0 o o o o o KKM8 TWO ' O flftiDFORT) MATT? TRtBTTNX HrflnFOTiT), OTfF.OONT. MONDAY. MATCCIT 1fi. 132.10 -7 - 9- -1 o T JU peak and Personal The Crater club will not meet to-, nitfht. the meeting having hern post poned to-March 2Z. The final .meet ing of the committee working out the details of the arches to be erected ut the city limit on the I'aclflc hteh way will be held tonight, however, and It 1ft expected that actual work of con structing the markers will atari within a few days. Columbia planter wall hoard. Call for prices. "Wallace Wood Lumber yard. Ilemember the delightful chicken dinner on St. Put rick day, by the Catholic ladles at 0 p. in. at the hall on Koutli Oakdale. ' Tickets GO cents. 8U4 Otis Hklnner, the famous actor and the print) pa Im of his company who play at the Crnterian tonight In "Kancho Punzu," arrived in the city last nlnht 1 ri I Ted C 11 Men. who was Mir rented by I Included among the local visitors Chief Police Adunis last Friday af-'froia the state of California are: Carl tern on n for intoxication and. put up F. Anderson of Yreka, C. It. Alont $K cash hail for his np pen ran re next gomery of Tangent. I. Vanpelt o day In the city court, forfeited thitt Hornhrook. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. ball througlie failure to appear In t'war of Alameda. It. A. Coffman, and court. f J VI. Klliott of Hollywood. Mr. and Mrs. The Pantorlum does all kinds of L. Darling. Charles Held and Iv. L. pleating. . 1'hone 244. 2ltltf Itobinflon of Loh Angeles and A. Itrill. jj. r . .Mi'i one, ra .1. usnier. j. w . iei- tus. F. M. Moriarty una Millon Oruy Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. Alta Nay lor, cdraetiere. 318 The Myrtle Point high school was closed temporarily last week on ac count of an epidemic of la grippe. Six ty pupils were down with the disease. Dress-up-time, is at hand. Why not see Mrs. Trowbridge at once? 30 For expert marcelling come to the barber shop next door to Heath's Drug Store. Phone G44. Ituth Picket. 304 The party of prrtfcsslrs and students of the engineering clans of O. A. C. who have been touring Oregon and studying the various engineering pro jects throughout thu state, visited the Copco No. 2 project at Copco, Calif., yesterday, returning to this city lust evening; and today are at K lamnth Kalis Im-pectlng the Klamath reclama from Sacramento, and the remainder j tjon project, but are expected to re. of the big company and the baggage will arrive Into this afternoon. Wo pay for nshes and sell dirt cheap. Brown & White Agency, Jno. tf La die h' and chlblrena' hats made to order. Save half, if 17 Kurrefcun. 307 Mr. and Mrs. George Kads and Del oils Holhrook have returned from Al bany where they had been visiting with relatives. They also attended the state basketball tournament games at Salem the latter part of last week. Coul briquets, that clean fuel. Han- sen Coal Co. Phon 239. A - dress cut and fitted. The kind you want, when and us you want It. Mrs. Trowbridge, 90D W. 10th street. 306 J tit In was predicted fur this after noon and tonight, and cloudy weather with a moderate temperature for Tuesday, In tho prediction Issued this . morning for this vicinity by the Han Francisco weather bureau. The rain predicted for yesterday, did not mate-, rial 1 zo. ' 1 Hemstitching 80 a yard. Tho Van Ity Shop, Bartlott and Main, tf turn to Med ford anatn before return ing to Corvallls. Among thoso In the parly were A. Parson, O'Nell Olson. Itichard Dm ant, Arthur Huell, Kmery Johnston, K. I. Peny. Fred Vosbeen. John H. Stout, LotiN 10. Itydell. S. K. Samdanl, Jay X. Dull. Carl F. Wilson. II. II. Obcr. Ktuart Sims. Frank A. Itous, It. U. Harris, C. Dullen. J ne Squires, Fred Ingram, C. K. Gabriel land J. Clyde Archibald. Rogue Hlver Valley Creamery but ter 47a per lb. Johnson Produce Co. Chicken noodle luncheon at the Presbyterian church TueHday, 11:30 to 1:00 Price tiOc. 303 The fine hunting dog of J. It. Crews was struck by a car and killed Sunday. Have you tried that big milk shake at DcVoe's? . New lOngllsh Sport Coats. Nut wick. Inc. 303 Guests