Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 21, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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"rrr. fnmpnn-n vm; rnrrvrc. MTsnTrom:- bftEorw. ratttrtiw. .MArcnr 21. inss cr"-
CaUkiIUi Church.
80. Offkdale ave. and 11th.
Maspos at 8 and fc:30 a. m.
Benediction 7:30 p. m.
Rev. F. W. Black, Tuator
Glad TdliiKfl MIshIou.
31 N. Grape St.
T. J. Crcifchton, paator,
Services, Wednesday, Saturday and
training class,- followed hy prayer ummoiiH I-ojilty No, 3035.
meeting and lesson in evangelism. I in ne rcu" t-yun ui uretjon, in ana
TIAruriBv 7-srt r in. l'holr m- . W ""V
heftal. a
for le jrrcat
"Keep your SuWny
things of the soul.'
First Christian Church.
Corner Ninth and South Onkdnlo.
D. J. Howe, minister. Residence
i5 So. Orange
M. B.
AM5 n. m. Bible school,
Olson, superintendent.
'Bigger and better all tho time"
la the slogan. There should be the
largest attendance of the year to
morrow. 400 by Ranter Sunday.
. I 11:00 a.1 m. Morning worship.
.(Communion and preaching. Sermon
nday Is set aside as Fanny Crosi
lay In the churches. A Plan is
001 10 nuuu a memorial tor Miss Sunday, 7:30 p. m. - -
lur In lha fnpm r.t ln. - rm.i- ....... J .. n
used In honor of the famous1 Service. 11 a. in. Younn peoples , .Jran?lls' n'
i song writer, who has Riven to nicetlnir. S:no. u. m. - Ouen air ser-'
worm; goRpel sonits numbering vumj. 6:30 p. m. .. . . ; .
.he thousands,; .which are suns "Everybody welcome
loved tho world overl. They. In-j i , . -
o such songs as "Itescue the; rontccostal Mission.
Shlng, "Pass Me Not." "Jesus m East Main St.--.
line," "Blessed Asurance." "Safe B. P, Bingham, pastor. Residence
" ot jcsus.- ana "some . in. Minininn St.
w4ii puvur iuru will srcaK.
A Wfat limlan inM-lrat nllf Win
Uin,lD, arhn,tl in n m npnanhtnV .. ' 1 "
inday. 7:30 n. m.. at the Flral 1 , , " r" " --promptly on time. Songs- by tho
list church a special Fanny I g p. m.
by service will be held and the 8treei meeting,' 7 p. in. Prcach
re music of the evening will be lng 7-30 p. m.
ny roBDy songs and also the Mid-week onen: air service at 1
largo chorus. A mixed quartctto
and a roIo. by Mrs. Redtnon will be
Interspersed in the opening service
Mr. Stivers- sermon "Why Are
(.Ion of the writing of the hymns'p. ,., on Wednesday and Saturday, strat ! bv a Tare chart VK
be told with a sketch of the fn,vert h .....hi.. . 7-.m "ur?,ed. b. a lar.Be.
pus writers llfo. . Poilowin. t. "... 'Z.'a 7. ' " 7. , . .1 " auenaance u tnc meeting in
Mucr ui uio .ervico:
Ban prelude by Mr. Scott, or-
bt, director. . '
hnn. "Praiso Him, Praiso HUn,"
;n'Kution. ;
etch of Fanny Crosby'B, life, by
tr. R. Leach.
pmn, "To God Bo the Glory."
regation. ;
bw Fanny Crosby came to write
cuo tne Perishing," by Mr. Rlch-
bn. - -
irmn. "Rescue the Perishing." by
r and congregation.
ory of how "Safe In the Arms
csus" was written, by Miss Wool-
ymn, "Safe i- In , the Arms of
s," congregation. -
fripture Wesson. ' '" ' i
ory of how "Saved by ' Grace"
I written, by ' Mr'., Anderson.
uct. "Saved by Grace" by Mrs1,
ardson and Miss Uuntoon.
