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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1925)
oo. O 9. PSGE TWO fyRDFOUT) TNfATTJ TftfBTTN'K ftrEDFOTlS, OftttOOX. WEDXE&DAY. MARCH' 18, -1925 J Ca' o Tocaldnd Personal! In observance of at. Patrick' Bday last evening there were a 4iumber of social affairs throughout the city. A number of chydren. aware that It wan a holiday of some kind that needed juvenile observance, did not know Just in which way to celebrate, but took a chance and followed Hallowe'en tac- tics until tailed home by their par- "t- A record crowd is expected to turn out tonight for the American Legion benefit dance, which will be held In the Oriental Gardens at the Nntato- rlum. l.2ft lcr couple. 305 Key. V. Gordon Hart, A. K. Voor- bleu and It. . Clarke of Grants Pass attended the Kotary club meeting hen; yesterday. Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber yard. . . Out of town Oregunians ori tempor ary sojourns here include C. R. Nnilth of Dallas, C It. Minore of the Klam ath Agency. F W. English and Air. and Mrs. M. (. Leslie of Klamath Falls. W. K. Taafe. S. CI. Sellick and .1. K. linger of Koseburg, and D. J. Mc Kinnon. K. W. Harney, K. W. Parsons, C. A. llarnes and Mrs. K. Wiley. Nursery stock. The best assortment In southern Oregon. Fruit, ahado and nut-bearing trees, flouring shrubs, vines, berry plants, rhubarb and as paragus plants, evergreen trees and figs, perennial plants, grape vines. A fine lot of heavy two year Blng cher ry. A good general assortment of fruit trees for homo orchards. Com mcrcial varieties, including Old Home on Ussuriensls for commercial or chards. Grafting wax and other sup plies for orchard work. Don't tako my word for it, come and see for your hclf. Will gladly duplicate any order booked by an agent for the same or less money and give you better ser vice. ISden Valley Nursery. Phone (jftO-J-2. Sales yard B12 Vi East Main , Tho Thrift Hhop Is giving spoclul prices on ladies' huts, coats and dresses; also bargains In children's clothing. Fine wool and silk d roses also. A good deal of speculation Is rife as to what the Drum Corps benefit dance will have to offer In the way of spe cial features. This affair promises to be olio of the social events of th year. 305 Mr .and Mrs. W. T. Grieve are vis itors In the city from the Prospect section who arrived yesterday . Wc make beautiful pattern hats as well as remodeling. . Miss Taylor, at Itussell's. 306 Cooperative work In the Koguo Riv er valley should bo strengthened and this valley should become more fa mous than the Imperial valley, and other regions which have been built up, on the cooperative idea, J. IT. Mul chay, of Portland, i assistant freight manager of the Southern Pacific, stated at the Chamber of Commerce forum at Ashland yesterday. Mr. Mul chay cmphuslzed, the necessity of more constructive work. In 'developing the agricultural assets of this region, stat ing that figures showed that 78 per cent of the butter and oggB used In the valley are Imported. Special this week. X2xlde battery for Ford, Chevrolet and Star, flO.00. Williams & MoCurley. tf Fred I lay 1 1 hh of tho Mount Crest ranch at Hilt. Calif.., was in the city transacting business Tuesday. A mistake occurred In lust night's ndvertlsemont of the American Le gion benefit dano& which takes ptace this evening. Tickets are priced at $1.25 per couple and not $1.75 as ad vertised. . , ' ' 30D F. S. manor and Theo Condo of Portland who have been hero for tho past week In the Interest of tho Fac tory Motor Car compnny. automotive machinists, were business callers in Ashland tday. We pay . for ashes and sell dirt cheap. 