o o PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD". OREOOtf. SATURDAY, PRTL 4. 102r Tocal and Personal Unsettlcd weather. Is tho prediction for Sunday, together with occasional ruin and a continued moderate torn- for the issue of the bonds necessary poraturo.. ' The rain for the past 24 to complete the financing of the utruc hours ending at X a. m. today amount- jture. No definite amount of bonds ed to .23 of an inch. . j to be Issued was specified in the con- A siiotlena Medford.' Do vour iiart. ' tract, but the document was so drawn Clean up and paint up your premises " ,2. this week. l-uluml.'l.i t.lnatar . wall hnnrd Co II for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber yard. Tho county court pickod up two persons last week who were dumping trash on the county road. The sheriff has a line on several others. The law against this Is very seyere. Dunces everywhere, but none like Oriental Gardens. 12 Coul briquets, that clean fuel. Hah ( sen Coal Co. Phono 239. 1 H. E. Klclnsorge of Sacramento, Calif., owner of the 401 orchard, Is here on a periodical visit In looking over affairs at the orchard, and at tended the big pear growers meeting today. A spotless Medfordf. Bo your part. Clean up and paint up your premises ' this week. " 12 tfvery yard guaranteed. If, for any reason whatever, Kverfaat wash fab ric fades.'your money will be refunded not only for tho purchase price of the material, but for alt making costs of the garments as well. This guarantee applies to every BvcrfasV'.weara'. and color. Handcraft Shop. 18 Kev. J Wlllard De Yoe. the new pas tor nt tho First Methodist Episcopal, will deliver a series of . "Nature Sub jects," commencing tomorrow evening. Tho subjects will be April 6, "Doves to Their Windows:" April 19. "'Like a I-enf;" April 2, "Ood's Mountains;" May 3, "God's Rivera;" May 10, "A Few lsons on Ood's Folk In' Feath ers." A. cordial Invitation to extend ed to tho public to hear 'these nature talks each Sabbath evening at 7V80 o'clock, at the First Methodist Epis copal church, 'except Easter' evening, at which time the chorus give a sacred cantatta at that hour. Just a beautiful dance. ' At the Orl cntal Gardens tonight. ' it An Unstor sale of handkerohlefi at lireatly reduced prices. See window display at tho Handcraft Shop. 1 The Paront Teachers' association of Jacksonville presented a play entitled "Fun on the Podunk Limited'', last night at tho gymnasium In that city, Thlsls .clean up weok. Are you do ing your part to make "A Spotless Medford?" 12 Handkerchiefs make beautiful Boa ter gifts. A nice line on sals at the Handcraft Shop. ' 18 A' San Antonio, Texas, quartet of temporary visitors In the city consists of H. O. Hoycr, It. Ponson, K. H. Do Norvllle and C. Uodfleld. Among other guests at local hotels from a dlstanco are Mr. and Mrs. D. Z, Oreen berg. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. McDonald. Stanley K. Hidden and Al Frltznor of New. York City, Vlvlnn Clrnhnm of MlKBoull, Mont., nnd James D. Dole of Honolulu. Dance. Danco. Dunce. Dance; Dance at tho Orloutal Gardens tonight. 12 A now clnss In marcelling starting. Rnroll now. Instructions until pro ficient. Living models. See Mrs. Os borne. Hob Tnn Shop. 13 Mrs. C. 8. Newhnll returned todny nfter spending, the winter with her mother In Los Angeles. . ' - Have you tried that Dig milk shake at I-os? Hand pnluted .cnmpai:ts 25c each Jut'iuH'sn Art Store. , 'l3 Mrs. L. c. Richmond and three children returned to their home at Ould HIH Thursday after spending the past two weeks at Itosehurg. visiting nt the honiq of Mrs. Richmond's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brnughton.i This Is clean up week. Are you do (nir your purt to. mnko "A Spotless Medford ?" ' ' 12 We pay for ashes and -sell dirt henp. lirnwn A Whit Agency.' Inc. " " ' tf Mrs. J. J. Kniincns Is cdnflned to her home with an attack of the flu. Meet her at th6, Oriental Gardens tonight. Music for the Gods'. Admlel sion a dime. l'2 Dry factory mill bjdeks. Valley Fuel Co. tf. Among Friday's arrival