o o o o r PAflFi SIT MTCDFOnD MATL TT?TPTTE, fEDFOT?D, oftriPX, SATTTRDAY, :PKTL '4, 102." rv L DMORROWiLOCA A large party of Hertford liiiBiness men will le the KUUHts of the Call forula Oregon Power company tomor row, Sunday, April 5, on a trip to the row on a trip to the new power plant crinHtructlon activities on the Klamath river. i ::( There are now about 1000 men em ployed building what Is known as Copco No. 2 development. This Is about IB miles east of Thrall on the Klamath river and about one milo downstream from the original Copco No. 1 plant. The party tomorrow will go by automobile to Thral, which Is just be automobile to Thrall, which Is just be the Southern Pacific. It Is expected that there will be 10 or IS cars In the caravan. Prom Thrall the party will be taken over the power company railway to the construction activities Copco No. 2. Three or four hourH will be spent visiting points of In terest In connection with the original plnnt and the new plant, and lunch will be served in one of the modern camp dining rooms, which the com pany, lias been maintaining for tbo men engaged on the work. After lunch the return to Thrall will be made on the Copco railway, where the party will again pick up the automo biles, the caravan returning to Meil ford some time In the early evening, v ,Tbis trii Is one of several that have already been conducted over the ex tensive Klamath river development, and It Is quite possible that several more parlies will visit the operations throughout the coming summer. The work will be completed In the near future, but on account of Its magni tude and Importance to the growing territory In northern California and southern Oregon) grent interest has been manifested by business men throughout tbo territory. L FOR REFERENDUM E DEMPSEY TO FIGHT WILLS IN EAST IS Tho JneltNon County Game Protec tive association met last night at the j Hotel Medford and after a very short (diseuHHion the sportsmen unanimously endorsed the action of the 1'ortland NewH In Invoking the referendum on II. n. 502 of the 33rd kjfinlature. I I -I. 11. 501! is the hill imKscd taking 10 per cent of the game fund for state expenditures. The president wrtH authorized to ap point n committee of three to advise with the state game commission as to whero find what kinds of fish to I plant in Jackson county. I It was the opinion of all present that Jackson county Is ahout depleted of China pheasants. Concerted action will lie taken to stop the Illegal killing of lilrds out of season. Captain iturijluluff has advised by letter that at least four members of the state game commission will attend the annual banquet to bo held at the Hotel Medford April 16. Otto Jones, educational director of the -commission will show his moving pictures of wild life In Oregon. I Tickets for the banquet aro now on sale. T "The Jackson county court mot Thursday with the Josephine county court for tho discussion of matters of Interest to both communities. Tho Jackson officio Is explained to some extent their plans for tho holding of a district fair, composed of Jose phine, Jackson and 'Klamath counties In Oi'Kon and Siskiyou county In Cali fornia. They, did not go Into details on the matter at this time hut let It to known that such a move Is. con tomplated. They spent a part of their time going over tho Josephine county courthouse and seeking data ami plans. The Jackson officials feel the need for Increased t millets and are taking stops to get some plan formu lated before again putting the matter before the poo pie. The county offic ial are now cramped for space, the old courthouse In Jacksonville still being used. Judge W. J. Ilartzoll and Commls fiionors Victor nurse II. of Centrnl Point, and tleorgo Alford, of Medford were present at the meeting. They were talcon to lunch hy the Josephine county court at noon yesterday. Grants Pass Courier. BUT LOSE GAME 5 TO 7 NEW YOUIC. April 4. Fourteen hits failed to win the nineteenth game of the series with tho Yankees for the Itroaklyn Dodgers yesterday nt At lanta, tin. The Hugglns clan collect ed only seven, but got thorn within the two closing Inning, thus winning 7 to ft. A welcome rain gave the Giants a rest In tho series with tho Memphis team of tho Southern association. DELANEY IS GIVEN A NEW YORK, April 4. The Even ing World says today that negotia tions for a heavyweight title bout be tween Jack Dempsey and Harry Wills "have been quietly maturing the past two weeks, which virtually Insures the staging of this much dlHCUHHPd con test shortly after tho middle of Sep tember." The newspaper