BRINGING v . . e . - i ' ... . w I f V . , ... . m - i ' O f i' ; I A i I y7 "THREe vis.thg: -mbmmm fl Vb ao-su-Mcie. ' - rVVfcr V'.? 'tMORHIM' l-b - Si WAXVIM" FECI P-A " 'J 1 OME: OMC MOVIN' A?bOOT F, iifrf '?V' ' ' PRETTY LATE ' H iME.-lbOT I FOOLED? . V JW?L lOOW MERE-ITWOKE if - " ii- ' ' ' rf.i n.iuh t.i.t wv" - - -Hp U-vn)' t-i K. ;l ! ' ' ' 7 i i i i The Markets LIvontock. ORTLAND, Ore., March 28. Tho local livestock market cloned noml- tially steady in all three divinions to day after the utmat Saturday lull. Cattle Compared with week uro: ficeady to 26c hiftherf week's bulk prices: Ueef Kteerti $?. to. $1; cowh and heifers. $5.50 to $7.25: tnrv?rn. and cuttei-H, $2. DO to $5; bull. i3 30 to 5G.50; calves- $5 to $11; top, Hogs Compared with week , 0: teady to ,2Gc higher; vek8 hulk .'. prices: Desirable weight butchers, 1)4.25 to 1-44? &; nothing ovot $14.G0 ffter Monday. Heavies and uncler Veiffhts,' $14.25' down; 'packing' sows, iU. GO to $12.25; Klnughter plK. 12.75 to $13. A few Monday at 13.50; feeder momly . $10.50 to 11; a few Monday at $1J.G0. $ Sheef nominally meady with week Ago: AVooled lambs mofit.y $15.25 p '$15.50; nothing choice IneliuUd; 6 few odd head of spring lambs f 1 6 to $1S; ngPd Btock absent.:, Vl . Kftlt. LA PORTLAND. Ore., March 28. :KtP. extras, cent higher. Current re ceipts 2Cc; pullets 23 24c; I'll attt ;'t4 W ffiSfic: henneries 27 280, .o Mvtred 1'ortland. 1 Butter. flutter steady. Kxtra cubes, city 6Ujc; standards 46 lAc; prime flialn. .;4Gc; firsts 44c; unrtergrades nomi . rial; prints 48c; cartons 49c. Butterfat firm.. Rest churning ; tream 4ti 61 4" c net shippers' trick in .zone 1; 48c delivered, Portland. .a , Poultry. t'jf Poultry firm,- scarce. . Heavy hens "iJ5o; light 23c; springs nominal; old -rooters, 10c; thick h, , White- Pokin,: 25e; livo turkeys; 23c; dressed tur- I Jkeys, 3.'iffT36c; geese lGc. ,j ., Potatoes. Onions steady, $3 "i 3.25. Potutoes steady, $ 1.50 1. GO. 1. ; . Portland-Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore.. March 28. (Wheat bids: "Hard white, bluestem. Imart $1.60; soft white, western 'white, northern spring $1.55; west ern red $1.00; BBB hnrd white $1.00. f Today's car. receipts Wheat 8; ijftour 8; corn 1; hay 12. TEe Screen At Uio Rlii It o. "Tiger Thompson," starring Harry If'.ifov thf tivn trim hitfn nt rhn fllma. 'irlosea at the Rlaltn tonight. It Is a tvesterii play full of drama and heart ppeai ana carey is ni nis nesi. ' : At the Rlalto. ''porald Cranston's Lady, is the ntrlguing title of the picture which ipens at the Rlalto theater tomorrow natlnee. The cast, which shows two ft nuch distinguished names' ns Alma ijfRuhens and James KIrkwood nt the ton. The picture is a society drama, jfbased on the novel from the pen of filbert Frnnkau. The scenes are laid fln England and Parts with a few stray 'idiots showlntr life in Nieerin. There Js -also a scene Inside a big passenger ifair plane crossing the English channel in a toprific storm. At Hunt's Cratcrlan. "Greed," the film which took two years to make, .clones at tho Hunt's Craterlan tonight. The sfory concerns the downfall of a Son Francisco den list through his wife's avariciousness. Another adaptation from a hook and a stage play which scored marked suc cess in both forms, comes to thopub llc this season In "The Man Who Came Back.' which opens a two day run at Hunt's1 Crdterian tomorrow matinee. The -story concerns the blacksheep aon of ft wealthy New Yorker. The HELP WANTEto FEMALE WANTED Two young ladles between 18 and 24, to travel with manager calling on business houses. $25 and transportation guaranteed. Apply Hotel Medford. Mrs. Chapman. 6 WASTED Competent' woman for general housework. Phone 624-n. CASH PAID For acond-Hand Ewstiture and Stotw VA. KINNET Furnittrg Hoifle 315 E. Tain . e Pkone 505 UP FATHER youngster burns - up Hroadway and when It becomes too hot for him, fa sent to San Francisco by his father to work In a shipyard. In- the doldn Oat city he is shanghaied and even tually lands In the Orient.' 