& . . : . o MEDFOITO MATti TRTBTOTE, MEDFflUP, OttEGOX, - M&fDAY. MARCH 23, 102, KtlE TWO iocaZ and i f Personal Messrs. flooding and MWoutte, turn I Antony the local vlsltorn from the from the U. S. bureau of plant induM-jtctate . of Cuftfornia are:- It. M. Ilrloe ' Due to the fine weatln-r of yoHli-rday and Kmernl love of fitting out in the rural dlKtriclH to enjoy the spring ver dure, the Pacific highway and other roads were fairly lined with autoii of Bedford people yesterday. Quits u nutnher of local people Journoyed up to the top of the SlnkiyouH and then down the California side to Ilornhrook, Yreka and other near by points, Madrona brand mlneralizcd-yeatft chick mashuH are absolute Insurance ngalnst leg weukuwc in growing pul lets. - Kvery person ruining rhlckn should Investigate these iiiashcs. Made by Monarch Sued Co. tf Otto Be Jarnott, clerk n' thn local post offico staff has been laid up al borne since Saturday afternoon, with a ease of mutnpH. - v Columbia plaster wall board. -Call for prices. Wallace "Wood Lumber yard.. In the Oregon hi n News Screen .Re view shown at the Craterlan theater yesterday and which will also .uppeiir tonight along with the regular film program, a feature was the showing of tin old farmer In the northern part of the state plowing with an old time ox team, the yoke of the oxen- and the wheelH of a, wagon they drew being made out of a poplar tree in Med ford many yars ago, when the farmer wu.i only J 3 years old. Dry oak and laurel cut any length, $10 per cord, Hood buzz saw for sale chcapj Pollock and Krlckson. Phone 1140. 31 O. M. Eelsby Is back homo again re stored to health after a four month's sojourn In Rochester, Minn., Lob An-, geles, San Diego and other southern try, who have been woAlnx here In connection with the while pine blbtter rust con-ol, are today In Klamath Falls In the interests of the same work. Mrs. Rose Garrison of the Eagle Point district, underwent a minor op eration this morning, Nursery stock; The best assortment In southern Oregon. Fruit, shado and riut-bearlng trf;es, flouring shrubs, vines, berry plants, rhubarb and as paragus plants, evergreen trees and figs, perennial plants, grape vines. A fine lot of heavy two year lilng cher ry. A good general assortment of fruit treea for home orchards. Com mercial varieties. Including Old Home on I'ssurlehsls for commercial or chards, drafting wax and other sup-, plies for orchard work. Don't take my word for ft, come and see for your-! t.elf. Will gladly duplicate any order ! bo6lced by an agent for the same or less money and give you better ser vice. Eden Valley Nursery; Phone C80-J-2. Sales yard 612 Va East Main Mr. and Mrs, Hiommer aro moving to Ashland from Medford. Mr. Hromer is the manager of the Fruit (i rowers association. Ashland Tidings. Columbia plaster wall board. Cull for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber Yard. ' Thero wero few Oregonlans, outside of those from Portland who spent Sun day In this city yesterday. Rodeo coming. 309 Mr, and Mrs. Fred JUiyliss, of the Mount Crest ranch nt I lilt. Cullf., re turned there yesterday after a short business sojourn in the city. . I Oriental powder jars, 48c at Japan-I ese Art Store. 310 and family of HermoHa Reach, Mr. und Mrs. D. J. dossier and E. X. Zlc-ner of Los Angeles and Wu la Ice J. Rates, O. II. Henklng. H. Irvine. T. V. Henkel, J. Flanlgan. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Allen and daughter, F. 3. Andrews and Don ald Ooldsmith. Vour choice of salads with soup, dessert and drink on our 50c mer chant's lunch. Franklin's. tf I, of O. orchestra. Uold Hill Pavil ion dance. Wednesday night. 31 6 Mrs. A. O. Thomas of Cold Hill un derwent an operation at the Commu nity hospital this morning' for the re moval of her tonsils. Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Coal Co. Phone 239. The Salvation Army can help some- oiio with your old clothing, etc. tf Continued cold weather and a heavy front is the prediction of tonight and j Tuesday, following the frost of this morning at a minimum of 30 degrees in the city, which was exactly the same as that of a year ago today. The maximum of yesterday was 67.1, and today was a fine, sunny day. The best college aggregation in the west. V. of O. orchestra, Gold Hill Payillon dance, Wednesday night. 