0 0 o . 0 o o FOUR MEDFOTlTi MATL TBIftuyE, "NfEDFOBB, OftEOay, TUESDAY, MAHCIt -17, ' 1925 T' ' tfEDFO'RD MAIL tribunk AM MDErESOENT NEWSIMI'KB fJBlJSllED BVKKT AFTERNOON EI MJN1MY, DY THE v ' HRDFUBO I'KIMTINU CO. Tb Mrdford Sunday Morning; Bun la fijrnlahird asrWrfbera desiring even-day dallj Daws- OltVe: MaU RorUi PI street. Tribune Building, rhone 76. A coMollrUtton of the Damncraflc Timet, the Mtdjord Mail, the Meiltonl Trlttiine, Mm ttoutn m Orrfforilan, the AaliUnd Tribune. ROBERT W. Itlllll, Editor. 8. BUMITF.lt SMITH, Manager. 0r Mall In idvance: belly, with HuKlav Sun, year , . . . l)i!r, with Riuulay Run, munth . . , ' Pally, wlllmut Sunday Hun, year ., ' pally. wlUiout Huntley Hun, month Weekly Mail Tribune, one year nnday bun. one year ...17.10 . .. .78 . .. 6-A0 . . . .do ... 1.00 ... 1.00 Ontrtf) Foint, i'hoenix. Talent and on with Sunday Run, month .76. tally, without Sunday Hun. month. 6 without Hunriur Hun. one year... 7.60 8.60 with Hunday Hun, one year AMI terma by carrier, caah in advunca. Rntered aa arrond-clasa matter at atedtord Oergnn, under act of March 8, 1879, Official paper of the City of Mfdford. Official paper of Jackson CoJuity. bioco, California, a diaunre of' or' 400- mllea. harinff lcaaed wire Aaaoclated Preaal Hwom dally - aterajr, ctrculatloa for i. ohlhe ending April lat. 1924, Sttov, more fhaa ovnole me ciiroiatKH) ul any other paper puD Sahrd or circulated In Jackaoo Comity. KKiIHEHH Or T1IK AflSmnATM VHE98. ' TTn AMOciatd Pretu t rirluRlvoIjr entitled t. the um for rrfiiihliriitlon of all newi rtt Htcii crwlltui Xn It or not oUnTwiM credited fn Ibin pupcr, uid also to th locl dcvtb pub- All riptitJ of republication of ipeclaJ did ftitcfan btrt.D trc alo rrftrvL. Ye Smudge Pot Bj Arthur Terry. ' H hcditiS to be the conconous of opinion among the returned lb fanr. that tho stato hoop tournoy was con ducted by eucapca from tho : state leftlislature. Perhapn you recall the vocal out ttuiJrts that followed tho Ureal War. Ther wae to be a "new world," and u.'-general remaklnR of humanity. America wan distributing: void with both haitda, and Houthern dctnocratH Jn CongrcKB were blatting of human ity. There were "voices in the uir." and 'matchinff of minrin." and ''rrplrltual oruandeB'.and. all that uort 6f ihlnff.- Htatenmen and diplomats looked solemn, and tho , mlllenlum wa At hand. And,- from tho mesa of platitudes, etc., etc., Uppor Silesia was fir anted to Poland, whacked off of Ucrmuny, It now develops that there wan nothlnK spiritual, or hunmnltur Van. or lofty, or noble about it.. A rpllsh lady smiled at an allied diplo mat, more or. lens consistently, and pcl-ftiNicntly, and sweetly, end Poland tjfot, Upper, (Silesia, "Thfl world was ;marte safe for; nrMirticybut ithleklshncss delivered. Now llermany renuefrts that upper HIIohIr bo re-lurncd.r-the previous dollvory was toy romantic. " J.'B. Ilelleftilllo, who has been a guewt.at tho II. K. Urlcker home, Iwih returned to his home In Marshall town. (Clinton, la., Advortiser.) A great sufficiency. This is tho 17lh of Ireland, and not A, barbershop or bank closed up. I The latest changes in tho re-wrltlng of tho Bible have been published, it ta tho work of reformers. Tho word "wine" Is changed lo "raiHln cake." lovk not on tho raisin caho when It Is red. 'TW AS KVKU TIU H ( Sin ton Mall) , ' The other day there was an automobile accident in a nearby Jown. One driver came in and told the local editor about it and ihtt.nowHpupcr niun wroto tho.. story. Then the other driver oume In, Rave his version, and tho editor wroto another story. Ho didn't know that both were tell ing him about the same accident. BymothinK muHt be wrong. The extinguished Hcedsemlora from Oregon ufe- voting with tho President in his Hfltlo with the Senate. Thin In con tinry to progreKHivunesM in this state. T1 Di-liipiiiK. lirronlcd north nf ArllllKton KrMuy l.y llilcjimy SharltfH Wullcr Ui'iiln unil John .Mi.t.'ullocli, lilyjutcd