1 Haitian Killed nt Las MuIiih. HAVANA, Cuba, March 28. One Haitian was killed and two soldiers wounded in a clash between-workers and rural guards yesterday at Mutns, near Jatiboni. At the interior department here it was , said that the guards arrested twelve men on a charge of playing forbidden games and creating a dis turbance. IIELP WANTED MAIiE AVANTKD Men for pruning. Con tract work. Delta Water Co.' Or chard. Tel G91-J-1. 10 WANTED SALEHMEN Experienced washing machine salesman wanted to take, charge of store. Opening up lot of new territory. Salary or commission;. Theo. P. Tollefson, 152 4th 8t., Portland, Ore. 314 WANTED Miner and prospector. No. 15. N. Qrape St. 14 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by. middle aged lady, cooking, town or country; ranch preferred. Dertha McClel lan, Medford. 7 WANTED Work by day or hour. Call Mrs. D. 820-R. 6 WANTED Oood. capable cook wants . camp. Ktendy and reliable. Address H. A. K., 232 E. Main. Medford. 11 (WANTED Gardening and-landscape urn. x'nuiie iu i -Li. i t WANTED Work by woman exper ienced In camp cooking, 10 to 20 men. Address Box Gti7, Ashland. Ore, - 8 WANTED Situation, full or part time, by" reliable business man. Of fice, store or outside work. Mall Tribune. Box 9. 7 WANTED We have a good position open for lady with bookkeeping and stenoKraphtc experience. Address Box 34. Mail Tribune. tf WANTED M1SCEM.ANEOCS WANTED Small furninhod house by couple. No children. 118 N. Peach. WAXT10D To rent Knrnf?o, also smnll cabin. , Ifox 2G, Mall 'J'rilmne. 7 WANTED Mon to room nntl board. Good c-ookltiK. 1087 OourUstret't. t( WANTED To buy flshlnc polo and reel. Hox V, Mall Trlhline, 6 WANTIJD Man lor- orchard work. hoUHe furniHhtul.- Phon 7-K-14. 9 WANTIOI) Someone to prune and culttvnto 10 acre apple orchard on nharcq. or will sell cheap, the of K',4 or NW of NW14 of Sec. 0. T. 37 H.. II. 1 W.. located about A nillen north of Medford. Owner T. Evans, 1016 W. 22nd St., Los An eelea, Calif. 0 WANTED Clood 1400 pound work borne. I'none bui-j-z. tl" WANTED Furnluire -to repair -And reflnlHh. Stoves repaired. Upholster Ins;. W. A. Kinney Furniture House. Phone 60S. 314 WANTED 777 lawnmowers to sharp en and adjust. I'hone 2C1-J. We call for and deliver. Liberty Rcpe-Jr Shop. f WANTED Fresh egpi, 24c per dm. cash. Johnson Produce Co., 241 H. Fir street. Phone 07. tf POK REXT HOC8E8 FOR KENT 8 room house. Close in. Phone 882-R or G17-U tf FOR RENT Houses, Brown White. CITY HOMES FARM LANDS ' Do yoa know thnt $SC00 will buy a 20 acre nicely improved Bear Creek bottom ranch near Central Point? See this before you buy. Do you wont to buy 10 acres 3 miles out for $450, on terms? Desirable for growing fruit and-chickens. Partly un der irrigation. Mr. - Working Man: Would you rather have a 4 acre tract close In or a town lot at the same price? Can de liver 4 acre tracts for $525. Oood ti tle, easy terms. Ninety Improved 40 acres with paid up water right for 21. Bungalow and burn.- Sell. cheap or trade for good bungalow in Medford or Ashland. - Trade equity In 30 acre tract al ready equipped for small home or lots i i n Medford or Ashland. 5 room bun paiow, goou num. I'uiu u n uivr right. Some alfalfa. Yea. It's a foot: You can buy an 8 room bungalow and 5 lots close In on the east side for $3000. Several large bearing cherry trees. Non resident owner needs some money. IH Brtv tiiMt between Mrdford and Phoenix for Just $1000. Water and llaxtftn paid to date. Alu have J 15 jare Improved ranch 1 nine from-a- KIV I I'M V.U. I Villi IW.pjL.t are unusual values for the moirey. Phono 517-L or 103 or write !. ClareVe C. Pierce Bedford ntfe tribune, mebfohIt, . othm on, s atttk w, "n r Afti'n ir S. J. Christine wns unions the local FOB EXCHANGE - TAura rr 1 mil mi.e .iy kstock iiiui-a.