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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1925)
vaovi fjgttt SHEPHERD'S FATE '-REGARDING BAIL IED T CHICAGO, Mlir. 25. (By Aioelnt ) 1'renn.) i 1'ronpccln at noon loduy MTJVFOftD MATL TlttBtTXR- MKDFOTCD, OKEfiOy. WEtKRDAY. iWAftCTT iflog """T aIaa. FALL CLAIMS HE HELD BACK PLAN CIIKYENNE, Wye, Mar. 25. (By AfwciolHtrd 1'resw.) I-'oriiirr K'(:iTtai-v vin inai ine arKumnntJ on tlin of the Interior Albert II. Kail kit llm question of ball for William D. fihen- newa of the leanlnit of the Teaimt lieril, chiM-getl wllh tho murder of hifi , Dome a nocret "for the tlmo being," foster son. William N. McC'linloek, by , beeausc he lhed to firm execute the Jtphold lnnculutlun, would require tho contract for the conxtrurlion of oil remainder of tho day " JudRe Jacob-SI.- Hopkins, chief Juh tlce of tho criminal court, hearing the application for freedom for Hhop liord on bond,- wan prepared to de liver an oral decision If the arguments were, not prolonged loo late. AflHlntant Htate'a Attorney Thomas Marshall rcstimoil his argument against ball, contending that nothing hud been shown to support any reason why bail should he granted. Ho in- HtoniRO tanks nt I'earl Harbor and then present the news of both pro jects to tho public "as a greaf achievement, " (Jeorgo 1'. Hoover of defense counsel, said In his argument In the case hero today. Mr. Hoover declared that this wns shown by an analysis of tho evidence and pointed to testimony showing that bids on the I'earl Harbor project which eventually was let to the I'an Amerlcan Petroleum and Transport local B&is Quitt i -dents arrived In the city Tuesday, most of them on business missions. Among them were the following: .Meitn I). Walker, H. Winters, IJcIbert Utter. W. II. Jenkins. K. J., K. Hawes. J. R. Morris. O. Nellson, W. H. Keagnoer. M. B. Maston, John Ilaron, C N. Johnson, J. C. Fulton, J. W. Jesse, n. c. Knight, L. 1j. Quackcnbush, Mrs. Wolf, Miss Wolf, William K. Arnold, L. W. Kc-ott, H. 1'. McCranahan, Mrs. Ida M. Schllnk. It. W. . Taylor. J. B. Klnllrt, H. C. HoworW KheffiA Miss Elsie Olscn and M. Olsen were among the local residents who attended (he lket ball gatno at the Pelican I lay rreu noil iiuii mat . nignc ueiween ivia nth Kails and Merrill, wlyh decid the basketball championship of Klamnthounty. Howard Kheffel ol flclated ut the game, acting ns re oree. The championship was won by Morrill the score being ten to sixteen in their favor. American Legion or Flanders poppy seen. Plant it now. Monarch Seed Co, ' Hoguo Illver Valley creamery but tor 4fle per lb. Johnson Produce Co Dressier, C. A, June,. I,. M. Twlle, J. OPITTI I" H I i I Iftv xzt: SEATTLE MAN S I'rank S. Clover, O. S. Oerby and J., 1 1 "U " Iw NEW ROTARY HEAD msieu yesieruny that tne testimony company, were not submitted to Kail stales witnesses who were before April 15, 11)22. Tho Teapot Called by the defense to show what lease was executed on April 7 of that they had testified before tho grand Jury which Indicted Hhcphonl anil (J. C. Knlntan on (he murder charge had .not been controverted but on the contrary had been shown the proof to bo pvident ami the presumption great ns required by Illinois law in a case where bull Is not permissible. : Mr. .Marshall's argument was con fined to the law In such a case. He was to bo followed by First Assistant BtRteV Adoj'ney George K. (iommn, wbo'Wiie to'spenk on the facts in the case; Counsel for Shepherd wei e to have tho final word In rebuttal -guinea!. ' 1 1 ' .. ' M'PHERSON'S SALE AT EAGLE POINT ATTRACTS yea i Tim l the trial will drug itHnlf into tomorrow wuh indicated nt noon to day whon Mr. Hoover Haiti he would require thirty minutcH or more of the afternoon HCHMlon to complete hin inKuniont. S. SmmiionH. Nurnery stock. The best ansortntent in southern Oregon. Fruit, shade and nut-bearing trees, flouring shrubs, vines, berry plants, rhubarb and as paragus plants, evergreen trees and flKB, perennial plants, grape vines. A fine lot of heavy two yenr Blng cher ry. A good, general assortment of fruit trees for homo orchards. Com mercial varieties, Including Old Home on UBHuriensIs for commercial or chards. Grafting wax and other sup plies for orchard work. Don't take my word for It, come and see for your hdf. Will gladly duplicate any order booked by an agent for the same or less money and ive you better ser vice. