g 00 o 0 0 MTOFOftft MATE" TRTBPKR MflflTOftfl, MEMS'. TITEfcftAV, :VPTUL 14. "IMS o, t 1 v o n V h 'J Medfqrd Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBUSUEU EVERY AKTEKNuOW KX SUNDAY. BY THE IIBDFUUU I'iilNTINU CO. Tht Med ford Sunday Morning Bun ti furrjiihed nbacriberi dcilring the wnnlar, daily, uw Office: 11 .11 North ftt itreet Tribune Building, Phone 76. A cuniol illation of the Democrttlc Timea, th lledford Uuil, tha Medtord Trlbuiit, th South ru Orpgoiijan, tb Aihland Tritmnt, BOBF.HT W. KUHL, Editor. 8. BUUPTER SMITH, Uaoagtr. By Mall In Advnc: D-tily, with 8uiuiy Run, yenr 7.60 Daily, with Sunday Hun. month 76 Dally, without Hunday Bun, year 0.60 Dullr. without Suiiduy Hun. month ... .06 Wwkly Mall Tr.lju.if, ona yenr 2 00 Buitday Sun, one yar S.OO BY OAKItIEK In Med ford. Aaliland. Jackson Till, Ontra) IViut, I'lioenix, Talent tod 00 mgbwaya: Daily, wfiti Sunday Sun, month $ .76 IXtlly. without Sunday Nun, month flfi Daily, without KuwJiiy Sun, ona your... 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year All terms by farrier, caab in advance. Entered ai second rlaaa matter at Med ford. Oregon, under act of March ft, 1H7B. Sworn dally arernrr, circulation for Dontlja ending April lat, 1U4, 3Qt)tf, more than double the circulation of any other paper pub- nanrg or circuiairu m jai'K&on uourny. The only paper between AlDun) , Ore., and fornla. m distance of over 400 Chleo, Oatiforula. nuiea, barlug leased wire Aaauciated i errlot. MEMBERH OK TUB AMfjojvrT MUSSS. The Aaaodated PreM la eiclualvely entitled o uie uae ror repuuiicaiion 01 an newa uia patdira credltud to It or not ouhtwIm credited in una paper, anu alao to the local newa pub Uahed herein. All Hgittt of republication of aptolal db pv ciivb u err in are aiao reaervea. Ye Smudge Pot By Artliar Perry. Tho lndy who poisoned Iiit hus band and four 'children, for their In eurance mon", Ih rupidly developing an ailment ill;. 1 sounds llko a Polish town bombarded by the tlerinnus, the Oreitt Fracas. , There will be no change In the pastorate here, but Rev. I'helps will remain for tho coming yenr. (Sum mit News, Corvallls tlazetle-Tlmos.) They are saving the change for the ncxl evangelist. , ' In the cussing of tho Governor nnd oraml lecturer, now underwny, no mention In innde of hltf betrayal of the Republican party of Oregon. At tho tlmo tho CIOI"., was crazier than goodlookinir murderess. Tho no.tt time there is a lull In the local crisis crop, a campalKn should bo launched for the city mnnnger form of government, with a redhot efficiency engineer. The barbaric 1'UthlcssnoHs of the Administration economy, policy Is re vealed again. Hundreds of children frollced on ine Whit llouso luwn Monday,, hut tho cool, cold, cautious, callous Oil kept his nose to the gov ernmental grindstone ho stuys at his dosk there Is work to be done. Tht nation would not huvo slipped into bankruptcy, had the chief executive warmed up a bit, stepped out on the Brass, and kuvo a kid or two a friend ly pat upon the noggin. There Is not much chnnco for the proposed Tammany Mall oricanizu tlon in our grand, Klorlous, 'and Kumptlonloss commonwealth. It Incks mystery, nnd has no hating facilities; It cuts no monkoyshlnes, and hangs no sinners to save lust souls, and nil members can bo Identified by Homo thlliK besides their feet. IMIOIH.KMS 11V CONDUCT (Eugene (imird) When you go to a party nnd kiss some boys do you think you should kiss them all whether you want to or not? Hoping you will rocognlzo this note. L.INDY l.OU. Tho Methodist choir met with Mrs. P. W. Oxratn Tuesday evening and nftor practice enjoyed refreshments of California wnlnuts. (Kugene Reg ister.) Another outbreak of Jnzz ntanlu. Following the established custom, tho Portland ball teum is winning tts Kftmo a week, by strenuous effort. Nolllo Heft quit dieting nnd four pounds last week. lost TI1K TOW.V I.OAI'KK (Lyons, Kas Slur) Tho city clerk of Lyons not only koeps books, but mends the water mains, looks after tho light plant, runs the water works, cleans tho sewers, manages tho theater nnd Is Janitor at tho city hall. He's not only n clever bookkeeper, but a steam-fitter, carpenter, plumber, cement wor ker, theatre manager. Janitor nnd mechunlc, nil for $tio a month. "WAN'TKD Woman to work for hUHband'a board and room with some pay, or woman to work. Phone 121(11,1.. (Coos Hay Times.) The pay will he pin money for Daddy, The smartest trick the well dressed gal does Is to put n row of buttons. K7 strong, down the bark of the outer garment, from hem