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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1925)
0 o TRTP.UKE, fepFORD; OKFftONV WEDXESD&Yq MARCTT ia 192." PPAflE SEVEN OIL PR0DUGTT0N10 BE CURBED, PLAN Q I CLAIMS CONFLICT E ta "ALSACE. STRIKE "-OF "LYING LITJLE t! e o PERJURY PROB CONFESSION KANSAS CITY, March 18. The appointment by Prealdont CoolldBe of a national pet)eum conservation board was commended by A. J. Cal lashan, Jackson, Mich., In an address prepared for presentation here be fore the annual convention of oil men. Callaghan is president of the association. "I believe," said Mr. Callaffhan. that the national conservation board ivlU correct some of the evils that now exist. For Instance 1 now under, stand that in all government con trolled land the oil man is compelled to drill, regardless of economic con ditions. "AU through time of over-production and over-refininff and when the Industry was trying to save itBelf and to stop the ovorflow, the secret scrvlco was continually on the trait of the producer, refiner, markoter and distributor. . 'It Is unfortunate but true that, when there is an apparent over pro duction, certain government offic ials are continually and unnecessar ily predicting a shortage of crudo oil which brings ' about additional drilling and over-production that means waste. BEEF TRUST WAR " "WASIIINCITON, March 16. Appli cation of the Armour and Swift Packing companies for an order vacating the consent decree entered Into five years ago with, the depart ment of justice was refused today by Justice Bailey In tho supreme court of the District of Columbia. The court announced, however that argument would be heard on the question of whother tho consent of Armour and company to tho decree should be held as binding upon the California co-operative canneries. The packers' sought rescinding of tho consent decree whereby the "big five" packing concerns agreed to di vorce the moat industry from un alllcd business enterprises. The California Co-operative can neries also have claimed tho decree is Illegal and subversive to contract. TEXAS COWMAN IS FADING FAST - SAN ANTONIO, Texas. March 18. The cattleman. Jong a colorful figure In the life of the west, is slowly pass ing, if the membership roll of the Texas and southwestern cattle raisers' association may be taken as an indi cation. The association suffered a loss of 680 members during the last year, the annual report of its executive, submit ted to the association convention which opened a thre day session here showed. Passage of satisfactory "tick eradication legislation is re garded by the committee as the most Important accomplishment in the in terests of tho industr ydurlng the year. ' FIGHT FOR HUSBAND AUSTIN. Texas, Mar. 1. James E. Ferguson has virtually won his long fight for vindication from the legis lative court of impeachment . which j seven years ago removed him from T tho governor's chair and deprived him of the right of ever again holding a state office. By a vote of 80 to 53, the house of representatives last night passed to third reading of tho bill, already pass ed by the senate, granting legislative amnesty to tho deposed chief execu tive. Ferguson's removal from office in 1917, followed his conviction on sev eral counts of malfcasanco In office, the principal charge against him be ing that of misapplication of public funds. ' SAYS HORSES CHEAPER ; THAN FARM TRACTORS SPOKANE, March 18. More than 100 farmers and llveatock mon of the Pacific northwest gathered here to day for tho ninth" annual Northwest Livestock conference and dlscusacd problems of the Industry. Tno horse found a champion In Dean E. J. Iddlngs of the University of Idaho college of agriculture, who declared horses are cheaper than ma chine traction on tho farm. O. M. Plummer of Portland told how farm life may be made more at tractive to boys and girls than tho call of the city, and J. F. Slevcrs of Washington State college spqko on "soils and livestock." Dr. E. E. Wcgner of Washington State college discussed "djjease and control." LO SANGELES, March 18. A grand Jury investigation of tho va rious "confessions" of Harold "Son ny" Willis, fourteen year old son of ilrs. Margie Willis convicted mur deress, was announced here at noon today by District Attorney Asa Keyes. Two weeks ago tho lad an nounced that he fired tho shot that killed the man for whoso murder his mother was convicted and sentenced to life Imprisonment. Yesterday ho admitted tho "confession" a false hood. Keyes Instructed two of his deputy attorneys to prepare grand jury subpoenas for. the boy, his mother, s. S. Hahn, her attorney, and Virginia Nelson, the boy's aunt to whom he was said to Imvo made the purported "confession." Thursday next was tho day set for the grand Jury hearing. "If perjury has been placed In this youth's mouth." Keyes said, "It is the duty of this office to find the guilty party and see that Just punishment is- meted out." When the boy repudiated his for mer "murder' confession" 1 late yes tordayhe refused to say that ho had been directed to make it, but brand ed It a figment of his own imagl nation which ho thought Would free his mother from tho consequence of tha crime. 