o GO O o o o o o o Q 0 o (J fa)FOTm ITXTIj TTimUXn. TirEDTTg), OTGON, RATUTlDAYl 1fAT?CTT 14. 1925 rams six IF E In a fast, although one-sided same. Franklin hlRh of Portland di-foated Medford high, winner of the lust year charnplon.ship, 32 to IB. in th first frame of tho tournament here Thursdny night. Salem high de tented Wallowa fy tho score of 20 10. These two gamed eliminate two teum an ioshI1)(s cmitemleiH for the chamtJinntihlp. The Franklln-Medford gatrm wad featured hy the faat. elenn hlayinK of rV-allnn, Franklin forward, IiIkIi point man of the game with a total of 1 G polntH to hid credit. Tho flay was fa."t and even in Oi" firflt quarter, with the wore tand Jng nt 4-4, Sfftllnn scoring two field KoaU for Franklin and Medford scoring one field goal and I wo ' " throws. In tho nceond' period the play bem to run In favor of Franklin with Sea lion doing mom of the scoring. The half ended lii to S In favor of Franklin. The third quarter was a Ht might valk-away for Franklin. Medford poor i d one point hy eon verting a foul. On the other hand. Franklin gathered a total of H. The quarter ended :in to 9. In the final period Medford 'iih nblo to outpoint the Portland team by scoring 7 points to their 2. al though Franklin made no strenuous efforts to seore, but was saving its strength for the games to follow. Thin brought the final score to 32 lo 11 In favor of Franklin. Tlie ganio was rough, but no great number of fouls were called. i'opo floored (,'hastaln, Medford forward, with ft shoulder blow on the rhln early in the first quarter. Hmllon Yfun forced to rail tlmo in the rinal period when tils stomach connected i with the knee of Ocmmer. Medford forward. Doth men continued the pluy. Portland Journal. DEMPSEY IS.FAT ' SAYS HE INT ' FIGHT 'TILL FALL I.OS ANOKKKS. Mann H. While several promoters here imd in the east were busily engngfd In bmwlng a bout in which Jack I-iripwy. aeo of heavyweights, would appear in de fense of ttls title, the rhuiitpiun was (luoled as saying here lodny that he positively will not engage in u i-ham-pioiknhlp bout hnfoiv .September at tlie earliest. Uempsey'H latest proposal for a bout tnrne yesterday from Tom Ken nedy, LosAngeleH matchmaker, repre sent 1 rig a group of I, os Angeles busi neasinen who telegraphed Jack K earns, tho ehamplu'H manager, ask ing for teinis for a Uempfey-Kenault titular bout lo be staged during the Shrine conclave In Juno. "Name your terms," said Kennedy's message, "and we will g ahead Im mediately with erection of the arena and promotion of bout." "Then-'H not a chance In the world I hi my i in u i ink iiiMiiiuii or anyiHMiy iii-rc in ,iu lie, ueinpsey ih (moietl the iutermfsHfoii. From thru on it was all California, the Hears shooting busker after basket. Summary: . .' California (32). O. A. C. (17). Watson P.... Ridings Jorgenson F.....7. Maker IliKKiuH C?. Diwoky Helasco G Graap Frechter (5 Stoddard Scorlnjr: California Held goals, Jorgenson 4, Watson 1, lligins 3, Helasco 3; free throws Jorgenson 6, lliggins 2, ftelasco 3. O. A. C Field goals, Raker 2, Di woky 1; free throws, Diwoky 5, Stod dard 4, Steele 1, (iraap 1. li'd'eree, Hollander; umpire, R. V. Hoi lew ke. NET RKfilN'S TO TK1HTFN (Continued From Fa One) true," Senator Kohtiisoii objCLu'tl and Mr. Ernst replied: "If my mild-mannered friend . here was In the position I'm In there would be a knockdown and drag out battle." Much of the discussion revolved about Senator C.'ouzens' lttlfl tax re turns to which the treasury now is seeking to add more thun $10,000,000. Senator Glass wjio was secretary of the treasury during- that year, told the senate he was convinced that Sec retary Mellon had re-opened the case "simply because he and the senator from Michigan hale one another and would go to any limit, to discredit one another." ins having wild, after he bad finished a playful fight and wrcmling tussle with Hull Montana at his gymnasium "I'm fat and I've got to take off a lot of weight before I can begin to build up. Jttne'H out of the question. It will lake four or five months to properly condition myself. J would like to take on a couple nf Hecond raters to gel .the range again; my eye i jnifr and my judgment of distance is very bail." BEARS STAGE A BEATS PENDLETON HAM?M. Ore., March U. The Ku Jem, MeMlnnville, Fugene and Frank lin high school basketball teams emerged wlnncra from the second round of tho Oregon state hiuh school basketball tournament, held here yes terday afternoon and evening. Salem won over Astoria 22 to . McMinn Vlllo defeated Am go 37 to ltl. Ktigcue Wiw winner over Hood IJlver H!l to ii and Franklin turned out u wlr over Jtndleon In the eloMe.it game yet Heen Jo the tournament, coming from be hind lute In the second half and final ly pulling out ulth h win of is to Salem meets MeMlnnville and Ku BTne tangled with Franklin In the Bwl -finals hero this afternoon. The winners will meet each other in the finals tonight. Tho phenomenal foul shooting of th Pendleton uggregatlon was nn out nuinding feature of the I'endleton KrunUlin mix. A field goat by 1 m to of I'nndleUtn was the first basket shot from scrimmage by either team, and ffttno Just four minutes before the end of the first half. Sager of the (tame team followed with one three minutes later and Scallon, Franklin star, hooked on from immediately tin der the basket a few tiecomls before tho gun ended the period. All oilier scores by both teams during the half catne as a result of free throws. The period ended 8 to G, i'endleton lead ing. In the third quarter Pendleton In creased Its lead until the count stood 13 to 8 In Its favor at (he end of that period. Franklin made ten points to Pendleton's none in the last quarter. Scallon and Kppl doing mot of the 8Hr!iTg. Scatton succeeded In making just one of the long difficult shots that marked his playing agaiiiHl Med ford here Thursday night. BASKETBALL MEET I 0. A. C. 32 T0 17 COKVALUS, Ore.. Vari'I. 14. The ( alifortiia Hears got revenge last night for tho deleat handed out to them Thursday evening by the Oregon Aggie basketball quintet, winning the socond of tho throe-game series for tho coast title. H2 lo 17. The final and deciding game will he played tonight with both contenders on oven terms. The C'altfornluns displayed a much different brand of huskeibull in lust night's game than on the previous night. The Hears hy close checking almost completely smothered the Aggie sharpshooters, holding their op ponents to three field goals lor the entire game. The Aggies miide up the built ot their scores from free throws, itidings, stnr Aggie forward whose specialty is looping tho hall through the basket, failed Inst night to get a sitiglo Held goat. Tho g'ame was r:ugh, with fouls freu,uont. Marly In the game Steele, (). A. C. captain, was knocked out imd was replaced for ten minutes by (iniup. The s"nre at the end of the first hair stood at 15 to 12 for the Hears. In the last half California played offensive basketball, keening the ball in Aggie territory. The Ag gles got one Held goal ami three points from tree throws during the half, all inado in the first few mtiutcs after 8.MKM. Ore.. March 1 4. Plans for U I'aciflc roast high school bas ketball tournament to be held here some time during the week of March 22 ! 28, were announced this inorn ing by Guy Huthbun. athletic direc tor of Willamette univcudty. Ar rangements have been ecgipleted to ( have the Plate nth let lc boards of Washington, Oregon and Idaho ex - 1 tend Invitations to winners of the state tourna ments hel,i nt Seutt e. ' Jiolse and Salem. 1 Arrangements are tmd4 w.iy Invite a tea ni to represent t "alitor -nlii, but ' as yet the 6 i iinnnui nts have pot ht-cu dcfinlt cmpl led Thum Im ill i..