'o : reran mem MEDFORD MATE TRTBUNE, MKDFORD, (TREfiON, WEDNESDAY, APRTL 22, 1925 STREET CARNIVAL BY CITY localBrids It looks liko Jack Knrr. local C'opco miinauer, is Koine ti py double for a Irerent traffic violation In Imniimulr, Calif. Ho would have bci-n money 'aheiul If he had paid his fine and de parted in peace iutpead of tryinK to Ket some "political" Influence at work for hlm. Juck had parked his car for fa whole day in a thirty minute part of . ( . town. When ho round a !a on his ; ' ' car, a friend of his who happeoeU to "The city council at Its meeting j , fireman, said that the Judo would last nlKht, which was attended by let hlIn ott lt ne would buy 5 worth all members but Paul .Mi-Donald and 0f tickets for a fireman's ball beln Mayor Alcnderfer, took action in- held there. Jack fell for the idea, tended to bar carnivals from the thinklliK he would wive a lot of money city by Increasing the license fee -jy using his "drag." Now ho is In from ISO a day to 100 a day; pass- formed that tho Judge is waiting for ed an ordinance at the behest of the t, f5 8)ot onBn B wm probably local merchants' association licensing Bel t. Grants Pass Courier. neddlera and hawkers: passed an other ordinance licensing solicitors, Wo pay for ashes and sell dirt ohnnn ll,nun jP, Whlla A uiit.nu Tmo which lt iB thought will do away, " u. hore with fake solicitors of all knda, here with fake solicitors of all kinds,! M. R. Ahltehead, superintendent of and' also took action to do away the Pacific Fruit Kxpress company of with itfnnrfen sldow.ilkn not of re- Portland and It. J. Martin, assistant ir n,l i hien iho bnlldlnir of general manager of the company from ' through the efTorts of the Land Set tho many concrete BidewalkH, which Francisco, were visitors in Med- ticmcnt department of the Portland wore ordered some time ago. f"ld nntl vicinity yesterday as the chamber of Commerce, according to The increase of licenses for car- guests of A. S. Itosenbnum, and Harry (l report completed by W. ti. Ido, nlvala comes too late to bar out two. Tomlin.ion of Ashland, who took litem manager of tho department, for pres Eugene Larson, Mrs. V. H. Mersereau, L. 1'. Thornton and M. C. Ilemcnway. One of the trucks of the Mi-Minn-vllle-Portland Transfer company car rying a complete soft drinks equip ment passed through the city this forenoon en route to Trail, where the equipment will be installed In a con fectionery store there, in preparation for business during the coming tour ist season. 700 NEW FAMILIES BY PORTLAND C. OF C. PORTLAND, Ore., ,A!'!! 22. (Special) More than 700 new fam IlifH representing an Investment In excean of $2,000,000, have been locat ed In OreKun during the punt year whih hnvfl alrwwiv h...n honked and luncheon, itnd then on a trip thru the mamiBonienia of which had al- valley. This bcinB Mr. Martins ready obtained permits and paid trip to tho valley he was nuito the fees In advance; first, tin- Hnupp surprised nt the development, and in Broa. 'Shows the week of May 1 8, terested In its fruit Industry, thounh it and aecond the Foley & fiurke shows 1 comparatively small to that of tho aomo. time In May or June. The Imperial valley. Ho states that 1 6.000 sentiment of tho councllmen was carloads, of cantaloupes will bo shlp tlnanlmoua for making the license bo P1 from there next month and that high as to bar out carnivals. The during August and September 78,000 circus license ordinance remains 'ho carloads of grapes will bo shipped ume from $2u to $100 a day, ac- from there. cording to the size of the show. Dancing at Fairgrounds Pavilion - Tho now ordlnunce licensing ped- AVednosduy night. 