11 row n & White Agency, Inc. William llohnert and. Rert Nichols of Central Point were local business callers Tuesday. Columbia plaster Wfti I board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber Yard. . The, students at tho Grants Pass high school hao started a campaign to got funds for a moving picture machine, to be installed In the big auditorium at the school. Through tho offer of Henry Ford, they will bo able to se cure tho Inaehlno by selling 425 sub scriptions to the Dearborn Independ ent, a KtM publication. Tho students ttre entering Into tho rampalgn with enthusiasm and expect to mine the necessary money without difficulty. They will mnk a determined effort to sell local people the paper, which is a weekly publication containing nv tlcles of -general Interest. Grants Pass Courier, ladles and chlldrenn hats made td order. Have half. 917 Nhrrcgan. 307 Included among the visitors here from the state of California are: J. W. J.uttrcll of Tennnnt. Gertrude Hullivan of Vrekn. R. J. Harper of Oakland R. A. Parnell of Hacrnmento, Mr. and of Los Ahgeles and J nines J. Fa hey, F. W. Parker. G. R. Klrkwood. Uob ern Colin and A. O. Ratttff of San Francisco." Refore housecleanlng. tt me esti mate your painting, tinting, enamel Ing or piiuorintfr Prices reasonable. Prompt acrvlce. H. V. Marx. Phone 1 78-.T. '317 'DIAMOND DYES" COLOR THINGS NEW lloHUtiful heme dye ing and tint tup is pusratuerd w i t li Diamond Oven. Just Hip in cold water to tint toil, delii'ste similes, or boil to dve rit-li. permanent color,!) la-renl pat-kHa contain dt ipetinns no fumph nriT wenian can I'vr- or t'mt linric, ailki, riMionf. sWirt n, waintn. drcsce, rents, ttookimj, sweaters. draperies, covering, hangings, every thing new. Buy "Diamond Ryes" no otbT kind and tell your druggist whfthr the mate rial vou'wish to color it wool or silk, or whether it ii linen, cotton or mixed good. ! Tomorrow evening the ' Modern Woodmen of America will Klve an en tertainment t their hull over the Tok-BPi-y nnd an Invitation In extended to the public to attend. There will be a musical program and the showing of a new reel of motion pictures portray in scenes at thef. W. of A. sanato- rlum at Colorado Springs and ewu of (the grenal offices at Hock lHland. 111. National Lecturer Davis will be present and deliver a short address . upon Woodcraft. . I Much interest has been aroused In 'the drum corps parude which will niovn off from the Hotel Medford and march down Main street tonight nt 8 p.m. 30.1 Miss Helen Flowers was among the . Medford visitors today from Cold Hill, Xcw models In Cilorla Hwanson pokes In all the leading colors. Miss Taylor at Kussells. 306 m,-h. U. Armstrong entered a local hospital yesterday for medical care We are overstocked and for tho next ,30 diiys we will deliver 12 inch dry oak and laurel nt $3. fit) per-tier in two tier loads. 16 inch dry oak and laurel at $3.7f, 4 foot dry delivered per cord $8.75. All other fuel in pro portion. Valley Fuel Co. 300tf Otis Kklnner, who plays. In "Suncho Panza" at the Hellg Tuesday night. Is to be the guest of the Kugene Country club In the afternoon. Mr. Skinner Is an ardent golf fan. and plays wherever he has the opportunity. fJeorge Hitchcock, president of the Kugene Country club, is arranging a foursome to entertain Mr, Skinner. Kugene Guard. Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Coal Co. Phon 239. Cars driven by Allen Arnold of Phoenix and I'M M. White of this city, collided nt tho intersection of the Jacksonville highway and Kuss Ijuir Monday night. 