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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1925)
9 0 o o o o o o CO o oo GO GPAGE TWO MEDFOftD MAjt TfttittTXE, MEDTORP, ORlftOy, WlftxEST) W, SrAljf IT 25, 192." Focal and Personal' The pohool board Ik hard nt work on developing a new high school propor tion to he Hubmlttcd to the votei-H of tho city at a special election to In culled In tho near future, probably within three weeks. The hoard ha been holding conference! with busi nesM nien, educators and other group of citizens on the matter for wcekH punt. fllFcuHfdng vaiioUH propositions from different angle. V. of O. orehemrn Gold llfll Pavil ion dance tonight. 311 H. F. (Dad) tiilhert. veteran cuh- todlan of the federal building. 1m con lined to his home with an attack of fin . ' ' We nre overstocked and for the next , 30 days we will deliver 12 inch dry oak nnd laurel at 3.r0 per tier in two tier loads. 16 inch dry oak and laurel at ?3.7.r(. 4 foot dry delivered $K."5. All other fuel in proportion. Valley Fuel Co, 300tf Interest In the ('number of Com merce primary election fur directors, which ends at 7:30 p. in. tomorrow night Is Increasing hourly. The pri mary election began Monday morning, following the sending out of the meni herahlp list ballot to the fr0 chamber members. By this morning 75 ballots , had been turned In, and the majority of the remainder of the ballots were vx-pecled to be in the chamber office , by 1 0 a, m. tomorrow. The, ThooKophlcarHoelety will hold an open meeting nnd social at their lodge room on Thursday evening March J6. William H. Dunn of llockford. 111. ami Mr. and Mrs. John K. Kronen berger and H. O. Miller of Chicago are among the out of town visitors fro ma distance registered at the local hotels, and who arrived yesterday. Iluy Vaughau's Huperlor flower , ficeds ut the Monarch Heed & Feed Co tf The season for Chinook salmon . opened up Monday In earnest for three of the big felows were taken nt the Savage Haplds dam. (Maude alirdon took out two of the big follows, weigh ing 30 and 32 pounds. InUM-est In aalmon fishing has begun to be much In evidence ns a recall, UrfinlH Pass Courier. The best college aggregation In the west. I', of O. orchestra, Gold Hill pn- vllion dance tonight. 311 Mr. George Hunt leaves today for a few days' business trip to Portland. Madrona brand mltierallzed-yeast chick mashes are absolute Insurance ngninst leg weakness In growing put lets. Every person raising ehlcks should Investigate these mashes. Made by Monarch Heed Co. tf The W. C. T. U, will meel nt the liaptlst church Thursday afternoon at 1! o'clock. Ada Wallace Unruh will tie present and speak, telling about the Children's Farm Home at CorvalllH. All members, nnd any others interest ed, are Invited to be present. You'll miss a treat If you mls the big college danco nt the Oriental Gar dens, Thursday night. 4 Among Tuesday's arrivals In the city from out of town points In Ore gon are Mr. and Mrs. (1. M. Ksterly of Waldo, George A. Furneaux of Oil -fur, Robert D. Kuykcndalt of Klam ath Fnllf, Mrs. T. IS. Parks and son of Elgin, Mrs. Nellie titrobrldgc and children of Chilotiuln, C. C. Stowell and C .A. Haiduy of Wemlllug, o: M. Hehuutt and 10. C. Ilalley of Hulem, .1. . E. Kngor and A. H. Ferguson of Itose burg, and the following from Eugene: 1.. M. Combs, Ed V. Iliirney. C. W. Fox. F. P. Knight. J. M. Gerow, O. L). Herbert and V. A. Kmllh. Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood, Lumber yard. The registration of out of the stnle ears with the local state bureau this week so far, has been averaging 25 a day. -Melody by the famous I', of O. dance orchestra, Gold Hill pavilion, tonight. 311 With the sale of $30,000 additional stock In the Uthlnn 1 lute) corpora tion. In order that the financing of the big project may be more easily carried out Hn their objective, thirty solicitors, picked men from among the IhisIuchh men of the city will start out tomor row morning to canvas tin city. The drive will be an Intensive one. closing Thursday night, and tho officials in i'hnrge of the drive are confident that the otnl amount requited will be sub scribed wel within that time. Anil land Tidings. For sale New modern 4 -room hoUHc with sleeping porch. All kind of built-lns. Located on cast side. Close In. Priced for quick sale nt $.1200. $1000 on nil. ltnlunce like rent. Clin. A. Wing. Phone 72S. 7 Jerry Young underwent an opera tion Tuesday morning for tho removnl of bin tonsils. College Vncntlcn lanee. Oriental Gardens, "Eclt" Itorlck's fumous (. A. C. Colegtniift, Thursday night. 