27 dlfcra and hawkers provides for gir.d-" Shepley of Spokane, Br. A. It. C4 license fees, according td the Parrish and Mrs. Shankltn of Tacortm cUisses of business, from 17. Co to and tho following from Seattle nro $300 semi-annually, the loweM for among tho Mod ford visitors from the peddling of food Blurts, and tho state of Washington: Mr. find Mrs. J. lilgliesl for poddling by unto or team 8. Rills, C. K. Kingsley, Harry Oulbor, load, ;0. O. Gross. Will O. Hansen, H. Wlnt- , There is a provision in this ordl- ers, C. N. lZegler, H. W. Hawdon. V. ftancu, howover, so that lt does not A. Hi a mm. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kggcrt. Affect the Belling of farm produce UlHo Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. it. J. and the like raised in Jackson, Jose- Ohman, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. rtussoll, phlne and Klamath counties. C. It. Dooley, Mr. and Mrs. n. It. Col- The new ordinance licensing bo- kett and W. K. Dooley. Hcltors requires that tho concorn a' IMnclng at Fairgrounds Tavllion solicitor la taking orders for, put Wodnesady night. Oood music, good ilp a bond of $000, guaranteeing that floor and a good-time for everybody, orders bo taken will bo filled asl 27 Represented, or tho money refunded j Miss Ada firewater, tho home dem tp' persona who gave tho solicitor onstrntlnn agent, conducted a mll ordera ' '' s illnery class at tho homo of Mrs. Henry t. The -sidewalk situation vas fully Head of Central Point yesterday, discussed and the council decided- E. M. Clark and H. L. Howman of that all dungeroufl ' wooden side- Central Point made the mistake, while walks must he torn out . hy tho speeding at 45 miles an hour on Hun owners, else tho city will do tho day, of passing around Deputy Sher work and charge the same up iff Terry Talent of Gold Hill, on the against', the. property. As to the highway. Ilenre they wore fined $15 many ''concrete sidewalks ulrendy each In Judge Taylor's court hero to ordered in, which orders have been day. W. V. Van Horn, who drives tho ignored, the council will rush strnn- truck between Medford and Klnmnth units 1 ittfiRSUres to , bring such Im- Falts and who was arrested by Traffic provemonttf about, and instructed its Officer .1. J. McMahon for ppeedlng com mitt do on streets and Superln- that truck on the highway at 28 miles tehdent Davis to make a canvas of nn hour, was fined $10 in Judge Tay tho Bidewalk Bituation with power lor's court ypsterrtay. to act. 1 The Men's club of the Presbyterian ' ' Much routlno busincHB was ilo ohorh will hold its monthlv suppnr ' rflflcuHflcd hist night. nnd program tomorrow, Thursday i . 1 1 ; -night nt the church. The supper will i entation at the annual meeting of the Portland chamber, April 24th. During tho same period, the num ber of agricultural Inquiries received totaled more than 15,000, of whom 1087 prospective settle have defi nitely announced their Intention of coming to Oregon this year. Tho report stresses particularly the ac tive co-operation received by the land settlement .department from u majority of the counties of the state, and calls attention to the enormous volume of inquiries received In re cent months. During March, for example, more than 4700 requests for ( agricultural Information were received, and these Inquiries have, been relayed to all Chumbers of Commerce In tho state. Notables to attend tho moeting in clude Halph Iludd. president of the Great Northern I tail way company; Carl Gray, president Union Pacific; Charles Donnelly, president Northern Pacific, and John Perrin, chairman of tho board of the federal bank of San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. April 22. Bat talion Chief John F. Kearney was severely injured and six other fire men slightly hurt In an early morn ing fire here today. Two lodging houses and an automobile supply store wore burned with a loss of $30, 000 to $40,000. Policeman Hay O'Connell curried several women and children to safety. Others Jumped into a life net from the Bocond ftnd third floors of the lodging houses. i I CAPITAL OF STATE 