1-lttle damage was done to White's car us the other struc kit, catching1 on tho bumper, the two cars skidded together for some foot. The steering apparatus of the Arnold oar was badly damaged. Old papers for kindling fire at this office. tt Frort II. Hopkins returned Tuesday forenoon from Portland where he has spent the past several days.. Indications point that a capacity crowd will line the streets to witness tho dm mcorps parado at 8 tonight. SOfi Mrs. Oeorge Henselman and child ren of Portland are here visiting Mrs. Ifcnselman's mother, Mrs. James Campbell, A dross cut and fitted. Tho kind you want, when and as you want it. Mrs.' Trowbridge, DUG W. 10th street. ' 308 Twenty-four out of the state cars were registered hero yesterday at the state registration bureau In the Cham ber of Commerce building. . R. I. R. eggs at DeVoe'e. tf A proposed motor caravan' from Washington und Oregon to California this spring to attend the annual meet ing of hotel men of the Pacific coast has been cancelled. : i. ' Ileum I fu I new pattern hats In today. Miss Taylor, at Russell's. 306 A man nswerlng the description of Rert Iltll, wanted for the murder of Fred Hmlth in Weed inte last October, wn ataken Into, custody and lodged in tho city jail hero late Tuesday after noon by Chief of Police George Mc Nabb. The man denies any connec tion with the California Crime; but evidence now. in McNabb's hands points toward him as the mun wanted by the Hlskiyou authorities. Hill was arrested by mc.midd wnen iuu s wiic , notified the chief that her husband had refused to support her. She swore out a complaint charging him with non-support and McNabb, when he served it on Hill was struck with the likeness between the suspect and the man wanted for the Weed murder. Ashland TiuiiiK"- Easy to finish at home nre the drosses which Mrs. Trowbridge cuts and fits for you. -300 A. K. Reames returned yesterday from a trip to Portland. Mrs. Reames who accompanied him remained In Portland for a short visit. Hemstitching 8c a yard. The Van ity Sluxp. Bartlett and Main. tf Among the hotel guests here from a distance are Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hagey of South Rend, Ind Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wonahue of Huntington, N. y Charles Koppel, 1-uuls Wulchet and Wm. M. (Reason of Chicago, (1. V. MoFall of Hhosnonc. Idaho, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. II. Hayro of Rrooklyn. N. Y., C. 11. Stuart of St .Louis. Charles Allrecht of Menominee, Mich., and Chnrles Stewart nnd X. M. Rauman of New York City. Clenn sand for the children to play In. Call Medford Hand & Gravel Co. Phono 107 5. 307 The O. A. C. ntumnt of Jackson county held n meeting at the public library Inst evening for the purpose of intorvstlng students and frionds of the college in tho Student Memorial Cnlon building campaign. . . We pay cash for used pianos. Pal mer Piano House. tf Kugene has a population of 1!).0(IU according to the new R. U Polk com pany directory, distribution of which was. started last week. . . Rogue River Vallej Creamery but ter 4io per lb. Johnson Produce Co. K. K. Pollock. C. H. Dement and Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Uarsen of Seattle are among the v I mora In the city from the state of Washington. We pay for ashe and. sell dirt clump. Brown & White Agency, Inc. tf The widening of the Pacific, high way from Wolf Creek to the tate line will start tomorrow morning, accord ing to J. G. Rromley, resident highway engineer. Fifteen to 20 men will he put on the -Job, which starts at Wolf Creek. Mose of the men are being hired at Wolf Creek, but some are be ing sent out from Grants Pass. Wher ever the highway is in need of widen ing as far south as the California line. It will bo brought to standard width. Grants Pass Courier. The Salvntlon Army can help some one with your old clothing, etc. tf Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Coal Co. Phone 239 lflmer Stone, a representative of NeWHtadter Rros.. Is a business visitor in the city today, having arrived Tues day from Kugene. Columbia plaster wall board. Call for m it WhI l:t e Wood Lumber Yaid. Miir t'f lh,c bc-t rrf iinlc from a Rood River orchard was made In 1 ! - 4 by K. K. Rlckmun. who from 38 acres pack ed out 170: boxes of apples that brought him J.00O. " I'nlty literature teacl?s people how to be heatthy, efficient, prosperous, harmonious nnd happy Free dint) m butlon, 718 West Main street Miss Itamomi Schweln of