rs O 5STET)F0T?D $ATL TTITBTJN"E, DFORT), OTCKOONV FRIDAY, MARCH 9), 1923 KCGE TWO -2 Q A Tocal and o Personal The prcviiUmeo In the rily of bud : .poUIb and flu iittuckH, which cn! ch vlollins to tnko to their IioiIh, or at least remain at home, atlll continues with many men. women and children on the disability lint. Madrona brand mlncnilized-ycaHt chick mnHhes are absolute Insurance against les weakneps In Krowinw jtul lets. ' Every person rulsinK clilcks should Investigate theftepiashea. Made Iy. Monarch Heed Co. tf Tho liht rain which 8( t In late yes terday afternoon and continued off and on during the ulaht. amounted at 8 a. m. today to .13 of an Inch. To day was alternately cloud yand sun ny, and the prediction Is for fair wenther tonight and cloudy weather Saturday. This rnornlnp's minimum temperature. 50 degrees, was the high est minimum since late lust summer. Wo have some bargains In used ma chines, special prices on Singers and Whites today. 24 No. fiartlett. 3 OK Mr. and Airs. Harry Hooper of Youngstown, Ohio, nnd J B. Myers of Moline, HI., are among the guests here froih fl distance at the hotels, as are J. II. Kowler of Reno. Nev., and Har ry Watcher of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. 1C. 10. Hubbard of Chicago, and A. (ilasson of Indianapolis. Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber yard. Oleone. LeMarr, stenographer In the county agent's office, has been 111 at home for the past two days with a hud cold. Dry oak and laurel cut any length. 9111. per cord, flood huzz sawing cheap. Pollock and Kricksoll. Phone 1110. . 312 Tile local students uf the." O. A. C and V. lit O. began arriving home yes terday for the annual spring vacations of those educational Institutions. Have you tried that big milk shake nt UpVoe's? Tho Jackson County Dog Protec tive association met Tuesday evening at Dr. K. C. McC'ulloch's office at the Veterinarian hospital In Hertford, and organized. The purpose of this asso ciation is to try to protect tho dogs in Jackson county from bolng poisoned or otherwise mistreated. They also hope to put on a kennel show either In, Ashland or Medford this next full. Ashland Tidings. .Special Saturday sale, ifnusual bar gains on used White and Singer sew ing machines. 24 No. Ilnrtlett. 308 Citizens are asked to remember the big sale on Saturday at the Thrift Shop. Many new garments are com ing In at this time. of the year and the needs of families can be supplied. Tho ludies of Medford and vicinity mo invited to a special showing of lovely hats and summer furs. Satur day at Uartlett's Shop In the new Crn terlan building. 307' Mr. and Mrs. John Ollnstend arrived In the city recently from Hollywood, Calif., where Mr. Olmsteud had been In business for tho past year or more, for a visit of a week or so. They will return, to southern California and have placed' tlielr' house on South New town street and Its furniture, on the market for rnlo. Tho trip from Hol lywood was made by auto and their daughter. Mrs. Seeley Hull nnd baby, who had noon spending tho winter with theni, returned homo with them. Jleautlful Oriental Hardens, Satur day. ' Kd Webber spent yoslcrduy in (hunts Pass on business. Perry Foster was ill from his place on tho upper Itoguo rlvor yesterday Iransuctlui: business. , Coal briquet, that clean fuel. Han sen eoni Co. Phon 239. Kvery raiser of baby chicks should know about Madrona brand mlneral-Ized-yeust chick mushes before Blurt ing their chicks. Manufactured by Monarch Seed Co. tf' The first visitors at tho Oregon Caves for tho 1 tl U r season were Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. 1.. 1'rnger. of "Cnrincl by the Sea." Calif. They wero newly weds on their honeymoon. (irunts Puss Courier. Special for Saturday only. Another big selection of trimmed hats, priced at 1.llK. Tho llnnny U)U Hat Shoppe. In M. M. Store. 