o o o o O - MEDFOKD MATL TftrnTiVF. "NfTCflFOTtjQ. OUKOOX. AIOXP'AV TUARCH AO. m2.' O PACK TE p O ' 1 By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER . WELL. - I OEL'kts HEULO DlISTX Ol )B THb EVEtStsf "OUT M-fELF- CMV? jic r A Kl I r , , . . ., TO CO OFF - MiVm r,-S IVE tiLtCTCD WA1CH OO(, FKJ-"' mm o o o m r in ii 7 VERX WELLM WASN'T . COIN' OUT "THI'b EVF.tS ttsi ' 0 . . &-Y ) 1-U CK OUAvO TO CO I S I TO THE THEATRE. WITH I it vXr N. I hi i in 11 III) I K H 1 Si liliM- n Li 1925 by Int l Feature Service. Inc. Crcat Britain riphts reserved. 1 The Markets LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore.. March 30. Cat tie slow, barely stoutly on steers; she stock and calveH steady; receipts 14 5 (31 throuuh). Steers, good $x.2f fw !t; medium $7.75 ?? $8.25; common $i.75 (fr $7.7 !; ciinm-r and cutter steers $3.50$' SO. 75; heifers, good (SBO lbs. .up) $7 C ST. 50; common and medium, fill weights $5 (J $7 ; cows good Jli.fiO (?p $7.50; common and medium $5 ft 56-50; tanners and cutters $2 di $S: bulls, wood (beef arllngs excluded) S4.7 5 fir $ r . Ti it ; common to medium (canncrs and bo logna) $3 iv $4.75; calves, medium to choice (180 lbs. down) $8.50 l $12; cull and common (190 lbs down) $5 (5' Sfl.50; medium to choice (11M) to 200 lbs.) $7.50 tf? II; medium to choice (2fio lbs up) SU H $7.50: cull nnd common (190 lbs. up) $-1.50 f& $6.50. Hogs about steady; receipts 1 300 (15!) lbs. through). Heavyweight (250 to 350 lbs.) medium. good nnd choice, S12.50 (ft $14; medium weight (J00 to 300 lhs.) medium. ood nnd choice $13.25 S14.5; HkIu woImIU (160 to 200 lbs.) common, medium. Kood and choice $14 fa $M.50; liht lights (130 to UiO lbs.) enmninn. me dium, Rood nnd choice $ 1 17 5 to $13.75: pack I UK hops smooth $12 Ti $13.50; packing hogs rough $11.50 X S12; slaughter pigs (130 lbs. down) medium, good and choice $12 fi $13: feeder and atocker pigs (70 to 130 lbs.) common, medium, good unci choice $10 di $11. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded In above quotation.) Sheep slow; about steady consider ing quality. Most of run shorn lambs on contract; receipts 800. Lambs, light and handy weight, medium to choice $14 W $16: heavy weight i'J'Z lbs up) ; medium to prime $1 2 tii $14: nil weights, cull nnd common $11 (fa $14 ; yearling wethers, medium to prime $10.10 (fi $13; wethers 2 years old nnd over). Medium to prime $0.40 Ii? $11; ewes, common to choice $S & $10: ennner and cull $5 Cn $S. (Above quotations except lambs on shorn basis). PORTLAND, Ore.. March 30. ISggs steady: current receipts 26c; pullets 23 Mj (ft 24c; firsts 2 1',fc U 25c; hen neries 27 Yi (a 28c delivered Portland. flutter PORTLAND. Ore.. March 30. Put ter steady. Extra cubes, city 46V.e; ftandards 46 He; prime firsts 45c; firsts! 44c; undrrgrades nominal; prints 48c; cartons 49c. PORTLAND, Ore., March 30. Rut terfat steady. Rest churning cream 46 fff .47c net shipper's track in zone one; 48c delivered Portland. Poultry PORTLAND. Ore.. March 30. Poultry . srsree: firm. Heavy hens 25c; light 23 fr 24: springs nominal old roosters 1 0c; ducks, white pekin 25c; llvo turkeys 23c; dressed turkeys 33 ii'i 3Gc; geeso 16c. Potatoes. PORTLAND. Ore.. March 30. On ions steady, . $3 H $3.25; potatoes steady. $1.50 ft $1.60. Portland Wheat PORTLAND. Ore, Mar. 30 Wheat bids: April I Inrd while, bluest em. lmart $1.53: soft white $1.51; western white,, hard white, northern spring $1.50; western red $1.45. Today's car receipts Wheat flour 8; oats 4; hay 1!). 