J v o o o g O O O . o . o o o o o o o o o MTCTTORT), OTCEfUfrT, PRTDAY, MAKCff 20, 10 " " PAT3T5 TWO PHYSICIAN FINDS WAY -TO RELIEVE NEURITIS - NERVE PAIN-1ERVES" After ycfti'H of exhiiUHtlvn IohIh an eminent Sun Fmnrlnco jhyHkUin mi nounccH a remarkable new dlncovcry to relieve neuritis, neuralgia and kin dred nervous dinorderH. This rem edy, known ub Kopti Neurltia Tablets, has liroved a renin rknbly effective and l)enefhlal In tliouHandn of test eases and In clinical experiment. Kopa Nouritln Tablets art to re lieve nerve pain and inflammation and tend to RiVo tono to the nerve cells, thus benefitting the entire ner vous system. 1 iff ore your entire nervous system becomes wrecked, weakened and starved, take Kupa Neuritis Tablets to relievo ripples of nerve pain, nerves like pin pricks, sharp, biting, dart in nerve pains, sciatica and neuralKlu. Kopa Neuritis Tablets are Kimruntcml harmless, and arc. free from bromides and narcotics. Vour drtiKKist will recommend them. Heath's Jim? Store and 'Haskln's 1)1 UK Store will BUpply you, Mail orders filled. Adv. II T T a -W-f " t -W-V II jyewsrrommiraimstricts I 1 1 CIVIC GLUB WiLl . TRACTORS HUM AND GIVE PROGRAM AT SPRAY RIGS BARK CENTRAL POINT AT TABLE ROCK Look the Part Stylo jl'' 604 by dressing the part. You may succeed without good clothes, but you will find the fight much easier if you pay more atten tion to your appear ance. "Clothes Tai lored to Measure by Born" make it easy for you to dress up at a very modest cost. We will be glad to show you the new. line of wonderful pure wool fabrics. THE MEN'S SHOP Next to Rialto Theater R. W. Lee Troubled With Rheumatism? We have a preparation that is an ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED PREPARATION for Rheumatic troubles. Come in and let us tell you about it. Your money refunded is not satisfactory MODEL PHARMACY If You Can't Come Phone 66 . Sixth and Central Avenue FOR SALE Nice New Home 1020 West 11th St. See It Look It Over And Compare UJ 1922 MAXWELL Excellent Condition Wouhf Consider Trade THfe Busj Comf Mo$s$ Co. CENTRAL I'OINT, March 19. An entertainment an dsochil KathciiiiK has been planned by the Civic Improve ment club to occur on Friday evening, tho 20th, ut the Behind Kymimfduiii. A splendid program will le the leading feature of thy evening and refreHh mentH will occupy their u.sual place of Importance. An adml.sHlon fee of fif teen centH will be chaiKcd, the pro eeedH to lie uned for pun-huHin Kyni naHium equipment. The following program will be rendered: .Selection by orchestra. Kong by the liooster ChoruH. JJrill by pupllH of Minn llceson's clasH. i'iano koIo, Mrs. Snider. Heading, Mrs. V. K. 1'arkor. Vocal duct, McMdames Wtrohnieler ami Alkiiusou. FMuno iluet. .Miss Paulino and Mr. Horace Terrlll. Kelecllon. by orcliestra. Mrs. William Tciherow entertained relatives and friends at din'ner Sunday in honor of the birthday of her moth er, Mrs. Alters, who Hvch at Phoenix. A guest at the F K. Wiley home last week was Mis. "Wiley's brother, Mr. F. M. Uurrows of Ventura, Cali fornia. The Thursday club enjoyed an after noon at the home of Mrs, W. II. lleek man last week and especially did they enjoy the dainty refreshments served by the hostess. Mr. anil Mm. Henry Meyer, who have been living at Lake (.'reek for Koveral months, have returned to Cen tral Point to reside Mr. Meyer Is as sistlng his futher-in-law, Mr. Tethe- row, with road work. Mm. S. K. Hathaway, who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Harry Worthian, at Weed. California, return ed homo Saturday, accompanied by her small grand son, Charles Wort man. Itecause last Sunday was Mr. Leon ard Freeman's birthday as well as MIhh Itai'hura Lee Koh lev's, a delicious turkey dinner was served to friends and relatives of the t'ouple by Mrs. Leonard Freeman at her home. 