310 Jtogue River Vallej Creamery but ler 40c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. J. P." Hughes Is a Medford visitor today from lJutto Falls. Melody by the famous U, of 6. dance orchestra. Oold Hill Pavilion Wednesday night." ' 310 Hemstitching, buttons covered at the Handicraft Shop. tf Two local fipeeders came to finan cial grief In Judge Taylor's court to- Destroyed Town Hears Storm's Fury F rait Of Their Wickedness A coul mine, whtoh II Is reported is ,. ' !. ..... ..7 ' j I well worth seeing. Is being developed . a r 1 1 I t by Henry Hansen and Andrew Valth " ni hour pace. Sheriff on the Hansen land In the Roxy Ann J J, , " , "muu 1 Vf U,IC8U " district about fourt and a half miles northeast of Medford. This Is a new truck at 30 miles an hour, was fined $15. Ho wus arrested by J. J. McMa- California poima, and from now on '''" J""1"" "ZLl'.TZ l- uty tte traffic officer. will continue as of yore to wear out the leather rocking chairs around the Elks' club flro place. Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's? Mr. and Mrs. John Robery of Du luth. Minn., nnd Miss Ada Kress and mother and G. A. Wllklns of Milwau kee. Wis., nre among the hotel guests jil the city from a distance who arrived yesterday. Medford Furniture and Hardware company have Just received their Sun fast creton nes. 310 Plans have been completed by Tourtellotte & Hummel for a $130,000 hotel building to bo erected Immedi ately at Grants Pass by the Josephine Hotel company. The hotel building will cover a 50x100 foot site adjoining the old hostelry and will bo six stories In height. It will be fireproof tbruout and will bo the first unit. It is propos ed to make other additions later which In the nggregate will represent an In vestment of $300,000. Portland Ore gonlan. Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Uar. sen Coal Co. Phon 230. Dirk Calder is back on duty again in the federal building, after a woek't mission with the ftp. In the case of Georgo Tirown vs. W. Kj 'icholpon recently reported, the juunniuiu was tor mr. iMcnoison anu not the plaintiff, The condition of C. E. Torrlll. form er sheriff, who underwent a major operation "at the' Sacred Heart hospital Saturday, continues satisfactory. Colored pongee, $1.30' a yard, at Japanese Art Store. ' 310 Matthew Ray was among the Mod ford visitors Saturday frbni Huch. Every raiser of baby chicks should know about Madrona brand mineral-ized-yeast chick mashes before start ing their chicks. Manufactured by Monarch Heed Co. " tf The past two weeks have wrought a change in the tourists who are com ing through Ashland, Until recently, most of the auto travelers wero travel ing light, without any bedding or camping outfits. However, lately there has been a greater number of tourists with back sent, running board and every other available Inch covered and loaded down with bedding nnd other camping equipment. Also a much larger number of travelers are seen in the city lately. Ashland Tidings. Jtodeo coming. 30!l The following from Seattle nre among the visitors today from the atate of Washington: Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Albright. V. C. Rrooks. Mrs. Earl do Vrrne, Mr. and Mrs. J... M, Flonn, Mr. and Mrs. F. D, Rangard, Mrs. C, A. Neb-on, Mrs. N. A. Sanderson, R. II, atlyden anil J. V. Johnston. lluy Vaughuu's superior flower seeds at the Monarch Seed & Feed Co. tf T. a; Hafferty, chief of the traffic division of the state was the speaker today at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon ut Grants Pass, from which city h,o he arrived hero this afternoon. The latest In Sun fast cretonnes at M. F. A H. Co. 310 Mrs.. Earl Shirley Is spending n couple of weeks In Portland visiting with relatives. Regular communication of Kennies chapter Wednesday evening, March rr.th, at T:30. There will be InlllatlSn and a good time as usual. 