3 BILLION FRENCH FRANCS FOUND IN FALSE HUMP OF FAKE HUNCHBACK VALENClKNNEiS, France. March 18. Nearly threo billion francs In capital are estimated by the Judicial authorities to have been exported from here, chiefly to Belgium, in the laHt three months. Magistrate Tendron says he has discovered that Belgian bankers be gan a systematic campaign to encour- age the exportation several months ago and the evidence thus far ad duced Is said to show transactions with between 400 and 600 persons. Tholr business was done secretly but Was revealed through tho arrest of a Belgian doctor. The doctor was disguised ns a hunchback, his false hump being stuffed with French securities. ANOTHER CAR FAILS TO BEAT TRAIN . CHICAGO. March 19. Two per sons wero kllledlnstantly last night when tho automobile In which they were riding was struck and demol ished by a northbound Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul passenger train at Algona crossing, 1G miles south of Seattle. Tho dead arc: Ernest Lappen busch, 30, a resident of Buckley, em ploye of tho Buckley transfer com pany nnd driver of the automobllo, and I Keaton, 30 a resident of Hnr wood. The bodies' wcro found ISO feet from tho scene of the accident. When the train was brought to a stop 600 feet from the crossing the automobile.' engine was found Im bedded, in the pilot of the locomotive. KLsnch HuNbnnd,- Disappears. MINNEAPOLIS, March 18. Police of three cities today sought a 21-year-old Minneapolis woman who ton days ago helped her sick husband into a berth aboard a Pullman car en route to Chicago, kissed him good night and said: "I'll be back In just a minute." and disappeared, leaving no trace of her whereabouts. STRASBOURG, France, Mar. 18.--(By Associated -Press.) Conflicting claims are made regarding the extent oT the Catholic school strike which was called throughout Alsace by the Bishop of Strasbourg In protest against the Herrlot government's In stilutlon of-Jnterconfessional or. relig ious neutral schools." Tho Catholic, newspapers and authorities say It was a great 'access while the soclallHis; term it a -failure. Tho strike was called for only one day; yesterday in the, country, and for three days nt -Colrnar, where U Is continuing. .' - ' ., The Cathplic - newspapers assort that in the country the movement was from 80 to 90 per cent effective and that In sonic villages not a single pupil attended. The governmental newspapers point to the smaller per centage of abstentions in the cities which the Catholics admit. The lat ter however, say that from fifty, to sixty per cent of. .all the. Catholic school children in Alsace observed. the strike. No Objections Mode to Mitchells Successor WASHINGTON, March 18. The nomination of , Lieutenant Colonel James E. Fechct to succeed ttrtgadlct General William' K. Mitchell as- as sistant chief of the army air service, haa been appriyed by the senate mil itary committee. " " " ' The action was' taken after Scr tary Weeks had explained to the com mittee the controversy that? recently developed about Goneral Mitchell, Chairman Wadsworth said he knew of no opposition to the nomination. Ga.oline Drop,' ;.'!. SEATTLE. March 18. Two large companies distributing gasoline here announced a' reduction of ' one cent a gallon today,-making the price lw cents. This Includes two cents state tax. - 1 . . . .i OF 10 FUGITIVES DUEW, Miss., March 18. Some where In a swampy woods, six miles east of here a posse with ' blood hounds today attempted to find tho trail of ten convicts who lined up the guards at the Mississippi state prison at Parchman, took their guns from them, locked them up and escaped In two automobiles. GERMANY MAY ENTER LEAGUE OF NATIONS GENEVA. March IS. (By the Aa uocintcrl Press.) Germany may enter the League of Nations on a basis of ab solute equality with tho other mem bers, but without any special favors. This was the formal decision of the LeaKUO of Nations council today In adopting the text of tho reply to be sent to Germany concerning tho lat tcr's entrance into the league, decided on. In principle March 10. llrHNh KM ttt. LONDON. March IS. lirltlsh pi-o pie are developing tno iruu raims . habit and while not up to the "apple a rfay" , standard, tho averago con sumption during 1924 was 85 apples, US oranges. 