6; SAX FRANCISCO MARKETS SAN FRANCISCO. March .in. liutterfat f. o. h. San Francisco 4UjC. Apples KAN FRANCISCO. March 30. Ap ples, boxes, California newtowns, fan cy Z tier $2.50 to $2.85; four tier S2.26 to $2.60; Oregon and Washing ton spltzenbergs XF $3.25 to $3.40: fancy. $2.75 to $3: winesnps XF $3 to $3.50;' fancy $2.75 to $3; Arkansas blacks fancy $2.75 to $3; Newtowns four tier XF $2.75 to $3. SAN FRANCISCO. March 30. (IT. t5. Uureau of Agricultural Economics) Tho poultry market was quiet today with very littlo change in prices on most'classes. As expected . leghorn broilers were slightly weaker with CASH PAID ' For Sccond-Hand Furniture and StoveS W. A". KINNEY Furmitur Ic-Sa 315 E. Main Phone 506 very little demand for stock weighing less than one pound. Itroiiers 1 to 1 V4 D's. 34 ffr 37c; U lbs. 42 Cu 4 1c; colored 1 'i to 1 lbs. 38 (?? 40c. Fryers leghorns 2 to 2 ' lbs. 42 fir 16c; colored 2 to 2 lbs. 45 ffi 4Sc. Young roosters, colored 3 lbs. nnd up 46 (f( 50c; staggy showing spurs 32 fij 3Se. Old roosters, colored 15 17c; leg horns 12 ir 14c. Leghorn hens 2 lbs. 2 4c; 3 lbs. 25e; 3 to S'i lbs. 26c; few 27c. 1-irge colored hens fancy 2a fii 30c. Turkeys dressed fancy toms 34 (n 36c; hens 32 31c; poorer 30 (Tv 32c. Ducks, young 17 i 20c; dressed 22 ft? 28 c. Geese young 21 25c; dressed 32c. ft Itnschall Tickets lit Denuiml. DKTKOIT. March :i0. Several hundred baseball eiiLhiiKiasts. in cluding women, gathered at Xavln park early today to await the open ing nf the first ticket sale. Seats for the opening game, April 14, went on sale and soon after midnight the crowd began to gather. A itr.u 1U,K COVGll UKMiaV Why experiment witli unknown remedies for that cough or cold when yon inn secure POLICY'S IIOXKY AM) TAH COMI'OIM)? It is a safe and reliable remedy for the relief of rough?, colds, hoarseness. Kqually beneficial for young nnd "Id. "Mrs. An na Cornell, Hridgeton, X. J., stall's: "I bought FOT.KV'S IIOXKY AM TAH COMPOrXI) for my cold and find It great." Insist upon the genu ine. Refuse substitutes. Sold every where. NOTICK OF FINAL IIKARIXG Notice is hereby given that the undesigned has filed his final ac count as executor of the estate of Martin Marshall, deceased, with the county court of Jackson County, Ore gon, and said court has appointed Monday, May 4, 1925, at ten o'clock A. M. as the time, and the. court room of said court in the court house at Jacksonville, Jackson County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing objec tions thereto nnd . the settlement thereof. Persons Interested in said estate may appear nt said time nnd I place and , make their objections known why said final nccount should not be approved by said court and said executor discharged from his trust. M. PURDTX, Execu tor of said estate. First published and dated April 2, 1025. Notice of Sheriffs Sale, In tht Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. Florence Ahlefeld. plaintiff. vs. Charles Ernest Webb, Roguo River Valley Canal Company, a corpora lion, l'eter Kerr and Leone .1. Webb, and Medford National Rank, a cor poration, defendants. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of a judgment, decree and order of salt! duly made and entered in the above entitled court and cause on tho 16th iby of February. 1025. and mily enrolled and docketed therein, wherein tlie above named plaintiff re covered Judgment against the above named defendant Charles Ernest Webb for the sum of $3.00 with interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum from December 4, 1023. until paid, and for the further sum of $.15.00; and for tho further sum of $350.00 attorney's Tees tJierein and the further sum of F66. 