310 Rodeo coming. " 30!i and specimens of the coal that Is be-j log taken from It may be seen at the office of Urown und White. Special this week. Exlde battery for Ford, Chevrolet and Star, $16.00. Williams & McCurlev. tf The contract for the lateral for the Grants Pass Irrigation district on the east side of Evans creek valley, was awarded today to Richmond & Carter, their bid having- been the lowest. The board, at a special meeting, awarded the work and the construction will start next Monday morning. The pipe for the siphon over Evans creek is due to arrive here April 1. It was secured from the Coast Flume nnd Culvert company of Portland. Grants Pass Courier. Beautiful Oriental Gardens, Satur day. 308 A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. Sal to this morning at tho Sa cred Heart hospital. Columbia plaster wall( board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber Ynrd. t Anions; tho Medford ' visitors from Klamath county, who arrived Sundny are: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. linker of Al goma and M. F. Ilarton of Klamath Falls. Flower lovers will find greater sat isfaction in Vaughan's choicer flower seeds at tho Monarch Seed ft Feed Co. i tf. Cecil Clenfcn8"of the Westerlund or chat'da wiiH.ln the city (oday trnnsqet lug business.' '''' Wo pay for' ashes and soil dirt cheap, Brown ft White Agency, Inc. f . E. M. Wilson returned yesterday i from Portland whore he attended a! meeting of the state board ofaccount-, nuts which was held thero Saturday. Ilefore housecleanlng, let me cstl mnto your painting, tinting, enamel ing or papering. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. H. V. Marx. Phone 178-J. 317 The following- from Portland are iimong the temporary sojourners In tho city: O. L. McPherson, J. C. Haumons, Frank Stoll, I. V. Sater. C. M. Dustln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emery Olm stead, E, M. Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wilkerson, W. R. Rlngsred, Mr. and Mrs. P. Swan, nCroln K upper, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Greenlay. C. E. Wade. E. W. j Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Thomp son, C. K. Sanderson ami son, Mr. and i Mrs. I). M. Williams. J. M. Putnam. A. j A. Collins and family. H. W. llnlden, I J. E. Itarkus, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Far- j mond. J. W. McFull. J. H. Urynnt and : Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Keltic. Old papers for kindling fire at this office. tf There wn born recently to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Hollou of Medford, an eight pound girl. v II. I. R. eggs nt DeVoe's. Kodeo coming. 309 All light and power circuits of this city and the valley were killed at 6:30 Sunday morning for a period of about 32 minutes to one hour, due to the connecting up of new construction, and Improvements which have been made In lines and plant of the California Oregon Power company. Service was restored In each district just as fast as the work In that section was complet ed, so that the Interruption to each o callty was kept down to the very mini mum. A change was made in the voltage of transmission from Vail Creek nnd Ashland to the Gold Rny dam. The voltnge. which was 34.000, was changed t oa voltage of approxi mately 06,000. Rogue River Valley creamery but ter 46c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. E. H. Hcdrlck, of Heppncr, the new ly electod superintendent of the Med ford city schools, is In Medford today, conferring with the board und Super? Intendcnt Smith, and will return to Heppner . tomorrow. He will move here soon after tho close oX the present school yenr. The Pantorlum does all kinds of pleating. Phone 244. 206tf The Women's Rlble class of the Prijs byterlan church will moot at the home of Mrs. N. C. Chaney at 8 12 S. Holly street, 'Wednesday at 2 p. m. It is earnestly hoped that there will bo a full attendance to welcome back the president, Mrs. W. W, Howard, who has boen away a month; also the regu lar teacher, Mrs. A. J. Henby, who has beon absent several. Sundays because uf serious tooth trouble. Rogue Jtivor Valley Creamery but ler 46c per lb. Johnson Produce Co; Judge Frederick A; Hubbard of Greenwich.