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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1925)
o o o o o o o o CD I. BRINGING I'LL. LEfWE. VT TO TOO TO TO ORDER The dinner Livestock ' PORTLAND, Ore. Mar. 25. Cattle hogs and sheep nominally steady; no receipts. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 25. Eggs weak to one cent lower; current re ceipts 2Gc; pullets 2414 T 2 5c; firsts 246&-:!5c; henneries 27 , ;!8c de livered Portland. . Butter , Butter firm, scarce.' Extra cubes, city 46V4c; standards 46c; prime firsts 45c; firsts l4c; undergrades nominal; prints 48c; cartons 49c. Uutterfat firm, scarce. Best chnrn lng cream 461!? 47c net shippers' track in zone one; 48c delivered Portland. , Poultry Poultry firm, scarce. Heavy hens 24c per lb.: light 22c; Hprings nomi nal; old roosters 10c: ducks, white Pekln 25c; live turkeys 23c; dressed turkeys 33 0136c; geese 16c. Potatoes Onions steady. S3.25ff? 3.35. Potatoes quiet, $1.60 (ft 1.60. . Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., March 25. Wlroat bids: Hard white, bluestem una it, $1.07; soft white $1.66; west ern White, hard winter. $1.64; nor thern spring, western red. $1.63. Today's car receipts Flour.. 5; hay G. jama I II J 3 The Markets San FraiM'Isco Markets $5 AN FRANCIHOO-, Muiv 8. Hut; 'j t erf at .orh. Han Francisco 50c ; PORTIA! THE-28TH . Tho Young Artists contest for the state of Oregon will be held in the Portland Woman's club, Saturday evening March 28th. Applications should bo filed with Mrs, Waller E. Bliss, 725 Multnomah St., Portland, not later than March 24th. , Contestants must bo citizens of the United States and must have received all their training in the United States. Tho ages for voice contestants is from 20 to 30. violin 18 tu 30. The winner of this contest Is elig ible to compete In the Pacific-district contest, i comprising Oregon-Arizona-California and Washington. Winners in the district contest com pete in the national contest which will he held in Portland during the na- tlonal convention of the N. F. M. C. in June. Tho national winners r "ceive $500 In cash pr one year schol arship in a nationally known conser vatory. it America" Proves a Wonderful Picture By tho First NlgJiter. Magnificent plctorially, beaming In brilliant characterizations, historically correct as to detail nd vigorous in ac tion is David Wark Griffith's "Amer ica,' which Unfolded itself for the first time to Medford audiences yes terday at the Rlalto theater. Griffith has used the two most popular,' two never falling threads of interest. In the weaving of his new fabric love of country and love of a girl. It is hard to say, which is up permost. The play is ponderously patriotic and surely brimful of action, and there is a pretty romance between two ex ceptionally clever players - Carol Dempster and Neil Hamilton who play the leading roles with striking human touches. Standing out somewhat alone Is the Incident of the thundering ride of Paul Revere. As the benutlful animal fairly flies over the earth, as the. pa triot on his back summons the Minute Ken to arms-all is "tcrrifyingly real and Inspiring. Several of these characters stand out prominently. Nell Hamilton's "Na than Holden;" Carol Dempster's "Nancy!" Ilonel Barrymore's domin ating "Captain Butler:" rthur Dew ey's "George Wasmngton." and Charles Mack's foppish English youth and the comedy role of E. Scanlon. CASH PAID For Secondhand Furniture and Stoves W. A. KINNEY Furniture Houte 315 E. Main Phoneft505 UP .FATHER VER.-( WELL SOfcE CELECSX - ON I ONb ALL- THE 'bOOP"b TWO HEAO-b OF- OT- POTATTOEt JP " 8 Killed By Explosion. FERLils. March 20. A dispatch from Hamburg reports 8 persons dead, two missing ami threo seriously injured as the result of an explo sion on the oil lighter Saturn, fol lowing a flro. The force of the t'SjuusiiMi uung wrei'Kiige xrum mo harbor into the city streets. County Tivasurer's Thirty-Second Call lor Cit'iieral Road Fund Wari-antH. State, of Oregon. County of Jackson. Treasury department. March 25, 1H25, Jacksonville, Ore gon. