U 0 .. 6;...:- BRINGING SOT I NU'bTAKE MY ' WAHO CEbt30M ACT TWO TODA.X. IT' ISEKR.UY THA.T "W- m TEACHER. WILL. The Markets Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., April 8. Cattle Nominally steady; no receipts. Hogs Nominally ' steady; .receipts 100 head. Sheep Look weak to shade lower; receipts 250 head (mostly spring lambs). Eggs. PORTLAND, Ore., April 8. Eggs Steady; current receipts, 24c; pullets, 22i623c; firsts, 23ft23c; henner ies, 24 6 25c, delivered Portland. c'7 - ' Butter. ' PORTLAND, Ore., April 8. Butter Steady; extra cubes, city 44c, standards 43c, prime firsts 42c, firsts EASTER SUNDAY : IS APRIL 12 Have your measure taken for that Spring Suit . NOW . Tailored to Order Correct Fit. Finest Work i Reasonable Prices Upstairs Before you Build or Buy a Home " insist on ChecKSeal Electrical Wiring MOTEC On account of sickness will sell the following property at sacrifice prices: . Four-room house, strictly modern, close In: garage with cement floor and driveway; graveled alley to pavemAL Terms. One lot, close in, with sewer and water to center of lot; cement drive way, 16x16 cement floor for garage. All ready to build. Teams. House and four lots on North Central, 194 feet on pavement, running back to railroad, 270 feet. Can be used for bungalow courts, factory site, warehouse. Will sell all or divide into lots, any size from 60. to 80x100 J)ei to suit purchaser. Property shown oy. nppoinmiem urn. 411 N. Ivy 8t. ' w. E. ROWLEY Owner a. UP FATHER 1 1 f . . L TBVT J 7 I 111 41Uc; undergrades, nominal; prints. 4Cc; cartons, 46c But terfat Steady ; best churning cream, 42o net shippers' track in zone No. 1; 44c delivered Portland. Poultry. PORTLAND, Ore., April 8. Poultry Firm; receipts, light. Heavy hens, 25c; light, 23c; springs, nominal; old roosters, 10c; ducks White Pckln, 25c; live turkeys, 23c; dressed turkeys, 33 36c; geeee, 16c. Onions and Potatoes. PORTI.AMD Or Anrll R Ontnna Firm to 10c higher, $3.503.G0. Potatoes Steady, $1.501.G0. Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., April 8 Wheat bids:. Hard white, UlueBtem, Baart, soft white, $1.50; western white, hard winter, northern spring, $1.48; west ern, $1.43. Today's car receipts Wheat 8, hay o, flour 6. , . San Francisco Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural economics.) Leghorn hens, 2 lbs., 24c; 3 lbs., 25c; 3 to 3 lbs., 26c. Largo colored hens, fancy, 32 33c. Butte rfat SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. Buttor fat, f. o. b. San Francisco,. 46c. i" Medford Rotary Club News James S. Ramago of Spokane. Harry Leland of Los Angeles, and John M. Brinkloy, Maynard Colq And N. M. MclntoHh of Portland wcro visitors at the Rotary meeting. Reports of the Portland convention by those who wore in attendance was the program for tho -day. Carl Swigert spoke of - the good treatment accorded. ' How good ser vice, which is a watchwnrd of Rotary, entered into everything The fact was impressed that while there were many members of Rotary there were few Rotarians Rotary' may bo lik ened to a big national bank; mem bers of Rotary are depositors, and take out only what they put In. A need Is for bettor education in Ro tary. Reading the Rotary magazine is urgel. . , ' " 1 Lou Jones: "Rotary moans fair play." C. J. Seaman: I was impressed by tho fellowship shown at the conven tion. You liieot many people of in terest at such gatherings and while one can be a good Rotarlan without attending a Rotary convention it well repays ono to bo there.". . ': John Brink Icy of Portland, said; "Rotary uplifts the," The usual bus iness burdens become lighter If they are lovingly and wisely handled. "One who, seeing you each day, When at work or at your play, Always seems to comprehend; Stick to him, ho, la bour friend." " The" Rotarinn. EDWARD C. ROOT. 10 CLASSIFY A LIZARD 16,000,000 YEARS OLD WASHINGTON, April 8. An ef fort to classify a fossilized lizard believed to be 16,000,000 years old is being made by the Smithsonian institute. The specimen, which was forwarded by