o . pxni? ten MATTP TT?mTTNTR ----- -- W-W MEDFRT ' OREGON. TTTTTTJSDAY, MXBCH 19, 1923 " V -CL 400 CHILDREN M AFTERNOON RALLY 400 lusty lunged future citizens of Medford and America acceptfd an In vitation from the Salvation Arm;' to attend a "younK people's rally" which was held In the local holt, 4th and Bartlett, yesterday at 4 p. in. These youngsters represented the Washing ton, Lincoln and llooRevelt schools, and a finer, mure attentive, and mora interesting lot of boys and Rlrls would be hard to find else whore thnn in Med ford, according to a statement of Captain Pitt of the local corps. The crowd sang "America" and the "Uttttle Hymn of the Kepubllc." pave three cheers for anything and every body and listened with keen interest to Ensign K. R. Olford of Sun I-'nin-ciqco, who was guest of the local Sal vationists yesterday. He Is the second man in charge of the Army's work among young people in the west, and his visit to Med ford was Tnulnly In the interest of Medford future citizens. The little Misses Dorothy Lee and Frances Hepler entertained with their sinking, while Master Hubert I'owell drew laughter with his contortion stunts. A special feature was the en holllng of eight Junior members of the Army by Knslgn Clifford. At the close of the program, each one of the 400 present were given a treat as they passed out the door. Rnaign O If ford also conducted n public meeting In the Army hall ut 8 o'clock last night. A rtKIJAIUJO COl'GII KEMKUY Why experiment with unknown remedies for that cough or cold when you can secure KOLKV'K HONK V AND TA Ft COMPOUND? it is a safe and reliable remedy for the relief of coughs, colds, hoarseness. Kquitlly beneficial for young and old. Airs. Anna Cornell, Ilrldgeton, N. J., states: "I bought KOLHY'H HO.VKV AND TAR COMPOUND for my cold and find It great." Insist upon the genu ine. Refuse substitutes. Sold every- Mail Tribune ArtiA) National Contest' Herbert Grey, mannger of tho ad vertising deimrtment of. the Mail Tribune and e Medford Sun, has won nnother honor, the second prize in a national contest for the best design ed ad for the Irene Costle-Corticelll (Creations, the prizes being paid by tho company. The content was opened for all the newspapers In the 1,'nited States. and Is quite an honor for Mr. Grey, there being a large nurnher of contestants. The ad was prepared and printed for Mann's department more of this city and the composition was the work of Kenneth Murray, one of the skilled printers In this office. Medf6o Rotary Club New o I Votary Just what we put InTci It." My test or notary Is In tho method with those 1 am prlveleged to serve. EDWARD C.(JtOOT. & 10 WASHINGTON, March 1!!. Vice President Dawes Will carry to the country in put die addresses the Ik- fciir be made with the senate in bin Inaugui at Ion address for n rcvinion of the rules so as to prohibit man liliHbusteis. The S. & W. Products To Be Advertised Another one of the National adver tisers to return to our columns Is SiiHsmun. Warner & Co., manufac turers of the famous S & W coffee and other products, sui-h ih telephone peas, baby kernel corn, pineapple and vegetables. Their pack Is stricly Htamturds of high tfuullty and vlue. The S. & W. cofee Is of the best grades, skillfully blended, roasted and denned of coffee dust, has. delightful mellow flavor, Is vacuum packed in the new key cans and can be had at most all dealers. See their nrl In this Ihshc. Guests nt tho Rotary meeting were Carl Rruntch of Portland, A. K. Vuorhels, P. W. Clark, and Rev. Gordon Hart of Grants Pass, Win. Wurner and S. M. Scott of Medford. The day was called convention day us the club Is In preparation for the convention of Kotary interna tional at Portland next week. There was the usual planning and discus sion necesfary for an occasion of this kind. Several of the members spoke of their former experiences in attending the big meetings. P. W. Clark of Grants Pass nid : "No one man attending a conven tion can properly bring bark the whole message. And we find that some of us as Hot aria ns haven't the Flightest inkling of what Ro tary means. I urge all to attend the convention." 