ayer. - . . . ' i
ilo, "Behold Me at 'the .Door,1?
garet Huntoon.
nnouncements and offertory,
ory oc "Hiesscd Assurance" by
B. F. Neff. --' . .i
lymn, "Blessed Assurance," con
ation. ... i
Idress, "The Greatness of a Ufei
prvice." llov; F. R. Leach.
mn, "Nearer the Cross," congre-n.
gan postlude. ,
tar the mornfng sermon on "How
:ame to Himself" with special
c by Mrs. Scott and the choir.
expected tomorrow and a large num
ber is expected to be received Into
Main St. MctlKxllst Soulli. tho incmbershli of the rhurph. The
'Corner Main and' Oakdale. J. B. meeting continues everv nlirht next
Conn, U. D., pastor week, closing on Sundny, March 20.
-uiuie scnooi at :4U. ur. f rank utrangers will find a wnrm wcl
Koberts, supt. ; t - come.
Morning worship at 11. Annual, attend.
service- of r the- De Molay. Theme,
"Touth. Retained or Bartered." Vo
cal solo and two violin numbors by
Miss Beaton. .'. ,
The Epworth league meets at 6:30.
Evening service at 7:90. A live
Gospel message. A happy hour.
The midweek- service ' Wednesday
evening 7:30.
Always a glad hand of welcome at
this homelike -church.
First Cliurclr of 'Clirist, SdonltKt.
Authorized branch of the Mother
Church, tho First Church-of Christ,
Scientist, In Boston, Mass. .
Services are held every Sundny at
8 o'clock, church edifice, 212 North
Oakdale. ubject for Sunday, March
32, "Matter." -
Sunday school at ' 9:45. Applicants-
under the age of twenty may
bo admittedA-
Wcdnesday evening meetings which
Intlude testimonies of Christian
Science healings at 8 o'clock.
The reading room, which Is In the
Modford building, Is open dally from
12 to 4, except Sundays and holi
days. All authorized Christian "'S,cli-:
uiil-c literature may do reaa, oorrow
cd or purchased.
The public Is cordially invited to
attend the services and visit the
roadlng room. ,
Flrwt MoUiodlHt EpLsuopal Church. , .
Every service on schedule time to
morrow at the First cMthodist Kpis
copal church.. The Sunday school at
9:45, W.;W. Walker, superintendent.
A class for everybody. At 11 .o'clock
. ?f 'Sinn ..lrT,Manli'fKn -tM.,- ZA ,.
i illustrated locture bn "Palesr' Attitude Tbward Humanity." In the
Ot the Prcsbytorian Church evening tho Epworth League at 6:30
lay night at 7:30 p.,m.. by W. a devotional meeting for young peo
prawford of the California Ore- pie.
'Power company. Mr. Crawford. The evangelistic service at 7:80. The
only visited that most Interest-1 pastor will preach on "The Inherlt
country as a boy, spending slx-ance of the Redeemed." Tho music
ths there with his father, but for the Sababth will be: -has
made a special study of the) Anthem. "Jubilate Deo." Schubert,
es of Interest. The pictures are? Soloists. Mm. Nlnhnin. xrr Mnnn
ptionally fine and are wonderr. ought. . ,'
niairuciive ior every teacoeri Offertory, - "Doubt No
oiuie Biuaeni. xne older . chil- Hughes; Mr.
will also greatly profit by the' Brooks.
age ana pictures. The special
announced . for ' the evening
MacDonough, Mr,
be a duet, entitled "Galilee" by
Misses Iawrenco, also a boIo
Anthem, softly, the Silent Night."
Winn. Soloists, Miss Dew, Misa Vir
ginia Dew.
chorus by Mrs. 'Genevieve Mc-' Offertory. Mon's Quartet. Messrs.
le and tho girls chorus.
the morning service the pastor
speak on "The Church and Its
e" as it is "Every Member
fee" Sunday. The music for the
ling f will bo sung by George
dox; anthem by the quartet,
w Sweet the Name," by Shelley.
cat Corporation T.