- Conn., who has been vis iting his brother, L. P. Hubbard, left this morning for the east, going by way of the Panama canal. Hodeo coming. 309 We ure overstocked and tor the next 30 days we will deliver 12 Inch dry oak and laurel at $3.50 per tier in two tier loads. 16 Inch dry oak and laurel at $3.75. 4 foot dry delivered $8.76. All other fuol in proportion. Valley Fuel Co. 300tf About 2&0 baseball fans of the city and vicinity gathered at the Holly street baseball grounds yesterday af ternoon to witness the game between the recently organized temporary city team and tho Modoc orchard nine, which was won by the latter 8 to 2. Leaving for Los Angeles and San Diego Wednesday or Thursday: large car: can take one or more persons. Phone U00. - 310 Among Sunday's arrivals from out of town points In Oregon wero Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Mut hew of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Glfford and family of tf Salem and Marie J..Canby and C. H. if-ri insurance Ask. How Long Since . you chocked over tho nmmintH nnd- rates on vonr insurance no-H elen ? We Suggest tliul ou ilii It now. RAHolraoa, s Insurance Man 5incel909 ne-444 n 9" a A. O. Hrunner. well known postal Inspector, with headquarters nt Seat tle, has departed after having made a periodical Inspection of the local Mod ford postofftco. We are overstocked and for tho next 30 dnys wo will deliver 13 Inch dry oak and laurel nt $3.50 per tier In two tier lends. 16 Inch dry oak nnd laurel nt $3.73, 4 foot dry delivered per cord $3.75. All other fuel In pro- portion. Valley Fuel Co. 300tf Isaac Newton Shook, old pioneer of Klamath county, died suddenly re cently at Ashland from a paralytic stroke. He was one of the few sur vlvora of Captnin Applegate's company in the Modoc war. Unity literature teaches people how to be houlthy, efficient, prosperous, hnrmonlous end happy. Free distri bution. 718 West Mnln street. Tho merchants of Klamath Falls put on a big automobile nnd style show Inst week. It was nttended by crowds nnd wns considered a very successful af fair. We pny for ashes and sell dirt cheap, Urown & White-Agency, Inc. tf V. of O. orchestra. Oold Hill Pavit Ion dnnre. Wednesday night.- 310 The people tf Klnmnfli 1 Falls are actively going after a federal build Wig nnd hope to also get a federal Ju dicial court for southern Oregon lo cated tfcere. The committee Is gath ering ditta and will present their esse soon tc the Oregon senators nnd rep resentatives. We pay cash for used pianos. Pal mer Piiino House. tf Uarnain In a Hunswick pbunopiaph Willi recuntri. Just like new. Call at ;J7 . Mill Mieet. .11" The Mitres Helen I'mtfi nnd H r (ha Wviikv v. we nini, the local vis itors today from the Central Point dis trict. HemT6inf Sc a yard. The Van It V ShoptarrTctt Ad tn. tf A snlnd Instead of meat served nn our 60e nipch.W8' lunch, AvouwWi. Frank tin's. Q it Corden of Coons Rny. Goodwin Corset Shop, AKa. Nnylofi corset I ere. 20 S. Fir. 318 OBITUARY . . OUIFKIN, nd.. .March 23. "God vinlttd affliction on tho wicked and If was atonement for wiekednefuf that cnuHed the tornado to wipe Orlffln off the map." the Rev. H. M. I'ordcll captain of the Gvanxvllle sroup of the' Volunteet'R of America, told the few remaining rel- dentH of Gi'iffln yeaterdny In tho flrat nnd only relliriouH service held In the, atrlcken town since the Btorm. A numher or Cor- doll'H listeners lout relatives In the wrecknge. Nono of them Joined In the Bongs sunn by tho preacher. ROSE CITY GREETS ROTARIAN MEET POItTLiAND, Ore.. March 2a With approximately 1000 delegates and visitors alrcndy on hand nnd more coming the twelfth annual con ventlon ot district numher one, In ternational Rotary, opened here to day following a Sunday spent In entertainment. John H. Bentlcy, director of the international,- was the principal speaker on tho morning program, ex tending to delegates on Invitation to Cleveland for 'the international con vention next year, and giving an out line of the history of the organl zation. r Beginntng twenty years ago with a group of four men In Chicago with rne motto "service before self." Ro tary has. Bentley said, sprend thru- out the world, until It includes 105.