0 6 o O O o u o BRINGING jf WHERE. 4 HE LEFT HONE. ERlf KjYv J"b DUSTY? J' THt NORtilN'-HE.. Nflll I MOST ' &fID HE VJCJ2 OIM VlEE HlJi.lTOUTENTO WE. T- READY TO RESIGN VIENNA. Murth 24. (IJy the Asso ciated Press.) Albert II. Washburn has tendered his resignation as United Stales' minister to Austria, he made known today. Mr. Washhurn who was nppoltned in by President ullrding pointed out tuht it was customary for American diplomats to placo their posts at the disposal of the pmsident in cases of change at the White House, regard less of whether they were also inspir ed by private considerations or not. WASHINGTON. March 24. ( I'.y the Associated Press.) Indications here, are that the resignation of Minister Washburn will be accepted. It is one of several received by President Cool Idge -at the time of his inauguration and which ho now lias before him for consideration and selection of new ap pointments. J. Ilutler .Wright, assistant secertary of mate has been suggested for the Vienna appointment. He has had long service in the state department and in .various European diplomatic posts. 2 PE NEWPORT. II. I.. March 24. Two members of the Newport fire depart ment lost their lives today in a fire which caused damuge to the city hall buildings estimated at more than $200,000. John Hoyan ,a call fire- man, died from injuries and Captain John Malloy was killed by falling down a flight of stairs when dazed with smoke. LOS ANGELES. March 2 4 Oconto VonElm, amuteur una open ' Rolf champion, respectively of northern nmt southern California, has joined the ranks of left handed players and will celebrate the change made in ploying, in the southern Cnliforniu left-handed tournament w h i c h is scheduled to start on tho Ims Ange les country club course next Friday. Southpaw golfers from an over tho Pacific coast will participate in tho tourney. ST. PAUL, March 24 Harry Greb. middleweight boxing champion of tho world, arrived hero today to pre pare for his ten round fight Friday night with Geno Tunney, American light-heavyweight champion. Tun ney has been here for the past two days. CHICAGO. March 24. "Wayne Munn, world's heavyweight wrestling chnmpion, ind Joe "Toots" Mondt, Colorado cowboy, have been match ed for the main bout of a wrestling show here March 31. CFtTCCG TIJAVUL - All Rotit UaJ lo San FrtnHtet Witri ths Hettl Mails wtlcomti Iki virilar After the jounwv ymt !nng lor a ptne. 4 quiet end reel. The Hotel Manx .wsiti mkI welcome, the vuttar. A pleeeyou can call e real HOME. An atjboapbcre of unusual cfaarm and ecvnfort. CASH PAID For Second-Hand Furnitufe and Stoves W. A. KINNEY Fuiiture iou 315 E. Main Phone 50rfi SPORT BRIEFS HotelManx FQVCLL St orAaDELL. 6tAU tW. MCI SCO I tJP -FATHER IS BY SAN FKAXCISCO. March 24. Eight goats disturbed traffic at Mt. Kden, a town near here yesterday, when they became intoxicated after eating a quantity of moonshine mash. The animals rammed several persons. Including women, in the main thor oughfare while Deputy Marshal Clem Stokes was forced to flee io a water ing trough for safety. The owner of the goats was located -finally and he led his drunken charges home. Our Second Birthday Subject for Tonight The meetings at the Christian church continue with splendid inter est. Evangelist Stivers made a splen did plea from a Uible standpoint, also from things of nature to show the fal lacy that death ends all. There were three additions last night. The subject tonight is "Our Second Ilirthday," and the evangelist will take the stand and endeavor to prove that everyone must be horn twice, once into this world and once into the kingdom of