a o o o IBRINGING fe? ' : f ' II l(''csr coLur: thcs -oprinc, I I fi'LL co ee. 1 'WKM If it the: I f At-'R-QOT Tl I TTTM 1 M FtVERTERR5LEAN' THFOrtfTOR- " DOCTOR. HE. CrVS'T bELE. -r. HE . ' 1 : .THCWORWOHTIV HE'S THE WIDE - LJ -Unx ONE. MOW! ) . 3 ASLEXP! 3 If? lH'-ps Kft- M3sJ WW kfl !; : . " Crea: nrilain tir,lit reserved " 1 1 '-'gO I nftll nSKiniim IO lnK haf!S' rouSh' HSH-5I. Others' 3 4 tir, $2.703.25: four tier. $2.5o3Se; olil roosters, colored, JSQKc; MUS1XKSS OPI'OIITI'NITIES roll SAM1- LIVESTOCK IWSISESS DIltErTORY II I NLA KANljHrK S U,,Sl.r,B ,s U' h,Bh.r JZoXZJW2 i 8,c: 3 ... TTT -,,0 .Mie pony; a.jo A , ,': LUUrlL linilUIEt.ll 1U ,, ,,,' ..dlni. ono bunch of fancy. $3 to 13.50: Newtown Wi 3f 25e: 3'a to SVt H.. 2526c. U-?'lFi. I', ? "'.'"V. ' '"'if-L'S mi.ldle. 1-honc 2-1.. r-t ' - Plirn I fin IP ll nil I Shcpp quotations changed to show 32c. , I'hiloiiuin. Ore. 30 cows: also year old Jersey bull. M. . ' " , '1 Nllrll Hilt Khliil basis, except sininB lambs. Heceipts SAX FKANCISCO. April 20. (I'. Turkeys, fnncy dressed toms, 33W. -r Wnbli ,111 Soilli Peach street, Just Ahiimmim A ill III J I II ll l) UUU S30. S. Mufcnu of ARrlcultural Kconomlcs) 35c: hens, 30i32c. FOR SALE l'Ol'LTrti AXD KCitiM outside city limits. . , . 7 . i- , Lambs, llRht nnd .lmnilv weliht, Broilers, 1 to 1 V4 lbs., 8B80c:l - T ' 1 SXJTit' 7 I T ' V n Z " " " MURRAY ERCiS ft OREENB k All! 1 ftft I nniim I AT medium to choice. tS.GOWlO; heavy lm., 3Brff37e; colored, to POR RENT FrnNISHEn ROOMS L ' . .VI iVT"r rn''i FOJt SAI.W-.insiTr.xlAMCOUS Ahstrnets of Title, Rooms 8 nnd 8 I Inl 11171 PI ft UH "I v l t A reply to the answer of the dofen t' . dant was filed Saturday in the circuit r..i court, in the milt of the Karl Kruit ? ) conipnny, apainst Chii Gottlieb. The i'-i fruit oomnanv Reeks 10 cents ner box tfor 2t00 boxes, raised on the Gottlieb jjbrchRrd tract last year, claiming that Jt holds a contract for the'dcllvery of the crop, which was sold to another ''company. ' s Oottlleb In hiii answer holds that , tho contract was only for one year, nnd the Karl company holds It was :for three years, in its reply, which , nlao sots forth that tho vice president ' , would never have approved a one year contract, or signed it. The fruit company claims further that It Is not bound by the word of an apent when it. annuls the contract I tor ma. .' Gottlieb now seeks a reformation ! of the contract, which tho fruit com pany asks to bo" estopped. ' Two hundred and sixty dollars, and the costs of the action are at;ked : against Gottlieb. REATLY ENJOYED The First Baptist church was fill od with a cn pacity audience Sunday evening to hear the Presbyterian choir of Ashland in their presentation of tho EaFter cantata, "Victory." The choir consisted of twelve voices under the leadership of Mrs. Vivian Wood slde with Miss Imogene Wallace nt the piano. The cantata furnished a pleas ing5 variety, as to parts, aside from the chorus work, which was highly enjoy ed by all present. The Baptist choir was well received nt the Presbyterian church In Ashland nnd sang to a large audience. oBth choirs enjoyed the ex change ns well as the congregations. The plan of exchange arose from u BUggestlon of Mr. Leach. ' Rev. F. It. Leach made an an nouncement of special Interest to city in that Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Shearer will givo an organ nnd vocal concert ht this church next Sunday evening. Mr. Shearer has been heard with greatest pleasure In Medford on sev eral occasions and always is heard by it large number of the musical people. A large audience will greet these noted musicians next Sunday on their re turn to Medford nt the First Bautist chufch. The Markets Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore.. April 20. Cat tle Steers steady to 25c higher this afternoon; ono load of Idaho pulp feds selling at $10.25. Receipts 1800 (35 through ). Steers, good $9. 