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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1925)
0 o o o 0 o o 0 o o G o0 o o OKFON? TTTTRSDAY, MATCCTT 2(1. 102') ' PXOE FTVfi FILE NEW ACTION A motion has boon filed In the suit of the AHhlaiul Baptist church against the First Baptist church, requesting that, the Rev. B.-C-Miller named as one of the defendants, be stricken as flUCh,'-'.. ; Wi T.i Minor. Paul Held: J. yf, Wklkup, tind W. CVJackson, trustees o the First Baptist- ; church,- and .named . defendants request 'that- the complaint state more , spoolflcally their alleged financial responsibility In the action, and, If they named oI loctlyely or separately, as defendants. It Is also requested that three para graphs of the Original complaint be stricken.- as 'Irrelevant, - Immaterial, eham- and frlvoioUs." ' : The suit is the result of schism In the Baptist congregation of Ashlifnd, and an Injunction Is sought restrain ing the First Baptist wing from using . the Ashland Baptist church, whore they how hold services.-, . The Ashland Baptist " church has been upheld by the state Baptist as sembly and the matter will be decid ed in court next month, PrcHldcnt's Sou Returns WAS11INQTON, Mar. 28. John Coolldge, son " of the president, re turned to the, White House today from Arrihers't college to spend the spring vacation. . It .Is the first real visit he ' has had. with his parents since Chrlst v4has, his return oh Inauguration day haying been only for a few hours. Mrs. William .Pyburn of Central . Point was a local visitor today. Simple Mixture Best i For Constipation x Simple Buckthorn bark, magnesium eulpli. c. p., glycerine, etc., as mixed in -Adlerlka, la excellent for con- atipation. , It often works In one hour or less and never sripea. The pleasant and .QUICK action of thin efficient intestinal evacuant will sur- , prine -you.' ";,Adlerlka helps any cuae rs on the stomach,! unless . duo to deep-sea,ted 'fcauses.: ;t Often removeH matter- you - never thought - was in your, system, . .Heath's Drug Store. -Adv. BIDS STEADILY In the Inst ten days, five suits for divorce, have been, riled in the cir cuit court at Jacksonville, three by Ashland couples, and two from 'this city. -. Elsie V. McCune in a complaint charges that Carl A. -Mc(iun, a Southern. Pacific employee at Ash land,, was "cruel and Inhuman,'.": and "insulting and overbearing," -and ex pressed the opinion, that he "could hot 'be bothered with a wife," and wanted to "step out' She also al leged that he cursed her, and that when Bhe offered to- JCorgive,. and p roceed "on a 50-50 ' basis," he threatened to "kick her out." . McCune, the' complaint sets forth, earns $250 -per month. Ninety-five-dollars, a month, maintenance for self and son, $U5 per month pay ments on a home, $75 suit money, custody of the child, and a decree of divorce is asked. ' Mary A. Burkman in her suit against Charles Burltman, charges desertion in March. 1924. They were married at Jacksonville in 1910. Mrs. Burkman sets forth that she is the owner of a homo in Ashland, and that the defendant has threat ened to move the house thereon, and do her bodily harm. She asks $100 attorney fees, and a decree of di vorce. t Lulu Wilson of Ashland, in her complaint alleges that J. Sam Wil son deserted her in 1918, and his present whereabouts are unknown. She asks for a decree.. - Alvin T. Davenport, n resident of this city, seeks a divorce from Mamie M. Davenport, on the grounds or rrttel and inhuman treatment. The couple were ' marriod in Vancoburg, Ky., in 1893, and plaintiff assorts that all property has . been pre viously deeded to his wife. The complaint sets forth that "their likos and dislikes are differ ent, the plaintiff being fond of out door life and hunting and fishing, and the defendant is fond of so ciety and church," and that "for many yeurs ho endeavored to induce defendant to accompany him on fish ing and hunting excursions, und she refused and that nagging followed, it is alleged. It is also asserted that , when Davenport was compelled, on , account of hts health to move, to a more suitable climate bis vifo mani fested no concern. Winnifrod MrTnrgnr filed iiit against Wendal -Cargar, alleging non-support and desertion, are residents of this city. They Mellon to Take ViunUoii WASHINGTON. Mur.O 26. Secre tary Mellon plans to leave for Bermu da Saturday for a brief vacation, ac companied by his son. Paul, timl sev eral of Paul's schoolboy fi-lcnds. who are attending an academy In Walling foid. Conn. 5 Win. J. Keeling was taken to Saered Heart hospital yesterday for medical treatment. Radio Programs for Tonight " K.FI. l.os Angeles. 468. 5 meters, JM to 9. Musical program presented by I the Standard Oil company of Califor nia, built around tho San Juan Cnpia trana Mission. to 10. Aeolian Trio. (10 to 11, Dos. Angeles, Examiner pro gram.; '- - j K1I.I, I ,o.s Angeles. 405.2 meters, 8 to 10, Program preHonted through the courtesy of John Wright, "The Right Tailor." 10 to 10:30, Program pre senting the Piggly Wieggty Girls. KKSG, Dos Angeles. 275.1 meters. 9:15 to 10, Studio program of sacred music, song and story, arranged by Ea sel Blnkley Docey. Angeleus Temple Choir. 