-ei.iif nrn id, o i n I title holder of thfO southern state, tffl The stale high school athletic hoard has been nsked to recommend me California team ns a logical rnn- g (i.n1ai- In III. Annut tnurmmiiinl Ik The gamcH will 1,0 played In the Willamette university gymnusluij Where the owgon state basketbim 9 tourntOli iv telng held. ii TONIGHT LAST TIMES! Tom Mix And Tony, "The Wonder Horse" In "Oil, YOU TONY" Starts Tomorrow 12 o'Clock You'll t Find Seven Full Reels of the .Greatest Liuigh Trent Yet in ' fro m k s?) V EDWIN ft 8ATEMAN M0RR.I5, NOVEL DOROTHY DEVORE and. L.MATT KM 00 RE No Foolin' It's a Riot for Fun! "TELEPHONE GIRL" COMEDY flbX EDUCATIONAL "PEGGY" at tho 0rgaC RTAITO rn lncldint until th npwpapnr tolil of young McC'llntock's death." "You're a Liarl" In ronvfrsnliona he siild he had with Shnpherd, Kaiinun ald "Shnp hnrd wanlud to know whuther the (snrniB could lie Introduced Into u per Hon'H nyHtftni by hypodnriuie iunocula Hon. I told him germs mixed with a perKon'H food were liliely to have nWire effect hecnune condltlonK In food were belter for their culture. " When Shepherd was brought before him, l'alman immediately Identified i him uh the mun who had made the imiulrlcH reKariilnK thoRermH and uc ciwed by r"aiinan ns havInK taken the titbeH. Puiman aHserted jKiHitively In Shepherd'H presence thut he was the Hume man who had paid $f,C for the letter of Inquiry sent to the schoul. "You kuow you did," Kulinun said to Shepherd. "1 never saw the gentleman before two weeks nKO," said Shepherd, ap pealing to iin.Hi3t.ini Htate's attorneys present. "lie's the fellow, nil riKht," Fnimiin reiterated. "You're n liar!" Shopherd retottod. Attorney Robert Stowe, partnor of Shepherd, was ut the Shepherd homo when Hie slate's attorney's detectives arrived, lie said they had been ex pecting something of the kind and would "not be surprised If charges would bo placed against Shepherd." Radio Programs for Tonight ki:ati; ix ItlOT (Continued Prom Page One) KKI. Los Angeles, 4C85 meters. 8 to 9. Los Angela Examiner pro gram. 9 to 10, an hour off Hpaninh and -Hawaiian music, preaented by Antone Chris, steel guitar; Marie WTTltmore, violinist, " and Felipe Del gado, Spanish baritone. 10 to Hi 1'arkard Kadio c-Iub.. KIM, I.oh AriKelen, 40G.2 meters, 8 lo 10, program presented through the courteMy of William II. Hyatt, J no., building contractor, arranged by J. Howard Johnson. 10 to 1 . Art Hickman's dance on-hestra ' broad easliny from the Jliltmorc Hotel, Karl Jturiiiett, director. KPON, LonK Ilearh. L'y2.4 meters. 9 to 11. the Virginia Hotel Ballroom rochesira. i s KI'O. Kan Franelsco, 428.3 meters. 8 to 1-', Art, Wfldnrr'ji iJance ' or chestra, playUi(t ' PC tbo ; Fairmont hotel. KfJW. Portland, 410.5 meters, !0:l0 the Timc program dance pro gram. 10 to 21, Kddie Harkness and his orchestra. KOA, Denver, Colo., 323 meters, 8 to 12, dance music program by Joe Mann and his Ualnbow-I.ine orches tra: .Shirley -Savoy hotel, Denver. - been In touch with him (Senator Krnst) hmir by hour by telephone and by personal rails so that they might know In advance what the committee htm proposed to do, what the com mittee has proponed to investigate. As evidence of that the record will show that letters have disappeared out of j the files, that communications have disappeared a lit) that letters have . been lust, because apparently It was , to the advantage of the treasury that j they should disappear, and undouht- j etlly they were informed by the sena- ; tor from Kentucky, so that they inlbt do IhoHe things." ' "f have never heard of uny papers! dlsHOiteaiinK from the files," Senator Krnst Willi in reply to tills dSHcrllnn, ; when h" finally was pt'rmltted . to speak. "Nur have I ever been asked by the treasury to (tet any papers." When Senator Krnst added that "im otte hcllev.H such a statement Is I. C, C. Meeting in KwitUe. WAKHi.N'fJTOX, March 14. An inter-state commerce commission hear ing will be held April i'7. in Seattle to ti consider applications of northwestern railroads