'rhose present were the. Messrs. and Mes d union W. It. Klucald, Khner Kyle, Leonard Freeman, Sam Kohler and MIhs Itarbara Loe Kohler. Mrs. Lola Thompson has been very sick with the flu the past week. Mrs. O. ('. Purkeyplle of Myrtle. Creek spent several days here last week visiting her daughters. Aim. Itoy Jones and Mrs. It. M. Kent. Miss Alta Xorcross hus been called homo from Ventura, California, on ac count of the serious illness of her father, Mrs. L. L. Xorcross. An epidemic' which' resembles the old fashioned la grippe, is at present i.ulto prevalent - about town. Among those who are ill from this disease are Mr. and Mrs. George Hons, Mrs. F. K. Wiley, Mrs. Maude lloswell and daughter, Mrs. Krnest .Scott, A. A. O II letic, Misses tlin and No la. Case beer and Rev. and Mrs. 10. F, Atchley. Mr. and Mrs. .1. CI. Love of the Snowy Itutte Orchard were Portland visitors over the week end Just past. The mother and father of Mr. F. M. Jones arrived a few days ago froiu. the south ami will make their home here with their son. Neuralgia Immediate positive relief Acute pain that you can hardly bear that's the time to use Sloan's. You don't have to rub - it in. Just the liniment itself does the work by sending fresh new hloodtothepainfulspot. All drug gists, 35 cents. It will not stain. Sloan's Liniment kills pain! MILL FEED and CHICKEN FEED all Kinds MORTON MILLING CO. IT . n Phone 244 23 N. flFSt. DYERS HATTER I CLEANERS PLEATERS with the country as a domicile. The jliuhannons also visited Mr. and Mrs. John Carneberg at Mud lord on men- way north. ltohannon, his father nnA two irothera were f firmer tl- ! dents of the Cold Hill district and operated the old llraden mine in the outskirts, of Gold Hill in the late sixties. Judge C. II. Watson, formerly of Cold 'Hill and the past year attor ney and geologist for the Hartman Syndicate' operating on the oil ahalc deposits near Ashland, was hero last Saturday and Sunday vlaitlng with friends, and looking after his inter est connected with the former law- firm of Watson & Kellogg. The Judgo reports that active operation will begin in the near future on large- scale in equipping the shale deposits Ly the Hart man syndicate At the present time this district Is the scene of much activity In all Hues connected with the tilling of the soil and the tending of orchards. On all sides can be heard the hum of trac tors, the bark of spray rigs and the rattle, and clanging of machinery as men and horses do their utmost to get caught up with the long delayed farm work. Owing to weather conditions last fall very little farm work was done and the heavy rains In January and February kept the farmers out of the fields, but at the present time the soil Is In excellent condition to work but with continued clear weath er and wind will soon become too dry. The Installing of a milking machine was completed the first of the week at tho Dunlap ranch when the renters, Davis and McC'lellan are milking 25 cows. I Henry Gregory of Agate has pur-1 chased the Flnley property in litis district and has about finished-taking out and burning the pear trees which will he replaced with alfalfa. I The herd of cuttle belonging to T. I (. Gaines which were wintered on the Nealon ranch were sold last Saturday to Harley Dunn of Talent. Stockmen have turned their cattle out on the range after one of the longest feeding periods known in this section for many years. H Is reported that the forty acre tract of land belonging to John Vin cent has been aohr but we have no iletalls of the transaction. This piece of land has been owned by tho Vin cent family for more than fifty years, and is probably tho only tract of land In this section with so short an ab stract. The first skirmish of the season with General Jack Frost took place AVednesdtty morning at tho Modoc orchard and was a decldod victory for the Modoc braves who lighted up the heavy artillery about five a. m. Mel Atkins left last week for Cali fornia to bo on hand for the begin ning of the sheep shearing season. fum Collins of Chico, Calif., was a recent visitor