Bullty in JunIUi-'h court lulci In tlio day lo iioKHt-tiNlon of two gnl. lon'a of allcRiMl inouiiKliltu , nhit vn fined I2S0 unil tomih. (Tuioinii. Vt'AHh., Li-dgir.) fit to dnnk, It l Maid. . ;Mlrituh (1. WunliliiKlun Maililni, tlio rmiticnt MiiUiodisr and nhinoloiilM in down Willi a m-wro atinok nf m-nator. iui'dienuy, causoil l.y an allocution (fittt he 18 a habitue uf henhouses. "Air in vital to hutnanr) in the func tloliiner of tho respiratory oiKans" (Montague Messenger. ) Quite true. , hut you never miss It till you're out of It. . S.VOHTIO KU IHKU'l'STIO ; (Mtiiilc CHrurler) ' 'Uusle thai excites the nether -tutiromuloti into ui-iion -In Mill popular amotiK many of. 'the "-DUni;er Keneration, hut the -clusalcal productions of tho tuns ler atlll appeal to the souls with -their edlfylng harmonica which language utterly falls to describe. ( An he drove on tho crossing he chat tered, Nur heeded the engine that blattered; They found purls of his flivver. lis lungs and lis .liver, ' Hut no part of him: too fur scitttcicil. (S. 1'. llulletln ) WANTKD Smart liny In lilillt no, I drive Kurd after at-honl. I'lioni i . .!... -ysvllle News). He'll haw to bo Unart, mi M i Ml OB I IB I . " Iyonl Ourxon III. Q W3NDON. March 17. l-ord Ctirnon who haa bijajn 111 since his rollapso at CuWbrldKc eiflvthls month, pasa rd a fair night but he is still much exBftmted. . .-. . , . 4 , THE AUTAND IIA'ftjYER I'conomic aiul tun the witlpKpreud use Kiht of lluit the automobile lias chIji hltslicd a new bund between the American .people unci it (,'i'eulest heritage the out-of-Uoora. He fore deereasiiiii automobile prices and iiiereasing incomes in the United States brought the automobile within the reach iif even the lowest wage .earners it was Keaeruily hifiinlcU that Americiins true children of the out-of-doors no longer recognized this coveted birthright of their forebears and that the bulk of the nation's population was denying itself the forests, plains, 'streams, birds and flowers. Thanks to the automobile all this lias been changed. Immediate contact has been established by th eautomobilc between the open SDiiccs and the thousands who before' saw the sky only through a i.., ,.r i j r I. ...... "i niiiune turn jiiim unaccii There was a time when every able right to commune with nature at 'least part of each year, either in woodland camp, by coursing inland streams, with gun or.rod, by outings for the day or overland travel on foot or by horse.' Then .eamq a period when growing cities and expanding towns consumed all time with social and cut-of-doors was forgotten except fa lack in sedentary civilization. gradually thinning year by year sumcd its cnorhious proportions slrcams.of motorists out of the cities into the country. Open auto mobiles currying their own camping outfit have nearly Ktipplauted closed railroad cars and pullman It is most evident that the automobile within tlio .past decade has more than 'tripled the number of picnic parties, camping excur sions, tourists and lovers of the out-of-doors and its . trees, sky, fields, animals and flowers. Reformers frenzied wills American morals should find solace in this back-to-naturc lhovcniejnt and doc tors may expect a vacation now QUILL The hardest part of public speaking to learn is xvliefn to stop. Another way lo test the strength of telephone polrs is to hug the driver. Capitalistic countries may be tion tablets. , . There is always a brighter longer epidemic. "' You can't always tell. Tho spring are yellow. The fact that prohibition doesn't prohibit is poor consolation to a man in an emergency ward. hvcry true American loves a is on the other side. ' One reason why you hear little stomachs can't talk. Americanism : . Doing without a tuous about it. ., Man shouldn't be timid. There is little to fear except women and good salesmen. y , . Atid yet even now there are remote villages where the word "leg" isn't in good standing. One reason why the broad way eiiiiourages speeding. A philosopher is a man who isn't popular and calmly persuades himself that he is exclusive. . Anything can' happen in these may yet try Christianity. 