-i'qkx Pnss. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT New three room apart ment, ' K21 W. 10th struct, rhone 836-W. , 3S FOR RENT Nice comfortable keep ing room). , Close in. 204 Smith Cen tral. . 8 FOR RENT Sleeping: room, bath; men. 128 S. Mistletoe. Call morn ings or evenings. i FOR RENT Furnished room. Heat. with a bath adjoining. Apply 711 East Main. 8 FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms. natn. Men.'. i!4( i. urape. u- FOR REN'f Furnished rooms and apartments and garage. 604 V. 10th. tf TOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two room furnished apartment. 245 S. Central. FOR RENT Ijrge nicely furnished apartment. 31i2 So. Riverside. Phone 410-J. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment. 618 So. Central. 8 FOR RENT Nioely furnished apart-ment-at Berben. Adults only. Brown & White Agency. 238 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 525 No. Riverside. 6 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 346 No. Front. 7 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 130 W. 6th. Across from Ho tel Holland. Phone ?12. tf FOR RENT MISCTXIjANEOUS FOR . RENT Pasture, for cattle. Phone 8G7-R. ti FOR RENT 240 acre stock ranch 0 miles from Medford. 20 acres in ' wheat. 40 acres fine corn land. Lots of wood. If you have 3 or 4 large - horses and can furnish the right . references you may have all you can - raise there this season. Phone '617-1 ' 6 FOR RENT C.aratte, $3.60 per month. 323 So. Riverside ave. tt FOlTN FOUND Rosary. Owner can liavt same by payltiK "or this nn. l-.nquire Stvlesbop DresHtnnking Hbop. 6 WANTED To Buy for Cash AU Tour Second Hand Furniture MORDOFr WOOLF f ARM . Umd ' ' ' We Solicit Yonr REAL , ESTATE BUSINESS In AU Its RENTALS :: 8ALES Highly improved place at Cottage Grove, to EXCHANGE for improved place here of from 10 to 25 acres. !,.-... ; BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. . , .' 12 East Main St MAPLE; PARK. 2-Acre Tracts $50. Cash, Balance ?10 a Month Price $400 to ."ffifiO for 2 neres. Just outside city limits; partly in nlfiilfik, good K'H'Icn land, plowed ready to plant ; irrigation. ;Nr good scliogl. i . Nothing Better! ! o 1 Phone 784-L or 409 J. C. BARN US, Beal Estate 6 So. Central 'OH TKADE Ford, for electric: washing machine. Phone 857-R. 0 1X8T LOST Ijidies handling, black, be tween Medford and Talent. Oregon. Ileturn to this offlrt 7 LOST Saxon generator between Trail and Eugltt Point. Finder pleas'1 leave at Oasis, or notify Box 144 Eagle Point. 6 FOB SALE POCIrnt AND EGGH FOR SALE One 1500 chirk size Kresky brooder stove, or will trade for pullets 12 weeks old. W. J. War ner and Son. 51il S. Oakdnle Ave. 7 FOR SALE Phone 532-X. Barred Rock eggs, ti FOR SALE April and May hatched chicks from our bred to lay S. O. White Leghorns. W. .1. Warner Hi Son, 510 S. Oakdalo Ave. ti FOR SALE Call the Square Deal Hatchery for April and May chicks. Phone itftl-L. 1 FOR SALE At a bargain. Standard electric Incubator. R. I. Red hatch ing eggs and hens. Phone 1058. 321 FOR SALE O. A. C. Ha Fred Rock eggs for hatching. ; Phone 201 -J. tf FOR SAX1 HOMES FOR SALE Strictly modern home, seven rooms, large- sleeping porch, excellent location, on paved street; large yard and shade. Tel. 1072 or call nt 527 So. Holly street. 8 FOR SALE House and large lot on East Side. $ 1 000. Everheuring ' strawberry plants. Phone 511. 7 FOR SALE If you want a bargain for cash in a nice house of 5 rooms and hath, close in, on paved street, all araessmentB paid in- full, nice blue . grass lawn, fruit trees, roses. Ad dress Owner, care this office. tf FOR SALE Four room modern bun galow, new, with hardwood floor, fireplace; sleeping porch, garage. Two blocks from Hotel Medford. For particulars see Chas. Campboll at Mann'H Dept. Store.