here. Mr. Collins who lived In this district when a hoy was noting the many changes that have taken place stlico he left here more than forty years ago: Miss Kva Nealon, teacher of the A mil Hchdol took her pupils picnick ing on lower Table1 Hock last Satur day. Joe Collins and wife returned last week from Los Angeles. Joe has leased his father's ranch and he and his wife have moved their household' goods in and taken possession. Several teams are nHunng pumu-t- soil from tho Collins ranch to the Agate school grounds to surface-tho roaalway around the school buildings. The members of the Tame hock Sunday school met with the Central Point Sunday Hchoul last Sunday morning. liorsel Harper is fining plowing with his tractor for several of Our far mers during the present rush. Many comments are heard In re gard to tne worn oi our im-m . intive assembly ami about nine out oi every ten seem to think that for all the good the legislature does It could well be abolished. Yet a few remind us that they did do some worthy things, nmong them being tho creation of tho orflco or chicken doctor and tne putting oi a tax on cigarettes and smoking tobacco tnd manatfing to keep it all ot cigars. Hatches From the Fish Hatchery TRAIL .Oregon. March 17. Jack Barnhousc, Harley Dunn and Itlll Cottrell were In this district recently looking after stock. Mr. and Mrs. T). R. Conner were vis itors on the Rogue River ranch Sun day. Mr. Conner mado n fine catch of fish despite the stormy weather. Todd and McDonald are cultivating their garden and getting ready for spring. Mr. Olson Is grazing his sheep in Tucker Gulch. A recent event of Interest was the marriage of Annie Doran and Jim Wil son. The ceremony took place at Mr. Wilson's home at Rogue Klk Saturday evening, llev. L. M. Phillips officiated. Many people of this community en joyed the dance at Prospect Saturday evening. Tommy Weeks and Ralph Dunlap are digging witch for Sprntt Wells. Marie Smallhausen and Lester Hol- lenbeak spent Tuesday at tho Rogue River ranch. Minnus Pence and son Harold are working on the road in tHis district. Irene Franks and Itlnlnc Shirley were seen in our vicinity recently. Howard Piatt and Paul Turner spent tho week end at the Hatchery as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. Mr. R. li. Vincent is busy improv ing the road on the south aide of tho river. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffman and small daughter A let ha. took dinner with the -Wells family fcunday evening. I'he Rogue Klk hotel has an ever in creasing number of Sunday dinner guests. Mrs. Todd has been slightly indis posed for the past week or so. Mr. and Mrs. It. P.. Vincent were Med ford business visitors Tuesday. Norman Wells and Thelma Franks attende d church at Trail Sunday even ing.. , . . . - ... . Kern Gordon spent tho week end at home. G. G. Hollenbeak and, son Morris were Medfnrd visitors Monday. Charley Manning and Norman Wells were Trail visitors Tuesday. Luke Ryan visited tho Croft ranch recently. Mr. Roliertson and his assistants have been making splendid Improve ments at the fNh hatchery. The out side ponds nre filled with many mil lions of fish, including several million cutthroat. - GOLD HILL NUGGETS " 1 ; 1 ANTELOPE ITEMS Marsh Garret took out his steers which Mr. Walsh had wintered for htm. They were in very fine condition. Several from here attended the charivari of F. Klinncl at lake Creek Friday night. S. Allen and Henry Maelzold left for Seattle Monday. Mr. Day has Just moved onto the Lewis place. Ditch cleaning started Monday on the south lateral of the Kagle Point Ditch Co. Thev are operating a crew of eight men and five teams. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Von der Hellen visited Central Doint Sunday. .1 rini.n HILI- March 20 The bus! ness men of (Wild Hill are planning Former Empress III. BRUSSELS, March 20. Former Km- near Brussels. to soon Incorporate mo oju "M,(prL.88 Marie Charlotte, widow oil tho publishing company for the lur"i Emperor Mnxmllan of Mexico, is pose of establishing a weekly mining -gnivoiy n of tae Ki ipp0 and little newspaper at Gold Hill. This has n()ne Ja np,(J for recovery( jn vicw of been planned for some time by the her ndvance(!