'aces $50,000 Stock
On the Market
ie Commercial Discount Corpora
with offices In the First National
f building, Medford. and a cap
stock of 1100,000, Is advertising
rhere in this paper- to sell the
ice of their $60,000 Insue of 8 per
cumulative preferred stock, the
ends on which are, being paid
annually. Al the common stock
een sold. .
e officors of the company are H.
oscnburg, president; J. R. Tom
ice -president; W. W. Walker,
tary and- manager;.- David H.
fnburg, treasurer. j
le business of this corporation is
lurchase fro mresponslble , mer
jts and automobile dealers their i
Iment contracts, on such arti-:
as electrical appliances, furni-!
j automobiles and various other
brtlea, usually purchased on pay
is covering a period of months,
lo assets are secured by a '-.first
xn the property purchased, with
Itlbnal security of purchaser's
I. guaranteed by the merchant pr
ir who sells them. - - -. . j
- .e field of operation Is Southern
on. embracing the district from
hurg to Klamath Falls, which Is
bf the best districts in the state.
, je Investment feature claimed by
I jompany is accumulative and non
jslble preferred tock. both as to
b and earnings, bearing a. high
(of interest payable semi-annually
ps a senior security to an equal
int of common stock that has
: I paid for In cash.
I the assets are claimed to' be
p on account of short time con
to. The corporation has no In
ncnt in fixed assets, such as are
lly found In ' manufacturing or
Icity corporations.
e organizers have great faith In
future of southern Oregon and
acklng thHr Judgment by invest
:heir own money in the corpora-
Sleoter, MacDonough, Brooks and
J. Wlllard De Yoc, Pastor.
Orciton Weather
udy In west portion. Fair In
portion tonight and Sunday,
prate temperature, light aotjhcrly
ProHbyterlan Cliurth.
Corner of Main and Holly..- Rev. E.
P. Lawrence, minister. Residence 513
S. Newtown. . Study 41 8. Holly.
9:46 a. m. Bible school. Sickness
crippled our attendance somo last Sun
day, hut Me hope that thls wock will
find us back to and above normal In
every way. Carl J. Brommer, super
tntendent. . ' . . ; '
11 a. m. Sermon, "The Church and
Her Value." : '
Special music. Tenor solo by Mr.
George Maddox entitled "My Task,"
b yAflhard.
Anthem, by the quartet, f'How Sweet
tho Name," by Sholley. , .
.7:80 p. m. There will be a ster
eopticon lecture on tho subject of
"Palestine," by Mr. W. H. Crawford
of tho aClifornia Oregon Power com
pany. Mr. Crawford spent six months
in that Interesting, In many ways, sc
ored land, wheh he was a boy with his
father on the Jopna - to Jerusalem
railroad. Tho re will be two special
musical numbers, one a solo and cho
rus by Mrs. Genevieve McCorkle. and
the girls' chorus, tho other a duet,
"Galilee," sung by the. Misses Law
rence' r
6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
Topic: "What Can We. Do to Win
Others to Christ?" - . : ;
y First BapilHt' Ciurt'Ji. '
' N. Central and. 5th St. . .
Frederick " Hi Leach,-pastor.'
1 Study at church. Phono IOCS. '. .
. 9:46 a. m. Bible school for . all
ages, where classes have separate
class rooms and good teachers. New
pupils join each Sunday. Come next
11 a. m. "He Camo to Himself."
Soprano solo, "Rest In Thee", (by
Cannon) Mrs. Lorraine Harrison
Anthem, "March on, ye Soldiers
True" (Nay lor).
6:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. "The
Kingdom Without Walls" Etva Stick-
land, leader. Medford la leading
Grants Pass In contest.
7:30 p. m. Fanny Crosby night
scrvire with a big Bpecial program
fcf Fanny Crosby's hymns and the
story of the hymns with sketch of
her life. A full program elsewhere.
Address on "The Greatness of a Life
of Service" by the pastor.
