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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1925)
o o o - o o o O . O 0 - O o , O PACE nr.TIT J MEnFOM) MAIL TBliDX MEDFORD. OREOON". wnCT.SMAT. IVPBH. 1. .IB) " Rheumatism in wrists B FOR LAX P POLICY IN EASTi" If. P.. Turpin. II. P. E?trem. & lume the LuMneea name oi ford-Kl&math Freieht Line." Relieve inflammation and pain with this quick-acting liniment If ycu pjfJfiT from rh'jrr.&tism in the- v.-ri:-:t joir.'ts, try .Slrn. One liyh. ajL'rsiiori you dor.'t have to rvb it in wi:J give you r-i:f.f th-t i;i r.o'.hisg :.ort of arr.fc2ixii;. The rOrjIatir.; i r. jf rt-I i?nts of whi'-'h hi oar. 'a ia coriipowr-'i fc-nd through to; a:hing jolr.ti. Ani this enrich.-! blood supply k r'.roys the- pnis that art casing ti.: pa:.".. Svlty. the schiny eases off, the irrltrr.mation fcn'j rweiiinjj sire r&ducci. Enjoy this conjure today. AH druggists S5 ccr.ts. Sloan's Liniment pain! 'i fcsK t: 'Makes the ' ftard Jobs Ew oWtS DEMONSTRATION of CENTAUR TRACTOR THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. Comer East Main and Vancouver Avenue HUBBARD BROS. Travel by Motor Stage BAFKL7, SWIFTLY AND COMFORTABLY. Effective November 30 Northbound From Med ford Daily to Portland .'. 7:45 a. m. Daily to Eugene .-. 1:00 p. m. . l.-W p' m. st.'i'i; connects to I'orllnml following morning. We take pass'-ni'f rs for nil way points. For further information and tickets call l'ni"n Htnjje Depot. Phone 309. Fare Medford-Portland $7.85 Direct Connections at ftoseburg for Coos Hay I'ointa. OVERLAND 4 TOURING In Excellent Condition $225.00 The Busy Corner Motor Co. To take care of our increas ing demand, we have just installed a new section of Safe Deposit Boxes A safe place to store your, valuables at a nominal cost First Rational Bank Mcdford, Oregon WAFHZSf'.TOX. April 3 I'rohiM Tlorj : no', h'.-mif jrop-riy enforced on ihfr Atlar.'.ic M-aoard because of in adtyua'e cooperation bfiw-tn fed t1 rf'.rc-r:i-nl ar'-r.'le. laxity jf federal attorneys and failure to give rr.ore a't'-r;';n to the hig bootlf-gg'-rB, Mr. Mabel Waiter "WjJlebraiidt. af-fcii-Ta r auo:r.-y general yesterday told the nati committee investigating the Internal t-v-riLt bureau. Political in flu en res are a serious obfcUt'.Ie to enforcement. Mr. WiJle brandt fni'l. mentioning particularly the state of. New Jersey and ehe en dorsed as a irtep that would ass lit In eliminating these by the placing of prohibition agents undr the civil Eer vice. Testifying In regard to the federal attorney appointments, the witnem said he had protested againm the ap pointment of a "man by the name of L.i!ileun," slb special assistant to the attorney ptnerul to try prohibition cae in western Pennbylvania. ie wu appointed, she testified, at the request of Bceretao Mellon to prose cut certain "bribery" caeB. and after one cae had been tried and lost he moved that the others be nolle prowied; Aji reported to her. she said, the court had refused to do this on the ground that the caae had not been properly presented. ENGLAND THAN EVER l,0,TON, April 1. Great Britain i getting wetter and wetter, accord ing to figure compiled by the United Kingdom Alliance, the big prohibi tionist organization. Jn a report )ut issued the alliance assert that during 1924, fifty-two fihillings wore spent on beer for every twenty flhlllinKU spent on milk and that the total beer bill of the country v.-ui 1 J 4.000.000 pounds, against an expenditure for milk of 76.000.000 pounds. The alliance also helieves that the total fpent brt all Intcnrfcants In amounted to 31 6.00U.0OO pound ii. ah compared with 307.000. 