1 J. W. Wakefield said: "Attend the convention. Get the knowledge land Spirit of Rotary." Fred Heath said in part. "I value highly the lessons we learn In. Rotary, hi gathering like the one we will have at Portland." t.'nrl swigurt told of how this was the second Rotary club of Which he was fortunate enough to be a mem ber. Saying "I am strong for the convention. The better representa tion wo shall have at Portland the bettor anil more efficient club we shall have in Medford. Membership means tin Investment in Rotary. Reap what wo sow by attending the; convention at Portland and learn I how to get the good and give the ' good in Rotary." i Gordon Hart of Grants Pass. "The big feature beside education is fel- tuti'whitt & (-nni'pnlinn iiTCm-ilu a wonderful o p p o r t u'n 1 t y to -make friends. hatever your lino of busl- news or profession you will meet j attend the convention the better for the loming year's work In Rotary." f .nn -lm oh "Rntarv is nn Idea and the development of that idea. Rotary does not mean a luncheon club. Rotary means something dif ferent to each one of ns. In order to learn more of Rotarv we should attend the Portland meeting. Go, If only for one day. We get out of Radio Program for Tonight The Screen : ; . . . KVi, Los Angeles, 468. meters, 8 to 9, Standard Oil Co. (Ciflifornla) program. 9 to 10 Mu Phi Epsllon Trio. Paul Reese, tenor, 10 to 11, Ex aminer. KIM, Los Angeles, 405.2 meters, 8 to !(:30, Program presented through the courtesy of Rey R Chesley, Ford dealer. 9:30 to 10, Program presenting the Plggly Wlggly Girls. KRSG, Los Angeles, 275.1 meters, 9:15 to 10, Gray Studio program pre sented by the Temple Choir under the direction of G. N. Nichols, assisted by vocal artists. 10 to 11, Organ recital of Esther Fricke Green, assisted by the Angelus Temple Girl's quartet. KNX, Hollywood, 337 meters, 8 to 10, Feature program by Atwnter-Kont Radio Co., "Uncle Remus." 10 to 11, Hotel Ambassador. Abe Lyman's Co- coanut Grove orchestra. KGO, Oakland, 3(il meters, R Stu dio program. 10' to I; Dance music program by Jlenry Halstead's orches- ra and soloists, Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco. KI'O, Kan Francisco. 428.3 meters. 8 to 9. Organ recital by Theodore J. Irwin, official organist, nt tho Wur lltzer. 9 to 10, Soprano solos by Patri cia Calloway, program under the man agement of Mrs. William Empey, cor netest. KFRC, San Francisco, 207,7 meters, 8 to 10, Dance music by Paul Kellt's orchestra, playing nt II Trovatore Roof Garden cafe; also talk and spe cial studio program. KGW, Portland. 419.5 meters, 8, Oregonion concert orchestra. 10. Mult nomah Hotel Strollers (2 hours.) WFAA. Dallas, Texas. 47 1 meters. 9 to 10, Violin recital by Edward Cramer. Fuitiustastto Audience GrccM Lloyd. 1 . Harold Lloyd's "Hot Water" Is a jvoritable deluge of mirth. Thla is 'one case where it not only rains, but it pours. "Hot Water" maintains the spark ling originality of the comedian, and provides side-splitting episodes. There are laughs and laughs, and if you hap pened to be among -those present with ltut night's audience, you will nave voted this one of the best laugh get ters. The Hunt's Craterlan fairly creaked under the strain. The same centers about the exper iences of ri young man who doesn't have - otwln the love of a pretty girl. He has that, or rather gets It in the first few feet of-the picture.' But all of the "hot water" -into which he is precipitated comes after the wedding' day. ;Wifle is a dependent