15 taxed as costs of paid suit, with Interest on said fees and costs at 8 per cent per annum from February 16th. PJ25, until paid, and wherein It is decreed that the hereinafter de scribed real and personal property bo sold as upon execution to satisfy tho aforesaid judgment, and that each and all of said defendants bo foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and equity thoroin: Now. therefore, pursuant to said Judgment, decree nnd order of sale, and by virtue of an .execution issued pursuiant thereto by the clerk of and under the seal of the above entitled court dated February 24. 1925. I have levied upon and nt 2:00 oclock p. m. on tho 3ist day of March A. D., 1U at the dwelling house situated on tho hereinafter described real property, for the purpose aforesaid. I will soli at public auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash In. hand, the following do scribed personal property, to-wit: 1 living room rug; 1 dining room rug: 1 dining table; 6 dining table chairs: 1 kitchen table: 1 overstuffed Davenport: 1 overstuffed chair: 1 11 brary table; 1 library desk; 2 beds complete with matresses, springs and bedding; I dressing table; 1 bedroom chair: 3 lamps: 2 small bedroom rues 1. wood range, being all the furniture upon or In the dwelling aforesaid. Further notice Is" hereby given that pursuant to too aforesaid judgment decree, order of snle and execution. I will, on the 1st day of April. 1125, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at tho front door of the court house at Jack sonvillo, In Jackson rounty. state of TUNE IN ON THIS Get tha Other Fellow's Prices Then Buy AJAX, FIRESTONE and MASON CORDS FOR LESS All protected, not Just guaranteed. iraiiry SnTce Station BROADCAStNQ ! 2 Oregon, offer for sale nnd sell at public auction, i the highest bidder '. for cash in hand, subject to redemp- tlon. the following described real 1 property and ail right, title, estate and interest that the said above named de fendants I'harles Krnest W ebb, Hoguc River Valley Canal Company, a cor poration, l'eter Kerr. I.eone J. Webb, and Medford Xational Hank, a corpor ation, had therein on June 4, 1023, or that they or any of them have since acquired or now have la and to the following described real property sit uated and being in Jackson county, state of Oregon, to-wit: Heginniiig at n point on the east boundary line of Donation Jaml Claim Xo. 56. in township 36, south of range 2. west of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon. 38.5 rods north of the south east corner thereof; thence north 41.5 rods to slake at the northeast corner of the land conveyed by Frank M. Amy. et ux. to AV. J. Freeman as de scribed in Volume 52 at page 10 of the Deed Records of .Jackson county, state of Oregon; theuco west on the nortJi Hue of said land 53 rods to stake for corner: thence south 41.5 rods to stake for corner; thence east 53 rods to the place .of beginning, all being in said Donation lind Claim 56. Said real property will bo sold to satisfv so much of the it foresaid judg ment, interest, costs ami accruing osts. ns ninv renin n unsatisfied nner the application of the proceeds of the sale of said personal properly nas neon made nnd ereuueu on saiu judgment mill the costs of said sale. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, l-eo- ruary 28th, 1!25. ItAl.I'II O. jnXXIXGS. Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. Dy Ol.GA K. ANDKRHON. Deputy Sheriff. HFXP WAXTKI) MAL13 WANTED Men for pruning. Con tract work. Delta Water Co. Or chard. Tel 5H1-J-1. 10 IIFXP WANTED-FEMALK WANTKD Competent woman for general housework. Phono 52 4 -It. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTJ5D Young lady desires com panion to share In furnished apart ment. Rent reasonable, 345 No. Itartlett St. Phone 753-M. tf WANTKD Local nnd long distance hauling. Jim Richardson, Central Point Feed Store. 33 WANTED Small furnished house by couple. No children, lis X. reach. V WANT13D To rent garage, also small cabin. l.Jox 26, Mall Tribune. 7 WA NTED Man for orchard work. house furnished. Phone 7-F-14. II WANTED Someone to prune nnd cultivate 10 acre apple orchard on shares, or will sell cheap, the K '.. of K'i. of NWVi of NWVi of Sec. 6, T. 37 S.. R. 1 . tr.calcd about I miles north of Medford. Owner T. Evans, 1015 w. 22nd St., Los An geles. Calif. !) W A N T K D C. ootl 14 00 pound work horse. Phone r:U-J-2. tf WANTKD 777 lawnmowers to sharp en and adjust. Phono 2fil-.i. We call for and deliver. Liberty RopMr Shop. Cf- WANTED Fresh eggs, 24c per doz. cash. Johnson Produce Co. : Fir street. Phone 07. 241. Is, tf IOE 30: Farm .We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches 8ALE8 RENTALS :: Highly improved place at Cottage Grove, to EXCHANGE fur improved place here of from 10 to 23 acres. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main St. A PAYING COMBINATION Fruit, Alfalfa and Dairying An Immediate Income. A nay check every month. Oooil five-mom houne, big barm tools, 7 cows, ahiimluucc- of Hinall fruit, garden nil made; near Kood school, on fine Bravel road. IJ.'mi will handle thu iiroponltlon loOO a year. t Ph$e 409 AVAXTKD SITUATIONS WANT ICO Position ii t h ousework, Uy young wo s No heavy washings, man. Phone tilO-J-2. WANTKD Position by mltdlo aged lady, cooking, town or country; ranch preferred. Perthii McClel lan. Medford. 7 WANTKD Oood capable cook wants en in p. Steady iunl reliable. Address 11. A.. K 232 K. Main. Medford. 1 1 WANTKD Gardening ami landscape work. Phone 40T-L. J 1 k'ANTKD -Work by wnmn exper- ienced in camp cooktng men. Addreas Box T6 7 Ore. 10 to 2l Ashland. WANTKD Situation, full or purl lime, yy reliable business man. Of fice, store or i outside, work. Mail TeUnine. l!ox !. 7 FOTt RENT 1IOVSICS FO It UKNT Modern f u r n 1 s h o d house. James, Campbell. Phone 17-F-21. 10 FOR RKNT Furnished nnd un furnished ho une. Close In. Inquire 21 West M;tin St. 12 FOR RKNT K room Iiousu. CIosO In. Phone 882-R or 517-1. tf FOR RKNT Houses, Thrown & White. for kkxt Fimxiwncn ROOMS FOR RKNT Nice comforta bio sleep ing rooms. .Close In. 204 South Cen tral. S FOR RKNT Furnished room. Heat, with a bath adjoining. Apply 7 1 1 Kast Main. 8 FOR RENT- -Nlco sleeping rooms. 245 X. Grape. - If hath. Men. FOR RENT Furnished rooms nnd apartments and garage. G04 W. 10th. tf FOR RENTWAPARTSfENTS FOR RENT ment, 821 3SG-W. -New tlirne room npait W. lOUi street. Phone X FOR KENT Largo nicely furnished apartment. 322 So. Riverside. Phone 410-J. 'OR RENT I'nfurnished apartment. 01 fi So. Central. S FOR RENT Nicely furnished Apart ment at Rerben. Adults only. Drown & White A goncy. 238 FOU RENT MISCELLANEOUS i FOR RKNT Oarage. $3.50 per month. 