10 to 11, Organ recital pro gram of Esther Fricke Green, assisted by Gladwyn ' Nichols trumpeter, and Wilholmina Corson, contralto. KNX, Hollywood, 337 meters, 8 to 9, Feature program, Republic Truck Co. 9 to 10, May Department Store courtesy program. 10 to 11, Hotel Ambassador, Abo Lyman's Cocoa nut Grove orchestra. 11 .to 12, Campus Night, Students of U. C. Southern Branch. " - KGOO, Oakland, 361 meters. 8 Stu dio program. 10 to 1, Dance music program by Henry Ilalstead's Orches tra and soloists. Hotel St. Francos, San Francisco'. KPO, San Francisco, 4 2 8.3 meters. p to 9, Organ recital by Theodore J. Trwln, official orgnnlst, at the A ur lltzer. 9 to 10, Program under the management of May Clarke Burns, so prano. 10 to 11, Gene James' Rose Koom Bowl orchestra. KFRC, San Francisco, 267.7 me ters. 8, San Francisco Police Depart ment broadcast, 8:03 to 10, Dance Mu sic by Paul Kelli's orchestra phiyhiK at ll'Torvatore Roof Garden cafe. KTI18, Hot Springs National Park, Ark., 374.8 meters. 10:15 to 11:15, Owl Frolic with Phil Baxter and his Sing ing Orchestra. WFAA, Dallas, Texas. 476 meters. 9 to 10. Pete Patb and Bud Morgan of the Jefferson theater in humor and music. W REO, Lansing, Mich., 285.5 met tors, 8:15 to 9:45, Musical program, Heo broadcasting orchestra, Carl Hall Dewey, director. cRo Malo quartette, piano solo, vocal solos and local tal ent. 10 LJ. S. Weather report for Michigan. .7 ': You are correct, Senora. Fine coffee is very much like the wine age mellows, refines, brings forth the delightful, the rare flavor! . . "'Here in our tropic storehouses, for two years, three years, the coffees superfine are teborn. Here develops the char acter aristocratic - . ' ''Ah, no, Senora! It is too bad. But most of our coffee leaves .at once for other tends. !So many people want the coffee ' , drink. Only a little do we hold here to mellow, to age. And ah! what a treasure for the really particular roaster, with the customers appret iative! "Is it so? You say theS & W secure the coffee mellowed in ' our tropics? 'And only the fine coffees grown in the high mountains? And those rare flavors heightened by a dis- ' creet dash of the new coffee? You are fortunate, Senora. What a delight your S & W coffee must be!". .... In S It. W ioiee, is in oihei S a W products, uch u v , " S t W Telephone Peu, Babj Kernel Corn, Pineipple, . ' Beets, etc. j& W icrict standards of qugityfod tmlyt tre ' V. maintained. Only coffees of the rarest qualit, are secured for S & W 'skillfully blended, roasted, and cleaned of.," coffee dust, etc Vacuum packed, in she dew key-cans ; , "you'll try It next lime? That's splendid, you'll hot be diaappolnlett You'll recognise the famous S 67 W quality." o FIN FOOD PRODUCTS Save 10 Bucks on Your Suit Men's suits, 100 per ct. pure wool . $19.50 Camp blankets, big heavy blankets, 60x78, sale price 2.00 Coopers spring needle union suits, sold anywhere for $1.50 1.25 Men's $2.20 denim overalls ...... 1.15 Men's khaki pants 1.15 Men's work pants 2.00 Jersey gloves .15 Red arid blue handkerchiefs .... .65 Men's work shirts 2.50 Carpenter's overalls, the very best made by the Black Bear Co. . . . 2.25 Uncle Sam work sox 10 Men's work shirts 59 Walk a Few Steps Off Main Street . and Save a Few Dollars THE CHEAPEST STORE IN THE WEST WILL H. WILSON I! 32 North Front St. WE DO! We give you the best grades of Work Cloth ing and other articles at a low price and you know we tell you straight about everything you buy here. V LOOK AT THESE VALUES v OVERALLS I'ninlt'r's white overalls, in ii very kckkI weif;lit..Sj51..35 Waist overalls, l,evi-Stniu.s.s copper riveted $1.90 Bib overalls, 20-weiKlit blue denim $1.49 SHIRTS Blue eliambray, two-pnekut, full cut '...95t? Huekskiu shirts $3.50 SHOES I.ace - to - toe smoke Scout shoes $3.45 Dress oxfords $4.25 PANTS Day's Bis 5 heavy khaki pants $3.85 Black Bear wool enssimerc striped pants .....,....$3.85 Cottouude pants, dark striped $1.75 BREECHES ; Reel aimed wool army breeches, good condition, pair -......$2.50 ' Whipcord breeches, button Ii'B, Pir $4.'85 Moleskin breeches, a snappy model ..$5.25 TENTS STEEL BEDS CAMP EQUIPMENT ' ..." Army & Outing Stores EVERYTHING FOR WORKINGMAN AND CAMPER . . 32 So. Central Ave., Opposite Hunt's Craterian R. S. Stewart, Your Satisfaction Manager Phone 913-L Is Our Success OVERLAND 4 TOURING In Excellent Condition $225.00 f The Busy Corner Motor Co. Remember This: GENERAL Gasoline auuret you Easy Starting, Clean Combustion) Maximum Power, Full Mileage! Make Your Own Comparisons ! .What has been your experience with gasoline? Have you longed, "for a gasoline that would develop the utmost capabilities of your motor? Quicker starting, followed at once by smooth acceleration; flowing, bird-like speed; throbbing power on hills; deft flexibility in traffic. And have you received these things from the gas you have been using? If not, you have a rare treat awaiting you in GENERAL, the scientifically-balanced fuel, 'planned especially for motor use and refined by the most efficient sys tem known. GENERAL will give you what you" long for. Don't wait longer; buy GENERAL to day and make your own comparisons! ' Sold Only by Authorized Independent Dealers Till Up Your Tank and Let Your ENGINE Decide!" and i istbricanf Judy & Frohbach, Inc. Wholesale Distributors