Ashland, who has pneumonia, was placed in the local Community hospital yesterday for medical care. Satisfaction guaranteed In a we fitting garment when we do the work f0r you. Mrs. Trowbridge, 005 W. 10th. - 306 Special Game Warden Patrick Dailey and Game Warden Roy Parr In the work of clearing up old cases of alleged game law violations caused the arrest yesterday of George, Claude und Tiney Fields of the Applegate sec tion, on the charge of hunting at night time last September. In Judge Tay lor's court here yesterday afternoon the accused, men entered a plea of not guilty, and the case was set for trial March 24, ot 10 a. in. Hemstitching, buttons covered nt tho Handicraft Shop. tf There was a frost last night with a minimum of '11 degrees in the city and 25 in the lower parts of the valley, which caused several orchards to smudge. Fair weather for tonight and uiiHettled weather for Thursday, followed by rain, is tho prediction Is sued this morning. A year ago to day there was a hard frost with a minimum -of 22. Rogue River Valley creamery but ter 46c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. The Pantorium does all kinds of pleating. .Phone 244. 206tf J. J I. Mulchay. asslstaTit freight and traffic manager, is here from Portland on a short business sojourn. i Dr. Hedges has had two years' ex perience with Abrams K. It. A. 307 We arc overstocked and for the next j 30 days wo will deliver 12 fnch dry j oak and laurel at $3.50 per tier In two i tier loads. 16 inch dry oak and laurel at $3. 75. 4 foot dry delivered $8.75. All other fuel in proportion. Valley Fuel Co. - 300lf All parents and friends of the Wash ington school are cordially invited to tho "school for parents" to bo held j under the auspices of tho Washington j P. T. A., at the Washington school j Friday. March 20th at 3 o'clock. lU'V. i D. J. Howe and possibly another j speaker will talk on "Juvenile Protec- : tion." There will also be a round tn- j hie discussion on the subject, followed b yrefreshmentH an da social hour. Radio Fans! . Get station list and station log free at Virgin's, 105 West Main. Compliments Rogue River Ra dio CIuM, Inc. 305 Rogue River Valley 'Creamery but ter 4 fie per lb. Johnson Produce Co. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CON V A LKSCKNT HOMK It Is our work to build up after operations and illnesses. Call 153 Ashland. WANTKD 'To rent small furnished house, by .young -couple. No child ren. Rox 41. Mall Tribune. 307 WANTED Live youhg man to work in grocery store. Permanent posi tion for right man. Box R. X., Mail Tribune ' 3"? FOR SALE Kxtra good fresh Jersey cow,, 2nd calf. Test 7 per cent. C. C. Chanmnn, Rerrydale Ave. 306 FOR RENT Furnrshed 5-room house; also 3-room house. i!10 W. Ala in. 307 TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA The old-time mixture of Sage lea o 8a and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair Is grand mother's recpe and folks are again using it to keep their hair n good, oven Fdlor, which l uRe sensible, as we nre living In an age when a youthful appearance Is of the great est advantage. Nowadays, though, we min t have the troublesome task of gathering the sago and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product. Improved hy the addition of other ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound." it Is very popular be cause nobody can discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it nnd dinw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the grsy hair . disappears, but what delights the Indies with Wyet h's Sage and Sulphur Com pound, is that. , besides beautifully darkening the Imlr after a few ap plications. It alscr produces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which Is ho attractive. Adv. BACKWARD t SCHOOL CHILPRENi OFTEN GLASSES Krom mitlio r i t a t i v c sources tve leiim that fully scvcnty-Civc per pout of school children v.