1 ' In this great land where all are eipial, almost anybody can enjoy the privilege of snubbing somebody. Correct this sentence: "Too American public won't patronize a RipplingRhijmQS ' GIVING. TNCRKASK the joy of living and gain your soul's applause, by giving, giving, giving, to every worthy cause. Perhaps you need the dollars for gas and rubber tires, for farthingales and collars, and lieoriec and lyres; perhaps you need the shiK ling the kopeck and the grot, that you may make a killing in long jim-swinger coat. The more you need the money, the nobler is the deed, when yon, .serene and sunny, hand out tho chicken feed; to put a better steeple upou the village kirk; to help deserving people, oppressed and out of wovk ; to still tho bitter wailing of children in distress; to aid the poor and ailing through life's bleak wilderness. I purchase raiment gaudy, an outfit all complete, to dceoiwte my bmbc, my whiskers aid my feet. 1 spend all kinds ot plunder each year on Auto Row: I liny the chimin:' wonder that shows things flow to go. The soil of joy that spending imparls mi iiiickly flecs It snon Iih found an t)ding, it's transient as a bre.e. The joy of giving lingers Ioiihs I'm on deck; it -replies to my fingers, I feel in my neck. It yields a glowing gladness to know I've car ried aid, to some one soaked in sadness, discouraged and afraid. o give and hee'p on giving, to shovel out the dough!0 It ada joy to living that tightwads never know. fi OUT-OF-DOORS. soirin) evils tlicrc mnv iinvc result ml of the uutuinubilo it canuut lie lost .!. ,J. 1:1 ,1.. ' e ..a ... uiu uunuii-iinu tvuilH 01 lty SUCCIK. American considered it his inalien business cures and dutlies- the by the few who recognized the Tim moke nf niitiir.lmu wa until the automobile industry as- and good roads drew u.ot)itiuumis sleepers in louring the N-w World and then in the future. POINTS hateful, but they sell a lot of diges side. Windshield stickers ore no first flowers to venture forth in , manly, outspoken chap unless ho praise of Prohibition is because - . drink one can't get) feeling vir leads to destruction is becauso it great times, and Christian nations s dirty," said the produeorj "the play like that." ita )t3?m, Jest because a trlrra married hain't no slsn slio liasn' loved an' lout. A sthucy person tn bad cnmigli, but a stingy orclieslrr is th' limit. Poems That Live To UlW. Could ye come back to me, oDuglas, uougiaa, , In the old likeneas that I knew. I would he Bofallhful, so loving, Douglaa. Douglas, Douglas, lender and truo, Novor a ncornful word would grieve ye; I'd smile on ye sweet as the an gels do;. . - Sweet as your smile on me shone ever. Douglas, Douglas, tender and true. Oh. to cal lback the days that are not! . My eyes Were blinded, yoru words were row; Do you know the truth now, 'up In heaven; - . ; Douglas, Douglas, tender and true? I never was worthy of you. Douglas; Not half worthy tho llko of you. Now all men besides seem to me like shadows I love you, Douglas, tender and true, ' Htrotch out your hand lo mo,- Doug las, Douglas, t Drop forgiveness' from' heaven like dew; .. si S . As I lay my heart tin your dead heart,' Douglas, ' L ; Douglas, Douglaj, tender and true! 9 Dlmtk M." Crotlc Vaudeville Program at Cr at erian Tonight Hunt's Craterlaq offers an excep tionally good and: vurlod vaudeville progiam toilay. v . liva Fay holds headline position in the vaudeville part of the show. , Mrs. Fas has tho usual mind reading act. answers questions nientally with as tonishing rapidity, s Jim and Gladys Oilfoii drew a lot of laughs at the matinee today with their so-called upside down flirtation. Is It Coming to This?" Fox and Alack have a real surprise number In their ' "Song and Dance Croatlons." Harry Ellis, well liked tu vaude ville