at the hotels' from distant of San Francisco. Special this weeh. Exfde battery for Ford. Chevrolet anil Star, $16.00. Williams & MeCurley, tf Den V. Hilton was a business vis itor in the city today from his ranch on Iliddle Lane. Old papers for kindling fire at this office. tf A new sharpening device for razor blades Includes a kurnlcd roller that raises the nap of the leather strap with each stroke, preventing it from becoming gin zed Nursery stock. .The best assortment In southern Oregon. Fruit, shade and nut-benrlng trees', flouring shrubs, vines, berry plants, rhubarb and as paragus plants, evergreen trees and figs, perennial plants, grape vines. A fine lot of heavy two year Blng cher ry. A good general assortment of fruit trees for home orchards. Com mercial varieties, including Old Home on L'ssurlensis for commercial or chards. Grafting wax and other sup plies for orchard work. Don't take my word for It. come and see for your self. Will gladly duplicate any order booked by nn agent for the same or less money and give you better ser vice. Eden Valley Nursery. Phono G80-J-2. Sales yard 61214 Kast Main street. 289 tf Government checks approximating J 100, (MM) will be distributed to mem bers of the Klamath Indian tribe be tween now ami the first of the mouth. It will be at least a week before the checks are ready for distribution. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Coe and son Hobble of Klamath Falls spent the week end in Med ford visiting with friends. Attorneys Porter J. Neff and Goorgc GAME WARDENS ON I qbiujary fe- kmz?-z$ 1 1 TRAIL OF VIOLATORS OF GAME LAWS 1 11, v , ly, y ' M. lloherts arc leaving this evening for Include Mr. unci Mrs. J. K. Sputl! of ,, ,1 .Vni ,.,..,.. Fairfield. Neb.. M l'H. John .Stungo of Newnh. Wis., Mr. nnt! Mrs. It. O. Kl liott of Grand Junction, Cul.i Kov. An drew H. (.iraham of IJostnn, Mr. and Don't forget tho hard time ball at M,. t.. R Mcoreitor of Minneapolis. K. of 1'. hull. Match 17th. I'rlzos will bp given. Tickets GOc. 303 V. 1J. Miller, local Standard Oil inun nger, Friday received a telegram an nouncing that he had been promoted to the office of advertising manager of the Portland division, with headauar tcrs In Portland. Mr. Miller, who Ih grand high fizz of the IJthlans, a di rector In tho local Chamber of Com merce, a member of the KlwaniH club nnd a 1 00 per cent booBtor for Ash land anil Bouthcrn Oregon, will be missed as ho Is nlwnys ready to lend a holpliiK hud to any movement for the betterment of .this region. Ash laud Tidings. "Wo pay rash for used pianos. Pal mer Piano House. tf . Hluricnt nmrcells fiOo by MIbb Fran ces Kellogg until further notice. Phone 504 for nppolntment. tf luvronco I.uy of Wollen was in the city Hnturdny attending to business matters. 'Hats, flowers, feothe'rs. ribbon', cto ut Lottie Howards, .N. Ventral Ave. SIM Chimney sweep. Phono 22-11. 32(1 Tho mombers of tho high school basketball team nriived home on train 13 Sunday forenoon, front having at tended the stale basketball tournament- nt Salem. Tho Salvation Army ran help somo one with your old clothing, etc. ' tf. Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Han sen Coal Co. Phono 2.10. The Simpson Kstate nt Coqullle. headed by I.. J. nnd Edgar Simpson, has filed Incorporation papers show ing a cnpltall7jttlnn of II, SOO.IIOIl. Satisfaction guaranteed In n well fitting garment when we do the work ' for you. Mrs. Trowbridge, 903 V. 10th. 300 Hemstitching, buttons covered nt tho Handicraft Shop. tf Among tho out of town Oregonlnns arriving here Sunday are C. 1,. Hough ton of Hosehurg, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. llnbbs of Kugene. ami Mrs. Frank U. I.ce, Thomasi V. Dnlzcll, :. A. McCar thy. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. McDoprey and Mr. and Mrs. !. l.oslie of Klamath Falls. . For expert marcelling come to the barber shop next door to Heath's Drug Store. Phono 644. ftutli Plukei. 304 Unity literature tenches people hot In bo healthy, efficient, prosperous, harmonious and happy. Free distri bution. 