o O O O O is O PAGE TWOO MEDFORD WAIT, 9RTBTTNR MTCDFORD. ORFiONT. FRIDAY. 'AWlX X 102.' G J. J. McMuhon, deputy state traffic officer In this dlHtrlct, who 1h jut ro coverinfe frorti un attach of the flu, muiie hie first arrest r jOweek or bo this ffgenoon, when he took Itoy Iath ropp, said to be a OrantH lJutw farmer, inuA'ustody on the charge of hauling a loaf! of potatoes for tho Farmers' A fpeoiat called meeting of the city j Co-operative Bureau of Grants 1'ass to planning commission for tonight at I the Farm Bureau Exchange here. 7:3tt. at the city council chamber has. without a permit from the public ser JU ocal and Personal been issued by President O. C, Boggs. There is utt one subject to come be fore , the commission at this meeting. hence the mooting will be short, Ul rica comhilsslson to haul for hire. Jie was later fined $20 In Judge Taylor's court hero on this charge. The musical sensation of the year though tho subject is of importance ' Curt Burnslde, the "dancing trom- and a full mcinbership attendance is w nisi, at me jvuir urounus J'avnion, Kfuuruay night. i im Wo pay for ashes and sell dirt cheap. Brown & White Agency, Inc. tf desired. Dance music that needs no apology! Hear "Dlrity" Moore's new "all-star" Pavilion orchestra Saturday night! Every' man a master musician! . II Mr. nnd Mrs. William P. Campbell. Seo Handcraft window for display 804 13. Main street, have had as their of attractive dresses stamped on new house .guests. Dr. and Mrs. George guaranteed "JMald check." Lesson Martin of Duquosne, Pittsburg, Pa., chart with each dress. Women and who are en route to their homes af childrcn's sizes, $1.00 each- Sale Frl- ter spending several months touring day and Saturday, Handcraft Shop, l the south and California. , 11 Tomorrow tho County Parent Teach ers council will meet at the city library at 10 o'clock. State President Mrs. George Perkins will speak. There will also be an afternoon session at 1:30, Everybody is going to the Central Point gymnasium this evening, to In nil southern Oregon, no place liko Oriental Gardens to dance. 3 1 Dry factory mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. tf Tho boys team of the Epworth League of Grants Pass will play a bas ketball game with tho Kogue River toam on Frldftv evening nt In worth take a trip around the world with tho ha),( Grants Pass. The teams are com J'. T, A. Progressive dinner, program, pOSed of boys under 15. Htuntn, fortune telling and country; Mrs John chastin left iast evening store. Doors open at C p. m. Admin- for L os Amreles and Lonir Beach where sion, free. , s; , 11 Columbia planter wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber YtirA, Miles Cantrall of Applegato, Is re covering from a severe attack of flu. Mrs. Cantrall was called homo last week .from Portland, where she had been called by the Illness of a brother. .Jacksonville, Post. 1 You've heard the rest. . Now hear she will visit relatives. Fancy creamery butter 46c per lb. Johnson Produce Co, , t .... ; All sportsmen are requested to at tend the meeting at the Hotel Med ford this evening at 7:30 to arrange for the annual banquet of the Jackson County Sportsmen's association to, be held April 16. Have ydu heard liay ArfdrewB plRV "ma-'8' '?MK'i, M?"n'" ncVT hoard nothln- yet! Fnir Grounds I vi W4, orchw rwill ;ll your fond- , , Batarday-niKht. 11 est dreams! Modern dance time as .,' j,,,, . x,!.,,, ..... ,., ,, oxornpllfiod In the big city orchestras! ,:d'" Fair Grounds ravnion, Saturday night. Z,' . ww win kivu J v ivi cunt uincuuiii ii standard prices. 14 Tho following- afo'among the'hotel ingstqn of New York arrived in Med- ulBlM 4" fn,(, Lf.atnrAnv nA wftr mnt i t i.a temporary sojourns: J. W; Hanners. George Hchicher. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mitchell, K. X. Lively, C. II. Nealy, W. Coa!j briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Coal Co. Phono 231). , Archibald Livingston and Miss LW- ford yesterday and were met at the Shasta by Walter Bowne of the Busy Corner Motor company with a new Pierce Arrow which Mr. Livingston purchased. The Livingston's will mnke their homo at the Charles Con ner residence near Jacksonville which they have leased for a term of years. Every yard guaranteed. If, for any reason whatever, Everfast wash fab ric fades, your money will bo refunded ; not only for the purchase price of the ! material, hilt for all making costs of tho garments as well. This guarantee applies to every Everfast weave and color. Handcraft Shop. . 