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of ai outstanding Jackson county, Ore gon, General Road Fund Warrants registered January 13, 1925 to Febru ary 7, r25, both dates inclusive. interest on the above called war rants ceases on this, the twenty-fifth day of March, 1J125. A. C. "WALKER. Treasurer of Jackson Countv. 3" Oregon. County Treasuivr's Twenty-Seventh ('all for Current I? Fund ' "Wananm. State of Oregon, County of Jackson, Treasury Department. March 25. 1H25, Jacksonville. Ore gon. Notice Is hereby given that there aro funds on hand for the redemption of nil outstanding Jackson County, Ore gon, Current Expense Fund War rants, registered on January 7th, 1925. Interest on the above called war rants censes on this, the twenty-fifth day of March. 1925. A. ( WALKER, Treasurer of Jackson County, 3 Oregon. Not it to of Flmil Settlement. In the county 'Court of the state of Oregon, Jackson county, r In the matter of the est alt of Mary Christina Hesselgi-ave. deceased. Notice is hereby Kiventhat the un dersigned has filed his " final report mid account In the above entitled matter, and the above named court lias fixed April 6. 1925, at 10 o'clock a. ni at the court house in Jackson ville, in said county, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account; and for the settlement thereof. Dated and first published March 4, 1925. 1 . W. R. OAYLORD, Administrator. I1ELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man for local coifee I route. Must huv a light car and be in position to make a 500 invest ment. We furnish equipment, pay freight and expenses and glvo you a free, training. We establish the bus iness for you. Your investment Is not with us, but is for a stock of goods to start with. This is an opportunity for the right man to make S50 to $7 5 a week. Apply. by letter, giving ad dress for Interview. Box L. L., Mail Tribune.. 31V WANTED SALESMEN Experienced washing machine salesman wanted to take charge of store. Opening up lot of new territory. Salary or commission. Theo. P. Tollefson, 152 4th St., Portland, Ore. 314 WANTED Miner and prospector. No. 15. N. Grape St. 314 WANTKD SITUATIONS WANTED Situation, full or pint time, by 'reliable business man. of flne, store or outtthle work. Mail Tribune. Hox 9. 7 "WANTED--We have n. pood position open for lady with bookKeoplnpr ana stenographic experience. Address Box 84, Mail Tribune. tf WANTKD BY MAN Position as or chard foreman, capable of running laro orchard, 16 years experience. Can furnish references. Rox GO. Mull Tribune. 311 WANTED MISCKL,liANEOCS WANTKD Man for orchard work, house furnished. Phone 7-K-14. 0 WANTKD Someone to prune- and - cultivate 10 acre apple orchard on Khares. or will sell cheap, the KVj of K!4 of NWV, of NWH of Kec. 6. T. 37 K.. r.. 1 W., localcd about 4 miles north of Medford. Owner T. Evans, 1015 W. 22nd St.. Los An Beles. Calif. 9 WANTED flood 1400 pound work horse. Phone 691-.T-2. tf WANTED Furniture to repair and reflnish. Stoves repaired. Upholster ing. W. A. Kinney Furniture House. Phone 505. 314 WANTKD Reliable parties to con tract to put up hay. Klinor Hnnley Bush.. 826 E. Main St., Medford. 311 WANTED 777 lawnmowers to sharp en and adjust. Phono 261-J. : We call for and deliver. Liberty KepMr ShoD. r.f' WANTED Fresh egga, 24c per dnz. cash. Johnson Produce Co., 24Z H. Fir street. Phone 07. tf TUNE IN ON THIS Cet the Other Fellow's Prices Then Buy AJAX, FRESTONE and M IhoN . CRDS FOR LESS All irrtoctpd, not Just v. guaranteed. ' 1 O Armory Service Station BROADCASTING I. afEDPORD1 &ATr? TRIBUNE, -w ' WELL' I CAJS'T EACT AvMOTKEK; rvw: come? on HAVE AvNOThVEK. STEAsK WITH QtSlON-b THfb TtvE- I MU'oT HAVE. 