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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1925)
o o o o o o o c o MEDFORT) MATi: TRTRUyR MTpFOT?!, OTCF.flOT, FIND AY. 'TfpftTfc H, '"102.1 ' TTVV " FTTH ' L WHO KILLED RIVAL TAKES OWN LIFE SOUTH AMERICA0 IS SUSPICIOUS OE UNITED STATES RATE REDUCTION ' MEXICO CITY. April 3. The as sassination of General Abelnrdo Ac os t a Thursday by General Agustin Mnclcl and the luiter's suicide after confessiing his crime to the police are declared by the authorities to be the outcome of a longstanding feud. , The two men were close friends In their youth while students at . the military academy and the parting is said to have come through an at-1 tempt by Maciel to enlist Acosta's aid In procuring a divorce. y Maclel's wife took her own life upon learning of her husband's in tentions. ... Later General Obregon, as presi dent, appointed Muciel third chief of the war department and he is Haid to so have used his Influence against Areata that the latter wrote to his enemy an insulting letter, cohse- quence of which was he was tried by court martial for insubordination. Acosta's statements also , brought him a duel challenge fromf Maciel, but this he rejected, doclaring Maciel had dishonored himself by his pro position as to tho divorce. Recently tho newspapers took up tho case, printing some of the letters exchanged by the two officers and this brought about Maciel's dismissal as head of tho artillery' department. The climax was reached Tuesday night as Acosta was entering the war department. Maciel, accompanied by . other officers, alighted from an auto mobile and shot- his enemy from be hind. Two street vendors were reported to have died. Maciel, fleeing from tho scene, jkHpent the night nt the homo of a 'friend. After reading the report of the crime In the morning papers he went to police headquarters and con fessed. Later In tho day his body was found in Ascada park, a bullet hole In tho right temple. MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay. April 3. ( liy The Associated Press.) Ad dressing an "open heart" meeting at which the South American delegates to the Christian Work congress were invited to speak frankly, Dr. Enrique Mollnn, dean of the University of Con cepclon, Chile, last night declared that South Americans were skeptical of Pan-Americanism because It was an Ideal corrupted by the commercial tendencies of .the United States. He also asserted that the Pan-Americanism and the Monroe doctrine had been unable to exist side by side, as they were contradictory, and that in fact the doctrine .as "a dead let ter.' "The Ideal of Pan -Americanism," said Dr. Molina, "does not count upon the support of the masses of South America. They view it with skepti cism, because they see It as a means for the United States to dominate the South American countries. They feel .deeply about it because of Its com mercial aspects." This feeling of skepticism, he add ed, was very marked In the Caribbean countries of the southern continent. The speaker cited what ho alleged to be unfortunate manifestations of this aspect on the part of the United Slates in Haiti, San Domingo, Hon duras and Panama and asserted that while the Americans Individually were the best of people they consti tuted ns a whole a menaco to Iatln Americn. Pan-Americanism and tho Monroe doctrine were contradictory, he went on, because thorough Pan-Americanism must exist In the co-operation of nil tho nations as equals and tho Mon roe doctrine was a doctrine before the United States constituted itself the protector of the other nations. - "Vo feel that we are free nations and have a right to maintain ourselves as such," Dr. Molina said, "but the Monroe doctrine implies a hegemony. "In fact the doctrino expired while Pan-Americanism at present is only a hope." CHICAGO, April 3. A. M. Geary of Portland, Ore., counsel for Oregon wool growers and cattle breeders' as sociations and fur the Northwest Ship pers' association, resumed the witness stand at the lnter-si;iu ciucrce 1 commission hearing concerning the freight rates on livestock. w Livestock breedeis Halm the nre losing money and in some cases being forced out of business by market con ditions and ask redress of an alleged disparity between freight rates and market prices. Mr. Geary testified that the mem bership, of the breeders association he represented had decreased as a re sult of adverse conditions and that the cattle and sheep on the western rang es had decreased two to three hundred thousund head since l!t:;u. A. M. Geary is well known in Med ford where he managed his father's ranch for several years. U. SI PLANS NOTE TO FRANCE ABOUT" PAYING WAR DEBT "WASHINGTON, April 3. Kranee's continued delay in proposing n fund ing of her war debt has led to Hj revival of aggression here for somo i affirmative step by the United States! designed to hasten a settlement.' SoiiieQif those who nave talked with administration officials on tlw sub ject, believe ;0 formal nun soon may boent to all the debtor nations asking each to submit u funding plan. TAPIS. April 3. After i tlnlning the gravity of the Freiun financial situation lit the senate today, Kt-nitm-e Minister Clement e( declared that a general liquidation of the problem necessarily involved an ar rangement for p a y m e n t of tho Kreneh war debts. "France Is Inmost," he declared. "She will pay; it remains only to bo determined in what manner. "Americans know we mean to pay," M. Ulementel continued. "We nave so assured mr. piuHnt-a . w Secretary of State Kellogg We have.' found in discussing the matter with not been forgotten and we are on. tho road to a satisfactory agree, ment." ' ' Hen vers Got N?w Player. ' POHTLAM), Ore., April 2. Presi dent Turner of the Portland club"bf .' the Pacific Coast Baseball league to . day closed a deal whereby the club ' wil get Dee Walsh, infielder. In Mr. change for Pitcher