight and a heavy frost in the morning is the prediction issued this morning by the Han Fran cisco weather bureau. The heavy frost predicted for lust night was fortunate ly warded off y clouds appearing, resulting in a minimum this morning of-3..1 decrees. Th( maximum of Thursday was SK.9. Ye Old Time dance, Saturday night, third floor, Medford building. 30 The first hail loss of the season oc curred Wednesday noon. Hotter sen Holmes, "The Insurance Man." don't wait until tomorrow. Phone 444 now. 2! Included nmonp tourists and others from a distance reentered at local ho tels, who arrived Thursday, are the following Ruth Wooster of CJooose (.'reek, Texas, Mrs. A utile (lreen cf Irfidl, Wis.. It. It. Hkollcy of Kossland, 31. C; Max Stlefcl and It. N. Skallerud of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. James Hkeel and O. 1. Fox of Vancouver, 11. C,, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. McDowell, of Jlnlte," Wont, and I. H. Keck of Salt J-ake City.. . Fancy creamery butter 41c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. Just Folks circle cooked food sale at Ijouie's, Saturday. 2 it' Horn to Mr. and Mrs. A, K. Dodge an eight and a half pound boy on April 24lh. Its the cut of the garment that tells the story. Mrs. Trowbridge, will rut and fit at a surprisingly low 'figure. 41 Cooked food sale, Louie's, Saturday. ISO Miss Bcrnico Johnson, who has been visiting friendH at Kugene, stopped over night hero to visit on her way home to Medford. Rose bury News lteview. Dance Kugle Poittt, Saturday night. 30 Have your brakes ro lined today. We ttpeed up brake rellnlng JobH with spe cial equipment. Itlversldo Oarage. 13a H. Wversldo. -34 Iast Wednesday afternoon about 1:30 o'clock a hail storm at the ranch , of James It, Linn, Just west of Eagle Point, badly damaged his apricot crop and did some damage to his pears and peaches, but how much Ih not known. Neither was it known here today whether the hail was local on the Linn, ranch or extended to other ranches In that vicinity. Get a good ma reel for that Saturday night dance. I'hone 044. ttuth Picket. 29 Cooked food sale, Louie's, Saturday. 29 Captain and Mrs. Allen Pitt of the local Salvation Army, will slug tonight at tho Freo Methodist church. . Ttov. Jerome of Ashland -will preach. Itev. W. K. Good, district elder of southern Oregon, preached last night. Hear Dick Posey, the James Whlt comn 'ltlley of the llogue at the Pres byterian church tonight. Adults 60c: children S6e. 29 A well dressed vappen ranee at nL times beoauso Mrs. Trowbridge does her cutting and fitting p plan- I nto the You probably rp plan- 'ninjr on tmto trip into the liilis for Mumlay, ami, of course, a well-filled luiieh basket will be tho center of interest. Pro) in tomorrow, wo ivill have a speeiiil offer ing of linns, eaUcs and rolls suitably for pienie lunches, and in addition, we will have a real special price on Jelly Rolls at 14c each Packed in n convenient enrdbnard luni'li box with plenty of extra room for other (roodies. h The COLONIAL Finoat Bakery Among e visitors In the city from thofttattrof Waflhinglonire: J. G. Wil ling and daughter of Kosalie, A. C. Adan of hokr.ne, Mr. and Mra. W. J. War kin, Mottle YdHtie, Gertrude Guatafson nnd Mr. and. Mvtt. E. J. Mo oting of Tacoma, and the following from Seattle: W. A. McOrath. II. A. FreedlunU, Mr. and MrH. William A. lOUway. Mr. and Mih. Garden. Mr. and Mrfc. George W. AlkU. W. It. Auld, Mr. and Mrft. William Av Gilmore, W. E. Doolcy, C. 11. D.)le, V. A. Becht. II. C. Htnuchan and K. il. lammer. The new wide laco handings and lacea for trimming dreanea havo ar rived al the Handicraft tihop. Cull and Heo the beautiful patterns, 30 Cooked food sale, Loule', Saturday. Tlie Pantorlum haa added another new machine to their modern equip-, nient in order to tfivo quicker and net-,., ter nervlce. They have liiHtalled a new American Muper Buctlon dryer, whUh deodorizes and- duntH the lint from the j clothing and dryH the RurmentH in twenty minutes, doing away with all odor of KaHoline. Dick Posuy'H recital at tho Presby terian church thin evening. 