to neck, nnd then hide the brilliant array In the puckering folds of a ruffle. Our hi band Mowed M In tho slate content. What they needed was a yell leader, with his shlrt-tnll out. fore and uft. Y. It Redhead, of Portland, was arrested by Slate tiff leer Nichols estenl lay. when h was driving 40 miles per hot way. (Sale in the difference on the Pio Htatt-Miiiili.) h nnaway. lili:h Whal'f It .cms to he tho rulo, iii hlk'h powered ruin cfrcli-s, to catrh dry enforcement offioeiH an noon ih they start nmkinjf moig money than the bootleggers. Tho Utter luxea n.Q quite ar tistic, but iiNpructU'iil ami oV&vlnp;. A wUle-awiikg merohnnt ilumpetl his waste baskut in the mail box Mon, ALL IN ONE HE DE.Pril of Klwood Hnynes, inventor of the "horseless- carriage" brings intuQJiui'p be crowded into n single Jifetime. ' When Mr. llajnes was born the motor car was unknown. When lie invented his horischyis cari'i?'e, the motor car idea was accepted as n joke and when it refused to be laughed down, a liorsc-lovinf; world arose to declare it a nuisance and n menace. At 40 years of line Mr. llaynes was constrained to observe that the horseless carriage was taken seriously only in Europe, and he feared the United States would never realize its opportunities. At liis death what a transformation had taken pluee! According to the last government report, there were 18,000,000 motor cars in the world and 15,000,000 of these were made in the United States. Only 25 years ago the total motor ear output in this country was valued at $4,000,000. Today it is valued at $4,000,000,000. Twenty ytars ago the United States was manufacturing 400 motor cars a year. Now the shops in this country are turning out over half a million cars a year. In a life of less than three score and ten, Mr. llaynes was able to observe this most sensatinal mechanical and commercial develop ment in all history. And the mechanical and commercial develop ment was as nothing compared with the social revolution which this single, invention caused. THE SALMON TUB HANQt'KT of local sportsmen which will be given here Thursday nitrht. has come to be an annual event anil n verv important one. Not only has this spring gathering of sportsmen, in the state, but it lias come to be of genuine, importance to the commercial development of southern Oregon. Toward the increase of our tourist crop notning is more essential than the development and protection of fish and game. Needless to say, the meeting Thursday night should be attended not only by active sportsmen, but by a large and representative ilflegntion of local business men. QUILL Still, people who gof drunk "liberty." Of all thj words that make "Chiirge it to Dad." A desirable neighborhood is a darned higlu It isn't recorded that any people, ever become great by scoffing at religion. Men become more active under to survive it. Increase in postal, rates muy waste baskets. Poise is what enables a young while usking Dad for money. "Ah," said Happiness; "here I'm here; I'll camp with him." Uncle Sam is n "dollar chaser." This is necessitated by the tactics of those who borrowed the Correct this sentence: "Why, mother; "how did you keep your The tractor is n good thing, but in a field to wait for a spare part. Fable: Once there was a woman who wasn't, indignant .when a horu tooted to make her move faster. If the rich must go to hell, it collectors to givo them a touch of Some day a tbeatro will get wide, so that all seats will be on the RipplingRhijiiiGs KEEPING T O NOT get excited if you're feeling sore; wrongs are sel dom righted by the men who roar. Futile is the riot, use. less is the din; men serene and quiet are the ones who win. Al ways, all around us, demagogues are seen, nnd their roars as tound ns, and their martial mien. We can hear them yammer louder than the storm ; we can hear them clamor for some great reform. Hut they clamor vainly, vainly do they shout; men who labor sanely bring good things about. Voters who arc spurning froth and empty sound keep the home fires burning, make the wheels go round. Finn as polished granite, silent as the same,, they have brought this planet quite a lasting fame. Men of great endeavor, they accomplish things, and you see them talk ing 'round in rings. Voters built to conquer gird their loins and do. while the noisy honker tallfl till lie is blue. There are pikers ranting over all the bind, spieling and descanting on theiroe dreams grand. Kneh one has his ration and he'd guide our feet to the jelds Klysian, close to Kasy street. Some there are who follow, and at last they find that the dreams arc hollow anil the dreamers blind. H is a weary walking to a pipe dreamy clime il our guides are talking, talking all c time.