4 Mrs. Carl Heebee of Klamath Falls Is spending a few days here visiting with ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. !. Cat on. Dry qnk and laurel cut any length. $10 per cord. Good burr, saw for sale cheap.: Pollock and JOrickson. Phone 1 140. ' $12 r Each . general yonr sops increase a in of the consumption baker's bread. Why? l!read like FlulirerV Milk liread is tin reason. JudgcV. M. Thomnj becatme of the) Inability of oik of the attorney to be present, hnn found It necessary til post-J pone the opening of circuit court in JnHephine county tfor novenil daH. Court was to have opened at GrantH IttHH today. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 8. Fir. Altti Naylor, corsetlere. 318 Mrs. J. I Iiwi-enco entered the Community hOHpital last night, where nhe will receive medical treatment. O. A. ('. dance, Oriental GardenH. Thursday. March 2th. 4 Frank 8. (Mover of Portland, spe cial agent for the National Fire In surance company, was a Med ford bus Incus visitor today. Hnve you tried thnt big milk shake at UeVoo's? Jnmes lJonohui', who was arrested by Night Officer CHve lust Kunday night on the charge of Intoxication and who later put up $lf ensh hall for his uppeai-ance In the city court within the next two dnyH. forfeited that ball by non-appearance. Your choice of naiads with soup, dessert and drink on our 50c mer chant's lunch. Franklin's. tf Leaf rol ler Is now a ppea rl ng a nd commercial berry growers are warned that they should be on the watch for them. As soon as the moth is observ ed, the growers should spray with lead arsenate, two parts to 50 of water indng one pound of calcinate spreader Considerable damage was done by this pest in the berry patches along the Kedwood highway last fall and It Is held important that steps be taken thin season for protection against them. Grants Pass Courier. "Kelt" Rorlrk's O. A. C. Collegians. Oriental Oardens, Thursday, March 20th. . 4 Temporary sojourners in the city from the Ptate of Washington liwlude, Mrs. E. L. Itairdon of Itelllngham, F. K. Lunger of Port Orford, Mr. and Mrs. cOorge C. Jones and C. W. Wit meroth of Wenatchee and William F. Itohrluu.h, E. A. Waller, J. V. John son, Mrs, J. F. Iteckerjack, Mrs. Mil dred Pollock ami Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Wllkins of cSattle. Every raiser of baby chicks should know about Madrona brand mineral I fed -yea t chick mashes before Htart Ing their chicks. Manufactured by Monarch Meed Co. tf Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ksterly of Wal do, Josephine county, wero visitors In tho city this forenoon who arrived Tuesday. A salad Instead of meat served on our 50o merchants' lunch, if you worn. Franklin's. tf N. Row mail, a representative of the Jautzcn knitting mills of Portland, was a Medford business caller Tuesday. Columbia plaster wall board. Call for ' prices..-! Wallaco Wood Lumber Yard. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR HALE KH ncreH under cultiva tion, 12 acres wood and pasture. All buildings am) machinery necessary. 3X acres In full bearing orchard. 14 years old. Team, cow. lug boxes, etc. Price $100.25 per acre to close an estate. The orchard alone is worth more than price asked for all. 80 acres 5-room house, barn. 2 cows, leu'bi, few turkeys and chick em. Trade for Medford property. .SO acres to sub-divide, $ft,r0.u0. House and lot, $7011. C. K. liut terfleld. C FOK KENT 3-room apartment. Pri vate bath. Ground floor. Kivcraidc Apartment. Phone 4t7-J. 4 FOK HALE Exceptional ncrlfice. Ilungalow. 5 -room modern, plaster ed bungalow, two large lots, garden planted. Fine location. Nothing belter. J. C. names. Ileal Estate. 0 H. Central. Phone 40!. if WANTED To buy fishing pole Mall Tribune. ami 5 eel. Itox F. FOlt TtENT Two room furnished apartment. Clove In, 245 S. Central. 