13 "I Wonder Whnt's Bocomo of Sal ly." You'll find her at tho Fair Grounds Pavilion Saturday night! BetT ler bo there 11 There was born to Mr. and Mrs, El mer llennies an 8 V pound girl Thurs day, April 2nd, at Purucker maternity home. Wilson "Wait,, acknowledged fore most, baud ad orchestra leader, pro vides music at Oriental GardonH. 11 J. Cllno, W. G. Fortmann. Paul E. tSIor, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Harris, R. M. Carlson, ChatleB VI. Snell, B. A. Shall liorn, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bender, H. C. Harlan afl O. H. Ford. At, the recent auction by Eads Brothers of unclaimed stnrago, Fred Heath purchased a box that contain ed a number of books and among thorn was one sold, from Mr. Heath's sloro while In business in Michigan over 30 years ago. Dry factory mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. tf A daughter was born on Thursday, April 2nd, at tho Community hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chisum. Music and floor unexcelled! Dance at the Fair Grounds Pavilion Saturday night. 11 Lawn mowers sharpened. Called for and delivered free. i Modford Hard ware & Sporting Goods Store. 14 Mrs. P. C. Garrett of Oakland, Calif., An -Easier, wild of handkerchiefs at V Y' ' greatly reduced prices. See window : f,,uI vicIn, 'y' "lnt an opera display at tho Handcraft Shop. 18 lon h"1'"1 for the removal of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Wlllmoroth no!'r l""sila' . , , , ivii-uiucre music nan ruinca many a good dance. Demand tho best! We have it! Fair Grounds Pavilion, Sat urday night. 11 Mid C. B. Collins of Chicago are tem porary sojourners in Medford, as are Snnford Frlck of Cleveland, Ohio, Hel en V. Wise of Sallsburg, Md.. Jules Black of New York and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ilicka of Shanghai, China. "All Alone?" You won't be If you Join tho merry crowds at the Fair . Grounds Pavilion Saturday night. 11 Handkerchiefs make boautlful Eas ter gifts. A nice line on sale at tho Handcraft Shop. 18 Mary Jones' of Modforfl t visiting with friends and relatives In tho city sayH the Ashland Tidings. Dance's. everywhere, hut nono, like Oriental Gardens. 11 A new class in marcelling starting. Enroll now. Instructions until pro ficient, Living models. See Mrs. Os borne: Bob Inn Shop. i3 Volney Dixon was a business vls Uofc .-yesterday In Grants Pass and Hosoburpr. I-Mve you tried that m milk shako nt DeVoe's? ,; , . Come early, folk? You won't want to trvlss ft single dnticb when you hoar that hrarid now Pavilion orchestra! Honoht, it's1 a knockout) Fair Grounds, Saturday night. U Riverside Community club dance Saturday night. Aiford's Imperial or chestra. 12 Carl Loveland nnd L. N. Woodside were business visitors In tlie city yes terday from Grants Pass. Clearance sale on sweaters. Splen did Nattikint numbers, 33 1-3 per cent discount, Saturday at the Vanity Shop, Main nt Bartlett. 11 Hand made handkerchiefs, tatting edges, imported direct from Manila QOc each. Japanese Art Store. . 13 Traffic by automobile over the Fort Klamath hill Is advised by the state highway department to take the five mile detour by the old road, and thus avoid danger of accident and serious duly, owing to the snow conditions which still exlHt on the Dalles-California road. Highway department tractors and workmen are rushing the work of rond clearing nnd it Is esti mated thnt tho drifts will be cleared by Saturday or Sunday . Tho nation's most popular dance numbers played by Wilson Walt's fa Hpbrtsnitm's mootltij. Hotel , Med- hious dance orchestra at the Oriental rh tonight 'at 7;30. ' Gardens Saturday night. Eight pieces. fo Japanese Art store. m" I -.1 Tomorrow : ' " j r-. 1-,. b Only Tat Information phono 247-Ij. Car penters' Local J840, Medford. tf Twenty-flvo more out of the stato earn were registered hero yeaterdoy liy tho local state traffic bureau. All sweaters for 38 1-3 per cent dis count Saturday at the Vanity Shop. u "Wanted Feeder hoga and piRH. .Tohnnon Produce Co, u tf Biscuits 9c doz. TPirst Come . First Served The COLONIAL Southern Oregon's Finest Bakery Y This 1 Tliia is CLEAN - UP WEEK and we have on hand 25 hardwood 50-pal-lm iron bound barrels which we intend to. dispose of at once. . These cost at least $4.50 to duplicate new and sell second-hand at $1.50 to 2.00.. While: they last, we will sell them at 25 and 50 cents each. Worth that nuicl for Lire wood. u o The COLONIAL 80. Oregon's Fines Bakery It. 12. ytlnson, well known photo grapher of Klamath Ka.0, was a bus inens visitor In this Pity yterrtay. Jiuy your Kaster 10 1 Saturday for 25 per cent dlHCount at The Vanity Shop, Main and Bartlett. 