to reduce through passen ger rates from ChiwiKO, Ht. Doula and other mid western terminals to tho iNu iflr coast. MEDFORD STARTS A MOVEMENT FOR A BASEBALL CLUB The baseball hug has been buzzing around Medford for some time past and Just recently tho matter of form ing and supporting a first class city team ban begun to whip Into shape. Robert Hoyl, secretary of the cham ber of commerce has taken the affair in hand and at a called meeting in the chancer rooms hist night quite a delegation of enthusiasts was present. Most of the preliminary matters Inci dent to the organisation proceed ure of a good team were Ironed out. Another meeting will be held at the Holly street grounds tomorrow after noon nt 2 o'clock and the committee in charge of affairs now wish for every one .Interested In having a city team fin- Medford this year, to turn out and help in the making of the plans of procedure. After the meeting them will be held several try-outs and probably a little contest between chosen teams of material that will be on-lhe grounds. - - . Ah this meeting will have quite a bit to do with regard to whether or not'this 'committee thinks it advisable to continue, they should he encour aged with a large turnout of players and other baseball enthusiasts. WILLIE HOPPE BEATS SCHAEFER 74 POINTS HOHTON, March 14. Willie Hoppe, former world's champion hilllardist. defeated Jake Schaefer, present title bolder, 3GC-G to 3582 In their five day exhibition match which closed here last n In lit. Hoppe averaged 4 8' BU-7 5 for the match and Schaefer 47 57-75. Tin title was not nt stake.- FOR SALE Nice New Home 1020 West 11th St. See It Look It Over And Compare ? i ? ? t ? ? v f ? t t ? t ? f y f ? 5 AVE! ; V A Dollar Starts a Savings Account A dollar invested here each month matures a $100.00 share in 76 months. Ten dollars a month matures at $1000.00. . WE CHARGE NO MEMBERSHIP FEES This Association offers the investor great advantages in paid-up stock investmentswithdrawal privileges, satisfactory divi dends, security. "A" Class paid-up guarantees 7 per cent dividends. "B" Class has paid 8 per cent for more than four years. Loans are made to build, buy or improve homes. No commission charged. Jackson County Building & Loan Ass'n C. M. KIDD, Pres. O. C. BOGGS, Sec. Atty. : t T t T f t X i FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BY REV. ANDREW J. GRAHAM of Boston, Massachusetts Member of the Board. of Lectureship of The Mother Church, Thg First Church of Christ, Scientists, in Boston, Massachusetts o G MEDFORD ARMORY SUNDAY MARCH 15 3 P.M.'' o All A - " d-IV-. I IlI u Are torapiij inTittnci) JUL. 5L OpportvBity Is Knocking at Tour Door . We offer you an opportunity to mSke REAL MONEY WELL KNOWN AUTOMOBILE ACCOUNT Direct factory contract with factory co-operation, experience in automobile business not necessary but applicant must be good merchandiser with fair finan cial standing. All replies confidential. P. 0. Box 2195 Portland, Oregon SWEET FISH! HAROLD HOT LLOYD ISln WATER 1922 MAXWELL Excellent Condition Would Consider Trade The Busy Corner Motor Co. 1 ) mm IIE ii I ML .uimiW IWiMI ;.-i-SiaB t" mm? mii COMMUNITY HOSPITAL w ' 843 E. Main Street Medford, Oregon Combining full surgical facilities with quiet homelike environment!. Open to All Reputable Physicians, : Travel by Motor Stage BAFELY, SWIFTLY AND .COMFORTABLY Effective November 30 Northbound From Medford Dally to Portland '. 7:46 a. m. Daily to Eugene ; 1:00 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. stage connects to Portland following morning. We take passengers for all way points. For further information and tickets call Union Stage Depot. Phone 309. ",i Fare Med ford-Portland $7.85 : . . .J; Direct Connections at Rosebnrg for Coos Bay Points. HELP Yourself to One of Those 36x3V2 Cord Tires For $8.90 o Jones Ci Kirkpatdck A Heal Service Station Krrstd at Sxth 6 Phone 65 I I o 10 s 19 V e