'bOME MORE POTATOE'b THINd! HELP WA3fTE2 FEMALE "WANTED Young woman to do typ ing and shorthand, dive phone. Box 25, Mail Trihune. 5 WANTED Housekeeper six miles out. five children. Phone 132-iI. 4 WANTED Competent woman for general housework. Phone 524-It. FOR RENT not'SES FOit RENT Three modern houses. Call 835 S. Riverside. 4 FOR KENT Furnished house and one acre of ground,- with 23 fruit trees and largo garden spot, ('hick en bouse. Box 44, Mail Tribune. 4 FOR RENT 8 room bouso. Cioso in. Phono 882-R or 517-L. tf FOR RENT Houses, Brown & White. FOit RENT FURNISHE1 ROOMS FOR RENT Nice- sleeping rooms, close In. 204 So. Central. 5 FOR RENT Furniyhed room. Heat, with a bath adjoining. Apply 711 East Main. 8 FOR RENT Large front room with bath. 20 So. Fir street. 811 FOR .RENT Sleeping rooms. Close in. steam heat, hot water. Phono 322. 311 FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms, bath. Men. 245 N. Grape. tf FOJt RENT Furnished rooms and upartments and garage. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR KENT 24i acre slock ranch !t miles from M ed ford . 2 0 acres i n wheat. 40 acres fineicorn land. Iots of wood. If you have 3 or 4 large i norses and can furnish the right references you may have all you can raise there this season. Phone 617-L. . FOR RENT Garage. 53.50 month. 325 So. Riverside ave. per If FOR RENT Small furnished restaur ant, to unincumbered middle aged woman. .Close to Klamath Falls. Oond proposition, Isaac Moore; 313 FOR RENT Small racb.. Closo in. Phone 534-L. 311 ' ; .,,. 1 6Bpcr"Tos5sas In Farmv iO I AMD 1 We Solicit Yonr REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Brunches 8ALE3 V RENTALS :: Highly improved place at Cottage Grove, to EXCHANGE for. improved place here of from 10 to 25 acres. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main 8t MAPLE PARK 2-Acro Tracts $50 Cash, Balance $10 a Month l'riee $400 to $050 for 2 acres. Just outside city limits; partly in alfalfa, good garden land, plowed, ready to plant; irrigation. Near good school.- ; Nothing Better! . Phone 784-L or 409 ' J. C. BARNES, Real Estate 6 So. Central fooooooooc Real Estate Bargains Five room i modern cottage, Just painted and papered, concreto , foundation, cement walks, 'garage, good lot. Location five blocks from Medford Hotel. Price $2,250.00. ' - . Five acres g:ood soil two miles out of Medford, some bearing pears, and peaches, excellent view and building site, irrigated. Price $500.00 O Fine farm or slock ranch on floor of valUy 3 miles from Medford, Ko acres, 60 ncrs fine alfalfa r.tand, balance ready to plow, house, larffe barn, one-half mile of this farm faces on a broad macadam highway. Price only $75.00 per acre. Long easy terms. Stock ranch 280 acres. 75 to 100 schar ready to plow, g ood build ings and fences, plenty of water, good ron0i. , Price time terms, only $500 cash required. Will trade... Earl S. MEBPOKP. OREOON, "WEDNESDAY, fARCTT 25 '- v ' " (what? b'''925. by Int'l FOR TIEXT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Ft i R RENT Housekeeping rooms. j;tu u . dm sirt-ct. Across from Hotel Holland. Phono 3 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Adults. 325 E. Jack son stret. Phone 211. 312 FOR RENT APARl'MENTS l'VK KENT Furnished apartment. rtuuns only, ho. Oakdale. 311 I'M It RENT Room and apartment at - the Nye. 1005 W. Main. Phono 1012. 314 FOR RENT 3-ronm furnished apart ment. Valley Fuel Co. Phono 70. tf FOR KENT Furnished : apartmcnL Ground floor. Phono 965-R. 234 E. Hth. 311 FOR KENT Nicely furnished apart ment at Berben. Adults only. Brown & White Agency- 238 FOR SALKr HOMTSS FOR KALE 4-room bouse, close In. on pavement. Martin McDonough, 307 E. 6th street. 