for his voice, stories and person ality, did his eutertainlng bit. Bctancourt and Girlie scored with a balancing act that la both startling and unusual. Evangelist 'Sermon On 1 "Jesus Is Coming" The sermon by Evangelist John T. Slivers last night at the Christian church was a sane and safo prcsen- tation ot nis sudjoci, -jesus is ing." Mr. Stivers said in substanoo that while tho scriptures abound in positivo teaching that Jesu9 is com ing again after he has fulfilled His mission as savior and redeemer of thp human race, thero is no definite teaching at to the day or tho hour of His return. This is a matter wholly concealed lin tho mind and purposes ot iron, so mat not even inu uriKeia ; or fjnriai Himseii Know just wneni the end will come. Thero is niuen t to do according to tho program or Christ Inld down In tho Holy bcrlp-1 tures ootoro his great world worn omplished. ' It has been 1900 years since he said "Go ye theroforo and preach the gospel to tho wholo creation," and again "this gospol of the Kingdom shall be preached as a witness among II nations, then snail tne end come, " mo commission as given by mow C!8:i!i) "Go ye therefore and'young children almost everything make disciples of all tho ations.l have mentioned, but in only minute baptizing them Into the name of tno father, tho Son and tho Holy spirit, j teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. I and lo. I am with you always, even unto tne end cr - the world, " scta;an infant. As" for feeding very ruiin in a very pram way ine scope and divine mission of Christ. He. has gone to preparo a place for all of those In all timo who have lived according to the rightoous purposes of God. and He Is certainly coming agnin to crown His people heirs of . .,n. ni-. i iiurvu biiuuiu ma h v a noooy and try to lino a tree pco-ianu pie up in any "past nilllcnlal" or 'prc-nllcntal" doctrine, but let everyone read ttiw prophecies and the i.-ii.-iiuiK.- oi uir scriptures ami nrave at his rom-l unions and treat it as matter of ImllvidMiit freedom of opin ion and not a matter of creed or church discipline. Tonight Mr. Stivers will speak upon th theme, "Seven Reasons alao the mineral matter, the mineral Why 1 Am a Chrnstan Only." j sails, which are furnished by raw A large chorus will sing and Mrs. foods. par0ularly green stuff. Cook nedmnn will sing as her solo "The Ing extracts and wastes considerable Old Fountain." Increased attendance Is expected through the week. Song service begins promptly at 7:30. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE TORY. ON ST. PATRICK'S D AY - I- W 3j 32. 33" W 33" WtJ . W Jv5 vt. WW ' It was down to the fields where four leaf 1-5-9-12-20-26-33 grew , Pat was bound. But he stopped to ask Irish Rose to go with him. "1-23-4 along with 3-6 my fair lady of 4-7-11-14 (which means Ire land)," he said. "' -' ' - . She blushed 41-42 that and "9-10!" she answered, "What a bold 13-14-15 you are." But her smile made Pat laugh. "Ho-18-25, and high 30-31,".he sang. "If I don't r7-8 that 32-33 your way of saying yes, you pretty 16-17-18-19-20-21-22 (which ii Irish for girl). So put 13-22 your bonnet for we want to be 15-23-28-35-43 or all the shamrocks will be picked." " -"', ' - "I'd 16-24-30-37 that very hard 37-38-39-40 if we should find no clovers," said Rose. - Pat gave her his 27-2fr-29 and off they went. 27-34 they were on . their way they met Pat's friend, 32-40-45. Pat gave him 34-35-36 wink and a nod. 1 In the field they set 31-38-44 to search for lucky clovers. They were both 45-46-47-48-49 to find the first one. Rose found 42-48-51 ' and she gave some to Pat to wear 50-51 his tajl hat. , Sometime 41-47-50 said Pat I If -1 29-36 jieart in this field. This made Rose laugh. ij - ' -- Answer To Last Puzile 1-4 (at), 2-3-4 (hat), 3-7-12 (ask), 2-6-11-17-21 haU), B--7 (was), 55-16-17 (fit), 8-0-10 (see), 11-12-13 (sky), 8-14-20 (alt), 1S-19-20 (off). 