-agCi Sh(i ls S5 .ind for mining interests in this district ten many years ,,a8 reside ln a chateau some lime pasi, ui.v - mmit of the local cement plant, tne state lime plant, the limestone ship ping, and lime L ktln manufacturing commercial Hmo nre on a minstan tiul basis, and with tho apparent ad vent of the local smelting plant, and the general revival of the mining oi the several minerals of the district, all these interests aro back of the new newspaper project. R. W. Nicholas, a Portland attor ney, has associated himsolf with A. li. Kellogg, the local attorney and abstractor, and will make some changes in the abstract business at Gold Hill. The new firm will in cornoratc the A. K. Kellogg Abstract company, and will add tu the ab stract and law business a complete civil cnKiueering department for the surveying, platting and mapping of lands and engineering projects. Mr. Nicholas Is an experienced civil n Kineer nnd first saw tho possibili ties of the Gold Hill district a few yea rs ago w h i 1 e employed with the I'nlted Slates government engineer ing force In classifying tho O. & C, railroad grants before same was open for entry in this pnrt of the state The new local abstract company will be associated with Nicholas Bros,, an old established engineering firm in Portland, which Mr. Nicholas is a member of. Mr. ami M rs. Juhn S. Rohannon of Independence, down in Polk coun ty. Ores on. wet here one day the fil'Mf nf IV w" k visiting relatives in c.otd Mill on their way auto-bound home f r mo their winter stay in l-os Ang.lPs and other lower California points. During their stay they visit ed wltff) their nephew Merle Rohan non Kellogg and family, formerly of Rogue River valley. noW living and engaged In nn otl jffl.tton business at Wilminuton, () suhtirh nf nni.M'u!. a1 reports tne youn ioiks flourishing i busiss qi$ pleased. Food Value of Wheat Flour Always Retained if jou use . THE WORLD'S GREATEST I . Vor over a thinJ ,of a century it has , M. " " made good hi every known test''' ' SALES a TIMES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BRAND Hills Bros Coffee belongs to the West It was born here. And every son of the West is justly proud of. the spurs this coffee has won in the capitals of the world. The Recognized Standard ..... . that's what they call Hills Bros. : Coffee! .': .And do you wonder? Just pierce the vacuum seal of a tin of this wonderful western coffee. Set free that rich aroma, the herald of a cup-flavor yet to be met. Lift a cup to your lips . . . that's coffee, Ask for Hills Bros, by name and look for the Arab on the can. Hills Bros. Coffee is economical to use. i ' ; . . HILLS BROS COFFEE In the original Vacuum Park which keeps the coffee fresh. O I9:S, Iliils Brco. Its the lSpr flavtit lilgllif 3 That won the world to this quick breakfast. Cooks in 3 to 5 minutes get Quick Quaker. FROSf "Mn. O'Ondy to the Jndge'i lady," ill the world ha turned, tc a new breakfast delight It'a Quick Quaker, the new Quaker Oats that cooks ta J to 5 minutes quicker, in fact, than toast But the real secret is a marvelous, rich flaror . .. . creamy deliciousnesa that's exclusively Quaker. ' :1' ' For the great adventure in a quick breakfast, say a "Quick Quaker" today. Then watch the family smile at breakfast tomorrow. . 0 Look for the Quaker on the label That means Quaker flavor the "hot oats and milk breakfasts doctors are urging in 3 to S minutes. , ,.ihat mean the superfine oats you want the finest grown, the most delicious in all the world. '' ' 4 Standard full afce and O weight packages Medium: IV4 pounds; JUarge; J pounds, 7 o Your jrrocer now has two kinds or Quaker S9iS th. kind you have always known Md Cuick Quaker,