-: G .. y.. FOR SALE Exceptional, sacrifice. Bungalow. 5-room modern, plaster ed bungalow, two largo lots, garden planted. Fine location. Nothing better. J. C. Barnes. Real Estate. C S. Central. Phone 40U. tf FOR HALE Sevnn room modern res idence, fine condition. Corner lot, fine lawn and shrubbery. Close In, on pavement, no incumbrance. Up per rooms will pay 8 per cent on price. Owner, 245 N. Qrape. ft TUNE IN ON THIS Oet the Other Fellow's Prices Then Buy AJAX, FIRESTONE and MASON CORDS FOR LESS All protected, not just guaranteed. , . Armory Service Station BROADCASTING :oi o 0 : PARMS: " We have some beautiful and produc tive small farms on our lists at ex tremely reasonable prices. We will be glad to take you to see them. If It Is Real Estate Seo FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building Medford, Oregon Branches L0AN8 INSURANCE TAKEN lP Two burrows in pound at Phoenix, Ore. Owner please call for and pay charges at one. F. E. Furry. Muibball. !! FOR SAIjEAUTOIOIIILES FOR SALE Ford with truck body, special springs, mountain ears. (iotl condition. Call Sunday, I rind W. Main street. FOR SALE One Velie 6 touring car. Can he seon at eolith end Peach street. Phone K57-K. ti FOR SALE Ford sedan at a hurgitln. Owner leaving city, must sell. New paint.- upholiilerv. extras. P. O. Box 545 Meuford. Phone t6li-L. 6 FOR SALE A bargain. (Irnham Bros, one-ton truck. Phone 1 033. tf FOR SALE $700 Bttlck. 1922. Mllo- nt"t' 12000. License;- bumpers, spot, spare. 718 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Buick 6. 4 passenger coupe. Brand new Duco paint Job. License fur 1925; C good tires. Can be seen nt Dan's Lunch "noin. tf FOR KALE REAL ESTATE 'OK SALE OR TltADK $10.t)0!) irri gated ranch for $3000. 10 years lime. Adjoins town. Ould Hay Rnalty Co. ti FOR SALE OR . RENT 160 acres. about. 30 In wheat and oats, 30 acres ready to plow for corn. Will selt farm and crop for $4 000. Terms If desired. Perry Foster, Trail. ! FOR SALE Stiup, Close in five acres of alfalfa, irrigated and close in. Nothing better in the vallf-y for the money. $500 cash, $25 monthly. Inquire about our business propo sition on Main street. Bnbh & Mays. 126 N. Front St. Phono 372 or 6t0-L. 6 FOR SALE HH acres under cultiva tion, 12 acres wood and pasture. All buildings and mnchlnery necessary. 38 acres in full bearing orchard, 14 years old. Team, cow, lug boxes, etc. Price $100.25 per acre to close an estate. The orchard alone is worth more than price asked for. all. 30 acres 5-room house, barn, 2 cows, team, few -turkeys and chick ens. Trade for Medford property. 80 acres to sulwllvlde, $5,500.00. House and lot, $7 00. C. S. But terfleld. 1 6 FOR SAI.K hihway. 1'ulnt. -Farm on Crater Itke Tel. 23-F-14. Eaple FOR HA US l.nnil In the Kuiile loim : Irrigation district. TrantH ut 10 to . fH)0 acres. 1'rlec $15 per acre, half cash, 10 years on balance at 6 !Lr ci'iit. Water rate paid to Jan.' 1st, 1 91! 15. Luke Hyan, ownar, 215 K. Jackson St., Medford. Ore. 314 FOIt SAI.R Oil TKADE 120 acres timber and wood inna on Galls Creek. Inquire of V. CI. WrlBht, 814 I-auict street. 316 FOIt BALK ller.utlful home sites on . best irrlKatci? fruit, alflnfu and Bur den land in the ltORUe ltiver valley. Tracts from two to 00 ncros. Fif teen minules from Medford and the .- roads are always '-od. Terms. For information ceil vloward A. Hill, Owner. Tel. 7K8-K-3. 314 'Oil SAM! OR TRADU 280 aero farm- with rood buildings and fences; plenty of water, no Irriga tion debt, i.lttlo Putte Valley above Kaide Point. Price CU00. Only ?r,00 cash required. Will trade for house in Medford. TCurl S. Tumy. .)wiier. Liberty Itulldina;. tf FOR HAI.K OR EXCHANGE 110 acres, 40 Sacramento river bottom, under irrigation; 10 fruit; 2 grapes, 8 ulfalfa, 10 oats, 8 sudun nntl cane, 70 pasture. Will trade for house In town or small place near. Will nHsume, or give terms on other property, I. -J. Olttlngs, It. F. D. " ;ox 82-A, IteddlllK, Calif. 