tho Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh measures eight inches from tip of tall to head and is cov ered with scale armor. WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture kobdoft ii woolf : Phone 331-Y MEDHDRD MAIL TRTBUXE, rEDFORD, OREGON, WEftXESBA APftfL 8, 1025 0 ' l" I FOUR Oi FOUR' O'CL-OCWC HER. LE - b NUW QE NOV I 5 1925 by Int-l Feature Service; Inc.' Great Rrilnin rights rA'rrvrd. Air OKli-crs Missing LONDON, April 8. No trace has been found of tho British flying offi cers missing since a large bombing plnno fell Into the sea off, tho const of Kent near Blrchlngton. yesterday. Two other men who were rescued are in a hospital. Postal Robber Gct 25 Years PORTLAND, Ore., April 8. Carl P. Mack, was sentenced to .26 ycarB this afternoon for a, postal robbery here in 1015. Has Thanksgiving Every Day "Two yearn npo, after ' suffering many years with btomach trouble, I took a course of Mayr's Wonderful Kemedy and haven't been nick a day Hi nee, I can eat anything I want and have no pain at all. Three doctors hail advised operation, but your remedy has cured me. Every day is thanks giving for me." It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from tho intestinal tract and allays tho inflammation which causes practically all Btomach, Jivor and Intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or. money refunded. ' ' At idII druggists!, ,'" WA NTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by experienced I dress 729 Welch. ' 16 WANTED Work by middle oged woman. Chamber work preferred. Call 710 E. Main. ' ; 20 WANTED Position by , experienced nurse. Call 437-W. 15 WANTED We havo an unusually at tractive proposition to offer respon sible District Managers who already , have their own sales forco or can organize and direct a livo selling organization in exclusive territory. No. matter what your, experience has been iu representing other con cerns, 'you, will find our proposi tion well-worth Investigating. We appreciate the fact that no sales man or district manager can make good by himself. The company back of him must also make good. Let us tell you in detail about our proposition and how we propose to co-operate with you If yon accept our remarkable offer. Hotel Med ford. room 118. 10 lTEI,r WANTED. -FEMALE WANTED Second maid who will help with baby. Phono 171. 17 WANTED Middle aged woman to do housework; out of town. Inqufro at 626 N. Riverside. 15 WANTED Woman to cook and do general housework. Phono 290-L. 16 WANTED Experienced cook for small family Good wages. Mrs. G. L. Bnhrmnhv 16 Geneva ave. 18 FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board OE301 II 8 ESS ocaoi ioi We 8olicIt Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In AU Its RENTALS :: 8ALES Bungalows New, double construction throughout, oak floors, fireplaces, garage, eement driveway. . Easy terms. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main St. THE POOR MAN'S CHANCE Several small tracts, 1 to 10 aws, located nciir Medford, Homo n highway, all on good roads. ijJIXI to ,$400 per acre; terms, $10 to $50 cash, $10 per montl) How IsThis One? ' Eighteicrcs, Bear creek bottom, fenced ; house, barn, poultry Souse; on good road; $2650, $500 cash, terms. 6 8o. Central ; J. C. BARNES, Real Estate - Phone 40?or 447-L-2 - bOH OVER - C0 HOME - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To hear . from truck re turning empty from vortlanu about April 13 to 16. 16 WANTED 1000 or 1G00 gallon gal- vanizea lanK. i-mmo oa-u-i, is WANTED liy young couple, 4 or fl- room modern nouso. in wait 30 days for vacancy. Phone 828-J, af ter 6 p. m. 16 WANTED to rent. Hunt housekeeping rooms,, bath room privileges and garage. Address Box 4, Mall Tri bune 16 AV ANTED 3 to 6 acres good bottom garden land, with or without house. Call 611 No. Bartlett St. . 15 WANTED Flat top office desk. Box 850, Medford. 17 WANTED Young lady desires com panion to share in furnished apart ment. Rent reasonable, 345 No. Bartlett St. Phono 7G3-M. tf WANTED Local and long ' distance hauling. - Jesse Richardson, Central Point Feed Store. 