o o o o O .mf MEDFORD MATL TTlfBTTN"E, MTCDFORD,' OKEfiON, TIIFRSDAY, 'AVTIJJ, jfi, 192." o VAGT, TEN LIONSDECIDE TO GAS HEAT GAS HEAT GAS HEAT TO BE HELD IE 6 T0 10 C. e 5 ? t E-aa, C-a..a.F - im 7 CHAUTAUQUA IRE Another Hot Water Geyser Discovered In tlic Windows of tlie ' Southern Oregon Gas Company Four glass dishes fall of water, boil ing all at once on One Gas Burner Xn other rnnjrfi on the market enn accomplish this feat, lie sure to see this rnnjjo bi'l'orc placing your spring order. The new SMOOTIITOl in the fastest and the ehenpest domestic range. I'laee your order early. The demand is heavy all over the northwest. Terms easy to meet. West Main Phone 526 GAS HEAT GAS HEAT GAS HEAT -mm wmmm... .. . . FRYE'S MEAT GUIDE Is an Invalu able aid to the aeleotlon and cutting of all meata and con talna 100 test ed recipes. 8end 2c for pottage to Frye 4. Co., Seattle. Rye's Delicious Bacon is rich in nourishment Dietitians tell us that Bacon is a highly nutritious food and Mothers know it from their own ohscrvation. . There's never any difficulty ahout children's appetites when Frye's 'Delicious' Bacon is served, just one more proof that this is a natural hody building food. Frye's "Delicious" Brand Bacon is prepared only from the choicest of young grain fed porkers and the special Frye curing process keeps in all the natural goodness. hams hacori "Everything The Name Implies" ALASKA OIDE TRIPS rJ(INCF The Double Z w, a. v- TRIP. H FromFortlmuI $68.20.in- cluding meals and berth on steamer letween Van couver and I'rinceRupcrt. 0 A. B. Hohorp, City Pass. Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS 1 22 TW d Stmt Tel. Brdwy. 5300 Portland, Oregon Thin season's Chautauqua will have a well rounded and most satisfying program, according to the Ellison White service, which has spared no pains or expense in securing attrac tions usually fitted to the require ments of the circuit audiences. In Us entirety it includes .an opera, a play. four lectures, four musical offerings, three entertainers and a special chil dren's day number. The Chnutaun.ua antes will be June 6th to J 2. in "The Mikado," the comic opera loving public will have a rare treat as the production of this fnvorite Gilbert and Sullivan mnsterplece of mirth and music Is In the hnnds of May Val entlue, one of the most successful pro ducers of the present day. Fine voices combined with good ncllng wil lplnce this elaborately costumed anil well set opera high In popularity with Chau- tauquans. For the play of the week "Ilnddjr Long Legs" with Donna Voor hees and Lawrence Johns In the lead ing roles Is nnnounccd. The list of lecturers is varied and somewhat out of the ordinary. A new man In the field is Captain Rljurdur K. Oudmundson. mariner and adven turer, who crossed northeast Siberia In midwinter nnd defied the Bolshevik council. In the face of almost certain execution. His story is unique, thrill ing and true, and is given firsthand. A renl sensation la promised In this number. Another novelty in the lec ture line Is Oney Fred Sweet, whoso philosophy of life Is drawn from the remarkable experience of holding 100 different Jobs to see how it feels to stnnd "In the Other Fellow's Shoes." Ho had th'ls unusual experience as a featuro writer for Chicago Tribune, being three years on the assignment. He tells of his 100 jobs and the 100 impressions of life In a fascinating manner. , The moro serious lecture of the coure Is that of Colonel (Rev.) Oeorge Fallls, pastor of the Canadian Memo rial church nt Vancouver, n. C, and former chnplnln In the world war, who will spenk on "The Problem of World Pence." A forceful speaker and un usually fitted to handle this subject through a personal study of European countries nnd peoples, Dr. Fallls has gained an envlnble reputation with this lecture. For the juniors the Margaret Byers company will give a special program. Little Miss Byers Is one of the best child Impersonators of the dav and wins the children with her winsome dnity ways, her singing, story telling ana acting. She is ably supported by experienced artists nnd the .company promises a children's day program that' will long be remembered by the little ones. SOUTHERN OREGON PRESBYTERY MEETS AT KLAMATH FALLS One hundred per cent of the men actively serving Prenlyteriun the churches In southern Oregon us min isters withered Tuesday evening nt Klu ninth Kails for the spring meeting of tho I'resbytery; also quite n num ber of luymen representing various churches in Douglas, Jackson, Jose phine and