Monday, 7:30 p. m. Monthly choir
social at the hor& of Mrs. 8. L.
H. T. Harl. Plaintiff. v. F. O. Fahs.
nnd the unknown heirs of F. O.
' Fahs, deceased; J. T. Brooks, and
the unknown heirs of J. T. Brooks,
deceased; J. L. WaldnWn, F. A.
Waltftiian. Mnggie Shnwalter (oth
erwise known as MarKiiret Sho
waller) Tho unknown hrira of s. O.
Sho waiter, decead; F. M. Comp
ton, (otherwise known as Frank M.
Coinpton), Ernest K. Hart, (other
wise known as E. E. Hart), and the
unknown heirs of Ernest E. Hart,
deceased; Honry B. Hart; Clara B.
Hart, (othorwise , known as Clara
Bebblngton Hart, (Eldred Schuyler
. Hart, 'Clara' Hart Corbin. (formerly
Clara Hart.) Margaret W. GaUigiu
(formerly Margaret 1. Wallace, oth
erwise known as Mm. M. I. Galll
gar): H. 8. West, Thos. H. James,
and the unknown heirs of Thos. H.
Jatnea, deceased; Lizzie McCarnmon,
Elizabeth James, and the unknown
heirs of Elizabeth James, deceased;
J. H. Westcott, Herbert 8. Camp
hell, and the unknown heirs of Her
bert 8. Campbell, deceased ; J oh n
' Hchmldt, Sr., and the unknown
heirs of John Srhmldt, Sr., deceas
ed; Jnmes D. Martin, and the un
known heirs of James D. Martin, de
ceased; Leonora W. Martin, and the
unknown heirs of Leonora W. Mar-
tin, deceased; R. L. Sabilt and tho
unknown heirs of R. L. Habln, de
ceased; Roxie A. Blank and Frank
Blank, Frank Blank, Trustee; Ern
est E. Hart, Inc.. a private Banking
corporation;, also all other parsons
. or parties unknown claiming any
'right, title, estate, lien or interest
" In the real estate described in tho
complaint herein, Defendants.
' To F. A. Fahs, and the unknown,
heirs of F. O. Fahs, deceased; J. T.
EI .1 Ik. nf T
All are . cordially invited to T Brool(. deceased: J. L. Waldman;
F. A. Waldman, Maggie Showalter,
(otherwise known as Margaret Sho
walter.) The unknown heirs of S. O.
The World's Greatest Memorinl."
Mrs. Redrnon will sing one of her
best solos, entitled "Alone."
6:30 pv m. There will bo a stir
ring young poople's meeting. - Let
every member, of the Christian En
deavor be present.
I .7:30 p. m. Evangelistic servlco.
. The program given yesterday at the
Medford hotel when the Greater Med
ford club met following their luncheon,
was of exceptional merit. Mrs. Sadie
Orr-Dunbar, president of the State
Federation of Women's clubs, gave a
splendid talk on the "Husiness of
Being a Club Woman." Her descrip
tions' of board meetings, national con
claves ot trained club workers, the
national headquarters at Washington,'
ana various institutes for -club women
made our Medford members realize the
great power for advancement the throe
million club women of America have
become. - - - -
-The-two fold aim of the present ad
ministration of the National Federa
tion of Women of law enforcement
and American home life, was ex
plained. Mrs. Dunbar cautioned against prop
aganda disguised as news,' against
sponsoring philanthropise undertak
ings of , other, .organizations which
would deplete the treasury and pre
vent the possibility of maturing plans
of -one's own club, and above all
against making resolutions that are so
often unpractical.
She closed her most Instructive talk
with the thought "to adopt nothing
but adapt everything."
Carlton Jones, the violinist, accom
panied by Mrs. Rawles Moore on the
piano, played the "Hymn to the Sun,"
by Rlmsky Korsakoff, In response to
the applause that followed lie playel
"A Prayer." . . '. . -
William ' Isaacs, accompanied by
Mrs. C. C, McCurdy, sang two songs,
"Over the Steppe" by Cratch Anlnoff.
and "I'm a Wand'ring," a slave song
by GalneB. ' Theso were greatly en
joyed. The Greater Medford club ap
preciates tho generous response of
tnose artists in giving of their time
and talent.