33 WANTED 777 lawnmowers to sharp en and adjust. Phone 261-J. We call for und deliver. Liberty RepMr Shop, f- WANTED Freeh K(rn, 24cJ per doz. cash. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir street. . Phono ir. tf POlt REN' PAtlTMENTS FOR RENT Thne room furnished apnrlnient, down stairs. 103 12. 11th. Phono 963.. 17 FOR RENT Nico thoroughly fur nished modern apartments, Hotel Holland. Phono 710. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished apnrt mont at llerbcn. Adults only. Brown & White Agency. 238 Port 71KTW HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 611 So. Central. 14'tf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 229 N. Ivy St. 16 FOR RENT Modern furnished house keeping rooms. Klectrlo range. Adults. Phono 604-R. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOKS FOR RENT Room In privato home. 219 S. Holly. 18 FOR RENT Nicely furnished oloop : lng room. Very reasonable. Lady preferred. 319 King street. 17 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, 204 No. Ivy, i no FOR F.ENT Nico sleeping rooms, bath. Men. 245 N. Grape. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 70 acres land, partly ir rigated, with farm machinery, l'hone 689-R-2. 16 FOR RENT Oarage. $3.00 per month. 825 So. Riverside ave. tf no II o . OPPORTUNITY Fine bungalow on paving, excellent design, nearly now with hardwood floors REAL 8NAP FOR FEW DAY81 Will exchange for vacant i lots or acreage. F0UR-8ITE REALTY AGENCY ( (Walter ri. Lcvorette) Medford Building Medford, Ore. i io Branches LOANS INSURANCE VEL.L- - MX DfSRUIls' HOW WOZ tOOfi, L.'o'bOtH THE. . PlAJSO ? , Ml, . Fon hent norsES FOU KENT G-room modern homo, G blocks from Hotel Medford, on pave ment. $27 per month. Chas. A. Wing, Palm block. Phono 728. 20 FOR HENT-r 4-ooni houso on West Main with privilege of one to 4 acres of good gardon soil, one fourth aero everbearing straw her- , ries. For further information call at 1700 West Main after 6 p. m. 15 FOR RENT 8 room house. Close In. Phono 88Z-R or B17-L. tf FOR RENT Houses, mown & Whlto. LOST On Hillorest road Sunday af ternoon. Pair of child's brown shoes. Telephone 672-R-O. 15 LOST Child's brown sweater coat. Roturn to Wail Tribune office. 15 LOST U:nch of keys. Return to this office. Hcwnrd. 15 FOR SALKr-HOMES FOR RALE If you want a bargain for cash ill a nico louso of 5 rooms and bath, cIomo in, on paved street, all assessments pnld in full, nico bluo grass lawn, frulc t.-ees, rosea. Ad dress Owner, caro this oftlco. tf FOR BALE Soven room modern res idence, fine condition. Corner lot, fine lawn nnd shrubbery. Close In, on pavement, no Incumbrance. Up per roomK will Day 8 per cent on ' price. Owner 245 N. Grnpe. 15 FOR SAM5 MVESTOCK FOR SALE 1 young cow, 4 yearling heifers and a Jersey bull. Phono 8D7-L. 19 FOR SALE Toulouse geese eggs. Nun Kenney, Jacksonville, Oregon. ' ' 17 FOR HALE -Good Jersey milk cow. Inquire nt 221 Vancouver, ave. Phono 267-H. 10 FOR SALE OR TRADE Three work horses. Phone C97-J-1. 19 'FOR SALE Horses nnd new wngon, 4, b and 9 year old. Cheap. Call 407-L. 16 FOR HALE German Police dogs. Subjoct to registration. Write R. I.. Foster, Petaluma, Calif. tf" FOR SALE Eight gnni logging or farm horses from $76 to 8150 per .. hond. Inquire from .Superintend ent of Owen Oregon Lumber Co., FOR SALE I'OITITRT AND EGGS FOR SALE 3 ' Mammoth Bronze turkeys. Ono torn and two hens. Phono 534-U. 17 FOR SALE1 Whlto Wyandotto rooster. Phone 104 Central Point. 16 FOR SALE Cvstora hatching, $4 per 100. Dressler's Square Deal Hatch ery. phone 951-L. 16 FOR SALE From 100 to 800 trap nested laying Whlto Leghorn pul lets. Mrs. C. Carey. Phono ?41-J-L Talent. ' ' " ' tf FOR 8ALK O. A. C. Barred Rock oggs for hatching.. Phone 201-.I. tf FOR SALE ATJTOMOnrLEB FOR SALE Ford sedan, good condi tion. Worth 3360. Will sacrifice for $160, cosh or terms. Address P. O. Box No. 645 Medford, or phono 666-L. 16 FOR SALE Mnxwoll roadster, euit- able for making dolivery or bug. Bargain. Address Box A, Mall Tribune. tf FOR SALE Bulck. 