Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 31, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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1025 o
m perform at
Pretly Sunorita Mnrchitu Cortez,
the Idol of Spanish dancu IiuIIh, has
burn secured by the Cntern for lh'ir
April Krollc at the armory tomorrow
evening and h1i toj-ther with her
fa ni on a danciiiK partner Dmi Hl hnrdo
"A Spot Iks Mcdfot d Is the hIokum
which has been Melectcd by the mem
bers of the cl:y council and represen
tatives of local civic clubs in launch
iiiK official ( 'lea n-up and l'aint-up
week beKlnniliK Wednesday, April 1st.,
This HloKan will appe.-ir In newHpaperK
Morez, will provide one of the mainan, in wiariiinK print on bill board h
features of the Crater's nhow. Sen-
orlta Cortcz'a dance will be pure to
appeal to all who are. able to attend
the Frolic as her feature will be or
iginal and effective.
Hut the Kenorita'n bit of Spanish
tango will not be the only entertain
In feature of the Crater's Kroiic.
There will be a motorcycle polo con
tent In which local daredevils will de
fy death, a prize fi;ht be( ween two
prominent and well known local char
acters and n basket ball kjihh1 hetwef-n
the Hip Van Winkles and the Crater
Couftarn. The HtuntH will open prompt
ly at 8:00 o'clock and will bo fol
lowed by dancing. Special music haw
been secured and the floor Handed ami
Mirfaced for tomorrow's event.
At 7:15 tonight the Craters wlil pa
rade down Alain street before leaving
for Ashland to participate in the Ash
land normal celebration. This parade
will feature the famous Craters' drum
corps and will be well worth seeing.
NEW YORK. Mar. 31 The suit of
Mrs, Ulllan N. Duke, against James
II. Duke, tobacco magnate, who di
vorced her twenty years ago, for
maintenance Ih based on the grounds
that in the divorce case she refused to
recognize the Jurisdiction of the New
Jersey court and reserved all her
I'ights, according to a statement by
her attorney, Allen Caruthers.
lli'f complaint churges that Mr.
Huko lived with her from 'November
1904, until July 1905 when he de
serted her. During the ensuing twen
ty years, t ho complaint states, he has
refused to provide for her.
According to Mr. Caiuthcrs, when
Mr. Duke sued his first wife for di
vorce In New Jersey, M rs. Duke
claimed both she ami her husbnnd
wore resident! of New York and the
Nv Jersey court, could not try the
case. Ho said that when she filed her
answer to her husband's complaint
ahe reserved all rights.
Asked' why she had waited twenty
years to take any action, Mrs. Caruth
(rn said that she had never been hi
need of money until she was swindled
out of nearly t-ll)O.(KH) lii ln: by
stuck frauds, lie said she now has to
earn her living giving music lessons.
A- hearing In the case will be held
April 8, when Mrs. Duke must show
cuuso why her suit shall not be Mis
missed oil the ground that the divorce
is valid.
While tho parade or the Craters
this evening Is not recommended as
a sight worth looking at, even for
a second, most people are willing to
tako a chance on anything once and
will bo found lined up n Main street
at 7 o'clock to see the. procession
go by, as long as they can stand the
CltlxenB with horses are warned lo
hold their teams taut, and mothers
with children are advised to keep
them close by their sides.
The parade will take place, rain
or shine, ns the Craters have rubbed
their heads that is the heads ofvthe
drum corps, with a patent prepa
ration known as tloosegreaKe, lo
protect them from the rain.
The report that the Craters will
all carry bright red umbrellas in the
parade is a slander on the artistic
refinement of a worthy organization.
They will carry yellow and white
striped 'umbrellas.
Word lias Just been received that
Walter O. Kolsom. the Copco employe
who was reported as fatally injured
lo Klamath Fa Us yesterday has re
covered from the shock and Is appar
ently in us good health as ever. It
scents that yesterday afternoon lie was
immediately worked on ami resusci
tated by n fellow employe who was
with him at the time. He was then
taken to the hospital for observation
ovur night and was reported to be In
good health and spirits iod:ty.
This Is. the third instance this
month of the effectiveness of t he
first-aid methods In which all Copco
electrical employes are carefully
W I N N I P !: i . March 31 A n o t h e r
drastic break in wheat price,-, on the
Winnipeg market today followed the
sensational decline of y. -i t l.i v. M,iy
futui'-j thupped ' . iou l.i-n ,
night's clone to .! 41 At Dili level
some export trade w as w orked w it h J
considerable short covering. Prices
gave Indications of reaction at noon. J
but the undertone remained unhealed.1
throughout the city and will urge
Med ford home owners and business
men to brighten up their homes and
buildings before the tourist season
.'iriens. Ducal people will work on the
principle that "first impressions are
lasting ones" and will do everything
within then power to make Medford
.summer visitors pleased.
Never before has a clean-up cam
paign In (his city had more enthusi
astic backing than the present one.
The Craters, members of the city ad
ministration, chamber of commerce,
Koiary and Kiwanis clubs, liny Scouts
and various women's organizations
arc all behind the movement and
those who are supervising the cam
paign lire confident of results. City
trucks will collect rubbish and indi
viduals will be asked to clean up
objectionable lots, paint -up or tt;ar
down unsightly buildings ami other
wise cooperate In making Medford
more attractive. April 1st to 8th
has been designated as Clean-up week
and the campaign will officially open
WAHIIINCTON, March 31. The
shipping hoard today accepted the
all-cash bid of $5.ti2&,UU0 by It.