In the city from out of town points In Oregon are M. M. Bnrry of Lnkevlcw, F. F. Smith of McMInrivlIld, William MCNealy of Klnmnth Foils. H. A. label of, Rosen borg. Mr. and Mrs. George DeMVss of Tho Dalles, Mr. and Mrs.' William H. Jones and' son of Itugene 'arid- 6 I ' Forge, L. 11. Farnam and J. 8. Crltton den of Salem. t '' A "congenial atmosphere"'' 'that makes the stranger feel ''at hoiho,1' Fair Grounds Pavjlldn." tuilght. ' 11 Fnnoy creamory huttor' 4o per Ibi Johnson Produce Co. ' i'.. O. Potter' of the law firm'' of Potter. Foster and Immol of Eugcnp left for home today after a business sojourn here since Thursday.' After all Is said and done there Is renlly only one. Dance at tho Orien tal Gardens tonight. i Dry factory mill blocks. Valley Fuel "j ' tf "We bake and sell' 11 different, varieties of bread. There ought to one here for you. The COLONIAL Oregon's Finest Bakery j I EW Do you crave variety? .' Following the approval of the con tract by the finance committee, and the subsequent dlBcusHal and approval of the' document' by the members of the, board of directors at their noon luncheon today, President H. O. lend ers, Jr., and Secretary a. M. Frost of the Llthlan Hotel Corporation slfmr-d ja contract with the Ralph Schneeloek company of Portland,' bond dealers. i UD 88 to make It absolutely imperative u . .L . . that the directors collect the total w,t1 uireeiors collect ine total I tOCk subscriptions subscribed in the j ordinal drive. . At that time 1149,600 In stock was subscribed, but since then jvoral subscribers have allowed their : Payments to lapse. According to tho , term8 of the contract, It will be nec essary to collect tho payments from those subscribers. Ashland Tidings. No charge for, ladles!. They'ro wel come. here. Fair Grounds Pavilion. . Medford Auto Painting, the only au thorized Duco. reflnlshlng- station In Medford. During the month of April we. will give lO per.cent discount off stanuara. prices. 14 Friends of. C. K. Terrlll. former snorirr, will be pleased to know; that ne.nas sufficiently recovered from his recent, operation to be taken to his homo at Jacksonville today, in mowers sharpened. Called for and. delivered free. Medford; Hard ware a sporting uoods store. , 14 ! Mrs. Wade do Rycko has Just re turned from Portland In the Interest of her sowing school.' Ladies interest ed in learning professional dressmak ing or. sewing of any kind are cor dially- welcomed. ' Twenty,' years of proiessionai dressmaking and 15 yearn as Instructor In all lines of. sewing In Chicago" and the' middle west, four years in Medford 'as dressmaker and Instructor; also a Smith Hughes gar ment, class Instructor, enables her to give her customers and students as her roferenco In the community .89 Mr, and Mrs. Rex Barnott of Grants Pass spent' yesterduy afternoon In Medford attending to business; : Riverside Community club dance Saturday1 night. Alford's Imperial or chestra. 12 : Hand made handkerchiefs, tatting edges. Imported direct from Manila.' ovo eacn, Japanese Art Store. ' IS ' 13. L. IClng. suncrlntendent nf the Southern. Pacific, company, was a business visitor in Medford yesterday from. Portland. Clever moonlight ' waltzes! Novol lighting effects. Fair Grounds Pa vilion tonight. '' 12 Clean up and pant up. Let roo es timate your, work; First class work guaranteed. Wm. Thurman. Tel 732. 16 Visitors in tho city from the state of4 Washington Include Mr. nnd Mrs. r. u. fox, of Blaine, G. W .Green and K. D. Bartlott of Tacoma. Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Williams and children and F. 13. aBlley of Spokane and the fol lowing from Seattle: Mrs, Ada D. Williams, Miss Dora Alexander. Mr. and 'Mr.' H.' R. Blnckwcll. Hugh A. Donnell, Mr.' nnd Mrs. w. Eyres, lL S.