1 5 4C 10.25: medium, $8.759.50; common 7.50f 8.75; ennners and cutter steers $5.50?7.50; heifers, good (850 Ps. up) $8.25f?9; common and medium, all weights $G8.25; cows, good $8 .8.65; common and medium, $6.50 ' Hogs steady; "receipts 2390. Ing hogs, smooth $11.5012: Pack-pack- WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your ' Second Hand Furniture MORDOIT te WOOL- ASHLAND CHQiR IS . FEDERAL FARM LOANS REFUND YOUR SHORT TERM FARM LOAXg If you are paying mora than BV4 per cent Interest. You can get a Federal Lota that is never due for -4 per cent; 1 per cent pays to pay part or all at any time after provements, purchase of stock, fertilizer or equipment. E. H. HURD, Secretary-Treasure.? ROGUE RIVER NATIONAL. FARM LOAN ASS N. of Jackson County, Office. 402 Modford Illdg. UP ins hoes, rough, Sll 11.50. unchanged. ( Sheep Spring lambs $L higher In lato Monday trading, one bunch of fifty head selling at $15. Sheep quotations changed to show basis, except spring lambs. Heceipts 830. iJtmbH, light and -handy weight, medium to choice, $8.5010; heavy weight (92 lbs. up) medium to prlmo ?8tfi9; all weights, cull and common, $flffi'8; spring lambs, medium to choice. $l3&l.r: spring Iambs, cull and common, $G$13; yearling weth ers, medium to prime, $ti.50fi'6; wethers, two years old and over, medium to prime, $5(fi7; ewes com mon to choice, $4G.50; canncr and cull SI. 60 4. (Above quotations except spring lambs on shorn basis). lorUnml Wheat. POKTLAND, April 20. Wheat bidH: Hard white, bluestem, baart, S1.G0: soft white, $1.53; western white, 1.51; hard winter, northern spring. $1.50; western red, $1.51; BUB hard white, $1.88. Today's car receipts Wheat, 7; flour, 7; oats, 2; hay, 8. POUTLAND. Ore., April 20. Eggs steady; current ceceipts 25c; pullets, 23 24c; firsts" 24 tip 24 c; henner ies 25251,c delivered Portland. HutUT. Butter steady. Extra cubes, city 4 1 !6 c; standards, 41c; prime firsts, 40c; firsts, 41c; undergradrs nom inal; prints 43c; cartons, 44c. P.utterfat steady. Best churning cream 40c net shippers' track' In zone one; 42c delivered, Portland. Poultry. Poultry steady. . Heavy hens, 24 Sofs.Jiffht, . -2 23c; .brpUera.'.JOo, 1 Potatoes. Onions steady, $3. 503.7 Pdtaloes steady, $;.G0 1.85. Sim Francisco Market, SAX FRANCISCO. April 20. (Federal State Market News Service) Apples, California, Newtowns, fancy HELP WANTKCI .MALE WANTED A real man for a real job. Store work. Stato experience and givo references. Box 49, Mail Trib une. ' 26 WANTED Man with tractor to plow 100 acres. Phone G4. Guy Conner. WANTED Experienced car salesman to sell small cars. Chance to make money for the right man. lllttson Motors. 27 WAXTED Competent man for gen eral orchard work who understands tractor. Permanent position. House on ranch. Box 35, Mail Tribune. tf WANTED Experienced turn down man and edgcrman for saw mill. ' Phono 431-J. 25 XIKLP WANTEh-FEMALK WAXTED Salesladies to represent the French -American doctors in Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass. Will pay salary. See or call Miss Harris after 4 o'clock. 806 W .Main street. Phono 824-Y. 27 WANTED Girl to usher. Don't phone. Call at Rialto theater. 24 WANTED Competent woman for general housework. Phone 624-R. 28 .WANTED Woman to cook for small family. Good wages. Mrs. G. L. P.uhrman. 