718 West Main streot, ' ' o. McDcnrmon, Scott Davis mul John v. Johnson returned Sunday evening from .Salem, having ultendjrd the state hftsketuiil! tournament held there Inst week. - ' 1 We are overstocked nnd for tho next . flu days wo will deliver 12 Inch dry oak and Inurel nt $3.F0 per tier In two tier londs. 1 Inch dry osk dud Isurel nt $3.75. 4 foot dry delivered $s.76. All other fuel In proportion. Vnlley Fuel Co. JOOMf Itndlo Fnns! Oct stntlnn list and station log freo nt Virgin's. 10r West .Main. Compliments Iloguc lllver Hit. illo Club, Inc. 30r,' H. Carter nnd Claude' Miles are among the visitors from- Hutte Fulls who spent tho week end in tho illy. Our 16 years experience is your-guarantee R. A. The Insurance IXn 01 o Since 19$ a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Vlpend of Mrltlsh Golumbia, Louis Vincent of Chicago, A. M. Hess and family of Sask.. M. J. liain of Martinsville, I ml.. W, M. Thomfison of Poise, Idaho, and the fntlowing from New York City; Otis Skinner, W. Vcnnus. It. Subln, C. Alre, Mr. and Mrs. Itichard Cramer. Hauls Hampton, Lucille Mlddletnn, Harold Browne. V lucent Cnllttghan, Grace Klliott. I.uillc Knh,n, Mildred Gordon, Herbert Helmore, Walter Gcernnd F4 F. Hradar. Chicken noodle luncheon nt the Presbytei-lun church Tuosday, 1 1 :30 to 1:00 Price 50c. 303 Good allowances tor old machines. Do your spring sewing on a new one. Singer Co, 10 So. Fir. 304 It. Merrltt was In1 from his ranch at Heese Creek Saturday attending to business interests. We pay for nshes and sell dirt chonp. lirown & "White Agency, Inc. Good organ' fof nle, $10. IT. G, Lnunspach nt Weeks & Orr. .10.! A delegation of local I-'Iks and their wives will attend the anniversary ball of the Ashland lodge of I-Jlks, which will bo given in Ashland tonight. An epidemic of colds rampant on tile U. of O. campus, according to Dr. G. A. Hoss, university physician, has populai'lzed the chlorine treatment at the university infirmary. . He attrib utes the miniature epidemic to the changing weather and loss of steep, due to approaching examinations. Clean sand for the children to play in. Call Mud ford Sand & Gravel Co. Phone 1075. 307 Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Hutchinson of Trull are in town for a few days. Mrs. Hutchinson Is- visiting. while Mr. Hutchinson Is again attending court. They are also getting supplies for their place of business. Camp Sunset on the PvOgue. Itogue Hlver A'nlley .Creamery but ter -17c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. i. i New Knitlish Sport Coats. Natwiek. Inc. 303 Dean John Stroub. a member of the I'niverstty of Oregon faculty for 4fi years, was appointed by the board of regents Saturday emeritus dean of men. continuing ou'thc stuff oh prufes- sor of Greeli. He has held the- Inst pose since he begitn teaching at the U. of (. In the full of 1S7S, two years after the opening of the university. Dear Straub Is 71! years old. For expert marcelling come to the barber shop next dnor to Heath's UrUB Store. Phone fi44. Ituth Pb kel. 304 1 ton ne Itlver A'nlley Creamery but ter 4 7c per lb. Johnson Produce Co. J. fTuylor of the Valley Fuel com pany has been confined to his bed with a cold for the last few days. i:ay to finish at home are the dresses which Mrs. Trowbridge cuts and fits for you, 30t; New Knglish Sport Coats. Natwiek. Inc. 303 ltullillug penults were Issued In Medford during February for new con struct ion valued at $ 1 7.'Jsr. Among these Is a building to house the flour ing mill of Morton & Son on Jackson street. We are overstocked and for the next 30 days we will deliver 12 inch dry oak and laurel at $3.50 per tier In two tier loads. lt Inch dry oak and Inn re I st 13.75, 4 foot dry delivered per cord $s,75. All other fuel in pro portion. Valley Fuel Co. 800tf ltcfore housecleaning, et me esti mate your (tainting, tinting, enamel Ing or psperlng. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. H. V. Marx. Phone 178-J. 317 The annual meeting of the Oregon State Motor sssoctution will be held In Portland this evening t which time. In addition to the regtilnr - business, such us election ut board direc tor's, n reviewing of ilie activities and ; accomplishments of the association j during the past veur and other routine 1 livtttrrs proposed 9H"rtant chaoses in the bylaws will bv presMntrd for j rtmmb'r.il ton by 1 he in cm lei -dli p. i: I C vuKfi at DeV f. ( . I. Hill in confined tn bl home Ion Geneva nveuue on actuuttCol ill i nows- ! I Columbia plaster wall board. Call 'for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber Yard. ( ChnAt MeFee. n wpresentative of I It 11 d . Jones and company was n Medford business vUltor todny from Salem, where they will argue before tho supremo court, tho pending coun ty caso. Temporary sojourners In the city from Portland Include the following: Mrs. Alice H. Wright. Mrs. P. How den. Miss C. Hlanche, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Gallegly, rMs. F. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Gunderson, H. F. Olsen, Mr. und Mrs. V. II. Gallaway. K. W. Llppel, 11. C. Zehrung, F. H. Hollen beck, Kverett Tarpham, J. W. Truax, Mrs. L. C. ljirsen, VI. N. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Oakley, H. K. Officer and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Thompson and Charles D. Glbbs. F. C. Carlson, manager of the Chunslor and Lyons company of Port land, left yesterday afternoon en route to that city after spending several days here. Halph Pollock Is among the local business callers In Grants Pass today. Actual construction work on the California and Oregon Coast railroad bridge, probably will be started this week. This bridge was washed out by the high water early in the year und the road has been forced to suspend operations. The new bridge Is being llnanced by Twohy Brothers, tho city of Grants Pass nnd the Southern Pa cific. About GO days will bo required to biilld tho bridge. Tho Southern Pacific bridge gang is to do the croct- lng Carl Ilebee of Klamath Falls spent the week end in this city with his wife and babies who are visiting here for a short time. P. D. Lowd of 320 North Riverside nvenue, had his tonsils removed this morning. Among the visitors in the city from the Htate of Washington are: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newton and daughter of Kverett. John J. Hopkins nnd O. L. Gary of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Waiigh, Mrs. L. F. Buckley and It. A. Wan Kb of Abordeeen and the follow ing from Seattle: It. It. I Person. N. H. Plerwwn. W. , D. Sunderland. H. D. L'oren. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Leonard. Constance Leonard, K. L. Crlder. Sirs. A. N. Gunderson, Mrs. C. A. Nelson and Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. M. Cumntlugs. The Merchants association meeting has been postponed from Tuesday, March 17. to Friday evening. March L'7, whon Secretary Tait and Mr. Swan of the Oregon State association nml Secretary Snell of the Washington State association will bo present to ad dress the meeting. I YIELD FINES Incidental to a number of arrests made by J. J. Mc.Mabon, deputy state traffic officer over the week end for Mpeedlng or not having license plates, it Is announced that car owners must have their licenses in plain sight, and not behind bumpers or tires. Quite a little money was realized In Judge Taylor's court today to help along the struggling state and county. Clifford Hlckson of Kuglc Point drew a fine of $10 for not having license plates on his car. Then Frliss Kluhrer paiil a fine of $10 for speeding on Last Alain street : Kugene Hodcn ha miner one of $ 1 5 for speeding on the Pacific highway; and J. V. Mat ney of Gold Hill paid $15 for speed ing on the hlithway. Another arrest, in which the police and Mc.Mahnn are Interested, Is that of a woman charged with recklesH driving. Her case was set for trial this afternoon. 