- 000 members In 28 nations, and with 1888 clubs federated In the interna tional body. Uistrlct Governor Frank C. Rlggs of Portland nuide his report this morning and .organization business was trancaetcd. B. Klynn. dls met governor from St. Paul, .Minn.. and B. F. Irvine, of Portland, are to Bp'cak this afternoon. Tonight mere win be a reception nnd a pro grom of entertainment nt the mu nlclpal auditorium. . . ., D, S. M. GIVER NEGRO" ST. .LOUIS, Mnrch 23. A retired negro sergeant of the United States army, now a janitor at the St. Louis poslofflce, was signlaly honored to day when Major Oeneral George B. Duncan of Omaha, Neb.. command ing the seventh corps area, in the presence of officers and men of the Hlxth Infantry nt Jefferson barracks, near here, awarded a dlstltngulshed service medal. The aged negro, whose name was withheld, was decorated for heroism in action against Filipino Insurrec tos on March 7, 1S!IU. 1EN DIE IN AUTO CRASH I.UB ANUIii.ES, March 23. Two wealthy wonion of (Los Angeles wero Instantly killed ana three mcn'sorl ously Injured early today when the automobile In which thev wero turning from San Diego, crashed Into culvert, overturned nnd burned In tho road near Nprwalk, '. seventeen miles east o( here.T The dead aro .Mrs. X). H. Miller of Hollywood. 35 years of. age. and .Mrs. .Marjorio Pike Chessman, 2 7 yours of age. Hotn wero wives of wealthy brokers here. O. H. Miller was ilrlvlnir tho enr his son. Dwlght Miller. Is. and w l. Chessman, husband of one of the victims, were serlouslv hurt. Miller, who was conscious after the accident.-said that unfamlliarlly with tho highway, together with blinding lights of nppronchlng auto mobiles wore responsible for his crash into the culvert. Tho machine caught fire, but the injured men nnd the bodies of the victims wero removed from tore It was destroyed. It It. A. M. Crater iJiko Chapter No. 12. Special convocation Tuesday. March 2-tlh. 7:30 P. m. JIliM Degree. Vis itors welcome. A. R Nolh. Secy. HBNDniCIC Mmlly. Hendrlrk. former resident of Medford and widow of tho Into George H. Hendrlrk, who passed awny In this city in 11 4. died In her home city of Duluth. Minn., Mnrch Is, at the age of 74 yoars. U montns, 7 days, sue was born in Iowa April 11, 18S0. At the ngo of 16 years sno was married to G. II. Hcudrlck af tor which they moved to Dakota and later to Canada, whero they resided for abullt seven yeav, coming to .Medford In 1908, and after the passing of her husband, she left Medford to be with her daughter, Mrs. John Ho bur k of Duluth. Minn, she leaves two surviv ing daughters. Mrs. Koberg ot Duluth. who accompanied the body to Medford. arriving Sunday night, and Mrs. Geo. C. James of Glcndalc. Cal., who with her husband Is also in the city to at tend services, which will he held nt the Conger chapel at 10:80 Wednesday morning. liev. D. J. Howe of the Christian church of which deceased was n member. W4II have charge; In- torment beside her deceased husband In Medford cemetery. - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY roit SA l.V: Oladolla bulk'. dozen. Mast Hide tirocery. 4 0c n 311 A.VT'O Furniture to rrpsb- and reunion, shoves repaired. I pni.Tsicr ini;. . A Kinney Furniture House. Phone r.i'.Y ,11 4 011 .I.F. l.nnd In the KiiiiiV Point irilKHttnli dfstrlet. Traels of HI to 500 acres. I'rlce $15 per acre, half cash, 10 years on balnnce nt 6 per cnt. Water rate paid t Jan. 1st. 19:'6. Luke Kyan. Owner, 215 K. Jackson St., Medford. Ore. 314 FOR SALK Pupple at 611 g. Central, cheap. Inquire 311 $2481.00 Given Free The above amount has boon elvnn away by us In prizos. $!87.S0 more will be given nway as follows: First prize 1925 Ford Touring car. Besides this splendid first prize we aro going to give away 40 other prizes. ! i 1 1 1 1 3 J L J Rearrange the figures in the nhove square in such a manner that they will count 16 each way (horizontally and vertically) and send us your answer together with vonr name ami address neatly