311 FOR SALE Seven room modern res idence, fine condition. Corner lot, fine law i), and shrubbery. Close In, on pavement, no incumbruncei Up per rooms will nay 8 per cent on price, owner, 215 N. Grape. 9 FOR SABE rBy owner, house of 5 rooms and bath, partially furnished, on paved street. 6 blocks from Ho tel Mod ford, bluegrnKs lawn, fruit trees, wood shed. All assessments paid. In full. Address J. F. R.. care Mail Tribune. tf v WANTED To Buy for Caph T All Your Second Sand furniture MORDOFF WO0LF ... I FARMS: We have some beautiful and' produc tive small farms, on our lists at ex trcmely reasonable prices. Wo will be glad to take you to see them. D o It Is Real Ratato Seo ' FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building Medford, Oregon LOANS :: IN8URANCE $0000 ong TUMY r.F.Ali KKTATF. and INSVRANCF. WE HAVEN'T bTA.RTEO I UOVE THE PIE HERE WO VQU MUST Tov SOIME. OF THE CHEE'oC AO ICE CK.EA.wv WE. HKVE. OUtsT- WAR.TEO - FeMnre Service. In. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ford sedan at a bargain. Owner leaving city, must sell. New paint, upholstery, extras. P. O. Box 645 Medford. Phone tt!(i-L. ti FOR SALE A bargain. Graham Bros, one-ton truck. Phono 1033. tf FOR KALE OR TRADE Practically new Chevrolet. Prefer Star or Max well. Everett V. Hamlin. PIkmmiIx Jacksonville road. Box 100-A, it. 1. Evenings. 31 1 FOR SALE $700 Buick. 1922. Mile age 12000. License; bumpers, spot, sparo. 718 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Buick 6. 4 passenger coupe. Brand new Dueo paint job, , License for 1925; 6 good tires. Can ' be seen at Dan's Lunch "oum. tf FOR SALE POCLTRt AND EGGS FOR SALE April and May hatched chicks from our bred to lay S. C, White Leghorns. W. J. Warner & Son, 5 lit H.' Oakdale Ave. ' 6 FOR SALE Call the Souare Deal Hatchery for April and May chicks. Phone 951-L. 7 FOR SALE One 150 chick si7.e Kres ky brooder stove, or1 will trade for pullets 12 weeks old. "W. J. Warner and Son. 519 S. Oakdale Ave. 6 FOR SALE At a bargain. Standard electric incubator. R. 1. Red batch ing eggs and bens. Phono 1058. 321 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phono 201-.L tf FOR SALE KKA1j ESTATE FOR SALE Farm on Crater 1-alio highway. Tel. 23-F-ll. Each' Point. K FOR SALE Iand in tho Eaule Point irrigation district. Tracts of 10 to 500 acres. Price $15 per acre, half cash, 10 years on balance at 6 per cunt. Water rate paid to Jan. 1st, iUZH. Juke Ryan, Owmr, 215 E. Jackson St., Medford, Ore. 314 FOR SA LK Or will trade for good small farm in southern Oregon, 70 acre Irrigated alfalfa ranch in cen tral California. I lord of purebred Jerseys: other stock, buildings and Implements. Seo owner at Medford Veterinary Hospital. 311 FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 acres timber and wood lane, on Galls Creek. Inquire of W. G. Wright, 314 Laurel street. 315 FOR SAL)' I leant if ul homo sites on best Irrigated fruit, alflafa and gar den land In the Rogue River valiey. Tracts from two to 00 acres. Fif teen minutes from Medford and tho roads are always good. Terms. For information call Howard A. Hill, Owner. Tel. 7S8-R-3. 314 FOit SALE 10 acres on Jacksonville hlchwa v. 2 -'. miles from M ml ford. I Phone 417. 31 1 FOit SALE OR TRA 1E 2H0 acre fiirm with rood buildings and fences; plenty of water, no irriga tion debt. Little Putin Valley above 'Eagle Point. Price $000. Only $500 cash required. Will trade for house In Medford. Earl S. Tumy. Owner. Liberty .Building. ' If FOR SALK Choice lots on pavement, stiadc and fruit trcels. Inquire- 31. 'J So. Peach. 312 FOR HALE OR EXCHANGE 1 10 acres, 40' Sacramento river bottom, under irrigation; 10 fruit; 2 grapes, 8 alfalfa, 10 oats, 8 sudan and cane, 70 pasture. Will trade for house In town or small place near. Will assume, or give terms on other properly. I. J. Gittlngs, R. F. D. Box 32-A, Roddlng, Calif. 