Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 17, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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After months of patient toil, the
much herulded drum corps of the
) local American LfRlori post is roacly
Mo muko its Inttinl bow to the public.
Thn occasion will be celebrated by a
huge social danco In the Oriental
. Gardens at the .Natatoriu'm tomorrow
; night, to which the public is accord
ed a cordial Invitation.
The i) roc ess of whipping the boys
into shape has been in the hands of
Wilson Waite, DokKle band leader.
. Has No Backache, No Bad Feelings
Because Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound Drove Her
illness Away .
. ' 1
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "I was in a
badly run-down condition and I would
eet wcaK spcns ana
terrible . headacheB.
1 felt so badly last
year that I could not
do any houseclcan
ing. The minute I
would lift or stoop
it soemcd .as if I
was going to fall to
pieces. 1 told a
neighbor how I felt
and she said that
Lydia E. Pinkham's
was Bureiy me right thing lor me.
1 took four bottles then and in the fall
of the year I took three. I had been
treated by a doctor but he gave me an
iron tonic and that did not help me. It
seemed that the tonic did not have in it
what the Vegetable Compound did. That
gave me the strength and ambition I
weeded and I have gained in weight.
This year before I started to clean house
I got four bbttlesof the Vegetable Com
pound and am taking it right along. I
toll all my friends about it and how much
good it does mo. They can notice it be-
cause I have gained in weight.' I weigh
118 now and do all mv work myself
again." Mrs. Ehil 0. feRANDENBunc,
651 87th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
and under his tutorship, rapid pro-
Kress has been madesinco the Inau
guration of the corps.
To properly prepare the : Med ford
citizens who will attend the danco
the corps will march 'down the main
street from the Hotel .Medford to the
Xatatorium, playing specimen selec
tions. It is expected that a largo
crowd will line the streets to witness
the parade, which will move off
promptly at 8 p. m.
A number of special features are
planned for the danco including the
exhibition of the drum corps. This,
together witll special music by Wil
son Wuite's orchestra, and an artis
tic Retting by Tom Swem insure a
danco quite out of the ordinary.
A number of local legionnaires are
canvassing the city with tickets for
the benefit dance and It Is hoped
that they will be-accorded generous
support as the corps is destined to
add much to the muslcnl prestige of
Med ford and Southern pregdn.
The March meeting of the Presby
terian Men's club will be held in the
chapel of the church on Thursday ev
ening of this week. The supper will
be served by a committee in Charge of
Mr. K. K. Gore. Tho speakers will bp
men of tho club who are interested in
the various lines of the churches work,
the various lines of the rhurch'.s work.
:. K. (ioro. Dr. Wm. 7. Holt, Messrs.
; F. W. Spilver, William Watt and Hum
llton Wtton. They are announced to
speak on any subject -of special church
'interest in looking forward to the new
J-year. Dr. It. It. Johnson, who repre
i seuts the Roy Scout committee will
also tell a little of the spring plans for
the scouts of which this church has
j two strong troops and a most promis
ing irUU Ul CT1I1 SL'UUIB. Olippt-T Will
be served promptly at 6:30 p. mv
1 ' ; AND '
You'll find our
stocks of sprays for
every garden ;p,est
complete with-r-.
Lead Arsenate
Nico -JDusts
Black Leaf
and others
In Convenient
Garden Sizes
Start early to fight
garden pests and
your work will be
easier and more ef
fective., MONARCH
Seed & Feed Co.
The officials "of tho local high
school have received a proposal from
the Pacific Univqrsity at Forest
Grove to hold a girls state basket
ball tournament there, the Medford
girls team being entitled to repre
sent southern Oregon if such should
he held.
The question, whether, or not to
send the local girls' basketball team
to a state basketball tournament t
Forest Grove,, should such be held,
iaVundor consideration and -pluns nro
being considered; the main drawback
being the Jteuv, of. expense 4)iet trii.
would necessitate. ; I " . . ' v-
Your taste
will prove it
v v ; -
golden TFjrirflj
. i GATE . Sjj5p.