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone' 680-J-2. Sales yard 612 Kast Main: Fair and cooler weather with PORTXAXD, Ore., March 25. Ro tarlans of district number one, lnclud inf the Pacific northwest and British Columbia who finished the business of their annual. convention late yester day were today engaged in their an nuapgotf tournment. Portlund ,Ro tarlans won the cup in 1923 and 1924, and If they win today will possess the cup permanently. Kdmund W. Campbell of Seattle was elected president late yesterday, sub ject to confirmation at tho Clevelan COLORADO HAS 2 INS THAT DKNVKIl. March 25. The antks of .Mocker's moving mountain in Kin nlanco county in western C'oloradu has led to tho revelation that the state lias rival "I'limiiviii- ihviU" in 1 -The closing out sale which Is being tho foothills near (ioltlen. accord- conducted In Kaglo Point by K. J. Inn to Charles W. Henderson, niln MnPherHon has been uttrnctlnir neonln 1 oral Keouranher of tho United Htatos from) all purls ot southern Oregon. , geological survey. T.nie w frost tonight is tho prediction of tho Intornatlonal convention. . Victoria, A'eck' murk the third week of mis suie wtitcn, according to Mr. 5lo Pherson, ha been- a, decided success. "It la -tr closing out srilo In earnest," says' McI'iiM-siln. "I have definitely tlecldjcd to clpso out my Eiiglo Point IKoro and. In. order to clean up my un- (lolden Is 7!i luilcH wes( of lJcnvor. 1 ho . condition Is a common one, Henderson said. Ho reported that tho Golden foothill has been march ing steadily eastward for several yearn, Interfering both with a high way and a branch lino of tho ron- usuaiiy-, largo' stock I havo offered ver Tramway company. Kvury few sonic ' nilglily utlrac'tlvo uaignlns. weeks, ncconllng to lletuferson, crows Hon! hern Oregon people havo roeog- of workmen are required to shovdl nlied 'tho values I uin offering and off tons of dirt. turning out In large numbers." ' The (lolden diHlurbance apparently Air, Mel'herson also- has offerd a I" caused by the same thing as wprd of warning Hint (ho sale would Meeker's phenomena, mainly the soft hot' last many' days longci' ns. his stock r"'y liase for a heavy sudstone has is rapiniy uinilnlshliif . .MiPherson's "ocomo walersoaked through seep store will be open evenings this week. H S STUDENTS DOING iiKU and cannot Imiim- t iw ' immntHiiu up, Meantime tho progress of Meek ci h moving mountain" continued i unintcrruutcd it . slipped steadily nliing, nlhiost perceptibly yeHterdny ana in two days has moved 100 yards. San l-YanclMCo weather bureau issued this morning for this valley. J low ever, conditions may change before night and orchardings will awnlt with much Interest the forecasts as to probable frost which will be given out late this afternoon or early evening by Floyd Young, tho frost expert. This morning's minimum temperature, 47, followed a maximum yesterday of 70. Wo are overstocked and for the next 30 days we will deliver 12 Inch dry oak and laurel at )3.50 per tier In two tier loads. 16 Inch dry oak and laurel at $3.75, 4 foot dry delivered por cord $S.75. All other fuel In pro portion. Valley Fuel Co. 300tf Called by the serious Illness of his brothei'-in-law, W. II. Anderson, for mer Medford merchant. Attorney 'rank DeSouza left this morning for Santa Clara, Calif., accompanied by Mrs. DeHouza. They expect to be away from the city about a week. Mr. Anderson, who at ono time owned u grocery storo on South Central avenue moved to Santa Clara about a year ago. Unity literature teaches people how to be healthy, efficient, prosperous, harmonious and happy. Free distri bution. 