8ALK.M. Ore.. Mar. Iti. Governor Pierce today accepted an invitation to attend the centennary banquet to bo held at Vancouver, Watdi., on Thursday. March 1!. , HO DG ICRS Charles O. Rodgers. a native of Sams Valley passed away on tiic ranch where he was born, nfter i spending all his life In that locality, at the uge of 50 years, nine months, eight days. , Mr. Rodgers was stricken with paralysis about three years ago and last Friday suffered another attack j which resulted in his death. De ceased was well known and the sym pathy of his many friends goes out to the wife nnd six children who are Mrs. Win. Wlthrow of Talent, Ore., Mrs. Roscoe Doty, Medford. Sybil Kelbert, Velma and Glenn Rodgers, all ut home, Mr. Rodgers' brother who was postmaster at lieaglo passed away very suddenly last month. Funeral services wore hold at the home at 2 p. m. today. Interment in Ant loch cemetery. Conger Funeral,! Parlors. 100 LATE TO CLASSIFY Special Htate Game Warden Patrick Dalley nnd Roy Parr, the Jackson county gnme warden, ceased search ing . for peddlers of dried venison, or Jerky as It is more commonly known, long enough Sunday to nose around among the many fishermen at the river and detect violations. Hence Chas. llllnn.s, an -amateur sportsman of Jacksonville, who has been the only victim to appear in court so far, was fined $30 by Judge Taylor today on the charge of angling without u fishing license. He was fishing for catfish In the back waters of the Rogue river near Gold Ray vicinity, and was caught red handed because he failed to dis tinguish the two wardens from the other fishermen, thinking that game wardens always appeared In uniform and wore their offl lal badges In plain sight. The law prohibits the selling or peddling of Jerky meat, and the war dens say they know there are viola tions hereabouts and that some stiff fines are awaiting violators whom they are looking for. Mr. Dally , last week assisted Kd Walker, game warden of Douglas coumy. n rounoing up jasper j-aiouse tt,nn(.lU in Central Point cemetery, ill ivii.-iiuuiH ill ni-IIMH jvihj, JUKI the latter was fined $300 in Justice Jones court In Roscburg. WKLCH Edward C. AVcK-h. who has lived in Jackson county the greater part of his life, passed away at his home just outside the limits of southwest Medford at 12: SO Sunday morning. He was born in Portland, Kept. 4, 1S77. Aged 47 years. Jle came to Jackson county when a small boy and is well known. For the past few years he has been engaged in the nursery business in and about Med ford. Besides his wife. Xella Welch, he leaves four children. Ardcth Welch, LI mo, Calvin and Donald, all of Med ford. Funeral services will be held at the Conger chnpol at 2 p. m. Tuomlay, Uev. P. Lawrence officiating. In- Western or ium Jr. Orphi - C-HUNT'S t RATERIAN VAUDEVILLE Tomorrow-i-2:G0, 7:00 and 9:00 EVA FAY The High Priestess of Mysticism Answers Your Merita Questions America's Famous Tenor HARRY ELLIS in Songs and Stones Each One Win One Gospel Slogan at Christian Church The gospel meetings continue at the First Chrlstinn church with increas ing interest and attendance. Sunday was a wonderful day in all the ser vices. While there was much slck- nctm the bible school filled the build ing, and large audiences listened to the messages of Kvangellst Stivers. The morning sermon, "The Unfolding of a Llfo" was a most eloquent pres entation of the life of the Apostle Paul, beginning with his early train ing nnd showing the victorious climax although he died for the truth. There WRre four men Just in the prime of life who took their stand for Christ nnd the Christian life. The evening service filled the build ing and the sermon on "New Testa ment Baptism," was listened to very thoughtfully. Mr. Stivers' plea was that baptism is not an ordinance of tho church hut of Christ, that it is His own (llvij)e command, and the only way to tieat the mailer is to study the liwpirod record of the early church and then gladly accept the teaching and obey. There wero'baptlsnial services Sun day evening. Tonight the sermon will be "Jesus Is Coming." Mnny will want to hear this sermon because of recent agita tion. The music for the week promises to be the best yet. Mrs. Rcdmon is proving herself to be a fine leader of song, and is very successiui in nor ioIos as an interpreter of gospel songs. Those who have not attended the meetings are cord miry invited ami urged to .'come. MOVIE QUEEN ASKS FOR BIG DEBT XMW YORK. March IB. Lmiise Glaum, motion picture actress today filed suit for $103,000 against J. Parker Head, .motion picture pro ducer, alleging that he owes her monev on a note executed In Los Angeles' in December, '1H2L Read, by whom Miss Glaum formerly was employed and sturred in a number of pictures, is said to be residing in Paris. ' , It. A. M. Crater Uike Chapter, No. 32. Regular convoca tion Tuesday. March 1 7th. 7:30 p. ui. Visitors wel come.. A. F. NOT H . 