718 W. Main, tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8 acres on Thompson creek. 4 in cult., house and out- ; buildings; 2 springs. $700. Forman, Kings Highway. 17 FOR SALE 240 aero stock ranch, living- springs, wood, timber, ouujldo range, in foothills, 20 miles north -of Medford. Terms. L. Sagar, Mo doc Orchard. 41 FOR SALE 10 acres with buildings, at Contral Point. Also small modern house at 302 North Riverside. Mrs. Charles Clark. 15 FO-. 8ALE Several farms, good val- ues, easy terms, low introst. O. C. Boggs, Atty for "State Land Board. tf SACRIFICE SALE 10,000 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and ' stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and - upi Price $5 per acre up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and , exenange. Gold Ray Realty com- pany, owners. 15 N. Grape St tf CITY. LOTS Only 55 Lot Left Reasonably priced, 20 per cent cash down, balance six years. Warranty deed and abstract furnished, pur chaser. Come In and look over the listings. " CARL Y. TENGWALD ' Hotel Holland Building By George MY TEAsCHER PHONED THACT HtL COULDN'T CET HERE Ur-?TlL FOOR-TI-UfTt - IT'b JiJ-bT THACT NOW-' f x FOU SALE MlKCreia-tANEOUS FOR SALE 1000 coal pots or stoves for smudging, burning brlequetteit or coal. One stovo Is equal to two or three oil pots. Economical and . efficient. Can bo regulated to burn from ono to ten hours. Will soli for loss than half price. 25c each. Phono 827-W. Dr. 1. D. Phlpps. 18 FOR RALE Bath tub, lavatory. 20 rods 5 ft. fencing, brondenst seeder, garden cultivator, chock protector, numbering machine, show cases,' range, fish basket, reel, flies, sad dle. The Medford Exchange, 211 West Main. , 17 FOR SALE Pair cannrloH nntl cage, $5. Fortnnn, King's Highway. 17 FOR RALE Rrunswlck phonograph and largo leather rocker. Both new. 123 Central ave., Ashland, Ore. 17 FOR SALE 1 Cletrac tractor, 1 dou ble disk tractor harrow, .1 tractor gang plow, 1 ' smoothing harrow. Cheap for cash. Goo. A. Mansfield, Prospect, Orj Phone 22-X-13. tf FOR SALE Electrlo rnngo, 1 refrig erator, z miiK suaKo maenines, 7 stools, used three months, Jackson Hot Springs. .10 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay by the ton or car. . M. D. Lydlard, phone 117, Central Point, Ore. 19 FOR SALE Bargain in n piano, 225 South Onkda'i ave. . 19 FOR SALE Dry fir wood; also truck ing of all kinds dono. Phone 469-V. ' 1 5 FOR SALE Ivory finished Lloyd sulky. Uood condition. Best made 10 S. Fir. 17 FOR SALE Guaranteed radio sets. Coinpleto for $25.60 nnd up. Free Installation. William Vlmonl, 'Tal ont, Oregon. - .16 FOR SALE Draft' f 2 per sack, 100 lbs. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE ola bulbs, Co. Largest size mixed gladl 40c duz. Monarch Seed 10 FOR SALE Germozone keeps chicks henlthy and free from bowel trou ble. Used In the drinking water. Monarch Seed Co. Ill FOR SALE Cinnamon vino bulbs. Quick growing, dense, fragrant vine to cover porches, arbors, fences. Bulbs 10 and 16c. Monarch Seed Co. 16 FOR SALE Oak library table, leath er bottom rocker, big part leather arm chair. 333 South Riverside Ave. ' tf FOR RALE $2.40 buys number 1 Yakima Notted Gems at our ware house, free from frost damngo and no black spots -which appear in most potatoes shipped from Idaho points, a few cents Is nothing to compare with quality in buying potatoes.- Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf FOR SALE Attention! Smith's sum mer rates on pino now In effect. $2.76 a tier. Discount on larger or ders. Phono 1103. Central Point 88-X-2. ,831 FOR HALM Now plnno, at a bar gain. Noel Krnklno. Phone 729-W. ' 828 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 28-R-l. ., , tf FOR- SALE Seed potatoes of -early varieties, tteasonanie f rices. Jonn son I'roduce Co. tf FOR BALIS OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 16 N. Grape, tf business nrriMtrroRxv FOR INFORMATION Carpentor's Local ls.u. , t-none Z47-N. Moots at Smith hall ovory Friday night, 128 North Grape, between 5th and 6th streets. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attontion given t anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements.. Look Into our slmpllflod accounting mothod. Lib- erty iiiag.. Medford. l'hone 167-R, Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested in a used car c bt, aura asd see us. , , C E, Gates Auto Co. FAttE SFvW McManus BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys REAM ES & REAMES Lawyers, Of fice In Liberty Building, Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREEN E Abstracts of Title,. Rooms 8 and 5 ' No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNT ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts, of Title and Title lilsuranoe. Tho only complete Title System li Jackson, County. . A. B. KELLOGG Abstractor ' of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon, Rallable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience In the county. Phono 6-J-2 Gold Hilt tt Dunning Supptron and Roofing STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Build up Roof ing, Ashland Granite Top. 15 years gunrnntee. Best grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, all colors. All matorlnl Class A. Port-, land Beaver Cement for sale.' As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 788-X. - , Chlropraotlo Physicians DR. A. R.- HUDOriS Neo-EclectlO Physician.-. DR. : LOUISE H. 1IKDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. . Muchano-Thempy, Spon- . dylothorapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practlce. Offico: Stewart Bldff., , 263 E. Main St. i Phones: Office 170; Res. 170-J-2. , DR. 10. W. HOFFMAN -Chiropractic Norvo Specialist. Offico hours 9-12, . , 2-5, 203-208 . Liberty Bldg. , Office ' Phone 680. Res. phone 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone. 609. Res. 776. Office hours m. 0 p. in. Evening and Sunday by appointment. DR. II. 10. MURPHY Dentlstrr. I Dontal X-Ray. Phone .77;. offioQ Second floor AfQdford Bldg.' ,t. Furniture REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS ot fur niture, work done at your -home or at our shop. A. N. Thiebault. TeL B69-R. Insurance EARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur ance: l ire. Auto, Lire, Accident, Bonds. Phone 402. 209 Liberty, Bldg. Money tn Loan .1. B. ANDREWS Buys and sell mortgagee and loans money on good security. 81 N. Grape. St. Phone 63-.M. - 246 Funeral Director PERL FUNERAL SOMB-pr. Stxtn, and Oakdalo. Ambulance aervloi Phono-47.- - - - If nnnmenb) 4 THE OREGON GRANITE) CO. Monuments. B. A. Hicks, General Manager. P. M. Kershaw, Sr.lea Managor, 108 E. Sixth St., Medford; . . V ' .' . tf Osteopaths. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physician 41.0-418 Liberty Bid. Phono 904-J-t, Residence 26 South Laurel St.' '' Piano Instruction FRED ALTON 1IAIG HT Teaoher of- Plnno and Harmony. Studio ill Liberty Bldg., Phone 73. - - Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has -til best equipped ' printing office In Southern Oregon. Book, binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing, system, etc. Portland prices.- 37 N. Ft St, Ftransler. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. unice za North Front St. Phone 3-16. Price right. Serylce guar anteed. . ;v ; . ' ; DAVIS' TRANSFER ; &. STORAGE) CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 21 S. Grpe. Phono 644, or residence 1060. - Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies mods, to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will, call and show snmple. 1 Phone 201 Jacksonville, Ore. VETFKINART MEDFORD VKTKItl.VARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. B. C. Mcculloch. Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth. Med ford, Oro. Phone 1(3 Dtp ot night. - - , .- ""Window Cleaning GKO. A. BWELY -Wtndow eleaalnav floor waxing. Janitor aervtoe, build ings, eto. Have taken over A. M. Rhode.' work. Let Qeorg ft ta, bfilU Ifli-Jt, .. , ,