Ood. Special music an dcongregatinnal singing. Come and spend a profitable hour. Ex -I i ii press Bettor, BRUSSELS. March 24. Former Empress Charlotte, who is ill with influenza, passed a good night. Her cough has diminished. Card of Tlutnks.' . We wish to express our deepest gratitude and thanks to our friends for tho great sympathy and kindness ren dered us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Also for the beautiful floral contribu tion. , MRU. C O. ROGERS. SIBYL, FELIJERT, VELMA, AXD GLENN" ROGERS, MRS OLA WITHROW. I1HS. BLANCHE DOTY. Card of Tlmnks. We wish tti thank our friends and neighbor for their kindness and sym pathy to us during our late bereave ment. Also for the many beautiful flowers. ' ' ROIi'T.'McCLANAIIAN, : AND FAMILY. ' 2 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned has filed his final account is administrator of the cslaio of u il- linm Justice, sometimes known as William Merchant, deceased, with the county court of Jackson county. Ore gon, and that said court has act Mon day. April 6. 1U25, at 10 a. ni.. of said day as the time nnd the court room of said court as the place for heating ob jections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published March 3, 1925. W. Jl. GAYLORD. Administrator. nrr.p wanted matjE WANTED Man for local coffee route. Must have a liht car and be in position to make a $500 invest ment. Wo furnish equipment, pay freight and expenses and jrivc you a free training. We establish the bus iness for you. Your investment is ngt with us, but is for a stock of Koods to stnrt with. This is an opportunity for the ripht man to make $50 to $75 a week. Apply by letter. Kivintf ad dress for interview. Box L,. L., Mat Tribune. 311 W A N T K U H A S W N IS xper fenced washing machine salesman wanted to take chaiKe of store. Open ins up lot nf new territory. Salary or commission. Theo. P. Tollefson, 152 4th St., Portland, Ore. 314 WANTKD Miner and prospector. No. 15. N. Grape St. 314 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Situation. . full or part time, by reliable business man. or fice, . store or outskle work. Mail Tribune. Uox 9. 7 WANTED We have a Rood position open for lady with bookkeeping and stenopraphle experience. Address Itox 34, Mall Tribune. tf WANTED 1SY MAN--Positlon as or chard foreman, capable of nmnlnc I- lare orchard, 1 B years experience. Can furnish reierences. uox fo, Mail Tribune. 311 TUNE IN ON THIS Get the Other Fellow's Prices Then Buy . AJAX, FIRESTONE and MASON CORDS FOR LESS All protected, not just guarantcftl. a Armory Sertice Station BROADCASTING 0 M UITTUE IJROAOA' mm WANTKD SIIRCKMiANEOUS WA.VI'ED One section spike tooth harrow. Also two-wheel hand cul tivator. . Phono tiSD-J-4. 2 WANTED Good 1400 pound work horse. . Phone u!H-.i--'. tr WANTED Furniture to repair anil reflnish. Stoves repaired. I'pholster fng. VY. A. Kinney Furniture House. I'hone f05. 314 WANTED rnfurnlshed or partly furnished house. Address Dux M. A!., Mail Tribune. 310 WANTED Reliable' parties to con tract to put up hay. r.llnor nullify Hush!. SL'li K. Main St.. Medford. 311 WANTED 777 lawninowers to sharp en nnd adjust, l'hono 201-J. We call for and deliver. Liberty Repair Shop. M" WANTED Fresh eggs, 24c per doz. cash. Johnson Produce Co., 241 ?4. Fir street. Phono 9.'. tf FOlt RENT HOl'SKS FOlt. RENT Furnished house and one. acre ui grouiici, Willi ii uiu trees and large garden spot. Chick en house. Rox 44, Mail Tribune. 4 FOR KENT 015. .Small house. Phono 3UU FOlt. RENT 8' .room houso. Closo In. l'hono SK2-U or S17.