Out of town Oregonlans who are
temporary sojourners In the city In
cludo Haze! Bet- James of Newport, D.
D. Johnson of, Corvallis, P. O. Speer
and W. D. Stevens of Eugene. V. M.
Hmlth and H. C. Kaiaenes of KulomJ
ana u. . -limlton, Sara sanoerson
und Julis Ogden of Klnmath Falls.
Tho Jackson County Public Health
association will hold Its annual meet-.
Ing ut the Ashland Civic club house.
Thursday. Mrs. Sadie Orr-Duiibar..
state prosident of the State Federation
of clubs will speak before the associa
tion. Mrs. Dunbar is secretary of the
Oregon Tuberculosis association. There
will be a business mectinE in the fore
noon and a round table discussion of
health matters. In the afternoon there
will be an address by representatives
of tho 'County health unit, the county
nurses' reports and the school nurse's
Among the visitors who arrived In
this city Monday from adjacent north
tin California points are Mrs. Charles
Plus, and Carl !'. Askerinaw of Yreka,
and Mrs. C. K. Loosley of Montague.
-M. It. Whitehead, superintendent
of the 'Pacific fruit and-express asso
ciation, is a Medford visitor from Port
land 'today; having arrived Monday.
Tolephono improvement work in'
Klamath Falls and outlying territory,
amounting to ?l!5.0OO will be started
here In April, Manager F. Rl Dunn,
manager of the local offices of the
Pacific Teiophono & .Tolegraph com
pany,' announced 'yesterday following
his return from a 'Conference of tele
phone managers of Oregon at Port
land. A new toll line will be strung
from Klamath Falls to Medford. A
construction crew of- about 1G men
will be' brought here with headquar
ters lit Klamath Falls until the work
carries them nearer Medford. A new.
cable line will be built to Pelican Bay
us well as one to Mills addition.
Klamath News.
Dr. Eva Carlow ontortalned at a
dinner Sunday'iri honor of Mrs. Hague
of Newton, Kans., who Is horo vlslting
with her son, It, L. Hague.
The fine weather of tho past week
lias resulted in somewhat of an in
crease In auto -travel from out of the
state, as yesterday the number of
pueh cars for a week to register here
had Jumped from the average of 10 to
20 out of the state cars daily, to 2i
cars. . '
Included among the temporary so
journers in tho city from the state of
California are: Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Ciunong of Piedmont, C. It. Montgom
ery of. Tangent, Charles B. Cole of
Oakland. I. C. Charpenlng of Los An
geles, and the folowing -from Ban
Francisco: . Mr.' and Mrs. T. O. Wllv
1itt. M. G. Haynes, F. A. Dwolle,
George Thaslres, L. F. Kelscy and
Omcr K. Lilly.
General gasoline dropped one cent
a gallon In mice today, according to
H. O. Frohbach of Judy & Frohbach,
Inc., southern Oregon distributors.'
Hat 'flowers,- feathers, ribbon, eto.i
at Lottie -.Howards. N. Central Ave,
Otis Skinner and the members of
his company, who played in "Bancho
Panm," before a large and pleased
audience last night at the Craterian
theater, left at 2:30 a. m. today on
tho north bound pasenger train for
Eugene.1 .where., they play tonisnt.
Chimnjey sweepi Phone 2S-R. 326
pay mo plenty when ho Sot tho mil-
The so-called flu or la grippe
which has been quite prevalent here
the past two weeks and wits' ' the
cause, of a number oft' absences In
the local schools tho latter part of
last week, has caused a decided
number of absences among tho u
dents und teachers yesterday and to
Among the teachers who are ftb
sent this week on account of 111
ness are Miss Prccla Olsen, second
grade teacher at tho Washington
school. Miss Ora' Collins and Mrs,
Mildred Henderson, first and second
grade teachers at tho Jackson school
and Miss Elizabeth Oors, guporlnten
dent of music. -
' (Continues From Rag One)
'"I gave those -typhoid germs ' to
Khopherd.- lie tdld me In plain words
that he"-wantetf' thonr-Mtb -lnnbcuiate
somebody with,' and that H was a mil
lion dollar deal. He told m he would'
in - -. i
that's Quick Quaker
Cooks in 3 to 5 minutes. Has that wonderful Qmtber flavo
Standard full size and
weight packages
O Medium: pounds;
Large: 3 pounds, 7 ex.