has learned. It ndds, that a site for the mout has "been contracted for very close to New York City that will insure the handling of the biggest crowd that ever assembled at a boxing contest. "Arrangements are assured," says the writer, "for the handling of 150, 000 and Jack Dcmpsey'a end of the purse la to he not less than 750.000. "Home of the most Important figures in the world of sports, in no way con nected with boxing and of financial prominence, are behind the project. They will be represented by Jack Cur ly in the role of match maker for the contest. . "The promotion Is not fikcly to go to Tex Itickard or any of the other promoters who have been mentioned as promoters of the proposed bout." I THrn Ie feats Norgaartl. PENDLETON, Ore., April 4. Ira Dern, Salt Lake City light-heavyweight wrestler, defeated Jim Nor gaard, Wallowa grappler last -night in one of the most desperately con tested and speediest mat events ever staged In this city. IRE ATHLETICS IN COLLEGES IS COACH YOST'S PLEA MILWAUKEE1. Wis., April 4, Thero Is need for more games and physical exercise in the universities of America ho that students will be pro ducts of all around development, In stead of a one-sided one. Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics at the University of Michigan, said today In an nddross before the Milwaukee Uni versity club. "Jf one Is to render useful service, It is necessary that he have a keen intellect, a sound and enduring body, be fundamentally sound In character dependable, reliable, trustworthy and honest with the right attitude townrd life and place in society," Yost said. "Certainly the develop ment of tho Intellect alone would not he of much benefit to the individual or society if character, health and endurance were neglected. "Is ft not true that if we are to have tho right type of development In our universities a program for the development of all three of these parts of tho Individual must be pro vided to dovelop'a man mentally and not look after his physical well being would only make him a charge on so ciety and certainly If a man is devel oped intellectually and physically and his moral qualities are all wrong, he is only a menace to society. His de velopment would then serve only to fire him to do greater damage. "We do not need fewer games nnd less physical exercise in our schools and universities, but for the major ity we need more. We need a sense frf proportion in the development boys and girls in our educational in stitutions so that the Individuals that leave our schools and universities will be products of an all around develop ment and not a one-sided one." of ( TlgorH Boat Cincinnati. hETHOiT, April 4. With a 9 to 1 victory over the Cincinnati Reds, at Augusta, Ga yesterday, tho De troit Tigers were scheduled to face Jack Hendricks' team there again today. CINCINNATI?, April 4. Yej-fer-day's victory of the Detroit Tigers over Cincinnati gave the American league teams an tedge of one game over the Iteds this spring, the count being four games to three. Tho Reds have beaten Washington, New York and St. Louis and lost to Wash ington, Cleveland twice, and Detroit. Red Sox Defeat Nashville. BOSTON, April 4. Excellent pitch ing by Ruffing was a feature of the Red Sox, 8 to 3 victory over the Nash ville, Tenn., club yesterday. Ruffing pitched the last three Innings, striking out five men, four of them in a row. Robin Heed Beats Marus. ALBANY, Ore., April 4. Robin Reed, Olympic star, now Oregon Agricultural college wrestling in structor, won two out of three falls from Johnny Mnurut), of Oakland, Cal., claimant of the Pacific coast lightweight wrestling championship here last night. '. Reed took the first fall In 34 minutes; Maurus the next in the same length of time, and Reed took the final fall in 31 min Niirml to Race In S. P. April 30 SEATTLE. April 4. A race in San Francisco April 30, will be the last In America, a telegram received here today indicated, for Paavo Nurml, of Finland, world's premier ' distance runner. RAILROAD BANDIT CONVICTED (Continued From Page One) "Oh. that's all right." Chapman's frail body was erect, his striking head held high, the eyes looking straight nhead and the lips compressed as IiIh guards manacled him. He took a chair In his base ment cell, asked a cigarette of one of Ills guards, lighted it and went Into u whispered consultation with Orochl. Chapman was convicted of the murder of Patrolman James Skeyy of New Britain on October 12. 