718 West Main street. Harry Nealy was among the local business callers yesterday from Table ltock. Hemstitching 8c a yard. The Van ity Shop, Bartlett and Main. tf .John ftrockley was a business vis itor in tho city yesterday, from Mur- i. C. won the next convention I of district number one. .Coos Bay cap tured the attendance contest cup; sec ond prize went to Mount Vernon ash., Astoria, Ore., third, and Nel son, B. C, fourth. Vancouver, B. C. won the stunt cup for Us pageant, "The Coldcn Dawn." which was pre sentcd Monday night. Wall Street Report NKw YORK. March 20. Stock prices made Impressive recovery from recent weakness in today's market, not gains of one to five points being scat tered throughout tho lits. - Bear trad ers attempted to unsettle tho con era! list by hammering Union Pacific to a new 1025 low at 135 but encoun tered strong- buying support. Total sales approximated 1.600.000 shares. Tho closing was strong. United States Steel crossed 1H). Baldwin, American Can. Mack Truck and Sav ago Anns closed four to five points abo'o yesterday's final quotations and United States Cast Iron Pipe soared nine points. The students of tho Smith-Hughes AKeutHuri'l class of tho Medford f high school, under the supervision of' tholr Instructor, C. I). ' Thompson. hAvo for some time past, been doing some, work of luying out flumes for irrigation purposes. Tlrny have done work of this kind for Koscoo Uoberis, li. J., ). Itick ort and Justin Judy, and expect to continue along work of this lino fur a - short time, as they havo several uthur projects In view. Those per nonSi desiring such work done, are requested o got In tou-h with C. I. Thompson or Supt. .A. O. Smith. PACT IS FAVORED MNI l, Mnr. SB. Hy Assoclal ed Press. J (iermany's proposals for a security part, as outlined before the house of commons last evening by Austen I'hamherlaln. the foreign soc relury. arc received favorably by sev eral uf l Ik. chief London morning papers. in his speech the foreign secretary made known to the world that Great (.rent Iliitaln would seek (o build nrATU M AM AT l"nnnncul Uurupcun peace on (be III A IM IN ll AlVIU I H 1,llll"l""l" t n mutual pact between ULfllll 111 lL.nilinill dorniany and her late enemies and , POKTliAND, Ore., March 'JO. Anna o. I'urkcr. widow of ( . it. Parker, has filed suit In federal wouiii nave nothing further to do I wllh the wreckage or the security protocol framed at the last league assembly when the McDonald labor ore!,,' r- ur . dT"K" '""'"V;1 Ho said, would guarantee the present v" u. '" U"M'n '" '" f'""""' f western Kurope agalns o l ? ""n """ '"""J"' thny change and Germany 'wonhl e as kl.te, TTIi'f. 7 w;,Mb!":," n"u,,,lc '"' "( " ' " . kJ"' "J" 'I'"1" '" Msnialh ,u 1ny , , ff eluinge her ' He'w'r'V,10, " M"r """"' "oundarle. as fixed af.r ti e 1UJ4. He was driving a small ear u,! ,. lThv"r,L,trH?M ""i" "",T"' Wh,,;i Tho Times thinks perhaps the lilt a switching train. He was brightest feature In the new prospect rtldent (,( Allunis. Cal. . Tho widow iM ,,,i ,i01.lllllliy , p1(,Ured lo acce,,t tfsks .ln.i)00 for her husband's death esinbllshnient of a demilitarized J,J730 for loss of the automobile. i(,lne military Bone, which II says ui- r Medford Rotary , ; Club News peared indeed to offer hope of nomo slight pracilt-al guarantee of peace. phy. Ore. coul briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen -Coal Co. Phone 2311. The Thrift Shop continues the closing out of all winter goods at greatly reduced prices. Many re quests lire mnde for men's work clothes nnd for children's shoes, whidi the .shop Is unable to supply on account of the ln'k of those articles, donations of which would be appreciated. The Salvation Army can help some one with your old clothing, etc. tf O. H. M. Dersey, II. Van Hen Vou ver. Charles K. Fisher and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Straeffcr of Los Angeles and the following from San Fran cisco: M. c. Osborne. A. H. Jordan, O. H. ornton. William T. Crosse, Mr. and Mrs. O. Delro and K. Ma tties, are among the Medford visitors from the state of California. The best college aggregation In the west. U. of O. orchestra, tiold Hill Pavilion dance, Weduesduy night. 