- Battorthwarto, Wally Ruchcr. Mr nnd rMs. F. W. Thrane, F, R. Hewitt anil party nhd Fd Freund. ' ' Everfnst wash fabrics sold nt the Handcraft Shop. Can be Inundored any way you like boiled and hung up In the sun. You Will find them al ways fast. i3 Clearance salo,; hand embroidorod Philippine underw'enr at oiio-half price. Splendid material and dainty hand work. Saturday. The Vanity Shop. ' Main nnd Bartlett. il Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark True and nenriro Barron were among the local callers irom Asmnnn fridfly. The first dnnce at Jackson Hot; Springs under the' new' management of Mary Chase will bo, giySn tonight, Carl Lovelnnd's fnmbus Oregonlnn 6r chostra of eight pieces playing 16 ln iiirunmnt will' furnish tho mustic. Prizes will bo awarded for the prettiest Pllll n'lll. A -kll .... . . . r girt, n'silk dress pattern: the best wo man dancer, a. spring hat,1 nnd the best mah dancer, a carton of cig arettes.' ; ' Have you investigated and,, learned the extremely low figure for. which Mrs. Trowbrtdgo cuts and. fits a gar ment? tf "Mrs. Debio P. Smith of Medford has sold to KUgohe , Haschturther ' of Jacksonville a 6-ucre tract of land ly ing Just north of the .V, J. Beach homo, the consideration being 1800." soys tho Jacksonville post, "Mrs. Smith and, het' husbnhd, lived on the' tract Just sold for more thiih forty years! Her husband holpd build the court ho'uBC In- Jacksonville." ' ' ' ' Everfast wash ' fabrics' soid at the Handcraft Shop. Aro dyed by special process absolutely fast color. ' ' 18 Wanted Feeder., hogs and pigs. Johnson Prbduoo.Co. tf A; JoldnOsit of EajljrPolflt pleaded gu(lty( fh Judge Taylor's ooirt hero yesterday to, a charge of operating a cor ' without a license and vaa f lived f 10. The arrest waB tpade by the state district traffic officer, J. J. McMaljbn. I Meet your frlcn.da.at the. Pavilion tonight. Everybody going. ' a j Dance at Applrgate, Saturday, April 4th, music' by' Harmony. -4. " J2 Carl Swlgart, of the California Ore gon Power corupfchy was a business visitor In ftosehurg on Thursday. Riverside Cdmmunlty club dance Saturday night. Alford's Imperial or chestra. ' ' J2 Columbia plaster" wall board. Call for prices.:' Wallace. Woods Lumber Yard. ' No trace has yet been gnlned ns to the whereabouts of Dr. G. A. Gltzeji's muring car with S0O worth of surgi cal Instruments In II, which was stolen from.thls city Inst Thursday night. It Ms thought that the thieves micht hnv thrown out tho Instruments by the Iwayside in fleeing with the stolen car Ifrem this viclnty and the Medford po- lice request thnt Any one finding such 'instruments nlonT- a highway' or near It. report the find at once. ! I'"ir belter hiilr ciitllng.ni1 mar ,cell"K. phono 3IJ. IS So. Centnil Ave. 14 Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Oonl Co. Phone 239. 1 .Mrs. Merl 11. Pa.e nnd son. who have been visiting for tls) past several I months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, left lust evening for j'heir home at I.on Bench. I It Is every woman's duty, to be "beautiful. Tho Hob Inn Shop special '".Riving eachaiatron individual jnttentftn. Tours ?, moronheautv. , Hob Inn Beauty Shop. u I Thc larcKd new storks of Everfast wash materials in southern Ornron nt the, Handcraft, j ... A final rehearsal of the new Pa vilion orchestra was held at -the Fair Grounds Pavilion lost evening in prep aration for'-the'bttr opening dance which will be held there tonight. Fa- vorable reports concerning this new musical organization have been heard from those who have had the pleas- jure of "listening In" on the rehear- sals. Indications point to a large at tendance tonight. Music and floor unexcelled! Fair Grounds Puvlllun. Tonight. 12 Lawns and flower bedB are ereatlv Improved through the use of our weedless pulverized sheep guano. Buy Ray Ward and Louis Culver were among the Medford business callers yesterday from Phoenix. Dance at Applegate, Saturday, April 4th, music by Harmony.-4. 12 unity literature teaches people how to be healthy, efficient,- prosperous, harmonious and. happy. Free distri bution. 