11)24, in .Hhootlng his way to freedom after three policemen had trapped him In the rear of the department store of Davison and Luventhal, where he had just "blown" two safes. A Man of Mystery. Gerald ('liHpinan renin In 8 a man of mystery, his real name, his antece dents, his birthplace and his family history unknown. He has revealed with frankness some details of his careor of crime. But much of his life story remains hidden. He has used many mimes during his criminal careor of IS years f which only five have boon spent outside prison walls. Hut (torn Id Chapman Is not his name nor is his tmme apparently any ot' the othct'H he bus adopted as aliases. He Is said to have been born in New Yon. about 87 years iiro ot a respected family, of which he Is said to have been tho only member who swerved from proper paths. It has been said that he hns a brother who Is u business man of high position and repute. Chapman hns verified none of theHe things. Ho has protected his family. Chapman as It is indicated hn will continue to be called has given evi dence of considerable culture although Mb education is supposed to have boon confined to high school. Much of this Is attributed to his rending nnd stu?y while in prison and ittso to Iho intlu ence of Oeorge "1 hitch" Anderson, college graduate and super eimik, who was his fellow prisoner and pnl nnd Inter his associate in tho great $2. iK 000 mail truck robbery In New York City, one of the biggest "Jobs' modern crookdom has known. PORTLAND,- Ore.. April 4. Jim my Dnlnnoy. light-heavyweight of St. Paul, administered a sound whip ping to Harvey Perkins, Omaha in tho ten round main event hero last night, but tho judges declared tho mutch a druw. The decision was very unpopular with the fans, who appeared to figure Delaney bad won by a wide margin. Perkins proved that he Is an exceedingly tough man to beat. t t t t t f f y t t t ? y t t y Safety Security y t t V 'y y y y i 1 Guaranteed 'on Class "A" paid-up stock Shares $100. 8 has been paid on Class "B" and Installment savings accounts for more than four years. Start a savings account with ,a dollar or move..,. A thousand 1 , dollar certificate can be matured in seventy-six months by a pay ment of ten dollars a month. Loans are made on real estate for the purpose of buying, build . iiig or improvement of homes. , Jackson County Building & Loan Ass'n C. M. KIDD, Pres. O. C. BOGGS, Sec. Atty. 30 North Cetitral Avenue Medford, Oregon Senators Heat Pelicans. WASHINGTON, April 4. The Sen ators moved on to Mohlle for a game with that club there today after put ting the second battle with the Peli cans at New Orleans In their pockets by a score of 0 to 0. Johnson nnd Gregg, hurling five nnd four innings, respectively, each held the New Or leans tenm to two hits. plnemen R. I .KiiglnetTH Ciet Italso. MKW niil.KAXM. Anrtl 4. Kn- of JM Southern Paeiri.i line opei 0 iIr bet ween N el Or leans and Li Pnf have b i grant- retroaciftc to September 21, 1924. j TODAY LAST DAY OF Jack Pickford In GARRISON'S FINISH TOMORROW THE Featuring Anna Q. Nilsson . James Kirkwood The Stars Who Made "PAN JOL A' Anothe? Big 'story of the South African Veldt J RIA1T0 -aw. f t t f f t t f J 1 Heat Resisting Shell Motor Oil is refined to a complete chemical cleanliness that insures o o o o EPEMiMiLEE. yjraicATiTON . SHELL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Good News for Dance Lore the FAIR GROUNDS PAVILION OPENS WITH A BANG! TONIGHT .. SPECIAL FEATURE "Dinty" Moored "All Star" Pavilion Orchestra The Musical Sensation of the Season! Metropolitan Music Splendid Floor Clever Entertainers You'll Be Surprised JiasMsiJSjaEEKisjaaiEH BIG CARNIVAL DANCE . . Jackson . Hot Springs I TONIGHT Music by Carl Lovelafid's famous Oregonian Orchestra " PRIZE for BEST DANCER and PRETTIEST GIRL Admission $1.10. ; y i , ') , Ladies Free Warning to Public The law against dumping cans and trash along county roads will be strictly enforced. Several people have violated this law unknowingly by dump-: ing cans and trash east of the Medford cemetery, at Griffin Creek and on the Bybee. Bridge road. V .COUNTY COURT OF JACKSON COUNTT. x Travel by Motor Stage SAFELY, SWIFTLY AND COMFORTABLY ' . Effective November 30 Northbound From Medford Dally to Portland! .7:45 m. Daily to Eugene.. ..1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. stage connects to Portland following morning. We take passengers for all way points. For further information . and tickets call Union Stsge Depot. Phone 309." ' ' , Fare Med ford-Portland $7.85 Direct Connections at Roseburg for Coos Bay Points. Willys-Knight 5-Passenger Touring Car in excellent condition 9 Will Trade . e The Busy CornereMotor Co.