Miss Grace Chamberlain of Ashland,
vice-president of the State Federation
of Women's clubs, then gave a short
but as usual clever talk. She empha
sized the great need of bettor pro
grams In this ago when the best of
everything may be heard by radio.
With rare wit sho described the com
ing day when audiences instead of
speakers would be paid. Sho closed
her remarks with a demand for the
cultivation of greater spiritual and In
tellectual InBight. '
Emll Mnhr, with an eloquent tribute
to the ladies of tho club requested
their active co-oporatlon in the grand
ball to be given to raise funds to fi
nance the trip of the Dokkle hand to
tho Atlantic coast. The Greater Med
ford club Informed Mr. Mohr that they
had cancelled their own dance for
April 13 in order to be able to help
with the grand ball on April IS.
Power Company Bonds
Now Offered Public
Showalter. deceased; F. M. Compton,
(otherwise known as Frank Comptun.)
'Krnest E. Hart, (otherwise known as
E. E. Hart.) and the unknown hoira of
Ernest E. Hart, deceased; Henry B.
Hart: Clara B9tlt. (otherwise known
as Clara Bebblngton Hart. (Eldred
Schuyler Hurt, Clara" Hart -Corbin,
( formerly Clarn Hart.) Margarot W.
Clalllr (formerly Margaret I. Wal
lace, (otherwise known as Mth. M. I.
Galligar); H. 8. West, Then 11. James,
and the unknown heirs of Thos. II.
James, decensed: Lizzie McCnmmoii,
Elizabeth James; and the unknown
heirs of Elizabeth James, deceased;
J. H. Westcott, Hrbert S. Campbell,
and the unknown heirs of herbert
8. Campbell, deceased: John Schmidt,
Kr and the unknown heirs of John
Schmidt. Sr., deceased; James 1.
Martin, nnd the unknown heirs of
James D. Martin, deceased: lrfonora
W. Martin, and tho unknown heirs of
Leonora V. Martin, . deceased; R. L.
Sabln and the unknown helm of R. L
Sab In, deceased; lioxle .v. Blank nnd
Frank Blank. Frank Blank, Trustee;
Ernest E. Hart, Inc.. a Pricate Bank
ing Corporation: also all other persons
or partins unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or Interest in tho rent
estate described In tho complaint
herein. The above named defendants.
In the namo of tho stnto of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied and required to appear In the
above entitled court and cause and an
swer the complaint of plaintiff now
on file therein against you within six
weeks from the date of tho first publi
cation of this summons upon you,
which is March 7, 1U26. and if you
fall to so appear und answer within
tho time required, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will anply to tho court
for a decree convey! n tho plaintiff
in fee simple, freo.and clear of all In
cumbrances and freed from the inter
est or claims of the defendants and
each, thereof, and nil porsons, firms or
corporations whomsoever of the real
property described in plaintiff's com
plaint, nnd being -nvernment lots
numbered threo (3) and twelve (12)
and a portion of government lots num
bered eight H and seventeen (17), nil
In Section tnty-sovon (27) Town
ship thirty-six (3ti), South of Range
one (1). West of the Willamette Men
dion in Jackson County, Oregon; and
foP atL easement of way appurtenant
to thisame, nnd for a4)udgment for
plaintiff's costs and disbursements to
b- taxed against the defendants nnd
all other persons, firms or corpora
tions making npiurance herein: nnd
rur Hiirh other and further relief as
prayed for In said complaint and as
shall be deemed proper by the court.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof once a week for
six consecutlvo weeks, in the daily
Medford Mall Tribune, published in
Medford. Jackson County, Oregon, by
order of the Honorable C. M. Thomas,
Judge of the above entitled rourt,
which order Is dated March 5. 192u.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residing at Medford, Oregon.