718 West Main street. Pre-Enster. services are announced for the Presbyterian church for both morning and evening. Tho sermons wil be on tho "Cross and Its Mean ing." A tho morning service George Maddox will sing as a tenor solo that fine old classic by J. Fauro, entltlod "The Palms." Tho quartet will also render tho anthem,, "Hosanna," a stir ring announcement of Easter. In the evening service, which will also rep resent tho massage tho ."Cross as the Love Passion of Gold," Easter songs wil bo sung by the, girls' chorus as a suggestion of the Easter concert to be given,, next Sabbath evening by tho quartet.1 '':.-; Styles change, but style is always in vogue. We help you to keep in style. Mrs. Trowbridge. tf 12.40 buys, No. 1 Yakima Netted Ooms at our ware house free from frost damage and no black spots which appoarH in most potatoes shipped from Idaho' points. A few cents Is nothing to compare with qual ity in buying potatoes. Johnson Pro duce Co. Phone 241 N. J St. ' tf Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Webster' left Frlday'fof Marshfleld and other points In Coos county whore Mr. WebBter of the. Associated. 'Oil company, will be engaged, in business, for the next few lays. Have you ' called at 906. W. 10th street yet to see about that graduation dress? : 12tf Latho.work and motor. recondition ing. Riverside Oaradge., tf G. H: Wykoff.of Table Rock was in the city today transacting business. We. pay for ashes and sell, dirt cheap. Brown & White Agency, Inc. tf Danco at Applegate, Saturday; April 4th. music by Harmo.ny.-4. 12 Among the local visitors from the state of California are H. E. Mao-1 Conaughey of Alameda, George, S. Horshey of Hollywood, H. E. Klein- Sorgoo of Sacramento, J, J, Hurley of McCloud, O. O. Floyd of Oakland, Mr, apd Mrs. L. L. Bryson of Red Bluff, Mr, and Mrs. O, S. Ilruyton. Grace E. Rlttor. Carl Schlaopfer and O. A. Gor don of Los. Angeles and the following from San Francisco:. W. B. Terrell, R. C. Hamilton. W. W. McDonnell. Frank T. Sweet, Jack Fclnsteln, Ar thur A. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fas- sott and baby, A. H. Anderson. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Twohey. Charles A. Llkman and B, J. Wcldman. For Easter and tho other 3C4 clays, see Mrs. Trowbridge and, look right. i , tf Filled Easter baskets 10c each, Jap-. flnruan Art, fttnrn 1 ft Dr. B. R. Elliott gave an address' at the meeting of tho parents teach- ers association pf the Lincoln school I yesterday afternoon, his subject being "The Development and Core of tho Toelh." " Money Wunted Old established Medford. business wants several small loan 6n long' time to enlarge buslnoss, Will pay eight per cent per annum In terest on, any amount you, have to lpnh... Interest payable monthly through bank. Address U.' Mall Tribune. 17 Qents. Try an lnvigorator sham poo at Bowman & Barber's Beauty Shopno, 12. Bo. Central Ave. Phono 362. 14! The registration of out of tho state cars by the local state traffic bureau here, yesterday . numbered.' 19 cars, mostly coming from California. ' Dance at Applegato. Saturday, April 4th, music, by Harmony.-4. 12 Dainty, handkerchiefs In white and colors. Lovely for Easter 'glfts. On sale at tho Handcraft Shop. IK Dr. N'owsom.' of the county health unit, wis shqeked yesterday to learn that bloodhounds would be permitted to hoard and room In the court house. Deputy. Sheriffs Snyder and. Stevens will be forced to live up, to a r'uld enforcement, of the sanitary laws. Dr. Nowsom said. If was rumored that a formal communique would be deliver ed, the, two .deputies In person, to In sure. It's being received. This eom'mu- nlguo sets' forth that, tho kennel must be washed by Jail trustees twice dally with soap nnd, water. The dogs must oo nntned frequently, too, with rec ognized brands of . soap. Nearly' 300 people view the dogs on exhibition at the court house yesterday. Klamath News. . Dress better at less exnense. Mrs. Trow bridge will tell you how It can be 'done. ' tf Wo pay cash for Used ' pianos. Palmer Piano House. tf Mrs. O. A. Tebbe. and daughter of Yreka, Calif., are Medford visitors who arrived Friday. R. I. R. eggs at rwVoe's. " 1 tf Hemstitching 8c a yard. The Van ity Shop. Bartlett and Main. tf Palm Sunday 'will be observed at tho Hirst. Baptist church with oppro priato services next Sunday. The morning sermon by Rev. F. R. Lench 111 he on the "Kingship of Jesus," Miss Margaret Huntoon will sing "The Palms," and Prof. Janes will have a violin solo on "Prayer." 