000 poumln In 193. I MAY NOT PLEAD GUILTY POP.TI.AM). Ore. April trolman KdKar lilJinchnrd wilh assault and bat'.ery In connec ti'.n with a raid recently on the horn o? IJavld Foulkfs. may not l.Iu.l Kullty to the (hir;? m had bot-n 'planned, his nttorny, Miiton It. Kl'Pper unnoumP'l to.ay In a Htat'-menl. in which he a!d . he. had today rerMvM now evldohre in con-m-'rthm with the atfair. wliit-h he wuH invcBtiuatlnB. , Ril Etate Transfer. Matt Neaihamer, t ux, to Frank J. iUCancl. W. L. to land in , twp. 30 S., R. 4, West , . erberl J. JJrrian (ex.) lo R- A. I'elty, Kr., deed to lot in Ills; fj. twp. 57 S.. li. 1. Vert liattie L. Berrian to R. A. Pet ty. Sr.. J. C. D. to lot in 1LC 42. twp. JT S, K. 1. Ve3t... Joseph W. Morris, et ux. to Bozy Tepo-ac. deed to lots 11 and 12. blk. 22. Ix-kum'n Amended Add. to Gold Hill J. J. i'orton, et al. to Edward E. Morton, et cl, Q. C. V. to loia 10. 11. 12. 13. blk. 11. Central Point F. J. Newman, et ui. lo R. B. Beef on, 8. W. D. to X. 37 ft. lot 6. all lot t. blh. 70. Uedford. also land in sec. 13. twp. JS S . R. 1 Ve3t Seth M. EullU et ux to C. B. Bierson. lot 14. blk. 1, Roan oke Add. to Medford I George R. 1-indley et ux to Rogue River Timber Co.. XIV of r-'E ec. 15. tp. 32. H. R. 3 E ;. Walter Hupp et ux to K. L.. Cockney, lot 12, N H lot 11, Medford Mk. 4. Narrepan's Add. to L. T. Roberta to Delllia Kleven et a), lots S and 9. Mk. 1, Narre;an' Add. to Medford.. S. A. Johniton to T. E. Danlela. lots 75 and 10. blk. 2. Berry vale Add. to Medford . J. J. Morton et al to Morton Milling Co., lots 1 to &. inc.. lot 14. b!k. IS. Central Point Wm. Gerig et ux to Robert J. McGrouy. lot 0, blk. ). Run kerhill Add. to Medford Wm. Gerig et ux to D. N. Cow ley et ux. lots 14 and 15. blk. 1. Bunkerhill Add. to Medford Laura V. Edwards to A. Belle Anderron, W. D. I.d In DLC 42 Twp 33 B. K. 1 Bust t 100 Frank Ortman et al to James E. Welch el ux W. D. I-ts 1 & 2. Bee 2 Twp 8S. 38 S. It. 3 West - Dollie B. Zlnders et vir to Frank H. Ross V. D. W lota 23 & 24. Blk "J", Railroad Add. to Ahhland City of Medford to Anna O. Nal ley et vir Deed Lot 14. Blk 1. Park Add. to Medford Mabel is. Davies to W. H. Dood ruff. Jr.. Q. C. D. W4 of SW Sec. 8 Twp 37 S. It. 4 West ... II. I.'. Lumsden to Beagle F. Lumfden W. D. I-ots 1, 2. I. 4. Blk 12. Medford Mrs. P'ara M. Shideler to George Hefner et ux W. D. Pt. See. 10 Twp 3S s. It. 1 West Geo. H. Trana et ux to J. W. Lindaiiy W. D. Lot 2. Blk 1, Newtown Add. to Medford Frank M. Amy to I.. W. Lindsay W. D. Ni lot 17. 2. Wil leke's Add. to Medford J. H. Tyrol et ux to Bertha Tur pin W ,D. ja 19. Blk 1. Whitman Park Add. to Medford Pefley et 1 Pa- rlnrfred Enola R. Itay lo F. A 450 c:o 10 10 10 10 10 150 10 600 10 10 10 100 10 10 10 10 10 (Mnditho mm om (Rsportad try Jactton rountv Abttrmt Co 8tsU) 8trMt mn4 Cntal AvmimJ 41rc-vlt Curt. Medford National Hank vs. Geo. W. N'ellson. Summons. Writ of attachment. W. It. Gaylord vs. W. W. 8pircs, et ux. Hummons. Western Bond & Mtg. Co. vs. Pine Bell Bunking Co. Motion and notice. II. F. Whltstone vs. It. It. Valley Canal CO. Objection to coBt bill. IV. li. (laylord vs. W. W. Spires, et ux. For money. Medford National Bank vs. Tenas Illlheo Orchard Co., et al. For money. State vs. Roy Varney. Dismissed. llullock Merc. Agcy. vs. ltoy C. Thomas, et al. Default. Medford National Bank vs. II. W. Barron. Order. Earl Fruit Co. vs. Chris Gottlieb. Order. C J. Haas vs. Wm. J. Rrott. Order. Southern Oregon Credit Bureau vs. Otto F. Tainer. Motion. De fault. Affidavit. 11. E. Murphy vs. P. II. Hawk, et al. Order. As'Uand Baptist church vs. W. T. Minor, et al. Order. Clara ft. Phlpps vs. C. J. Semon. et nl. Order. 'D. W. Train, Jr., vs. Cora May Train, Dismissed. Western Bond & Mtg. Co.' vs. Tine nelt Hanking Co. Order. State Ijind Board vs. Daniel A. Soderberg, et nl. Foreclosure. C. II. Watkins vs. Frank Andrew, ct al. Stipulation and order. Answer. Ellen Michaels vs. Emery E. Mi chaels Motion. Default. Findings and conclusions. Decree. Levi A. Eldrldgo vs. Jennie El drldk'e. Motion. Answer and cross complaint. All'ert Pankey vs. Rcse Whybark. Deta till. Ar hie K. II. in. i Cold Mti. i Ail lull nrtrnnn. 11. 'The Ash (dec.) Prolwitc Court. A-.ll. II. (i. W in. m poratc ns f i om 'at ." f A. C. Ahlefel.l i to probate.