-L. tf FOR RENT 5-room modern home on Queen Anne -ave. $35 per month. Chas. A. Wing. Phono 7L'S. tf" FOR PENT Houses, Brown & "White. For rew housekeeping rooms FOR .KENT Furnished housekeep ing I'oums. Adults. 325 E. Jack son strel. Phono 211. 312 FOR REN T F UK N 1 S II EI ROOMS FOlt RENT Large front room with bath. 20 So. Fir street. 311 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. Close in. steum heat, hot water. Phone 322. 311 FOR KENT Nice sleeping rooms, bath. Men. 245 N. Grape. tf FOII RENT Furnished rooms and apartments and gurage. U04 Y. 10th. tf 8 iAMD We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches , SALES :: RENTALS :: LOANS :: "-INSURANCE Highly improved place nt Coltuttc Cil-tive, to KXC1IANGK for imprtivotl place here of from 10 to 25 acres. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. . 12 East Main St. 160-ACRE DAIRY RANCH SACRIFICE $3000?1000 Cash, Balance Terms Laruo modern house, good barn, poultry liouso; paid up water right; nuar good range. Must bo sold. ALSO 115 ACRES JUST OFF CRATER LAKE HIGHWAY Price $2000 $600 Cash, Balance Terms Small house, fair barn, good well; 20 acres in cultivation; good pas ture; just the place for chickens and turkeys. Phone 784-L or 409 3. C. BARNES, Real Estate 6 So. Central ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Real Estate Five room modern cottage, just painted and papered, ' concrete foundation, cement walks, garage, good lot. Location fivo , blocks from Medford Hotel. Price $2,250.00. Five acres good soil two miles out of Medford, some hearing peters, and peaches, excellent view and building site, irrigated. Price $500.00 Fine farm or stock ranch on floor of valley 3 miles from Medford, 160 acres, 60 acres fine alfalfa stand, balance ready to plow, house, large barn, one-half mile of this farm faces on a broad macadam highway. Price only $75.00 per acre. Long easy terms. O f-'tm:k rnnr-h -SO arrs, 7." to Ian nn-pi r-adv to plow, g fJ build- Iiirs nnd fence, plenty of w.t" r. good roHds. Price $(1,000 long Q time terms, only $500 cash required. Will trade. Ejyl S. LUtKRlf nriLDiva . ILL. M.LOW OU FIVE MtSUTEt FOll ItEl T APARTMENTS FOlt KENT- -Furnished apartment. Adults only. 425 So. Oakilule. 811 FOR RENT -Room and apartment at the Nye, ID 05 W. Main. I'hone 1012. 314 FOlt RENT 2 or 3 room apartment, furnished 1 or light housekeeping. 1205 E. Mi tin. I'hone 740-J. 1110 FOR RENT, Furnished apartment. Close In. 245 S. Central. 310 FOR HEN"! RENT! 3-room furnished apart nt. Valley b'uel Co. Phono 70. me tf FOR R ISN'T Furnished npartment. Ground fjluor. .Phone 055-11, 234 E. Olh. 311 FOR KENT Nicely furnished npart ment at j::erben. Adults only. Brown & White. Agency. 238' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOlt KE.YT Garage. $3.50 per month. 325 So. Riverside ave. if FOR REN?t' Small furnished restaur ant, to "unincumbered middle aged woman. Close to Klamath Falls. Good proposition. Isaac Moore. 313 FOlt RENT Garage, sleeping and FOR Rl-INT Small ranch. ' Closo in. I'hone 534-L. 311 FOR SAfiE rotTLTR? AND EGGS FOR SALE At n, bargnin. Standard oiectric lncunator. Jt. I. Red hatch ing eggs and hens. Phono 1058. 321 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. I'hone 201-.I. tf WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture MORDOFP ft WOOLP I030 I acr1925 By Int-l Feature Service. Inc. J FARMS: We have some beautiful and produc tive small farms on our lists at ex tremely reasonable prices. Wo will bo glad to take you to see them. If It Is Uont Estate, Sec FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building . . . Medford, Oregon Bargains TUMy RRUi nHTATKud lysURAVtli 3L o lARCl? 