12 lemony and a quar ter of grapefruit. w Take Salts If Rheumatism is Bothering You Tells Rheumatism Sufferer to Take Salts to. Get Rid of . Toxlo Acid. Rheumatism is no respecter of age, sex, color or rank. If not thea most dangerous of human afflictions it is one of the most painful. Those subject to rheumatism should eat no sweets for awhile, dress as warmly as possible, avoid any undue exposure and above all, drink lots of pure water. Rheumatism is caused by uric acid or body waste matter, and is often gen erated in the bowels and absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this poison from the blood and cast it out in the urine; the pores of the skin arc also, a means, of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work ; they become weak and sluggish and fail to elimi nate this toxic acid, which keeps ac cumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in 'the joints and muscles, causing stiffness, soreness and pain, called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from anv pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoonful in a glass or water ana annit iciore ureatt fast each morning for a week. This is helpful to neutralize acidity, remove waste and stimulate the kidneg. thus helping to rid tne Diooa oi tnese rneu matie ooisons. Jad Salts is inexpensive, and is mada from the acB) ot grapes ana lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. If i MAH j m uniformity- FISH ER.'S BLEND FLOUR give s you the economy of . bigger loaves, with the satisfaction and goodness of . better, loaves.. Care.. in selecting -the wheats, scientific blending, and everlasting vigilance ' insure uniform high quality. for . every; purpose BLEND BRAND ' FLOUR BRICK brick: brick MEDFORD MADE Build with brick cheaper than lumber. Don't ship In brick keep your money in your home town and botp Med ford grow. Boforo you build come and see our brick made by new steam process. Air space walls ; are cool in summer,' warm in winter; do painting, no lathing. Call at factory, corner Fir and Tenth Streets. Standard Roofing & Builders Supply Co. Phone 738-X Medford Fertilizers .- "'" For tomatoes', gardens, strawberries,-lettuce,, lawns, flowers, berries. ' , .vl. Milkmake :f Brings contentment to the. dairy cow and in-' creases tne cream cnecn. - - : . . . . ; .Lead, Sulphur, Lime, Spreader--Oil Emulsion Economy Efcg Producer It brings results. Ask the user. Barm Bureau . r Go-Operativ Exchange Use it or not as you see fit; we make no charge for the funeral home in either case. It is simply held in readiness for those who do wish to avail themselves of its conveniences. We will say, however, that the number of those who take advantage of the facilities and the comforts offered by our funeral home is constantly increasing. We think that that is a good sign. mhe PERL FUNERAL HOME xj is t motive oeirvice'' ?mmZr SIXTH AT OAKDALE..MS Before you build, buy or rent gat "TV RwHeal Hr (or no bv b4 fnv form . tPTtlearltileefwtwf fttlet who 4ia4ay tbe "t'betlr" Vit w by wni Iri our oearcM 'Behind your switch Touch a switch and lights flash on. Snap in a plug and little glowing wires start cooking your break-1 fast Press a button and a motor leaps to the task of cleaning your rugs. Magic? No only electricity but electricity de veloped and made obedient by the minds of men. Behind your switch from yosr home to power houses in distant mountains reaches the far-flung and efficient organization of your power company. Your power company provides an abundant and never-failing supply of electricity but how well ' this electricity serves you depends largely upon the quality and completeness of your electrical installa tion. Since this in turn depends upon the electrical contractor who wires your home, he should be chosen carefully. That's why we advise, "Before you build or buy, insist on "Check". Seal electrical wiring." . PACIFIC STATES. ELECTRIC COMPANY AN FRAVCISCO LOI ANOILM LONfl ILtCN OAKLAND MBTLAND ikATTU IPOKAMK Pinributon for General Electric j. YOU'ffHD " : ij INSURANCE CALL ON U " ' fVst Insurance Agency ij ': . ' K l HILL, Manflr, ' M North Central PMnIN .' Madfertf, Or, j Antomfitae Repairing Diy tnd Night 9rvlo MOQj&E 4 MAETIff 815 N. Rlvarald " , torB 0y Phone SCO .. Night Phont 1.fz Opportunity is Knocking at Your Door We offer you an opportunity to make REAL MONEY . WELL KNOWN AUTOMOBILE ACCOUNT Direct factory contract with, factory co-operation, experience in automobile business not necessary but applicant must be good merchandiser with fair finan cial Btanding. All replies confidential. P. 0. Box 2195 - Portland, Oregon o