2!) We pay for aahea and soil dirt cheap, Drown & White Agency, Inc Jorn April 24, to Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Dodtfc, 40 Houth Fir, an cteht and a half poqid boy, to be named Horace Arthur. Wade DeRycke Sowlnpr school, 331 K. Main. Phone 110, Ihih udded to regular prop rani I ho opportunity of finishing garmpnlH .under Instructive guidance or doing any kind of sewing at school at 2 5c an hour, every after noon from one to five, except Thurs days. 3-1 Fancy creamery butter 41c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. The regular t-octul meeting of the WcHt Side. Community club which is generally held the lust Saturday of the month, Ih( postponed until Saturday, May 2nd. Fur sale, beautiful rod and white red cocker spaniel puppies, 4 months old stock, from ton generations of champions. Mrs. liert Anderson, lftfH West Main Street. 30 Before you plan any wash dresses for yourself and your children come In and examine our display of Kverfast wn.Hh fabrics. You will find here a full range of beautiful fabrics . in a fascinating array of colors which give you new Inspiration for your spring sewlnfc. Handicraft Shop. 32 MIsh Mildred burger, a senior In the Central Point high rchool, won third place In the C. C. P-eekman History Kh- say contest and a cash prize of $10. The first hall loss of tho season oc curred Wednesday noon. 1 letter see Holmes, "The Insurance Man. don't wait, until tomorrow. 'Phono 444 now. 2! Everfast materials nro guaranteed. If any Kverfast fabric fades for any reason we will refund to you not, only the purchase price of tho materlal but tho making cost of tho garment as well. Call and seo our many beautiful fabriqs and colors, at tho Handicraft Shop. :. ... 32 "J. A. Lacy, 'advance agent of the 'Greenwich Vilage Follies, which will be at the Eugene llellg theater May was a visitor here yesterday .making finaParraniroments for the anhearancc of thev('r(Hipo ' He 'left yesterday af ternoon for the north. "They are com ing on a special train from Santa liar bara to Medford, ami will play .there the night of the 4th," he caid. '''Then they'll come on to Eugene, will play here, In Portland and Seattle, and then start eastward again." Eugene Guard. ( . . , v Cooked food sale, Louie's, Saturday. 20 'Just arrived -a new shipment of laces that will sell for 6c to 8c per yard. . Just what you van( for trlm-j ming your spring dresses and undies. Handicraft Shop. ,' SO J. A. Kendall of Saoto and. Mr. and Mra. ITifrry Scott of Glcndale are among the Medford visitors from the state of California. Give your feet a treat, folks! Come out ahd step to tho Inspiring strains of "Dtnty" Moore'a all star Pavilion, orchestra! , You'll he BUrprlsed. nFir Grounds Pavilion, Saturday night. 29 Unity literature teaches people how to 'be healthy,, efficient, prosperous, harmphloiiH arid, happy. Free distri bution. 718 West Mal(i street. , The carnival which was to havo been hold this evening at the high school has , boon .Indefinitely postponed on account of the death of Haymoud 1 lend lee, a high school student. Extra i special reduction on all hats for Saturday, Including the famous Gagv ehaueau. The Emmy Lou Hat Shoppe. In M. Si. Store. 