Klamath counties. A fine "Klamath county dinner," everything on tho menu helng n pro duct of Klamath county except coffee and sugar, was served by the ladies to nil visitors at six o'clock. At the 7:30 meeting the opening serWlon was preached by appointment hy Rev. II. XV. Nelson of Phoenix, nnd Hev. C. C. Hulet of Merrill was chosen as mod orator for the coming year. Hev. K. P .Lawrence nnd Elder II. P. W. Spilver are in attendance from Medford. A. II. Fisher of Phoenix, who was Icected as elder for three years by that church at its annual meeting on Monday evening, is repre senting tho Phoenix church nt Klam ath Kails. Dr. J. It. Webster nnd Walter Frnzer Hrown are also attending. The Medford Lions met at the reg ular hour at the Hotel Medford Wednesday noon, having nn unusually good attendance. Several Important matters were taken up before the club. t Because of the fact that the cham ber of commerce luncheon occurs once every month, the Lions unanim ously voted to nil attend the chamber of commerce luncheon nnd to meet on that day with the chamber of commerce Instead of at the den. A committee was appointed to look after the erecting of two signs; one on the north of the city of Medford, on the highway, and the other on the south. In the absence of Lion Seely Hall, C. L. Urown acted in tho capacity of Tall Twister, and we enn vouch for the fact that Lion Urown is a pain less extractor of money. At the close of the luncheon hour, tho club was presented a song for the local club, which had been composed hy Lion J. O. Grey. Tho song was well composed, nnd Lion Grey re ceived a good, loud roar that made the den echo in appreciation of his efforts. The next meeting Is. to be held next Wednesday, in the den. At that time Lion O. L. Davidson will speak to the club on some of tho objects of Llonism, No doubt Lion "Dave" hns something good in store for the club. CHARLES A. WING, Editor. Radio Programs for Tonight Fairbanks Pleases in The Thief of Bagdad. KFI, Los Angeles, 468.5 meters, 8 to 9, ' program presented by the Standard Oil Co. of California. 9 to 10, program presented by the South ern California Music Co. 10 to 11, program presented by the Los Ange les Examiner. KHJ, Los Angeles, 405.2 meters, 8 to 0:30, program through the courtesy of tho Peerless laundry. 9:30 to 10:30, program through the courtesy of the Fitzgerald Music company. 10:30 to 11:30, Art Hick man's Dance orchestra, from the supper room of the Biltmore hotel, under the direction of Earl Burt-nett. KFSG, Los Angeles, 275.1 meters. 9:15 to 10:00, Gray studio program. 10 to 11, organ recital of Esther Frlcke Green, assisted by Edna Joyeo Meisener, soprano, and Viola Peter son, soprano. . KNX. Hollywood, 337 meters, 8 to Peerless Products Co., courtesy program. 9 to 10, Clear 'Lake Beach Co., courtesy , program. 10 to 11, lotel Ambassador-Abe Lyman's Co- coanut Grove orchestra. 11 to 12, Campus Night students of Univer sity of California, southern branch. KFW B. Hollywood, 252 meters. 9 to 10, Elite Radio company's pro gram. Elite Radio orchestra. 10 to 11, Warner Bros, program, conducted by Harry Seymour. 1 1 to 1:00, Mont nmrtre Cafe Dance music. KFRC, San Francisco, 267.7 me ters, 8:03 to 10:00, dance music by Paul Kelll's orchestra playing at H Trovatore Roof garden cafe. KPO, Sua Francisco, 4U8.3 meters, 8 to 9, organ recital by Theodore J. Irwin, official organist nt the Wur litzer. 9 to 10, program under tho management pf Hazel Johnson, so prano. 10 to H, Johnny Bulck'a Amphians of Cabiria cafe. KGO, Oakland, 3H1 meters, 8:00, studio program. 10 to 1:00. dance music program hy Henry Halstead's orchestra nnd soloists, Hotel St.' raiH'fs, Snn Francisco. Ceo. Porter to Start New Lumber Yardl Douglas Fairbanks Is- the distin guished star for whom It remained to achieve the quintessence of artistry in tho photoplay. 