16 Geneva Ave. General Gas General Tires ValvolineOil Free Crankcase Service ' . , Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station OFF loan In 34 hi years with privilege five years. Yoir can borrow for lm- fifty head scllinj- at $10. tier. -F, $3 to $3.50. Large colored hens, f:incy. 30 ..,.., fr a'.'iiim. Amily'ciub Cafe" folt SALE Six extra ood fresh "'' ft. " ,ir,n.V. W'0r MEDPORD MAIL TRtmftjTJ, M'R'DFORT). OTtftfiOX. MONDAY. APTHL 20, 102-" SAX FliANCISCO. April 20. (I. S. Bureau of Agricultural Kconomlcs) Broilers, I to 1 V4 lbs., 2&J30c; 1V lm.. 36 37c; colored, l1,. to 1 lbs., 38 40c. - Fryers, leghorns, 2 ' to 2 V, lbs., 42 (g;45c; colored, 2 to 2V lbs., 45 Sc. Young roosters, colored 3 lbs. and up, 50f52e; staggy showing 32 WANTED SITTATIONS WAXTKt) Position by girl, evenings and Saturdays. Full time nt close of school. Office work preferred, ltox M. Mail Tribune. 2(i WANTKD Work as foreman on or chard, 1 5 years' experience. . Good . reference. Call Cll-lt-4. J. A. Wil son. 2!l WANTED Position seamstress. Call 107 assistant 20 WAXTEI) MISCLXLANEOUS WANTED LOAN Old established ro tall business will pay eight per cent interest for long term loan of SiO, 000 or less. Monthly interest pay ments. Box 51, Mail Tribune. 29 WANTED Stock to pasture. Phono 4H8-H. Cieo. Hilton. 2G WANTED Some ono to buy my do livcry car. Bargain. Phone 44 6. 25 WANTED At onoe, some one to rent part or all of my concrete building, 25x100. Phone 44(i. 25 WANTED Dressmaking, tho very lat est In ensembles, cport clothes and tailored dresses. Upstairs, 518 So. Oa It da Id. Phono 080. 2G WANTED Ropms. Will nell good car cheapo Also "Anfldllo scale, 23 Ho. Grape. 25tf WANTED To rent G or C housekoep ' lni; rooms, possession any time be tween now and June 1st. call Air. Reed, room 207 Hotel Medford, be tween u and SI p. m. 27 WANTKP To exchange, used car for job of plaslorinB. Lester Lord, 1002 West 11 th. tf WANTED To rent with option to buy, a gentle saddle horse for child of eight. Addreos E. H. I'omeroy, Central Point, Ore.. R. F. D. 1. 26 WANTED Frame building, cheap, to wreck. Hox 12, Mail lribune. 28 WANTED Anyone wishing to hiro pasture for cattle enquire of A. S. Furry. Phone lt-F-4. 27 WANTED Old style marble top table. Phone 959 after six. 25 WANTED Copy of Jaquin Miller's "Specimens." either to buy or read. Medford Book Store. 25 WANTED Local nnd long distance hauling. Jesse Richardson, Central Point Feed Store. 33 WAJS'TED 777 lawnmowers to sharp on and adjust, l'hone 261-.T. Wo call for and deliver. Liberty Repr-ir Shon. f FOLLOWING ADVERTISER8 ARE Members Medford Realty Board OB II m AHOWOftTUWTVi jt'NvointHi n 8 11 I wv We Solicit Yonr REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its RENTALS :: 8ALE8 Bungalows New, double construction throughout, oak floors, fireplaces, garage, cement driveway. Easy terms. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main 6t THREE BARGAINS 5 Rooms, sleeping porch, modern; garage, wood shed, two big lots, shade, garden and berries; good streets, all assessments ffiid $2725; $1000 cas, balance like rent. - 4 Rooms, fireplace, Sleeping porch, cement u1!datIon. shower bath; $2400, $300 cash. Non resIdenowner. 6 Rooms, modern, fire pi ace, 'electric range, shower bath, large lot, all assessments paid (not on pavement); $2700, $300 cash, balance like rent -.--' 6 8o. Central J. C. BARNES. Real Estate Phona 409 or 447-L-2 FOIt KKNT To gentleman employed. furnished sleeping room in private family. Itreakfast nnd washing if desired, l'rice reasonable, l'hone 897-J. . tf FOR RENT Room nnd board In pri vate family, with KaraKe. Reason able. 0U S. Itiverjlde. l'hone 246-L. 25' FO RUICNT Furnished front room. Close to bath, l'hone 504-R. . if FOR RrN'T Nicely furnished room. nam, telepuono and Knrni;o. . ot l'nlm. " -I 28 FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms, bath. Men. 24 5 N, Grape. tf Vim RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 618 So. Contral. . 