13-18-23 (you), 21-22-23 (emu). : i , Copyright, 1925, by The nfcrnollonal Byniiau Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY. M. D. Blinad letters MrWIMnt la ixrwaal mmIUi (M hyfiww. rKrl to 4Imm OutmuM) ar trHtieant, will ba nmaraf by Dr. Brady If itamMd, Mil Mnmi wmletM fa mloaMl. Lallara HimihI ba brlat and written In Ink. Owing ta tha laroa mimbar of tetters raealvad, snly jw ba srwrnrwi bars. - No rawly ean ba made to amrTls i( saefarailiis to iMtnaotloa Mora Tho benoflts derived from thci hablt- or custom of eating raw veg etables as well a raw fruits are not sufficiently;, known to the public. I ' ' ' Judge from the fre quent 1 n q u iries 1 receive from read ers. It seems that certain individuals feel a craving for eating- such raw vegetables; us po ?m . r,n . X hbZi frcm inrinilnr, ihn1.'? or everything not written in Ink craving. ' They should not worry, enjoy the raw vege to their heart's con- They should table almost tent. .... Man Is tho only animal that cooks his food. ' And it is not so long ago measured In terms of evolution, that be acquired the- habit. There is therefore very little Bound sense in tho argument that man has become accustomed to cooked food and con not get along without cooking most of his food. I do not mean to. advocate any fanatical or faddish dietary scheme. I want my meat . very thoroughly cooked indeed, . and I simply can't understand the taste which calls for underdone or rare meat. But I do wlsh to advocate more salad on mors tables, and to assure the many mis- tjom-iinrorniou people who like raw things but are afraid to eat 'em, that they should indulge bucIi appetite for tho bcnoflt of health. There Is nothing In the way of a food which more deserves the name of health food ' than raw cabbage. Sliced with' a llttlo raw onion and .taken with your favorite salad dress ing it makes a dish fit to tempt r.scuiapius or his dauarhter. Then there are lettuce, celery, to- mato. : carrots, cucumber, parsley watercress, mint, and several other things which may be advantageously eaten raw in salad combinations or alone. ...... Thore is a taboo against feeding raw vegetables or even raw fruits to children under 4 years of oge, particularly in tho summer time. am not prepared to ovorturn all the rulings laid down by tho masters Mat-iaUout this. I should feed my own quantities at first and very caro fully scraped or broken up and run through coarse sieve to remove the coarser woodv liber which ta not readily handled by the digestion of young cniiuren raw fruit, this too. Is in -my Judgment a healthful and advisable practice, provided nc fruit is thoroughly ripe and unqiicstlon ably clean. VAilt purchased In the market Ii :sometlmes seriously contaminated by . 'j nununTo or niseasoo. handlers. tor that reason it must be carefully washed if It is to be eaten raw. Any excess or error in fced- ing a young child raw vegetable or raw inuj may cause an upset, but it noes riot cause any serious illness. There are several reasons why we Mould eat more raw food. From faVh soui.Ws we get the vitamins In their richest concentration. We need of this mineral focV. ' We need the gentle natural stimulus to direstlnn land especially to"ntesUnal digestion SaUtd. which' j-th'e ' -rougUacc. the celluloso, the indigestible woody fiber In raw vegetables and fruits gives us. j QlffeS'flO&S' AVD AN SWnS.'. -- -I'so oict Right iMrunmgo. , Correspondents-who wield a num ber 2 pencil still' clutter. up the mail to a troublesome degree. If they wish to convey some message to mo they will kindly translate It Into llnkish, as that is the only language i can unaersiana. in my nalcyon 1 A ' ,,7.Viinys I used to read graphite hiero h,lve t" bad speii of amne- t 1KIV The spell was brought on by tne conservation of vision. Do the chlldrcQ Slocu Knoua-li. . What is the cause of the discolora tion or the tcoth of children 4 or 6 yoars old. turning black or greenish? Is it from insufficient cleaning? mow many nours a day should 3 year old child