- If wo ve silent leaders, men of potent soul,het oh gentle reads, we may reach the goal. Dark vtaVs are not lighted by the talker's toil; do not get excited, mind the rules of lloyle. tst LIFETIME. G relief the inurvels that can today BANQUET. meeting grown to be the chief POINTS in . the old days didn't call it girls glad, the pick are these. place where the rents are too civilization; they must, in order work hardships on manufacturers . man to keep on feeling superior is n man too busy to notice that dollar. yon darling boy!" cried his clothes so clean?" you never saw a mule standing may be ft kindlv service for. tax it now. rich by making sections one seat nislu. COOL. CROSS-WORD ' , . THE My 1-2 says one should always 3-4-5-6 the front door at night. "There have been 1-4-7-9 rob beries than ever of late I" said Mother. "I don't see whv people have to 2-5-8 so badly. 11-13 one is safe at all!" . "That's 18-20-24 nervousness," said Pa. "People are 18-19 well protected as ever 22-27 least we are"- "11-121" exclaimed Mother, "Is that 21-261 Didn't you know 21-22-23 Jones' store was robbed only last night? Thev say. a masked 15-16-17 came' in and took a pile of 24-25-26-271" 13-14 said Pa, I had not heard of that. Well I am sure I'll use a key. rather than take a chance. Mother wrote LT for left turn to sopen the lock and 7-8, for right turn to fasten the lock of my door, so I won't, lock myself up. I hope dqors to all our . 10-12-14-15-19 nave sturdy locks. Answer To I-2;-6 P). 15-16-17 (ben), lYll Ma)' W-31-32-33 (open), 9 - 80-37 (oa), 21-22-23-24 (mine), 18 - 19 (peep), 3-4-5 (too), 16-23-29-35-39 (Hades). 34-35-36-37 (keen). Copyright, 13B5, Jji The Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY. M, D, FITecl.H of. Dr. Albert D. Kaiser, children's spe cialist, Rochester, N. Y., haa studied tho reasoim for and the effects from the removal of the toiiHilH in about tilth t thousand, school children His opinions may be considered authorita tive. I'rohably no one cIho lias had wider experience or made a more care ful study of this question. Dr. 3vai per's latest report deals with the con dition of 1200 child ren examined three years after the re moval of the tonsils or tonsils and nde noids. ,This study has nil the more value because Dr. Kaiser has been able to compare the condition observ ed In the 11100 children whose tonsils were removed three years n??o with tho present condition of another group of 00 children, who three years airo. hnd enlarged or diseased tonsils or tonsils and adenoids and were recom mended for operntlon, but were not operated upon. Surely, such a chock up with such a control must carry Kreat weight with any sensible per son who really wants to know the value of the average tonsillectomy In childhoood. Of the 1200 children operated on, '174 had been subject to frequent at tacks of sore throat or tonsllitis up to the time) of the operation, and In the three yea r period since removal of their tonsils only 120 of the children had continued to have sore throat or tonsllitis nttacks. Nearly half of tho I'lflll ehllilrnn ,w .., ...1 nn 1 1 l.n subject to frequent coryza or cri; in tho throe years since the operation 146 of them continued to have nttacks of so railed "head cold." Of the children operated on. 3072 hnd enlnrged cervlcnl "glands" (lymph nodes) commonly known na "ker nels" in tho nock. In the three year period since the operation the cervi cal nodes hnve disappeared in 3K2 cases and remained in evidence in 720 enses. Since the operation 4S child ren, who had never before had en larged cervical nodes,, have developed those "kernels." This would seem to how that Infected tonsils and their removal can have little Influence upon enlnrged glands in the neck. ; Acute or chronic running ear was a complaint In 136 of the 1200 children operated on. nnd 43 of theso remained unaffected by the operation. In addition, in tho three years since op eration 26 chllren not previously sub ject to car troublewhave developed running ears. Among the 1200 child ren not operated on, 75 have had dis charging enrs in the Inst three years. Hefnro the operation H3 of the 1200 children. As Dr. Kaiser suggests, din- operation only three cases of diphthe ria nave occurred nmong the 1200 children. As Da. Kniser suggests, dis eased tonsils afford fertile soil for the diphtheria bncclllus. A history of rheumatism. Joint nnlns or "growing pains" was obtained in 12S of the 1200 children not operated on. nnd in 139 of the 1200 children opernted on. Of the group operated on 116 hnd developed their joint trouble since the operation. Evident ly, then, tonsil removal is no panncea for. snrnllcd "rheumatism." Hut the operntlon has proved of distinct vnlue in the prevention of heart disease. which Is part nnd parcel of tho focal inrectlon from the tonsils which is known ns "rheumatism." Among the 1200 children opernted on. there were 44 cases of heart disease. 