5 Getting Too Fat? Try This Reduce People who don't grow too fat nre the fortunate exception. Rut If you find the fat accumulating or already cumbersome, you will be wise to fol low thousands of people 'who know. Ask your druggist for Marmola Pre scription Tablets and follow direc tions. One dollar Is the price the world over. Get them from your own druggist or send price direct to Marmola Co.. General Motors Bldg., Detroit. Mich. llv doing this you wilt be able to reduce steadily and easily and pleasantly, without star vation diet or tiresome exercise. Start taking them today and get slender. Adv. NEW FEED PRICES Practically all feeds have declined in price. We are pass ing these Lower , Prices on- to you, so take advantage of them. Don't phone but step in at our main street store or the Russ mill. Purchase your sup plies nd save money o MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. The Uthlami of "Afdilnnd undUheir wives are to be the gucHttt Thursday night of the Cavemen and wiv'j-)f UrantM J-asH, when thc-fOivill be enter- J lalned with a banquet at tho Hotel Josephine and will be tje guests after wards at the dancing party of the Fortnightly club. Special this week. Exide battery for Ford, Chevrolet una Star, $10.00. ."Williams & McCurlev. tf Agent C. W. Dalgh of The Dalles has forwarded a pooled order for 2501) poundH of Grimm alfalfa seed for farmers of Wasco and Morow coun Uch. , Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Yard. Wallace Woods Lumber Mrs. Glenn Fu brick if thl city, who is Htate chairman of the high school circles of the Parent-Teachers .uhso clatlou. gave an address tills nfter iioon nt the Parent-Teachers' hieoting otthe Ashland high school held In that eity. We pay for ashes and sell dirt cheap. Urown & "White Agepcy, Inc. NOW! Tatho Sj T'EARS TO SEE 11 1 ' i'ilipf 'wsiiiisiii it has been IS ' PWB THE SJPREME ' . H H P IIBM OP THE SCREEN Mil H ra llii SEE IT BY M$$m ATTRACTIONS . T . A short ciiTinge arlift. the second to work the Wy within three weeks, was a 0itor in Ashland yesterday. How ever, the man citlur did not obtain much or his victims did it can to report the matt'-r l the ilijef of po- lice. Fred Taylor of tin- Plaza was the only person who was touched by the artb-t vflio had menial counw enoguh to turn in a report. Ashland Tidings. Flower lovers will find greater wit- iHfaction' in Vaughan'. choicer flower seeds at the Monarch .Seed & Feed Co. tf- Mlas Ada Drewst'-r. the home dem onHtratiim agent, lo-ld a meeting at i,ht; home of .Mm. Justin Judy of Grif- I fin Creek yesterday for the purpose of making hats. lief ore housecleanlng, et mo OHtl malo your painting, tinting, enamel ing or papering. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. I!. 'V. Marx. Phone 178-J. , 317 The condition of lis Helen Mur ray, who has be.-n quite f-irk for the past toycral days. 1h reported, as Homewbal fmprrtved. Jilt'i Jn Jui0- Taylor's court yesterday afternoon tin- ens,, charging hunting after dark last Keptembcr. preferred I j ii'iiiii" ui:i:rt aaiiifi uuurgu, !,i ...,. ti.,.. .1... i.. gate district, whf.i was to have be jtried before a jury, was dlsmiHHcd on i recomeiulation of District Attorney I Cheney for lack of sufficient ovidewt. We pay cash for used pianos. Pal-' mer Piano House. tf i ifubert N. Kuykendal) was in Med-" ford yesterday enroute home to Klam- ; '!lth j.-jiUs from i'ofthind. lie savs thev.1 are going to drive hard on the pr position of establishing a new fderal district in southern Oregon with court to be held in KJamath Fa lis and to erect a federal building ther'.'. Coal briquets, that ciean, fuel. Ha:: Ben Coal Co. Phun 231. George Corum returned to Copco, I'nlif., totlay iifier a short visit with his family. old papers for kindling fire at this office. if C. W. HarrtHnn npent Monday in Grants Pass on business. II. 1. It. egirs at D-Voe's. ' tf MAIN . Mr. and Mrs. 9l. I.. Walther ho. Leslie. .Davis . anU .Wjiani nohnert purchased the ltoherts bungalow of were among the Medford visitors siv rooms on West Tenth street, just yesieruay irom u-muu uiiu. off Oakdule and will occupy the same aboui April They will make :ome improvem'its on the property before moving- in. Wo p:iy for ash and sell dirt cheap. Drown & White Agency, Inc. tf is re Relief FOF? INDIGESTION rM-i O UELL-ANS ' -- n J .11' T KO QT 254 and 75t Paclcades Everywhere DELL-ANS rQUALrm.: r L CORNER J Fountain Lunches Davidson's Corner Fir and Main t MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Playing Till Saturday Night PRICES ADULTS - -CHILDREN - 60c 25c SUNDAY CRATERIAN SPECIAL CONCERT 2 o'Clock ' and "THE MAN WHO CASE BAQH" M "Betty" at the Wurlitzer O At Any Grocer 1