- ho arc considered "bnekward"' in their studies, nre learning their lessons slowly be cause of defective si'ht. Hefore being sent to school etch chip's eyes should bi' examined by ii eontpefiiit optome trist. mm mm v if ba if? Mm 1 .-. ,iM Among the temporary Sojourners in the city from Portland are the follow ing: Mr. and Mrs. John R. ihle. Ii. (i. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slinger lund, E. J. Holway. W. K. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rurke. F. C. Hell, O. K. I.efforts, R. c. Harden. Mr. and Mrs. E. M: Sr-hmeer, Tom Lawrence, Al Helper, Mr. und Mrs. K. J. Parsons, IC. Stone, J. K. Lorimcr. M. K.Ryk man, W. G. Klliolt. J. II. Mulchay. May R. Mercer, Everett Atwood, P. H. Ilildebrand, Warren Paul, Mr. and Mrs. O. IT. Johnstone, H. (i. Lockwood, J. II. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McPhee, Mrs. B. Harvey. G. If. Web ster, J. A. Nott. eGorge A. Cupnning, Mrs. (. 1,. N orris and T. O. Brown. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. Alta Nay lor, corsetlere. 318 With the work on the seventh story well under way, those viewing the structure may now obtain some ideu of the helghth to. which the new l-Hftia Springs Hotel will tower when com pleted. Already the building hus rear er Itself many feet higher than any thing tlse in the city, and with two additional stories und the parapet yet to be added It is certain that the boast of those who originated the hotel idea, that a muginifcent view of the sur rounding country could be obtained from the top of the structure twill come true. Ashland Tidings. . , Dross-dp-tfme is at hand. Why not see Mrs. TrowbHdgo at once? 306 Have you tried, that big milk shake at DeVoe's? i Xutlce. All parties having lawns at the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Medford, that want care for 1U25; plcnso remit to K. D. Dusenbury, Sexton, 234 B. !th, Med ford. Ore. 3 Or, I i.i .ii .mi m 1 Playing Till jVT ! T 1 Playing Till Saturday Night llOWi . I OQiy; Saturday Night WWl Wtiat a the president-elect ofaU ' j JM WATER' jm ., ' (7 Sv Jobyna Ralston Tl, IP (t, Harold as a Confirmed bachelor who yWi SSaksSiSS ' " - i . CRATHEMAN ; QuTT - fmrn ' - - FEATURES ' ' It didn't seem possible but iiffraTlLi he's dono it! Not only is "BETTY" '.jmn J irCSTfe ' "Hot Water "fully up to his BROWN , ' ; XS''' previous best, but wait till at. tbo Wurlitzer. ! Jyg ' T'Ti lT irpW they pass the word around What Lloyd fltui D 1' II fl H W 11 about this one. is to comedy L L 1 U B lil o ADULTS 50 V TJ KIDDIES A DIME fes MAIN O SUNDAY SPECIAL SU1)AY AFTERNOON CONCERT CRATER LAKE TEMPLE BAND AND O , POLA NEGRI in V EAST OF SUE2" , Card of Tluutks. - : We wish to tWtnk our many friends for their kindness und sympathy dur ing our recent bereavement. Espe cially we thank tho Elks for the man ner In which they conducted the fu neral ceremy. Also for the many floral pieces. E. W. WILSON. - MR. and MRH K. S. WILSON, AlRSf La L'RA O. GOULD. 305 1 j Cunl or ThaukH. We wish to thank our many friends for their sympathy and assistance In our recent , bereavement. : ; MRS. J. R. WELCH MRS.. NKLLIFJ PRO Civ, 3 OS W. L. WKLCH. F We Wish to a The Legion Benefit Dance tickets are priced at $1.25 per couple and not $1.75, as advertised in last night's paper. d; Tribesmen AWIn: LONDON, MuTfcu IS. The Dally Telegraph Rays it has information that King Alien's forces at Jeddah, fu tho kingdom, of the Hedjaz, were driven back to their trencheby the Wuhabi tribesmen Sunday alter a sortie which was encouraged by the apparent apathy; of their besiegers. lo Molny Notice: Regular meeting Thursday, , March If. at 7:30 p. m. Work tin ..Initiatory degree.- Also I nomination .. of . officers. , All ; officers requested to attend at . 7 p. m. J'atrol practice at 6:4y Ry order of M. C. Correction u re Relief FOR DIGESTION : . iWv 6 Bell-ams 25t and 75t Packages Evcrwhorn