CiTTinnencIng at a point 73 feet north
of the southwest corner of lot 8, in
block No. 1 of the Cottage Home ad
dition to the City of Medford, as the
same is designated and described upon
inu recorded plat tnereor, or record
in the offUe of the county recorder pf
Jackson county, Oregon, the begin
ning point, and running thence east
2 58 feet; thence north 61 feet: thence
west 258 feet; thence south 61 feet,
to the plncc of beginning in Jackson
county, Oregon.
said sale is in conformity with tne
tho decree Issued out of said court In
wild cause as a result of a partition of
snld property, and the deed executed
to the purchaser shall be absolute and
vest title, free from insumbranccs, in
the purchaser.
P. E. WYNKOOP. Referee.'
Addreas: Medford, Oregon.
W. E. PHIPP8. -Attorney
for Plaintiff, Medford.
Notice of Rcerws Kale.
Notice Is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of a decree and order of
sale Ihsuo out of the circuit court of
the state of Oregon, for the county of
Jackson, and to mo directed. In a cer
tain causo therein, in which O. M.
Hose and Helen Hose, are plaintiffs,
and Edwin E. Rose -and Pearl Rose,
his wife, George C. Rose, unmarried,
Dalsey Overlander nnd Fred Overland
er. hor husband. Lotta English, unmar
ried, and E. W. Jaqua are defendants,
which said decree and order are dated
and docketed in the clerk's office on
tho 6th day of March. 11120, I, ns ref
eree therein appointed, nm command
ed to sell, and will, at the hour of 1:30
o'clock p. in- Monday, April 6, 1925.
at tho promises hereinafter described
No. .113 Cottage street, In tho City
of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon,
offer for sale, and will sell nt public
auction, ns by law provided, to the
highest bidder for cash In hand, the
following described ronl property, to-
Wlth Medford trad m Medford ran4.
Phone 244
23 N. Fir Si.
Commercial j
Discount Corporation I
. For tho California Oregon Power
company, a syndicate composed of I
E. H. Rollins & Sons. Mercantile Se
curities company of California, Har
ris Trust and Savings bank, the Na
tional City, company, -and Bond &
Goodwin & Tucker, ,Inc, 12,000.000
of firm refunding per cunt series
C bonds are offered.
This comnanv's -annual net earn
ings have Increased from- $776,941 1
in 1923 to $1,000,876 In 1924.
The proceeds from the sale of :
these bonds, which are offered at.
97 and Interest to yield about 6.67
per cent, will bo used to - retire
underlying bonds and to reimburso'; -;
the company's treasury for capital, -
expenditures recently made or soon S
to be made. I 5
The company has published Its In-jss
tention to redeem the 7 per cent '5
debentures due in 1944, amounting . S3 .
to $1,482,000 par value. S3
Local investors will remember that I
theso debentures and $2,500,000 first Z
and refunding 6 per cent bonds were ES
offered to the public last June. As srz
a result of this present financing. Er
and the Improved earnings, while tho
company's funded debt is Incrensed, ZZ
its aggregate funded debt Interest e:
charges are decreased and the an-
nual surplus available tttteir these :
Bennett, 531 So. Riverside.
Tuesday. 2:30 p. m. Woman's interest charges will show an Im-i5
auxi&iry meets with Mrs. O. W.Jprovement of over 66 per cent, as 5
Click. 701 W. Jackson street Mis- compared with the figures nine S
slonarv Drosrram. lmonthn nrn. Run Prnncltcn rhrnn.
(Organized Under Laws of State of Oregon)
Medford, Oregon
Authorized Capital Stock
, $50,000.00 Common Stock
$50,000.00 Preferred Stock
8 Cumulative Preferred Stock
, W. W,, WALKER, Secretary ami Manager .