304 SALT ICR Charlotta ( Salter passed away Sunday. March 1 U, aged no years, 3 months, 2ii days. She was the wife of Francis P. Salter,, residing at 1101. V. Ninth- street. She had been ill nnd confined to the house since last Thanksgiving. The family lias been residents of Med ford for tho past fifteen years. She Is survived by her husband, Francis P., and one son, Richard K. Salter, also one brother and sister. Geargc Pierce, t, 'rest on, Iowa, and Mrs. N. P. Neilsnn, St. Paul, Minn. The funeral arrangement) will be announced later. . QUALITY"! , ' L CORNER J Fountain Lunches Davidson's Corner Fir and Main '' ' MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ' FOX &, MACK JIM & GLADYS GILFOIL in In "Song and Dance Creations" "Is It Coming to This?" - .BETANCOURT & GIRLIE Unique Sensational Novelty Two-Reel Comedy HUNT'S CRATERIAN and ORCHESTRA Topics of the Day Wilson Waite, Director Coming- Wednesday HAROLD LLOYD in "HOT WATEE" ML MART SHOP See the beautiful Spring Dresses , and Scarfs MISS TOWNE "V is showing These are the latest from New York HUNTS CRATERIAN TONIGHT 8:30 Curtain No One Seated During the Prologue 1 THE GREATEST ROLE OF THIS GREATEST STARl I rr ; -JWSELL UANNEY PRODUCTIONS im Present - ; . in the Mcmi , Rollicking Spectacular Ddscd on' DOM QUIXOTE " A Company of 40 Placers, Singer's and Dancers me.ke this fir. Skinners mosl SpcctacuLar Production since Kifl'ZT Jim. WW SI SEATS NOW SELLING! Our mail order has been unusually Ian;e. but there arc plenty r uood seats. Although .Mr. Skinner's production is elaborate, tho Crnterian stage will more than accommodate i!. Prices. IncluilliiK tax: Ixiwer Door, first 20 rows ?.7"i. next four rows 511.20, next five rows J1.G5; balcony, first two rows $1.(15, balance 51.10. Have You Heard the Latest? HAROLD LLOYD Is In HOT WATER I'U.VVAI.KSI'KNT IIOMK lo you want a K"tl i"'sl wllh .'Vi'rythlnK lhat is utuxl fur vim lo fat? Cull IT'S A-.h:,.r..i. .1a5 YTi:i .r.il ap ..Ull. flMMUill, yt.UMi; jn'ti li. tslm a I.' l'mlt inenl. CliiilliT for aniTllH lit to workers. Apply l No. Hartlflt St. 304 F'tltrJ'.K.XT Hh.i.pInK rooms. S30 K. vxm. i none ;t.i'-A. ti WANTED Kninloyimnit hy nurse, rhone 43 .-V. MADRONA BRAND MINERALIZED CHICK MASHES WITH YEAST BUILT TO MINIMIZE CHICK LOSSES TO PREVENT LEO WEAKNESS . TO MAKE STRONGER CHICKS TO PRODUCE PAYING PULLETS . Get a cop of our bulletin on the better care and feeding of chicks and the real purpose of our Mineralued-Yeast Chick Mashes. ID Monarch Seed & Feed Co. 323 East Main Phone 260 SJoiithiM'ii Ort-uoii's -Largest I'oultrv Siipplv House s ' HIGH CLASS SUBDIVISION Frontage on Crater Luke hisliway; no hard pan; some traits excel lent for poultry and garden truck, others In old alfalfa; part under bid waicr contract, somo one-fifth, some one-half paid up; all has water, right. Fiftepn minutes from Medford, near a good school. Two-acre tracts. $50 per acre cash; $10 per acre pnys for land, in terest, taxes and water. ( Ten-acre orchard tracts. 17 years old. have had excellent care every year. Ask the regular realtors about lloadeleuw Irrigated Tracts. Wljto or phone Irrigation Hureau, Medford. Htone 2iit or S0S-Y. ( ' SPECIAL on ' Michelin 31-4.40 CLINCHER BALLOONS V Tire ad Tube $14.75 Will fit your pipvnt cllnelu'r i'inis nt wheel chiiiuo necessary. q All Other Inter-Changeable Sizes 9 at Propcgftional Reduction. o Medford Vulcanizing Works . o v ' . Phone. 180 FOH HKNT-Wloepliu: rooms. Call S06 I'ertland, OA8.iln, O 30$ ft 'tr- I V 14 1 II III tl 1 1 1 1 111 tllL tl