little soul, who can't refuse hospitality to her entire family. --.Hence mother-in-law and the rest move in on hubby and be ing nn outsider as it were, hubby pets the constant blame for everything. Cut the truth finally outs. Hetty firown contributes to the mirth effects with some clever pedal manipulations nt the organ. ,?aM neso Curbs R-ds. TOKIO, March 19. (lly the Asso ciated Press,) The house of peers to day passed the peace preservation act. a measure designed to cub all forms of radical activity. T ' . At tho RlaJto, A lively and well acted film Is Rroken Harriers." which opened at the Rlalto yesterday, taken from, the novel by Meredith Nicholson. This story deals with the divorce question and Its relation to the young er generation, and rises to great heights of dramatic effectiveness. The wonderful case Included such star players as James Kirkwood, Mae Rusch, Adolphe Menjou, Norma Shearer, Ruth Btonehouse, Winifred Rryson, Robert Agney, Vera Reynolds and ohers. "Rroken Harriers" closes a three days' run tonight. Camphor Acts Quick People are surprised at tho quick action of simple camphor, witch- hazel, Hydrastis, etc.. as mixed in Lnvoptlkf eye wash. One small bot tle helps any case sore, weak or strained eyes. Aluminum eye cup free. Leon R. Haskina. Sold In Cen tral Point by Mary A. Mee, Drug gist. Adv. "A wee draft sort of warms the cockles of the. licart when friends drop in," say the Irish. ' -. ' .: ".' .' .. ." : So it is with tho serving of an appreciative little lunch of good bakings and tea. Your bakings will be at their best when von use Ir is indeed true. Senora the real goodness in fine coffee de velops only when the coffee remains here in our tropic storehouses, two years, three years. "Our mountain plantations, 3000, 5000 fect aid tudos, grow die best coffees. But die rare flavor and the full richness hiding so deep in the coffee bean, never come to the breakfast cup except the coffee is mellowed in our tropics before it is roasted. ' "All of it so mellowed? Alas, no, Senora only a little remains, so popular the coffee drink. But the small cjuanuty we manage to keep, Senora all! that is real coffee a prize for the roaster who also is die artist! Very discrccdy he adds to his prize just a dash of die new coffee to liven, ever so litdc, die rare old flavor. "You say so? the S & W comes from the mountain plantadons, and from the rare mel lowed coffees we prize so highly? Then Pacific Coast pcojsle arc fortunate to have such a delightful beverage!" ThojewhoppreciteilieeiptioniIgoodnessofStWfioefoodproJuca Si W biby Kernel Corn or Telephone Peu.for eumplc vill recognize w once the unuitul qiuliiy of S 4 Wcoflee the rejulrof untiring effort to auU h ,t,e b"' ,he ,ld off- R'e old coffeei, skillfully blended and routed Vicuum picked in the new key-on. "The next can of coffee will be S &W2 Qood! There's a treat in store for you. o w i t i mi a v U)ltakes Bread Light as aTeather" This flour costs no more than ordinary flours, so why not enjoy its excellency? H. G. Enders Wholesale Grocery (Southern Oregon Distributors) IS Opportunity is Knocking at Your Door We offer you an opportunity to make REAL MONEY WELL KNOWN AUTOMOBILE ACCOUNT Direct factory contract with factory co-operation, expedience in automobile business not necessary but applicant must be good merchandiser with fair finan cial standing. All replies confidential. P. 0. Box 2195 .' Portland, Oregon City Cleaning & Dyeing Co. ''We're Not Satisfied Unless You Are" ' 624 North Riverside ' " Phone 474 Where your clothing is protected with the DeLaval Continuous GarificationSystem PIN IE FOOD o PRODUCTS BALLOON TIRES We carry Balloon Tires in stock and can furnish you an excellent 4x40 Balloon for $14.20 Jones & Kirkpatricfe The Tii House of (Southern Oregon oRiverside at Sixth Phone 65 o