307 lluy Vnughan's superior flower seeds ul the Monarch Sect! & Feed Co. tf That free entertainment at the First liaplisl church for all takes place to night at 7:30 p. m. Pictures and lec ture on Alaska with many iiitertalnlng features will bo on the program. Nursery stock. Tho best nsHortment In southern Oregon. Fruit, shade and mit-benriiig trees, flouring shrubs, vines, berry plunts, rhubnrb nnd as paragus plants, evergreen trees and figs, perennial plants, grape vines. A fine lot of heavy two year lilng cherry.'- A good general assortment of fruit- trees for home orchards. Com mercial varieties. Including Old Home on Casui-lcnsls for commercial or chards. Grafting wax and other sup plies for orchard work. Don't take my word for It. coine and see for your kolf. Will gladly duplicate nny order booked by an agent for tho same or less money nnd give you better ser vice.' Kden Valley Nursery. Phone KXn.J-S. Sales yard (112 j Knst Main I I CROSS WORD PUZZLE ' CAKES A new s 'cial we w olTer Saturday nt 15c each This is torv an introdu price only The COLONIAL 23 8o. Oregon's Finest Bakery Tho . following- fdm Portland are among temporary sojourners In the city: W. W. lingers. It. if. flrandy. O. It. linker, Mrs. It. 10. ilaker and daughter. Tim liurke, Mr. and JJrs, ir? F,. I itaipn it. i-'inrso, j. c jiannertoi H. Wing. W. K. Taylor, Mr, and Mrs, Mrs. i W. C. MeNuught, 10. Stone, Mr. and Mi'h. It. "ml Mm. M. Fox, j J I. ( DrcHiVr, qM i K. T. liurtli, Km nk W. Nioll, Mr. alul 'Jim. 1' Jt. Wootlburn, How ard P. Boardninn, Mr. and Mr, 10. J. ParfloriH, It. G. Vallcntync. J. P. Jen n Infra, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rittman, O. h. Lt'ffiM'ts. C. A. Jobe, A, A. Main, AlrK. l' SaundcM-H find baby, MIhh V, GHbeler, K. I.. Matht-H. H. U. Hammer, Lon Amacher and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wlluy. Columbia piaster wall board. Call for pricoH. AVuIluee "Wood .Lumber Yard. Special for Saturday only. Anothrr iK JM'loetion of trimmed hutH priced ut $4. it. The Kmmy lou Hat Shopp1 hi M. M. Store. 3 (J 7 An option wan taken today upon a piece of land suitable for a olf couiho by a K',f"P of men, tho (.'number of Commerce, committee appointed to in .vttHtlHute the pOHHibiliticH for the build Jnpr ok ft polf eourwe here. The men acted however, an ft protip of indiviil ualK In taking the option, not utdnK ,ne nne ino wnamnnr or v oinincn u in ine mi nHtirunn. in miiu wiiu-ii in under option, lien on the Pacific high way, but a few miles aouth of the city, (t Ih ttelieved ideally situated for a pnlf couiHe, boliiK rulllUK land with enough natural hazordu to make the olf course one of the finest fn Ibis ec tln. The Chamber of Commerce has for some time been endeavoring to ob tain some action upon the n"lf course possibilities hero. Ashland TldhiKs. Special this week. Exlde battery for Kord. Chevrolet and Star, $16.00. .Williams & McCurlev. mlt lleaiitiful Oriental Gardens, Satur day. 3(iK M. "Wood, a special officer of the Southern Pacific company, was a Medford visitor yesterday from Grants Pass. Klower lovers will find Rrcator sat isfaction in VaUKhan's choicer flower seed g at the Monarch Seed & Feed Co. tf Itarilett's Fur Shop In the new Cra terian buildiiiR has the newest things in hats and furs for your ensemble suit. . , !7- Helen Thomas, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Thomas of West Main Htrect. Is quite Hcriously III at the Com munity hospital, havttiK been removed there last nlht. We pay for ashes and sell dirt cheap. Urown & White Agency, Ine. UKe, this name in your hat Is ab solute assuranco of correct style. Sold exclusively by The Kmmy I-ou Hat Shoppe. In M. M. Store. 