sleep? -And up to what ago should children have naps during the dny? Mrs. 8. H. B. Answer Everybody's teeth becomo more or less stained, no matter how much they ore brushed or otherwise cleaned. I do not know why. It is necessary to have the dentist clean them at Intervals. ' A child of three years requires - 12 to 13 hours of sleep daily, and part of tho sleep should be taken In a mid-day nap up to tho ago of . A nap of from aaa an nour to an hour is right. Benzol Fumes. ricaso let mo know of something that will absorb benzol fumes used i ntho lining compound on sanitary can ends. I am having a good deal of trouble with a nausea from tho fumes. B. E. H- Answer Benzol Is a very poison ous chemical when Inhaled. Special installations of forced J or j exhaust venuiauon are necessary as a pro rucuon to workers in Industries where this modern solvent is used. Nothing will absorb the fumes. WW1, They Turn Out One s .Minnie ' I'leasc tell me Just how effective owe to -invest in one unless It will inaieni nose adjusters are. r do not uy mango tno shape of my nose Mrs. J. Answer Former goldbrick manu facturers now turn out one nose adjuster every minute to keep pace Vlth the demand. But to dato no nose has over been noticeably--remodelled by this method. However, hope springs eternal or words to that effect, as Bsrnum observed. T. W. Dclxcll of Klamath Falls was a local business visitor yesterday. r MOTHERS IMPORTANT Mothers should see that the whole family take a thorough, purifying" system cleansing laxative this spring I NOW IS THE TIME. The famllv will be healthier. haoDier.'nn along better if the blood gi-n a lui'iougn puriiynsr. tne stomarW and bowels cleaned out. and the germs of winter accumulated In the driven awav. HOLUISIER'S IIOCKV MOUNTAIN TEA is on? of th. best and surest spring medicines to take-n Try It and see the difference In the whole family.. Their mw will be better, they'll eat better, sleep -' ' iiv well n MM H a ...... Heath's " us japwre and Hask kiP'8 Allv.' Drug Store. I JUNIOR CROSS WORt) puzzle HOW TO SOLVE PUZZLE '. Tlie words ' start In the nombprwl squares and, . rnn j cither across or down. Only one. letter Is placet(ln each white square.. If Uh proper wonts are found each romMifcloti.rf letters In the wliite square iU Xnrm words.,. The key to,jthV pmzlo tire first word Ik given In the drawing. Below are keys to tlio other words. : - RUNNINO ACROSS '. . Word l.' In the picture:""! ' ' ' Word 4. tihape of a" football.,? . Word q. Back of the neck.'i. '!' i. Word. 7. ; I bod. ': ''i-L r :i ' Word 10. Synonym for the word In capitals in this sentence: .'"Knights were brave in days of OLD; .- -. -' Word 11. A heavy rod of. wood" or iron. " ' .sa RUNNING DOWN". . , Wordl.' A day of the week ; :,H '. Word 2. A character ln:"Uficle Tom's Cabin." . ' .1 Word 3. A short sleep. " "T . i Word C. One who leadav?.;'':. i Word 8. A kind of sled'. -Also boy's name. . ,. : ,' ; ''..' Word 9. j An epoch. - ' : :, . TESTERUAY'S PCZZDS , AjysWEItEO ... 5 O D 1 EJR A -L'- A A,, R L V L TL V Pig J t s e-mt: ER! Clean Child's - Bowels r with ' "California Fig. Syrup" Even if cross, feverish, bilious..1 constipated or full of cold, 'children ? love- the pleasant taste -of -"Callfor-.. nia Fig-Syrup." A tcaspoonful never ". falls to clean -the liver and 'bowels. ask your uruggist - for. genuine . California Fig Syrup" which has di rections for babios and children of ! all ages printed on bottle, Mother!,, ion must say "California" or you,; may get an imitation fig syrup: , Adv. ; NEVER BEFORE Not In fiftv venrs ha trier beea so persistent and wider I spread use of . --',' f I scon s Emulsion yet" thousands have only begun to realiz,e what It might be to them in strength, health and robustness. - Seott ft Bowse. BlooraSaTd. . J. f4-4 MOTH ! YOU NEED j j ! INSURANCE 1 ? CALL ON US . first tance Agency i : A. L. HILL tAnSMr. I 2 M North Central 8 8 Phana 1M MstfferC Or. S s OCWHOCrfyWQOCOCOOCC