6A.LEM, Ore.. April 32. Interest in tlie development of tho flax growing and spinning Industry in tho Willam ette' valley was manifested by Halph Budd, president of the Great Nor thern Hallroad company, during the Goddard, few minutes that ho was In Salem K. Thomposn. Paul K. Stier. F. J. Wll yofltorday afternoon. Mr. lUtud wqh Hsms. Mr. and Mrs. C. P.. Humphrey, be at fi:30 nnd the program will fol- THniJxAMn? low. Rev. R. W. NeNon of Phoenix !! IIUUOlllUu will spenk upon the subject. "Religion nnd the Frontier," Ceclt Cook, tho new scout executive for southern Oregon, will mnko a short talk and n represen tative from the forestry department will spenk upon "Fire Prevention." A. !(. Davis and George Riddle, bus i'ier,s men of Grants Pass vo;e among the local visitors in this city yester day. Temporary sojourners In Medford from Portland Include tho following: C. R. Welsh. C. 10. Purnett. O. R. Web ster. K. I.. Ford. Gordon A. MnrAnlny. C. A. Leonard. 11. A. Johnson, W. Ma lonev. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Hartwell, G. T. Horn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cruner, W. M. Allen. K. c. Roll. W. W. Wunn, O. H. Hayes. P. R. Prendergrnss, C. F. O. I. Lewis. U. M. Johnson, EXHAUSTED BY "NERVES" The 17 members of the Kiwanis club who attended the meeting of the Roseburg club yesterday, had a very delightful time. The men at Roseburg are a live bunch, are a singing crowd and certainly ex tended a cordial welcome to the visitors. ' Glen Fa brick, vice-president, pre sided in place of President C. E. Burr who is absent from the city and made a short response to a speech of welcome by the president of the Roseburg club. ' C. E. Gates was the speaker of the day and took as his subject; 'Smiles," "Pop" not only pre- I sented some good sound logic and ; Have everyone something to think' about, but kept everybody smiling: out loud all through his address. I A fter the luncheon, some of the , Horeburg and Medford men played I golf. - j IS EVERY DAY A BACKACHE DAY? Mrdfnnl Folks Have round Cmisc and Corrected It. the Watch Your Frail, Puny Child Grow Strong Take on Weight In just a few days quicker than you ever dreamt of these wonderful flesh making tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets will start to help any weak, thin, under-nourished little one. After sickness and where rlckots are suspected they are especially valuable. No need to givo them any more nasty Cod Liver Oil these tab lets are made to take the. place of that good but evil smelling.' stomach upsetting medicine and they surely do It. They do put on flesh. Ask Heath's Drug Store, West Side Pharmacy, Mod ford Pharmacy or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver OH Compound Tablets as easy to take as candy and hot at all expen sive tiO tabletB, 00 cents. Bo sure 'and get McCoy's, the orlg- Innl and genuine nnd give the child a chance for 30 days. If you aren't delighted with results Just get your money back. . Adv. KOOCOOOOOOOOOOOGOCXOOCOOO HAIL INSURANCE ', First Insurance Agency . .. A. L, HILL; Manager - ' Phone 105 3Q North Central Medford, Ore.' oocoooooooooooooooooooc hejpe only 'the few minutes thut the Oregon Electric train stopped at the depot. i ' Mr.'IJudd said he was not familiar wHh the efforts now being made here to establish the flax industry but the questions ho asked about it Indi cated that ho knew considerable about flax In general. He wanted to know about the acreago nnd whether tho lfix grown here was of the long fibre variety. Mr. Budd arrived on the four' o'clock train from the south. Word bad been received earlier in the day ' that he and his party would come from Corvnllts by automobile, but tlielr plans were changed because of a, desire to look over Oregon Electric properties enrotite. 