13 of which have developed plnce th operntlon: among the 1200 children not opernted on there were 53 cases of heart dis ease. Hut this evidence . is erehler than It seems, for unmicstinnnhlv mnny more of the children not oiier- nted on will develop " heart dlsense from their diseased tonsils In thfncxt few years. QI KSTIOXS AND .WKWKItS a Solid Versus Flahhy 'll!it is the difference between a mnn II w ho hns solid flesh ninl one who has flal.l.y flesh? I wemht 17", pounds, r, f,, 0r. inches tnU It is just my stomh. I am fasting now. th for spiritual blessing nnd for tempornl blessings. I take only 'one good meal a dny. If I don't reduce Is it because It is only w:MkT In mi system?( M. I. Wright.) CT Anewer V. dl Knott. The ninin element of solid flesh is m le. The Alio elemene of'flnbft flch is wntfr. ""w Mini uuiiu iivsn mn Keep in UZZtE STORY, KEY : Last Puzzle , 9-17-24 (one), 8-15-22-28-34 jchlck), 10 - 1M2 - 13 - 14 (orphan). 25-26 (Ed). - 20 (eat), 27-28-29 (act), 11-18-25-31. . (enter), 7-13-20 (sat). 12-19-2a-32 3tl Intcrnaitonai Syndicate Tonsillectomy fair physical, condition by daily exer cise. Persons with flabby flesh suffer from excessive rest. Over eating of carbohydrates (starches and sugars) tends to keep too much water' in the flesh. 'Water is tho easiest thing In the world to eliminate, by exercise. Kven though the exercise induces no appreciably sweat, it will eliminate, water. Cradle Cap Kacb of our four babies had cradle cap. I found little benefit frotu reme dies, until our doctor directed me to wash the last baby's head with a pint of water in which a tcaspoonful of boric acid was dissolved. This proved affective nnd she has had no trouble. Whatever you do, don't comb or brush the hair about cradle cap. (Mrs. B. K. L.) Time to II lea eh Please tell me of something I can get 01 have the druggist put up that will be a good bleach for tan and .sun burn on tho face, neck and arms, (Mrs. J. T.) Answer I know of nothing which will do that, except time and avoid ance of further exposure to tho sun. Numerous cosmetics . and nostrums purport to "bleach" the skin, but you have to npply them with great cre dulity to get any satisfaction. j Poems That Live Tho i)urriui.s. wandered lonely ns a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and lillls, W1?c" 1111 aJ once 1 saw a cl'owdi A host of golden daffodils. Beside the lake, henenth the trees. Fluttering and dancing In the breeze. Continuous ns the stars that shino And twinkle on tho mllkv wav. They stretched in never ending line Along the margin of tho bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance. Tossing their heads In sprightly dance, Tho waves beside them danced, but they Outdid tho sprakllng waves In glee: A poet could not but be gay In such a Jocund company! I gazed and gazed but little thought What wealth to me tho show had brought. For oft, when on my couch I He In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that Inward eye Which Is tho bliss of solitude: And then my heart with pleasure fills. And dnnces with tho daffodils. Wordsworth 2& fx : v." TV s KKC i-yifjy I'Qi r..- ' Sent By His Own Doctor "I mfferal dreadfully with Pila. for 10 6 Nr. until a gperation mmd1 mciwit, ut nr pliyMclna requwted that I hnt . irr Or. Chaa. J. Dau'a noraurfia treat man!, and today 1 an wall ard baallhy." If you, too, are suffering with Piles or other Rectal or Colon disorders, you must sooner or later stop experimenting with your health," and be cured as I have cured thousands of cases, many of the most severe and of as long standing as 40 years. Mynon-surgt- cairrcatmentlstjUAKAN TEED to cure your Piles, or your fee will be refunded. Saad today far my FREE. uatralad book. DEAN N il inr TORttANO onlrts: Seattle omrrs- OTRTOH H0MEUKI Our expert doctort aod turgron. excellent tood, and quiet drroundinfi bring you real health. STftAT.SAM tfy&K9tU& CriMSf O I II . . Th' only decently dressed ivomen we have- loft are Ikimoa. When