written on a sheet of paper and If your answer Is correct we will at once mall yon a splendid illustrated prlzo list describing the prlzss nnd giving full Information and rules. In case ol' ties general appear ance, neatness and hand writ inci r entry will h, considered factors" If correct we will ailvlse vou hv return null of a simple condition to lullill. Don't send any money. You can ho a nrlie winner without spending one cent of your money. oena your answer act quickly. TRe Pacific Homestead; 184 South Commercial) Saltm, Oregon Q SOVIET RULES FOR LETTER DELIVERY IHCrtl-IX. March 23. "Coiintrv nnd city unknown," was tho notation on a number of letters recently returned to the German postal authorities in Ilerlln. which were addressed to "St. Petersburg, Iiussin," according to the Instructions .of the 'soviet postal au thorities, letters for soviet itussia niUHt he addressed "I'nlon of Social istic .Soviet Itopuhlics." : Otherwise they will not be dilcverd. And "St. Petersburg .now Is Leningrad." 1T0 LATIN DISPUTE WASHINGTON, March 23. Oene ral Pershing has been appointed to supervise the Tacna-Arica plebiscite. The White House today announced his selection aa head of the commia nion which is to oversee the elec tion under the recent Chilean-Peruvian arbitration award. BLACK HAND CRIME CHICAGO, March 23. Edward Pnl- amlzlo und his wife were found slain in their flat in the west side Ghetto today, and Mrs. Mary Paciflco was found wounded in a nearby room In a mysterious shooting whirh tho police suspect was a "blaclthand" affair, l'u- clfico and Angola Ilelpedlo, a boarded", In tlio Paciflco home wus held for questioning ,. i CHINESE CITY IS QUAKE " PttKlNG. March 23. (By the Ayso eliited Prosft. Consular reports re- R I ALTO Starts Tomorrow ; , Matinee ; : ; GRIFFITH America It is the voices of lovers singing with the fifes and drums. With Carol Dempster, Neil Hamilton, Lionel Barrymore, ' Charles Mack and a : com pany of 30,000. . Historical Arrangement by JOHN L. E. PELL Prices for "merica" Engagement: Adults? Matinees 35c. Evenings, 50c; Children. Undc 12 Yean, 10c Any Time. GOING TONIGHT THEODORE R&ERTS On "LOCKED DOORS" ' celved hero today confirm earlier ' re- ern Vunnnn province. Wo estimate. porta .from Shanghai telling of the de- was made of the damage, hut no for,- struclion of Tallfu by firo and earth- oigners lost their lives In tho dlsturb quuke. ' The town Is located "In west-'iance. which took phi. on March 16. Western or C-HUNT'S -RATERIAN flrnhpiim Ir VI fMiVIMIII I . ' Tomorrow 2:00, 7:00 and 9:00 Again WE OFFER A QUALITY ' AND QUANTITY BILL OF EXCEPTIONAL APPEAL Amusement - TO 8UlT EVERY TASTE CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND IN THE DOUBLE VALUE VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAY PROGRAMS Attend THE MATINEE, EVERYTHING SAME AS NIGHT PRICES Adults 50c . Children Under 12 Years, 25c FIVE SWEET HEARTS In a Snappy Sinning, Dancing Revue GEORGE P. WILSON & ADDIE In "As You Like It" , HARRY & DONNA BELLE PATRICK In "Bits of Everything" BENTO BROTHERS "The Utmost in Equllibrlsm" , HUNT'S CRATERl AN THEATER ORCHESTRA, Wilson Waite, Director FRANK WILBUR & GIRLIE "Ups and Downs of Vaudeville" TWO-REEL COMEDY and TOPICS OF THE DAY TONIGHT LAST TIMESI A gripping drama of China with Pbla Negri a half-caste. 1 POLA NEGRI in ... t "EAST OF SUEZ",'1'. "; IT'S COMING WEDNESDAY The Most Astounding Picture the World Has Ever Seen Direct from its Sensational Broadway presentation ERICH VON STROHEIMS rroauczwn. This is the picture everyone is talking about be sure to see it! . Wm? J The Picture I WW P'-. of Real ,kTLlFe J jilt "jjittj rzN tavern Four Days Starting . Wednesday ."' The FIREPROOF WALLBOARD Renews Old Walls Have you walls and ceilings that are cracked or unsightly? Coyer them with Sheetrock. Sheetrock comes in . rigid sections which can be easily sawed and fitted. Made of gypsum plaster,' Sheetrc-ck will not burn, warp or buckle. Gives lasting satis faction. Let us show you Sheetrock. BIG PINES LUMBER CO. e From .the Novel , .. "McTeague" , by Frank. Norris 1. i I " i j V. , ..-.'1 5 5,'! 1 U VI o 9