2!) Kverfast materials maka attractive porch cushions, window drapes, lunch eon sets, guest towels, table runners, and bed sets, la guaranteed sunfast and wash fast. A , complete line nt tho Handicraft Shop. 32 R. It. Kermack, superintendent of construction for tlie, big Copco No. 2 development on the Klamath river, is a local visitor today, having arrived this morning to attend the Oopeo progress meeting. "A fine party." That's what they all say nbout I ho Pavilion parties at the Fair Grounds. Come out nnd Judge for yourself Saturday night. 2ft Medfprd-Klamath freight line, noth ing, too large, nothing too small. FIvo trucks In operation to nnd from Klamath Falls. Dally service. We do long dtstanco hauling anywhere. , Of flco 40 N. Front street. Phono 1033. Paymond Ward of Phoenix was rushed to Medford to the Community hospital last night where an operation for acute appendicitis was performed. All who have enjoyed Dick Posey's original poems in the past should hear him at the Presbyterian church to night. Several new numbers, as well as some of the former popular ones, will bo given. A nice line of Princess slips neatly made of good quality nainsook, trim med with lace and embroidery. Sizes 2 to 16 years. Sale Friday and Satur day, 9 Sc. Handicraft Shop. 30 llaymond Headlee. the son of Mrs. .T. 1). Pickert, is quite seriously III at the Kickert home on Capital Hill. Demand the best! It costs no more! Fair Grounds Pavilion, Saturday night. 2ft Special for Friday and Saturday. Sale of white Princess slips for girls, 2 to 1G years, flSc. Handicraft Shop. . 30 Col. r. a Thomson, runerlutcnd ent of tho Crater Nnllnnal Park, was the main Hpeiiker at the poiiiry Huh luni'henn ;it PiMrbutfc (his week. The average organ recitul is looked uponvby many a a dreary affair, but with the Shearers there Is an evening of music with the entertaining inter est of such artists as Kreisler In a vio lin recital or Hachmanlnf in a piano program. The program is built to be entertaining and Auca tional and is illuminated with "some thing different" in the way of explan atory "talks" before each organ and voice number. With an curly compre hensive training with the masters In England, Scotland, Helglum, France and Germany, the Shearers are able to bring into their work the traditions of tho great, composers. On Sunday, at 7:30 p. m. James H. Shearer, noted Scottish organist, and Annie Shearer, will give a recital In the First bap tist church. . A dance worth while! Fair Grounds Pavilion, Saturday night. 2ft Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber Yard. ? . Havo you tried that tVg milk shake at DeVoo's? Temporary sojourners in the city from Portland include the following: E. M. Pugh, J. H. Macleay, Ormond Hankln. Florence It." beck. P. J. Mc Donajd, E. W. Thompson, M. H. Nich ols, S. J. Hamilton, GJendora M. Tilake ly, Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Steen, E. P., Geary, E. D. Cuslek, A. H. Pnrcow, C. E. Fish, It. J. Coinpton, L. C. Hooffel, lt. A. Leonard, Carl G. Lufkin, Frank M. Redman, It. J. Puckley, II. W. Smith, George E. HIslop, C. A. Wil liamson and Ed Stevens. The firHt hail loss of the season oc curred Wednesday noon, better see Holmes, "The Insurance Man," don't wait until tomorrow. Phone 444 now. 2D Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Coal Co. I'hone 239. Princess slips for girls from 2 to 16 years, trimmed with lace nnd embroid ery, made of nice fine material. Spe cial for Friday and Saturday, 98c. Handicraft Shop. 30 . The basket grocery and the Coetz bakery were robbed Wednesday night, and about $50 taken. The bakery lost between $40 nnd $50. Entrance was gained through a rear window. The grocery lost only about $1, entrance to the store being gained through a rear transom. No merchandise was taken. No clues wore left. Grants Pass Courier. . Hear bobby Xeilson, that clever new violinist. Fair Grounds Pavilion! Sat urday night. 