325 So. Riverside ave. tf WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Becond Hand Furniture MORDOFF k WOOLF 30ESO I FARMS: We have some beautiful and produc tive small farms on our lists at ex tremely reasonable prices. We will be glad to take you to see them. If It Is Ileal Estato Seo FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building Medford, Oregon LOANS INSURANCE J. C. BARNES, Real Estate 0 S. Central FOR TtKNTv HOITKKIUOFPINO ROOMS FO IE RKNT Housekeeping rooms, 3 16 No. Front. 7 FoR RKNT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 130 W. 6th. Across from Ho tel Holland. Phone ri2. tf LOST Ladles' handbag, black, be tween Medford and Talent, Oregon. Return to this office. 7 FOR KXCIIANfJF: Volt TRADK Ootid five acre tract. 4 miles from P-oise. Idaho, to trade fn two or three acres well improved adjoining Medford. Four room house, cellar, cows, chicks, family orchard, good well and two good stoves. Paid up water right, one half mile to car line. . Rox A. M. II., Mail Tribune. 12 FOR SAT,K AirrOMOHIIiES FOR SALK A bargain. Graham Pros, one-ton truck. Phono 1033. tf FOR SALE $700 Ituiek. 11122. Miln- ago 12000. License; bumpers, spot, spare. 718 W. Main. tf FOR SA LE P.tiick 6, 4 passenger coupe. Urnnd new Duco paint Job. License for 1025; fi good tires. Can be seen at Dan's Lunch -oom. tf FOR SALE POPLTU AND EGGS 'OR SALK One 1500 chick size Kresky brooder stove, or will trade for pullets 12 weeks old. W. J. War ner and Son. 510 S. Otikdalfl Ave. 7 FOJt SALK Call tho Square Deal Hatchery for April and May chicks. Phone 051-L. 7 FOR SALE At a bargain.' Standard electric incubator. R. I. .Red hatch ing eggs and hens. Phone 105S. o21 FOR SALE O. A. C. Rarred Rock ogga for hatching. Phone 201-J. FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALK Strictly modern home, seven rooms, huge sleeping porch, excellent location, on paved street large yard and shade. Tel. 1072 oi call at 527 So. Holly street. I FOR SALE House and large lot on East Side, $ 1 000. - Everbearing strawberry plants. Phono 511. 7 1'OU SALK If you want n bargain for cash in n nice house or fi rooms nnd bath, closA in, on paved street, all assessments paid In full, nice blue grass lawn, fruit trees, roses. Ad dress Owner, care this office. tf FOR SA LE Exceptional sacrifice. Rungalow. 5-room modern, plaster ed bungalow, two largo lots, garden planted. Fine location. Nothing bettor. J. C. liar lies. Real Instate S. Central. Phono 4 01. tf FOR SALE Seven room modern res Idetice, fine condition. Corner lot, fine lawn and shrubbery. Close in, on pavement, no Incumbrance. IT p. per rooms will pay X per cent on price, owner. 245 N. Grape. FOU NA LE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 acres land suitable for garden truck and chicken raising near McuTord. j'um up water right Two-story house, out buildings. Price $1500.00. Easy terms. J-J. a. Tumy, Liberty Rldg. 10 FOR HALE OR RKNT 160 acres, about 30 in wheat and oats, 30 acres ready to plow for corn. Will sell farm and crop for $40mi. Terms if desired. Perry Foster, Trail. FOR SALK Farm highway. Tel. Point. on Crater Lnkt 23-F-14. Eagle FOR SALE OR TRADK 120 acres timber and wood land on Galls Creek. Iimiilro of W. O. Wright. 314 laurel street. 315 KOlt SALK OH THADB 2H0 aero farm with Kood buibllnKN anil fences: lilenty of waler, no Irrliru tton ilebt. J,iltle JJuLto Valley above KhrIo l'olnt. I'rlco D00. Only $Ei(M eaKh retiuireil. Will trauo for hotiae In Medfonl. 