0 11 Special sale Friday and Saturday only on 15 cond hand sewing ma chines no sooner; no later. 3 $5 each; 3 m $7.00; 3 ifi $10; 3 & $12.50,. and 3 $15. The Singer Co., 10 South Fir St. U There will be a hat sale on Satur day at the Thrift Shop of about fifty hats, ranging in price from thirty-five centn to a dollar. .. There are a num ber of pretty dreH.ses and real bargains in other goodH available Saturday, March 4th. Oh those beautiful moonlight waltzes and extraordinary stage set tings. At the Oriental CJardens Satur day nighty. Dance there. 11 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson of "Sunset on tho Hogue" camp ground, who have'heen making improvements on their camp grounds, extend a spe cial Invitation to the people of Med ford and vicinity to visit their camp, which Ib located on Rogue river above Trail. There will be no charge for the use of the camp ground until after June first. 11 Among the visitors In the city from tho state of California are: W. E. Tomson of Placentia, Mrs. F. Hucker of Vallejo, J. F. Clark of Ran Diego, A. L. Ganong of Oakland, W. It. Stor ing, F. A. Kirchner, T. H. Dunk and C. W. Frazler of Sacramento, H. K. Iceland, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Magiil, Mr. and Mi's. A. 0. Cander and Mr. and Mrs. (Jrelmior of Los Angeles and Don Hrysdale ,Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Fitz gerald, I. J. Carroll, II. Levin and Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Seigmins of San Francisco. Clearance sale. Ileal laces. neau- tiful handmade luce edges and Inser tions in Irish and filet, also tray dollys and chair backs In filet, going for 33 l-;3 per cent discount. Saturday. Tho Vanity Shop. Main and Uartlett. 11 Kverfast vash fabrlcB sold at the HandcraftfShop. Are dyec? by special procoss absolutely fast color. 13 '1-afeyettu D. Grimes and Bertha Ford, both of Medford, were married by Justice Roe at his office March 31," says the Jacksonville Post. "Chester Ray Cook and Agnes B. Cook of Ash land were married Monday afternoon at tho Presbyterian manse, Rev. Kd gar officiating. This was a remar riage, the couple having been married before and divorced. They have two hlldren." Special for Saturday Another hlg selection of trimmod hats at $4.98. The lOmmy I-ou Hat Shoppe. In M. M. Store. i 11 All sweators going for 33 1-3 per cent discount, Saturday, at The Van ity Shop. Muln nnd Hartlett. 11 II. Ij. Walther has returned from a business trip to Portland.- Ifavo you Investigated and learned the extremely low figure for W'hich Mrs. Trowbridge cuts and fits a gar ment? tf If yoii love good music attend the dance at tho Oriental Gardens Satur- lay night. A real dance floor. 11 W. G. Fortmann of Portland, special agent for the New Zealand Insurance company, Is a Medford visitors, who irrjyed Thusday. . , When' there Is better music we'll havo it. Danco to Wilson Wait's or- hestra at tho Oriental Gardens Sat urday night. Admission a dime. 10 Clearance sa'e, hand embroidered Philippine underwear at one-half price. Splendid material and dainty hand work. Saturday. The Vanity Shop. Main and Hartlett. 11 Mrs. Harry Tomlinson, accompanied by a party of friends, were shoppers In Medford on Friday from Anhtand. Smart Shop. See our new dresses and coats. Kdlth M. Towno. 11 ICverfast wash fabrics sold at the Handcraft Shop. Can be laundered any way you like boiled and hung up In the sun. You will find them al ways fast. 13 A hugo cougar was killed last Fri day night by W, L. Wheeler, a few yards from his chicken pen at Trent, in Lane county. Tho animal had cap tured a fowl for its supper. Ulg bargains In real laces, to close them out. Saturday, at tho Vanity Shop. Main and Bartlett. 