307 Oscar Lynum, wife ami uauKiuer, of Medford, were visitors in this city over tho week end. returning home this morning. Mr. bynum was for several years a mechanic at tho Iiuk'k Karate here. Ho is now encased in Ihti automobile business In Medford. Uosobui'K News Review. Dauco. lttversblo Community club, Saturday nifiht. Alford's Imperial or chestra. 3ft7 Columbia plaster wall board, Call for prieoB...AUJlttee'AvoodH Lumber Yard. " A. Hi, Jtosenbaiim. an honorary member of the Ashland Llthianf. at tended tho farewell party and dance jfiven by the Lithians last night Tor V. I. Miller. Kiand high flzs of the or ganisation, who will lenve this cvebiilK for I'ortland, having been promoted to higher position by tho Standard Oil company. Beautiful Oriental Gardens. Satur day. Dance. Riverside Community eiun, Saturday night. Alford's Imperial Or chestra. 307 Howard Croflty,' assistant secretary from a bonding house In Portlami. was a business caller In Medford yes terday. ' Ladies' nnd chlldrens" hats mntie to order. Save half. 917 Narregan. jik Itarilett's Fur Shop In the new Cra- terlan ltuitdlng has the newest things in has and furs for your ensemble suit. 3' Seven heavy fines for luiunr pns- sesHton were the result or Saturday niuht's liquor raid, tho biggest In tne Klamath Kalis history, when Mayor Goddard, the entire police force ami tho entire sheriff's office combined forces In a descent upon the Glenn ho tel and a group of cabins known as the Cabbaue Patch." Fifty-one were tak en in the raid and marched down Main street, where they filled the court houso corridors Until they were exam Hied by the district attorney and either flensed or held. Dance. Riverside Community club, Saturday night. Alford's Imperial Or hestia. This name In your hat Is absolute assurance of correct siyie. pmuu il lusively by The Kmmy Lou not Shoppe. In M. M. Store. 30.- The Grants Pass hum scnooi onse hall team is playing Us first game of ibis season In that city this afternoon with the team of the Glendale schnoK The ladies of St. Mark's Guild will have a cooked food sale In the parlors of the Hotel Holland Saturday. March 2 1st, at 2 p. nt. Don't forget the dale. 307 Itefo-e liousecleanlng. et hio esti mate vour nalntlmr. tinting, enantel- Imr or nanering. Prices reasonable, i..nt,...t .m-virn II. V. Marx. Thone II Mrs. Karl Crow left the Community bimnltal Thursday and went to her U home on West loth stret. having suf ficiently recovered from u major op- ..Int. The ladies of St. Mark's Guild will have a cooked food sale In the parlors .f ibe Hotel Holland Saturday. March 21st, at 2 P. m. Don't forget the dato 307 Reautlful Oriental Gardens. Satur .lav. iilck 'Cnlder, elevator operator in the federal building, has been sick at home this week wit hthe flu. Come into Itarilett's Fur and Mil llnerv Shoo for new and lovely hats ami summer fars. 3(l DrefR-up-tlmo Is at hand. Why not see Mrs. Trowbridge at once? 300 Two new hranchrs of the P.rowiw- ille Woolen Mills "ores will be op o ed In Klamath Falls and Medford. ac i hi n mt ti .1. L. Howinon. owner of tb mil! at llrounsvUlc. ami tin ib.tiu In iiictim. who was a visitor at the local toe. inanaiit'd by J ruse Ininan. y .iri -day. Kugcno Guard. Old papers for ki lulling nre at tnin office. f t'nmp Into Piirtlett's Fur nnd Mil linery Shop for new and lovely huts and summer furs, 30T Tho Men's dec club of Pacific uni versity, who are making an extended tour of Southern Oregon, gave a mu sical concert In Ashlund last night ut lh, hi, .1, u..lm..l l.iillrlln.r See Ijiunspach before you buy that piano. Office and salesroom at WeekH & Orr liable. He knows pianos and Is re ''' 307 H. I, It. eggs at DoVoe's, tf Among Thursday's arrivals in the city from tho state of Washington are: Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Pltus of Olympia, Mr, and Mrs. W. XV. Keys of Taeoma, H. J, Cushinj and family of Snoho mish, O. K. Herrick of Puyallup, Adam H .Gaufff of Wena tehee and .1. M. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. T. Itidenour, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jerome and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown of Seattle. Utile Miss Gaue hats Just received at the Kmmy Lou Hat Shoppe. In M. M. 'store. Distinctive styles for your young daughter. 307 We are overstocked and for the next 30 days we will deliver 12 Inch dry oak and laurel at ?3.T0 per tier in two tier loads. 10 Inch dry oak and laurel at $3.75, 4 foot dry delivered per cord $8.75. All other fuel In pro portion. Valley Fuel Co. 300tf Arlene 1 tut lei returned home last night from Kugene, where she Is a student at the IT. of O., to spend the Kaster vacation with her paiertts. A number of the students who will spend the vacation with their par ents here will arrive in the city to night. The ladies of St. Mark's Guild will have a cooked food sale In the parlors of the Hotel Holland Saturday, March 1 1st, at 'I p. m. Don t forget the date. 307 See launspach before you buy that piano. Office and salesroom at Weeks iV Orr. He knows pianos and Is re liable. 307 Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Campbell wero among the .local visitors today from Kaglo Point. Vour choice of salads with soup. lessert and drink on our fioe mer chant's lunch. Franklin's. tf Mother," the sweetest woril In the Knglfsh language. Hear Kvangellst Stivers' address on "Mother," at Chris tian church Friday night. 307 Fldyd Jenkins has returned from a month'H sojourn spent In southern 'allfornla and Arizona and again re sumed his duties as sign painter for the Jenkins sign works. Hemstitching 8c a yarn. Tho Van ity Shop, P.artlolt and Main. tf Clean wind for the children to play in. Call Medford Sand & Gravel Co. Phone 1075. 307 Chester Fitch -of Phoenix, was a Medford business visitor today, ac- tnpanlrd by his father. Dr. Fitch of I'tlca, N. Y., who is visiting him for a short time. Wo pay cash for used pianos. Pnl- mer Piano House. tr Solo by Mrs. Redmond, and other songs about "Mother," and n wonder ful sermon on the same subject by Kvangellst Stivers at Christian church Friday evening. 307 Among the visitors in the city from the Untie Falls district Is Charles Page, who arrived Friday: salad instead of meat served on our 50c moi'ehants' lunch, if you wish. Franklin's. ( tf Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Coal Co. Phono 2!(i. Stated Communication' Med ford Lodge No, 103, A. A. M., Friday evening, March 20, at 7:30 p. m. Visitors wol- ome. Hy order W. M., A. J. Crnse, Secret ii ry. 3 7 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CONVALKSCKXT IIOMK We board old people and invalids ami try to make life pleasant for them. Call lii:t Ashland. 3(i7 FOR RKXT G-room modern house. unfurnished. Also -l-ronm partly furnished house. Phone &03-L after 5 p. m. 308 Foil SALK A -room bungalow, bath, cement foundation, east front. Itar puib at JillJiiO. Terms. C. S. Uut terfleld. 30S Foil SALIO Packed Spltzenbergs. 1.110 to Greenwood & Anderson. Inc., end North Central. 307tf FOIt SALK Purebred Huff Rock hatching cgns. Phone Nt'.K-Y. 30" 'Oil SALK Only a few more days left to plant rhubarb, asparagus, sage, butterfly bushes, hollyhocks. Fine home grown plants. Overlook Gardens. Phono SOS-Y. 3oit MOW St ltDIYISION for gardeners, poultry raisers, grape, apricot, pearh. walnut orchard Isls. berry growers. 1 acre tracts and tip. $10 ner month will pay for an acre in less than 2 years, also taxes and water. Ask the real estate men about Ke-Subdivided Stewart Acres, or call JTii, and ask for Powell. 3i)!i What a Pity To waste a day. A pleasant morninti drink prevents it always. Think of the days lost by hractarhc, by dullness, liv militnrss. Just because the stomach isn't nuhl, or the bowels are clocged by poisons. That s all unnecessary. Millions now prevent those lost days by an easy, pleasant method. On risitiR drink a class of water, hot or cold. .That washes out tile stomach before, breakfast. Add to that water a little Jad Salts. That makes it delightful and sparkling;. Jad Salts are made Irom acids of lemon and grape, combined with liiliia. In an hour conies a womleriul cl'.,'.c. The poisons e eliminated. AM th..r ni.'