310 Sum Ko7!er, secretary of state and T. A. Hufferty. chief traffic officer. were In Medford a short time yes- erday, en route to northern Cali fornia to examine one tif the stu lions where the headlights and spot lights on autos nre Inspected. They arc preparing to put in operation the new Oregon law, passed at the last legislature and effective in August regulating these lights. Koguo Kiver Vallej Creamery but ter 4bc per lb. Johnson Produce Co. ft. White was a Medford bust ness visitor at I J rants Pass Tues day. Hnmst I tching, buttons covered nt the Handicraft Shop. tf .Miss Van Kusacll, who underwent major operation at a .local hos pita) two weeks ago, returned to her home on north Riverside yes terday, having sufficiently recovered The Pantorlum does all kinds of pleating. Phono 244. 206tf W. II. Jenkins, traveling paVsen ger agent of the Southern Pacific. Is Medford caller from Portlund lo- fla y. v "DIAMOND DYE" IT A BEAUTIFUL COLOR 1 Perfect home dve- big and - tinting ip guaranteed with Dia ntortd Dyes. Just dip in com water to tint sofry delicate phadec or hoil to dvo rich permanent colors Kaclr 1 5-eent pnek aec contains direc tions so simple am woman enn dye or tint nnzcrie. silks ribbons, skirts, waiatadrcsscs, coats stockings, sweaters, draperies, coverings hangingB. evervthinp; new. Buy "Diamond Dyce'V-no other kin' and tell your druxsist whether the mate rial you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, cotton, or mixed BEWARE THE A number of Rotai-lans are attend ing the District Number one conven tion at Portland, this week. There are upward of two thousand hi attendance. In. Monday's program. 10. V. Klynn of fcit Paul. 'Minn., who Is governor of Jtntary District Number Nine deliv ered an address. Among the things he said In a sentence which we quote: "Service Is a lungusgc all nations speak. If this idea was given its due consideration there would be less mis understanding and Ies commercial Jiatred." Also we quote a few sentences from p. K. Irving, who delivered nn ad dress .on "Service:" "Hud the llotary id.Qu been abroad and subscribed to in 1114, there would have been no world iir, And had " hern abroad In this country In i8 60, thero would have been no Civil war." Doth these quotations were taken from the Port land Oregonbtn. After luncheon, the club Immediately ad-joiiru'-d ami Mrn in h lmt to t In jtionie of (Mil (Jotf. as a lnk'n of fi h-nd-rhlp and Hotarlnti esteem, to wih hftti a apeedy recovery from a recent ill .ttess. At this week's meeting In tlie ab sence of Chairman Dob Clancy, Paul 'Scherer acted as chairman. ; C. ROOT Crippling rheumatic aches Tingling warmtk glowing comfort J hen all other remedies havo tailed try Sloan's. It Rives relief to even the oldest, most obsti nate eases of rheumatic pain. Apply lichtly without rubbing over the painful spot. Inst tint ly frtwhly-Pirilietl blood is ent . ulinR through tho aching joints nd muscles. Such relief! You hardly sjlaro believe it ! The aching qpsrs down, the creaky joints henin to limler up. Soon you': fr.v from pain. All tlrfe;i;i9ts U6 nt. THAT HANGS ON Chronic coughs and persistent colJs leaj H'limu tung trouble. lou can stop thero tow with Creomulsion, an emulsified creo Me thai is pleasant to take. Creomulsion a new medical discovery with twofold sc ion; it snolhcs nnd heals the inflamed nenibrancs and kills the germ. Of all known drum, creosote ia rceoa- died by I he medical fraternity as the reatcst ncanng agency lor the treatment ol hronic coughs and colJs and oilier form; if throat and lunjt troubles. Creomulsion -.onlains, in addition to crcosoie. other iraling elements which roothe and heal tlw ndauied membranes and stop the irrilatioi ind iiiflamnalion, while the crrosolo goe in to tho stomacli, is absorbed into tin llood. attacks the ccat of the trouble and lestroys the germs that lead to comuirp ion. ....... Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and ilhrr forms of throat and lung diseases, and la excellent for building up the system after Colds or the flu. Monrv refunded il n cough or cold, no matter of how long stand ing, is' not relieved after taking occording to directions. Ask vour driiaaLt. C.rin. mulsiun Co.. Atlanta. Ca. (AdO DYERS HATTERS CLEANERS PLEATERI Phone 244 ' 23 N. tSBt. OOOOOOOCXKIOOOOWOOOOOOOOO'' Sloans Eioiiisimt pcdni X VQU NEED fi 8 INSURANCE 8 V CALL ON US ' 5 First Insurance Agen ; A. U HLL, Manager. ? I1 M North Central X PKuna 1H Madfortyor. X I OCOOOOOOOOOOoaocsGaaanata FINED AND TOLD TO LET K. K. ALONE WARRRN, Ohio, Mar. 25 Twenty- nine Niles citizens, nil reputed nntl Ku Klux KInnsmen, indicted in con nection with riots here last November incident to a trl-stute klan klon- klave, pleaded Kullly tu charses of rlotlnff In common plena court here ivmy mm uifw sentences or lines, partly, suspended on Rood behuvior. jbach man was sentenced to nay. a fine of $300 and costs, of which $250 is suspended on good behavior if paid by Friday. Judge James Thomas of Ports mouth, in pronouncing sentence on the twenty-nine said: "You men should go back to Xiles and live ns American citizens should live. If tlie Ku Klux Klan wants to parade let them do so and it will wear itself out. Niles has suffered greatly In property values ond In state and national reputation. Don't try to take the law into your own hands to treat those whom you accuse of religious or class bigotry. L,et them go and this thing will die out." "Cascarets" 10c if Constipated, Dizzy, Bilious "STUPENDOUS-COLOSSAL- MAGNIFICENT!" i Expressions Heard From the Hundreds Who Wit nessed This Marvelous, Well-Acted Gripping Motion Picture Yesterday. I SHk. La, SEE AMERICA FIRST" NOW PLAYING! Shows Start 1:303:00 7:009:00 B-W- CrRSFFIM Feel fine! Let "Caecareta" clean . your bowels and v :' 1 stimulate your liv- YL V"ffe'? overacting. Mil ST? 4i. lions of men, wo- ? 7 men, and children Njs take this harmless Tf s laxative . cathartic. m ' - It doesn't sicken . Tou like nilla: nil calomel and aalta. 'Tastes nice acts wonderful. 10c. 25c and ijOe koiea in. drugstore. ' Before you Build or Buy a Home insist on ChecKSeal tUcmcaV Wiring presents a thrillinsf short of Loue and Romance by ROBERT W. CHAMBERS The Mighty Successor to "The Birth of a Nation" Told in a Master Griffith Fashion PRICES WITHIN REACH OF ALL Matinees, Adults 35o Evening, Adults 50o Kiddies Under 12 Years 10c Any Time! RI ALTO Coming Friday ' HARRY CAREY in "TIGER THOMPSON". ' i For 1 week only SUITS To Order Values up to $55.00 at $42.50 he best of workman hip and linings go with these suits. jf Yiiii will find mure real fun and thrills in i N9 ffi C pliinniiit;. saving un,l gettini,' liiitid Hum in I H Inj MM'udiii); it nil and niniiinj; behind. I Q yj ' I''i'l'it-'nnoi-e wealth .-ind jiroKpority r- I H p Start Your Account Here.' !h I Jackson County Bank I - Medford,Oregon Hj m ESTABLISHED 'l888 r JU , Upstairs IMOTEt WROADWY ' SEVENTH Automobile Repairing Day and Jight Servlea MOORE& MARTIN 315 N. veralda Day Phona 806 Storajjt Night Phone 1127 O JUST DRIVE IN And let us Grease your car with our High Power Alemite Guns It makes no difference what kind of a cara Ford or Locomobile it needs greasing Free Crank Case Service Jones & Kirkpatrick A RealService Station Riverside at Sixth Phone 65 Y r. I! I Q 9 9 fi