It coined t' a ear or a home, wo pity tn" home. Who's Who JOHN F. 8TKVE.NS The most - exclusive nnd eoveted engineering honor that can lie be stowed, tho John Fritz Gold Mednl has Just been awarded to John F. Stevens, world fn- m o u s American railway, engineer Among tho 20 holdera of the me dal are numbered Lord Kelvin, Geo. "WeHtlnghouae, At exander Graham Bell, Thomas Edi son, Orville WriKht, Georffe Washlnir-. ton Goethals and Gugllelmo Marconi. Stevens was born in -Gardiner, Me., nenrlv 70 vearH a;o. Jowl ?. Stevens He was city enKl- neer of Minneapolis when only 21 years or , ae. He became general manager of the Great Northern rail way under James J. Hill and later vice president in charge of opera tions of the Rock Island. He was engineer of the , Panama Canal from 3S05 to 1907 nnd was chairman of tho commission of rail way experts. sent to Itussia in 1017. When the Soviets stepped in and halted that work he became presi dent of the irfter-allied railway board in Manchuria. Jackson, County Banks ' Make Good Showing Medford and Jack.snn county people nre pro.ml of the banks and the, fine way ,in which they are managod. . The statements made a tho close of business April 6th, a number of which were printed In this paper the past few days, show the banks are gaining in deposits, and total resources, which Is another indication of the progress and development of the whole county, The First National bank at the close of business on April 7th, showed total rerourres of over two millions of dol lars, which is the first bank in Med ford or this county, to ever reach tills amount. Avoids Operation In Serious Case Of Kidney Trouble "For the past three years I had serious thoughts of an operation, due to n serious caso of kidney nnd prostatic trouble. In talking to friend regarding thin trouble he aug gested I try Alvita, assuring me if it did mo no good It would surely do me no harm, as it was purely vegetable compound. I used to suffer great pain, getting up four or five times each night, and I want to tell you am entirely relieved after taking one month's treatment ' of Alvita. Do you know it hns even helped my appetite." (Signed) R. G.. FHAZER AlVita tablets are ' scientifically prepared from the wonderful alfalfa plant, -which through its long root, absorbs the vital elements lime Iron and phosphates neceHsary to health and vigor. Alvita has proved especially beneficial In overcoming kidney, bladder and prostnte trouble. No matter what you have tried, trj this remedy of Nature now. A dol Inr buys a box at any drug store. Always in stock at Owl and Sun Stores. Heath's Drug Store. Mail orders accepted. Adv. DYER HATTERS CLEANERS PLEATERJJ Phone 244 23 N. Fir fit. wmmr , or Jaxcu travel Wktri iW HmM Mmu mHcn$ Iks vimtm AAer the journey you Ion tor t p!ac o. quiet and rest 1T.e Hotd Manx wtu end wcroonio the vuitor. A (.Uce rou mn call real HOME. Ajt uAhMfker of untnuaJ dwrm and !5W TV- J 11 -j A A TTJNIOS r CROSS WORD PUZZLE y I riXTWv 'llOW TO SOI.VK Pirii.LF. The words slurt In Ihe llumlierril Minorca and run cither , ncross or down. . Only mo letter In placed tn each while square If the piuiM'r wijils are f;iind i-ncli combination or'Icttcrs in tho white saiiiirco will form Hinds. Tin! key to the puzzle the first word is given in tliu drawing. 1st low are kcH to the other words. ji Iliiillilng Across. . Word 1. In the picture. Word 4. To refuse tu take notice of. Word 0. A physician. IluniUng DoAvn. Word 1. What the small boy in the picturo does with the blockR. Word 2. To get possession of. To acquire. Word 3.' A lance. Word 5. Opposite of the word i.V TESTERWAT'S Pl'ZZUH ANSWERED THROUGH AGES Centuries ago sturdy Norse men realized the benefits of health-building cod-liver oil. b uimmmi brings to you the same vital nourishment that enabled these mighty men of old?-1 exemplify strength. Scott ft Holme, nlorMvflnld. N. J. Wong'Pon Chinese Medicine mm 3Mi For Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases of Hen and Women. ..iTa!11 tamn Infirmta, Wd- wy, bladder and stomach troiibes, fit. Hernia, rupture, colds, temols troubles, par Jlys a fever, .pneumonia, aatUma and throat nouiiles . rheumatism, amenorrhoea, goitre, ronsumption, catarrh, piles, hydrocele, al- Olfloe Hour,! B A. M. to 8 P. M. ,., ,. Consultation Fa 241 South Front St Medford. Or.. You can rely on our statement We manu facture only from the purest of products and achieve a wholesome, delicious cream for your delection. Ask for Nutritious Ice Cream Jackson County Creamery 0 Si O o o 0 Q