Vof grocer nowhaa two kinds
of Quaker Oat the -kind you
faave always known and Quick
Ht.E is richness, creamy wonderful richness in qiuck
cooking oats. Just for thz joy of it, get Quick Quaky
today of your grocer.
You'll find all that wonderful "Quaker flavor there.
YouU find quick cooftig 3 minutes; 5 minttei at t
And youTI be able to hare the "hot oats and milk break
fasts doctors now are urging without unnecessary cooking
muss or bother.
But be sure to getgQukk Quaker look for the nam
on th!abeL Look for the picture of the Quaker.
Lodk for the Quaker on the label
' That means Quaker flavor.
That means 3 to 5-minute cooking.
That means the superfine oats you 3-ant -the finest grown,
$he most delicious in all the wojji
"you've a liar," Hlinihenl lottntcil.
Ho maintained to liobtna K. t'rowo, !
Htate'H attorney, that ho had never'
soon Faiman Ucforp. j
Falnian . doclart ho 1 had tnhl tlio
ruth, "and you can't deny It," w told
Mr, Shepherd.
oiHUitHins Innncciu'c
Coincident with Fuiman s declara
tions lust nlffht Shpphord lHMuel n
formal stntoment In which he nsst'i-tiMl i
thnr he wiw only one possihle reason '
for tho lnestlfialion "to hrenk the
will In which McCllntock left ntc Iur.
"An Innocent man does not need a'
defense," he declared. !
An indictment containiiiK fifteen
countH was drawn up by AHNlstant i
Prosecutor Marnhall for submlwilon
for a vote of the gmml jury today.
If a true hill Is vote Fa i man will 1
be the state's star witness. Mr. Crowe!
said, nnu wouin prouaiiiy ealu the
minimum penalty if not complete im
munity for his part in the case.
Faimnn, who yesterday admitted
Shepherd had offered him 520,000 "to
keep his mouth shut," amplified last
nisht the details of the relations he
said ho had with Shepherd.
Coached lawyer
Ho said that after Shepherd had
taken a two weeks course in his
school and obtained the germs in No
vember, 1923, .he showed him how to
care fur them and keep them alive In
hermltlcally sealed bottle. They
frequently met in downtown hotels,
lie asserted, - and lie would explain to
Hhepherd'how a body might bo Inoc
ulated with the scrms.
About a year apo," said Flaman,
according -to fitate's attorneys, "Shep
herd and myself met several times.
We planned how McCllntock might be
Inoculated with the typhoid geimis
which I had given to Shepherd In the
fall of 1923. I knew Shepherd was
going to give the germs to McClln
tock. ' " '
'It was the understanding that
Shepherd was to wait uritil young
McCllntock hau signed a will leaving
tho money to 8hepherd and then at
the first favorable opportunity he was
to ho given the germs. From time to
time I met Shepherd in hotels in the
loop. AVe talked over our plans, fin
ally the moment arrived. The boy
had made his will, leaving the money
to Shepherd.
"The first dose of germs was given
McCllntock In a glass of cold water.
After that .the dose were repeated
and his condltfon aggravated. .
Certain Death Method
"A week after McCllntock became
111 Shepherd and myself met and he
asked me what to do. I told him to
nd minister a cathartic to the youth
when the latter's stomach was empty.
I explained that It would penotrnte
the Intestines nnd cause almost cer
tain deah. 1 "At the time 'Shepherd
asked me for advice as to how he
could miike the fever more deadly
MCCUntoCk was very ill.