314 FO HAL13 Revoral farms, good val ues, easy terms, low Interest. O. C. Hoggs, Atty for State Land Board. tf FOR HALR A real bargain, 40 acres free soil, 15 acres In pears, 6 room house; close In. Terms. See iiahh & Mays. Call G90-L or 872. 318 SACRIFICE BALK 10.000 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Prico (5 per acre up, 6 snd 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and , exchange. Oold Ray Realty com- pany, owners. 16 N. Qrape at tf FOB SALE IJVKSTOCK ., FOR HALE IClKht good logging or i farm horses from $76 to $160 per . bead.. -Inqulro from Huperlntend : ent of Owen Oregon Lumber Co.. Camp 1, Ilutte Falls. Oregon. 11 FOR HALE 2 mules with harness and reins. Also good for packing. U. 4. Box 78-C. 6 ARE YOU UNDER INSURED? Don't wait until the fire before you find out. -, Our office . represents tlif strongest group of fire and casualty companies In the world. Inmirp In the best It costs foti no more. CARL Y. TENOWALD Hots! Hoftnd Building Phone 993 ' -W By QGeorg'e McManuV0 FOR SALE Oood work team, well matched. Weight about 2H00. J. A. AmioiHon. R. 3, near Coif Links. 7 ''OR SALE At a bargain, nr will trade for anything I can use; one spun number 1 work horsis with or without harness and wtigou. Valley Fuel Co. tf FO R S A LE Two beau t if u I fresh cows; can't be beat. M. Walsh, on South Peach stret, Just outside city limits. tf FOR RALE MINCirLljANICOUS 'OR SALE Manure. Phmin K51-1 FOB SALE One t tenor banjo and ense. Professional modal. Tfi0. Call at Apt. C-nc, Bnrnutn Apts. s FOR SALE Cletrae tractor. 12-20 Model W, in (loud condition. J. S, Weeks, Trail. U FOR SALE Apples and potatoes. Phone 407 -L. 1 1 FOR SALE Second hand Hayes sprayer, spring tooth harrow, one borne corn drill. Bargains in garden seeders. Hubbard Bros. 10 FOR SALE At Threp On kit.- Feed grinder $10. Feed boiler $10. Hand barrel spray outfit $10. Broadcast seeder $1(1, Set 34 wheels $10. W. J. Harts.ell. tt FOR SALE Racyelo bicycle. Almost new.. RIley-Mcler Motor Co. 0 FOR SALE We were unablo to dis pose of all our goods ut auction sale. We still have u lot of good mer chandise at bargain prices. Scott 2nd Hand Store. 43 S. Front St. 8 FOR SALE Spray rig complete. In good condition, used two seasons on 28 acre tract. Call 705-J. . 6 FOR HAI.K Cheap. Orapo vines. A lew inousanu i-notce naming tnkays and other varieties. I2dd Hughes, Talent, Ore. 8 FOR KA L1C Ono large electric cof fee mill. One Himill electric cof feet mill, one remington typewriter No. 11. .Service Htores Inc. 8 FOR HALK Progressive ever bear ing strawberry plums. W. J. Jen nings, 1028 10. Main. Phone 678-L. FOR KALE Haled alfalfa hay. Tele phone No. G10-R-4. C. C. Kohl. 7 FOR HALE Ilndlloa super-hetero dyne, rnonn Jlisu-u. 314 FOIt HALE Cnhboge, cauliflower and tomato plunls. Monarch Heed Co. i . 3I4. FOR HALE Oas Pluto with legs; cheap, 403 N. Holly atreet. Phone 637-M. 316 FOR HALE Attention! Smith's sum mer ratua on pine now In effect. S2.75 a tier. Discount on larger or ders. Phone 1103. Central Point 38-X-2. 331 FOR HALE Fancy Klamath netted gum potatoea, $2.60 per 100 lbs. de livered. A chance to stock up before the long wait for new potatoes. . Johnson Produce Co. FOR HAL'S Now piano, at a bar gain. Noel ISrsklno. Phono 729-W. 828 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 28-R-l. tf FOR HALE At a bargain. Btandnrd .electric Incubntor. It. 1. Red hatch ings eggs. Phono 1058. 321 FOR SALE Seed potatoes of early varieties. Reasonable Prices. John son Produce Co. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and rocords half price, 16 N. Grape. tf Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given U . anything In accounting and Inoome Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg.. Medford. Phone 167-R. Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested ein a used car be sure and see us. . E. Gates Auty Co. PIPE , FIVE a- Attorneys REAM ES & REAMES Lawyers, of fice in Liberty Building, Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms U and 6 u No. 32 North Ctmtral Ave,, upstairs. JACKSON COUNT - ABSTRACT CO, Abstracts of Title and Title; Insurance. ' Tbo only complete Tit In System In Jack sou Comity. A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Cold Hill, Oregon, Reliable Jackson County, Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience In lh county. Phono. G-J-2 Oold Hill. U. nnlldlng NuppUcs and Roofing STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Build , up Roof ing, Ashland Ornnlte Top. 15 years guarantee. Best grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blnckH, foundation ce- ment blocks, fire place brick, all . colors. All material Class A. Port- t land Beaver Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 738-X. Chiropractic Physicians DR. A. R. - 1 1 BOOKS Neo-EcleotlO ' Physician. DR.. LOUISE' E. HEDGES Naturopaths Chlro. praetor. Mechano-Therupy,-- Hpon dylotberapy. Food Sciences, Chlro-. practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 265 E. Main St. Phones: Otflct 170; Res. 170-J-2. . DR. E.. W. HOFFMAN oiiropraotlo iNerve specialist, utrice noura s-12, 2-6. 203-208 Liberty Bldg. OfflcS Phone 680. Res. phone 1027. ' Dentins -. DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phoua uuu, ies. (id. uttice hours, s i., m. 6 p. tu. Evening and Sunday by appointment. ' . DR. II. E. MURPHY Dentist rv Dentul X-Rny. Phone 7T, , otfle Second floor Medford Bldg. . Furniture-. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS of fur- nlture, work done nt your home or at pur shop. A. N. Thleboult. Telr ' 069-R. Insurance EARL S. TUM V All for;ns of Insur ance: Flro, Auto, Life, Aaeldent, Bonds. Phone 402. 200 Liberty Bldg. Money to Loan J. B. ANDREWS Buys and sells mortgages and loans money on good soourity. 31 N. Grape St. Phons 63-M.' 246- Funeral Director PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Blxtn and Oakdulo. Ambulance servlc. . I'hone 47j , Monuments ' THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, Oeneral Munuger. P. M. Kershaw, Hcies Manager, 103 E. Sixth bt., Medford. . OMtcofinths ' DR. F. O. CARLO VV, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic Physician , 41C-418 Liberty Bid. Phone D04-J-3. Residence 26 South Laurel St. Piano Instruction' FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher Ot Piano and Harmony, Studio 311 -Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. I'rlnU'is and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office to Southern Oregon. Book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing system, -etc. Portlnnd prices.- 27 N. Fir St. Ftransler EADH TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. ' Office 22 North Front St. I'hone ' 816. Prices right. Service guar, anteed. 1 DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGH i CO. Anything moved, day or night' Service guaranteed. - 29. 8. Grape.-,-. -Phone 044. or residence 1080, Upholstering J. WEIH Upholstery; Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. - Full 11ns of materials. Draperies mads to. .' , prder. We do all kinds of uphol- stenng. vve deliver and will call . and show samples. Jacksonville, Ore. Phone ; 201 VF-TEIIINARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT- . AL, Dr. E. C. McCulloch, Oraduats Veterlnnrian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth. Med ford, Ore, Phone 109 Day or night. Window Cleaning - OEO. M SEELY Window cleaning,. - floor waxing. Janitor service, build lngs, etc Have taken over A. M. . , Rhodes' work. Let Osorg U, i i. a T3T O