11 Another of the suppers that hnve made Phoenix famous will bo given by tho ladios of tho Aid society on Fri day evening, Apri( 3rd. Tho serving will be dono cafeteria stylo nnd the doors will open to tho public lit 6:30. p. m. Come and enjoy A hearty sup per and a pleasant social hour. Out of town friends nro especially invited. ' 10 Alex Lundlen, said to he a local mill worker, vvas fined tip In Judge Tay lor's court Thursday afternoon for speding his car on, Jackson street April 1st, rtt 30 miles an hour. Al though the orrest was made by George Prescott. tho local traffic officer. Dun dlen, who was very Indignant about It, thought the arresting officer was J. J. McMahon, the state traffic offi cer, and went about town for hours afterwards "bawling out" J. J. Mac, among hin friends. Clean up nnd paint up. Let me es timate your work. First class work guaranteed. Wm. Thurman. Tel 732. . 15 ' Smart Shop. See our now dresses and coats. Kdlth M. Towno. 11 Special for Saturday Another big selection of trimmed hats at $4..S. Tho Emmy Lou Hat Shoppe. In M. M. Store. 1 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CO X V A LTCHCK N T HOMR We oxpect to spend .the three summer months at the Atlantic, coast, and will rent, furnished and equipped, to the right party, our sanitarium and tourist business for three months. Mrs. W. M. Barber, 153 Granite, Ashland. 12 Groceteria THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER. MADE An efficiency expert has figured out that more than 90 per cent of the cost of everything is labor, and that the only way to reduce prices is to save part of the labor. That is exactly what accounts for our always lower prices. Saving 1 as we do the cost of clerks, credits, and small deliveries we cut off the bigger a jl i l ' " tr i i . e 11 ...Ai cost or geiung gooas 10 you. oesiaes, we save you a tot or time as wen, no wait ing for a clerk to serve you, and no clerkto hurry you so he can serve another just help yourself from the most complete stock of quality goods in southern Oregon. SUGAR WE DELIVER THIS AT NO EXTRA CHARGE 25 lbs. in a clot hsack $1.69 (if bought with $3.50 of other groceries) WE DELIVER THIS BREAD Bread like mother made, baked without substitutes; hot from the oven every 30 minutes 1 lb. loaves . . . . 3 for 20c l h lb. loaves . . 10c FOH Knrrod Hook sottinc ht'UH. 1'hone USR-X. 13 VOH IUCNT KlooplllK rooma, 04 No. Ivy. 111! KOH HKXT Coin'rcto bullilliiir. nut alile tor vrr'!M)iit iatnt whop or KiiruKO. Vhono -HG. - i:t FOll SA1.K It. 1. Hi'il and Inutnr.c turki'y opft Phono .".ll'.'-.! V.-NTK1 Witltr nt ll:nmil ; t'afo. rail In pernon. 1 ;1 Creme Oil Soap (10 to a customer) 10 bars 49c Marshmallows, while 500 lbs. last, lb. 28c Peaches, No. 2 can, good quality . . . 20c Hillsdale Asparagus Tips, No. 1 cans, 29c Chocolate Drops. Keg. 30c, lb 22c Catsup, large bottle 20c Rose's Lime Juice, large bottle 83c Large Oval Sardines, 2 cans 23c Bulk Cocoanut; lb 23c Baker's Cccoanut, 1-4 lb. 14c; lb. 23c; 1 lb. : .....,39c Thompson Seedless Raisins, 15 ounce package 10c Lemons, per dozen .29c Large Grape Fruit (Florida Russets) 3 for.; ..25c Extra large Lettuce, per head ..... :10c Cottage Butts, sugar cured, lb 34c Veal or Beef Stew, per lb 12Ac Veal or Beef Roast, per lb 15c GRAHAM CRACKERS ' in 4 lb, wooden boxes. Special per box ; . . . . . . .' . . 69c VACUUM BOTTLES A direct import shipment. Bottle worth $1.50. Special 95c Buy Here and Bank the Difference LOST Hunch of koys. offlre. FOU SAI.K One 3-ltunirr IVrfoctioii i oil stove nnd oven. One h. p. (loiiornlO'loctrlc motor. Iloth in No 1 nlinpe. t'ottnjt) 72. Merrick's I Camp (.lrouiid. 11 1 Kentucky Women and Horses! Are ' famous the world over, but no more Hum "Garrison's Finish," that stirring story of rnuing and loving that, millions have read and which that inimitable .Young sereen star, Jack l'iekford, has made into a photoplay that, thrills -mid delights, ehnrms and captivates, fascinates and enthralls. New Today! Comedy News "Peggy" at the Organ J Sunday "THE TOP Of THE WORLD," With JAMES KIRKWOOD and ANNA Q. NILLSON - i.i m a m m m m mi 1.1 . E m & m wi m H - ' - 1 1 TQUALITYl . L CORNER J Fountain Lunches Davidson's Corner Fir and Main ' MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Wong Pon Chinese Medicine For Treatment ot Acute and Chronlo Diseases ot Men and Women. , Otneer nd tomor triated, Intloenu, Md acy, bladdur and atomach troubM, tlta, hwnla, rupture, colda. female troublea, par alyaia, fever, pneumonia, aathina and throat trooles, tiieumAtium, antehorrlioea, goitre, conauoiotion, catarrh, piles, hydrocele. bumf u. Office Hourii 8 A. M. to IP. M. - . Conaultatlon Free g41 South Front St. Medford. Ore. You Can Get Most Any Old Thing at DEVOE'S Most Any Old Time. Always Room to Park Your Car. 43ft W. Main Ph..l22-R o OW papers MX kindling fire at this oOBce. f 0 m ft V