7:S0 p: m. "What Shall I Do with Jesus." wltl he treated In a practical way, while Xllss Huntoon slugs "I Come to Thee." "Stnnd Firm" will be sung by the choir. These services will be prep1tt tjy lo the big Esster serving i week from Numlny. The i hnir Is preparing remit') a great Easter cantata on thnt day. Remember your friends with dainty handkerchief nt Easter time. A snappy line on display at great reduc tion. Handcraft Shop. 18" Nvelty heads for Easter 48c and u Japanese Art store. is Harry W. Randall, special agent for the Nlagnra Insurance comnnnv. Is & Medford business visitor today from I'ortiapa. - ' Apply sheep, guano to flower beds nnd borders. Choice flowers will he your reward. Monarch Seed Co. 14 Wu;Ma puivr:ieu biihuji guano, uuyi ueuvB, INOVeity linens, la 8ncij today. Monarch Seed Co. 14:llnens. Handcraft Shop Mrs. V. B. Hamilton. Natalie Ham ilton, and Ada Bevln arrived home by auto last night from Portland, where they have been vlsltlnpr for the past twp weeks with Rev. W. B. Hamilton, who returned to Medford today and is hoping to feel much improved in health as the result of his recent oper- atlon. Safe deposit boxes for rent, First National Bank,' Medford. 17 New materials in Kverfast wash materials are Shantono Super Broad cloth, Silvergloss, Kinderkord, Voile, Gingham cloths. Suiting. Dainty I Weave, Novelty Linens, handkerchief 13" I The following, from Portland are among tho temporary sojourners in Medford: J. R. Morris, Frank E. Grabler, R. J. Harper, R. C. MclKe, J. E. Tourtellotte, R. A. Browne. E. J, Slack, L. M. Orchard, Maynard Cole, N. M. Mcintosh. H. A. Freed and party, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Buchanan, H. W. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lundey, Mrs. A. J. Lundey. Mr. and Mrs. E. R .Ham, W. Corley, S. B. Al len. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Aston. W. N. Simpson, a. M. Harris, C. W. Shoe muker, Miss Winifred Foley, Capt. and Mrs. Delmer Shaver, A. Breyman, Miss J. Skolen, William A. Arnold, J. A. Ochwlg and Mr. and 'Mrs. R. E. McClellan, Fancy creamery butter 46c per lb. Johnson Produce, Co. Hemstitching, buttons covered al the Handicraft Shop. tf Bocause he failed to dim his head lights on approaching another car, J. G. Ynrdley was apprehonded by J. J. McMahon,- the Btate traffic officer, and was fined J10 on his plea of guilty In Judge Taylor's court yesterday. The Pantorium does all kinds of pleating. Phone 244. 206tf Mrs. Trowbridge can give you some splendid suggestions and help with that graduation dress. 906 W. 10th street. tf The refreshment concession at the Fair Grounds Pavilion will be man aged this season by Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Antle, who aro well known to tho people of this community. In addi tion to the usual stock of soft drinks. smokes and confections, they , will handle light refreshments In tho way of hot coffee and sandwiches. Fancy creamery butter 46c ner lb. Johnson Produce Co. Safe deposit boxes for rent. First National Bank, Medford.' 17 Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, former residents of Gold Hill, who spent the winter In Chico, Culif., have spent several days in Jacksonville and are planning to buy property and reside here. Jacksonville Post. Columbia plaster Wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber ; yard. ' An all day meeting of the Jnckson J County Parent Teachers council was held at the public library todny with e special program in the afternoon wun suue worKers on the program as speakers, Itlversido Community club danco Sntlirday night. Alford's Imperial or- cnestra. .12 BANDIT KILLED IN RUNNING BATTLE EIf SEQUMX).'. Cal.. April 4. A runnlnK P''ol flBht between a police "l""1'10 and two men suspected of " imiuu or me otanaaru oil irlnBn' payroll here today resulted In thc shootlng to death of Charles Da- 'vls'. 