26 FOR RENT Modern. furnished npart- ment. electric range. Adults, l'hone S04-R. ..If FOR RENT Nice thoroughly fur nished modern npnrtmenls, Hotel Holland. Phone 710. tf FOR REXl HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Newly papered, furnish ed housekeeping, sleeping rooms, also modern five room house, close In. l'hone 479-M. 27 'OR RENT Modern furnished house keeping room. 345 No. ltartlett Phone 763-M. 22tf FOR RENT Housekeeping 611 So. Central. rooms, 14tf FOR RENT Modern furnished house keeping rooms. Electric range. Adults. Phone 604-R. tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Unfurnished modern 6 room bungalow. Adults only. In quire 1021 V". 9th street. 25 FOR RENT 3 room cottage $21.75 , month; also new bungalow vacant May 1st, $30. l' our-stto Realty ; Agency. FOR RENT Houses, Brown & White. FOR RENT MlSOliH.LANKOUS FOR . SALE Paid up lease on 27 acres, mostly in beardless barley, : nice garden, U ncre grapes, beau tiful modern country home Stock, equipment, stoves, everything goes, $1100. Rhone 7K4-L. See. J. C. P.arnes, Real Estato, 6 S. Central. 86 TOR RENT Restaurant on North Central, opposite Tomlln Box Fac tory, inquire F. F. Clark. ' 27 FOR RENT Ranch, good Improve ments. 20 ncres cultivated. 'Will take work on placfl for rent. Box W. It.. Mail Tribune. i 27 40 ACRES DAIRY CHICKEN TURKEY RANCH Located close to Highway and River . and 25 minutes from Medford, will make good homoeito fir someone. Buildings are fair and liveable, 10 acres alfalfa.' Can got cheap Irriga tion. , Price Only $2500 Will exchange on City property. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY ' (Walter H. Levoretto) Medford Building Medford, Ore. t iozxo Branches LOANS INSURANCE FOR 8.VL1' HOMES' FOH SALE ti-room furnished house. bnth, light and water: garage, chick en park, berries and garden. $l'!0. Small cash payment. Italance like rent.. Address Hox 931, Medford. Ore. 2ti FOR SALE Modern bungalow with bath, sleeping porch and five largu rooms, hardwood floors, large lot, close In, on pavement-with assess ments all paid, best resilience sec tion, lawn, roses, berries, garden, garage nnd woodshed, gas water heater, gas range, wood range go with house. Owner leaving .Med ford. l'hone 704-M. 25 FOR KALE Modern bungalow, closo"" In. 7 rooms, 2 fire places, bath first floor, toilet and lavatory second floor: built In fentures; garage. An unusuul buy. Rev. F. R. Leach, 111 8. Laurel St. .27 FOR SALE Chenp, good 7 -room house, $3500. 6 ncres and 4-room bungalow, $20C0. ' t6-room $1400: $200 down. 4-room modern J22&0; $500 down. Fine pear orchards cheap. Call 090-L or 372. 120 North Front Ht. 42 FOR SALE If you want a bargain for cash in a nice house of fi rooms and bath, closo in, on paved street, all assessments paid in full, nice blue grass lawn, fruit troes, rosea. Ad dress Owner, care this office. tf FOR SAT.E At:TOM011ILF.8 FOR SALE llulck Six Sedan in flno condition. Rest buy .ill town, llltt son Motors. - 27 FOR SALE Spocinl Six Studebaker touring. Looks llko new. Priced right, lllttson Motors. 27 FOR SALE Rahy Overland touring. Cheap. Ililtson Motors. . 27 .FOR SALE Scrips Honth touring. 1 ' new tires, paint job, runs liko new, price right. Hittson Motors. 27 FOR SALE Little Oakland touring. Five wire wheels, good rubber. Hittson Motors. 27 FOR SALE Hudson Super-Six, dandy buy. Hittson Motors. 27 FOR RALE Maxwell ton and half truck; newly painted: Kod body to haul fruit. Price attractive. Arm- stronp Motors. 27 FOR SALE Ford rondster, good buy. Armstrong Motors. 