'The Thief of Bagdad." which opened at Hunts Crnterlan yestorday, is a beautiful mythology, a fantasy of the finer grade surrounded with gor- koous settings and lavish costuming. The picture makes n series of Arabian Night dreams, which seemingly float before the eye In delightful harmony. Tho photography is nithlng short of wonderful nnd. combined with ro mnrkable lighting, a number of most effective results nre obtained. As n lovable, happy-go-lucky thief. Fairbanks romps through the opening reels an irresistible scamp. The vis Ion of a beautiful princess brings about a revulsion of feeling. He for sakes the old life. Vying with three powerful princelings for her hand, he goes n'questtng, eomiufrs dragons, plunges through fire, descends to the dfplhs of the sea. scales the citadel of the mom tides a winced horse and. flnnly, returns, chid In the clonk of invisibility and bearing the silver casket of Nuzlr. to sweep tho armies of the Mongols from the city of Bag day and bear tho pi moons off on a flying carpet. Hun'g) Crnterlan has taken on the nir of an Oriental palace. There are ri rugs used as hangings in the foyer", ushers are in tho rtressGf Qhat far InntQ nnd Betty Brown provides a perfect hnrmonlous musical setting for Fairbanks' opulent Oriental can vas, o, Oeorge Porter, who Is one of tlio pioneers in the retail lumber game in Medford, has leased the buildings nnd grounds lately occupied by the Rogue Klver Canal company on South Fir street, formerly occupied hv the Woods Lumber company, and will open a retail lumber yard there soon to be known as the Porter Lumber Co. Mr. Porter has been in this line of business In Medford for 18 years, first with the Iowa Lumber and Box Co.. started by Edgar Hafer, then with the Crater Lake Lumber Co., which suc ceeded the Iowa company, nnd hns tieen with the Pig Pines Lumber com pany, successors to the Crater Lake company, ever since it started until recently. Oeorge is thoroughly experienced In his line, nnd is popular with the con tractors nnd the public geenrnlly. Use "GETS-IT" fr THE SURE CORN Remover This Cora Remedy Is Guaranteed (Liquid or Planar You will never know how really easy it is to get rid of a corn or callous .until von have used "Gets -ft." Just put it on. Hurting? tops. Then the corn shrivels and soon you just lift it off with the nnsera. Never failb.Cnat but a trifle. Sold everywhere?? aiiar- tutted. E, LaWTMC & Co., Cnico, IK 1 Si, Senora, our best coffees arc grown at altitudos high three thousand, five thousand feet, so in the mountains of our Guatamala and Costa Rica. ' You see, the climate, the soil of the mountain, they produce what you say, the fine flavor, the richness, jthe character. 'Ah, yes! they cost more, to be sure, Senora. But who (would not gladly pay the few centavos extra for the j better, the coffee delightful ? "You say the S &W blends nothing but high-mountain' coffees? And only the coffees old two years mellowed I in our tropic storehouses, with just a discreet dash of the new coffee to add what you say, the zest? "Bueno! Then your S & W coffee must be very fine in deed. For fine coffee it is like th,e good wine it yellows with age! And alas, only a little coffee is . permitted to remain here to age so great the de mand for the beverage." Families that enjoy S & W canned food products- si w ruDy kernel t-orn or tomatoes or TeJe- nhnn. Prat fnr inennrn mill ,....-:... Ct.W Coffee. For the famous S & W quality has been em- : ' bodied in S&W Coffee.otherwisc it could not bear the S & W label. Vacuum packed in the new key-can. "Next time S&W Coffee? Qoodf You'll enoy the mellowed flavor. ' FINE FOOD PRODUCTS a i i i miiiiiim Increase Your Income by Investing in 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock INVESTMENT FEATURES Our 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock (a) Is Cumulative, Kon-Assessable; (b) Is Preferred both ns to assets nnd earnings; (c) bears as high a rate of interest as good business Justifies; (d) is a senior security to an equal amount of common stock paid for in cash; (e) is In a corporation managed by local business men of known ability and Integrity; . (f) Is exempt from normal Federal Income Tax; (g) Is a desirable investment because the ossets of this corpora tion are Invested in adequately secured notes and contracts. PARTIAL PAYMENTS ACCEPTED We will be glad to take your subscription and ptrmjt you 10 mane installment payments, allowing you 8 per cent interest on all payments made. Commercial Discount Corporation Harry H. Rosenberg, Pres. W. W. Walker, Secy. $100,000.00 Capital First National Bank Bldg. Phone 939 John R. Tornlin, Vice-Pres. David H. Rosenberg, Treas. mm, Wong Pon Chinese Medicine JiWroi Treatment ot Acute and chronic Dtvimm nt Mm and WomSa. Cancer and tumor trottd. tnflrenta, Md srr, bUddrr and atonuch troubea, fits, bfrola. rupturt, cold,, tanule trouble, par alysis, fever. OOCtlRMni.. ulKmi . .hpn. tre.tH, roeumatlsra, amenorrhota, (oltrrfS bunii n in, puss, ojaroctit. si Offhn Hours, B . M. to P. M. ... . ConiglutlM fnm Ml South Front St, Msdford. Or. Sua Classified Ads get results. GOOD USED DODGE TOURING IN EXCELLENT SHAPE The Busy Corner Motor Go. Si (?)