26 years old. one of tho suapocts, lna . B captu of another. Davis died in a pollco.'nmbulnnco speeding to LPs Angeles', eighteen miles away for treatment of a bullet wound In the nend. The police car had trailed the au tomoblle. of .the suspects two hours before they ordered it to halt. At this command, police say1, occupants of the trailed car opened firo. Tho return fire of the police wounded Davis and caused tho men to surrender. Police report' that thev found the two men armed with two pistols, four sets or armored breastplates and a hundred rounds of ammunition. INDIAN SUSPECT ,E KLAMATH. FALLS, Oro., April 4. Capture of Silas Barclay, and Louis Knight, Klamath Indians who escaped from the county Jail two weeks ago, Is expected hourly. Word from Con stable Shadley on the reservation, this mbruing was to the, effect that Bar clay had been captured Thursday night by Indian Officer John Hall, but had made his escape while being taken to Jail. Knight was seen on a reservation ranch late yesterday by Constable Shadley, The two Indians are being sought In connection with the death of Fred Jackson, Indian cowboy, at Chllouuin last month. Although Jackson died following a fall from a wild pony, re ports wero current that he had been seriously injured in a fight with fiar clny and Knight just prior to the fatal "de. - ttaHH Notice All members of the West Sldo Ten nis club nre requested to -attend a meeting In the basement of the Public Library at 7:30 p. in.. Monday, April Ctlv Important. 12 TOO LATE TO. CLASSIFY CONVALESCKNT HOME We expect lo spend the three summer months nt the Atlantic coast, and will rent, furnished and equipped, to the rlsht pjrty, our p.'inltnrium nnd tourist luiness for three months. Mrs. W. M, Barber, 163 Granite, Ashland D li FOR ItKNT Furnished apartment. 4S S. Central. 13 WANT!?) Flat top office desk. Box SuO. Medford. 17 WAXTKD TO RENT By woman em ployed during day. Warm, clean riMim with bath, plenty t hot water. Oarage close. Call 411 Llb ert;!lldff, 12 WANTRD ff n to work Saturdays. Sehool tea.-her preferred. Address liax "Teacher," Tribune. 13 MILLED, 54HURT, WHEN CAGE FALLS IN GERMAN INE LON'DOX, April 4. A Berlin dis patch to the Exchnnge Telegraph says that eighteen men were killed at the Stlnnes mine near Essen by the fall of a cage. Fifty-lour men nre reported to have been injured. BERLI.V, April 4. (By tho Asso ciated press) A serious accident in which It is reported many persons were killed or injured, occurred this morning at the Stlnnes colliery, at Karnap, near Essen, when a wind Ing engine broke down. Details of the accident are lacking. A four storied cage containing 70 miners, roll down the shnft - with the breaking of the gear. The men on the upper etorv were rescued. though many of them were injured. rlwo bodies have been recovered from the lower story and eleven men still are missing. , ESSEX, Germany, April 4. 7By mo Associated Press) At noon to day 63 of the men who were in tho cngo which fell early today at tho Krupps' mine near here were, re ported to have been accounted for. Of this number two were killed', three were badly' hurt, 43 were slightly Injured while fifteen suf fered no harm. Seven to nine of tho men are still missing and it is assumed they, are dead. PROTEST CONTRACT JACKSONVTTJR ' T)n An m Knights of the Ku Klux: Klan at a mectfnK here last nlcht iinH(1(i n ril,A. lution of protest against the proposed uuniruci ueiween tne state internal Improvement board and I. M. Hlrsh field of California, giving tho latter the right to mine Jacksonville beaches. . An account of the meeting, together with copies of the resolution were given newspapers today by a klan committee. The resolution, copies of which are to be sent to Governor Martin and to the secretary of the internal Improvement board, oppose "In fllll force- thp 1Pflfl.ng- nf JnMronn. Ville's greatest natural asset, the neacnes, for private gain." LAST CALL TONIGHT You'll Have to Hurry, Ere You Miss Seeing I V'Sally' A film version of