Ted Pillotte and cash, says a dispatch from San Jose, Cal. Walsh has been utility infielder cll)i Mil it l.'i-n iwlun fur it 11 it Miliar (if. veni'n. lint whs sold Inst winter to the ' CONSTANTINOPLE April 3. Turkish troops are reported In advices from tho front to have pushed their advance to the center of the territory affected by the Kurdish Insurrection. It Is expected that Palu (55 miles north of Dairbekr) will fall shortly, it Is stated In the mesasges which add that the Turks have occupied a num ber of important positions. , Yegg Mistakes Mirror For Night Watchman M'CIMANT IS URGED FOR FEDERAL BENCH BY CULVER : CITY. Cal., April 3. Police today ore looking for the bur glar who -smashed a looking glass nt the Jewish orphan home here. This intruder apparently mistook his re flection In the glass for a night watch man, offlofers sny, at least those who hastened to the home on hearing pis tol shots think that was the case, for they found a full length mirror splin tered with bullets and, abandoned nearby, a flashlight and the ,3K cali ber weapon from which the shots had been fired.'- WASHINGTON, April 3. Wallace McCammant of Portland, Ore, who upset the plans of republican lenders by stampeding the Chicago conven tion In. 1920 to Calvin Coolldge for vice-president, was recommended to President Coolldge today for a fed eral judgeship. Senator Stanfield took the recommendation to the White House, suggesting that Judge McCammant he named to the va cancy caused by the retirement of Judge Ross of the ninth circuit. S.S. S. will rid you of boils, pimples, blackheads and skin eruptions! DONT CLOSE your eyes to the warning which Nature gives when Angry, painful boils appear on your neck, face or other parts of your body. Boils, pimples and so-called kin disorders are the result of an impoverished condition of the blood and are not to be trifled with. It is nothing more than folly to ex pect to get absolute relief from the use of local treatments, such as oint ments, salves, etc. Such remedies may afford temporary relief but you want more than relief; you want a remedy which will rid vou forever of the tor turing disorder. And the one remedy which has no equal is S.S.S. S.S.S. stops boils and keeps them from coming. S.S.S. builds blood power 1 That is what makes fighting blood.' Fighting blood destroys im purities. It fights boils! It fights skin eruptions pimples, blackheads, ec zema! It always wins! S.S.S. has been known since 1826 as one of the greatest blood builders, blood cleans ers and system strengtheners ever produiyd. There are no unproven theories about S.S.S., the scientific results of each of its purely vege table medicinal ingredients are ad mitted by authorities. Begin taking S.S.S. today and clear your skin of those blood disorders! S.S.S. ft .eld an rood draff ton. in two .iu. The larger ,1m u more economical. Sues for $17,600 Damages Caused By Runaway Bungalow LOS ANGELES, April 1. Be cause a California bungalow ran away and frightened them Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Beatty, ask $17,600 dam ages in suits on file In superior court here against a firm of house movers. According to the complaints the de fendant house movers carelessly al lowed a bungalow to run amuck down a hill up which the Beatty 's were climbing in their automobile. Tho sight of the bungalow bounding down the slope toward them threw such n fright into them that they leaped for life out of their-machine, they allege and sustained serious in juries, even though tho bungalow did not hit them. Prairie Fires Result In Famine for Stock VALENTINE, Neb., April ' 3. Unless feed Is brought Into this re gion, which was swept by the devas--tatlng prairie fires last week, large dairy herds and range cattle will starve or will have to be shipped to market, O. H. Nichols, a creamery representative, declared today after having made, a survey of the burned area. Ho estimated that more than I 2,500.000 acres of hay lands were laid ,waste- ; it- Radio News A fC vfceWorfd-sBert O.J. Wood Medicine WASHINGTON, April 3. An nouncement that he had succeeded I In reaching the Pacific coast with radio signals from the underground transmitting set with which he has i been experimenting for several years j was made here last night by Dr. 'James H. Rogers. 4 Ills efforts to ob tain reception of the waves from his underground station at Hyatts- vllle, Md., near here, on the coast, after previously reaching points as far distant as New Mexico, were crowned with success last night, Dr. . liogers said, when he received a tele gram from an amateur signal sta tion operator at Los Angeles saying the signals were "coming in fiaely." The underground antennae used 1 In the tests. In conjunction with a set of 350 watt lubes, consists of four! cables, laid three feet under;? ound and centering from different tArec- j , tlons as the spokes of a wheel. Dr. Rogers said he honed to accomplish I transoceanic broadcasting with rslxP hundred foot Able antennae he in-l j tends tnftlay. He contends the earth! I crust is a more efficient medium r transmitting radio waves than! I ever ',wr coffee mm ded? w Did you drink blindfol Of course not. But here's an interesting blind coffee test you'll enjoy making. It , removes all prejudice. The coffee that wins out deserves to win. The idea is to test FOLGER'S "Golden Gate" Coffee against the Coffee you are now using. Get a can of FOLGER'S "Golden Gate" Coffee from your grocer and tomorrow morning serve Folger's for breakfast. The following morning serve the Coffee you have been using. The next morning serve Folger's again. Keep this up for a morning or two. But, you mustn't let the family know yphich Coffee you are serving. They must decide which Coffee they like without knowing the brand name. You'll really know tljen which Coffee you'll want to continue. The best Coffee 'wins GOLDEN GATE Tjyji 9 CootjfM, lo, J.A..C.J the air. 9