1'Jati a. Tumy, Jwner. Liberty milmlitf?. tf FO-1 SAI.lv Several fnrtnn, (rood val ilea, easy terniH, low interest. G, C. !o;gH, Atty for Btato Land Board tr FOK SALK A real bargain, 40 acres free doll. 1! acren in Dears, 6 room houfio; close In. Ternm, Seo liabb & Mays. Call r.IIO-L or ZTi. 316 SACniKICK HALIO 10.000 aeros aorted alfalfa, grain, orchard and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $f per aero up, fi and 10 year's time. Kanchos for rent and exchunRO. Gold Kay lloalty com pnnv. owners. 1ft IV. wrape Ht tr CITY LOTS Only 65 Lots Left UeuBoiHihty priced, 20 per cent cash down, balance Hix years. Warranty ilced and abstract runiihliett pur chaser. 0 Coim; in and look over tho liRtinK. CARL Y. TENGWAEd Hotel Holland Building O 1 llll 3-3o - 1 FOR SALF -liTYKSTOC'K FOR SAl.K German Police dogs. Subject to registration. Write 1 1. L. Foster. Petulutmi, Calif. tf FOR SALIC Kight good logging or farm horses from $7 5 to $150 per head. ' Inquire from Superintend ent (tf Owen Oregon Lumber Co., Camp 1. Unite Falls, Oregon. 11 (Ht SAl.K Cood work team, well matched. Weinht about 2sot. .1. A. Anderson, it. 'A, mar (Jolf Links. 7 FOR SA UC At a bargain, or will trade for anything I can use; One span number 1 work horses with or without harness and wagon. Valley Fuel Co. tf Oil SALK Two beautiful fresh cows; can't be beat. M. Walsh, on South Teach strct, just outside city limits. tf FOR SAMS ansCKl.ljANEOUS 'OU SA LE Loiik stemmed violet plants and oilier perennials. I'hone r.73. 9 'OR SALK 2.40 buys number 1 Yakima Netted Cems at our ware house, free from Trost Ortmajio and a no black spots whi?h appear In ' most potatoes shipped from Idaho points, a few cents is nothing lo compare with quality in buying po tatoes. Johnson I'riKluce Co., 2-i 1 X. Kir St. I'hono HI. tf "OK SALK Manure. I'hone 851- KOIt SALE One tubaphone, tenor banjo and case. Professional model, Ki(. Call at Apt. one, JUarmim Apis. 8 'OR HALE Cletrac tractor. IS-L'O Model W, In Good condition. J. S. Weeks, Trail. 11 'OR SALK Apples Phone 4H7-L. potatoes. 1 1 KOR SALK Second hand Hayes sprayer, spring tooth harrow, one horse corn drill, llnrgiiins iu garden seeders. Hubbard ltrt. 10 'OR SALK Itaeyclo bicycle. Almost new. Kilcy-Meler Motor Co. 9 'OR SALK Wo were una bio to dis pose of all our gootls at auction sale. We still have a lob of good mer chandise at hnrguiu prices. Scott I'm) Hand Store. 4& S. Kront St. X FOR SA L1- Cheap- Grape vines, A few thousand choice flaming to It ays and other varieties. Edd Hughes, Talent, Ore. 8 FOR SALE Ono 3nrge electric cof fee mill. One email electric enf feet mill, one remington typewriter No. 11. Service .Stores Inc. K FOR SA L1C Progressive ever bear ing strawberry iflanls. AY, J. Jen nings, 1023 E. M&tlu. Phono &78-L. FOR SALK ltaled alfalfa hay. Tele- phono No. 010-R-l. C. C. Uohl. 7 FOR KALIO Gas plato with legs; cheap, 403 N. Holly street. Phone f37-M. ' 815 FOR SALE Attention! Smith's sum mer rates on pine now In effect. $2.75 a tier. Discount on larger or ders. Phono 1 103. Central Point SK-X-2. 33 L FOR SAIa'C New piano, tit n bar gain. Noel Krsklno. I'hono 729-AV. 328 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 2X-R-1. tf FOR SALK At a bargain. Standard electric incubator. R. l. Red hatch ings eggH. Phone 1058. 321 FOR SALE Seed potatoes of early varieties. Reasonable 1'rlces. John son Produce Co. tf FOR HALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. 1 New phonographs and records half prlco. 15 N. Orano. tf nCRINKAM lTrtFX7TORY Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. AVil- non, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting nnd Income Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Rldg.. Medford. Phono 157-R. Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested in a used cur be sure and see us. C. E. Gates Ayto Co. Ill'SINKSS IHRKCTOUY Attorneys RKAMKS KKA.MKS Lawyore, of fice in Liberty HuildiiiK. Abstractors MURK AY BKOS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title nnd Title Insurance. The only complete Tide System iu Jackson County. - A. K. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience in th county. I'hono G-J-2 Gold Hill. tt RuitdliiK Supplre and Hoofing STANDARD ROOKING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Ituild up Roof ing. Ashland Granite Top. IS yearn guarantee. Rest grade nf roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and fnced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, nil colors. All material Clnsa A. Port land Reaver Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barrol or pound. Tel ephone 738-X. Chiropractic Physicians DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Ecloctle Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. iMechauo-Therapy, Spon dytnthcrnpy, Kood Sciences, Chlro practice. Offlco: Stewart Bldg., 2b K. Main St. Phones: Of flea 170; Ites. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-12, 2-K, 20U-20G Liberty Rldg. Officv Phone 5H0. Res. phone 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 6tl9. Ren. 77(J. Office hours 9 m. 0 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appolntmont. DR. Jf. E. MURPHY Dentistry. Dental X-Ray. Phone 77, of flea Second floor Medford Rldg. FutfiHtiro REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS of fur niture, work done at your home or at our shop,' A. N, Thiobault. Tel. OOfl-R. Insurance '' EARL S. TUMY All foritw of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Lif, Accident, Rtnds. Phono 403. 209 Liberty Bldg. Money lo Loan J. R. ANDREWS Buys nnd oeilH mortguges and loans money on good security. 31 N. Grape St. . Phonfl 63-M. v 24ti . ... , , ... Funeral Director PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oukdale. Ambulance eorviCT. Phono 47. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, Gonernl ' Manager. I. M. Kershaw, Sr.les Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medford. tf Osteopaths DR. F. (i. CARLOAV, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic Physicians 4H1-41K Liberty Bid. Phone 904-J-l. Resldenco 26 South Laurel St. ' '' Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 21 Liberty Bldg.. I'hono 72. Printers ami Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hns the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, hilling system, eto. Portland prices. 2 7 N. Fir St, Ftrnnsler EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phone 815. Prices right. Service guar antecd. DAVIS TRANSFER A BTORAGH CO. Anything moved, day or night Servlco guaranteed. 29 8. Grapo. I'hone 644, or residence 1060.- Upholstering J. AVEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full lino of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. AVe deliver and will call and nIiow samples. Phone 203 Jacksonville, Ore. VETERINARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. E. C. Mcculloch. Graduate Veterinarian. Offlco consultations fren. Corner Grapo and Fifth. Mod ford. Ore. I'hone 3tkl Day or night. 'Indovr flea nln GEO. A. SEE LA' Window cleaning, floor waxing. Janitor service, bulLl lngif, eto. Have taken over A. A Rhodes' work. Let George do 1L I&CIM 108-M. f V " O G 0 O o