- Instate ,f Charlotte T. Salter. Bonil. Klate J Carvel Thornton. Homl. Estitto of Le Forest W. ).nes. Bond. Estate oi. Martha A. Porter. In )enjoy pcacclul, restful nights Ot ventory ay appraisement. Order. Petition. Estite of Martin Marshall. Vroof of publication. Final account. Order. Estate 0J George O. Mnteer. Ad flilted to probate. 'Estate of Charlotte C. Salter. Ad JilHtctl tQ urpbiittf, al W. D. Pt. Block 2. Crow-ell Add. to Medford Ezra M. Wilson et ux to Claude M. Houston et ux W. D. Lot 11. Blk. 2. Palm Add. to Med ford Eva I'.-llctt et vir to C. W. Davis W. D. Lot In Talent Frederirk P. Burrall to Dora E. Wright Deed. Ld. In Sec. 27 TVp 38 S. R. 1 West, and In Ashlnnd E. A. Langley et ux to Frank Ortnian et nl W.. 1J. Lots 4 A 2. Sec. 2 , Twp 3 S. R. 3 West 10 Eczema Cit (ait night's sleep T fH! Tho joy of a peaceful, restful nl II i IIU joy oi a ucuceiui, I-suui iKht. What a vfonderful ''up and going' leelniK (ollows suca a nignt oi unjisturbed slumber. Oh! What tortures what asony what despair goes with the nights whoro cema and other skin diseases liold rowcr and drive away rest and peaceful slumber. For under tha cover of darkness like crafty beings of the underworld these eruptions work their most serious havoc. S.S.S. is tho established conqueror of these annoying skin diseases. S.S.S. drives theso ever disturbing elements from your system elements that carry In their wake lack of energy undermining health! Ycu may try in vain to pet rid of them by using salves, lotions, washes, all to no pur pose. You can't do it that way tho scat of the trouble lies deeper im pure blood trvinz through the tender skin. S.S.S. nurifies the blood. It aids Nature in creating new rod-brood-colls by the million! Blood-cells that send new rich blcod coursing through your system. Eed blood that drives nwrty ecziMiia drives away pimples, hlnckheads. boils and rhotyitatism, too. An increase in red-blood-cells mentis nrl.l-'d strength, n.Med vitality renewed vlwr. Because tho medicinal Incredients of 8 3.3. are purely vegetable, it may be taken ylth perfect safety. Start taking tv3. today and watch iVrout that annoying, skin destroying, health undermining arniv that holds vour svstem In Its rasp! J, cam again what it means to ' ' - . . . 1 ,,,.1 !.. . Urn mm -ssjfci Sustained Because of its high, Sustained Quality Associated Gasoline gives you "more miles to the gallon." Quality Because of its high resistance to heat Cycol Motdr Oil maintains an oil tight piston seal. Ask your dealer'for the MOTORMATES Associated Gasoline and Cycol Motor Oil Associated Oil Company The Resale Value of Your Home It mil be increased by "Check" Seal electrical wiring If you ever want to sell your home, you will find its resale value increased by a "Check". Seal electrical installation. The "Check" Seal is a recognized mark of identification for qualified electrical contract ors who make your house a real home of elec trical comfort. Like modern plumbing and hardwood flooring, "Check" Seal wiring is a definite resale asset. Before you build or buy, insist on "Check" Seal electrical wiring. And when you buy elec trical appliances, remember also that the "Check" Seal identifies electrical retailers who sell quality electrical merchandise. PACIFIC STATES ELECTRIC COMPANY - IAS riANtlJCO LOT AXSXLH tOVO lUCfl OAXLANO rorrxAXD ceattlx stoxanx Dimlbuton for General Electric Before roa btnH, buy or rent r-tTrw Flrrrne! Hnfrf HoorUv,Jr-." I nl rmtrarT.if w r-!l-T rtii)tf 'rntte ' "'--ck " icj. m try Triiutf urj aoretx slumber. ? SS9. t toM at rl! rxi m mre economic!. ftrrt in in itm. Th larser siM One World's Best , Wood Medicine VXXXXXXXXXXCOOC)OCOOOCOO YOU NEED X INSURANCE CALL ON U . O o ; ?Rrst Insurance Afency A. L. HILL, Manager, M North Central Phone 1M MadWrd, Or. OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOO The largest stock of genuine automobile electrical parts between Portland and Sac ramento can be found at witAams bakery electric co. m Nat Bldg. 9