Stanley Dollar, vice-president of the
Dollar lines for the California-Orient
liners now operated out of Kan
Francisco for the board by tho i'a
el fie Mall Steamship company.
Tho sale includes the five combi
nation passenger and cargo President-type
vessels of the line.
Kllingsnn family and testified that
Mrs. Klllngson was "out of her mind"
at times before Dorothy was born and
"then, there Is the alcoholic father."
Dr. Joseph Cation, prosecution psy
chiatrist, casts doubt on the conten
tion ihnQMittS Kllingsnn Is insane.
"Her fainting spells." he said, "are
rot surprising In one in her situation.
She stands accused of murder and re
acts under the strain by going Into a
panic, very much as a child when sub
jected to a severe scolding or threat
of punishment after a serious offense.
"A youngster caught playing with
matches, after repealed warnings, react-!,
when caught, much as does this
LONDON, March 31. A medical
bulletin issued this morning says the
Karl of Ypres, the former Field Mar
shal French, whose condition yester
day was described as "disquieting"
after his recent operation, passed a
belter night and his general condition
Ih Improving.
o I
Mothers should see that the whole
family take a thorough, purifying
system cleansing laxative this spring.
NOW IS TDK TIM K. The family
will be healthjer, happier, and get
along better if the blood is given a
thorough purifying, the stomach and H$S
bowels cleaned out, and the germs of
winter accumulated in the system, M
driven, away. HOLLISTEit'S JtOCK Y g9
MOITXTAIN TIC A is one of the very ! M
best and surest soring medicines to IW
:aKe. J ry it ana see mo 011 lertiice
in the whole family. Their color 1:1
will be better, they'll eat better, sleep
better and be well and hannv.
Heath's Drug Store and Haskin'sjtgi
Drug Store.
ih:mi:s siik's ixnanic.
(Continued from page one.)
to the hours mid associates she was
keeping, angrily resented yesterday
ihe Imputation that shi is not In her
I'irht mind.
Dr. Jan Don liall, defense psychia
trist, testified that Miss Klllngson was
suffering rfom "psychosis," and "was
nit of her mind at times." Dr. Hall
leflned "psychosis" as a mental dis
order. He traced the history of the
Men's and Young Men's
Lace and Button Bottom
Riding Breeches
Serge, Corduroy and Wool
Values to $10.00
Wednesday Special
Chalmers Balbriggan Underwear; long
and short sleeves, union and two-piece,
$1.50 suit.
New springy suits for men and young men
$20 to $45.00
Some Have Two Pair Pants
"Value and Quality" v .
Model Clothing Co.
126 East Main -
ary Pickford
Adults 25c
Adults 35c
because of the thrills of fearless horsemanship,
and duels exemplifying the finest type of swords
manship. The intrigue, the delightful comedy and the
human treatment of the story will please all masculine
WOIVTF'N because they will marvel at the beauty of
11 WIV11.11 the Bown8 worn by Mary Pickford and the
other feminine players. There are laughter and tears,
tragedy and sorrow, pathos and humor; in fact, It Is an
emotional exercise which will gratify any woman.
They will exclaim at the beautiful photography, stu
pendous sets and the genuineness of the love story
running through the production.
because comedy, humanness and
thrills meet the response in young
people equal to that of adults. The childish pranks of
Dorothy and John in their youth are the same pranks
of the children of today, and as such will be recognized
by the Juvenile theater patrons.
.'iutiii hhiiimthii nun -imiiii
Free Delivery Service
Santforcl & Co.
307-309 East Main Street
Phone 702 Phone 703
Free Delivery Service
Use Our
New Delivery Service
We have placed in Medford our own
individual delivery system our employees
give our service their undivided attention.
All orders amounting to less than $2.00
will be delivered at a charge of ten cents
all orders amounting to $2.00 or more will
be delivered anywhere in the city free.
Our delivery system will make from 5 to
10 deliveries daily all orders given us
before 5 o'clock P. M. will be promptly de
livered the same day.
You can phone us your order and pay
our deliveryman at your home.
Phone 702
Compare These Prices
5-Pound Loaf Full Cream Cheese, lb. .25
Fancy Creamery Butter, pound -45
Large Can Sliced Pineapple 25
Campbell's Soup, any kind, can 10
Large Package Snow Flake Crackers .25
Fancy Iowa Corn, can 10
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, package 10
12-oz. Royal Baking Powder 43
214 Pounds Royal Baking Powder.... 1.35
10 Large Bars Crystal White Soap.. .40
10-Lb. Can Calumet Baking Powder 1.35
3 Tall Cans Milk, any kind 25
Jello, any kind, package 10
2 Tins Prince Albert Tobacco 25
2 Packages Camel Cigarettes 25
We Originate Low Prices
Try Our
New Store
We have placed in Medford one of our
new up-to-date cash stores.
With our large buying power our
policy of selling merchandise for cash
thereby eliminating credit loss we are
able to offer you merchandise at the lowest
possible price.
Any purchase made at our store may be
returned to us after comparison of price i3
made and we will refund you full purchase
Phone 703
o -o
o O o