Ziegfeld's great musical, comedy with COLLEEN MOORE TOMORROW COMES 'ne tHNlSr PASCAL MARIS PREV0ST MONTE 'BLUE flEUNE CHADWICK MISCHIEF MIXES WJTH LOVE . AND "THE DARK SWAN" FIGHTS FOR HER BIRTHRIGHT. - m O SUNDAY fiE LUXE CONCERT 2 P. M. CRATER LAKE TEMPLE BAND FLORIDA KUKLUX KLAMATH INDIANS, TO HOLD CONCLAVE JUNE 20THT0 30TH I KIAMATH FALLS. Ore.; April 4 On the picturesque shores of ARncy lake, where the towering pines form a- Hheltering . background, tribal In dians of the northwest will fore gather during the week of June 20 to 30 to discuss problems of vital Interest to the fust diminitihing van guard of redskin. I'lans for such a conclave arc now in the making according to an nouncement today by Fred A. Jlaker, superintendent of the Klamath In dian reservation. In addition to tho problems of the Indians, an historical pageunt de picting early Indian life and lead ing up tu tho coming of the white man, will be staged. Tepees will be pitched beneath the pine boughs; vv;ar paint and feathers will be donned; wild cayuses of the daring redskins will be tethered about the meeting grounds, while the old Indians live again the days of their youth. . ; HT "'f HONOLULU, April 4. XBy. the ABsoiiated Press) Privato PiVul Crouch, 2 1st infnntry, stationed at Hchofield barracks, was sentenced to forty years imprisonment and given a' dishonorable discharge from the army after a general court martial found; him guilty nf - attempting to organize the revolutionary commu nist league among soldiers stationed at the barracks. Crouch wag charged with being EXCELLENT HOME AT AUCTION SALE Next Monday, April 6, at 1:30 p. m.. tho fine home at 113 Cottage Street in East Medford will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, by the referee acting under order of circuit court. Good house, large lot, paved street, property all clear, in choice residence section, may be hod at your own price. Place of sale In front of property, 113 Cottage street. 12 As washable BARRELED Sunlight makes bathroom and kitchen walls woodwork everywhere as easy to clean as white tile I ' Made by a special process, this white paint's surface is so smooth that the finest particles of dirt cannot sink in. A damp doth will always wash it spotless. Barreled Sunlight is easy to apply. It flows readily and leaves no brush marks,' It requires Barreled MEDFORD HARDWARE 4 SPORTING CO. God Valvoline Oil is like a Gold Bond, it is one hundred per cent LUBRICA TI0N and pays safe dividends. ! I FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE Q Joites &Kirkpatncb A Real Service Station Riverside at Sixth Phone 63 the leader of ;w self-styled ring of communists and was charged with having Issued propaganda under the pretext of being a teacher of espe ranto in the army schools. The plot was nipped by the au thorities when Private Crouch openly defended communism through a local newspaper. It is reported that several others will be court martialed on the same chftrge of which Crouch wiih found guilty yesterday. Stop XCOUGHS QUICIT RELIEF WITH FOLEY! mmhw Estabusheo 1875 ' SnwniTcrofliMSrxvintenC REFUSE SUBSTITUTES SHASTA Table d'Hote Dinner $1.00 Served From 12 Noon to 8 P. M. . Sunday COCKTAILr ' Shautu Sea Food RELISHES Dill Pickles ' Green Olives SOUP Cream of Chicken Au Rlz ' ENTREES AND ROASTS . Chicken a la King on Cruton of Toast Stuffed Select Young Chicken Pan Gravy Roast Youns Turkey and Celery Dressing Roast Loin of Pork and Apple Sauce VEGETABLES . Mnshed Potatoes Whole Sugai Peas SALAD Head Lettuce and Fresh Tomatoes French Dressing DESSERTS Apple Pie a la Mode Vanilla Ice Cream Chocolate Sauce DRINKS Coffee. Tea or Milk Hot Finger Rolls as tile itself! fewer coats than enamel, is guar anteed to remain white longer and costs less. Barreled Sunlight can always be tinted just the color you want. Comes ready mixed in cans from half-pint to S-gallon size. One coat is generally sufficient over a. previously painted light surface. Where more than one coat is re quired, use Barreled Sunlight Undercoat first. Sunlight Bonds 0 j