, JOHN R. TOMMN, Vice-President
The books for stock subscriptions are now open and terms may be arranged for'' with those de
siring to buy shares of Preferred Stock. You are invited to call at our offices, 204-5 First
', National Bank Bldg., Phone 039, or detach and mail coupon printed below. .' -
The Company
Tho JCommcrcial Discount Corporation was organ
ized under the laws of the State of Oregon with au
authorized capital of $100,000.00. There are five hun
dred (500) shares of Common Stock, which have nil
been subscribed for at par in cash no bonus or coin
mission stock being issued. . .
An equal amount (SOO shares) of 8 Per Cent Cumu
lative Preferred, Stock was provided for in our charter,
the intention-of the incorporators 'being to offer this
for sale only wben the growth of our business war
ranted doing so.: It has now' become evident, to our
directors that the field in this line of business is so
' large as to require additional capital. ; '
This preferred is a Cumulative Stock, bearing divi
dends, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually. IS is preferred as to dividends and
principal. The dividends arc exempt from normal
federal income tax. Par value of all shares, both com
mon and preferred, is $100.00. .
, Nature of Business
The business of this Corporation is to purchase from
responsible merchants and automobile dealers their in
stallment contracts, on such articles as electrical appli
ances, furniture, automobiles and various other proper
ties, usually purchased on payments covering a period
of months. ' . .' '
During tho past few years it has become general
practice all over the United States to purchase many
. articles, including homes, on the installment payment
plan. This has now become a thoroughly established
custom and has proven entirely satisfactory to the pur
chaser as .well as' the dealer and those interested in
financing . these ..installment contracts. To properly
finance such installment contracts is the object of this
Corporation. V - '
' Security of Assets
The assets of this Corporation are well and amply
secured by investment in these installment contracts,
which in turn are secured by a first lien on tho prop
erty purchased and also by a personal note of the pur
chaser, which is endorsed and guaranteed by a respon
siblclcalcr. .
The assets arc very liquid on account of the fact
that all contracts are payable monthly and do not run
over an average period of ten months. We have no
investment in fixed assets such as arc usually found in
iiianufacturingor public utility corporations.
Field of Operation
'All of Southern .Oregon, particularly all of that
territory around Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford,'
' Ashland and Klamath Falls. Being located in Medford,'
which is in tho very heart of. this great field, makes it .
possible to give prompt and 'efficient service, to all of
these points. '
There are thousands of. dollars' worth of choice
contracts in this field that have been and aro' being
sent to Portland, San Francisco and eastern cities,
which can be handled to a mneh better advantage by
this Corporation right here at home. Money invested
in this preferred stock is kept at home anil helps to
develop our home country.
Personnel of Organization
Harry II. Rosenberg and David II. Rosenberg are
the members of the firm of Rosenberg Brothers, large
and successful operators of tho Bear Creek Orchards,
growers, packers und exporters of tho famous Rogue
River pears. : .
v John R. Tomlin is the owner and operator of tho
Toiuliu Box Company, which produces a large percen
tage of the fruit boxes in Southern Oregon nnd Cali
fornia. Ho is also a director of' the First National
Bank, Medford, Oregon.
Wm. W. Walker, who has had many years of ex
perience in banking and installment business, has re
cently resigned as Vice President of the First National
Bank to become Secretary and Manager of this Cor
poration. Investment Feature
Our 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock.
(a) is Cumulative, Non-Assessable;
(b) is Preferred both as to assets and earnings;, '
(c) bears as high a rate of interest as good business
. justifies';;
'(d) is a senior security to an equal amount of com-,
' mon stock paid for in cash;
(1). is in a corporation munaged by local business
men of known ability and integrity; '
(f) is exempt from normal Federal Income Tax;
(g) is a desirable investment because tho assets of
this corporation arc invested in adequately
secured notes ond contracts.
Please call at our office or mail coupon printed below
for further information. '
- Commercial Discount Corporation ' ; .
L'04-5 First National Bunk Bldg., . . ',
Medford Oregon. -:,
Gentlemen : .
Without obligation on my part, will you kindly sendr
me full information about your Preferred Capital Stock
and special payment plan.
Wednesday, 7 p. m .--Teacher' tele . gjll
... ...... -