.lxs you nn tT.tb!e is n'"Mv The d.ty becomes sunny, von h-coine fit. You feel as you fch when a child. You Rain a day, which otherwise is lost. You place yourself at your best. Try Jad Salts one morning in your elass of water. It willirmjra revelation. You will never aitairr let a day start yrong. All druggists have Jad Salts. la"-6 MIIIIMMlllIMITlWWniTW1WMBlltMIII II MIMMMIIMwI'llWIIIIIWiMMW ITH1 IT""""" """ ""i'l " 1 ' THE a conamv urocele 0 No one, said President Coolidge, is so poor that he cannot afford to be thrifty. No one is so rich that he does not need to be thrifty. The margin between success and failure between a respectable place in life and oblivion is Very narrow. . It is meas ured by a simple word "thrift." The one who saves is the one who will win, and to this we add our own oft-repeated phrase "Buy here and bank the difference." Hot from tlie oven lb. loaf H lb. loaf Amazo Oil, best for salads, qt. can . . 43c Sun Brite Cleanser, 4 cans 19c Fancy Pack Pumpkin, No. 2 cans, ea. 10c Campbell's Tomato Soup . : .2 cans 15c Fancy Sugar Cured Cottage Butts, lb. 32c I Mr ' Charles McPhcp of tho Peoples' Na tional Insurance company U'ft yester day for Portland after HeiHtttiK sev orul (ittys in Mod ford visit Ihk l"cal litems. New t (Mini to yntt lettnro salnd or chicken salad with soup, douse rt nnd (Irln K . nOe. rranklin's. tf Thn Salvntion Army can help some one with your old clothing, ote. tf LAST TIMES TOMORROW I THE RECORD BREAKING LAUGH PRODUCER . Poptilar Sunday After noon Concert Jy tho CRATER LAKE TEMPLE BAND) and POLA NEGRI in "EAST OF SUEZ" O. Lloyd a I I SUNDAY I HOME OF BREAD every 40 minutes, 1 " 3 for 20c .10c BANANAS Nice Ripe Fruit, 3 lbs. . . . . FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT Big ones, each OTHER SPECIALS SALT We have a car of stock and dairy salt, on which we save you money. - Half ground, 50 lb. sack 55c; 100 lb. sacks Dairy Salt, finest quality, 50 lb. sack SUGAR IS A GATES & ' ASK your Grocer TRU-BLU hffl&p? Biscuit Co. J9.Z. , - M1 i ; Spokane, Portland v: ! '' PORTLAND; FEED PRICES ARE DOWN! WE HAVE REDUCED OUR PRICES ACCORDINGLY Drop in nt our Main street store or the Kuss mill. You'll find prices lower and our service and niVrchan dise pleasing. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. 323JE. Main ' LIKE MOTHER MADE GARDEN HOSE Advance spring sale of best quality, guaranteed kink proof, sun proof, rib bed Hose. 3-4-in. black, 50 ft., ith couplings $5.63 3-4 in. red, 50 ft. with couplings $6.39 We have 25 ft. length. Brass nozzles, 75c quality . 49c Fibre Table Mats, sets of 3 to 5 , L,.-v.v. . ........ . j . . . 15c to 25c set Steer Beef or Veal Roast, per lb. . . .15c Steer Beef lor Veal Stewj per lb. . . 12-i'c Crystal White Soap . . . . 10 bars 39c GOOD BUY LYDIARD MRM MWC99 139 So. Riverside 25c 10c can $1.05 9c y hi' Beautiful Spring Dresses Fur-Trimmed Coats English Prince of Wales Coats Pattern Hats and i . ' : Scarfs of All Colors See 'Miss Towne's well selected line before looking other places. ORGANIZATION OF SPECIALISTS PORTLAND NO SCATTLC OFFICC THE'unparalleled success of the.Dr. Chss. J. Dean non-surgical method of treating Piles and other reSal and colon ailments has built an organha tion of highly mined specialists to care for thje patients ;who come from all parts of the West. . : The skill of these specialists is proved by the unqualified GUARANTEE i that each Pile surfcrer is cured or his fee REFUNDED no matter how long standing or how severe his case may be. V'V'Vi Send for my FREE book. Znm X DEAN. M.D-lnc SMART SHOP O O o