"Shepherd told me he was after the
McCllntock fortune and was going
to get it by getting the boy. I yielded
to his plea after he assured nio that
when he got the fortune in his hands,
he would share wiUi'me
in -Shepherd's' statement he pic
tured himself as standing "on the side
lines watching men and women weave
testimony which' others hope to bind
me as a murderer, and send an lnno
oent man to prison so that something
which rightly belongs in his hands
might be snntchediaway." 1
'"Suppose, Tor;the sako of argument
I did study germs," 'the state m on t
continued, Ml have a right us
a practicing attorney to do anything
V wished. But I didn't. I wouldn't
know what to do with typhoid germs
If 1 had them and never hod any In
my possession furthermore.
' "All -there is against me Is n dead
body and a motive. These two facts,
supported by a lot of babble, gossip
and suspicion are Intended :to break
mo down."
-Markers, constructed of concrete
and brick; approximately ok von feet
high with a buao six feet square, and
with -olcctric -lights so placed aa, to
illuminato the-word "Medford, ". will,
soon grace the north and south -entrances
-to tho city on tho Pacific
highway. The design for the markers
was selected by a Crater club com
mittee, after careful study and con
sideration of similar monuments
erected in other cities-, and laat even
In the final arrangements Wore made
for -their erection by the Medford
Concrete Construction company. (
'Erection of tho markers will mark
tho completion of a project which the
local booster organization has long
hud Under consideration and will help
in the campaign of advertising the
city wh'Idh is now being carried out
through the uso of billboards In Call
fornla and on tho highway north of
hero. -"The markers will Cost over one
thousand dollars and It is hoped by
tho Craters to raise a portion of tho
sum by staging a public frolic on
April 1st., . , . ,
Jean II. Wotklns of Myrtio Point.
and .Ida F: Walker of Medford were
married In Weed -Kobruary 28, by J. Ps
Bradley, justice of tho peace (Mon
tague Messenger.) .
-The' ferlde la the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Amos Walker of this city, and a
graduate of the Medford high school.
The groom is a well known young mtn
of this clty.
tliarlofti . Salirr
RT. Halter, wife of 'FranciH P. Salter.
will be held at the Perl Funeral Home
Wcdneiiday. '2:30 p. m.. Rev. John
Coun officiating. Interment In Med
ford cemetery.
Orrgon Weather .
Cloudy on the count, fair In the
Interior tonlKht nnd Wednnwlny.
Front In the Interior ttmlchr. Moil
"crale. variable, windo,
WMl Out oi the fog of
I tllpilj 1F conventionality
' IBrjv into the
IMf light of to-day
' ill II' Ire ''j 1 e Powerful super
'' SPL lyl&l Zs I special of the season,
i uho) $ m i lIlMIMljl
When a girl is starved for gaiety; when she looks ten years
nhoad and aces nothing lint dull routine, with hope nnd muni
tion dead, her beauty .gone; when all nbout her .people nro
living ns If they woro going to dio tomorrow and are afraid
they'll miss something Clnico reached out eagerly to clutch
her chance for happiness. Fearless, self-reliant, honest, she
balked at any restraint on her freedom. She was not going
to become a victim of the dead hand of old dogma
Here Is a thundering drama of the young folk of today!
Featuring the i92d
. marathon castl. !
James Kirkwc
Adolphe Mcrijd4
Robert Agriew.:!
George' Fawieti
Robert Frazer
Mae Butch v '
Norma Shearer v
Winifred Bryon
Ruth Stbneh6u
Vera Rei
PRICES: Adults Matinees 25c, Evenings 35c; Kiddies a Dims Any Tims.
Coming Friday The Wonder Dog 't
See the beautiful
Spring Dresses
, . is showing
These are the latest
from New York
You Can Get Most .
t Any Old Thing at
Kost Any Old Time.
N o
ffl Always Room to Park
.Your Car.
436 W. Main Ph. 122-R
The First Thing
-A Good Car
The very first requuite
to contentment today is
a dependable automo
bile. You need it more
than any other thing
you can buy with mon
ey. A good used car
meets "this need eco
nomically and efficiently.
Used Car Market
1 One Block Off Main '"
Telephone 150