314 FOR SALE Sovoral farms, good val ues, easy terms, low Interest. O. C. ' Bogga, Atty for Stale Land Board. tf FOR SALE A real bargain. 40 ncros free soli, 15 acres in pears, 6 room house; close in. Terms. See Babh & Mays. Call 590-L or 372. 316 FOR SALE 10 aero- tract i miles from Medford business center. Froe soil, all can be cultivated. Very sightly building spot. Price $1050. Terms. Phono 517-lior 105. tf SACRIFICE SALE 10,000 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per acre up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, ownere. 15 N. Grape St tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Purebred Jersey bull calf, 3 mouths old. Sire was Grand Champion Jaekaon, county fair lit 2 3. This eulf is exceptionally well developed. Price reasonable. Phone 869-W. .,5 FOR SALE Puppies, cheap. Inqulro si fill H. Central. 311 INSURANCE Insure In the Best Companies FIRE AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLA83 ACCIDENT HEALTH LIABILITY CARL Y. TENQWALD Insurance ghat Insures Hotel Holland Building. Phone 993 ft 1025 - By George I DD WHY A.RE 'TOO bO L-ACTE.? DiNNER A1 K ITTTTV N KIRK.LAND- I LEFT IM HE'i -bTILL ( U XX5I Ut Bnlmn right reserved, 3 Y "'fft'fcjj I' J FOR SALE MY ESTOCK FOR SALE I Jersey cow, I years old. coming fresh in few days; 1 Jersey cow; 1 Holstein cow, coming fresh about April ti. 1 tt am young horses, heavy built, suitable for logging, Plume 3ti4. Jacksonville. 4 FOR SALE Yearling heifer. Lee Wakcfit'ld. Jacksonville, east of school house. 5 FOR SALE Two beautiful fresh cows; can't be beat. M. Walsh, on South Peach stret, just outside city limits. if FOIl SAL10 MtKCKMjAXftOUS FOR SALE Seed barley, beardless. 500 lbs.. Plume 403-11-5. 4 FOR SALE Electric range. Excel lent condition. Jerry Jerome. 5 FOR SALE We were unable to dis pose of all our goods at auction sale. Wo still have a lot of good mer chandise at bargain prices. Scott lind Ibind Store. 13 S. Front St. 8 FOR SALE Sanitary couch and mat tress and couch for living room. Garden hose, digging fork, fruit jars, wash boiler. 522 W. lUth. Phone 358-X. 3 FOR SALE Spray rig complete, in good condition, used two seasons on li.S acre tract. Call "05-J. , 0 FOR SALE Cheap. Grapo vines. A few thousand choice flaming tokays and -other varieties. Edd Hughes. Talent, Ore. i . (J FOR SALE One targe electrfc cof feo mill. . One small .electric cof feot mill, 'one remington typewriter No. 11. Service Stores Inc. S FOR SALE Oladolia bulbs, 40c a dozen. East Side Grocery. 311 FOR SALE Cement mixer, cost $52. Will sell for $40;' used very little. L. S. Wright, It. 2, Hox li8. 3 FOR SALE Small Phone R-13-M. I Jean sprayer. 4 FOR SA LE Progressive ever bear ing strawberry plants. W. J. Jen nings, 1023 E. Main. Phono 578-L. 1 FOR SALE Haled alfalfa hny. Tele phono No. 10-R-4. C. C. Ilohl. 7 FOR SALE Radlloa super-hole rn- I dyne. Phono 10K0-R. ' 314 . l'"OH HAI.K Cnhlmifo, onullflowni-and tnnituu pmnlH. Munarcli tsceu (:u. an i'OIl SAIjM (Ian pluto wllh Idtia; ehonp, 403 N. Holly Htroot. l'lumo r.37-M. a in l'"OU SALIO drain hay. alfalfa hay haled. Kco barley, amra Kited, u. Nlcdi'i-nioyur. Cull iil-F-3, Juck Konvlllo. 312 FOIl HAI.K ALlcnllnn! HiiiUIi'h um- ini'r rates on pine now In effeel. 52.75 a tier. Disenunt on lai-KOr or ders, l'hono 1103. Central Point 3H-X-2. ' 331 Fort HAI.K Fanry Klamath netted Ketn potatoes, ?2.C0 per iod lha. de livered. A ehiinco tu'atock tip before tho Jong wait for now potatoes. Johnson I'rodtlee Co. FOR 8A13 New piano, nt a bar gain. Nool Krsltlno. l'hono 72S-W. 32K FOit SALli Baled alfalfa. 28-11-1 . tf FOR RATjK At a bargain,' Standard eloetrli: lncuhntnr. It. 1. Rod hateh IliKH prkh. l'hono 1068. 