1 Mr. Uudd will return here Thurs- I day of this week nnd expects to spend . several hours In the city, lie expects to arrive about noon. ' The railway president expressed iilmself optimistically about buslnewi. J. L. Inkln. C. N. Yountr. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Freeman, K. W.- Harney, J, Prng. Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Ward. H. B. Ouklenf, C. T. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. f Raw, Itchy Toes ) r Sore, Tender Feet j Nervous, sleepless nights, nervous headaches, darting, twinging nerve pains, neuritis, neuralgia and other nervous disorders are undermining the nervous systems of thousands of men and women, threatening them with ftcrlous nervous exhaustion and breakdown. . i Now Science has found a tested treatment to relievo all cases of "nerves." A Kan Francisco physic Ian announces a new prescription to bring relief to sharp, darting nerve pains' and tone up the nerve cells. thus benefiting tho entire nervous BVHtom. This remarkable new rem edy ts called Eopa Neuritis Tablets. They are guaranteed harmless, and nro free from narcotics, bromides and coal tar products. Your drug gist will recommend them. Heath's Drug Storo nnd Haskln's Drug Store will supply you. Mull ordors filled. Adv. NEW HIGH SCHOOL T T t' -There will be a meeting at 7:30 p. , in., at the library Wednesday, April 22, 1926, called by the City Planning commission of Mi'drurri. ,ThIs meeting is for the purpose of considering tho report and retoni mendatios of Professor Harl H. Douglas and Dr. H. P. Ruiney of I he Cnlvi i -ulty of Orei:n, nude mx the remit of the survey ul the :d ford School situation. The school board. Q.o city council and the water hoard of the city of Medford will co-operate. The pub Jto U invited to attend. Irritating acid per spiration from the foot pores produces and aggravates cracked toes, Itch ing between toes, rawness and tender, aching, swollen feet. The moment you apply "Phillips Milk of Magiiesia,"aU this soreness, itching and tiredness disap pears, .hint pat it on, it dries instantly. Nothing else stops foot odors, relieves foot sore lions and foot weariness so promptly as this harmless nntacid. Insist noon genuine "Phillips Milk of Magnesia.'' All drugstores sell 2S-cent hot tins. 5 a Woman In Iansas . Thlt li Heavy Reading. ' '.DALTIMOKK, April 21. A liooU. ClalmeiAo lie Ihu larKext llho world. 4a belUK bnllt (or tho aouthern exposi tion to be hohl In New York, Muy 11 to 23. Tho book, entitled "Tho Story )( the South and tho HulldliiR or the Konubilt'," wiia written hy Matthew p age Andrew, historian. The story conafats f about 2000 words. It will .weigh more Hum Gl)(l pounds and 4eav will 1)0 turned by electricity. . 1 - Frankly I watch and wonder how tho "rtnfkp.v rnine claan- butjtiieij Sftvli do!" GyrafoamWashcr IktWmcliofmondaf'i mi HOHfc PIM0MT1UT10N Call 516 TRY VELVOIL An Eastern Pamffinc Bftse Oil. Just the; right weight for your ear. Only 25,i Ter Qt. Armory Service Station Pac. Highway at Jackson St. It's the day of your big deal are you equal to it? few days brings up some issue in business that calls for the utmost of a man's energy and resourcefulness. Often he knows the night before that the next day he must be fit. Yet after a night of provoked sleep he lacks the keen edge which only perfect sleep can give. Even the best materials will not pre vent a mattress from losing its resiliency, flattening out, lumping or stretching within a year or so. , ' The Edlow-Spring has changed thist It Is a series of flexible, piano-wire springs, built between layer after layer of snow-white, felted, staple cotton and interlaced curled hair. Thif mattress is guaranteed not A sun. stretch or lose its resiliency for 20 ycSrs. MORDOFF & WOOLF o SpiingMataess . Tfte mattress tlatwill never grow oJ In your bnck lnnie und achy? Are you tortured with sharp, rheumatic palnB miserable with headaches, I dizzy spells and kidney