29 Wnnted Feeder hog& and pigs. Johnson Produce Co. tf Tractor drivers leave their name and address with bill's Tractor Shop, 228 N. Hlveraide. Experienced with track layers especially. 29 .Something unique In the way of up-to-date dance music is scheduled for tomorrow night's Pavilion party at the Fair Grounds. The management have augmented the orchestra to eight pieces. Extra special reduction on all hats for Saturday, Including the famous Gage chapeaux. The Emmy Lou Hat Shoppe. In M. M. Store. 2ft - Kverfast materials nro excellent for children's frocks. Tho hottest sun shine and repented washing will not iauo them. Comes in a wide, range of gay and attractlvo colors. Handicraft Shop. 32 Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber yard. Word has been received In this cilv of the death, on Wednesday of this week, of William Swcenoy of Chll howee, Mo. William Sweeney was the father of Ttalph nnd Dr. Charles T. Sweeney of Medford, who left two weeks ago for Missouri to be at their fathers' bedside. , .Cooked food sale, Louie's, Saturday. 2 9' HomMttrhing, buttons , covered at tho Handicraft Shop. tf Fancy creamery butter 4lc per lb. Johnson produce, Co, Iiachael Eads, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ends, had her ton sils removed yesterday. Just Folks circle cooked food Sitle at Louie's, Saturday. 29 ?2.40 buys No. 1 TaKlma Netted Gems at our waro houso free from frost damage and no black spots which appears in most potatoes shipped from Idaho points. A fow cents is nothing to compare with qual ity In buying potatoes. Johnson Pro duce Co. Phono 241 N. J St. tf Miss Ora A. Collins, who has been the first grade teacher at the Jackson Hchool for the past four years, stalos she will not be an applicant for the po sition next year, as she has received' an offer from Superintendent Ira D. Carmack of the Kansas City, Mo., schools- there at a salary of $ltiS0 a year. Miss Collins has not accepted the offer nnd is undecided whether aho will or not; her home is nt Lin neaus, Mo. Tho best trap drummer in southern Oregon! Fair Grounds Pavilion! Sat urday night. 30 If you want to learn to play the sax ophone, see Carl Loveland. at The Oeorgo Andrews' Studios. Sparta build ing. I'nnno 323-J. 30 Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumbor Yard. W. If, Crnudall of Eagle Point was in the city Thursday transacting busi ness. Have you heard the new tuba? Don't miss it! Fair Grounds Pavil ion. Saturday night. 29 We pay ensh for used pianos. Palmer Piano ttouse. tf We piy for nshes and sell dirt Cheap. Urown A White .Agency, Incv. tf Miss Doris Klelnhnmmer underwent an operation Thursday for the re moval or her tonsils, Carl Loveland is now teaching the saxophone at tho George Andrews' Studios In tho Sparta bultding. Phone 323-J. 30 Albany Klwaninns have started a lampalgn to raise $1000 toward the es tablishment of a loan fund at Albany oiiege. Havo your piano tuned by Carl Loveland. work guaranteed. George Andrews' Studios, Sparta, building. Phone 323-J. 30 Tho new Kverfast materials nro ar riving dally at the Handicraft Shop. Some of tho different weaves are peekette. Jdlverglos, kinderkord, flne- weve. dalntywevo, shantone, cameo Voile, royal rib and broadcloth. We im have a complete line of linens. suitings nnd ginghams. 