321 FOR KAIjE Heed potalooH of early varieties. Jicusonuoiu l riouo. jonn son I'roduce Co. tf FOR SAI.B OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half prfco. 16 N. Grape, tf IIUSIXE&S JlIKBCTOItir Kxpert Accountant WILSON AUDIT1NO CO. K. M. Wil son, O. P. A. Attention Riven tc anything In accounting nnd Income Tnx requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting mothod. Llb erty'Hldg.. Medford. Phono 1H7-R. Used Cars That You Can Use lowest prices in the valley on reconditioned Fords. SPECIAL Ford TrucS and Body. " Just Overhauled $185.00 C. E. Gates Auto Co. pAflE SEVEN ' anus A.'b OG TOUO I WITH BUSINESS PIRECTORY Attorneys REAMES A. REAM EH Lawyers, of fice In Liberty liulldlng. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. Jk ORE E N E Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 5 No. 3 2 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNII ARSTRACT CO. 'Abstracts or Title and Title Insurance, The only roinplete Title System Id Jackson County, , A. 1. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experienco In th . county. Phono C-J-2 Gold H1U. tl Itulldt'n;- Supplies and Hoofing STANDARD ROO pT'a'nDBu" IhtP ERS SUPPLY CO. Uulld up Roof ing. Ashland Granite Top. 15 years guarantee. Rest grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, all colors. All material Class A. Port land Reavor Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel- r ephoae f 38-X. Chiropractic Physicians DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectio Physician. DR. LOUISE E, HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chiro practtce. Office: Stewart Bids., 255 E. Main St. Phones: Offic 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlropractld . Nerve Specialist. Office hours 0-12, Z-5. 20U-oti Liberty Bldjj. Office Phone ft-HO, Res. phone 1027. ' Dent Ms DR. O. J. JOHNSON DentlBt. Phon Res. 770. Office hours 9 tw m. 6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment. DR. U. 13. M17RPHY Dentistry. DeniM X-ltay. Phone 77. ufflo Second floor Medford Bldff, Fmntturo lltlOPAlHINO OF ALL, KINDS of fur i nlture, vSorlc done at your home or nt our .Bhop. A. N. Thlebault. TqL I UII'J-R. Itisunmeo KARL 3. TUMY All forms of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Llro, Accident, llonds. 1'linno 402, 209 Liberty lildg. Money to faum J. ts. ANDREW'S iuiys nnd sells mortgages and loans money on good security. 81 N. Urapo Ht. Phone tSj-M. 246 Funeral Director 'ERI, FUNKRAL HOMIJ Cur. Sixth nnd Oakdale. Ambulance sorvlce, Phone 47. Monuments TUB OlllSaON GRANITE CO. Monuments. B. A Hicks, General Manager.; P". Mi Kershaw, 8cles Manager, 103 E, tilxlh St., Medford. tt Osteopaths DR. F. CI. CARLOW, DR. IS VA MAINS CAR LOW Osteopathic Physicians .4 10-4 IK Liberty Did. l'hono 804-J-l. Residence 26 Mouth Laurel St. lMnno Instruction FRED ALTON 1IAIC111T Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 213 Liberty Hldg., Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MfCDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Hook binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Ft runs I er EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phone 815. Prices right; Bervlco guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER A 8TORAGB CO. Anything moved, day or night Servlco guuruntoed. .29 S. Grape. Phone 644, or residence 1060. , Upholstering J, WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol Bterlng. Wo deliver and will call anil tdiow samples. Phone 203 Jacksonville, Ore. I.VARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. E. C. Mcculloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations froo. Corner Grape and Fifth, Med ford, Ore. Phone 3C9 Day or night Window Alrantng GEO. A. 8EELY Window oloaning, floor waxing, Janitor service, build ings, etc Have takfga over A. It, hnodea' work. Let Oeor(t) do It. 8M luit-M. : V?