2L 102.") O "D" TACTR N?X"R ' o o fHft "i .TACTION -V-V--T: -bw. MEET ME" ACT OCAH"b COWER. r .dim i iv.,.,i ;"'.- i ,u--m i FOR SALK AVTOMOIIITjES I'Oli SALI-: A bargain. (Iraham Uros, oue-lou truck. I'hone i03:t. tf KOI! SAI.I-; Olt TltAllK Practically new Chovrolel. Prefer Ktar or .Max well. Kvcrctt X. Hamlin, Phoenix Jacksonville road. Uox 1UU-A, It, 1. KvcniuKs. 3ii FOR SALIC S700 Kuick. 1932. Milo hko 12000. License; bumpers, spot, spare. 718 W. Main.. tt FOR KALI-; llulck 6. 4 passenRcr coupe, ltrand now Duco palut Job. License for ltlZfij 6 guod tires. Can be seen at Dan's Luneh -ooin. tf FOlt S,I,1 HOMKS FOlt SAL10. '1-room house, close In, on pavement, Martin McDonounh, 307 ,E. tith street. 311 FOlt SALF Seven room modern res idence, fine condition. Corner lot, fine lawn and shrubbery. Close in, tin pavement, no incumbrance. Up per rooms will paly S per cent on price. Owner, 245 N. Orapo. 311 FOR SALF Ity owner, house of 5 rooms and bath, partially furnished, on paved street, tl blocks from Ho tel Medford, hlucKi'ass lawn, fruit trees, wood shed. All assessments paid in full. Address J. F. R care Mail Tribune, tf FOlt SALIC UlC.M, 1CSTATK FOlt SALIC hi.uhway. Point. Farm on Crator Ijike Tel. 23-F-14. Kub'le 8 FOR SALIC Uind in the Facie Point irrigation district. Tracts of 10 to fi00 acres. Price ?l.ri per aero, half cash. 10 years on balance at (i per cent. Water rate paid to Jan. 1st, 102(i. Lultc Ryan, Owner, 215 10. Jackson St., Medford, Ore. 314 FOR SALIC 51 acres 1 'j miles Bouth of Phonelx, $175 per ucre. 810 FOR SALIC Or will trade for fc-ood small farm In southern OruKdn, 70 . acre IrriKaled alfalfa ruach in cen tral California. Herd of purebred Jerseys; other stock, builditiKs and implements. See owner at Medford Veterinary Hospital. 311 FOR SALIC OR TltAIJlC 120 acres timber and wood lane on Calls Creek. Inquire of W. O. Wright, 314 Laurel street. 315 FOlt KAMO licaulifu) home piles on best irrigate!?, fruit, alflafa and Kr drn land in the ltof;u' Itivcr valiey. Tracts from two to U0 acres. Fif teen minuli'M from Medford and the roads are alwitys n"i. Terms. For lntoi-matiou call Howard A. J II Owner. 'IVI. 7HK-lt-3. 814 FOlt SAW-; 10 hctch on Jacksonville hi;hway, M miles from Medford. I'hone 417. 311 i'OU HALF Olt TltADU 2X0 aero f c. rm with good litiildlngH and fences; plenty of water, nn irrigit tion debt. I.ltile Hutte Valley above Kagle Point. Price $ii000. Only $500 cash required. 'Will trado for house In Medford. Karl S. Tumy. Owner. Liberty liullding. tf FOU SALIC Choice lots on pavement. Hbade and fruit trcetu. Inquire 3 1 2 Ho. Peach. 312 FOlt 8AL10 Olt KXCIIAXO.K 110 ucrea, I0 Sacramento river bottom, under Irrigation; 10 fruit; 2 grapeH, N alfalfa, 10 oa(n, 8 HUilau and cane, 70 pasture. Will trade for hoimo in town or Hinall place near. .Will nsHUinc, or give terms on other property. I. .1. aittlngs. It. K. IX Itox 32-A. Itcddlng, Calif. 314 FOR KALK 4 ncroR with good Itn provemcntf; furnished houso. good barn, garno and chicken Iiouho; cow, heifer, 40 chickens und car. Owner. John Oaidcl, It. 1.- south west. Box 0. Ono uiilo outfddo city limilH. 310 FOR SALIi Several farms, good val uch, easy terms, low Interest. O. C. Hogga, Atty for tilate Land Board. tf FOR HA LIS A real bargain, 40 acred 1 1 til) HUH, 10 IICIL'II lit JUUIM, u ruiu house; close In.. Terms. Hco Lobb & Mays. Call G!)0-L or ZTi. 316 FOR BALK 10 aero tract i miles from Medford business center. Free soil, all can bo cultivated. Very sightly building spot. Price $1050. Terms. 