32 Dr. E. G. Kiddcll has returned from sevont 1 days' business sojourn spent In Portland. Chinese parasols, pun proof and ' " 1 "'"M"3irrj rtarrtisfe mm II y T?" f5k "H 2I H 0 M j a, THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE Cooked food sale, Louie's, Sattirdn'v shower proof, 9Sc. Japanese Art and Two years ago the Grocers of Medford pledged them selves to sell noiie but.the best Medford - made Butter. This was done to create a better market for butterf at thereby helping the local dairyman and farmer. The agricultural. development of Jackson County is of vital importance to all, and we now wish to renew our pledge to the dairymen to confine our sale to Medford -made Butter and also to give preference to any other h o m e produced product whenever available. N For Saturday and Monday ve will repeat our introductory price on Gold Gold Medal Hour 1TRUBLU Graham Crackers :4&Jb. boxj 69c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 49-poun'd sack '32.39 OTHER SPECIALS Fancy Buck Dates, 2 lbs , . . '. 20c Sugar Coate'd Dates, lb 15c Chocolate Coated Dates, lb. 15c Swift's Jewel Shortening, 4 lb. pail, 74c; 8 lb. pail. . . .;. . . .$1.45 Swift's Wool Soap, 6. bars ;29c Imported Crab Meat, very fine, can. . . .29c Aluminum Percolator . .. . . . . 79c Electric Toaster, 1 year guarantee . . $2.69 Electric Iron with cord, J year guarantee, for. ' . . , .$3.29 Fancy Royal Ann Cherries, No. 2 cans, 2 tat ' ! . . Polar White Soap, 15 bars. 35c .49c Green or black tea, lb. 25c; 1 lb 50c Spratt's Dog Biscuits, large box . 40c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 9 oz. pkg 10c Sugar cured Picnic Shoulders, per lb. . . 23c Sugar cured Cottage Butts, per lb 30c Steer Beef Roast, per lb 15c Steer Boiling Beef, per lb 122c Free Stone, Peaches, No. 2. can. . . .... 19c F.- G. F. Shrimp, per can 15c Wet Pack Shrimp, per can. .20c Garnishing Cherries, 4 cz. bottle .12c Spinach, No. 2 can, 14c; No. 2J . 19c Golden Shore. Whole. Clams, No. cans 23c Crystal White Scap, 10 bars 39c ANdTHER SHIPMENT OF FANCY BASKETS Work Baskets, Shopping Baskets, Waste Baskets ; y-alues to $1.50. Special Saturday, , ; 19c, 29c, 39c, 49c White King Washing Powder. Special, 2 large boxes powder and 3 bars Mission Bell Soap, all for : ............ . . .89c BAKERY SPECIALS Ang'el or Mocha Cake. Regular size and quality, each 1 7c Jelly or Marmalade Roll . ... 10c -GATES & LYDIARD BUY HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE s ? ' BUY MEDFORD MADE BUTTER 2 jj.' 'Mr.'1 and' 'Mrs. ' ATi; Jo'h'p',., fdrnir rosidontR of this city, fltopped bore oviT nli;ht on their way home to Med Tnrd. nfter niuklnK a motor trip to Portland and nothern points. -Itose-biirf? Newa Kevtew. Hcmatltohlnp 8c a yard. -.The Van ity Shop, llartlott and Main. tf Dunce Kagle Point, Saturday night. R0 "Miss Ada Tirowsfeivthe home dem" oTiatrution fttfunt. motored to Joat ("reek on Thursday, where she con ducted n class In Hewing at tho home of Mrs. Thomas Hoefft. A pood bargain. Batnty lace trim med Princess Flips, made of good quality white, nainsook. For girls from 2 to'16 years. 9Sc. Friday and Satur day. Handicraft Whop. 30 TONIGHT Ii'AST ,TIMES ! , . NORMA TALMADGE - ' . v v :s ; 4n . v - "The Lady" 1 . .- t . - A PICTURE TOO BIG TO MISS! TOMORROW! Saturday Only DOUGLAS MACLEAN In His Latest Comedy Hit 'NEVER SAY DIE "Dr. and M"rs. Jouott pVltray, former Medford residents, who have spent the past few days here on business, left yesterday to return to their home at Princeton, Calif. Pretty new patterns in dainty laces selling for 5 to Sc per yard. Handi craft Shop. 30 Albert U. 'Adams of Spokane, a rep resentative of the hail department of the Alliance Insurance company, . Is in Medford today on business, In. the interests of his department. The liaptist ladies are giving a cook ed food sale Saturday morning at the public market. 29' CRATERIAN (a cuLn, ' '4 : frv.Ji' i tiKd to, JOHN MUMAY A.QtQ5QH MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW Make checks, money orders payable to Hunfs Craterian Theater Enclose self-addressed stampeco envelope to insure safe r-turn PRICES. Including War Tax: Lower Floor, first 18 rows $3"85 next six rows $3.30. balance $275. Balcony, first 2 rows $2 20 'balance 23 curio Store. s: 1 . j 1 o o