irregulari ties? No wonder, then, you feel worn-out and discouraged. But have you given any thought to your kid neys? You should! Weak kidneys cause just such troubles. Don't risk neglect! Use Doan's Pills a Htimu lant diuretic to the kidneys. Here's a Medford case Mrs. AV. E. Iine, 227 S. Holly St., sayH: "1 have used Uoan's Pills for attacks of kidney complaint. ATV bnck was weak and la mo and I felt dull and run clown. My kidneys act ed irregularly, too, Doan's Pills soon relieved these troubles, strengthen ing my back and kidneys. I glndly recommend Doan's to anyone need ing a kidney remedy." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Donne's Pills the same that Mrs. Lane had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. . . Adv. Confidence HTHE largest-selling tire made in any Pacific - Coast owned factory is the C-T'C Today the largest-selling tire, a year ago C-T-C was "on its way up"l Two years ago it was a babe in the industry. Three years ago, an idea. Four years ago an ideall Yet it has taken twenty five years' tire-building ex perience to build C-T-C Behind C-T-C stands a staff of engineers whose experience in Akron factories runs back more than a quarter century I They Jtnou tires I ' When you need new tires le't us show you what the C-T-C can do. Or, better still, call in now and get acquainted with this tire that has "made good" quickly because of remarkable mileage records. "Quality wilt never be sacrificed to meet a price9 . President Columbia Tire Corporation C. T. C. FACTORY BEANCH Sixth and Riverside RIVERSIDE GARAGE Central Point: BEEBE & KINDLE Gold Hill: NUGGET GARAGE llagle Point: GEO. 8. HOLMES, Jacksonville: FICK'S HARDWARE Ashland: LEEDOM'S TIRE HOUSE NOW! Stirring the Town With Its Sensational Revelations! TREAT YOURSELF TO THIS EYE-FEAST! Also ' "OUR GANG" Comedy Doris Kenyon Ronald Colman Aileen Pringle Unanimously acclaimed by Tuesday crowds as one of the greatest shows ever seen at the Rlalto. R I ALTO INTERNA TIONAL NEWS "Peggy" at the Organ FRIDAY "WINE OF YOUTH" THE SALE OF IVORY continues until Saturday. This is the best special we have put on, but with our desire to close out the stock this sale will continue until Saturday. Don't miss it. Articles up to $1.75 for 48c HEATH'S DRUG STORE(Phone 884) HASKINS' DRUG STORE(Phone 16) As near as your phone. Hand-built Full Ballooni Semi-Balloons Heavy-Duty Cords Oversize Cords WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Windows and Sash, Screens, Window and Door Frames, Mouldings, Cabinets of All Kinds Our Constant Aim Is to Keep Our Quality and Price Absolutely Right. Do Not Order From Out-of-Town Concerns Before Letting Us Figure on Your Bill. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Medford A Modern Mill Oregon 1 :i5il:ilM EE : "7 1 1 11 Increase Your Income by Investing in 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock INVESTMENT FEATURES Our 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock (a) Is Cumulative, Non-Assessable; . . . ' (b) Is Preferred both as to assets and earnings; (c) bears as high a rate of Interest as good business Justifies; (d) Is a senior security to an equal amount of common stock paid for-In cash; '; : " (e) Is In a corporatlpn managed by local business men of known ability and Integrity; (f) is exempt from normal Federal Income Tax: (g) is a desirable investment because the assets of this corpora tion are invested in adequately Secured notes and contracts. FARTIAL PAYMENTS ACCEPTED We will be glad to take your subscription and permit you to make, installment payments, allowing you 8 per cent interest on all payments made. Commercial Discount Corporation Ifcrry H. Rosenlfcrg, Pres. W. W. Walker, Secy. - $100,000.00 Capital First National Bank Bldg. Phone "39 John R. Tomlin, Vice-Pres. David H. Rosenberg, Treas. j.illhilii, IM.lllnl i.ii..il'n i'iiiii, i) ; 1