1'nono bll-u or iu&, u SACRIFICE SALIC 10.000 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per acre up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches for ront and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, owners. 15 N. rape ht tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOlt BALK Pigs, also bred hows. Leonard Oorthuys, Talent. . 310 FOlt BALK Puppies, cheap. Inquire at 511 H. Central. 31 INSURANCE Insure in the Best Companies FIRE AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT HEALTH LIABILITY CAH& Y. TENGWALD Insurance That Insures Hotel Holland Building Phone 993 "rr : r U By Georg'e;4cMavius 71 L 1 ooT0"YooR.h A attaI'ciid!: 32- ; Ctvt" Rritain FOlt SAT.IC TuTX ICSTOCK I'M It KA1,K VcarliilK heifer. Uee 'akeflelil. Jacksonville, east . of school house. Ei FOlt SAI.K '.'1 milk cows, all or part 'P. B. tested, udjoining Fair grounds. C. C. Henrd. 310 FOR SALF. Two beautiful fresh cows; can't be beat. M. Walsh, on South 1'cacll stret, just oulsldo city limits. tf FOR SALIO SIlfiCRLLANKOUS FOlt KALI-: (Jlndolia bulbs, 40c a dozen, Kast Kido Grocery. 3 1 1 FOlt SALK t'ement mixer, cost S2. W ill sell for ? I0; used very little. L. K. WrlRht, 1!. 2. Ilox 2S. 3 FOR HALF Small llean sprayer. i'hone K-13-.M. 4 FOlt SALIC Progressive ever bear ing strawberry plants. Av. J. Jen nintis, 1023 10. Main. I'hone C78-L. FOlt HALF Haled alfalfa hay. Tele phone .No. Ii o-li-4. C. C. llohl. 7 FOR BALK Kadlloa super-helero- uyne. Phono iono-R. ail FOlt BALK Cabbage, cauliflower and tomato plants. Monarch Seed Co. 3 1 -t FOlt BALK Fairbanks Morse gas engine 2 Vj . horae $10. Hroadcast seeder $11). Feed grinder $10. Feed boiler $ t 0. Parrel apray outfit $10. W. J. Hartzell, 3 Oaks. 310 FOll BALK At bargain prices: Vol umes l to f4 and bj to 7s or Oregon State Reports. One standard Putter Kist popcorn niachlne; 1 K-foot flour case; 1 K-foot cigar floor case; one ti-foot wrapping coutner; 1 S-foot soda fountain complete with hack bar and automatic carbonator; 1 3 b ton fire and burglar proof safe; 1 cash register. A lot of Ice cream tables and chairs, shelving, dtuplay tallies, etc. Depot Supply Co.; 2(17 Fourth street, Ashland, Ore. 310 FOlt SALE Oas plate with tegs; cheap, 403 N. Holly street. Phone 537.-M. 315 FOR SALE Dining and bedroom fur niture and 1 2x1 5 rug. Bargain.". Frank Randlev, Jacksonville. 310 FOlt BALK Kellogg's very best va riety und : progress everbearing strawberry plants. W. F. Smith, fifth house,' right hand side after leaving pavement. Crater Lake high way. 310 FOR BALK 3 -gallon orchard heut- erH, 200 at 1 each. Jerry Jerome. 310 FOR SALE Grain hay. alfalfa hay baled. See barley, alflfa sued. L. Nledermeyer. Call 21-F-3, Jack sonville. 312 FOU BALK Attention! Smith's stim- iner rates on pino now In effect. $2.75 a Her. Discount on larger or ders. Phono 11 03. Central Point 3K-X-2. 331 FOR BALE Fancy Klamath netted gem potatoes, $2.50 per 100 lbs. de livered. A chimco to stock up before tho long wait for now potatoes. Johnson Produce Co. FOlt SAL'S New piano, at a bar gain, Noel Erskinc. Phono 720-W. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. , 2B-R- FOR BALK At a bargain. Standard electric incubator. R. I. Red hatch ings eggs. Phono 105R. 321 FOR SALE Seed potatoos of early varieties. Reasonable Pricos. John son Produce Co. tf FOR HALE OR TRADE Autos nnd furniture. New phonographs and records half price, 15 N. Grape, tf nimixF.ss DmncTORY Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given U anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting inothod. Lib erty PldgMedford. PhnlF.7-11 Used Cars That You Can Use Lowest prices in the vnllcy on reconditioned Fords. SPECIAL Ford Truck and Undy. Just Ovorlifiiilcd i $185.00 C. E. Cfatys AutQ Co. rifjhu reicrved. 