27 FOR SALE Mnxwoll roadster, suit able for making delivery or hutf. BnrRaln. AddresH Box A, Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE liulck. 718 W. Main, tf FOR KALE ItEAfj ESTATE FOIt SALE Ranch. 1200. Good close in properly at Ashland. Good for rhicken.s or vegetable farm. Box 65. Mail Tribune. 29 FOR SALIO Cheap, to close estate, 2s acres pood land, 10 cultivated. Good bulldinps. Ideal place for poultry. Ilox II, Rt. 1, Gold illll. 40 FOR SALE 220 acre stock rnnch on Trail crek. Ko rnationable offer re fused. T. C. Gaines, Trail. 30 FOR SALE: 240 aero stock ranchi ilv ins springs, wood, timber, outside range, in foothills, 20 miles north of Medford. Terms. L. Bnutir. Mo dnc Orchard. 41 FOJt KALE -Several farms, good val ues, easy terms. low interest. O. C, Uoggs, Atty for State Land Board. tf tsACKIFICE HA LIS 10.000 acres aa sorted oirnira, grain, orchards and stock ranches. I acre tracts and up. Price 5 per acre up, 5 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, owners. 15 N. Orape Rt tf FOIt SALE MVESTOCK FOR SALE Two good Jersey milk cows, $iiQ each or both for 90. A bargain. I nqulre Geo. B. Harris, Huncrest Orchard, Talent, Ore. 2fi FOR HALE A few fresh milk cows. .l'hone 4Q1-J-4. Adolph Shulz. 2j r0R SALE Jersey heifer calf from registered sire. Phons 201-J J5 FOR SALE Eight grtod logging or farm norses from $75 to $150 per head. Inquire from Superintend ent of 'nvon Oregon Lumber Co., ILI ,m - I INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT HEALTH ' "Insure In the best companies 7 . It costs no more." CARL Y. TENGWALD B Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board By Geoi'e FOR KALI-: Haled alfalfa hay. E. O. CHu-r,n IMi.inr, ll.W.J I'enlriil I'oint. 30 FOR it ALE No. 4 Sharpies separa tor useu u mouins. uuuu u ue . At ,t Snlder's Dairy, or cull 4CS-R-1. . i . II- FO It HALE Household furniture. Westinghouse electric automatic range. Thor washing machine, steel top Edgewood range, tables and chnlrs, etc. Call 720 West 11th. 27 FOR SALE Cheap. Cabbage plants. John Mate, half mile west Central I'oint. 20 IVOR HALK Call 'J-F-! -Early cabbage plunts. 20 -Cook stove. 33 Rose Ave. 27 FOR BALK Refrigerator, hold 100 lbs. ice, milk shnke machine, used months. Jackson Hot Springs. 27 FOR SM.E Attention! Smith's sum mer rates on pine now in efloot, $2.75 a tier. Dlsooxint on largo or ders. 1'hono 1103; Central I'oint, 38 X-2. 40 FOR SALE Hurley Davidson motor cycle with side car. Armstrong Mo tors. 20 FOR SALU Heavy farm waon with wood rack, $3&. .Aye Orchard, lnl ent. 2 5 FOR SALE Fordson tractor nnd plow. Mollotto separator, new. Three first riiH mlllc cowh. Inquire &15 Ho. Rivenildo. 28 FOR SALE Some looso alfalfa hay. Jacksonville, ore. F. J'J. iiybee. 4 FOR KALE Western Electric farm lighting plant, with complete set of new batteries, at a sacrifice. Phono 903. 25 FOIt SALIS Tomato plants. C. Cnry. 3U-J-1. Address Talent. tf FOR SALE Cabbago plants, 10c per 26 dozen. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE- -Kale seed. Farm Ilu 25 reau. , FOR SALI-: Carey snfo, 2nd hand, heavy oak counter, Medford Rook Store. 25 FOR SALE Chick food, J 3. SO per 2ti cwt. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE 4-hurner gns stove, proc- llcaliy new. l'hone 035-R. tf FOR SALE Urnn, $2 per sack, 100 tf lbs. Monarch Seed c'o. you SALE $2.40 buys number 1 Yakima Netted Gems at our waro house,, frno from frost dAmage and no black spots which appear in most potatoes shipped from Idaho points, a few cents is nothing to compare with quality In buying po tatoes. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phono 97. tf FOIt SALE Baled alfalfa. Z8-H-1. tf FOR SALE Seed potnloes of early varieties. Reasonable Prices. John son Produce Co. 1 ' tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 15 N. Grape, tf business mnrxrronY FOR INFORMATION Carpenter's Local 1R40. Phono 247-L. Meets at Smith hall every Friday night, 128 North Grape, between 6th and 6th street. Expert Acconntnnt WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given tt anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Rldg., Medford. Phono 157-R. Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested in a used car be sure and see us. - .- C'E. Gates Auto Co. McMams JACKSO.V COUNTY AHSTRACT CO. Abstracts ut Title and Title Insurance. Tho only complete Tltlo System .to Jackson County. A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Gold illll, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience in th coumy. Phone 6-J-2 Gold Hill. ' tf Tlullding SuppTres ami Roofing . STANI.UHI) ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. P.utld UP Roof ing, Ashland Granite Top. 16 years guurnntoe. . Rest grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, all colors. All material Class A. I'ort land Reaver Cement tor sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 7i(8-X. Chiropractic Physicians DR. A. R, HEDGES Neo-Eclectlo Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro. prnctlce. Office: Stewart Rldg., 255 E. Main St. Phonos: Office 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. V. HOFFMAN :hlroprnctlo Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-12, 2-I, 203-206 Liberty BIdff. Office Phone 580. Ros, phonn 1027. 1 Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 660. Res. 776. Office hours 9 &. m. 6 p. in. Evening nnd Sunday b7 appointment.' DR. II. E. MURPHY Dentistrr, Dental X-Ray. Phone 77, offiw Kocnd floor Medford Bldg. Fut-nlturo REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS of fur niture, work done at your home 07 at our shop. A. N. Th Jo bail It. Tel, jHi tt-R. . - Insurance - ; . - -: KARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur ance: Fire. Auto, Life, Accident Bonds, l'hone 402. 209 Liberty Bldg. " Money to Loan . B. ANDREWS Buys and sells mortgages and loans money on good security. 81 N. Grape St, . Phon 63-M. 240 Funeral Director PERL FUNISKAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Onkuale. - Ambulance sarvlc. Phono 47. .. . . Monuments TH E OR MOON G Ft AN1TE CO. Monumonts. E. A. Hicko, General Mnnager. P.: M. Kershaw, Seles Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medford. tf Osteopaths Dit. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS iiu'.' w usieoparnic I'liysioiana 410-418 Liberty Bid. Phone 904-J-l. Residence 20 South Laurel St. Pis no Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 111 Liberty Bldg.. Phone 72. Printers uml Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding;, looso leaf ledgers, billing system, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir fit. Ftronsler EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phone $16. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER A STORAGE! CO. Anything moved, day or night Sorvice guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone 64 tt or residence 1060.- '. Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full lins of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call nnd show samples. Phone 208 Jacksonville, Ore. VETKHIVAHY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT- AL. Dr. E. C. McCulloch. Graduate Veterlnnrlan. Office consultattona free. Corner Grape and Fifth. Med ford, Ore. Phone : 869 Day or night. Window Cleaners LET GEOROW DO IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clean your house, janitor service for offices and build-? Ings. Geo. A. Seely. Phone 1172. 24 Beekman, AYQ .