1WSIXKSS MRKCTOllT Attorneys KHAMHH ti HIOAMKH Lawyers, fico in Liberty Llullding, Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREEN E . Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 5 No. J)2 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COFNir A11STRACT CO. Abstracts r Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In . JackNon County. A. Kr KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years experience In the county. Phone 6-J-2 Gold Hill. tl Hulhllng Supplies and Roofing STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO.Build up Roof ing, Ashland Granite Top. 15 years guarantee. Best grade of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, ' foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick,' all colors. All material Class A. Fort land Beaver Coment.for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 738-X. , . Chiropractic Physicians DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Kclectlo Phyfilcian. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Thorapy, Spon dylolherapy. Food Sciences, Chiro " practice. Office: , Stewart Bide. 255 10. Main St. Phones: Office 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. K. W. HOFFMAN -Chlropractio Nerve Specialist. Offlco hours 9-12, 2-5, 203-200 Liberty Bltlg. Of floe l'hono 5S0. Res. phono J 027. Dentists DH. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone (iliU. Ilo.H. 77G. Offloo hours 9 in. 0 p. in. Evening und Sunday by appointment. DH. II. MURHJIY Dentistry. Dental X-Hay. l'hono 77, ottiot Second floor Mlrord Bhlfr. Furfllturo ltEPAIHINO OP ALL, KINDS ot fur- niture, work done at your homo or nt our shop. A. N. Thlouault. Tol. JU!- R. liisttrnnco KAIII. a. TUMI'-All forms of lnsur- mice: l'Mrn, Auto, Ufo, Accldont, Ji'.mlH. l'hono 402. 209 Liberty nitlB. Money tii Ixiiiii J. H. ANDltlOWS IIuvb and soils inoiiiriiKes and loans money on good xenirlty. 31 N. Urupo St. l'honn Funeral Director I'lIItl, rUNKNAJL, 1-IO.MK Cor. Sixth ami Oakdale. Ambulunco sorvlco. I'hone 47. Moiiiiincilts TIIH OKKOON' CillANITE CO. Monuments. B. A. llleks, Oonnrat Manager. P. M. Kornhaw, Sr.loa Munager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medford. Ostcopntli8 DR. R tl. CAKLOW, 1)11. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic Physician 410-418 Llborty Bid. Phono 004-J-. Kesldenco 26 South Laurol St. Piano InslrucUon I'KKD ALTON HAIOHT Tcachor of Piano and Harmony. Studio 211 Llliorty nidg-.. Phono V2. I'rlnterK nnd Publishers MKDl.'ORD PHINTINO CO. has tho host cuulpped printlnK offlco In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loouo leaf ledgors, billing system, elc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Ftrnnslcr EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phono S16. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAOE1 CO. Anything moved, day or night Sorvlco Ruurunteed. 29 S. Ornpo. l'hono 644, or resldonco 10B0. Upholstering J. WEIH Upholstery, Manufacturer of ourrstufrod furniture. Full lino of materials. Draperies made to order. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. We dellveg and will call and show pnmpleg. Phone 203 Jacksonville, Ore. VFTKltlNARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. E. C. Mcculloch. Graduate Vet'Tlnarinn. office rnmiltntlnne free. Corner Orapo andTlfth. Med ford, Ore. I'hone gt9 Day or tiicht. ' Window Cleaning OEO. A. SKELY Wldow Cleaning, floor waxing. Janitor service, build ing, etc. Have taken over A. II, Rhodes' work. Let Qoprge do It, 00000000009raCK00000009000900000000000CiO m